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Experimental study on the adjustments of servo steel struts in deep

Honggui Di1,2 • Yuyin Jin1,2 • Shunhua Zhou1,2 • Xiaohui Zhang1,2 • Di Wu3 • Huiji Guo3

Received: 23 September 2022 / Accepted: 3 June 2023

Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

Recently, servo steel struts have been increasingly used in deep foundation pits that require strict control over the
deformation of the surroundings induced by excavation. However, the effects of strut length and axial force adjustments of
servo struts on wall deflection and lateral earth pressure behind the wall are still unclear. In this study, a model excavation
support system was constructed, and several model tests were conducted to investigate the effects of strut adjustments in
which the axial forces and lengths of the struts were adjusted to various values. The strut axial forces, lateral earth pressure,
and wall deflection were monitored and analyzed. The results show that: (i) the effects of the strut length and axial force on
the lateral wall deflection vary with the depth of the adjusted struts. Adjustments of the struts at lower levels can reduce
lateral wall deflections and effectively control the deformations. (ii) Increments in both the axial force and length of the
struts result in lateral earth pressure changes between the at-rest and passive earth pressures in the vicinity of the adjusted
struts. Neutral points can be observed during strut adjustments where the lateral earth pressures remain relatively constant.
The locations and number of these neutral points varied depending on the depth of the adjusted struts. (iii) Simultaneous
adjustments of the axial forces on multiple layers of struts are more effective in controlling lateral wall deflection than
single-layered strut adjustments.

Keywords Deep excavation  Lateral earth pressure  Servo steel struts  Strut adjustments

1 Introduction foundation pits and buildings or structures in the city center

is decreasing [28, 35]. Taking the Wuding Road station of
With the increasing density of the rail transit network in Shanghai Metro Line No. 14 as an example, the minimum
China’s metropolitan areas, the latest round of foundation clearance distance between the pit and adjacent structures
pit construction of urban rail transit stations is faced with was only 2 m. (3) Environmental deformation control
the following problems: (1) An increase in the excavation requirements have become more stringent [19, 20]. In the
depth of transfer station pits, for example, the excavation Shanghai Airport Express line project, a long-deep foun-
depth of the Hanzhong Road station of the Shanghai Metro dation pit is parallel to the adjacent Shanghai–Hangzhou
Line No. 13 was 33 m. (2) The distance between high-speed railway (with a minimum clearance of 10.6 m),
and the allowed additional deformation of the adjacent
high-speed railway owing to construction is only 2 mm.
& Yuyin Jin For foundation pits in soft soil, excavation-induced defor- mation is larger and more difficult to control; thus, efficient
Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the methods and measures are critically required [3, 9, 21].
Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, Previously, researchers proposed limiting the deforma-
China tion of foundation pits by increasing the rigidity of
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Rail Infrastructure Durability retaining structures [1, 13, 14, 18], reducing the interval
and System Safety, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, between struts [2, 10, 22, 24], and improving the prestress
China of the struts [6, 16, 27, 28]. Recently, an increasing number
Shanghai Rail Transit Technical Research Center, Shanghai of excavations in areas with soft soil have adopted a servo
Shentong Metro Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201103, China

