Kanika Kankaria

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Project Report
“Smart Floor Cleaning Robot”

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement


B. Tech in Electrical Engineering


Supervised By- Submitted By-

Mr. Manish Parihar Dheeraj Rathore (18EMVEE002)
(Assistant Professor) Dilip Kumar (18EMVEE003)
Mr. Hanuman Patel Sapna Jaitawat (18EMVEE005)
(Assistant Professor) Kanika Kankaria (18EMVEE300)

Department of Electrical Engineering

Mahaveer Institute of Technology &
Science Jadan, Pali-306401 (Rajasthan)
Report on
“Smart Floor Cleaning

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement


B. Tech in Electrical Engineering


Kanika Kankaria
Roll no. 18EMVEE300

Department of Electrical Engineering

Mahaveer Institute of Technology &
Science Jadan, Pali-306401 (Rajasthan)

This project entitled “Smart Floor Cleaning Robot” by Kanika Kankaria is

recommended for partial fulfilment of the requirement of the degree of B. Tech in

Electrical Engineering. The work submitted has in our opinion reached a level

required for being accepted for examination.

Review In-charges

Mr. Manish Parihar
Assistant Professor

Mr. Hanuman Patel
Assistant Professor
Counter Signed by-

Mr. Hitesh Kumar
Jain Head
Dept. of Electrical Engineering

Mr. Dharmendra
Jain Dean
Mahaveer Institute of Technology & Science

Date: …………….
Place: ……………

Student Declaration

I Kanika Kankaria hereby declare that this written submission represents my ideas in

my own words and where others’ idea or words have been included, I have

adequately cited and referenced the original sources. I also declare that I have

adhered to all principles of academic honestly and integrity and have not

misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea / data / fact / source in my

submission. I understand that any violation of the above will be cause for

disciplinary action by the MAHAVEER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY &


can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly

cited or from whim proper permission has not been taken when needed.


(Name of Student)

(Roll No.)

Date: ……………….


I wish to express my gratitude to my parents, whose love and encouragement

have supported me throughout my education.

I express my gratitude and sincere thanks to my supervisor Mr. Manish

Parihar and Mr. Hanuman Patel, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical

Engineering for her constant motivation and support during the course of my project.

I truly appreciate and value her esteemed guidance and encouragement from the

beginning to the end of this thesis. I am indebted to her for having helped me shape

the problem and providing insights towards the solution.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our HOD, Mr. Hitesh Kumar

Jain for providing all facility required for our study.

I am gratefully acknowledging all the help from other faculty members of

Department of Electrical Engineering for their support during the course of my


Kanika Kankaria
Roll No.: 18EMVEE300


Technology is never-ending process and designing product using the current

technology that will be beneficial to the lives of others is a massive contribution to

the community. This project deal with design and implementation of smart floor

cleaning robot using Arduino nano. The aim of this project is to develop and

modernize the system for cleaning robot which is portable and less cost. The system

consist of Arduino nano which is the back bone of the system to function as

required, the brush that clean solid particles before washing, L293D motor driver,

Ultrasonic sensor to calculate the distance between the sonar sensor and the object,

wheels for movement in required direction, DC motor (for pumping water, for

moving purpose, for mopping purpose),Transistor for switching function,

servomotor one to move brush up or down, servomotor two to move mopper up or

down and Bluetooth module. Based on the command given by user from developed

android application to the system, Arduino direct servo motor to make the brush up

or down, pumper to pour out the water to the floor hear we use water spray motor to

spray a water to the floor, the wheels of the robot to move forward, back ward, left,

right, stop and mopper to do mopping or not. Floor cleaning robot is very useful in

cleaning floors in hospitals, house, auditoriums, shop, computer centre etc. It is

simple, portable, modern house holding device everyone can operate it easily with

safety. Generally, this floor cleaning robot is very important one for our health and

reduce the man power requirement

MI iv
Table of


Student Declaration...................................................................................................ii



Table of Contents.......................................................................................................v

List of Figures..........................................................................................................vii

List of Tables.............................................................................................................ix

Chapter 1 Introduction..........................................................................................1

1.1 Statement of Problems..................................................................................3

1.2 Objective of this Project................................................................................3

1.2.1 General Objective..................................................................................3

1.2.2 Specific Objective..................................................................................4

1.3 Significant of This Project............................................................................4

1.4 Scope of This Project....................................................................................4

Chapter 2 Review of Literature............................................................................5

2.1 Bluetooth Technology...................................................................................6

Chapter 3 Methodology.........................................................................................8

3.1 Components used in this Project...................................................................8

3.2 Components Specification............................................................................9

3.2.1 Arduino Nano........................................................................................9

3.2.2 HC-05 Bluetooth Module....................................................................11

MI v
3.2.3 L293D Motor Driver Module..............................................................13

3.2.4 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor................................................................15

3.2.5 Female to Female Jumper Wires.........................................................16

3.2.6 16 X 2 LCD Display............................................................................17

3.2.7 Single Channel 5V Relay Module.......................................................18

3.2.8 Water Pump.........................................................................................20

3.2.9 Servo Motor/Geared Motor.................................................................21

3.2.10 7805 Voltage Regulator.......................................................................23

3.2.11 Lithium-Ion Battery.............................................................................25

Chapter 4 Design and Implementation of Project............................................27

