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Functions and Features Guide

Summer 22

User Guide
Functions and Features Guide | Copyright

Copyright © Aptean 2022. All Rights Reserved. These materials are provided by Aptean for
informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and Aptean shall not
be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for Aptean
products and services are those set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such
products and services, if any, and nothing herein shall be construed as constituting an additional
warranty. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any
purpose without the express written permission of Aptean. The information contained herein may
be changed without prior notice. Some products marketed by Aptean contain proprietary software
components of other software vendors. Aptean and other Aptean products and services
referenced herein as well as their respective logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of
Aptean or its affiliated companies.

4325 Alexander Drive, Suite 100, Alpharetta, GA 30022-3740

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Functions and Features Guide | Contents

About this Guide xii

Scope xii

Contact Us xii

Respond Applications 1-1

Respond Environment Overview 1-2

Database Servers 1-3

Application Server 1-3

Client Desktops 1-5

Respond Server Manager 1-6

Web Application Functions 1-6

Database Functions 1-6

Scheduler functions 1-7

Setup Features 1-8

HTTPS Support 1-8

Authentication 1-8

Load Balancing 1-8

Respond Case Agent 1-9

Respond Case Manager 1-9

Case Manager Benefits 1-10

Respond Configuration Manager 1-12

Bulk Master Data Export / Import 1-13

Functions and Features Guide | Contents

Respond Self-Serve 1-13

Desktop Additions 1-14

InTray 1-14

Outlook Integration 1-14

Respond Document Editor 1-15

Respond XSync 1-15

Respond Inbox 1-16

Case Lookout Function 1-18

Configuration Features 2-1

Security 2-2

Authentication and Authorization 2-2

Authentication 2-2

Authorisation 2-2

User Scopes 2-2

Licensing 2-3

Role Licensing 2-3

Role Types 2-3

Auto Log-Out Options 2-3

Auto Lock Options 2-4

Roles within Respond 2-4

Licensing Options/Renewals 2-5

Passwords 2-6

Password Security 2-7

Functions and Features Guide | Contents

Permissions 2-7

Granting Permissions 2-7

Permission Management 2-7

Data 2-8

Data Fields 2-8

Standard Data Fields 2-8

Short Text Field 2-8

Long Text Fields 2-9

Integer Fields 2-9

Decimal Fields 2-9

Currency Fields 2-9

Data Fields 2-10

Boolean Fields 2-10

Allocation Fields 2-10

Static HTML Content 2-10

Category Fields 2-10

Journal Fields 2-11

Derived Data Fields 2-11

Boolean Fields 2-11

Currency, Integer and Decimal Fields 2-12

Short Text Fields 2-12

Reference Number Fields 2-12

System Fields 2-13

Functions and Features Guide | Contents

Design 2-14

Forms 2-14

Screen Painter 2-14

Case Manager Forms 2-14

Edit Form 2-14

Case Summary Form 2-15

Sub Entity Forms 2-15

Contact Form 2-16

Aspect Form 2-16

Task Form 2-16

Cost Form 2-17

Qualities Form 2-17

Activity Form 2-17

Quality Assurance Form 2-19

Survey Form 2-19

Screen Flow 2-20

Waypoints: 2-20

Case Processing 2-21

Navigation 2-21

Address Validation 2-22

Workflow 2-23

Workflow Stages 2-23

Workflow Actions 2-24

Functions and Features Guide | Contents

Workflow Suspension 2-24

Case and Task Ownership and Transfer 2-25

Scheduler 2-25

Archive 2-25

Disable Inactive Users 2-25

Email Alerts 2-26

Send Reports 2-26

Task Reminders 2-26

Change Stage 2-26

Case Updates 2-27

Extract Letters 2-27

Update Letter Status 2-27

Partially Logged Case 2-28

Email Per Result 2-28

License Usage 2-28

Retrospective Checkpoints 2-28

Check the Checker 2-29

Send Survey Package 2-29

Send SMS Pacakge 2-30

Templates 2-30

SMS Templates 2-32

Entity Modeling 2-32

Entities 2-32

Functions and Features Guide | Contents

Entity Relationships 2-33

Customisation 2-33

Field Restrictions and Behaviors 2-35

Field Restrictions 2-35

Field Behaviors 2-36

Data Defaults 2-36

Quality Assurance (Quality Accelerator) 2-38

Types of Quality Assurance 2-40

Task Types 2-42

Task Suspension 2-43

Cost Authorisation 2-43

Cost Fulfillment 2-43

Searching 2-45

Searches 2-45

Quick Search 2-45

Intray 2-45

Custom Searches 2-45

Memorised Contact 2-45

To-Do Lists 2-46

Service Searches 2-46

Search Results 2-46

Search Columns 2-46

Search Filtering 2-46

Functions and Features Guide | Contents

Result Sorting 2-47

Format Results 2-48

Results Paging 2-48

Batch Results 2-48

Extending Search 2-49

Search Icons 2-49

Search Configuration 2-49

Search Actions 2-49

Advanced Search Actions 2-50

Editing Search 2-50

Reports 2-50

Report Formats 2-51

Tracking 2-53

Time Tracking 2-53

Task Tracking 2-54

Case Tracking 2-54

Extending Respond 3-1

Internationalization 3-2

Multiple Languages 3-2

UI Languages 3-2

Switching between languages in Web Applications. 3-2

Translations 3-2

Creating templates in multiple languages. 3-3

Functions and Features Guide | Contents

Time Zones 3-3

Currencies 3-3

Respond Enterprise 3-4

Respond Scalability 3-4

Custom Authentication 3-5

File Storage 3-5

Respond Integration 3-6

APIs 3-6

Integration Components 3-7

Web Service Definition 3-7

Connecting External Applications 3-7

Unique Reference Fields 3-8

Externally Generated Documents 3-8

Export Case Content 3-8

Document Activity Status 3-9

Extensions 3-10

Email Notifications 3-10

Business Intelligence 3-11

Respond BI Solution 3-11

Respond ETL Tool 3-12

Respond Utilities 3-13

Active Directory Synchronization Utility 3-13

Case Importer 3-13

Functions and Features Guide | Contents

Document Generator 3-14

Differences between On-Premise and Cloud (SaaS) 3-14

Functions and Features Guide | About this Guide

About this Guide

This guide provides you with information about the functions and features in Respond. See the
respective user guides for more information about the functionality.

Contact Us
To contact Respond Global Technical Support, refer to the support handbook or visit

Respond Applications

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Respond Environment Overview

Respond is an Enterprise Feedback Management solution to capture and act on customer
feedback and complaints quickly.

l Built on Microsoft .NET technologies, Respond provides tools to consolidate customer

feedback, analyse the data and arrive at the root cause of the complaints to address the
l Respond provides the core applications to support the specific needs of users across the
organisation, from front-line staff to Case Managers to Business Managers.

The following figures illustrate the relationship between the Respond Database Server(s),
Application Server(s) and Client Desktops.

Figure 1-1: Respond Environment

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Database Servers

Figure 1-2: Respond Database Servers

The Database Server hosts the transactional OLTP database(s) and the Respond
Configuration Database.

1. The Configuration Database stores the connection details of each OLTP database that
are available from the Respond applications.

2. The OLTP database(s) contain all the metadata and transactional data required to run the
application. The Respond applications support multiple OLTP databases from a single
Application Server.

3. Respond Business Intelligence enables you to extract and transform Case data into an
Analytical database. Supporting the first full extract and on-going incremental extracts
used as a source for various data warehousing and reporting tools.

Application Server

Figure 1-3: Respond Application Server

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

The Application Server hosts several Respond Applications:

1. The Respond Scheduler service runs alongside the main Case Manager application and
is responsible for performing asynchronous activities against Case data.

2. The Respond Web Applications are hosted within IIS and is responsible for providing the
Case management functionality to both Case Manager and Case Agent users.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Client Desktops

Figure 1-4: Respond User Interface Clients

1. The Configuration Manager is an administration application used to configure and

maintain the metadata, security and workflow used by the Case Manager.

2. The Case Manager is a browser client used for managing cases. This application has
been built using standard web technologies. Additional client components can be
optionally installed to provide improved features and usability:

3. Office Productivity Tools are add-ins for the Microsoft Office applications that make
working with the Case Agent and Case Manager more effective. They provide functionality
in Microsoft Outlook to attach one or more emails to existing cases or create a new case
from an email and in Microsoft Word to edit letters generated by Case Manager
automatically uploading changes back to the case so preserving the version history.

4. Intray is an application that monitors folders and provides an easy way to import or attach
correspondence to create a new Case or attach to any existing Cases.

5. Case Agent is a browser client used for capturing Case details designed for Front Office
users who typically face customers and handle their feedback. Respond Case Agent can
be used to search and view existing cases.

Case Agent users can also take advantage of some of the features provided by the Intray and
Office Productivity tools.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Respond Server Manager

The primary role of Respond Server Manager is to manage the Application Server.

Web Application Functions

l Managing the connection properties for each application which are stored within Server
Manager -as each application can have different SQL connection properties.
l Management and Deployment of Respond integration components
l Setting the authentication mode:
o Forms
o Integrated
o Custom
o Single Sign-on
l Web application repair.

Database Functions
l Deploying Upgrades to all databases through Server Manager.
l Importing, Exporting and Locking of database configurations.
l Configuring additional languages to be made available for translations.
l Managing database Licenses.
l Creating and managing Respond Databases and the Web Application.
l Removing databases.
l Exporting and Importing configuration changes between databases.
l Configuring Full Text Indexing support.

l Management and Deployment of Respond integration components

l Configuring file storage.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Scheduler functions
l Scheduler properties management

l Start and Stop of Scheduler Service

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Setup Features
HTTPS Support

The HTTPS setting in the Respond application, ensures security of data trans-
actions as it provides encrypted communication.
l Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to transfer information back and forth
helps in enhancing the security of data transactions.

l The Respond Server Manager should configure the Web Application to

use HTTPS during data transmission by using SSL certificate from a trus-
ted source.

