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7FLWK LL6FEWK TIAFMWK IILIFCWK JLLIBFDWK Higher Secondary (Vocational) Examination, 2022 CLASS XI Paper IV Bastc Vocarionat. Suasect-2 (BVP2) Time Allowed: 2 Hours Full Marks: 50 Answers can be written in English or Bengali or Hindi or Nepali only. [coarrate Bard Seal ater Sie FRM Beal rates Bea ciel BTCA |] Instructions: For Engineering & Technology This paper consists of five modules: Module A (Basic Electronics Theory), Module B (Basic Electrical Theory), Module C (Basic Mechanical Theory), Module D (Basic Civil Theory), Module E (Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design). Bach student ha to answer one module only according to her / his choice previously opted. [cere Perinat ee teen ena ca wfBBera Bex Sans zea] 1111708 1111607 1111409 1111110 B11 22382 @ JLLI7FLWK Module-A Basic Execrronics THEORY Answer Question No. I and any five from the rest. (oR et aR TTS cH CoE ADA aicart See eee |) A, Fill in the blanks/choose the correct option (any five): IxS=5 PRTRR fat arabe Beatt Ftios seat (cr cerca aot) 2) When two capacitors are connected in parallel, the equivalent capacitance (a) decreases (b) increases (©) remains same (eet uP estonia srntwates Bre Aw Sa, GA Sle STTGH NT 0 (a) ea (b) atge4 (© eR ater (ii) Under forward bias, width of the depletion region (@) increases (b) decreases (©) remains same Carearane ater Fete ot ) (a) ae (b) ata (©) 93% ee Gii) A semiconductor in its purest form is called _____(Intrinsie/Extrinsie) semiconductor. [ae cifteerstera adierst a wren rer Citrate) Afters 5 2] (iv) In a transistor, maximum value of a is, rafériter os irae wT ) (v) The emitter of a transistor is doped (heavily/lightly. [afer bread aftibte carta ence (SopaTETa/ IAM) I] (vi) Acceptor type impurities must have valence electron (3/4/5). [22her BR sete Srey RHCTS RAH NAA | (3/4/5)] B. Write whether the following statements are True or False (any five) IxS=5 [Ales Farrereser mies at Feit cerca (car cerrcat afbIB) =] (i) In an NPN transistor, the emitter injects holes in base region. (NPN Ernferbiea “ARGR? cece “Co ST ‘CRIA alee BTA |) Gil) A diode is used as rectifier. (orate caefirerata Ros aes BE) 1111708 @ (ii) A transistor isa three layer semiconductor device. Gris ofiesiecad feat ea ates |) Gv) A Zener diode is useful as an amplifier: (comite wiente surfers Recs Rete ater oho cece ore HB a cad OE es Be we I L.A. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives (any five) bse [2a Remel cece ae Baa care ice (ox cerreat B/D) 3) (i) Resistance of the material is independent on (Goren states: Gale fries Bias caraiba Sora Sa Sea a2) (@) Nature of material (b) Temperature of material (oratcela gf) (ames wleraiat) (©) Dimension of material (a) None of these (ovate tat) (astern ora az) Gi) If two nos. of capacitors are connected in parallel between two points, the equivalent capacitance will be (am gb ease FNteale ATA TS Fal A Gls AGA FIA) (@) increased (b) decreased (arera) (ene) (©) remained same (a) None of these (ae eer) (qeFra corte aa) (iii) Fuse materials must have (Bde wires wee wa) (@) high melting point (b) low melting point (a sre) (a RITE) (©) low specific resistance (2) Only (b) and (©) (oa Bicaie cate) (arnt (b) $ (©)] iv) Which power is an example of Non-Conventional sources of energy? Gites cont sibarofre fea Sarea 2) (@) Wind power (b) Thermal power Carptre e921) (ania