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Environmental Engineering


Ass. Prof./ Raouf Ahmed Mohamed Hassan

Intake structures

 Introduction

 Design elements

 Design criteria
1- Introduction

Intakes are structures constructed in or adjacent to lakes,

reservoirs, or rivers for the purpose of withdrawing water.

It consist of an opening with a screen through which the water enters,

and a conduit to conduct the water by gravity to a low-lift pumping
station. The water is pumped from the low-lift pumping station to the
water treatment facility.
intake structure

x x x x x
Twer Cell Port Screen Conduit

ne na Pipes

To Port

2- Design elements

Key requirements:
 Enough size to provide the required quantity of water.
 Located to obtain the best quality water. (Location)
 Protected from objects that may damage equipment
(navigational hazards) (Reliability).
 Easy to inspect and maintain.
 Designed to minimize damage to aquatic life.
Design of intake structure
I Choose location of intake
2 a type of intake submerged exposed
3 O'design
intake I Q peak curve 1.8 z QaÉg

Y assume No of towers n

5 assume No of Cells n z

6 assume No of Ports n3

7 Qdes.p.rt
Itt working on the same time

8 Velocity
yo 3 mls

thesign o 3 ma

9 Area
JÉ gn

SF I SR screen Friction O t
Eta Eat
1 At Ax It SF At TDE D Dada
2 Tact GIF o 3 mls
stream Resvoir

i i s
2 S I E
o 51m

145711 Ixion
oasis SI

Elevation Elevation

It e It
b b
K 3D 4317

Plainview Plan View


g Esp T
41.5 D

Sec Plan
Sec Plan

between the
The distance
Pipes 4 3D to avoid
happening thereof

Elevation Elevation
Types of intakes:
Exposed Intake
1) It is in the form of a well or tower constructed near or away
from the river banks.
2) Exposed intakes are more common due to ease in operation.
in this example we've
2 Towers and 4 cells



I Tower and
4 Cells
Submerged Intake

1) It is the one which is constructed entirely under water.

2) It is commonly used to obtain supply from a lake.
Dry tower intake connected directwith
the source
1) In case of dry intake there is no water in the water tower.
2) Water enters through entry port directly into the conveying

Wet tower intake connected indirectwith

the Source
1) The water level is practically the same as the level of the
sources of supply.
2) It is sometimes known as Jack well and is most commonly
Dry Tower Intake

Wet Tower Intake

2- Design criteria

2-1 Hydraulic criteria:

Flow Criteria Capacity

Average flow Q
Minimum flow 0.10 Q
Ultimate flow 2.0 Q

Average flow is used to select pumps and motors.

Ultimate flow is used to design civil structures like (intake tower or crib,
conduit, gates, etc.)
2- Design criteria

2-2 Intake ports:

Various depths to allow for changes in water elevation and changes in
water quality
2-3 Screens:
Coarse screen: Prevent leaves, sticks, and other large pieces of debris
from entering the tower.
Fine screen: collect smaller material that has passed through the
coarse screen
Example 1:
A tow-cell intake tower with design flow rate of 6000
m3/day. The tower will have two ports at different
elevations in each cell. Each port must be able to deliver
the design flow rate operating alone. If the velocity of
flow 0.1 m/sec, and bar rack screen is used with a clear
opening of 4 cm and a bar 1 cm in width. Determine the
diameter of each port.
Tower I
cells 2
Ports 2 Port in each cell
des 6000m day Qdes Qport
V so I m's bar rack screen opening 4cm b
bar s I am a