Each user who accesses the Respond system, must have a user account in the
Respond database; there are 4 modes of authentication Forms (user id and
password), Integrated (LDAP Configuration String required), Custom
(Integrating Third-party Authentication to Respond) and Single Sign-on (third-
party SAML compliant identity provider)

Load Balancing

When running the application in a load balanced environment, we must

ensure that the application cache stays in sync on each of the Application
l Every Application Server within the load balanced cluster can be
configured to use either Notification based synchronisation (We
recommended Notification based synchronisation as it provides real-time
information) or Timeout based.
The following Session States are supported:
l Off (not recommended)

l In Process (default)

l State Server (recommended)

l SQL Server

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Respond Case Agent

Respond Case Agent provides a simple and efficient workflow application for
front line staff to log and view customer feedback at the time they receive a
call. Case Agent also provides options to include additional details such as
Costs, Notes, Letters, Emails, SMSes, Phone Calls and Scanned Documents
to the Cases.
The workflow for Case Agent can be designed to guide users through steps
that will capture all mandatory information in a systematic manner.
If the resolution is not possible, then the feedback is moved to a Case
Manager for further investigation.
l Case Agent provides a simple process based interface for logging and
viewing customer feedback at the point of interaction.

l Case Agent can be configured/controlled by the business - no need for

technical staff or need for coding ability.

l Case Agent is entirely process led, eliminating the need for training -
providing a simple workflow based interface for logging and viewing
customer feedback at the point of interaction.

l Case Agent allows Users in Advanced Agent role to add new entities to a
Case, edit entities and delete any existing entities from a Case.

Respond Case Manager

Respond Case Manager provides users with an interface to manage the
feedback process from initial capture, logging and tracking of all forms of
feedback data, including complaints, inquiries, complex queries, comments
and compliments.
Additional details such as costs, notes, telephone calls, emails, SMSes, and
reminders can also be recorded in Respond Case Manager.
l Respond Case Manager provides letter, email, and SMS templates to
ensure consistency when handling feedback across the organization.

l Respond Case Manager also provides the ability to send Ad Hoc emails
include attachments - files, case files and reports, forward and re-send
emails to alternative email addresses when handling feedback.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

l Respond Case Manager also provides the ability to send Ad Hoc SMSes,
forward and re-send SMSes to alternative phone numbers when handling

l Respond Case Manager enables the management of all feedback

through to resolution in a structured and timely manner, while allowing
quick and easy real time reporting of customers’ experiences.

l Respond Case Manager allows quick and easy real time reporting of
customers’ experiences.

l Respond Case Manager provides a case timeline for a real time

visualization of a case in its entirety.

Case Manager Benefits

l Enforce Desired Processes: The configurable process-driven workflow of Case Man-
ager allows you to build and enforce a case management process that is unique to your
specific business.
l Close the Loop on Customer Feedback: Respond fully automates your end-to-end
complaint and feedback management program to efficiently capture, process and
resolve, as well as report on and analyze every piece of customer feedback, whether neg-
ative or positive, from all channels.
l Speed Time to Resolution: With access to tools like search, diaries and a proven case
management process, your case managers have the support they need to resolve cases
faster and at lower cost while delivering a more responsive customer experience.
l Deploy Industry Best Practices: Pre-configured industry solutions allow you to deploy
Case Manager complete with built-in feedback management best practices.
l Get a Graphical View: Take advantage of reporting and charting features to quickly
summarize trends in customer feedback as well as metric on case resolution.
l Improved Management of Case Handler Workload: Improve operational efficiencies

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Service Level Agreements (SLA).

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Respond Configuration Manager

Configuration Manager allows for the definition of Entities, their fields and
relationships -providing an interface to customize the application to suit
business needs. Modify the interface and workflow so as to capture all
customer feedback at the point of interaction.
Define Workflow Stages:
l Define and maintain stages and status.

l Define mandatory and read only fields.

l Define task types no longer relevant or re-instated by stage.

Define Actions:
l Define the action required to move case to the next stage.

l Define mandatory fields before action can be performed.

l Define task types that must exist or be completed before the action.
Define Permissions:
l Define the security profiles which can edit case at each stage.

l Define security profiles which can perform an action.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Bulk Master Data Export / Import

This feature allows you to export various security entities, such as Security Profiles, Scopes, User
Groups, Users and Competencies into an xlsx document. The xlsx document can then be
modified and used to import the changes back into the Configuration Manager.


l Allows user to enter all data entry at a time.

l Supports large scale management and validation of security.

l Possible to import hundreds of security entities - Category Options, Holidays and Excep-
tions, Memorised Contacts, User Groups, Users, Scopes, Security Profiles and Com-

Respond Self-Serve
Respond Self-Serve provides a public communication channel where customers can access a
web page and log their feedback.
l Provides a fully customizable web application record feedback form and uses Event
Management Framework (EMF) to create a case in Case Manager.

l The logged case will be allocated to a case handler for providing a resolution.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Desktop Additions

Intray monitors folders and provides an easy way to import or attach cor-
respondence to create a new Case or attach to any existing Cases.
l Image files and PDF documents can be attached to a case enabling
Respond to be a single source of information about a case.

l From within Intray, users can consolidate individual files into a single file.

l Users have the option to either create new Cases or search for existing
Cases and attach the files to the Case in Respond.

l Controls in application prevent suspicious file types and large files from
being attached.

Outlook Integration

Respond provides integration with Microsoft Outlook by providing Office Pro-

ductivity tools that can be used to create a new Case from an Outlook email or
attach the email to an existing Case.
l Respond provides an eloquent mechanism for attaching cases from
Microsoft Outlook, the most pervasive email client in use today.

l Respond allows a user to interact with Respond from within Outlook, an

example might be a case handler receiving follow on email cor-
respondence, with a click or two they can search Respond for existing
cases and attach the email as an Artefact.

l Respond is compliant with the SMTP protocol for sending emails.

l Respond provides a number of enhanced automation processes, one of

which is the ability to automatically create, and update a case from an
inbound email and provide an automatic email acknowledgment.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Respond Document Editor

It is important for the efficiency of any letter writing team to have fast and easy
access to letter templates that they can use time and time again to correspond with
customers - the template builder that allows creation of letter and email templates in
Microsoft Word directly.
l A tool-bar sits at the top of the screen and enables the fields and values from a
Respond database to be inserted directly into a Microsoft Word document.
Once the template has been saved, it can then be used.

l All changes to letters are saved for audit purposes with a date, time and user
name stamp. This allows a supervisor or other senior employees to check what
changes were made to the original template or to subsequent drafts.

Note: This is only applicable when Database Storage is used.

l Respond integrates with Microsoft Word (2013 and 2016) so that changes made
to an existing letter are saved back into the database. This enables the change
history to be viewed and tracked.

l Added support for Office 365 (desktop).

Respond XSync

Respond provides a distinctive tool to integrate with Microsoft Excel for better
management and organization of search results exported from Respond.
l Respond XSync provides the unique capability of creating consolidated, on
demand updateable dashboards for review and monitoring.

l Respond XSync provides a more efficient mechanism for reporting and


l Respond XSync provides the ability to obtain updated search results without
needing to export frequently.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Respond Inbox
The Inbox is a Windows Service that can be used to connect to various social
media channels and their associated streams and retrieve data from them.
The Inbox service is bound to a single database and is installed and managed
from within Server Manager.
l Respond Inbox application allows to configure Facebook accounts, Twit-
ter accounts, Streams, Timelines, Pages, Twitter Searches, Exchange
accounts, and Exchange Mailbox.

l Respond Inbox Service captures messages from social media and runs
through Text Analytics.

l User can view all the messages received from configured social media
accounts in the Inbox page.

l User can view all the emails received from configured Exchnage accounts
in the Inbox Page.

l User can also view the entire conversation linked to the selected post or
message or email in the proper hierarchy.

l User can reply with free text or select from a list of pre-configured tem-
plate replies from Inbox Page.

l User can create a Case out of a message or attach a message to an

existing case.

l User can set the security permissions on User groups/Users at account

type/account level to view, manage, and allocate the messages.

l User can interact with the messages and emails to perform following

o Filter the list based on account types and accounts.

o Sort the list based on sentiments or date range.
o Search required messages using Search box.
o Assign/Unassign the message.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

o Flag/Unflag the messages.

o Mark the messages as Complete and move to Archive.
o Mark the messages as Non Relevant and move to Archive.
o Mark the messages Relevant and move to All tab.
l The different message tabs provided in the Inbox page allow to view the
messages organized with the help of the action buttons.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Applications

Case Lookout Function

This feature facilitates the Case Handlers/ Case Agents to work efficiently
through the Cases by avoiding unnecessary repetitive work where
investigations are already done on similar cases and actions are taken

Using this feature will enable:

l Lesser Case Resolution Time

l Reduction in Errors
l Reduced Costs

l Fairer Outcomes and compensation

l Improved overall customer journey

This feature includes the Model Case and Smart Suggestions functionality.

l Model Cases – This is a library of Cases which are deemed to be

good enough to be used as reference Cases to guide users to
complete a Case to a high quality.
l Smart Suggestions – This is the ability to suggest field level
selections to the user based on similar historical Cases.

A Case can be marked as Model Case in Case Manager, Case Agent, and
using API.

Configuration Features

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Authentication and Authorization

Each user who accesses the Respond system, must have a user account in
the Respond database; there are 4 modes of authentication Forms (user id
and password), Integrated, Custom and Single sign-on.
l Using Forms the password complexity can be controlled by role.

l Using Integrated each Respond user is associated with a user in the

active directory.

l Using custom authentication, each HTTP request to the Application

Server can have an additional header applied that will identify and verify
which Respond Application User to connect as.

l Using Single sign-on, with a third-party SAML compliant identity provider.


Each user account is associated with a default Profile. This can be changed
based on Case Ownership
l This security profile controls what applications and features the user has
access to, and within that whether they can create / update / delete
specific items.

User Scopes
Each user is assigned to a User Scope.

l The User scope restricts which cases a user can view or edit.
l User scopes utilize the user group structure to determine which Cases can be opened.
l Each User scope determines which Cases can be edited, opened read-only, or opened
with a different set of authorization (security profile).

