Openface 142

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2 Cor.


No. 142 NOVEMBER 2023

The Foundations
David Clayton

about God will put their trust in Him, government. Let’s read a couple of vers-
and when we put our trust in God, He es that highlight this fact. In 1 John 3:9
unites with us, He fellowships with us, we read:
and we are born again. Then we live a Whosoever is born of God doth not
happy and a holy life. It’s a formula commit sin; for his seed remaineth
that is real, and it works. Those of us in him: and he cannot sin, because
who have experienced it can testify that he is born of God. (1John 3:9)
it is real.
It should be obvious that God’s system
SATAN’S ATTACKS of government has as one of its purpos-
So, love is the essence of God’s char- es, the elimination of sin. God’s desire
acter and this is the truth that Satan set is to have a universe which is entirely
out to obscure and to destroy. He pro- clean. But how does God propose to
He that loveth not knoweth not moted the idea that God is a self-cen- accomplish this? What is the system
God; for God is love. (1John 4:8) tered person. Let us understand the which God uses which achieves this
implications of this accusation. We tend freedom from sin? According to John,
In 1 Corinthians chapter 13 Paul de-
to think that the opposite of love is hate God achieves this purpose in a very
scribes love as a selfless principle, an
but that’s not really true, the opposite simple, but profound way. He who is
attitude that focuses on caring for others
of love is self-centeredness! God is love born of God does not commit sin! Sim-
above self. When the Bible says that
because God is not self-centered, He is ple, but effective! You don’t commit
God is love, it means that God loves
centered on the happiness of others. sin, this is the consequence of receiving
me more than He loves Himself, it
That’s what love is. Self-centeredness God’s life in you. It’s not something
means that He cares for me in a way
is the other way around, it’s the opposite you do, it’s something God does in you.
that is beyond my ability to care for
of love. When Satan deceived our first It’s the consequence of a relationship.
parents, he did not say that God hated There is something on the inside that
God is love! We say this because the Adam and Eve—he simply said that came from God and the person who
Bible says it, but to believe it is to ex- God was self-seeking. He said, “God possesses this will not sin. So we can
perience a great transformation. When does not want you to be like Himself; see that if God is to cleanse the universe
we believe that God is love, when we He wants to keep back something good of sin, every single person in it has to
know the character of God, then we from you. God knows that if you eat be born of God. Again, in Colossians
trust in God. I can put myself in His this fruit, you will be like God. God 1:27 we read,
hand and I can relax. I can know that I has lied to you because He’s selfish and To whom God would make known
have somebody who is on my side. self-seeking.” God’s character of love, what is the riches of the glory of this
Like a baby who is in the middle of a was the first thing that he attacked.
storm and yet fast asleep in his mother’s
It is not as easy to identify Satan’s sec-
arms because he trusts the person who Also in this issue:
ond line of attack, but as we read
is holding him. The storms may rage A right spirit ............................4
through the Bible, it begins to appear
and the winds may blow but he doesn’t
and gradually becomes very clear. After Difference in the covenants ....8
care because he is in his mother’s arms.
a while we discover that Satan’s second Nothing like it .........................10
That’s what we imply when we say that
assault was against God’s system of Vitamin supplements...............11
God is love. Those who know the truth

1 November 2023
Open Face good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). lowing verse:
Manchester, Jamaica W.I. This is the basis of God’s govern- And Jesus said unto him, Why call-
November 2023 ment. est thou me good? there is none
Open Face is dedicated to the promotion and the Of course, all other governments good but one, that is, God. (Mark
restoration of apostolic Christianity. In particular to must operate on a different principle. 10:18)
the restoration of those truths which have been cast Let us take a moment to understand Why would Jesus say a thing like this,
down to the ground and trampled underfoot by the
what the world’s method is and how what is the point he was making? Jesus
papacy, and adopted by her daughters.