4.1 Chassis Layout of Robotic Structure..........................................................27

4.2 System Block Diagram...............................................................................28

4.3 Mounting of The Components....................................................................29

4.4 Circuit Assembly.........................................................................................31

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Scope...........................................................41

5.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................41

5.2 Future Scope...............................................................................................42


MI v
List of

Figure 3-1 Arduino Nano...........................................................................................11

Figure 3-2 HC-05 Bluetooth Module........................................................................13

Figure 3-3 L293D Motor Driver Module..................................................................15

Figure 3-4 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors...................................................................16

Figure 3-5 Female to Female Jumper Wires..............................................................17

Figure 3-6 16 X 2 LCD Display................................................................................18

Figure 3-7 Single-channel 5V-30A Relay Module....................................................20

Figure 3-8 Water Pump..............................................................................................21

Figure 3-9 Servo Motor / Geared Motor....................................................................23

Figure 3-10 7805 Voltage Regulator.........................................................................25

Figure 3-11 Lithium-Ion Battery...............................................................................26

Figure 4-1 Chassis Layout of Robotic Structure.......................................................27

Figure 4-2 Block Diagram for Smart Floor Cleaning Robot.....................................28

Figure 4-3 Mounting of Motors.................................................................................29

Figure 4-4 Motor Connections...................................................................................30

Figure 4-5 Sensor Connection...................................................................................30

Figure 4-6 Mounting of Motors.................................................................................31

Figure 4-7 Display Board..........................................................................................32

Figure 4-8 Printed Circuit Board of Project...............................................................33

Figure 4-9 Battery Connection..................................................................................34

Figure 4-10 Library Download..................................................................................35

Figure 4-11 Installation of Library............................................................................36

Figure 4-12 Library Manager....................................................................................36

MI v
Figure 4-13 Code uploading......................................................................................37

Figure 4-14 Bluetooth App Interface.........................................................................39

Figure 5-1 Complete Project View............................................................................41

MI vi
List of

Table 3-1 Technical Specification of Arduino Nano.................................................11

Table 3-2 Technical Specification of HC-05 Bluetooth Module...............................12

Table 3-3 Technical Specification of L293D Motor Driver Module.........................14

Table 3-4 Technical Specification of HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors.........................16

Table 3-5 Technical Specification of 16 X 2 LCD Display......................................18

Table 3-6 Technical Specification of Single-channel 5V-30A Relay Module..........19

Table 3-7 Technical Specification of Water Pump....................................................21

Table 3-8 Technical Specification of Servo Motor / Geared Motor..........................22

Table 3-9 Technical Specification of 7805 Voltage Regulator.................................24

Table 3-10 Technical Specification of Lithium-Ion Battery.....................................26

MI i

Chapter 1


Wireless technologies are becoming more prevalent around the world and the people

or users appreciate this wireless technology which gives them knowledge about

different tasks which can be performed through wireless, reduce human power and

time consume and it’s secured one. Technology is a never-ending process and to

design product using the current technology that will be beneficial to the lives of

others is a massive contribution to the community. Bluetooth technology is one of

the wireless technologies used to transfer information between different electronic

devices and less impediment, power consumption, accessible at cheaper rates etc.

In this work, “Mobile aided Arduino nano-based floor cleaning robot using

ultrasonic sensor” is designed for floor buildings. Here floor cleaning robot is

proposed that is controlled through android application and ultrasonic sensor for

floor cleaning purpose. Floor cleaning robot is designed to make housework process

become easier for human task and reduce dirty.

The mopper makes floor cleaning very easy and fast processing using rotating dc

motor. The user may sit at a place, start a robot and clean wherever needed. The


MI x

consists of a transmitter and receiver components. The transmitter part from android

mobile application is used by the user to transmit command based on the desired

operation. Based on these commands the transmitter sends the anticipated

commands to Arduino. Then Arduino direct the components to function based on the

incoming signal from the android. The robot consists of cleaning mop with a water

sprayer for efficient cleaning. The robot has one motorized rotating cleaning brushes

for the cleaning part. It is receiving the movement commands from the android

device through Bluetooth module receiver. The Arduino on receiving the commands

decodes them and thus the motors operate in order to achieve the desired motion.

The android app user can control even the sprayer and cleaner mechanism. This

makes floor cleaning a very easy, fast and an effortless process. This report is a

combination between software and hardware. The hardware of this robot consists of

the Arduino nano, DC motor, servo motor, water pump, Bluetooth module. Lithium-

ion battery etc. Bluetooth serial communication, the power supply and the chassis

for the robot. The software used in this project are Arduino IDE and Proteus to write

the programming and simulate the circuit design respectively.

Robotic cleaners have taken major attention in robotics research due to their

effectiveness in assisting humans in floor cleaning applications at homes, hotels,

restaurants, offices, hospitals, workshops, storerooms and university. Robotic

cleaners are distinguished on their cleaning expertise like floor mopping, dry

vacuum cleaning etc. Some products based on simple obstacle avoidance using

infrared sensors while some utilize laser-mapping technique. Each cleaning and

operating mechanism of robotic floor cleaners has its own advantages and

disadvantages. For example, robots utilizing laser mapping are relatively faster, less

time consuming and

MI 2

energy efficient, while obstacle avoidance-based robots are relatively time

consuming and less energy efficient due to random cleaning but less costly.

Importing them from abroad increases their costs. Several types of android robots

with different dimensions are designed for various robotic applications. Labour force

is used for purpose of cleaning floor. But this is tedious and laborious.