Additional restrictions can be applied so members of a user scope:

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Can only view the Cases that are allocated to them.

l Can only view the Cases they created.

Every user needs a licence - Respond licensing is role based. The role determines both functional
access and security (controls maximum level of access).

Role Licensing
User license at profile/role level enables closer match to functional requirements and a greater
control over access to secure/private data.

Role-based licensing enables increased control on who can carry out searches/reports/create
searches/reports and what dynamic run time quick expressions.

Role Types
Users can be ‘Named’ or ‘Concurrent’ - meaning specific individuals can be guaranteed access to
the solution with a suitable concurrent profile for the remainder of users.

Concurrent licences means that not every employee needs a

Concurrent license and the organization can determine the current num-
A maximum
bers of named and users for their business.
number of
A concurrent licence is consumed when a user logs into the
log ins.
application. The license remains in use until the user logs out
or his/her session expires.

Named A named user license is consumed for each enabled named

One Licence
user in the data base.
= One User
Named User license verification guarantees that a user will be
granted a license to access the application.

Auto Log-Out Options

Automatically lock user accounts after following number of failed login attempts –
Prevents a User with applied Security Profile from logging onto a User account after failing to
login after a set number of attempts.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Auto Lock Options

Automatically unlock account after following number of minutes - Specifies the time, in
minutes, after the user has locked their account, before their user account is unlocked, i.e. they
are able to login again.

Roles within Respond

Role relationship within Respond Applications

Respond Application Role

Configuration Case Case

Respond Role Named Concurrent
Manager Manager * Agent

only. No Case

Super User(Con-
figuration and

Advanced Hand-
lers(Cases and
Configuration of
reports and cat- (partial)
egory options

Case Handler
(Cases only,
using Case Man-
ager or Case

only, can create
and update

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Respond Application Role

Configuration Case Case

Respond Role Named Concurrent
Manager Manager * Agent

Cases in Case

Case Agent
(Cases only, can
create cases in
Case Agent).

Role Licensing options (Intray & Office Productivity)

Licensing Options/Renewals

The flexibility of the licensing model means that organizations can tailor a license to what is
needed and when it is needed:

l Separate licensing of Disaster Recovery environments.

l Licensing profile is flexible and able to match users and usage profile.
l Additional user license keys quickly and easily delivered by email.
l Rapid turnaround of new or additional licenses.
l Additional licenses are easy to include into the solution.
l Licenses can be time based making profiles of usage and peaks more manageable.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

The Respond password complexity is based on an estimate of the password’s strength, or
entropy - a measure of predictability.

The password's strength is calculated by examining the amount of variation in characters used for
the password, that is whether the password uses lower case only, a mixture of case, or alpha
numeric characters.

Complexity Rating Example Password Will Contain:

None 0 1 Not Advised

Single case characters must be at least 14 char-

acters long
Mixed case characters must be at least 12 char-
Very Strong 20 10 acters long
Alpha numeric characters must be at least 11
characters long Alpha numeric and punctuation
characters must be at least 10 characters long

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Password Security
The user’s passwords can be set to expire after a given period.

To prevent the user from entering the same password, the number of saved previous passwords
can be configured. This can be controlled by an administrator.

Granting Permissions
Permissions within Respond are ‘additive’ – access cannot be denied, only granted.

Permissions can be granted to Users or User Groups at various levels – View, Update, Create
and Delete.

l Administrators and Super Users will always have access to manage permissions even if
View and Update are not granted

Permissions only propagate down to an object’s children if that option is selected in the

l The permissions tab is always in the properties dialogue.

The option to ‘apply security’ to an object can be turned off in the permissions dialogue –
any existing permissions will not be lost, they will just be ignored.

l Turning permissions back on will re-instate the already existing permissions.

Permission Management
Using options in Respond Case Management you can determine the management of Cases by
providing the following access:

l Permissions to view, update, create or delete each sub-entity.

l Permissions to view or update the fields on a given user interface tab.
l Permissions to view, update, create, delete, reallocate, complete, override due dates or
override done dates tasks, mark a task as not relevant using Task Types. This will be
applied to Task Types for Respond Case Manager users.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Permissions to view and update the tabs within Respond Case Manager using the Edit
Tabs area. The Edit Tabs available depend on those that have been created in Screen
l Permissions to view, update, create or delete memorised contacts in both Respond
Configuration Manager and Respond Case Manager.

l Permissions to view Events in Respond Case Manager.

l Using options in Analysis, you can specify what data users will have access to by
specifying Permissions to view, update, create, or delete searches by area and reports in
Respond Configuration Manager and Respond Case Manager.

Data Fields
When the forms are rendered in the Web application, mandatory fields are displayed with a red
asterisk and yellow background to denote that an entry is required for further action. A blue
asterisk indicates that the fields are process mandatory, which means that the fields are
mandatory for a particular stage.

There are 2 types of fields:

l Standard - Fields which require the user to enter values.

l Derived - Fields which use formulas to derive values from other fields or variables.

Standard Data Fields

Each standard field can be configured to be mandatory, read-only, recorded in the audit trail,
available for use in reporting and templates.

All standard fields can have an optional default value specified.

Short Text Field

l Can be converted to upper case, lower case, sentence case or title case.
l Can have a minimum length.
l Have a maximum length (up to 255 characters).

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Can have validation rules applied to control the type of characters, format and display
allowed within the field.
l Spell Checker available for short text fields.

l Ability to have default text within the field.

Long Text Fields

l Option for supporting spell checking.

l Ability to have default text within the field.

l Spell Checker has been introduced by default in the Respond application for Long Text
Fields and does not require specific configuration.

l Optional automatic timestamp added to notes and descriptions.

Integer Fields

l Can have a minimum and maximum value.

l Can configure a custom message for invalid data.

Decimal Fields

l Can have a minimum and maximum value.

l Have a configurable number of decimal places.
l Can configure a custom message for invalid data.

Currency Fields

l Can have a minimum and maximum value.

l Can configure a custom message for invalid data.
l Can have a default value.
l Can accommodate multiple currencies.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Data Fields

l Can contain date and time or date only.

l Can force the selection of working days only.

l Can validate the earliest date based on another date field or today plus a number of
elapsed or working days.
l Can validate the latest date based on another date field or today plus a number of elapsed
or working days.

l Can have a default of today plus a number of working or elapsed days.

l Can configure a custom message for invalid data.

Boolean Fields

l Can have a default value of either True or False.

Allocation Fields

l Can allow selection of only users, only user groups or users and user groups.
l Can have a default of the current user or user group, a specific user or user group or a
value copied from another allocation field.

Static HTML Content

l Read Only
l Can set default HTML
l For all entity types
l Not available in filtering, search, report view columns

Category Fields

l Provides custom sequences for option lists.

l Each option can have an associated reference number. The reference number can be
shown in search results, reports or in templates.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Each option can have alternate text that will be used when included in generated doc-
l Each option can have an alert message that is shown to the user upon selection.

l Options can be marked as unavailable for selection, this will hide the option from the users
logging Cases, but will still be available in searching and reporting.
l For categories belonging to sub-entities, options can be marked as single selection. That
is, the option can only be selected once per Case.

l For categories belonging to sub-entities, a default can be specified for the first instance
and a different default option specified for subsequent instances. For example, first contact
is the Primary contact and all other contacts are Secondary.

Journal Fields

l Allow users to record comments or notes on a Case. Once saved, this field cannot be
changed However, Users with access to Case Manager can update this Field.
l Can be added to all available entity types.
l Can be used by Case Manager and Case Agent users.
l Can display in uppercase, lower case, title case and sentence case.
l Not available in memorised contacts.
l The row height of Journal field is minimum 4.

Derived Data Fields

Each derived field is not mandatory and is always read-only; it can be configured to be recorded in
the audit trail, available for use in reporting and templates.

Boolean Fields

l Can have a Boolean value derived using Filter expressions.

l Can be True if the Filter expression matches otherwise False.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Currency, Integer and Decimal Fields

l Can set the number of decimal places (decimal fields only).

l Use mathematical formula (+ - * /) on other numeric or date fields.

l The number of hours or days between two date fields can be included.
l Minimum, maximum, sum, count and average functions can be applied to child entity

l The child entities included in the minimum, maximum, sum, count and average functions
can be restricted by category option selection.

Short Text Fields

l Can be converted to upper case, lower case, sentence case or title case.
l Can contain a concatenation of other field values.
l Date fields can be formatted using various predefined.
l Allocation fields can be displayed using the user or user groups full name, email or phone
l Short text, categories, and reference number fields can convert their case, and optionally
select the first or last <n> characters.
l Can have default text for initial instance for case entity and default text for initial and sub-
sequent instance for sub-entities.

Reference Number Fields

l Are constructed from a prefix, unique number, and suffix.

l The prefix and suffix use derived short text values.
l The number can be database sequential or case sequential.
o Database sequential will provide a unique number per database.
o Case sequential will produce a unique number per case - this is only available on
Contact, Aspect, Quality and Cost fields.
l The number can have a specific starting number.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l The number can be displayed as numeric or alpha numeric. A custom alpha numeric value
can be used to obscure the actual sequential number.
l Can have default text for initial instance for case entity and default text for initial and
subsequent instance for sub-entities.

System Fields

l System fields are fields required by the Case Processing.

l They consist of a combination of standard and derived fields.

l Only the name can be changed.

l They do not, however, have to be displayed on forms to the user.

Note: In the case of Enumeration data type, name and literals can be changed.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Screen Painter

Respond provides a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) form

editor that can be used to design forms for users of the Respond Web Applic-
l Screen Painter provides a default layout which can organise information
by adding fields, labels, sections and tabs.

l The forms can be customised to accommodate mandatory and relevant

information, thereby making the feedback capture a quick and complete
As these applications will be used by users in specific roles such as Front
Office Staff or Case Managers, the forms can be designed keeping their tasks
in mind:
l Case Manager Forms - Have two columns of data.

l Case Agent Forms - Have either one or two columns of data.

