Paper Face Book)

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Problems Facebook's growth as an Internet social networking site has met numerous problems on a range of issues, including online privacy, child safety, and mostly for being a source of destruction that can turn Facebook users into real social networking addicts. Stalking people, hacking into

accounts, getting too much involved with unknown people and being deprived from real life are some of the widely recognized negative effects of Facebook. Based on a study, students who spend much of their time online proved find it difficult to concentrate in the classroom and not notice what is taught. Facebook has been criticized for making people envious and unhappy due to the constant exposure to positive yet unrepresentative highlights of their peers. Researchers performed by psychologists indicated that Facebook adds stress to users' lives. Causes of stress included fear of missing important social information, fear of offending contacts, discomfort or guilt from rejecting user requests or deleting unwanted contacts, the pressure to be entertaining, and having to use appropriate etiquette for different types of friends. Facebook is the ritualistic involvement that turns into addiction and belligerently deprives you from your real life by triggering you to log on several times a day.

B. Objectives This term paper aims to: 1. Investigate, understand, and identify new and emerging social networking site Facebook, and its relevance to the youths operating environment and compliance activities. 2. Examine the relationship between Facebook usage and the measures of psychological well-being of an individual. 3. Find out how Facebook has revolutionized the culture and society of different countries. C. Pros and Cons There are a large number of people that have a Facebook page as it is a great way to get in touch with your old friends and to share information about your life with your friends all over the world. While Facebook reigns as the most popular social media site out there, it does caution its users to limit the information they post online as it is accessible by anyone and this can lead to identity theft and many other concerns. If you are investigating Facebook and trying to figure out if you should start up your own profile, here are some pros and cons to facebook that will aid in making your decision a little easier.

Pros of Facebook Lets start with all of the things that make Facebook a great thing to have. First of all it has the highest user percentage of all social media sites, which means there is a good chance that most of your friends, co-workers, and relatives will have a Facebook page that you can interact with. Facebook is a great way to connect with your old high school and college classmates. This is the biggest selling point to Facebook because it really does allow you to reconnect with a lot of old friends and to make new friends. There are a lot of people that use Facebook to find dates by checking out the friends of their friends. Do you have loved ones that live far away? Facebook helps you to stay connected but it also allows you to share your pictures with them of recent family vacations and other things. For grandparents and aunts and uncles, Facebook provides a great outlet where they can see their grandkids and nieces and nephews grow up. Companies and individuals use Facebook to promote their companies and services. If you have a charity event, Facebook is the way to get people to connect with you and hopefully support it. Facebook has a lot of opportunities for self-promotion, making it a great outlet for anyone that really needs to find clients and to get supporters.

Do you have celebrities and TV shows that you follow? Facebook allows you to like on their page and you will be able to get status updates about what episodes are airing along with other great information like access to concert tickets before the rest of the public. Having the insider scoop to your favorite sports teams will also allow you to hear about who is starting at quarterback this week and other great information about your favorite teams. Cons of Facebook Now that you see some of the big reasons why you need to try out Facebook, we will look into some of the things that make Facebook annoying and also scary to your privacy. The friend game. Remember the old high school bully who has now changed his or her ways? Well what do you do if they want to be your Facebook friend? It seems like everyone takes the term friend differently. There are some people that want to be your friend and you might have said hello to them once 20 years ago. The good thing is you really dont have to add everyone. The Facebook news feed. This is where all the new information is posted or the profiles that have status updates with a lot of comments. The news feed can be nice but it can also become really annoying. This is where you will end up blocking a lot of status updates and other things because they do become simply too annoying. The news feed is where a lot of information is shared and you may be thinking to yourself who cares that your neighbors dog barks? There are a

lot of people that just want to talk and they use Facebook as that outlet. Spam is another problem with Facebook because it seems like everyone will send you invitations to games and things that they like. Farmville invitations will get old along with other invitations like which celebrity are you like and so on. D. Issue Itself In the level of 1 to 10, how much do you like Facebook? If you put yourself in the scale of 7 or even more, such as 10, you better think twice. Why do you have to think twice? It is because Facebook has negative effects, apart from the positive sides. Maybe you will ask, What are the negative sides of Facebook?! We will give you the answers inside this article. So many Facebook users, especially teenagers do not realize the negative effects of Facebook. Is it because they are already addicted to Facebook? If they are, as we already know, addiction may lead into negative things if we cannot control it. Here are 7 Negative Effects of Facebook: Does not Care about His/Her Surroundings When someone already addicted to Facebook, there is a big possibility that he/she would not care about his/her surroundings. This guy only care about his/her world.