For this reason, mobile aided Arduino nano-based floor cleaning robot using

ultrasonic sensor designed for cleaning purpose in building including, office, floor,

cafeteria and other buildings floor.


In fact, all peoples are using sweep for cleaning purpose. From time-to-time

technology come up and need to upgrade for easier human task. Furthermore, in

buildings as well us in living home, industry, cafeterias and other building floors

cleaning process is done by human beings. This is tedious, takes large time and

laborious, difficulties for human being to clean at a time. Due to this reason, mobile

aided Arduino nano-based floor cleaning robot using ultrasonic sensor is proposed to

solve this problem. Therefore, this project is built to be one of the advantages for

human to clean the floor within small period and more effective. In addition, since it

is portable and small user can take it anywhere simply.


1.2.1 General Objective

MI 3

This project is to design and implement Mobile aided Arduino mega2560 based

floor cleaning robot using ultrasonic sensor for floor buildings by avoiding human

power and wasting of time.

1.2.2 Specific Objective

 To simplify human life.

 To avoid time wastage during cleaning.

 To interface MIT app inventor with Bluetooth module.

 To develop an android application that sends a set of instructions from

mobile phone for controlling purpose.

 To interface Bluetooth module with Arduino.

 To identify the specifications of each component used while designing.


The proposed system is an embedded system that will clean the floor with

less human intervention. This robot controlled with mobile phone and ultrasonic

sensor for any movement, can spraying water to the ground by itself, dust particle

also removed by using servomotor with roller. Since it is small and movable, user

can take it from place to place when he/she need it for cleaning different floors


Cleaning Robot is developed to make cleaning process easier especially for working

people. This robot is designed for specific area Such as dorm, classroom, office,

student cafeteria, in same case for floor of the building.

MI 4
Review of

Chapter 2


Manpreet Kaur and Preeti Abrol, in the paper “Design and development of

floor cleaning robot” have made the cleaning using automatic and manual modes.

They have used RF module for wireless communication between remote and robot

having range of 50m. In the automatic mode, robot controls all operations itself and

changes the lane in case of hurdle detection and moves back. In the manual mode

keypad is used to perform the expected task and to operate the robot. [1]

Another paper which was published by Jens Steffen Gutmann, Kristen Culp,

Mario E. Munich and Paolo Pirjanian in the paper “Social impact of a systematic

floor cleaner” explain mint cleaning robot which is an automatic cleaning robot that

sweeps and mops hard surface floors using dusting and moping cloth was developed.

It investigates the product’s social impact with respect to the attitude of customers

towards a systematic floor cleaner and how much a robot influences a lifestyle.

Systematic cleaning was an important feature and modifications to the environment

to support the navigation of the robot. The robot employs a systematic cleaning

strategy that maps the environment using GPS like indoor localization. [2]

MI 5
Review of

Many more systems were proposed and among that is the system proposed

J.Y. Sung, R.E. Grinter and H. I. Christensen in “Housewives domestic robot

technology international journal of social robotics”. In this paper a new type of

home intelligent cleaner adopted the ultrasonic and IR sensor array which had the

function of real time environment perceptions introduced and the cleaner is driven

by step motor has the ability of autonomous working by itself and the functions of

automatic detection and obstacle avoidance. This paper adopts grid scan algorithm

placed on electric map, realize floor coverage task and designs synthesis detection

system based on sensor array finding method technology according to algorithm

characteristics. However, this system did not support wet detection and it only

performed dry cleaning. [3]

In this paper, an autonomous robot for floor cleaning application is proposed.

It can perform sucking and mopping tasks, obstacle detection, and automatic water

spray Moreover, it is also able to work in manual mode. All hardware and software

operations are controlled by Atmega5260 microcontroller. Therefore, the proposed

floor cleaning robot is to overcome the drawbacks of the existing system.[4]


Bluetooth technology is one of wireless transference network technology to

replace the cables connecting electronic devices, adapters and exhibits the electronic

devices to communicate wirelessly among each other. Bluetooth RF transceiver

operates in the unlicensed ISM band cantered at 2.4 gigahertz and managed using an

RF topology. Bluetooth technology uses the principles of device "inquiry" and

"inquiry scan." Scanning devices listen in on known frequencies for devices that are

MI 6
Review of

actively inquiring. When an inquiry is received, the scanning device sends a

response with the information needed for the inquiring device to determine and

display the nature of the device that has recognized its signal [5].

We have contributed to make our project more interested and better than we

saw before. So, our contribution is designing Mobile aided Arduino nano-based

floor cleaning robot using ultrasonic sensor, a thing which makes us different from

above is we used both android mobile and ultrasonic sensor at a time.

MI 7

Chapter 3


The methodology part is used to define about how the project should be developed

and finalized. Therefore, the steps to conduct the development of this project are

divided into three phases that has shown in the figure given below. In first phase, the

project workflow involves literature review which related in floor cleaning robot

system that conducted by previous researchers and projects.

The next phase introduces the propose design that involve hardware and software

implementation in this project. Finally, integrate the system, testing system and

finalize the documentation.