Case Manager Forms

l The Case has 2 fixed forms, the Edit Form and Summary Form
l The sub entities have 2 fixed forms, the Edit Form and List Form

Edit Form

The Edit Form can contain 1 or more tabs (up to 99)

l Each tab has a name.

l Each tab can contain help text.
l Each tab contains 50 rows and 2 columns.
l The view and update access to each tab can be controlled by the users security profile.
l The visibility of each tab can be controlled by the current stage of the case, and optionally
a data filter on a combination of any fields on the entity (see search filtering).

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Any field from the Entity or the Case can be placed on any tab

l The fields label can be changed, it defaults to the fields name.

l The field can be shown as read only.
l The fields location and size can be configured

Additional UI Elements can be placed on any tab

l Section: adds a header, horizontal line and help text.

l Label: adds additional information to the Tab/Screen.
l Browser: adds simple integration with another application. The browser control is pop-
ulated by passing Fields from the case to a URL.
l Help: Help text can be added to every user interface element.

Case Summary Form

This form is shown when the case is first opened, this can contain:

l Any field or UI element from the Case edit form.

l Special UI elements for the case history table, outstanding tasks, timeline and jump to
l Any of the sub entity list forms.
l Case process visual control .
l Options to configure Operations to update Cases.

Sub Entity Forms

l Any field from the entity can be placed as a column in the form.

l A sort order can be applied to date, category or text fields.

l Additional formatting data value options are provided for date and allocation fields.
l Case Fields can be shown under the table.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Contact Form

The Contact Form is used to collect the complainant information

The Contact List Form displays all the contacts on a Case.
l When the List Form is displayed, the first column, display name and
parent names are displayed as links. Clicking any of these links takes the
User to the corresponding List Form or Parent Edit Form.

Aspect Form

The Aspect Edit Forms can be used to record separate issues in their
respective Case. Aspect List Form displays all Aspects on the Case.
l When the List Form is displayed, the first column, display name, and
parent name are displayed as links. Clicking any of these links takes the
user to the corresponding Edit form.

l The Belongs to <> is a reference to the parent and this can be used by
users to navigate to the parent form.

l The parent can be changed from the Action menu as well. Changing the
parent displays a notification to the user.

Task Form

The Task Forms provides the Case Manager user with all the information of
any available Tasks. The form is meant to provide users information about
their tasks.
The Task List Forms lists all the Tasks on the Case.
l When the List Form is displayed, the first column, display name and parent
names are displayed as links. Clicking any of these links takes the User to
the corresponding Edit Form.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Cost Form

The Cost form captures the cost incurred as result of the feedback, for
example, compensation paid to customer.
The Cost List Form lists the costs related to the Case.
l When the List Form is displayed, the first column, display name and
parent names are displayed as links. Clicking any of these links takes the
User to the corresponding Edit Form.

l The Cost Edit Form can have up to 50 tabs that can be customised by
adding fields, labels, and sections. Here the Cost can be assigned either
to a Case, Task or other Entities.

l The Belongs to <> is a reference to the parent and this can be used by
users to navigate to the parent form.

l The parent can be changed from the Action menu as well. On changing
the parent, the user is notified.

Qualities Form

The Qualities form can be used to capture the learnings from the Case, for
example, need for staff training on product.
The qualities list form displays all of the qualities on the Case.
l When the List Form is displayed, the first column, display name and
parent names are displayed as links. Clicking any of these links takes the
User to the corresponding Edit Form.

l The Qualities Edit Form can have up to 50 tabs that can be customised by
adding fields, labels, and sections.

Activity Form

Activity Edit Forms can be used to enter Activities related to the Case.
The Activity List Forms displays all the Activities on a Case. There are
individual List Forms for each Case Activity like emails, SMSes, scanned
documents, letters, notes, phone calls, twitter, and facebook.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Emails are generated through pre-configured templates, attached to the

Cases and sent out using SMTP.

l SMSes are generated through pre-configured templates, attached to the

Cases and sent out using Twilio.

l Scanned documents are attached using Respond Intray.

l Letters are generated through templates and attached to a Case.

l Notes are generated through Note Edit Forms and attached to a Case.

l Ad-hoc emails are generated through Ad-hoc email Edit Forms and are sent
out using SMTP.

l Ad-hoc SMSes are generated through SMS Edit Forms and are sent out
using Twilio.

l Facebook activity is generated through Inbox and attached to a Case.

l Twitter activity is generated through Inbox and attached to a Case.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Quality Assurance Form

The Quality Assurance form can be used to record data and Case quality
checks. The QA Edit Forms can be used to support the different types of
Quality Assurance that can occur on a Case.
l When the List Form is displayed, the first column, display name and parent
names are displayed as links. Clicking any of these links takes the User to
the corresponding Edit Form.

l The Quality Assurance has multiple Edit Forms and can have up to 50 tabs
that can be customised by adding fields, labels, and sections.

Any number of Edit forms can be created for Case Agent. Each form is
combined into a map/screen flow.
l Access to the Case Agent forms is controlled by the Case Agent Maps.

l Each Map defines a series for pages (forms), the flow between the pages is
defined in the map, the flow can be automated or user initiated both based
on the data the user has entered.

l Each sub entity has 1 fixed list form.

l Each Map represents a specific entity.

l Maps can reference other Maps.

l Case Map is always the entry point, when a new Case is created.

Survey Form

l The Survey Form allows you to design the Questionnaire form on which the
Survey User provides the feedback.

l It lets the users of Respond to close the loop with their customers by
sending and collecting survey responses corresponding to the Cases in the
core Respond database.

l Each Survey Form supports multiple tabs consisting of up to 50 rows in

single column format.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Screen Flow
The Case Agent forms that are designed using Screen Painter can be linked to each other using
'Screen Flow'.

These forms are linked together to form a 'route map' that users will take based on the kind of
input that is entered.

l A map consists of forms and other maps. These are called waypoints.
l Users can define the route between these Waypoints.

l A single Case map is provided by default and more can be created if required.
l Each map represents a single entity, for instance a Contact map would contain all the
forms required to create a single contact.

The Case map is the top level map when creating a Case and contains links to Case Edit
forms and sub-entity maps. Case and sub-entity maps can be used as entry points for
update operations.


Each Waypoint (form or map) is linked to others using routes.

l If a single route links the 2 Waypoints the user is automatically moved between Waypoints.
l If multiple routes are available the user is asked to select the route to follow.
l The text shown to the user can be configured to provide meaningful help.
l The sequence in which the routes are displayed can be specified, so the most important or
most frequent route is displayed first.

Each route can also:

l Can set Tasks to Done and save the Case.

l Have additional filter criteria – the route is only available when the filter expression is met
l Perform a workflow action on the Case, to move the Case to another stage that is logged
or closed.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Case Processing
The Respond user interface displays essential information on the home page and also provides
navigational elements that users can use for their day-to-day tasks.

The home pages for the Web Applications display widgets and links to other areas of the

Depending on the configuration, a user may have access to multiple home pages each containing
different widgets.

From the home page, users can easily:

l Open existing Cases

l Log new Cases

l Manage workloads and resources
l Access To-Do Lists
l Run reports and searches

The menu bar on the home page displays options to create a new Case, search for information,
run reports, configure shared links and system messages and also contains the System
Administration area which provides access to the system functions.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Address Validation
Address Validation feature provides the ability to search for and validate addresses entered by a
user. This feature is used to perform lookup of Addresses in the Case Manager, Case Agent and
Self-Serve forms.


l In Case Agent, all the fields configured to auto fill must be on the same page.
l In Case Manager, all the fields configured to auto fill must be on the same page or Entity
and must be visible in the form.

l In Self-Serve, all the fields configured to auto fill must be on the same page.
l The field configured in Address Line 1 must be added and visible on the form.


l The Address Validation feature is available in the Case Manager, Case Agent and Self-
Serve forms, only if the Access Token license key is configured within Server Manager.
For more information on the Access Token, refer to the SaaS Settings section in the
Respond - Server Manager User Guide.

Note: If the Access Token is not available, then you can continue to configure Address
Validation. However, you cannot perform the lookup of Addresses in Case Manager, Case
Agent and Self-Serve.

l To configure Address Validation, you need to set the appopriate security permission in
the Security Profile Properties window within the Configuration Manager. For more
information on how to set the security permission to the user, refer to the Defining Access
To Extensions section in the Respond - Configuration Manager User Guide.
l For Address Validation to be enabled in the Respond Search pages, ensure that the
Access Token is available and the Allow Address Validation on Search Page check
box is selected inthe Map Properties window within Configuration Manager. For more
information on Allow Address Validation on Search Page check box, refer to Modifying
the Default Case Map section in the Respond - Configuration Manager User Guide.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Configuring Address Validation

To access the Address Validation configuration page, select the Address Validation link from
the Configuration area in the Case Manager application.

Using the Address Validation configuration page, you can configure the details related to
Country, Address lookup fields, Post Code, City, County and Company.

The Case Process is defined using a combination of Stages and Actions.

l Stage represents the current position for a Case in the process.

l The Actions define how the user can move the Case between stages.

Within Case Manager, the current Stage and Status is displayed at the top right-hand corner of
the Case window.

l It also indicates the actions that need to be executed after the current stage. Manage work-
loads and resources
l The current status is highlighted to provide a visual cue to users.

Workflow Stages

l Identified by a unique name

l Define the status of the Case. The status can be defined as being open, resolved, or
l Can define fields that are mandatory while the Case is at the stage.
l Can define which tasks are no longer relevant, and which tasks should be re-instantiated if
flagged as not relevant in a previous stage.
l Can define fields that will be read-only to the user.
l Can define which tasks cannot be completed while a Case is in that stage.
l Can restrict which tasks can be manually created while the Case is at the stage.
l Defined by security profile - which users can edit the Case while at the stage.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Workflow Actions

l Can have additional help text that is displayed to the Case Manager user when deciding on
the action to perform.
l A primary action is defined as the preferred route between two stages. Primary actions can
be set to automatically fire when the exit criteria has been met.

l Can define which fields must have a value before an action is performed, that is a Case
cannot be ‘closed’ until a closed date is specified.
l Can define which tasks must exist and which tasks must be completed before the action
can be performed

l Determined by security profile, which users can perform the action.

l In a stage, can be ordered.
l Can be hidden from the user, and only involved by customisation.