Less Social Interaction Maybe you have a lot of friends in Facebook. However, how often do you interact with them in the real world? Come on, you are human! Human are social creature. You will reduce your social skills, communication skills as well as verbal skills if you spend most of your time with the internet. Do not do that. Appreciate yourself! Bad for Health Obesity would be one of many Facebook negative effects. Surely you will be fatter. You reduce your physical activity, only sitting in front of the monitor and snacking all the time definitely. By the end of the month, you have made yourself become less attractive in front of your opposite sex. Reduce the Time for Study You still go to school, right? So, why dont you stop browsing Facebook now and turn into educative website which relates to your school subject? Less Family Concern

Family comes first. Do these words still have its meaning for Facebookers? Sometimes, Facebook friends are more important than those of family members.

Privacy Blow Up

Never ever put your personal data in detail, especially in a social site like Facebook. Unless you do not want to have privacy or maybe you want to be contacted by a lot of people that you do not recognize at all. Possibility of Conflict If you are addicted to Facebook, maybe you know that there are so many immature people who create stupid status, upload embarrassing picture and many other ridiculous actions. These actions are definitely a very good way to set up conflicts with others. Facebook can cause trouble because 1) It can degrade school Performance A research conducted in United States over several children proved that students who use Facebook, Twitter and other social networking websites excessively had a low attention span and thus score low grades. Facebook should be used constructively but not like elixir without which you cant survive. Addiction to anything is bad, Facebook is addictive. 2) It can get you fired

Take me lightly, play some FarmVille or Texas Hold em Poker in the office and you will see the result. A pink slip despite of a promotion. I know how badly you miss your relatives i knowbut during work Facebook should be avoided. Recently, a research revealed that an more than 72% employees in every company spent 1-1.5 hours on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Networks during work. 3) It is bad manner to not show up Just saying Happy Birthday or Happy Marriage Anniversary is not enough, being present with family and friends during rough conditions matters more than anything else. You might disagree but Facebook is depriving you of society and social bonding. It may seem fun but is addictive and thus ought to be used in limit. 4) It is unhealthy to stay up all night long Facebook is not the right place to seek new friends that could be there for you when you need them, yes it develops connection but not the one which we need, therefore communication with real people who live in your locality, study at coaching and work in following cubicles in much more important.

Leaving living Gods biggest gift for internet is not at all a good idea or decision. I think we should limit access to Facebook rather than saying that stop Facebook or never ever use it. 5) Its Dangerous to show everything! It is good if you want to share all your data, your birthday and latest pictures with strangers, but what if? Do you know what you are risking? Yeah I know that Facebook has privacy setting but when hackers can get your account password in a moment how long do you think it would take them to break security? What if by fate your name spoils on the web for something you have no idea about, it sounds crazy but you never know. The Effects of Facebook Schools around the world are complaining about the social network phenomenon that is Facebook. This came after a meeting with a number of education departments. The topic of the meeting was Learners today are not competent enough to handle pressure in high learning. Research has shown that more than 76% of high school learners are using Facebook, which has further proved that children are mentally affected by the website. Facebook has also shown to be dangerous as young people are giving off very important and private information about themselves to strangers.

Child Psychologist Doctor Ooza Daganyembe says that this does not only create a youth that is not involved with the world, but the risks of depression leading to obesity are increasing tremendously. Though social networking can be seen as a tool of learning and keeping your children in doors and away from negative influences, it hugely affects the learners. Not only do children obtain negative academic marks but slowly their relationship with their parents is being compromised. Parents are also said to be failing their children by neglecting them and allowing them to have computers in their rooms. It is advised for parents to limit the time the children spend on the computers and rather spend their time on other physical activities.

Effects of Facebook

Submitted by: Aclan, Richel B. Arellano, Joy T. Casava, Kyzyl F. Cometa, Czarina Jean P. Dimaapi, Nelienne Grace A. Mercene, Rhealyn M. BS IT - 1101

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