 Arduino Nano

 HC-05 Bluetooth Module

 L293D Motor Driver Board

 3x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors with Clamps for Ultrasonic Sensors

 16x2 LCD Display

MI 8

 Single Channel 5V Relay Module

 2 x 500 RPM Geared Motors, Wheels and Clamps for Motors

 12V Diaphragm Water Pump

 3 x 18650 Lithium-ion Batteries with Cell Holder

 7805 Voltage Regulator

 1K, 2K, 10K Ohm Resistors (1 each)

 Male/Female Headers Screw Terminal

 Latching Push Button On/OFF Switch

 Perf Board

 330*250 mm wooden board for chassis of robot

 Female to Female Jumper Wires

 Wire

 Nuts & Bolts

 Spinning Mop attachment

 Vinyl Tubing Glucose Drip Pipe

 A Small Water Bottle


3.2.1 Arduino Nano

Nano Board R3 Chip without USB Cable chipboard is based on the famous Arduino

platform and does all the functions of Arduino Uno, but with a smaller footprint.

Nano CH340 Soldered Board R3 Chip without USB cable is vital for your small

project where you don’t need much of a pin-outs but the small size is very important

to make it look good. The Nano equipped with a low-cost USB-Serial Chip that

MI 9
makes it less

MI 1

in price than Nano with FTDI USB-Serial Chip used on older versions of Arduino

Nano. The Nano is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the

ATmega328 (Arduino Nano R3). It has more or less the same functionality as the

Arduino Uno but in a different package. It lacks only a DC power jack and works

with a Mini-B USB cable instead of a standard one. The Nano can be powered via

the mini- USB connection, 6-20V unregulated external power supply (pin 30), or 5V

regulated external power supply (Pin 27). The power source is automatically

selected to the highest voltage source. The Arduino nano has following features-

 1 pair of TTL level serial transceiver ports RX / TX

 Using Atmel Atmega328P-AU MCU

 There is a bootloader installed in it

 Support USB download and Power

 Support for external 5V ~ 12V DC power supply

 Support power supply by 9V battery

 Support ISP download

 Automatic reset during program download.

 Power OK blue LED on the bottom.

 Green (TX), red (RX), and orange (L) LED.

 +5V to AREF jumper.

 Auto-sensing/switching power input.

 Small mini-B USB for programming and serial monitor.

 ICSP header for direct program download.

 Standard 0.1” spacing DIP (Breadboard friendly).

 Manual reset switch.

MI 1

Table 3-1 Technical Specification of Arduino Nano

S. No. Specifications Values
1. Analog I/O Pins 8
2. Architecture AVR
3. Clock Speed 16 MHz
4. Colour Blue
5. DC Current per I/O Pin (mA) 40
6. Digital I/O Pins 22
8. Flash Memory 32 KB
9. Input Voltage (Recommended) 7-12 V
10. Microcontroller ATmega328
11. Operating Voltage (VDC) 5
12. Power Consumption (Watt) 1
13. PWM Output Pins 6
14. SRAM 2

Figure 3-1 Arduino Nano

3.2.2 HC-05 Bluetooth Module

MI 1

HC-05 6 Pin Wireless Serial Bluetooth Module is a Bluetooth module for use with

any microcontroller. It uses the UART protocol to make it easy to send and receive

data wirelessly.

The HC-06 module is a slave only device. This means that it can connect to most

phones and computers with Bluetooth but it cannot connect to another slave-only

device such as keyboards and other HC-06 modules. To connect with other slave

devices a master module would be necessary such as the HC-05 version which can

do both master and slave. The HC-05 Bluetooth module has following features-

 Working current: matching for 30 mA, matching the communication for 8 mA.

 Dormancy current: no dormancy.

 Used for a GPS navigation system, water, and electricity gas meter reading


 With the computer and Bluetooth adapter, PDA, seamless connection


 Bluetooth module HC-08 Master and slave Two in one module.

 Use the CSR mainstream Bluetooth chip, Bluetooth V2.0 protocol standards.

 Potter default rate of 9600, the user can be set up.

 Bluetooth protocol: Bluetooth Specification v2.0+EDR

 Speed: Asynchronous: 2.1Mbps (Max) / 160 kbps, Synchronous:


 Security: Authentication and encryption.

 Profiles: Bluetooth serial port

Table 3-2 Technical Specification of HC-05 Bluetooth Module

S. No. Specifications Values

MI 1

1. Input Supply voltage (V) 3.6 ~ 6

2. Input current (mA) 50
3. Maximum Operating Range (m) 10
4. Operating Frequency 2.4GHz ISM band
5. Modulation Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
6. Emission power 4dBm, Class 2
7. Sensitivity -84dBm at 0.1% BER
8. Operating Temperature (℃) -20 ~ +75
9. Length (mm) 43
10. Width (mm) 16.5
11. Height (mm) 7

Figure 3-2 HC-05 Bluetooth Module

3.2.3 L293D Motor Driver Module

L293D Motor Driver Module is a medium power motor driver perfect for driving

DC Motors and Stepper Motors. It uses the popular L293D motor driver IC. It can

drive 4 DC motors on and off, or drive 2 DC motors with directional and speed


MI 1

The driver greatly simplifies and increases the ease with which you may control

motors, relays, etc from micro-controllers. It can drive motors up to 12V with a total

DC current of up to 600mA.

We can connect the two channels in parallel to double the maximum current or in

series to double the maximum input voltage. This motor driver is perfect for robotics

and mechatronics projects for controlling motors from microcontrollers, switches,

relays, etc. Perfect for driving DC and Stepper motors for micro-mouse, line-

following robots, robot arms, etc. It has following features-

 Wide supply voltage: 4.5 V to 12 V.

 Max supply current: 600 mA per motor.