Workflow Suspension

l Suspension can either be at a Case or Task level.

l Maximum Suspension Days can be specified.
l Can be limited to a number of suspensions.
l Thresholds can be set to start counting only after a number of days.
l Task Suspension can be linked to Case suspension.
l Partial Days can be counted in suspension.

The Suspend action is displayed only if the ‘Can be Suspended’ option has been selected in the
Case Management Database Options settings in Configuration Manager. Appropriate actions are
displayed if multiple secondary actions meet the exit criteria.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Case and Task Ownership and Transfer

l By default, the Case owner is the user who logged the Case.
l Ownership can be transferred manually by changing the Allocated To field or automatically
by default events.

l Cases and Tasks can be owned by user groups or individual users.

l Ownership of tasks is defined within the Task properties although they can be changed
when attached to a Case.

The Scheduler service provides the ability to automate the execution of specific business actions.

l Scheduler service allows you to specify the frequency at which the actions need to be
l System Schedules and User defined schedules to send reports, email alerts, task remind-
ers or automatically perform certain actions.


The Archive Package is used to periodically archive old Cases. This moves the Cases from the
core Case tables into a set of Archive tables within the database. It is possible to delete Archived
Cases from the Archive tables. When an Archive Package is Run, an email is sent to the
configured recipients with an Excel file as an attachment.

Disable Inactive Users

This package provides the ability to disable Users after a period of inactivity. The User Inactivity
package allows you to perform the following actions:

l Configure the security profiles that the User Inactivity package applies to.
l Configure the time of inactivity after which you want to disable Users.
l Disable Users who have been inactive for the specified period of time.
l Optionally email the Users who have been disabled.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Email Alerts

Email alerts monitor the database for specific thresholds to be breached. When the specified
threshold is exceeded, an email is sent to configured recipients.

l Respond service searches are used to identify the result set to monitor; additional filtering
can be added to include the last run date i.e. to retrieve the Cases logged or updated since
the search was last run.

l The emails that are sent include the search results and hyper-links to open the Cases.

Send Reports

Reports can be batched together and scheduled to run regularly, the resultant reports will be
emailed to users. For example, reports comprising monthly reports or movement reports are
allowed to run against the Respond database and the resultant report would be sent in an email to
recipients such as team leaders and managers.

The Reports can be generated in PDF or XLSX formats.

Task Reminders

Task reminders can be sent when a task is overdue or alarmed.

For example, a notification is sent to Case Handlers when a task is Overdue along with a link to
the Case to which the Task belongs.

Change Stage

Scheduler service allows you to auto perform a workflow action on a Case to change the current

For example, it can be used to close those Cases where an email acknowledgment or further
information has not been received from the customer since 15 days after receiving the original

l The Cases that need to be updated are identified using a search. Cases identified by the
search will be updated with the same values. An email containing a summary of the
updates is sent to a pre-defined distribution list.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Case Updates

Scheduler service allows you to automatically update a set of Cases with templated entities and
field values.

l The Cases that need to be updated are identified using a search.

l An email confirming the updates will be sent to a list of recipients.

For example, it can be used to;

l Add letters to the Case

l Send emails from the Case

l re-allocate cases or tasks

l Complete tasks
l Set tasks as no-longer relevant
l Apply standard outcomes.

Extract Letters

Scheduler service allows you to automatically extract letters that have been marked as ready for
printing. For a user to mark a letter as ready for printing the centralised printing feature must be
enabled in database options.

l The letters can be filtered with additional Case level filtering.

l A drop folder can be specified per package
l The document format can be specified as PDF or DOC
l An optional XML file associated with each document can be generated containing case

Update Letter Status

Scheduler service allows you to automatically update the letter status based on whether the
printed letter has been moved to the success or failure folder.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l A folder is specified for the successfully printed letters

l A folder is specified for the letters that failed to print

l Once a letter has been printed any associated tasks will be marked as done.
l If a letter failed to print a notification email can be sent to the Case owner.

Partially Logged Case

Scheduler Service allows you to automatically send an email alert to Users when a partially
logged Case is unattended to within a specified time.

l System generates an email body that includes the URLs of all the partially logged Cases.

Email Per Result

Scheduler service allows you to send email alerts to specific people based on each search result.

For example, you can set up a search that finds Cases that are overdue. Email Per Result
package runs a search and finds the Cases that are overdue. Emails are sent to the Case owner
to inform them that the cases are overdue and need immediate attention.

License Usage

Scheduler service allows you to send license exception emails, when the number of concurrent
users trying to login exceeds the limit.

License Usage details can be generated

l Since the last time package was run, OR

l Since the previous day of running the package.

Retrospective Checkpoints

Scheduler service allows you to run Quality Assurance Checkpoints against a set of Cases.

l The Cases are identified using a search .

l The Checkpoints are run against the Cases based on the order in which they are con-

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l An e-mail confirming the updates will be sent to a list of recipients.

For example, against each Case within search result, the configured Retrospective Checkpoint(s)
are run and an e-mail will be sent to the configured recipients.

Check the Checker

Check the checker is a retrospective process that checks the Quality Assurances are producing
the correct results and outcomes not only for the Case Handler but also the customer. The Check
the Checker is performed by system through package that provides the ability to identify the
Quality Assurance review as part of the Check the Checker process. For each quality check
identified, the specified Review and Tracking Task will be added to the Case and allocated to the
configured User.

You can set up the Check the Checker Package:

l To identify the Quality Assurance review as part of the Check the Checker process.
l To add the Check the Checker Quality Assurance to the Case fetched by the search hav-
ing only the review type completed on it as configured in the package.
l To run the specified service search for completed QAs (Quality Assurance type as con-
figured in the package) to add the Check the Checker.
l To add the Review and Tracking Task:
o Only for the review which is configured in the package, available in Case and com-
o If there are two completed reviews available on a Case which is configured in package,
the Check the Checker is applied only for the first review.
l To track the Check the Checker review.
l To determine who the Check the Checker will be allocated to.

Send Survey Package

The Send Survey package sends Survey to the Customers using configured Survey form, Contact
Service Search, Contact Email Field, and Survey Email Templates. You can run this package in

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

the background or run the package and optionally send a reminder e-mail to the selected

Send SMS Pacakge

The send SMS package provides the ability to send SMSes to Contacts. A Case Service Search
which contains a Contact Phone Number field will be used to identify the recipients. For
information on setting up Send SMS Package, refer Respond Summer 21 Configuration Manager
User Guide, Page 18-100.

Respond provides Email and document templates that can be used to maintain consistency
across the organization and help staff be more productive. These templates can be used for
letters, forms or memos.

These document and email templates store the layout and global custom variables that can be
added to all documents. Each custom variable can be configured so the user can change the
value before the document or email is created.

l Fields can be grouped so that common fields are displayed together, that is, customer's
address. Using field groups removes the placeholders when a field does not contain a
value. The field separator can also be customised to show a new line, comma or semi-

Each named instance can be configured such that:

l The user has to manually select the correct entity.

l The entity is selected based on a classification that is Contact Type includes Customer.
l All instances of the entity are included as a list, table, or displayed on a new line.
l Templates can be stored in folders; access to each folder can be controlled by user group.
l The template’s availability can be controlled by applying a filter, only if the filter matches
the case data will be template be available to the user.

Each template can contain a named instances of a sub entity.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l The Respond Web Application features an integrated HTML editor and email management
link that allows Respond Case Manager Users to produce pre-designed documents and
emails that include specific information about a Case.
l In Respond Case Manager, specific browser-based tools have been provided to update
and view Documents and emails created from pre-configured templates.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

SMS Templates

You can send two types of SMS in Respond, They are:

l Templated SMS: The SMS Templates allow you to configure standard messages that can
be manually or automatically generated in Respond via Case Agent, Case Manager,
Defaults, or Scheduler. Much like Emails, the users can insert placeholders which allow
them to make the SMS more personal and contain relevant Case information.

l Ad Hoc SMS: Ad Hoc SMSes allow the user to manually enter in the text they desire to
send. Creation and editing SMS templates is not applicable for Ad Hoc SMS.

Entity Modeling
Entities refer to the areas in which users can enter information in Respond Case Manager and
Respond Case Agent applications.

l Case – for recording the basic Case details.

l Contact – for recording details of all people involved with the Case.
l Aspect – if the Case contains more than one issue, the Respond Case Manager User can
record each issue as a separate Aspect.
l Qualities – for recording further information on issues relating to a Case.
l Task – for recording Tasks, which are items of work to do, such as sending a letter.
l Cost – for recording Costs incurred as a result of the Case, such as compensation to the
l Event – these can be configured to be added automatically to a Case when certain Actions
or interesting events occur during the processing of a Case. Events cannot be added manu-
l Activity – for recording Notes, Documents and Phone Calls associated with the Case.
l Quality Assurance – For recording data and Case quality checks.
l Survey – For sending and collecting survey responses against Case data.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Entity Relationships

Entity Relationships
Entities Can Contain

Aspect Qualities Contacts Costs Tasks Activities Events

1 1 1
Case Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional

Aspect n/a Optional

Quality n/a Optional

Contacts n/a Optional

Cost n/a Optional

Tasks n/a n/a



1. Also supports the mandatory relationship, that is the Case must contain at least one Entity.

2. The task relationship is dependent on whether any Task Types have been configured.


You can define Entity relationships in Configuration Manager. For example, whether a Case can
contain Aspects or whether a Case must have a Contact. This can be specified when creating the

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Entity Customisation Options

Entities Customise Fields Customise Form









Quality Assurance


Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Field Restrictions and Behaviors

Data Integrity is the collective name for both Field Restrictions and Field Behaviors.