Acta Geotechnica

steel strut support system, as shown in Fig. 1, for defor- ordinary steel struts using field data and found that servo
mation control. For example, in the Shanghai and Ningbo steel struts exhibited superior performance compared to
Metros of China, there are more than 30 and 20 station ordinary steel struts in terms of controlling deformation,
foundation pits using servo steel struts, respectively. The due to their ability to overcome the drawbacks of axial
use of servo steel struts provides the distinct advantage of force losses. Based on a spring–beam model, Huang et al.
actively controlling wall deformation by adjusting the [15] used the mixed boundary condition of spring and
strut’s axial force or length through a built-in hydraulic concentrated forces to simulate servo steel struts and cal-
jack [4, 17]. In actual foundation pits, axial force adjust- culated the deformation of the wall supported by them. Li
ments are typically employed to control wall deformations. et al. [17] simplified the axial forces of servo steel struts as
If the measured axial force falls below the designated axial constant forces to evaluate their effectiveness in deforma-
force, the hydraulic pressure of the jack is automatically tion control. These studies oversimplified the behavior of
increased to increase the strut’s axial force to the desig- servo steel struts and did not consider the active adjustment
nated value. Nevertheless, the wall deflection may still of axial forces through excavation.
exceed the anticipated values, necessitating a decrease in However, there is a need to determine the detailed val-
the deformation. Adjustments to the strut length can be ues of the axial force adjustment using practical methods
adopted in this situation. Instead of achieving a designated for an improved application of servo steel struts. Primarily,
axial force, the hydraulic pressure will be continually influences of the adjustment of servo strut axial forces on
increased until the extension of the built-in jack reaches the the diaphragm wall deformation and lateral earth pressure
designated value. However, for individual foundation pits should be studied. In addition to the wall deformation,
that adopt servo steel struts, the effects of deformation lateral earth pressure is a key factor in the design of sup-
control do not meet expectations. For example, in a foun- porting structures, which mobilizes nonlinearly with wall
dation pit in Ningbo, despite the application of a servo steel deformation. Excessive adjustments of strut axial forces
strut supporting system, the maximum lateral wall deflec- cause diaphragm walls to be pushed back, resulting in
tion exceeded 110 mm, when the excavation depth was further changes in the lateral earth pressure [11, 12]. Stress
only 16 m. concentrations occurring at the depth of the adjusted strut
There is limited guidance regarding the design and make the distribution of the lateral earth pressure more
application of servo steel struts, particularly for determin- complex [5, 10, 36]. Thus, the lateral earth pressure
ing the abovementioned ‘designated values’ for strut axial behavior and wall deformation in excavations supported by
forces. Some were determined based on the experience of servo steel struts should be studied to provide guidance for
site engineers, which led to failure of deformation control their design and application. However, studies via field
in some excavations. Previous studies focused on investi- tests are costly, adverse to site safety, and therefore
gating the effectiveness of servo struts in deformation unsuitable.
control. Di et al. [7] conducted a comparative study of the In this study, a model excavation support system was
deformation control effects of servo steel struts and constructed, which was equipped with devices to adjust

Fig. 1 Schematic of servo steel strut supporting system

Acta Geotechnica

strut lengths and axial forces. Several model tests were tank was designed to be 2-m long, 1-m wide and 1.2-m
conducted to investigate the effects of strut length and axial high, as shown in Fig. 2. The model tank was composed of
force adjustments of the servo struts on the wall deflection three Q235 steel plates and a tempered glass plate. The soil
and lateral earth pressure. The number and location of the used in the model tank was medium-fine river sand with a
adjusted struts were varied in different groups to compare bulk density of 17.1 kN m-3 and an internal friction angle,
the deformation control effects of the servo struts at dif- u, of 34.3°. Sandbags were strategically positioned on the
ferent depths. The influences of servo strut adjustments on soil behind the wall to mimic the common occurrence of
the axial forces in ordinary struts were also analyzed. surcharge loads experienced in real-world foundation pit
Finally, conclusions were drawn regarding the effects of projects, as shown in Fig. 2b. There is a 0.06-m wide gap
strut adjustments on the mechanical and deformation between the surcharge load and the wall in the test to place
behaviors of the support system, which are expected to be the cables of the transducers. For ease of analysis, the
helpful in the design of servo steel struts. surcharge load was approximated as a uniformly dis-
tributed load of magnitude 3 kPa.
Figure 3 shows the equipment used in the model test.
2 Experimental investigation Four removable plates were designed on the model tank,
with the height of each plate determined based on the
2.1 Model test equipment excavation depth of the corresponding step, as shown in
Fig. 3b. The plates were detached from the model tank
The model support system was designed based on a 12-m during excavation to facilitate the removal of soil and
deep and 16-m wide foundation pit with four layers of leveling of the excavation surface.
struts (S1–S4). Due to symmetry of the foundation pit, only The wall was made of Q235 steel plate. The thickness of
half of the foundation pit was considered in the model test. the diaphragm wall was determined as 5.75 mm as the
To control the workload of the model tests, the geometric flexural rigidity of the wall (EI) should satisfy the scaling
similarity ratio CL is decided as 1:20. Based on the ratio (see Table 1) derived based on CL , as shown in
boundary effects and limited laboratory field, the model Eq. (1):
Ewm Im Ewm bm h3m
¼ ¼ CEI ð1Þ
Ewp Ip Ewp bp h3p
(a) 0.4
where Ew is the elastic modulus of the wall material; b and
0.17 0.16