Re!) (©) Nuclear power (@) None of these (REG FTE) (aot ia corcntbQ =a) (v) Which of the following is correct? hepa AB eI 2) (a) Resistance of voltmeter is low, (b) Resistance of ammeter is low (corbfibieas cate =a) (sorafiiera cate =) (©) Resistance of ammeter is high. (@) Only (@) and (e) (omafibiera cata cx¥™) (coarTATA (a) & (c)] 1111607 (6) (vi) Power factor of a pure inductive load is (Ree BwiRs etees Next wie BA) (a) 00 (b) 05 (©) 10 (a) 07 B, Fill in the blanks (any three): 1x33 DRTRIA fst eat (cx concn FET) 2) (@ Maximum value of 230 volt AC will be (230 cor 9.F.-2 eats IA BCA » (i) Ammeter has resistance than voltmeter. (soraibtead cate Corb Riviera ore ) (ii) MCB. stands for (as. Raa oat FeaBe_ (iv) Moving Coil instrument is used for measurement of only. Cafes sa Bars coaerata afeatel sata ery ote aes ai ca caret HOB atest Bee cca |] 1, A, Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives (any five): Ix5=5 [27a emel cace ae Bea care cicet (ca caren a1) 2) () For wire drawing operation, the work material should be (ia BE sacs seer Bertatey Bete 24) (a) ductile (b) tough, (area) Gre) (©) malleable (@) None of these aa) (aoa covet 72) (ii) Which one of the following is anti-friction bearing? (Ra Rests Hes MB exe Fact fea?) (a) Sleeve bearings (b) Journal bearing (fas fants) (orter famtfas) (©) Ball and roller bearing (a) None of these (at 6a catenta Penta) (aera caren aH) (iii) ‘The ratio between oxygen and acetylene gases for neutral flame in gas welding is (oi area tn8 FCT Gated core wie cat SITAR ITA TIMMS 2) (@) 2:1 (b) 1:2 © (@) None of these (aera corathe 7a) Gv) Veblock is used in the workshop to check (v-¢ aude Gaee aI rata) (@) roundness of a cylindrical work (b) surface roughness (Pireera coregh) (Sofirerera ere!) (©) dimension of a oval job (@ tapper on a job (fearghe ora wage) (acea Birt) 1111409 (10) (v) Suggest the gauge to be used for checking the diameter of holes in the workpie: (caren ste aia afeateoa eeu By covet TABS BA ICA |) (a) Screw gauge () Surface gauge (& ca) a) (©) Ring gauge (4) Plug gauge (fis core) (ate cote) (vi) A cantilever beam has (ae anf hrota Rew ace) (a) only one support at middle. (b) supports at both ends. (carrmatg eri aicaitt erat sate |) (& atCeR Act |) (c) only one support at one end. (d)_ more than two supports. (creeRNS SAI FIAT 2 aCe 1) (Ras wee AICTE |) B. Write True or False (any five): IxS=5 [foe rere Gey ARN (ca Corea OIF) 2) (A spur gear is used to transmit power between two parallel shafts (Coma Pita seals Sat ear yD ormtwetet IAEA Hees PTET cele Rte ET |) Gi) Hook's Law holds good up to the yield point for mild steel. (BR YE HRS BIE yield point AB eA) Gii) The maximum flame temperature occurs at the top of the flame. Cree Priva sterner ance Fra wee" |) (iv) A reamer is used to correct the position of a drilled holes. (ae ere ieee aise sage Refs sare or fara aaa FAT GA) (¥) Ina V-belt drive, belt touches at sides of the groove of the pulley only. (Ver ges cart oats ae aco atte! yw ete) (vi) Carburising flame has only one zone. (areata etcw seats eeB core ate |) 111109 (il) 2. State the uses of the following gauges 2xd=8 (Prafaftts cormefers aera orl :) (@) Feeler gauge (Rear cote) (b) Plug gauge (ast core) (©) Screw pitch gauge (& fs cn) (@) Snap gauge ant ote) 3. (a) Write down the names of tools required for forging operation (carats Soeaner Tees Fafea HAeieTA ATT Cire |) (b) Write down the advantages of non-destructive testing. 