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[10/11/2019 11:25 AM] Dutta, Arnab (SUP):

Good Morning.

[10/11/2019 11:25 AM] Khalil, Ahmed (COR):

GM man
I msaw your emails
Going over HAM
looks good so far

[10/11/2019 11:25 AM] Dutta, Arnab (SUP):

I will be on Leave from Monday
I will be on Leave for 01 Week.
I will be back on 21st October, 2019.

[10/11/2019 11:26 AM] Khalil, Ahmed (COR):

Ok, thx man for letting me know
enjoy your time
So far you HAM report looks very good and professional

[10/11/2019 11:26 AM] Dutta, Arnab (SUP):

I hope, there is no pending task from my side as of now.
Whatever you told, I have given you.
Please share your kind feedback to Shaik.

[10/11/2019 11:30 AM] Khalil, Ahmed (COR):

nothing pending
all good man
you are fantastic

[10/11/2019 11:31 AM] Dutta, Arnab (SUP):

Thank you very much for your positive and encouraging words.

[10/11/2019 11:34 AM] Khalil, Ahmed (COR):

truly you are the best
whehn you back we can have a call about the Silverware
the new process that I showed to you
while I was at ITC office

[10/11/2019 11:34 AM] Dutta, Arnab (SUP):

Yes. I will do that
I have that document
I have read already

[10/11/2019 11:35 AM] Khalil, Ahmed (COR):

let's discuss when you back so ITC will start taking care of all these rest oif proeprties

[10/11/2019 11:35 AM] Dutta, Arnab (SUP):

I will be back on 21st October.
After that, any day..

[10/11/2019 11:36 AM] Khalil, Ahmed (COR):

look into my calendar and book a time when you back

[10/11/2019 11:36 AM] Dutta, Arnab (SUP):


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