Diaphragm wall h are the width and thickness of the wall, respectively.
(Steel plate) Adjusting device
The struts were made of acrylic pipes on account of
Model box difficulties in producing thin-walled cylindrical steel tubes,

Strain gauge
as shown in Fig. 3c. The external and internal diameters of


the struts were designed as 30 and 20 mm, respectively.

The compressive rigidity of the strut also follows the

Tempered glass plate scaling ratio, as described in Eq. (2),

2 2
2 Esm Am Esm ðdem  dim Þ
¼ 2 2
¼ CEA ð2Þ
Esp Ap Esp ðdep  dip Þ
(b) Surcharge load 0.06
0 -0.04 S1 where Es is the elastic modulus of strut material [25]; de

-0.19 S2 and di are the external and internal diameters of the strut,

Model box

-0.34 S3
The adjusting devices were fixed to the model tank and
0.10 0.08 0.11

-0.49 S4
connected to the struts. The axial force or length of the

struts could be adjusted by rotating the screw of the

adjusting devices (Fig. 3c), the axial force or length of the

struts could be adjusted. Detailed dimensions of the

adjusting device are shown in Fig. 3d. The screw pitch of

Earth pressure cell

Steel plate
Strain gauges the adjusting device is 2 mm, and the maximum length of
1.6 0.4
the retractable part, dr, is 35 mm.
Transducers were affixed to the support system to
Fig. 2 Schematic diagrams of the model tank (unit: m): a top view of acquire relevant parameters. Thirteen pairs of strain gauges
the model tank; b front view of the model tank

Acta Geotechnica

(a) (f)
S1 wall
S3 Miniature earth
Tempered glass plate
S4 pressure cell

Strain gauge

Tape Measure (e) Diaphragm


(b) (c)
Strain gauge
Dial gauge

30 mm
Diaphragm wall (d)

Strut dr
Removable Adjusting
plates device mm

Fig. 3 Overview of the model test equipment: a front view of the model tank; b removable plates; c struts and adjusting devices; d elongation of
the adjusting device; e dial gauge installed at the wall crown; f transducers on the diaphragm wall

were symmetrically mounted on both surfaces of the wall > 2 1 l2i
< iþ1
y ¼ y i þ h l
i i þ þ
to assist in obtaining lateral wall deflection. Initially, the qi qiþ1 6
curvatures of the wall at the monitoring points were > 1 1 li1
: hi ¼ hi1 þ þ
obtained via measured strains. Using the assumption that qi1 qi 2
the curvature changes linearly between adjacent monitor-
ing points, an equation was derived to obtain the lateral As shown in Fig. 3e, dial gauges were positioned at the
wall deflection [4] as follows: wall crown to measure the lateral deflection at that loca-
8 tion. The measured deflection was compared with the
> 1 Dei
< ¼ calculated results to implement the inverse calculation of
qi t  
2 ð3Þ h1 , which led to a corresponding correction of the calcu-
> d y dh 1 1 1 x
: 2¼ ¼ þ  lated lateral wall deflections based on Eq. (3).
dx dx qi qiþ1 qi li
The axial forces of the strut were determined by mul-
where qi is the curvature radius at the ith point; Dei is the tiplying the measured strains by the compressive rigidity of
difference in strains between the internal and external the strut. Furthermore, the measured strains were also
surfaces at the ith point; t is the thickness of the wall, h and compared with the strains under the designed axial forces
y are the derived rotation angle and lateral wall deflection, to facilitate precise adjustment of the axial forces of the
respectively; li is the distance between the ith point and the struts. Twelve miniature earth pressure cells (maximum
i ? 1th point, and x is the distance of a point in the ith and range: 30 kPa) were installed on the external surface of the
i ? 1th points interval to the ith point. diaphragm wall (i.e., against the sand) to obtain the lateral
Assuming zero deflection at the bottom of the wall, the earth pressure, as shown in Fig. 3f. All transducers were
lateral wall deflection at the i ? 1th point (yiþ1 ) can be connected to the data collection device, and the readings
calculated as [37]: were monitored throughout the test.