Our purpose is to motivate our readers to commit
it came to be. In 1 Timothy chapter said that the only person who is good,
themselves wholly to the task of personal 1 Paul tells us simply and clearly: is God. Of course Jesus is God by na-
preparation for the coming of the Lord, and to the Knowing this, that the law is not ture, he is God’s begotten Son so nat-
taking of the final warning message to every nation, made for a righteous man, but urally, he is good, as God is good. But
kindred, tongue and people. for the lawless and disobedient, what about Gabriel or any of the other
Open Face is published bi-monthly, and is sent free for the ungodly and for sinners, angels? Are they good? If we are to
of cost to all who desire to receive it. for unholy and profane, for mur- accept what Jesus said, these angels are
derers of fathers and murderers not good. There is a sense in which
Editor: ...........................David Clayton of mothers, for manslayers, For Jesus is speaking of goodness, and even
whoremongers, for them that an angel is not good in this sense!
P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick defile themselves with mankind,
Manchester, Jamaica W.I. for menstealers, for liars, for Jesus means that the only being in the
perjured persons, and if there be universe who is inherently good, is God!
Phone: (786) 269-0067
any other thing that is contrary Sometimes we may look at someone
Jamaica: (876) 361-8555
to sound doctrine; (1Tim 1:9-10) and say, “this is a good lady,” we can
Website: Notice that there are two systems of see goodness coming out of her. The
government. One is based on God statement is only half true because what
living inside a person, while the other it means is that she is a conduit for good.
mystery among the Gentiles which is is based on rules working from the It means that good is passing through
Christ in you, the hope of glory: (Col outside. The Scripture tells us plainly her. It means that God in her is shining
1:27) that the law on the outside is not out of her. It does not mean that she is
That is God’s unique way of government made for righteous people, and it inherently good, because there is none
and it is the secret to settling the great makes sense! Righteous people have good but God. The only thing that
conflict which has disrupted the harmony Christ on the inside; righteous people makes anyone, or anything good is the
of the universe! This is the great mystery have God on the inside, God is work- presence of God because God alone is
that was hidden for ages but is now re- ing in them. They don’t need some- good! Before anyone can truly under-
vealed to God’s saints. Furthermore, it’s thing on the outside to try to compel stand what it means that Christ is our
not just the secret to how we can live a them to behave, what is on the inside righteousness, they have to understand
sinless life, it’s also the secret to the jus- is far greater and far more persuasive. this. Everybody tries to be good, every-
body tries to conform, everybody tries
tification and vindication of the govern- On the other hand, where God does to obey the rules, everybody believes
ment of God. not live and govern from the inside, he’s getting better by his performance,
then there has to be some method of but there is no true progress until he
controlling people, some way of forc- comes to understand that “God alone
When we talk about government, we are ing them to conform to what is right is good.”