 The driver two holes of 3 mm dia.

 Male burg-stick connectors for supply, ground and input connection.

 Screw terminal connectors for easy motor connection.

 High noise immunity inputs.

Table 3-3 Technical Specification of L293D Motor Driver Module

S. No. Specifications Values
1. Input Supply voltage (V) 3.6 to 6
2. Input current (mA) 50
3. Maximum Operating Range (m) 10
4. Operating Frequency 2.4GHz ISM band
5. Modulation Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
6. Emission power 4dBm, Class 2
7. Sensitivity -84dBm at 0.1% BER

MI 1

Figure 3-3 L293D Motor Driver Module

3.2.4 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

This HC-SR04-Ultrasonic Range Finder is a very popular sensor which is found in

many applications where it requires to measure distance and detect the objects. The

module has two eyes like projects in the front which forms the Ultrasonic transmitter

and Receiver. The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor uses sonar to determine the distance

to an object like bats or dolphins do. This Ultrasonic Sensor module is a transmitter,

a receiver and a control circuit in one single pack!! It has very handy and compact

construction. It offers excellent range accuracy and stable readings in an easy-to-use

package. Its operation is not affected by sunlight or black material like Sharp range

finders are although acoustically soft materials like cloth can be difficult to detect.

The Trigger and the Echo pins are the I/O pins of this module and hence they can be

connected to the I/O pins of the microcontroller/Arduino. When the receiver detects

return wave the Echo pin goes high for a particular amount of time which will be

equal to the time taken for the wave to return back to the sensor. Ultrasonic Ranging

Module HC-SR04 provides 2 cm-400 cm non-contact distance sensing capabilities,

Ranging accuracy up to 3 mm. This has the following features-

MI 1

 Measures the distance within a wide range of 2cm to 400cm

 Stable performance

 Accurate distance measurement

 Good quality Acrylic Mounting Bracket.

 High-density

 Small blind distance

Table 3-4 Technical Specification of HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors

S. No. Specifications Values
1. Input Supply Voltage (VDC) 5
2. Operating Current (mA) <2
3. Sensing Angle (Degree) <15°
4. Sensing Distance (cm) 2-450
5. Accuracy (cm) 0.3

Figure 3-4 HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors

3.2.5 Female to Female Jumper Wires

This cable is an electrical wire or group of them in a cable with a connector or pins

at each end, which is normally for interconnecting the components of a breadboard

or other prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or

MI 1

without soldering. Individual Dupont Cables are fitted by inserting their “end

connectors” into the slots provided in a breadboard, the header connector of a circuit

board, or a piece of test equipment.

Mostly it is useful with Orange Pi, Banana Pi, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, and other mini

pc and development board. It is very useful in the PCB project, pc motherboard, as

well as Breadboard connections. Additionally, it allows you to plug and unplug

easily for prototyping and can be used over and over again.

Figure 3-5 Female to Female Jumper Wires

3.2.6 16 X 2 LCD Display

This is a great blue backlight LCD display. It is fantastic for Arduino based project.

This LCD 16×2 Parallel LCD Display with Blue Backlight is very easy to interface

with Arduino or Other Microcontrollers. This is LCD 16×2 Parallel LCD Display

that provides a simple and cost-effective solution for adding a 16×2 White on RGB

Liquid Crystal Display into your project. The display is 16 characters by 2line

display that has a very clear and high contrast white text upon a blue


MI 1

The values shown on the display can be either simple text or numerical values read

by the sensors, such as temperature or pressure, or even the number of cycles that

the Arduino is performing with following features-

 16 characters wide, 2 rows.

 White text on the yellow background.

 Single LED backlight included can be dimmed easily with a resistor or PWM.

 Can be fully controlled with only 6 digital lines (any analogue/digital pins

can be used).

Table 3-5 Technical Specification of 16 X 2 LCD Display

S. No. Specifications Values
1. Model JHD659 B/W
2. Display 16×2 character
3. Outline 80.0×36.0x14.5
4. VA 64.5×14.5
5. Controller SPLC780D
6. Character 2.95×4.35
7. Driver -1/16
8. LCD STN Blue Negative
9. Backlight White LED

Figure 3-6 16 X 2 LCD Display

3.2.7 Single Channel 5V Relay Module

MI 1

The Single-channel 5V-30A Relay Module power failure relay is a 1-channel relay

module board with LED indicators, It can be controlled by microcontrollers such as

Arduino, AVR, PIC, ARM any other microcontroller operating at 5V. The relay

module uses an authentic quality mechanical relay and the industry’s top quality sub

miniature two-way isolation optical coupling which gives you the strong anti-

interference ability, and stable performance.

The user can choose the relay control level, can be a high level off, also can be low

level and off. The Single-channel 5V 30A Relay Module Power Failure Relay

contains a limited flow resistance, can directly use the power supply is negative

control, you can also use the MCU I/O control. The relay module equipped with a

power indicator light (red), one road relay status indicator light (blue). With this

relay, you can easily control electrical appliances, lights, etc. The relay module has

following characterises-

 Optical coupling isolation, driving ability is strong, stable performance;

Trigger current is 5mA

 The module can be set high level or low-level trigger by the jumper

 Rated current of the interface is 16A

 DC+ and JD+ shorted by jumper cap, DC- and JD- shorted with jumper cap,

it is the same voltage between trigger terminal and relay control terminal.