Acta Geotechnica

Table 1 Similitude relations of the model experiment Table 3 Experimental procedures in Case II (strut axial force
Physical quantity Symbols Scaling ratio
Progress Steps Descriptions
Lateral earth pressure Cr ¼ CL Cc 1:20
Strain Ce 1:1 Excavation and E1– Same as in Case I
installation of struts E5
Flexural rigidity of the wall CEI ¼ CCre CL4 1:3.2E?06
Single-layered B0 Decrease the strut axial forces to
Compressive rigidity of the strut CEA ¼ CCre CL2 1:8E?03 adjustments of the struts 0N
B1 Increase the strut axial forces to
125 N
B2 Increase the strut axial forces to
250 N
2.2 Experimental program and procedure B3 Increase the strut axial forces to
375 N
To investigate the effects of different strut adjustment plans B4 Increase the strut axial forces to
on wall deflection and lateral earth pressure, two groups of 500 N
tests (Cases I and II) were designed, as listed in Tables 2 Multi-layered adjustments C1 Increase the axial forces of S3
and 3, respectively. of the struts and S4 to 125 N
The main steps of the tests were as follows: (1) Install C2 Increase the axial forces of S3
and S4 to 250 N
the diaphragm wall, fill the model tank with sand layer
C3 Increase the axial forces of S3
wise (Fig. 4a), install dial gauges at the top of the dia-
and S4 to 375 N
phragm wall, and record the readings. The wall was fixed
C4 Increase the axial forces of S3
on the model tank and the displacement at the bottom was and S4 to 500 N
restrained. The struts were not fixed to the adjusting
devices and the diaphragm wall. (2) Excavate to a prede-
termined elevation for each step and install the struts, as
shown in Fig. 4b. The detailed elevations of each step are
The detailed adjustment plans for Cases I and II were
listed in Table 2. To obtain stable data, we waited for one
considered as follows:
hour after strut installation had been completed before
reading the data. The accuracy of the excavation depth can (i) In Case I, the strut lengths were adjusted layer by
be ensured by comparing it with the scale of the attached layer. In practical foundation pits, a 20-m long
tape measure, as shown in Fig. 4c. (3) The lengths or axial servo steel strut is equipped with a built-in
forces of the struts were adjusted, as listed in Tables 2 and hydraulic jack that can extend up to a maximum
3. of 150 mm. According to the scaling ratio, the
maximum extension of the adjusting device for the
0.4-m long strut in the model test was designed to
Table 2 Experimental procedures in Case I (strut length adjustment)
be 3 mm.
Progress Steps Descriptions (ii) In Case II, the axial forces on the struts were first
Excavation and E1 Excavate to - 0.07 m, and install adjusted layer-by-layer. Subsequently, the axial
installation of struts the strut S1 at - 0.04 m forces on the third and fourth struts, S3 and S4,
E2 Excavate to - 0.22 m, and install respectively, were simultaneously adjusted. In
the strut S2 at - 0.19 m practice, struts near the excavation surface are
E3 Excavate to - 0.37 m, and install usually adjusted for deformation control because
the strut S3 at - 0.34 m the maximum lateral wall deflection occurs near the
E4 Excavate to - 0.52 m and install surface. Multi-layered adjustments of struts near
the strut S4 at - 0.49 m
the excavation surface usually exhibit better defor-
E5 Excavate to - 0.60 m
mation control when compared with single-layer
Single-layered A0 Shorten the struts by 1 mm
adjustments of the
adjustments. Thus, S3 and S4 were simultaneously
A1 Extend the struts by 1 mm
struts adjusted in Case II for comparison. For the specific
A2 Extend the struts by 2 mm
adjustment values, based on the scaling ratio, the
A3 Extend the struts by 3 mm
upper limit of the adjusted axial force was set to
The strut lengths at the end of step E5 serve as the baseline for all 500 N, considering that the maximum axial force in
length increments servo steel struts is approximately 4000 kN in