focusing on how to achieve a communal and the only method available to hu-
state of harmony. The aim is to get people man beings, is to set up a system to When we grasp the truth that God alone
to live together in a way that is peaceful, govern men from the outside, a way is good, we stop trying to evolve into
and harmonious, and where all the neces- of controlling and directing them good, we stop trying to become good,
sary things are carried out in an orderly through a system of rules and laws. we stop trying to be good by our per-
way. The main point we should understand formance, and we seek the good one,
is that God’s government is based on some- THE KEY TO GOD’S GOVERNMENT we seek the good one as the only basis
thing inside; it is based on somebody living When we understand this we realize for true goodness. Everything changes
inside! It is Christ in you, the hope of glory that there is only one system of gov- when we understand that God alone is
(Col 1:27), it is being born of God, it is ernment in the universe that can ever good. Our quest becomes a quest for
the element of having his seed remaining be sustained, or that is ever worthy God instead of a quest for moral behav-
inside. It is the work of God, it is not the of existing forever. This reality is ior. Those who live in the artificial
work of man. It is accomplished by God based on one simple, but profound world, the fake concept of religion, are
working in you to will and to do of His truth which is expressed in the fol- constantly laboring to become good by

Open Face 2
performance. This is why, when we evil? good and evil which was placed in the
understand true righteousness, we be- garden of Eden: Why did God put it
come fixated on God and His Son. We there? At first it seems that it was only
stop focusing on works and we start a snare to Adam and Eve, an unneces-
focusing on God because God alone is sary doorway through which sin could
good. That is the foundational truth! enter paradise. But the reality is, at that
Now we can understand clearly why time the universe was already divided
God’s government is the only govern- by two philosophies, so it becomes clear
ment that will work. It’s because God that it was placed there because at that
alone is good. Well then, if God alone time there was already a dividing of
is good, how can the universe ever be opinion and there were now two moral
a good place, filled with happiness and parts to the universe. Because God is
peace? The only possible way is if those In the diagram above, the yellow oblong fair and just, God had to allow every-
who live in it are in some kind of de- represents the universe. Here we may body to make their choice. Even the
pendent relationship with this one who observe the reason for the original sin- brand new people - Adam and Eve. God
is completely good. less state of the universe: If the universe
There are many verses which highlight was sinless it was because it was filled
this foundational truth, let us take a look with goodness and the only reason for
at a couple of them, beginning with that condition was because God was
Ephesians 1:22, 23: all and God was IN all. This is how it
was at the beginning, and this is how
And hath put all things under his it will be again at the end when sin
feet, and gave him to be the head finally comes to an end (1 Cor 15:28).
over all things to the church, Which
is his body, the fulness of him that We can see that this makes perfect
filleth all in all. (Eph 1:22-23) sense. How can there be a good universe
if God alone is good? Only because the
This verses states plainly that Jesus fills good God is ALL and is IN ALL! God
everything, and is in everything, in His is everything and God is in everything. warned them yes, but He was fair and
church. The church is His body. His This is perfect government. It’s a guar- so He had to give them the opportunity
life, His presence fills everything, and antee for happiness. to choose which side they wanted.
He is in everything with respect to His Today, six thousand years later, we still
church. The same truth is emphasized have the two sides. On the good side,
in 1 Cor. 15:28: which consists of the body of Christ,
And when all things shall be sub- what do we see? God (through Christ),
dued unto him, then shall the Son is all and in all (Eph 1:23). That’s what
also himself be subject unto him makes the church good. That’s what
that put all things under him, that makes you good. God is all and God is
God may be all in all. (1Cor 15:28) in all. It’s still the same eternal princi-
Notice that in the passage in Ephesians, ple.
it says that Christ is all in all in the However, there is also the other side of
church, but Jesus is fighting a battle on the universe and the question is, what
behalf of God, and when the battle is makes that side evil? Is it simply the
won He hands the kingdom back to the Of course the question arises, how does fact that Satan is on that side? Not at
Father, that God the Father may be all sin exist in the universe? The following all! The reality is, if we could kill Satan
in all. illustration represents the universe as and his angels today, the evil side of
THE NATURE OF GOOD AND EVIL it exists today; as Lucifer divided it. the universe would still remain, because
Now we no longer have one good uni- evil does not exist because of the pres-
With this background understanding,
verse, instead we have a universe that’s ence of Satan, no, evil exists because
we can now have a clear understanding
divided into two parts. Not necessarily sinners live by Satan’s principle. That
of the nature of good and evil. The Bible
divided in two equal halves, but defi- principle is that they avoid God, they
says that God alone is good. God is
nitely divided into two parts. There are fear him and they keep him out of their
love, and we have seen that the converse
now two philosophies in the universe. lives.
