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Pseudo acceleration (A) vs peak total acceleration u 


The term Pseudo shall not be conceived by its meaning (i.e. false as
defined in English dictionaries). In fact it shall be taken as “an essence
similar effect to their relevant commodities ”
It can be observed from below graph that pseudo acceleration , A , and
peak value of true acceleration, u o t have almost same values for systems
with Tn≤ 10 sec and ζ  0.1 .
It is worth mentioning that for elastic system the ζ seldomly exceed 5%
as such taking A same as u o t negligible effect

Tn- sec 1

Pseudo velocity (V) vs peak system’s velocity u o 

As shown in below graph that V  u o for medium rise buildings
(0.2≤ Tn ≤ 1 sec) as long as   0.1 . Similarly V  0.85u o
(0.2≤ Tn ≤ 3 sec) for   0.1

V u o
u o

V  0.85u o

Combined D–V–A Spectrum
 The three response spectra (deformation D, pseudo-velocity
V, and pseudo-acceleration A) are different ways of
presenting the same information on structural response.
 Knowing one of the spectra (D), the other two (V & A) can be
obtained by algebraic operations.
 The deformation spectrum provides the peak deformation of
a system.
 The pseudo-velocity spectrum is related directly to the peak
strain energy stored in the system during the earthquake.
 The pseudo-acceleration spectrum is related directly to the
peak value of the equivalent static force and base shear.
 A combined plot showing all three of the spectral quantities
is especially useful.

Combined D–V–A Spectrum

 The three response spectra (deformation, pseudo-velocity,
and pseudo-acceleration) can readily be combined into a
single plot.

Combined D–V–
A response
spectrum for El
Centro ground
motion; ζ = 2%.

Combined D–V–A response spectrum for El Centro ground motion; ζ = 0, 2, 5, 10, and 20%.

Relation between peak Equivalent static force, fso , and

Pseudo acceleration, A
f so  k.u o since k  ω n 2 .m
 f so  k.u o  (ω n .m).u o

 m.(ω n .u o )  f so  m.A

Peak value of the equivalent static force fso can be determined as:
f so  kD  mA
The peak value of base shear, Vbo, from equilibrium of above given
w A
diagram can be written as: Vbo  f so  m.A or V  .A  .w bo
g g
w is the weight of the structure
g is the gravitational acceleration.
A/g may be interpreted as the base shear coefficient or lateral force coefficient.
It is used in building codes to represent the coefficient by which the structural weight is
multiplied to obtain the base shear 6

Example (Ex. 1)
 A 12-ft-long vertical cantilever, a 4-in.-nominal-diameter
standard steel pipe, supports a 5200-lb weight attached at
the tip as shown.
The properties of the pipe are:
Outside diameter, do = 4.500 in.
Inside diameter d = 4.026 in.
Thickness t = 0.237 in.
Moment of inertia I = 7.23 in4.
Elastic modulus E = 29,000 ksi.
Weight = 10.79 lb/foot length.
Determine the peak deformation and bending stress in
the cantilever due to the El Centro ground motion. Assume
that ζ = 2%.

Example (Ex. 1)

Example (Ex. 1)

Figure E6.2b

Example (Ex. 1)

Figure E6.2 10

Example (Ex. 2)
 The stress computed in Ex. 1 exceeded the allowable stress
and the designer decided to increase the size of the pipe to
an 8-in.-nominal standard steel pipe.
Its properties are do = 8.625 in., di = 7.981 in., t = 0.322 in.,
and I = 72.5 in4.
Comment on the advantages and disadvantages of using
the larger pipe.


Example (Ex. 2)

Figure E6.2b 12

Example (Ex. 2)


Example (Ex. 3)
 A small one-story reinforced-concrete building is idealized for purposes of
structural analysis as a massless frame supporting a total dead load of 10
kips at the beam level (Fig. E6.4a).
The frame is 24 ft wide and 12 ft high. Each column and the beam has a 10-
in.-square cross section. Assume that the Young’s modulus of concrete is
3×103 ksi and the damping ratio for the building is estimated as 5%.
Determine the peak response of this frame to the El Centro ground motion.
In particular, determine the peak lateral deformation at the beam level
and plot the diagram of bending moments at the instant of peak response.


Example (Ex. 3)


0.3 sec

Combined D–V–A response spectrum for El Centro ground motion; ζ = 0, 2, 5, 10, and 20%.


Example (Ex. 4)
The frame for use in a building is to be located on sloping ground as
shown in figure. The cross sections of the two columns are 10 in. square.
Determine the base shears in the two columns at the instant of peak
response due to the El Centro ground motion. Assume the damping ratio
to be 5%. The beam is too stiffer than the columns and can be assumed
to be rigid. Total weight at floor level = 10k


Solution (contd….) uo is decreasing with increase in Tn

Computing the shear force at the

base of the short and long columns.
u o  D  0.67  A  2 / Tn  D

 A  2 / 0.3 (0.67 / 12)


 24.51 ft/sec 2  0.76 g


5% Damped Elastic Displacement Response

Spectrum for El Centro Ground Motion
Although both columns go through equal deformation, however, the stiffer column
carries a greater force than the flexible column. The lateral force is distributed to the
elements in proportion to their relative stiffnesses. Sometimes this basic principle , if
not recognized in building design, lead to unanticipated damage of the stiffer elements.


Response Spectrum Characteristics


Response Spectrum normalized with peak ground parameters
thereby giving the amplification magnitudes for D, V and A e.g., for a
system with Tn = 0.5 sec and ζ =0.05. The amplification factors for
D,V and A are αD ≈ 0.2 , αV ≈ 1.9 and αA≈2.3, respectively

D= ugo for
Tn>15 sec

Acceleration u= -ug
A  u go factor

u= 0
Very flexible systems
Very rigid systems


Spectral regions in Response Spectrum

 const. for Tn  Tc
u go
or A  const.  u go (for Tn  Tc )

i.e. A directly varies with

PGA. Therefore region from
Tn = 0 to Tc is defined
Acceleration sensitive region.
Same logic apply in
defining velocity sensitive and
displacement sensitive regions



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