Acta Geotechnica

(a) (b) (c)

Tempered glass plate



Tape Measure


Fig. 4 Sand filling and excavation during the test: a sand filling; b sand removal; c attached tape measure

Fig. 5 Deformation and mechanical behaviors of the support system during excavation: a lateral wall deflection; b lateral earth pressure;
c average axial forces of each layer of struts

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(a) Lateral wall deflection (mm) (b) Lateral wall deflection (mm)
-2.4 -1.6 -0.8 0.0 0.8 1.6 2.4 -2.4 -1.6 -0.8 0.0 0.8 1.6 2.4
0.0 0.0
S1 S1

0.2 S2 0.2 S2

S3 S3
0.4 0.4

Depth (m)
Depth (m)

S4 S4
0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8
E5 E5
A1 (-1 mm) A1 (-1 mm)
1.0 A2 (+1 mm) 1.0 A2 (+1 mm)
A3 (+2 mm) A3 (+2 mm)
1.2 A4 (+3 mm) 1.2 A4 (+3 mm)

(c) Lateral wall deflection (mm) (d) Lateral wall deflection (mm)
-2.4 -1.6 -0.8 0.0 0.8 1.6 2.4 -2.4 -1.6 -0.8 0.0 0.8 1.6 2.4
0.0 0.0
S1 S1

0.2 S2 0.2 S2

S3 S3
0.4 0.4
Depth (m)
Depth (m)

S4 S4
0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8
E5 E5
A1 (-1 mm) A1 (-1 mm)
1.0 A2 (+1 mm) 1.0 A2 (+1 mm)
A3 (+2 mm) A3 (+2 mm)
1.2 A4 (+3 mm) 1.2 A4 (+3 mm)

Fig. 6 Variations of lateral wall deflection under the adjustments of strut lengths: a adjustments of S1; b adjustments of S2; c adjustments of S3;
d adjustments of S4

practice. Note, positive axial force values represent those observed in actual excavations, implying that the test
compression in this study. model can simulate actual excavation well. Next, the
analysis of this study primarily focused on the influences of
the different strut adjustment plans of Cases I and II on the
lateral wall deflection, lateral earth pressure, and axial
3 Results and discussions
forces in the struts.
Figure 5 illustrates the measured lateral wall deflection,
3.1 Adjustments of strut length
lateral earth pressure, and average axial forces of each strut
layer during the excavation process. When excavated to a
Figure 6 shows the relationship between the lateral wall
depth of 0.6 m, the maximum lateral wall deflection is
deflection and strut length. Generally, the lateral wall
approximately 0.18% of the excavation depth, while the
deflection near the adjusted struts decreased as the strut
lateral earth pressure ranges between the at-rest and active
length increased. Furthermore, the influence of length
earth pressures. These results demonstrate similarities with
adjustments on lateral wall deflections weakens with

