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Every Human being, undergoes Morphological and Anatomical changes. Aging is one of them. Aging
is basically a natural process, in which cells of our body stops functioning and bursts. Also involves
other surrounding cells. As cells stop their function, Human body automatically loses the strength.
Aging in the Human body is a consequence, in part, of a compilation of copying errors in our DNA
over time.

As every natural process has some factor, like we have growth hormones for growth and
development, we have different types of pigments for our skin, eye and Hair color. Similarly, we
have a basic component for aging as well, but it was unknown.

According to the RECENT RESEARCH, Mitochondrial Mutant DNA is actually responsible for aging in
Human. Mitochondria is the basic organelle of the Human cell. The very RECENT and CLEAR
RESEARCH states that;

Mitochondria are some of the worst culprits for this in the human cell -.

Each cell contain hundreds of mitochondria and each mitochondria carries their own packet of
mtDNA. mtDNA will tend to build up in the cell over time and falls broadly into two types; normal
mtDNA and mutant mtDNA. "This, coupled with the fact that mutant mtDNA accumulates in key
tissues such as neurons and muscle that lose function as we age, suggests that if we could reduce
the amount of mutant mtDNA, we could slow or reverse important aspects of aging."

Scientist has also worked upon the prevention of aging. It is obviously not painless to wash out every
mtDNA of mitochondria from each and every cell. Yet there are some ways, by removing some of the
DNA, one could withstand with a little bit of more span enjoying their fresh features.

Addendum knowledge:

We all know Human body cells are infinite, uncountable but scientists have given the approximate
value which is Seventy Trillion (70,000,000,000,000).

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