of love is self-centeredness. We also
saw that God alone is good. So in light We can better understand this if we It’s Satan’s principle that creates sin-
of this, we ask the question: What is consider the tree of the knowledge of
Continued on page 6
3 November 2023
A Right Spirit
Daniel Clayton

stand better how God wants me to relate Saul murdered the priests of Nob in
to Him. I mean, ask yourself the ques- cold blooded, fiendish rage, and Israel
tion . . . what can I really give to God had grown tired of his cruelty and tyr-
to bring Him joy? What gift can I pres- anny. They longed for the day when
ent to a being who is almighty, omni- the slayer of Goliath and hero of Israel
scient, and who gives me all I have would take his rightful place on the
anyway? Can my good works impress throne, and they told David as much
Him? Can I give a big enough tithe to everywhere he went.
move Him? What can I give? If that And then came David’s chance! On
question is considered for just a few this night, Saul lay powerless before
Recently, I was blessed to see and enjoy seconds, the inevitable conclusion has him, at his mercy. The scourge of his
another birthday, and I praised the Lord to be reached that there is absolutely life, his nemesis and tormentor, the one
for this gift. My little three year old NOTHING! Nothing except the right blocking him from greatness and glory,
son, by listening to well wishers and attitude that is. was now in the palm of his hands. Sweet
other family members I suppose, rec- This point is reflected in the words of relief was a sword swing away, and
ognized that somehow it was an impor- a man who was said to be ‘after God’s surely this was a God-given opportu-
tant day in my life. He went into a own heart,’ a man who truly epitomized nity! But David’s words show clearly
corner by himself, scribbled some mark- the point I am trying to make here. the kind of attitude he had. We can see
ings on a piece of paper, and brought David says in Psalm 51:10: it in 1 Samuel 24:6:
it to me exultantly. “Look daddy!” he
exclaimed, “I drew you a flower!” Create in me a clean heart, O God; And he said unto his men, The
and renew a right spirit within me. LORD forbid that I should do this
I took the drawing from his hand and thing unto my master, the LORD'S
observed with amusement that the mark- What was David talking about when
anointed, to stretch forth mine hand
ings were indecipherable, looked abso- he made reference to a ‘right spirit?’ against him, seeing he is the
lutely nothing like a flower, and the Does this verse imply that when it anointed of the LORD. (1Sam 24:6)
whole thing was frankly, a complete comes to dealing with God there is a
mess. But yet, I felt a warm, tender right attitude, and by deduction, a David refused to harm one hair on
feeling well up inside my heart, I looked wrong attitude? The answer is, defi- Saul’s head, not because he was afraid
nitely, yes! to, not because Saul did not deserve it,
at his eager little face, and with a broad and not because he was unaware of
smile I reached down and picked him DAVID’S ATTITUDE how miserable Saul had made his life
up, hugged and kissed him, and told The life of David, despite his great mis- and the life of his men. But he would
him how grateful I was for his gift. I take, is an object lesson in what having not dare to harm the Lord’s anointed!
told him he had made my day, and I a right spirit means. We can see this in He would not dare to make decisions
really meant it. several things which he did. Before he of such magnitude against the will of
You see, what made me react this way became king, his early years were spent the Lord. He would not dare to take
was not the quality or appropriateness dodging and evading a jealous, murder- steps to set up himself if it meant acting
of the gift. At his age, I expected abso- ous enemy. Saul pursued him relent- against God! He would not touch his
lutely nothing from him at all. But the lessly, mercilessly and unreasonably deadliest enemy, because he would rath-
attitude and the spirit of his gesture all over the country, even though he er wait on the Lord to do things in His
stirred me deeply, and it meant more was not guilty of any crime. time and His way!
to me than if an older, more aware per-
He took David’s wife and gave her to What a remarkable attitude! What de-
son had bought me an expensive article.
another man and became obsessed with votion and humility! Even the chance
I took into consideration his intention
thwarting God’s plan. As long as he to strike a blow and set up himself as
and motive, and for me this was the was alive, David would never be king, king could not tempt David to act in a
greatest treasure of all. even though he had been chosen by way that would be displeasing to God.