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 7 Variations of strut axial forces under the adjustments of strut lengths: a adjustments of S1; b adjustments of S2; c adjustments of S3;
d adjustments of S4

increasing distance from the adjusted struts. When exten- near the excavation surface in actual foundation pits,
ded by 1 mm, S1 caused a much larger outward deflection adjusting the lengths of struts at lower levels is more
at the wall crown than S2, as shown in Fig. 6a, b. conducive to deformation control.
In addition, the effects of length adjustments on the Figure 7 shows the variations in the axial forces of struts
lateral wall deflection differed with the depth of the caused by different strut length adjustments. The extension
adjusted struts. With the extension of the upper struts (S1 of the strut induces a rapid increase in the axial force of the
and S2), the lateral deflections at the top of the wall extended strut, particularly for the struts at lower levels of
decreased rapidly, whereas the lateral deflections at the excavation. However, for struts close to the extended strut,
lower section of the wall increased, adversely affecting the experienced axial forces changed. For example, as the
nearby structures. However, the length adjustments of the extension of S3 increased from 1 to 3 mm (Steps A2–A4),
lower struts (S3 and S4), as shown in Fig. 6c, d, have little the axial force acting on S3 increased from 896 to 2054 N
influence on the lateral deflections at the top of the wall, and that of S2 decreased from 92 to 88 N. Moreover, the
and the lateral wall deflections at other locations decrease. strut shortening caused a decrease in the axial force and a
Since the maximum lateral wall deflection usually occurs

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 8 Variations of lateral earth pressure under the adjustments of strut lengths: a adjustments of S1; b adjustments of S2; c adjustments of S3;
d adjustments of S4

small increase in the axial forces experienced by adjacent the lateral earth pressure values remain nearly unchanged
struts. despite the struts being extended, and both the depth and
Figure 8 illustrates the variations in the lateral earth number of neutral points increase when the adjusted struts
pressure behind the wall caused by strut length adjust- are at greater depths. There is one neutral point when
ments. The lateral earth pressures within a specified dis- adjusting the upper struts S1 and S2. The extension of the
tance from the adjusted struts increased rapidly with the strut caused the lateral earth pressure to increase above the
strut extension. Generally, the lateral earth pressures in neutral point and decrease below it. However, when
these areas are between the earth pressure at rest and adjusting the lower struts S3 and S4, there were two neutral
passive earth pressure (Rankine’s theory). In cases of large points. Under strut extension, the lateral earth pressure
strut extensions, the lateral earth pressure may even exceed between the two neutral points increases and decreases
the theoretical passive earth pressure owing to stress elsewhere.
redistribution. Moreover, there exist neutral points where

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 9 Variations of lateral wall deflection under the adjustments of strut axial forces: a adjustments of S1; b adjustments of S2; c adjustments of
S3; d adjustments of S4

3.2 Adjustments of strut axial forces maximum variation of the lateral wall deflections for the
adjusted struts was: S2 [ S3 [ S4.
3.2.1 Single-layered adjustments Figure 10 shows the variations in the lateral earth
pressure caused by the adjustments of the axial forces.
To investigate the influence of the axial force adjustment of With an increase in the axial force, the lateral earth pres-
single-layer struts, Fig. 9 shows the variations in the lateral sure at the depth of the adjusted struts increases to a value
wall deflection with respect to the adjustments of strut axial between the at-rest and passive earth pressures (Rankine’s
forces. The variations in the lateral wall deflection in theory). With the axial force adjustments of the struts, the
relation to the axial force adjustments of S1 were similar to number of neutral points is the same as that in the length
those under the adjustments of strut length. However, for adjustments in Case I (Fig. 8). However, when increasing
S2–S4, only parts of the lateral wall deflection, referred to the axial force in strut S1 or S2, the depths of the neutral
as main influence ranges here, changed after axial force points are 0.38 m and 0.44 m, respectively, which are both
adjustments. The lengths of the main influence ranges smaller than the depth of the neutral points experienced
under axial force adjustments of S2, S3, and S4 were with the length adjustments in Case I, implying a smaller
0.5 m, 0.7 m, and 0.4 m, respectively. When the axial range of influence where the lateral earth pressure increa-
force adjustment values were the same, the order of the ses. Similarly, when increasing the axial force in strut S3 or

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Fig. 10 Variations of lateral earth pressure caused by the adjustments of strut axial forces: a adjustments of S1; b adjustments of S2;
c adjustments of S3; d adjustments of S4