Field Restrictions

Field Restrictions control which classifications are available for selection based on previous

l Field Restrictions limits the available selections based on a selection in a related field.
l Custom name and description can be applied for easier management.

l Source Fields can be extended to select system allocations as a source (for example, cre-
ated by).
l Enable and Disable function for each set of field restrictions.
l Restrictions on the target field when no value is selected in the source.
l The Target Field can be forced to clear when the source option is selected.
l Each value in the source list can restrict the values available in the destination.
l Each value in the source list can set the destination field as read-only.
l Rules define the level of validation when an invalid combination of values is discovered.
l The validation levels can be:
o Do nothing.
o Warn the user.
o Prevent the Case from being saved.
l The Target Field can be made as either default or override.
o Default : When source is changed, destination will change to default value.
o Override: When source is changed, destination will change to override even when the
current value is valid.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Field Behaviors

Field Behavior rules defines the relationship between a selection field (allocation or category) and
another selection field.

l Field Behaviors change the mandatory or read-only properties of a field based on the val-
ues in other fields; or status of the case or tasks.

l Each value in the source list can make a set of fields mandatory.
l Each value in the source list can make a set of fields read-only.

l Custom name and description can be applied for easier management.

l Source Fields can be extended to select system allocations, stage, case status and task
status as a source (e.g. created by)

l Enable and Disable function for each set of field behaviors

l Setting data filters so that behavior only applies when the filter is matched.
l Additional data filters can be applied.
l Behaviors can be set when the field is blank.
l Setting the relationship the target field has to the source entity.
l Behaviors can be configured to control whether a task is relevant or not.
l Behaviors can be configured to support the visibility of the fields to make them as Visible or
Hidden for a group.

Data Defaults
The ‘Workflow’ defaults apply values to fields or create sub-entities when certain triggers are

The trigger can be based on a Field or an Entity:


l Each time the field value is changed

l When the field's value is set.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Each time a numeric fields value exceeds a specified range/value.

l Each time a category or allocation field is set to a specific value.


l Each time the Case or a sub-entity is created.

l Each time a sub-entity is deleted.
l Each time a Task of a specified type is marked as not relevant.
l Each time a Task of a specified type is made relevant from being not relevant.
l Each time the field value is changed
l Each time a task of a specified type is completed.


l When a map is used.

l When a Route is entered.
l When a Waypoint is entered.
l When a Waypoint is exited.

* When the trigger is fired, you can define which fields are updated and which additional entities
are created. The following changes are possible:

l Update a field on the entity that caused the trigger to fire. You can control whether the field
value is always updated, or set only if the field was blank.
l Update a field on the Case entity.
l Create an entity with default values, for example, you can create an Aspect with values
depending on the type of Case, or create tasks when the current stage changes.
l You can create an event. An event is a built-in entity that should be used to record
interesting information against the Case. For example, an event can be created each time
the Case is re-allocated. The text included in the event is controlled by the application for
triggers such as field value changed. The event includes the before and after values.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l You can specify a Filter that will provide fine grained control over whether the default is
l Defaults can be configured to invoke workflow actions.

Common sets of field updates, entity additions and case actions can be grouped into field

l You can add multiple field templates to a default event.

l You can also control the sequence and when to stop applying Field Templates.
l Each template can be used by multiple events.

l Field templates can be used by scheduled case updates

Quality Assurance (Quality Accelerator)

Quality Accelerator is a module that provides Quality Assurance processes inside Respond.

Quality Assurance provides the ability of guiding a skilled user through a review of a Case to
ensure it has been investigated, logged and resolved correctly whilst following both regulatory
and internal processes. The Quality Assurance area within Configuration Manager contains the
components which together define the review process. This includes:


Checkpoint Reviews allow you to configure the types of Case that will be put through the review
process. A Review determines the type of Quality Assurance to add when a Checkpoint is

A Review consists of:

l The set(s) of questions which the reviewer will follow to review the Case.
l The Task which will be assigned to the reviewer to inform them that they have a review to
l The probability of the Case being sent for review is based on the Users skill level.
l An inclusion filter to determine for which Cases the review will be added to.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l The success criteria filter to determine what constitutes a pass.

l The ability to appeal a failed review.


Checkpoints define the points within a Cases lifecycle when a Case will be passed through the
review process. An example of checkpoint is "prior to a Letter being Sent".

The following checkpoints have been identified:

l A Task is being set to Done.

l A Cost status is being changed.
l An Email is being sent.
l A Letter is being sent or marked as Ready for printing.

l A Case Action is being performed.

l A Letter\Email has been created of a certain type.
l A Case is identified as requiring a retrospective check.
l A Waypoint is exited within the Case Agent Screenflow.


The Skills area contains definitions of Skills. Each skill contains a filter which when applied to a
Case determines the composition of a skill.

For example, a ‘Mortgage Complaints’ skill could be defined as the Case Business Area being
‘Banking’ and the Aspect Product being ‘Mortgage’. These Skills are then used in conjunction with
other areas of the product to drive workflow.

Note: The skills can be configured optionally; however, without them, a User can not
configure the competencies.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features


A competency is how good a user is at a skill. i.e. their skill level. The Competencies area in
Configuration Manager allows the linking of Users to skills and their competency level for each
skill. A Users' competency of a skill is used to determine the percentage of their Cases that will be

For example, an expert level User in a 'Mortgage Complaints' skill would not need a Quality
Assurance review; however, a User with an expertise of Intermediate or lower, may do.

Types of Quality Assurance

Following are the three types of Quality Assurance process:

Real Time QA

Whilst logging and completing a Case there will be points where the Case should be quality
checked (reviewed) before it can be progressed any further.

Check the Checker (CTC) QA

The Check the Checker Quality Assurance process ensures the reviewers are reviewing the
Cases correctly and fairly.

Retrospective QA

The Retrospective Quality Assurance is ‘after the fact’ reviewing process. A team will take a
sample of Cases and review them to ensure quality.

Quality Accelerator - To restrict a user from sending correspondence

Sending letters and emails to a customer is a critical part of a Case’s journey through to
resolution. The content of this correspondence can range from initial acknowledgement of an
issue right through to a business providing redress during resolution.

Getting this correspondence wrong can potentially be costly to a business, not just financially but
also through its brand.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

To help reduce the risk to the business, it is now possible to configure Respond in a way that if a
user fails a QA Review, they will be restricted from sending specific Letters or Emails until they
have been signed off as OK within Respond.

New configuration options are available on a per template level to control which templates this
control applies to.

A new User Status widget is also available on the Home pages which allows User Managers, or
users with User Maintenance privileges to see the users who are currently restricted from sending
communication, with the added ability of removing this restriction and allowing them to send

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Figure 2-1: Case Manager Home page with User Status details

Task Types
Task types define a template for the tasks that can be created while processing a Case.

The main purpose of the task type is to enable management and reporting of service level
agreements. For example, a Task might involve sending an acknowledgment letter to a
complainant within three days of receiving the complaint.

The following are the types of tasks:

l Case - Task results in the resolution of the Case

l Contact - Task involves sending an acknowledgment or replying to a Contact.
l Aspects - Tasks relate to a specific Aspect within the Case. For example, lack of will-
ingness to assist.
l Qualities - Tasks relate to specific Qualities within the Case. Qualities are configurable
and can be used to record further information or different facets of a Case. For example,
improvements such as training of customer-facing staff.
l Costs - Respond allows users to add warnings about tasks that need to be completed.
Every task has a due date and warning date.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Quality Assurance - Tasks relate to specific Quality Assurance entities within the Case.
Quality Assurance entities can be used to check and record the quality of the Case at a
given point in time. The Quality Assurance tasks can be used to identify that a Case is
ready for a Quality check.
Cases can be set to Closed even though the tasks are not complete.
l Survey - Tasks relate to specific Survey entities within the Case. Survey tasks relates to
providing a constructive feedback to a Case Handler, based on the sentiment analysis of
any negative feedback received.

Task Suspension

l Tasks can be suspended until a related task is completed.

l This feature ensures that time spent on an external task is deducted from the overall feed-
back performance.
l Calculations in performance standards are related directly to the suspension of the Case,
and consequently the Task Type.

Cost Authorisation
Respond supports configuring Cost Authorisation for any costs related to a Case. Various Cost
statuses and a role based authorisation is present that enables you to set an approval limit for
Users depending on their Security Profile.

While approving an incurred cost in a Case, the current user can approve the cost if the cost
amount is within the user's Approval Limit. If the cost amount exceeds the Approval Limit of the
current user, the system will traverse the User Group hierarchy to find a Manager with a sufficient
Approval Limit.

In the event that none of the User Group Managers have the appropriate approval level, the Cost
Authorization Task will be allocated to the Default Approver.

Cost Fulfillment
Cost Fulfillment enables the automating of the process of creating costs and authorizing them in a
controlled, authorized and structured manner.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

The Fulfillment Integration connects the Respond system to a Fulfillment system, where once the
cost is approved, the status automatically changes to "Awaiting Fulfillment ". Once a cost is
approved for payment, a message can be sent using the Respond APIs to a 3rd party fulfillment
system requesting the payment is made. Once the payment is confirmed to be successful, the
status can be changed to "Fulfilled" using the Respond APIs.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features


Quick Search

Quick Search is provided on the homepage for the user to enter search text which
enables Respond to return results matching the criteria of:
l Cases

l Users

l Categories
Quick Search is highly accessible and negates the need to navigate to the ded-
icated search area of the application. The fields used as filter criterion are con-


From within Intray, users can create new cases or search Respond for existing
cases and attach the scanned files to the case.

Custom Searches

Custom Searches are highly flexible and provide an almost infinite search cap-
Through Configuration Manager users decide which fields of data they wish to see
returned in columns.
l Within the search, they also build criterion, each criterion builds upon the other
providing the ability, at a granular level, to include or exclude cases from the

Memorised Contact

Memorised contact searches are contact searches that are used from Respond Case
Manager to find existing memorised contacts.
l On adding a memorised contact the search is executed and users can choose the
contact whose details need to be copied on to the Case.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

To-Do Lists

To-Do Lists are available within the Respond Web Application home page.
Enabling the user to easily manage their Tasks, On Hold Cases, Alarmed Tasks,
Overdue Tasks.
l For Managers, the lists also give access to view their User Groups' tasks.
These searches are to support Case and Task searches.