To see that my son was trying, in his God himself. He, Saul, was the one THIS was the right spirit, the exemplary
own limited, misguided little way to great obstacle standing between David attitude which made him a man after
make me happy helped me to under- and His divine destiny. God’s own heart. It was the spirit he

Open Face 4
displayed throughout his life, and we Here we can see that David’s great con- before men, to be seen of them:
can see the same thing repeated shortly cern was not his reputation, nor his own otherwise ye have no reward of
after when Saul, continuing his Satanic welfare, but the fact that he had betrayed your Father which is in heaven.
agenda, fell into David’s grasp a second the Lord, and displayed a rebellious Therefore when thou doest thine
alms, do not sound a trumpet before
time. spirit against Him. Psalm 51:10 shows thee, as the hypocrites do in the
This time, he was more than justified that he recognized that the problem was synagogues and in the streets, that
to slay Saul. After sparing him the first not so much the action that he per- they may have glory of men. Verily
time and hearing him promise to never formed, but the spirit, the intention, the I say unto you, They have their
pursue him again, here he was! This motive and attitude towards God which reward. But when thou doest alms,
time he had broken his vow and proven led to the action to begin with. I feel let not thy left hand know what thy
beyond the shadow of a doubt his un- very confident that David regained that right hand doeth: That thine alms
spirit, a right spirit, and despite his error, may be in secret: and thy Father
worthiness! This time, Abishai offered which seeth in secret himself shall
to perform the deed and take the burden he will always be remembered as the
man after God’s own heart. reward thee openly. (Matt 6:1-4)
of guilt off David’s hands! Surely it
should now have been a case of ‘once THE SPIRIT JESUS TAUGHT What we can see here is that many men
bitten, twice shy!’ do ‘good’ deeds, they perform morally
Jesus taught about having the right spirit
upright actions and appear to be oper-
But again, David showed the true state as well. We can see an example of this ating in the service of God. But their
of his heart, refusing to act against God. in Mark 12:41-44: motives are totally, utterly wrong. The
1 Samuel 26:9 And Jesus sat over against the inward desire of their hearts is not to
And David said to Abishai, Destroy treasury, and beheld how the peo- obey and honour the Father, but rather
him not: for who can stretch forth ple cast money into the treasury: to be commended by men.
his hand against the LORD'S and many that were rich cast in
anointed, and be guiltless? (1Sam much. And there came a certain This is a fundamental distinction which
26:9) poor widow, and she threw in two encapsulates and summarizes in verity
mites, which make a farthing. And what God really wants from us. It is
Despite the urgings of his loyal men, he called unto him his disciples, not our tithes, our good works, our up-
despite Saul’s treachery and deceit, de- and saith unto them, Verily I say standing reputations or faithful church
spite the myriads of reasons he had to unto you, That this poor widow hath attendance. But a heart that is submis-
act decisively this time, his concern cast more in, than all they which sive and truly desirous of pleasing Him.
was still . . . how can I act against some- have cast into the treasury: For all A heart which says, I will not do any-
one chosen by God Himself? How can they did cast in of their abundance; thing publicly or privately, because I
I move against the will of the Lord in but she of her want did cast in all want HIS approval, I want nothing to
my own wisdom? His attitude and spirit that she had, even all her living. come between us, I am willing to submit
were right towards the Lord his God, (Mark 12:41-44) my own desires and feelings to Him,
and this is what moves and impresses The focus of Jesus’ message here was just like David did.
the Lord! attitude. What is important to God is
not how much we can give to Him, how This is what is meaningful to God, the
When David plotted to destroy Uriah right spirit! The inner condition of a
and take Bathsheba, he engaged in a elaborate the words we use when ad-
person, and not his public displays.