444-8 (Pa sieies aee Aisa aera aH ORAS GMa Harel eicett |) 4. (@) Define the following mechanical properties with example (Rafafte alae efef Baraat yacaten fags eat :) (@ Toughness CoRR) Gi) Elasticity (fafeairee) (b) Write down the names of different equipments needed for gas welding (3x2)42=8 (0H rena anceps Fae BaRoteRTa wT CEA) 5. (@) Write down the use of drill and tap, (BA aa Bhteata aTaRITOlA eT |) (b) What is vernier constant of the vernier calipers? How it can be calculated? 44428 (wiiars snferoines Sitti rae F2 of Sera Ree Sai Be) 1111409 (2) 6. (@) State Hook’s law (Hook-a4 516 erat |) (b) A hollow steel tube with an inside diameter of 100 mm must carry a tensile load of 400 KN. Determine the outside diameter of the tube ifthe stress is limited to 120 Nim? 2+6=8 (gah Shot Soitces Ae as Swat TH 100 mm, 400 KN OH FER TAOS aes | Te ‘akeae TAP sia Seat A BH 120 Nims Hts Ie |) 7. (a) Write down the different types of loads applied in the beams. (Rows eos i faSa arrefe eed) aa wierd ATH CICA |) (b) Discuss the S.F. and B.M. diagram for a cantilever beam in the following cases (oat anfoPrers Rema cre Fe FH aa AS! atreca Tat Bea MaRS cores eT ‘aetal Sal 2) (A concentrated load “W’ applied at free end, (xe sce eer Whgw wa “W" sical eat BTR) Gi) I earries ul. of w/unit length on entire span. 2H(3x2)=8 (aft af Orel zataa FTSTA ASS SIs w/ Ges CART ZEA FEA |) 8. Write down principles and uses of spot-welding or TIG welding A448 (rab aTATATES 48 TIG STRATE ae AS ee TaRA TA |) 9. Write short notes on any two: 4x28 (oa cance afb aSFiPG Sie Tea 2) (@) Bearing (b) MIG Welding (carta) (fist arxafee) (©) Cross belt drive (@) Malleability (en ca BRR) Gaze) 1111409 (3) HLFCWK Module-D Basic Civu. Turory Answer Question No, 1 and any five taking at least two from each group. (2 RR athe ar see eer cae rr WB ee caida ees Beer we ) 1. Write the correct answer (any ten): Dafoe Geeate crea (cx coca MiB ) £] (Seasoning of timber is done (ora Pras Fal BH) (2) to make it water proof. (Gibtee weifrcates FATS |) (6) to paint its surface. (cri a RTE) Gi) The base material of distemper, is (feria 3m Sonar =) (a) Cement (Rov) (©) Lime putty (ge if) ii) PVC stand for (fA. fs. B. aes H cata) (a) Poly Vinyl Chloride (ofa fentae rates) (©) Poly Vanadium Carbide (ofa conifers aes) (iv) Quartzite is (Quartzite &) (@) Silicious Rock (Sitar a@) (©) Metamorphic Rock (cibrwatee a) 1x10=10 (b) to remove water. (GOT GENTS FATS |) (@) to increase its temperature (Gibta Strata aPETES |) (b) Lime, Qe) (@) Chalk (0%) () Plastic Very Compact (cer cafe Het) (@) Poly Vinyl Carbon (of featRer area) (b) Argillaceous Rock (rafrcafrarr 3) (@) Caleareous Rock (sateicefaar =) 111110 a4) (v) As per IS, the actual size of a modular brick with motor is, (IS BPs, THs HH wears Ba AES Te) (a) 190 mm x 90 mm x 90 mm (b) 200 mm x 200 mm x 100 mm (190 F5.F%, x 90 FAR, x 90 FLFR.) (200 ff. x 200 FU. x 100 FF.) (©) 200 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm (@ 250 mm x 125 mm x75 mm (200 3.8, x 100 FAR. x 100 2.8.) (250 4, x 125 F2., x 75 RAR) (vi) ‘The materials which have the same elastic properties in all direction is called (alte (ace 693 clastic aiqe nelee el =) (a) Brittle (b) Isotropic (fae (stietahie) (©) Hard (d) Homogenous (as) (carcntosifrar) (vii) The name of the apparatus to determine Normal consistency of cement paste is (Frans cons aalier efit