 High and low-level trigger mode selection. Jumper and L pin connection, IN

pin, is low-level trigger Jumper and H pin connection, IN pin, is the high-

level trigger.

Table 3-6 Technical Specification of Single-channel 5V-30A Relay Module

S. No. Specifications Values

MI 2

1. Trigger Voltage (VDC) 5

2. Trigger Current (mA) 20
3. Switching Voltage (VAC) 250 at 30A
4. Switching Voltage (VDC) 30 at 30A

Figure 3-7 Single-channel 5V-30A Relay Module

3.2.8 Water Pump

This DC6-12V MINI Aquarium Water Pump R385 is the perfect choice for any

project that requires water to be moved from one place to another. This pump can be

used in:

 Small aquarium pump

 Automatic plant watering system

When pumping a liquid, the pump runs very quietly. The pump is also capable of

pumping air, though when pumping air, the pump is quite noisy in comparison. The

R385 requires between 6 – 12V DC and between 0.5 – 0.7A and will deliver its

maximum operating values when power is at the upper end of these ranges. The

pump can handle pumping heated liquids up to a temperature of 80°C and when

suitably powered can suck water through the tube from up to 2m and pump water

vertically for up to 3m. This immersible pump can be used to water your plants,

make a fountain

MI 2

or waterfall, and even change your fish tank water. It works quietly with a sound

level under 30db. The pump has a filter inside as well as a suction cup which can

help stick it to smooth surfaces tight. The pump has following features-

 Recommended voltage ratings are 9V and 1A or 12Vand 1A.

 Maximum suck range of 2 meter

 The maximum head range of 3 meter.

 Works with liquids of up to 80°C.

 The maximum flow rate of up to 1 - 3 litre/min.

Table 3-7 Technical Specification of Water Pump

S. No. Specifications Values
1. Working Voltage DC 6-12V
2. Working Current 0.5-0.7A
3. Biggest Suction 2 Meter
4. Inner Diameter (ID) (mm) 4
5. Outer Diameter (OD)(mm) 8
6. Lifecycle Up to 2500 Hours

Figure 3-8 Water Pump

3.2.9 Servo Motor/Geared Motor

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These motors are simple DC Motors featuring gears for the shaft for obtaining the

optimal performance characteristics. They are known as Centre Shaft DC Geared

Motors because their shaft extends through the centre of their gearbox assembly.

These standard size DC Motors are very easy to use. Also, you don’t have to spend a

lot of money to control motors with an Arduino or compatible board. The L298N H-

bridge module with an onboard voltage regulator motor driver can be used with this

motor that has a voltage of between 5 and 35V DC.

This 12 Volts DC Motor – 500 RPM can be used in all-terrain robots and a variety

of robotic applications. These motors have a 3 mm threaded drill hole in the middle

of the shaft thus making it simple to connect it to the wheels or any other mechanical

assembly. Nut and threads on the shaft to easily connect and internally threaded

shaft for easily connecting it to the wheels. These DC Geared motors with robust

metal/Plastic gearbox for heavy-duty applications, available in the wide RPM range

and ideally suited for robotics and industrial applications. Such types of motor has

following features-

 It comes with Good Quality Gears.

 The metal gears have better wear and tear properties.

 The gearbox is sealed and lubricated with lithium grease and requires no


 Although the motor gives 500 RPM at 12V, the motor runs smoothly from

4V to 12V and gives a wide range of RPM, and torque.

 The shaft has a hole for better coupling.

Table 3-8 Technical Specification of Servo Motor / Geared Motor

S. No. Specifications Values

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1. Gear Material Plastic

2. Rated Speed (RPM) 500
3. Operating Voltage (VDC) 12
4. Rated Torque(kg-cm) 0.7
5. Stall Torque (Kg-Cm) 3
6. Load Current Max (mA) 300
7. No-Load Current (mA) 60

Figure 3-9 Servo Motor / Geared Motor

3.2.10 7805 Voltage Regulator

The three-terminal positive regulator are available in the TO-220/D-PAK package

and with several fixed output voltages, making them useful in a wide range of

applications. Each type employs internal current limiting, thermal shut-down and

safe operating area protection, making it essentially indestructible. If adequate heat

sinking is provided, they can deliver over 1A output current. Although designed

primarily as fixed voltage regulators, these devices can be used with external

components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents. The voltage regulator has

following features-

MI 2

 Output Current up to 1A

 Output Voltages of 5V

 Thermal Overload Protection

 Short Circuit Protection

 Output Transistor Safe Operating Area Protection

Table 3-9 Technical Specification of 7805 Voltage Regulator

S. No. Specifications Values
1. Mounting Type Through Hole
2. Product Series KA78XX
3. No. of Output 1
4. Output Type Digital
5. Polarity Positive
6. Input Voltage Range 3V – 35V
7. Output Voltage(V) 5
8. Max. Output Current (A) 1
9. Operating Temperature Range (°C) -40 to 85
10 Load Regulation 100 mV
11. Line Regulation 100V

MI 2

Figure 3-10 7805 Voltage Regulator

3.2.11 Lithium-Ion Battery

The lithium-ion battery has the following features-

 High energy density

 High working voltage for single battery cells.

 Pollution-free

 Long cycle life

 No memory effects

 Capacity, resistance, Voltage, platform time consistency is good.

 Good consistency and low self-discharge.