series of actions which were all done dressing Him, or how much of a show This is why he told Samuel in 1 Samuel
in his own wisdom, to fulfil his own we can put on for others to see. He is 16:7:
desires and lusts, and were carried out interested in those who have the right
without consulting the Lord. For a mo- spirit! In fact, Jesus says the Father But the LORD said unto Samuel,
ment, because he looked to himself and seeks people to worship Him in spirit Look not on his countenance, or on
the height of his stature; because I
his own wants he lost the right spirit, and in truth. In the context of what I
have refused him: for the LORD
and perpetuated a great evil in Israel. am saying here, the Father wants us to seeth not as man seeth; for man
When he realized what he had done, worship him with a true spirit! A spirit looketh on the outward appear-
his words show that he understood what which says, my greatest desire is to ance, but the LORD looketh on the
he had lost, and he sought to regain it. please HIM! and if I fail in my actions heart. (1Sam 16:7)
sometimes, I still maintain the right spir-
Psalm 51:4 it. This is what my son showed to me, in
Against thee, thee only, have I Jesus drew a contrast to this attitude by his own limited attempt to give me a
sinned, and done this evil in thy gift on my birthday, he showed me a
sight: that thou mightest be justified highlighting the wrong spirit also in right spirit! And this is all our heavenly
when thou speakest, and be clear Matthew 6:1-4: Father desires of us.
when thou judgest. (Ps 51:4) Take heed that ye do not your alms

5 November 2023
Foundations want to be saved, if we want to rise
above what is going on in the world,
God. He knew that God is fair. He knew
that God would not simply say, “I will
we must center our attention on God eliminate you because you’re a danger-
Continued from page 3
and Christ. ous rebel,” and summarily destroy him.
ners, not Satan himself. People make Satan knew God, and He knew that if
the mistake of blaming Satan for every- THE NATURE OF THE REBELLION
he got intelligent beings to believe him
thing. Yes, it is true that Satan intro- How may we understand the nature of and to doubt God, God would back off;
duced the lie into the universe and in Satan’s rebellion? The question is, what he knew he would get a chance to es-
this sense he is the cause of sin, he bears method did Satan use to carry out this tablish his alternative kingdom, because
the ultimate responsibility. It is also warfare against God? In John 8:44, Je- he knew God. Satan dared to attack
true that Satan is constantly engaged sus refers to Satan by a certain name: God because he knew God’s character!
in efforts to destroy people and induce He says of Satan: So Jesus referred to him as a liar, be-
them to be even more antagonistic to- . . . . He was a murderer from the cause he knew what he was doing. It is
wards God, but individually, people are beginning, and abode not in the clear that Satan’s warfare against God
evil even when Satan is absent. They truth, because there is no truth in was not a conflict of force; it was pro-
are evil because they have adopted Sa- him. When he speaketh a lie, he paganda warfare. His primary weapons
tan’s principle and God is missing. That speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, were lies and propaganda.
is the problem. and the father of it. (John 8:44)
When we understand this, it becomes
If we think back to the beginning of clear that the battle we are involved in
Satan’s rebellion against God, we may is a battle of information. Understanding
ask, who did Satan murder in the be- this we realize that our first weapon is
ginning? We cannot find any record of information, and the most important
him murdering anybody in heaven, but piece of information is the truth con-
we discover that his method was to cerning the character of God! That’s
spread lies and propaganda about God the first thing. Christians don’t take up
(Job 1:9-11). However in his campaign guns, and we don’t go out in the streets
against God there was manifested the and march against the government, and
spirit of a murderer. The only way he we don’t go around stirring up rebellion
In other words, we don’t need to be so could ever displace God was to get God because of the injustices in society. In-
afraid of Satan, we need to be afraid of out of the way—effectively murdering stead we take our Bibles and we go out
ourselves! We need to be afraid of our God. That’s why Jesus says he was a to inform people, we go out to spread
fear of God, we need to be afraid of our murderer, there was murder latent in information. We go out there to help
ignorance of God. God feared and God his heart. In his efforts to take the place people know the kind of person the God
avoided; that is the nature of sin. Every of God, Satan’s intent was to get rid of of Heaven is, because this is the trans-
sinner in the world is a sinner because God. forming element in everything! If a man
he avoids God. The reason he avoids It is obvious that Satan cannot stand is beating his wife, he needs the knowl-
God is almost always because he’s against God in a combat of force, that edge of God. If a woman is slandering
afraid of God, and that fear arises be- is impossible! How can the creature her husband, she needs the knowledge
cause he’s ignorant of God—absolutely stand against his creator? Not even for of God. People under the dominion of
ignorant, and so he avoids God. That a moment would that be possible! If sin need the knowledge of God! There
is the nature of sin and that is the natureGod snaps His fingers, if God thinks a is one answer to the problems of the
of good and evil. Good is not something thought, if God bats His eye, in that world, and it is the knowledge of God.