S4, the distances between the two neutral points are 0.46 m 3.2.2 Multi-layered adjustments
(depth: 0.16–0.62 m) and 0.47 m (depth: 0.24–0.71 m),
respectively, which are both less than the 0.56 m (depth: The axial forces acting on S3 and S4 were simultaneously
0.12–0.68 m) and 0.63 m (depth: 0.17–0.80 m) in Case I, adjusted to various values (C1–C4), as shown in Fig. 12a.
implying a smaller range of influence on the lateral earth The variations in the lateral wall deflection and lateral earth
pressure. pressure are plotted and compared with those of the pre-
Figure 11 shows the variations in the axial forces in the vious single-layered adjustments of S3 and S4 (Step B4), as
struts caused by the adjustments. As the axial force on the shown in Fig. 12b. When the axial forces on S3 and S4
adjusted struts increased, the axial force on the other struts were simultaneously increased, the lateral wall deflection
decreased to various degrees. The farther the strut is from gradually decreased, and the maximum variation occurred
the adjusted strut, the smaller its variation in the axial between S3 and S4. When the axial forces on S3 and S4
force. For example, when the axial force in S4 increased increased to 500 N, the maximum decrease in the lateral
from 125 to 500 N, the axial forces in S3 and S2 decreased wall deflection was 0.36 mm (1.08–0.72 mm). However,
by 61.4% (from 127 to 49 N) and 28.7% (from 101 to 72 when the axial forces on S3 and S4 were individually
N), respectively. increased to 500 N, the maximum decreases were 0.12 mm
and 0.10 mm, respectively. Therefore, it can be concluded

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Fig. 11 Variations of axial forces under strut adjustments: a adjustments of S1; b adjustments of S2; c adjustments of S3; d adjustments of S4

that compared to single-layered adjustments of S3 and S4 The above results primarily focused on the impact of
(refer to Fig. 9), the simultaneous adjustment of the axial strut adjustments on controlling excavation-induced
forces on S3 and S4 is more effective in controlling deformation. However, in practical foundation pits, addi-
deformation, i.e., a smaller maximum lateral wall deflec- tional factors should be considered to effectively reduce the
tion and a larger range of influence on the lateral wall final accumulated lateral wall deflection [29]. Numerous
deflection. studies and foundation pit projects have indicated that
Moreover, as the axial forces in S3 and S4 increased dewatering prior to excavation can induce lateral wall
simultaneously, the lateral earth pressure increased, and the deflection, which poses a potential threat to surrounding
maximum value occurred below S4. The variation in the buildings [30, 32, 34]. Additionally, it leads to a redistri-
lateral earth pressure was larger than that under the indi- bution of the lateral earth pressure, further complicating the
vidual adjustment of S3 and less than that under the indi- adjustments of servo steel struts [31, 33]. Therefore, it is
vidual adjustment of S4. The distance between the two interesting and meaningful to further investigate the
neutral points was 0.60 m (depth: 0.15–0.75 m), which was methods of strut adjustments under complex conditions.
larger than the distances observed during the single-layered
axial force adjustments of S3 (0.46 m) and S4 (0.47 m).

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 12 Variations in lateral wall deflection and lateral earth pressure under adjustments of multiple struts: a schematic view of adjustment cases;
b variations in lateral wall deflection; c variations of lateral earth pressure

4 Conclusions depth of the adjusted struts. In the case of the first layer
of struts, an increase in the axial force or strut length
In this study, a series of model tests were conducted to resulted in outward deflections at the top of the wall,
investigate the influences of axial force adjustments and leading to an increase in the maximum lateral wall
strut length adjustments on wall deflection and lateral earth deflection. Making adjustments to the struts positioned
pressure. The main conclusions are summarized as follows. closer to the excavation surface had a relatively minor
impact on the deflections at the top of the wall and was
1. The influences of strut length and axial force adjust- more effective in deformation control.
ment on the lateral wall deflection vary based on the

Acta Geotechnica

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retaining wall to limit ground settlement: Insights from


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