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Первый баннер:

Заголовок: "A big machine does brrr..."

Imagine that there is an electronic machine in your house that
weighs 30 tons, includes 17,468 lamps and costs 486,804 US dollars. Do
you want to understand what's going on here? It's simple – this is
ENIAC, the first electronic digital computer! Most likely, it is solving
differential equations, making a weather forecast, or helping to calculate
the explosion of a thermonuclear bomb here on the picture. That was the
first computer! Giving GREAT hopes and occupying LARGE spaces.
By the way, it was invented by John Eckert and John Mockley in 1946.
And operated until 1955. ENIAC is now retired, but you can see it at the
Moore School of the University of Pennsylvania, at the Smithsonian
Museum in Washington, where it was developed, and at the Computer
History Museum in California.

Подпись под фото: The progenitor of all computers is ENIAC

Заголовок: "UNIVAC-1 – the first commercial computer"

The next step in the development of electronic numerical
calculators was UNIVAC-1 (UNIVersal Automatic Computer I). It was
developed by John Eckert and John Mockley in 1951, they are already
known to us. The computer was much more compact than its "big
brother" - only 13 tons of weight and 5200 vacuum tubes! The
UNIVAC-1 was a commercial model sold in 46 copies.
UNIVAC-1 was used for the same complex mathematical
calculations, for example, in the US Census Bureau, geospatial
intelligence, at large electronic and industrial corporations.
UNIVAC-1 served humanity until 1970.

Подпись под фото: UNIVAC-1 – the next stage of computer


Второй баннер:
Заголовок: "The first microprocessor for a computer, but a big
step for all mankind!"
Already in 1971, the next breakthrough in the world of electronic
computing was made. It became the world's first microprocessor – the
Intel 4004 chip. Its technical characteristics were impressive! Firstly, the
area of the microprocessor was only 12mm2! This is very small if you
compare it with the UNIVAC-1 CPU, which had dimensions of 4.3 * 2.4
meters and 2.6 meters in height! The computing power of the Intel 4004
made it possible to perform all the necessary calculations, performing an
average of 60,000 operations per second. The authors of this engineering
miracle are the founders of Intel - Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce and
Andrew Grove.

Подпись под фото: "In less than 20 years, processors have gone from
30 tons to several grams"

Заголовок: "Computerization of the population"

A few years later, in 1975, the Altair 8800 computer appeared, which
became the forerunner of the following computer models. In the 1980s,
there was a real boom in the creation of these machines. The developers
experimented with computer systems, architecture, sizes and control
In January 1983, the Apple Lisa was launched for sale – the first freely
available personal computer with a graphical user interface. A year later,
in January 1984, the Apple Macintosh appeared on sale – a truly
massive PC with a GUI. This model is also notable for the fact that it has
a modern look that is already familiar to us.

Подпись под фото: "A design familiar to us"

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