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Social media became a big part of one’s life, Due

to the platformes that gives many advantages. But
with all it’s advantages it comes with disadvantages,
So what are the advantages of social media ?and
what are its negatives ?

To adress this issue we’re going to divide it into

two paragraphs, The first one will be about social
media’s advantages, while the second is about social
media’s disadvantages.

Part 1 : social media’s advantages

Social media has many advantages we will present

some of theme, first it’s the best way to stay updated
with all the news just from your home, besides it
became the best platform for communication
between one’s friends and family, also social media
does help with daily tasks at school or work in
addition to the chance it offer you to present your
online brands, art…

Opening new and great horizons for pioneering

ideas: Social networking sites are considered one of
the most important marketing methods used by
large companies, young people, and those with new
ideas to market their products and services, which is
what is called electronic marketing through social
networking sites.

Creating job opportunities and the emergence of

new professional paths: There are now
opportunities for full or part-time work, which many
young people can do, such as: marketing content
writer, social media marketing specialist, and
graphic designer specialized in designing product
advertisements on social media platforms.

Part2 : social media’s disadvantages

But with all its advantages it comes with

disadvantages. Such as it’s bad unfluence on youth
in their behaviour, also a person could become
addicted to social media, besides it’s a way to fake
reality and happines by setting fake principales.

Plus it’s a way to corrupt society and take morals

from it.

To sum up with all that’s been said, social media

is a two sided coin. And in my honest oppinion with
the right usage, social media is a great tool in this
modern life.

Blackmail and bullying:

There are people who are sometimes exposed to

blackmail and bullying that occurs face-to-face, but
with the spread of social media, the possibility of
being bullied by people they do not know - whose
identity is unknown - to them can double, and
bullies can also find victims among children and
adults, as they They deliberately gain their trust at
first and then blackmail and persecute them, which
affects the psychology of these teenagers and
children in a very negative way, and may sometimes
lead to suicide

Here are some guidelines for using social media

sites better and effectively personally and

It is appropriate to understand that social media

platforms in the current era are not just secondary
tools, and that their role has grown significantly and
influentially, even in the labor market. Here are
some guidelines for dealing effectively with these

Do not exaggerate in comparing yourself to anyone,

and do not disconnect from reality and be content
with virtual reality. Rather, be vigilant that any
healthy comparison must be positive, meaning that
it pushes you forward, and does not push your
psychology into depression and frustration.

To advance your career path positively, you must

appear on all communication platforms in a way that
does not violate public morals, or engage in
arguments that may give a negative idea about you
and your level of thinking, which may not be a true
picture of you, but your posts may give this

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