that you develop, nor is evil some kind instant, Satan would be dead. God is That is what Satan rose up against, he
of seed that is planted in you. It has to almighty. Satan cannot stand against raised himself up against the truth of
do entirely with whether or not we are God. So how could the creature stand the goodness of God and he began to
connected to God. against the Creator? Yet Satan did, and spread lying propaganda.
So we may conclude that our relation- the question is, how was this possible? Essentially, what he did was that he
ship with evil has to do entirely with The answer is, Satan knew God’s char- opened the door to spiritual darkness,
how we relate to God! If we want to be acter, and he knew God’s principles and this darkness enveloping the world
good, then we must find God and stay and this is what Satan depended on in is the darkness of misconception about
with Him. If we want to be evil, all we his campaign against God. He knew God. This is the root reason for most
have to do is avoid God. It’s as simple that God would not wipe him out of of the false doctrines that exist, they
as that. Let us never, ever lose that cen- existence without giving him a chance arise because people don’t know God.
tral reality. God is the center and if we to prove his point, because he knew This darkness of misunderstanding God

Open Face 6
makes people get into things that are essary, there is little trust and fellowship How was God to do this? There was
irrelevant and pointless and unimport- in the ritual. This is an accurate descrip- only one way and it was to set a system
ant! They do nothing for the glory of tion of the experience of many profess- of rules in place where people were
God, they do nothing for the honor of ing Christians. These are people who forced to restrain their own evil, self-
God. They get into legalistic nit-picking are involved in “formula religion.” They seeking passions. They could not be
elements which they introduce into their know the formula but they don’t know allowed to behave on the basis of their
religion because they don’t know God. the Person. When we lose trust, we lose own voluntary choice. Of course, this
So we should understand that the knowl- fellowship. And when we lose fellow- system would only be a stop-gap, but
edge of God is the greatest and the most ship, God’s government is absent from God had to set it up. It was not enough
important truth which brings balance our lives, God is not in control anymore. to give them a Bible study and appeal
and harmony into a person’s religious This is the obvious sequence. Naturally, to them to love one another, this does
experience when God no longer governs our lives not work when people are separated
then peace and harmony is gone. from God. Policemen have to be put in
This is God’s dilemma. He is living in place to enforce the rule of law strictly
Satan’s character assasination created and in many cases people have to be
a dilemma for God. God’s dilemma is a universe where many don’t trust His
character. In such places there is no severely punished and even executed.
that He cannot personally defend him- It is no longer possible to leave them
self against an attack on his character. peace and there is no harmony, and the
whole purpose of God, for the past free to choose their own way, order has
Here is an example of what I mean: to be preserved by force. They have to
6,000 years has been to restore the uni-
What if my wife starts to say negative verse to its original state of peace and be governed by compulsion.
things to people about me? I can say, harmony. We may summarize God’s This is why God established a tempo-
“It’s not true.” But a seed will have dilemma as follows: rary system of government based on
been planted in the minds of people external rules, the ten commandments.
