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Name: Carolina Hammes

Multiple choice

1. Which of the following speeches is NOT defined by Aristotle as a category of public

A. Deliberative speeches
B. ceremonial speeches
C. Forensic speeches
D. Informative speeches
2. Which of the followings is NOT an initial rhetorical appeal defined by Aristotle?
A. Logos
B. Mythos
C. Pathos
D. Ethos
3. What kind of appeals does this statement imply:
“Many theorists,” said Carpini, a professor from Annenberg school for communication at
UPEN, “have long extolled the virtues of public deliberation as a crucial component of a
responsive and responsible democracy”
A. Logos
B. Mythos
C. Pathos
D. Ethos
4. Which of the followings is a topic relevant to the question of How we ought to
A. Quoting out of content
B. Effectiveness of appeals framing
C. How a speech functions on the audience
D. Approaches to effective communication
5. Which of the following is NOT included in the concept of identification?
A. self-categorization
B. self-esteem
C. self-efficacy
D. affective commitment
6. which of the followings is an external factor causing communication apprehension?
A. Perfectionism
B. Importance of occasion
C. Misconception about audiences
D. Illusion of transparency
7. Which of the following theoretical statements is directly illustrated by this empirical
result: People in positive moods exhibit semantic, evaluative, and categorical priming
(Storbeck & Clore, 2008a), whereas sad moods eliminate priming?
A. A little bit communication apprehension (CA) is good for attention.
B. A little bit CA is good for perception.
C. A little bit CA is good for memory.
D. A little bit CA is good for cognitive processing styles.
8. According to Petty & Cacioppo (1986a, 1986b), which of the following pairs represents
the dualistic Information processing styles?
A. The High vs. low route of processing
B. The Central vs. peripheral route of processing
C. The push vs. pull processing
D. The deductive vs. the inductive processing
9. which statements is the best thesis suitable for a six-minute informative speech?
A. I will talk about the history of Yuengling brewer.
B. Student athletes should be paid.
C. Moderate amount of caffeine can increase performance in exams.
D. Schacuhachi (a bamboo flute): POP music & Japanese culture
10. Which of the following topic is appropriate for an explanative speech which is one of the
three types of the informative speaking.
A. I want to introduce the three most influential Lolita styles
B. How did Yuengling brewer survive the economic crisis in 1930s?
C. How can you cook a traditional Spanish meal?
D. Why is it absurd that global warming is a natural cycle of earth activities?
11. A student wants to share an operational approach to Hair-care in an informative speech.
What kind of design would you like to suggest?
A. A chronological design
B. A categorical design
C. A sequential design
D. A narrative design
12. According to Ajzen & Fishbein (1980), Which of the followings is an attitude?
A. It’s true that senator Smith votes against the President's Health Care Bill
B. It’s unlikely that senator Smith votes against the President's Health Care Bill
C. It’s impossible that senator Smith votes against the President's Health Care Bill
D. It’s desired that senator Smith votes against the President's Health Care Bill
13. Which of the following is NOT an essential task required to be finished in the
introduction section of an informative speech?
A. Capturing attention
B. Increasing novelty
C. Thesis & preview
D. Building Credentials
14. Which barrier to listening is considered an internal one?
A. Noisy room
B. Word associations
C. Flawed message
D. Faulty slideshow
15. Mike was anxious these days because he would give a public speaking next Monday.
What kind of communication apprehension did Mike suffer?
A. Anticipatory CA
B. Trait CA
C. Presentation CA
D. Person-group CA

Short answer
1. Describe two ways a persuasive speech differs from an informative speech.
An informative speech's main goal is to enlighten the audience and provide them fresh
knowledge or perspectives on a certain subject. Improving the audience's comprehension and
expertise. In a sense, the speaker takes on the role of an educator or informant, seeking to
educate the audience without necessarily promoting one viewpoint over another. A persuasive
speech differs from other types of speeches in that its main goal is to change the opinions,
attitudes, or actions of the audience. Persuading the audience to adopt the speaker's point of
view or choose one course of action is the goal. In an advocacy role, the speaker pushes the
audience to adopt a specific stance or course of action. An persuasive speech usually requires
minimal participation from the audience. Conversely, a pesuasive speech demands a deep
commitment from the listener. The speaker aims to inspire the audience to act on a certain
standpoint in addition to understanding it.

2. Describe two ways how you can decrease communication apprehension.

One strategy is to begin with low-stakes communication exercises that generate less anxiety,
such as speaking to a small group initially, and then progressively go on to more difficult
settings, such as speaking to an entire lecture classroom. The person becomes less sensitive to
the communication-related elements that cause anxiety with gradual exposure. A further
method involves identifying and examining unfavorable ideas associated with speech, including
the fear of being judged or failing. Consider if they are supported by facts or by skewed
perspectives. Positive self-talk should take the place of these negative ideas. For example,
change your perspective from one of "I will embarrass myself" to "I am fully capable of doing
this." Through this practice, people may cultivate a more productive and upbeat attitude
toward communication.
3. Describe two factors of audience psychographics. Why they are important for your
It is essential to know the audience's interests and hobbies in order to customize a speech's examples so
that people can resonate with it more. Including subjects related to the interests of the audience
increases participation and humanizes the speech. Since the audience is more likely to pay attention and
be receptive when the speaker covers topics, they find personally intriguing, it helps establish a
connection with them. Being mindful of the audience's values also helps the speaker avoid
unintentionally upsetting or alienating them. Additionally, by framing the speech in a way that appeals
to the values of the audience, the speaker can increase the persuasiveness and effect of their statement.

4. Describe two approaches to promote audience attentions. Provide specific examples to

illustrate your approaches.

Tell an interesting story to start off your presentation. Stories have a special power to hook
listeners, arouse feelings, and establish a bond. A compelling story may captivate audiences and
establish the mood for the presentation as a whole. Provide a personal or real-world example
of a successful team overcoming obstacles at the beginning of a presentation on the value of
collaboration in the workplace. Include photographs to enhance the visual appeal of your
presentation. Slides, pictures, and videos are examples of visual aids that may break up the
monotony of verbal communication and offer a multisensory experience that helps learners
retain the information. Use pictures, clips etc. Visuals make the content more approachable and
interesting by adding interest and assisting the audience in visualizing the topics.

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