 Lightweight, small size

 High performance and capacity

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Table 3-10 Technical Specification of Lithium-Ion Battery

S. No. Specifications Values
1. Model No. ISR18650-2500
2. Current Capacity (mAh) 2500
3. Charge Voltage (V) 4.2
4. Nominal Voltage (V) 3.7
5. Standard Charge Current 1250mA
6. Quick Charge Current 2500mA
7. Large Current Discharge 20A cycle, 25A continuous 30A at 2s
8. Operating Temperature Charging: 0º-50ºC Discharging: -20º-80ºC
9. Initial Impedance ≤20mΩ

Figure 3-11 Lithium-Ion Battery

MI 2
Design & Implementation of

Chapter 4


As discussed above the features of components used in this project, first we design

the basic block diagram of the project. The block diagram helps us to understand the

hardware and software part of the system.


Figure 4-1 Chassis Layout of Robotic Structure

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Design & Implementation of

Firstly, we prepared the chassis or base of the robot. We used plywood of 6 mm

thickness as the material and attached a very basic 2D CAD layout so we can follow

same. The plywood was cut by hacksaw and drilled the two corners at the front. All

the corners with some sand paper.


The block diagram of project is as follow-

Figure 4-2 Block Diagram for Smart Floor Cleaning Robot

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Design & Implementation of


The are various type of components used in this project. The components are

properly mount on the chassis as per block diagram and circuit of the project.in

following steps-

Step-1 Motor Mounting

First, we mark the space for motor mounting on chassis then drill appropriate holes

for the mounting bracket and put them in place with some nuts and bolts. Now

attach the motors to the mounting brackets. Before attaching the motors, solder two

wires to both the motors.

Figure 4-3 Mounting of Motors

Step -2 Motor Connection

Drilled a hole for the motor wires to pass through then attached the wheels to motor

by fastening the screw on wheel with the motor shaft.

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Design & Implementation of

Figure 4-4 Motor Connections

Step-3 Sensor Connection

Drilled a hole for mop & place sensor clamps drill a large hole (depending on your

mop size) at the front of the robot for placing the mop. For the sensors, i got these 3d

printed clamps. They will enable us to install the sensors very easily. Now drill some

holes for the sensor clamps and install them in place with some nuts and bolts. Place

the clamps in such a way that one sensor in the middle will face forward and the

other two will face left and right at an angle of 45°.

Figure 4-5 Sensor Connection

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Design & Implementation of


The circuit is designed in the Fritzing software and installation of library is also


Figure 4-6 Mounting of Motors

Circuit Assembly 1K and 2K resistors are connected to Tx pin on Arduino to create

a voltage divider, since the HC-05 Bluetooth module works on 3.3V logic level but

Arduino would give 5V signals which might damage the Bluetooth module. If you

don't want to use an LCD, just don't connect it. The project will still work perfectly

without any changes in wiring or code. The circuit was designed using Fritzing. To

place the Arduino 1rst solder some female headers and then connect male headers

parallelly to each of the female header which corresponds to each pin on Arduino.

All external components will be connected to these male headers. To connect the

LCD, again solder some female headers. Add a screw terminal (to connect power

supply from battery), latching switch and voltage regulator to the PCB. Solder some

male headers in front of the voltage regulator. Now add all the resistors as well and

MI 3
Design & Implementation of

MI 3
Design & Implementation of

everything as per the schematic using wires. Why use an external voltage regulator

if Arduino already has one in-built? Since we are using a lot of components that

need to be powered at 5V (Three ultrasonic sensors, a Bluetooth module, a motor

driver, a relay, an LCD), powering so many of them using Arduino’s in-built voltage

regulator can overheat and damage it. So, we will be connecting some of the

components to an external 5V voltage regulator.

Figure 4-7 Display Board


Connect All Components to Main Circuit Board After our main circuit board is

complete, now we have to connect all the external components to it. Start by

connecting the Bluetooth module, followed by relay board and motor driver. Just

follow the schematic. connect both motors to the motor driver as well.


Connect the Ultrasonic Sensors Connect all the three ultrasonic sensors to their

respective pins using jumper wires, as per the schematic. Since our sensor clamps

are already in place, hot glue the sensors on the clamps.

MI 3
Design & Implementation of


Water Spraying Mechanism To spray water on the mop, I used a 12V Diaphragm

pump with a very simple mechanism. There are two pipes, one is the inlet pipe that

will go to the water reservoir and the other one is the outlet pipe which will go to the

mop. For the inlet pipe, I used 8mm thickness tubing. For the outlet, I used a thinner

pipe I got from drip infusion system which is connected to a small #ow control valve

to control the #ow of water. (Since we don't want our mop to be drenched with

water) A small 200ml bottle is used as a water reservoir. Make sure you connect

inlet and outlet pipes as per the marking on the water pump.

Figure 4-8 Printed Circuit Board of Project


Install the Mechanism on Robot I used some zip ties to place the water pump on

robot base. For the water bottle, 1rst I drilled a hole for the inlet pipe. Then I hot

glued the bottle in place. I also hot glued the #ow control valve at the front. The

outlet pipe should be placed as such that water falls directly on to the mop.

MI 3
Design & Implementation of


Power Supply For the power supply, we decided to use 3x 18650 Lithium-ion

batteries, 3800mAh each. This is probably the best option to power our robot since

lithium batteries have high energy density so they take up very less space. All the

three batteries are connected in series so we get roughly 12V which is optimum for

our application. we used three single cell holders, hot glued them on a hard board

piece and connected them in series. Connect a switch as well to turn the robot on/off.

