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______________ VILOYATI _________ TUMANI


8-sinflar uchun Unit 15. Lesson 4

The weather
mavzusida 1 soatlik

Dars ishlanmasi

Date_____ Form_____ Subject: English
Theme: The weather
Educational: - to learn about strange things which happen in nature
Developing: - to develop listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills
Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of different cultures
Up bringing: - to enrich pupils’ knowledge of our tradition and nation

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use learnt language
in practice, ask and answer questions
Competence: SC1, FLCC, and PC
Type of the lesson: Mixed, group work, pair-work, individual work
Method of the lesson: nontraditional, mixed
Equipment of the lesson: “Prepare 8” SB, WB, pictures, internet, computers, projector


№ Part of the Tasks Time

1 Organizational -to greet pupils. 5 min
Moment - to check up the register
2 Repeating last - to give pupils some questions about 5 min
lesson last lesson. – to ask words from
previous lesson
3 Explaining new - to explain to pupils new vocabulary 20 min
theme and theme
4 Consolidating - to consolidate new theme and new 10 min
new theme. words of the theme.
5 Marking. - To mark pupils 5 min
6 Homework. - Giving homework.

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organizing moment: Motivation, Greeting, checking attendance, season, weather,
checking the preparation for the lesson.
- Check for homework given on past lesson.
- Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.
II. Pre-activity:
Activity 1 Complete the table with the adjectives.
Ask the students to look at cloud and say how we form the weather adjective from the
noun. Explain that when a noun finishes in a consonant-vowel-consonant, we double the
final consonant, e.g. fog – foggy. Point out that we often use rain and snow as verbs too,
e.g. It’s raining or It’s snowing today. Then, ask the students to complete the table.
Write the correct answers on the board (or invite volunteers to do so) and ask the
students to check their spelling.

fog – foggy, ice – icy, rain – rainy, snow – snowy, sun – sunny, wind – windy

III. Main part

Activity 2 Now match the adjectives to the symbols.
Ask the students to look at the symbols on the weather map first and try to say what
they are before they match them to the adjectives.
A cloudy B rainy C windy D foggy E icy F snowy G sunny

Activity 3 Complete the facts using the words in Exercise 1.

As a class, ask the students to read the information in each fact first, look at each gap
carefully and say what kind of word is missing, i.e. a noun or an adjective. Do the first
question as an example, so that the students understand they may need to use a word
from the first or second column in Exercise 1.

1 windy, wind 2 snowy, snow 3 sunny 4 rain

Activity 4 How would you describe your town or city? Use the word from Exercise

If necessary, remind the students of the names of the four seasons: spring, summer,
autumn and winter. Ask them to read the example and in pairs, write some sentences
about the weather where they live in different seasons.

Encourage fast finishers to work through the vocabulary section at their own pace.
Then, ask them to draw a map of their country with weather symbols and to write a
short weather forecast for some of the places. When the others are ready, they can
present their forecast to the class.
Students’ own answers
Activity 1 Peter was on holiday with a friend in Scotland last summer. They were
looking for the Loch Ness monster. Listen and answer the question.
Before the students listen, ask them to read the instructions. Ask ‘Where was Peter last
summer?’ ‘Was he alone?’ ‘What were they looking for?’ Point out that the students are
going to listen to Peter telling a strange story. Play the recording and ask them to say
what the weather was like.

It was foggy.

Activity 2 Listen again and answer the questions.

Ask the students to read the questions and try to answer them before they listen again.
With a mixed ability class, it may be necessary to play the recording for a third time and
to pause it after each answer is given. If time allows, ask the students retell the story
using their answers to these questions to help them. Strong students can retell the story
from Peter’s friend’s perspective, e.g. I was sleeping in my tent when Peter started
shouting. He wanted the camera, so I … .

1 It was Wednesday.
2 He sat and watched the loch.
3 He could see the trees.
4 Nessie / The Loch Ness monster.
5 It was foggy and they couldn’t see anything. / He was waiting for Sam to give him the
6 He saw a duck.

IV. Post-activity
Activity 1 What other stories about strange animals do you know? Do you know
the names of any mythological animals?
Invite a class discussion about strange animals in the students’ area or country by asking
‘Do you know any stories about strange animals?’ ‘Are there any strange animals in the
forest, mountains or lakes near here?’ ‘What do you know about them?’ The students
may know of a local Cyclops, a witch, a werewolf, etc. If they are short of ideas, either
ask them to find information online or to make up a story.Allow the students time to
read the questions on their own and then to make notes. Introduce some language to
express interest, e.g. Really? Yeah! That’s awesome!
No! You’re joking! I don’t believe you! Then in pairs, the students take turns to tell
their own story and to listen. When they listen to their partner, they should express
interest by using some of the language to express interest.


Finish by telling the class another strange story. For example:

Joe lives in a flat on the 20th floor. Every morning when Joe goes to school, he leaves
his flat, calls the lift and takes it down to the ground floor. When he comes home, he
gets in and pushes the button for the 16th floor. He gets out there and walks up to his
flat on the 20th floor. Why?

Invite suggestions from the class. (Joe is only eight and is too small to reach the button
for the 20th floor.)

V. Homework

VI. Evaluation
Giving marks according to pupils’ participation to the lesson

Deputy director on educational affairs: _________ Signature: __________

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