A E o ga 0.6944m

o 2

At 0.6944 x I to 2 0.8333m

A TD 0
8333 ED D 1030mm

Pact 1200mm A act F 12 3 7 131 m2

o 1 ok
act o 0614 m s
o y
Ip I f in
One tower, two cells, total 4 ports
Velocity 0.1 m/sec
Total area of port = port’s area * (1+screen fraction)
Port’s area
A= Q/v = (6000)/(0.1*3600*24) = 0.694 m2
Screen fraction
% Screen fraction = 100* b/(a+b) = 100* 1/(1+4) = 20%
Total area of port = 0.733 * (1+0.2) = 0.833 m2
So, diameter is equal to 1030.06 mm ……… Take Dact = 1100 mm
v = Q/Aact = 0.073 m/sec
Example 2:
Design a tower intake to be placed in a reservoir in a warm climate.
Provide the minimum number of ports.
The design conditions are:
Summer design flow rate 38,000 m3/day
Maximum and Minimum reservoir elevations: (499.0) and (480.7)
Bottom elevation (477.7)
Bar rack bars: 1 cm diameter; 8 cm between bars

Specify the following:

- Number and location of intake ports - Spacing of the ports
- Depth of lowest port - Depth of top port - Dimensions of a port

Provide a sketch of the following:

Intake tower with elevations of ports, reservoir elevations, and bottom
assume No of Ports 3

Q port Q des 38000ms day

Y o 2ms

Q 19 0.733 m
As 24 3

SF at
At A I SF 0 81444 m
D 10 18 3 mm D act 1200 mm

Aaet T 1.25 1

38000 I 29 6
act 0 m s
360 x 24 1.131 3
Take number of ports equal to 3
Assume equal discharge at each port, assume velocity 0.2 m/sec
Total area of port = port’s area * (1+screen fraction)
Port’s area
A= Q/v = (38000/3)/(0.2*3600*24) = 0.733 m2
Screen fraction
Trash rack screen is used, so from table (3-5) a and b are equal to 8 and 4
cm respectively
% Screen fraction = 100* b/(a+b) = 100* 1/(1+8) = 11.11%
Total area of port = 0.733 * (1+0.33) = 0.814 m2
So, diameter is equal to 1018.71 mm ……… Take Dact = 1200 mm
Level of bottom port = (477.7) + 2.0 = (479.7)

Level of top port should less to (480.7)

Spacing between ports is three times of its diameter = 3.6 m

Draw a sketch like figure (3-3) a

2-4 Intake conduit:
Function: connects the intake ports with the low-lift pump station.
Either a tunnel or a pipeline may be used.

Key parameters:

 The conduit is sized to carry the maximum design flow

 Pipes or open channel my be used.
 Two pipes as minimum
 To minimize the accumulation of sediment; the flow
velocity should be greater than 1.0 m/s and less than 3.0
m/s (prefer 1.5 m/s).
 Designed to flow by gravity, prefer min. slope 1%.
Design of conduit
I No of Pipes n Q pipe Qf
Y S S Hm 10 Hf
Z l m Htotal l l Hf

3 Slope S s I S

4 Design equation Darcy

Hazen Williams
Slope of conduit

s x y

6 tact
6.1 Determine D Durin 150mm
6.2 if Square x y rectangular x ti my

7 Tact 1.5mA
- Main losses (friction losses):
 Hazen Williams equation table
10.7 I Q 852
Hfs 852 134.87
c Qult = 0.278 C D2.63 S0.54

where: - If non-circular D=(4A/P)

Q flow rate, m3/s
C Hazen-Williams coefficient of roughness
D Diameter of pipe, (m)
S Slope of energy grade line, (m/m)
 Darcy equation

Hfs Ffg
- If non-circular D=(4A/P)
- Secondary losses:

H m  km V / 2 g
or 10 hf
Ht lil ht
Pipe Material Hazen Willimas Coefficinet (C) Darcy coefficient (f)

uPVC 140-150 0.008 – 0.012

Asbestos Cement 120-140 0.012 - 0.02
Steel 120-140 0.012 - 0.02
Concrete 120-140 0.012 - 0.02
GRP 140-150 0.008 – 0.012
HDPE 140-150 0.008 – 0.012
Example 3:

A concrete conduit (CH.W= 80) to transport the water from the intake tower
to a low-lift pump station on shore with total length equal to 670.0 m. If the
average flow rate is 8200 m3/day, the water level in tower is (187.4 m) and
the slope of hydraulic grade line is -0.042; find the following:

1- The water level inside wet well for low-left pump station
2- Total water head loss through the conduit
3- Determine the diameter of conduit.
80 670m Qong 8200 m day
Cit w Lt
Water level in tower 187 4 m S o 042


e x

water level in wet well

water level in tower Ht
187 Y 1 1 0.042 670
187 Y l I Sx l
150.446m X

org Qd es pipe anime

2 8200 80 XD x 0.042051 D 240.77mm

2 3600 29

Duct 250mm A act T o 2512 0.049

2 8200
act 1.933 m s
3600 24 0.049
The water level inside wet well for low-left pump station = Tower water
level – total head losses
Total head losses= frication losses * 1.1
Frication losses = slope *length = 0.042*670 = 28.14 m
Wet well water level = (187.4) - 28.14*1.1 = (156.45) m
Conduit area
Qultimate = 0.278 C D2.63 S0.44
2*8200/2*(3600*24)= 0.278*80*D2.63* (0.042)0.54
So, diameter is equal to 240.77 mm ………. Take Dact = 250 mm
Then vact = 1.93 m/sec
- Grit Chamber
Function: is to remove sand or silt particles greater than 0.1 mm in
diameter. Materials such as silt, sand, and shells is called grit. This
material will settling out during low-demand flows.
chamber N elevation
Design of grit
I assume n
Z Q room QI
3 Dimensions Plan w

3.1 A a f

Qrotm. l
F Qroom t lxwxh
Quo t
txt m

L É I wit w

For check

GII lo as m h
it should be
between this
91ft 8111 10.05 o 8 mls

Nut assume A

Altz L

LxW h


h f v

For check

JA Fw 5 8 mls
o.o o o
I s

t 6
- Low lift pump
Function: Lift raw water from the from the source to the next
purification stage.

Work done by the pump:

Water H.P. = (QH)/75
Where, : specific weight of water 1000 kg/m3
Q: Discharge of pump, m3/s
H: total dynamic head against which pump has to work.
H= Hstatic+ Hf + Hm
where, Hstatic : Total static head, Hf : Friction losses,
and Hm : Secondary losses
Design of L P S

I No of Pumps
working No
Total H.p.IQHP
H Ppump wetwell
Feroinsurface workinglevelin
Q o l5 Years A A static l l Hf
electricalyechanical conduit

Total No Working stand by Maintenance

2 water dimensions
wet well Q so so

Lx B x h
L T No of Pumps X 1.5 3

3 I 3 m

Iq H h f h to 5

action pipe Min 150mm
y I 1.5m
Number of pumps
Worked pumps at peak hour +
Pump reserves + pump in maintenance

** Number of worked pumps at peak hour

≤ 50% of total number of pumps station
 B: Width of wet well
(1 to 3 m)
Stream wetwell
r 2 Fromhere  A: > 0.5 m
 C: Alarm water level
 D: Stopping water
 E: Working water
YoSm  F=K: > 0.5 m
 G: >1.0 m
 Length of wet well= total No. of pumps × (1.5 to 3 m)
 D= lowest water level in source – total water losses
 Detention time = (2-10) min.
Example 4:

A pump station draws water from source with water level equal to
(310.0) by four working pumps. The diameter of conduit is 600 mm,
and the friction losses through it is 5.2 m. It is required to estimate the

1- The minimum length of wet well.

2- The stopping water level
3- The level of suction pipe
water level 4310
No of Working pumps 4 Pumps

D Goo mm

Hf 5 2m

min Total No of Pimps X1 S
Y I 1 x 1.5 9 m

stopping water level water level in source Ht

310 11 5 2 4304 28

level of Suction Pipes Stopping waterlevel z Im

304 28 1 303 28

the level of Suction pipe 303 28

The minimum length of wet well= Total no. of pumps *1.5
The minimum length of wet well= 4*2*1.5= 12 m

The stopping water level= water level in source – total water lossesThe
stopping water level= (310.0) – 1.1*5.2 = (304.28)

The level of suction pipe= The stopping water level - >1.0

The level of suction pipe < (303.28)

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