Finally, we connected the supply to the main circuit board. One thing that you need

to take care of is, not to discharge the batteries too much since we are not using a

battery management system or any other kind of protection circuit. Also, lithium

batteries are dangerous so avoid any short circuits! To make the robot run longer,

you can increase the capacity by adding one more battery system (with three

batteries in series) in parallel.

Figure 4-9 Battery Connection

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Design & Implementation of


Upload the Code I have attached the code for this project. Before compiling it, we

have need to install 2 libraries- one is for the ultrasonic sensors and other for the


 So go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries

 Under the search bar type 'NewPing'

 Install the NewPing library by Tim Eckel

 Similarly search for 'Liquid Crystal'

 Install the Liquid Crystal library by Arduino (In newer versions of IDE it

might be already installed)

Figure 4-10 Library Download

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Design & Implementation of

Figure 4-11 Installation of Library

Figure 4-12 Library Manager

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Design & Implementation of

Now, to upload the code, first you will need to remove your Arduino from the

circuit. Why? Because there should not be anything connected to Rx and Tx wires of

Arduino while uploading a code and here, we have our Bluetooth module connected.

So, either remove Rx and Tx wires from Bluetooth module before uploading or

remove the entire Arduino from circuit and then upload. After it's done

uploading, you can put everything back in place.

Figure 4-13 Code uploading


Configure App For controlling the robot via a phone, we will be using the Bluetooth

Serial Controller app. So 1rst download it from Play Store. Now we need to

configure it such that it works with our robot.

 First go to Preferences, scroll down

 Under Orientation, select Portrait

 You can also turn on White Background if you want

MI 3
Design & Implementation of

 Now go to Button > Visibility

 We need button 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 so keep them checked and uncheck others

 Now go to Button Size and set size under portrait to 100

 If you go back, you can see 5 buttons in place, but they're not named yet

 Go to Button > Name

 Name Button 2 as Forward, Button 4 as Left, Button 5 as Pump, Button

6 as Right and Button 8 as Back

 Next, go to Button > Command

 We need to send a character command when we press a button. Each

button has its own command.

Following are the commands (case sensitive):

 Button 2 (Forward): 'F'

 Button 4 (Left): 'L’

 Button 5 (Pump ON): 'P'

 Button 6 (Right): 'R'

 Button 8 (Back): 'B'

We also need to set up Stop Commands. These are commands that are sent when the

button in unpressed. If we don't add the stop commands and press the forward button

for example, the robot will keep on moving forward and won't stop even after we

have released the button. So, under Button > Command > Stop Command, check

Button 2, 4, 5, 6, 18

Following are the Stop Commands (case sensitive):

 Button 2: 'S'

MI 3
Design & Implementation of

 Button 4: 'S'

 Button 5: 'p' (for pump of)

 Button 6: 'S'

 Button 8: 'S'

There is one more optional feature that you can add, which is robot speed control.

We have already added it in the code. There are 2 speed control options- Low and

Maximum. To add them, first make buttons 7,9 visible. Then name them as Low and

High respectively. Lastly, set their respective commands:

 Low Speed: '1'

 Max Speed: '3'

In the above images you can see how our app looks both with and without speed


Figure 4-14 Bluetooth App Interface

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Design & Implementation of


Testing & Troubleshooting After everything is done, it's 1nally time for testing.

Turn on your robot and check if the LCD displays 'Welcome' message. If it doesn't,

try tuning the trimmer pot or recheck your connections. On your phone, turn on

Bluetooth and search for devices. Pair up with HC-05. Password will usually be

'0000' or '1234'. Now check if on pressing a button on your phone is moving the

robot. If it doesn't move, check if the command is displayed on LCD. If the LCD is

displaying correctly but there is no movement, that means Arduino is receiving the

command correctly. It can then be a problem with your motor driver connections. If

neither does the robot move nor it displays anything on the LCD, then check if your

Bluetooth module is connected properly. Tx wire on Bluetooth module goes to Rx

on Arduino and vice versa. Also, check if you have set the commands on the app


MI 4
Conclusion & Future

Chapter 5



A cheaper and user-friendly smart floor cleaning robot is developed with two

different modes of controlling i.e., Manual and Automatic mobile app based using

Arduino nano and more suitable electronica assembly.

Figure 5-1 Complete Project View

MI 4
Conclusion & Future


In this project there are several things we can do in future like battery monitoring

system, self-charging of battery lighter body weight of robot and set alarm for on/off

etc. The above points are in the future scope of this project.

MI 4


[1] Manreet Kaur and Preeti Abrol “Design and development of floor cleaner robot

(Automatic and manual)”, International Journal of Computer Application,

published in July 2014.

[2] Jens Steffen Gutmann, Kristen Culp, Mario E. Munich and Paolo Pirjanian

“Social impact of a systematic floor cleaner” IEEE International Workshop on

Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impact, published in May 2012.

[3] J.Y. Sung, R. E. Grinter and H. I. Christensen in “Housewives domestic robot

technology international journal of social robotics” IEEE International

Conference on Human Robot Interaction, July 2012

[4] Ajith Thomas, Rohith M. S, Febin Jolly, Jeeson Cheriyan, Ms.Renu Mary

George, “An Advanced Mobile Robot for Floor Cleaning” , International Journal

of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation.

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HC-05 Bluetooth Module Accessed 25 May 2018.

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