Service Searches

Service searches are used for service actions, such as Scheduler and Web Service
and are not exposed through the user interface.

Note: All pre-defined searches can be executed directly from the Configuration Manager
by selecting Run Search option from the right-click menu to verify the expected output
during setup.

Search Results

Search Columns

Each search contains a set of fields that will be shown when the search is run.
l When configuring a search, the user can select which fields to show and the
order in which the fields need to be displayed.

l All field types can be selected from the base Entity and the Case.

l Rename columns to be displayed in the results.

Search Filtering

Multiple filtering expressions can be grouped, and included in each search. Every field type can
be included in a filter; some field types such as date fields have predefined operand.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Each expression can be marked as being user enterable, when marked the user will be
able to change the operand value.
l The operator is always defined in the filter.

l User enterable expressions can also be marked as mandatory; this forces the user to enter
a value before the search is run.

Result Sorting

l Each search can be configured to sort on any field. The field used to sort the
results does not have to be within the view columns.

l When sorting by stage, status or category the results are displayed in a

logical sequence rather than an alphabetical sequence.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Format Results

The user has the ability to override how date, category and allocation fields are formatted.

l Date fields, can be formatted using the user groups locale, or an overridden format such as
mm-dd-yyyy can be used for all results.

l Category fields can be configured to display the name, reference number and name, or the
full name.
l Allocation fields can be configured to display the user’s name, name and user group or
name and telephone number.

Results Paging

The paging for the search results list is displayed and the user can navigate to a
particular page by entering the page number.
l The specification in the Search Results Per Page in Configuration Manager
determines how many results are displayed per page.

l This can be overridden by the entry in the User Preferences page in the
Respond Web Application.

Batch Results

Advanced search capabilities also include:

l Batch Reallocate - batch reallocate Cases or Tasks to a user or user

l Batch Reclassify - batch reclassify all Category Fields related to a Case.

l Export - all files to .pdf, .xls or .xlsx format.

l Run Similar - recent searches

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Extending Search

Search Icons

The following icons are displayed for each Case in search results list [based on
security permissions]:

Opens the Case in a new window.

Add a Note to a Case.This option is available based on security

permissions granted.

Print the Case data in .pdf format.

Export the Case data to a .zip file.

Deletes the Case.

Search Configuration

The Search Configuration feature provides the ability to Create a Search option in the Respond
application to easily access contact information.

Users can Create Search Options in the Configuration area of the Case Manager, for example:

l If the user selects “Only Contacts belonging to Cases” as the search option, a “Contact”
search entity with the parent entity “Case” will be created.
l If the user selects “Only Contacts belonging to Aspects” as the search option a “Contact”
search entity with the parent entity “Aspect” will be created.

Search Actions

The options in the Actions drop-down depends on the Search in use. Options include:

l Export (to .xls, .xlsx and .pdf format).

l Run a similar search that was used recently.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Advanced Search Actions

l Batch Reallocate - Cases or Tasks to a user or user group.

l Batch Reclassify - Category Fields related to a Case.

Editing Search

The Edit feature available on the search result page provides the ability to edit the search

configuration. This button is available only for Custom Searches.

Reports can be run on a regular basis to identify trends and manage work loads effectively across
the organisation from within the Respond Web Application.

l Security profiles can control which user or user group can run these reports.
l User access can also be controlled by applying permissions to the folders containing the

When a report is grouped by a category or allocation field, the group by value can be rolled up to a
specific level, and items marked as unavailable can be shown or hidden.

l The data can be grouped by category, allocation, status, stage, or enumeration fields.
l The output of a report can be saved as a PDF or XLSX file.

The following types of data can be reported upon:

l Cases
l Contact
l Aspects
l Qualities
l Tasks
l Cost

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

l Quality Assurance
l Survey

The following reports are available in Respond:

l Tabular Reports
l Classification Analysis Reports
l Classification Cross Tabs Reports
l Classification Analysis Trend Reports
l Detail Reports
l Movement Reports
l Performance Summary Reports

l Service Level Performance Reports

Report Formats

Report Title Report Functions

Tabular Reports display a data view in a table structure.

l The report definition provides the ability to select the fields to appear as

Tabular Report columns, the format to apply to the columns and the filter to apply to the

l The table can contain row counts, numeric totals and averages.

Classification Analysis Reports use Category, Status, Stage, Enumeration and

allocation fields to display the number of times each option has been selected
against the Case, Contact, Aspect, Cost, Quality, Quality Assurance , and
Survey entities.
Analysis Report
l For example you can set up an Aspect category analysis report that shows
the number of records received for each branch in your organisation.

Cross Tab Reports for Case, Contact, Aspect, Qualities, Cost and Quality
Assurance classifications display cross-tabulation between two Category,
Cross Tabs
Status, Stage, Enumeration or allocation fields that is a table showing all the
category option permutations and the number of feedback records which have

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Report Title Report Functions

each row/column combination.

l Users can select one category for the rows (which automatically lists all
options down to the sub-option level set) and one category for the columns.
For example, Users can set up a cross tab report to cross tabulate the
types of feedback received against branches in your organisation.

Classification Analysis Trend Reports for Case, Contact, Aspect, Quality Cost,
Quality Assurance, and Survey show, for a given Category, Status, Stage,
Enumeration and allocation fields, the number of items recorded for each
Classification option. Report data is displayed for specific intervals, for example every month.
Analysis Trend
Report l For example, you can set up a Case category analysis trend report that
shows the number of records received for each branch in your organisation
each month.

The Detail Report shows detailed information about Case records.

Detail Report l Users can choose which entities to include. For example you can choose
to show all details held on the Feedback, Contact and Activity

The Movement Report shows, over a specified period, the number of records
received and dealt with.
Report l Users can select the reporting intervals used, for example days, weeks or

The Performance Summary Report shows a summary of the organisation’s

performance against standards for the different statuses or stage.
Summary Report l The report shows the number completed within the standard time and the
number done outside the standard by ageing periods.

Service Level
The Service Level Performance Report shows a summary of the Cases or
tasks which has been resolved/processed within the specified time period.

The above reports can suppress rows where the count is zero, show all rows, limit rows to a level,
display only the top <n> of rows or select rows using a field within the system.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Time Tracking

The Calendar can be used to define the working week, the days the office is
open, and the start and end for each day. It can be used to specify non-working
days such as bank holidays and national holidays and any additional working
l Each database supports the ability to create multiple calendars.

l A user group must be associated to a calendar; this calendar is used when

processing all Cases created by users within the group.

l A database option is provided to control whether the day calculations

include the day the case was logged as day 1 or day 0. When performing
working day calculations if the case is received on a non-working day, the
next working day will always count as day 1.

l The Case Elapsed Age and Working Age are calculated as the number of
days between the receipt date and the current day. Once the case is
resolved the Case Age will show the time to resolve.
When tracking Days and Time within Respond:
l Each user group can be assigned its own working calendar.

l Each calendar specifies the working days and working hours.

l Additional working and nonworking days can be added to each calendar.

l The Start and End times for each day can be set.

l Each user group is assigned a time zone.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Task Tracking
When tracking Tasks within Respond:

l Each task can be tracked in either working or elapsed time, hours and minutes.

l Each type of task can be specified as to whether it can be placed on hold.

l Putting a task on hold can suspend the derived calculations up to a specified threshold.

l The reference date for a task can be specified as the date the current date, or linked to
another date field.
l The task tracking can be calculated in hours or days, working or elapsed.

l The due date for each task is calculated from the reference date plus a standard period, a
warning period prior to the due date can be specified to alert users to the approaching due

Case Tracking
Each time a case is created the time zone and calendar of the creating user group is associated
with the case. All date calculations associated with the case use these settings. Whether a case
can be put on hold is configured centrally to specify whether putting cases on hold is supported,
and specifically each stage can contain whether the Case can be put on hold while in that stage:

l The number of times a case can be put on hold can be controlled at a system wide level.
l The case suspension can have a maximum number of days, and a warning period before
to alert users prior to the maximum being reached.
l A threshold can be specified for suspended cases, any on-hold period extending the
threshold will be included in the derived age calculations.
l You can also control whether to include partial days in as suspended i.e. putting the case
on hold at 13:00 can count 1 day or 0 days towards the suspension duration.

Functions and Features Guide | Configuration Features

Status System Fields on the Case

Elapsed Day to Resolve Elapsed Days To Close

Working Days to Resolve Working Days to Close

Derived Elapsed Days to Resolve Derived Elapsed Days to Close

Derived Working Days to Resolve Derived Working Days to Close

Elapsed Hours to Resolve Elapsed Hours to Close

Working Hours to Resolve Working Hours to Close

Derived Elapsed Hours to Resolve Derived Elapsed Hours to Close

Derived Working Hours to Resolve Derived Working Hours to Close

NOTE: Derived Days do not include any time the case was on hold.

Stage Fields, each stage contains:

l Derived Elapsed Days

l Derived Working Days
l Elapsed Hours
l Working Hours

Resolved Date

The resolved date is key to calculating the age of the case, it is set automatically when case is
moved into the resolved status. Team leaders and super users have the capability to override this
date. Each time the date is overridden the user must specify why the date is being changed, and a
case level event is created to record who made the change and why.

Extending Respond

Functions and Features Guide | Extending Respond

Multiple Languages
UI Languages
Respond enables the deployment of multiple user interface ( UI) languages. The language
currently supported is English. Translations are available in the Culture Neutral Language e.g.
English, and the Culture Specific Language e.g. American English.

Switching between languages in Web Applications.

The choice of language is an option available to the user within the Configuration Manager, Case
Agent and Case Manager applications.

l Configuration Manager application permits the preferred language setting to be amended

by a user within the web Preferences settings.
l Respond has the ability to allow users to switch between supported UI languages within
either of the Case and Home pages of the web application.
l Provides the ability to “switch” between languages within the web application Home and
Case pages.
l Allows the update of user preferences to override preferred language.
l Database options setting will determine whether users “can switch”.

