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upnng hU ne

1 to Crider b'sore
he, thinJS

oon ypir own

OWn hurine K°

MInd tp
Haye, It qose d your hav
Dh. tenonalls, ha
dn. feKAonallu,
Dtcaule 14 ye.f, Youore hotve, only ou O
trin JOUr
and ung
huiner 0 my la
been wnsiderin the roton
a t
Dtome due td
t Inome in t e yea
Mangging your oWn hime r
OtfurT a lbt of perkr mduding:
a moUn+ o+ IMomB
Vit eaming decent td enorwour

vel]- knDV
prdMInent and Ne- n
Her I oWr Jun fat, buqineksmen a r m
Juedgul and weahu erepre neu
budinasd, Hovever, ttarnng
pitommu O MCCrHul nd protpuDu! Planni ng,
abujineud VCorespond d a devsive deoision Making,
Ond expfUr td 0 knovkd ge tha you have hwerr tpoted
0 qet your name listtd at t
Ard tyou ar aiminy
baginevs pexdralhie, here a r dome
It onamey b+ ducLrAUl
a 0rew.
o Covider bespre opening
ddvis gnd ing
Vbu aru raliy keadu
HKgt and pre movt, dettmine t
a mifion eWhy Wbuld
Ctabli(h a budínal. k voure4
you wanted o owharx on rprneurhip and
ouvakt. bather
Make tnid decaDn
Al e facbva tho have Htucted you tp
Pnd it your indirationg ar, really ohinoing on Aating a
ineur yDu
ovdinrs, yoU mignt ag well oider me typ
Nvurtmekr, tha duond mina d knon dWhot hup b ine
You wavr.o ttart Wih. tonider ollo e Haco fat may dtot your
oineds. for Iwhantau, Vbur Qeboraphio bcohion way Ofect your baine
Contt mplate me hu q owina your tommunit) and neignbouwod
Y b JuePorring. You mau miwk abou on 1 hololoi ty ad ing
yDu vove bun pouionae okout will be goodl pr your vel-nung when
e Mat.
Du are ta rmg Wh toing yDur taub ntt talk ad paki1bn

n odditon p tms, inttrnei tadk and trunds have ben Prualut

hEAodauN, m Uriliu it ad a Gearch1 ng machine or 0 ouI n&A nat
Con e in and revan+ in dday h me. Undurntond the pnductu
Tbt yDur jarget demidaaphio ano t to Meet Ver XpecHonn
or your DNn Puo lfu and to geh ybur o ie nam heord.

hey Jau atnere

N Ferttt me or artg. houever, you

Connbttons inawoul phme inhbbwinut. lt Romeo nd duliet

hod epuntered uroaed-vtar relbtioNrip, you MOy ed like Tnen but ih
budi ners ond not in your Ibve-lite. Due h
thi urumta nceCame
up Witn wim the lat ming hat
wil Congidler bpre opening
d binesd

Enure Thot you ore Mntallu prefared and td willi ngly

accep all Me poui d rulta. f You are not in tne ng t
Mental tate and doulohvg youtd ttD al your lai ned. Molt
of me tond in buyine4 opernhi ons Ore Do optimiho
Olout being up tb te tp, Ond my Ot JuNt neglechng The
oher Jide e toin. ur ingteod 4 aiming too igi
COngider Tne loMes you will inevi tubly onwuntar
to, it will
urtainly hulp yu tb o More deddlue in deuvi on Moking.
Thu to Jole towe furiure Prblem ejorehancd o i4 Mot wme
narpen yoU will be reacd to fua nem. Rem mot Huat plonning a

iN Jut a plece oj coke, but notenaliivq whle

a vyole
ntoley beWiv ond deutive.
rea awoun Corhuvy.
Your proolem ramificattdhs r t Juit tme eOc vlecton on row

you honde a bineN. JuUt olvau Put Thi DYour Mnd Anat
bepre you vavor oig wins anduucceUS, You MUlt fo devo Sto hn0

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