Relat Sart GAT Teee Was AM) (a) Vieat apparatus (b) Le-chatelier apparatus (Sei az) (fbr az) (©) Casagrande apparatus (@) Blaine apparatus (IPHISTSI TZ) (Gea) (viii) A solvent commonly used for oil paint is (cor aig HieTaS eee Pte aaa FA BE) (a) Turpentine (b) Petrol (oraterbRA) (co) () Tar (@) Aqua regia ra) cearcerrat carat) 111110 (is) (ix) ‘Cut back’ consists of (wB-aneea Batra Be) (a) 60% Bitumen and 40% Solvent (60% FARE a8 40% FESS) (©) 50% Bitumen and 50% Solvent (50% Faber a S058 105%) (x) A cantilever beam is subjected with uniformly distributed load ‘W" over entire length * the value of maximum bending moment will be (b) 80% Bitumen and 20% Solvent (80% Farr sak 20% FITS) (a) None of these (caren a) (aot enfSierers fea L ara, a ocal C7 aca at cate W creel Be Ors Batre GRE ca cater x4) (xi) The unit of strain is (Refs eee ee) (a) no unit (©) Nimm* (xii) In a mortor the binding material is Cabra 8 RFR HUBER BA) (a) Sand (a) (c) Surkhi Ce) (b) “le ele @ (b) mm (@) kgfem? (b) Cement (Prem) (d) Cinder (Bei) 111110 (16) Group A 2. Write short notes (any four): [asec aire ca (cr concer ora) @ (b) © @ © o (b) © Bulking of Sand Carfass, ore >BTE) Function of Bitumen (Ripfiiera ete) Curing of conerete (RB oF eefFO) Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C.) (Reaeefs Brors afer) Plywood (aioe) ‘Vamiish (aa) What is full form of OPC, PPC and PSC cement? 60. Ph FR mF Riera a age) How is cement stored at construction site? (Pr ice en Bie Bhetee wee wet 22) ‘Name the instrument required for testing of Initial Setting time of cement. Praca arate cats axe wets Go eee Tada am ee |) 2xd=8 34342=8 111110 6 a7) (a) What do you mean by grade of cement? (Preuss cate 8 ete ae ae ca carteat tat aesta See ats |] 1. A. State whether the following statements are ‘true’ or ‘false’: 1x55 (Pais ararele ae eee “SP ietal He aT Rear “AY CHIEN *) (i) According to Boolean Law A+ (arm wits PIA A+A=0) =0 Gi) The logical sum of two or more logical product terms is called POS. (a a wreiits aitrere cenerts omoa CISRATS POS FAI BA) (ii) An NAND can be converted to NOT gate by shorting two inputs, (NAND oi NOT ¢ 1G faeries te Sard Al NAND coib-ae Bago yes Yo Sal Ors |) (iv) NOR gate is called universal gate. (NOR coibce Hides cB TET BR) (v)_X-NOR gate is used for construction of comparator. (wmrbicaba Fisica Gs X-NOR CHD aaeare I) B. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives. IxS=5 (ag Remol cece aie Sea care cicet !) (De Morgan’s theorem states that (Rearatra 3 ate ea —) (@) (ABY=A'+ BY (b) (A*B)'= “4B (© ABI=A'B @ (ABY=A'sB B11 i) Gai) (iv) Ww (21) (A+B)=(A*B’)=? fl ©) 0 (© AB (@) ABT ‘Complement of the expression A'B + CD! is— (A'B + CD <2 3Pamd (@) (A'+ BYC' + D) () (A+B) (C+D) (© (A+B) (C+D!) @ (A¥B) (CHD) Flip Flops are used in memory construction (omit tefaes Tae wi er Beet 2) (a) D Flip Flop (b) SR Flip Flop (c) T Flip Flop (€) None of the above (Berea car BR HH) Which of the following is not postulate of Boolean algebra? (Rae comb seats euiewecaia aileie Berl x2) (a) Commutative (#82518) (b) Duality (gue) (©) Associative (Smee) (@) Identity clement (26s) B11 (b) © ) ) ) (22) How NOR gates can be used to implement (i) NOT gate (1i) AND gate (iii) OR gate (FSH NOR gate seals Wea LAFF (i) NOT gate (ii) AND gate (iii) OR gate Ceft Fata?) ‘Why NAND gate is called Universal gate? (GEA NAND cribce BEST CG

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