All the text properties or fields such as Name, Description, and Help Text (strings) can be
translated to different languages.

l The purpose of translating the strings in multiple languages is to ensure that the users can
view all the text fields in the regional language.
l From within Respond Configuration Manager, all the text strings can be exported to an .xls
l Once exported the text language is translated, then the translated text imported back into

Functions and Features Guide | Extending Respond

Creating templates in multiple languages.

Respond has the ability to have a (optional) master template for each language.

l Each template definition can have multiple language versions.

l The language can be based on the languages in the database, or an ad-hoc language.
l Ability to see all documents, or just those for a specific language, default to the current
users UI language - when selecting the document from Case Manager.

Time Zones
l All date times are stored within the database in UTC.
l Each user group has an associated time zone, each user will see the dates in their user
groups time zone.

l Each case is associated with the time zone of the creating user’s user group. The case
time zone is used when performing date and performance calculations on the case.

Multiple features within Respond are available for managing currency configurations.

Server Manager provides the ability to attach a template database and select the base currency,
once the base currency has been selected there is the ability to create and update additional
currencies within the database.

l Searching and Reporting in Entered or Base Currency - enables Case Managers to

search costs in a familiar currency.
l Exposed Currencies through API and Utilities - enables systems integrator to be able
to retrieve and set costs in the required currency.
l Logging Costs in Multiple Currencies - within Case Manager/Case Agent there is the
ability to record costs in the currency relating to the customer.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Enterprise

Respond Enterprise
Respond Scalability
Built on standard Microsoft architecture, Respond provides a scalable application server solution -
with added support for various session management providers:

1. In Process

All session state is stored in process – sticky sessions are required if using load balancing.

2. SQL Server Session State

The session for each user is serialized and stored in a SQL Server database.

3. Session State Server

The session for each user is stored in memory on a cache server.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Enterprise

Custom Authentication

Respond provides the ability for a 3rd party product to provide the user authentication. Sitting on
top of the existing IIS forms or integrated authentication, custom authentication relies on a 3rd
party component to authenticate the user requesting the web page has access to Respond, if they
are granted access an identifier can be added to the HTTP header that will uniquely map onto a
Respond user.

File Storage

By default Respond will store all documents and attachments in the transactional database. With
high volumes of Cases it may be desirable to store the documents on a file server or another
document management system. There are database level settings that control how the
documents are stored. Storing in the database or on a file system is built into Respond, storing in
another document store will require integration with the Respond Document Storage API.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Integration

Respond Integration
Respond Integration Application Programming Interfaces (API's) provide integrators with a way to
create and modify Entities in the Respond Case Management System.

These API's can be called both from Client applications and on the Server to integrate into the
Respond Case Management User Interfaces and the Respond Application Server’s business

The core client API capabilities are:

l Creating and modifying Cases.

l Executing Searches
l Executing Reports.

The core server API capabilities are:

l Integrating into the Case capture screens for running External System Queries (ESQs) and
updating the Case with the results.
l Reacting to key events during Case processing to provide extra control and updates to the
Case and its child Entities.
l Controlling the storage and retrieval of documents and attachments.
l Overriding the default Cost Approval Process.
l Processing costs that are awaiting payment.
l Implementing a lookup into an external data source in order to populate fields on an entity
during capture.
l Overriding the Case Manager Home Page menu items on the Navigation pane.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Integration

Integration Components
Using Integration Components allows Respond to communicate with an external
This communication is used to either collect information from the external system to
update and create entities if required or to pass information to the external system.
Integration Components can be added as a Waypoint when configuring a Map in the
Screen Flow area so that data from the external system is collected and information
is displayed to users for further processing.

Web Service Definition

The Web Service Definition is a defined set of HTTP request messages (REST)
which enables users to:
l Retrieve the details of an existing Case.

l Update an existing Case and return updated Case details in the response

l Create a new Case and return details in response.

l Execute a services search and return the details.

l Check the Status of the Server

Connecting External Applications

The following additions have been made to the Respond application, which enables customers to
generate specific information for a Case by connecting Respond to an external application. The
user can also select a specific status for the Case to depict its actual progress.

l Unique Reference Fields

l Externally Generated Documents
l Export Case Content
l Document Activity Status

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Integration

Unique Reference Fields

The Unique Reference field enables you to link records in the Respond data-
base with records of an external system, for example, a CRM application:
l In this case, the records of the CRM system will be imported to the Respond
database along with an ID for each CRM record.

l Once the records have been imported, the records can be searched and
updated using the CRM record ID.

Externally Generated Documents

An External Template allows a user to define a set of fields which can be

exported from Cases within the Respond application. This Case data can then
be utilised by an external utility or application to generate documents which can
then be associated with Cases in Case Manager.
l Only External Templates pertaining to a Case can be created and the Master
Template is not defined while creating the External Template.

l To create a Template you must have a Security Profile that allows you
access to ‘Create’ in Templates Maintenance Access.

l The user can select the name, description and the folder while creating an
External Template. Also, the order of the fields to be exported can be defined
by the user.

Export Case Content

The Export Case Content feature provides the ability to export Case data
and all its attachments so that it can be sent to a user who does not have
access to the Respond Case Manager.
l For example: when a Case gets escalated to an external ombudsman
and they need a copy of the complete Case details for further

l The Case data and all its attachments can be exported to a .zip file from
the Case Manager and also from Search results.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Integration

Document Activity Status

A new Status field has been added to Activities to determine when an Activity
is exactly completed. The following Status have been included for all Letters,
Outbound email, Outbound SMS, and External documents.
l Draft: The document is currently “work in progress” and not ready to be

l Sent Pending: The document is complete but waiting to be sent.

l Sent: The document was sent successfully.

l Sent Failed: The document was not sent due to some error.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Integration

The Extensions area in the Navigation pane of the Respond Configuration Manager, allows
configuration of the following:

Email Notifications

The Email node displays Outlook Add-In and Email Notifications in the work area.
Both of these are system defined configurations. Based on your security per-
missions, you can include additional text for the following Email Notifications:
l When a Case is Allocated

l When a Case Stage is changed

l When a Case Quality Assurance is completed

l When a Task is Allocated

l When a Task is Completed

l When an Activity is Added

Functions and Features Guide | Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence
Respond BI Solution
Managing Cases within Respond results in effective and efficient capture, investigation,
management and resolution of issues. It is also about understanding root causes, aggregating
data to analyse trends, spikes in volumes, the impact of actions taken to address the root cause
and satisfying regulatory reporting requirements.

l Respond product line has a multi–capability approach to reporting, data access and avail-
ability, incorporating a variety of options appropriate to the reporting requirements and
needs of diverse users across an organisation.

l This open, tool agnostic strategy to the Respond data and reporting is designed to make
the data captured in the Respond database as accessible as possible, unlocking its value
through tools which are familiar to users.

The Respond Business Intelligence solution provides two components that enable the transition
of data between the reporting environments

l ETL tool
l Cube Generator

Functions and Features Guide | Business Intelligence

Respond ETL Tool

The Respond Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tool transfers Case data from the Respond On-
Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) database into a reporting database called an On-Line
Analytical Processing (OLAP) database.

l Can specify which fields to transfer.

l Gracefully handles changes to configuration changes (for example, adding new field-
s\category options)

l Stores historical data via slowly changing dimensions.

l Handles deleted records and deletions of Case data.

l Multi-language support.
l Scalable - Multi-threaded, batched data.
l Recoverable – Resumes from last position after failure.
l Comprehensive logging and performance statistics.
l Can be configured to send an Email report of each run
l Provides detailed logging and auditing.
l Handles the initial creation of tables and columns in the OLAP database according to the
fields selected for transfer.
l Manages the transfer of metadata. For example, Users, User Groups, Category Options,
and so on.
l Handles changes to the OLTP configuration. For example, new Fields, Category Options,
and so on.
l Stores the history of OLTP data changes during incremental transfers.
l Screens data to ensure data quality and integrity.
l Handles custom indexes on the OLAP database.
l Provides the ability to increase performance by configuring processing settings to match
server specifications.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Utilities

Respond Utilities
The Respond product suite consists of several utility applications that can be used to extend the
core functionality of the application.

Active Directory Synchronization Utility

The Active Directory Synchronization Utility provides the capability to import new users or update
existing users that are in active directory groups.

l The mappings between active directory and Respond are contained within a CSV file, each
mapping will define how the users within an active directory group map onto Respond
security profiles, user groups, user scopes and license type.

l The mappings are processed in the sequential order they appear in the CSV file. If a user
is a member of more than one group, the users’ settings will only be updated for the first
group they appear in.
l Users that have been imported with this utility, are disabled within Respond if they are
removed from the active directory groups.
l During the import, success and failure files created contain the details of the users that
have been created, or updated.

Case Importer
The Case Importer provides the capability to create new or update existing Cases from rows
within a CSV file.

l The command line utility will parse a single CSV file and output 2 CSV files, one containing
the successful imports and one containing the failed imports.
l Each failed import will have corresponding descriptive information explaining why the
import failed.
l Supports scheduled imports/updates on Cases.

Functions and Features Guide | Respond Utilities

Document Generator
The Document Generator provides the capability to add external documents onto Cases in bulk.

l Each Case identified by a search will have a new external document added to it, and the
fields required to populate the external document will be saved into a CSV file.
l A success and failure CSV file will also be generated. The success file contains the ref-
erence numbers of the Cases that have been updated.

l The failure file will contain the Case reference number and the error description, explaining
why the document was not created.

Differences between On-Premise and Cloud (SaaS)

There are subtle differences between the on-premise and cloud deployments of Respond. This
list is not definitive, but includes most of the major functional areas that are not available on the
cloud (SaaS) solution.

l Direct (Respond) database access from the customer’s network

l Respond Server Manager access
l Client API
l Java Script API
l Active Directory Synchronization
l Send Report package (‘to folder’ not available, output to email only)
l Custom Authentication
l Case Import / Update
l Document Generator tool
l External Templates
l Respond Business Intelligence


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