that will be very difficult to erase be- ▪ God’s character has been slandered. The fact is, anywhere there is a govern-
cause they don’t live with me. My wife ▪ God is unable to personally defend ment based on external rules the only
has lived with me for forty-five years, Himself against such an attack. way it can work effectively is by en-
night and day. She eats with me, she ▪ This attack has resulted in many forcing those laws. This is why when
sleeps with me, and if she starts to losing trust in God. God gave the law, He laid down strict
spread lies about me I have a serious penalties for breaking them. He made
problem! Maybe I can beat her, maybe ▪ The loss of trust resulted in loss of rules that if they didn’t obey they were
find a way to silence her, but I cannot fellowship.
to be punished and in some cases they
fight the attack that way. That will not ▪ When we lose fellowship with were even to be killed. This was God’s
overthrow the lies which have been told God, he no longer governs our lives. only option. But even though this was
and in fact, such a response will only ▪ When God no longer governs the ordained by God, it was still only a
make people think that she was right universe is in chaos. partial, stop-gap measure. It was not
in her accusations. This is the problem his normal way of governing and it was
that God had! God is almighty. and God This is the sequence that leads to either a system that was only to last until He
could wipe out Satan, but that would anarchy or peace. It should be evident was able to restore His original system
not help the situation. Even an Almighty that if we get one of these wrong, ev- based on trust in Him.
God cannot defend Himself against lies erything else is wrong. Many set out to
in that way. find an answer in following a set of THE TRUE SOLUTION
rules because they think that is the so- So we can see that the path to recovery
What if the beings in the universe would lution which is required, but such an
believe Satan’s lies (as some did), what approach will never bring us to the place had to take a certain direction; First,
would be the consequence? If we be- where God wants us to be. God had to find a way to give an un-
lieve that God is self-centered and self- mistakable revelation of His character.
seeking and that God doesn’t really A TEMPORARY SOLUTION He had to strike the problem at the root,
care about our welfare (like many peo- So how did God deal with the crisis? where it originated. Yes, He could write
ple do today), then we lose trust in God. The first thing was that He had to pre- it in a book, He could make a statement,
When we lose trust in God, of course serve order regardless. In a place where He could say “I’m good. I love you
we avoid fellowship with Him. We nor- there was no longer trust in God, there all!” But no, that would not have been
mally do not hang around people we was bound to be disorder and chaos. enough to overthrow the lie, there need-
don’t trust. Maybe we will still go God wanted to restore peace and har- ed to be something that could not be
through the motions of prayer, but we mony, but it was a process that would mistaken, something that could not be
don’t really enjoy it, it’s simply a duty take time and meanwhile He needed to faked or counterfeited. He needed some-
we carry out because we think it is nec- preserve order regardless. Continued on page 10

7 November 2023
Difference in the Two Covenants
tine and then Calvin picked it up, abysmally ignorant of what the Bible
then Dr. Des Ford ran it through teaches or is deliberately deceiving
Adventism. himself and others as to what the Bible
They (Imad & David) see it as says.
periods of time. The 1888 messen-
gers saw it as two different Chris-
tian experiences available all down These people have focused on one
through time. They both exist to- aspect of the New Covenant, but they
gether. We all go through the old to completely reject another aspect which
get to the new. It's a mindset not a is more significant and which brings
time frame. greater truth and understanding. The
It's always the same law or cove- two Covenants are events that are
nant. God is the same yesterday, absolutely defined by time periods, this
today, and tomorrow. That you is so clearly taught in the Bible that it
don't understand and this is a sad is a major puzzle to understand how
thing. Yeshua was the embodying people can deny this glaring truth. The
of the Torah and the covenant. Your New Covenant was implemented at the
statements take away and steal time of Jesus death and resurrection,
The Christian landscape is in a from the amazing nature of the before that time, what people had was
doctrinal mess. There are so many Eternal Elohim and makes confu-
a PROMISE of the New Covenant, but
differing ideas about every doctrine sion and mislead with western
world pseudo wisdom. it had not yet been set up. In Hebrews
that sometimes it seems that there will chapter 9, the apostle Paul tells us,
never be unity of the faith within Abraham and Moses and David etc
Christendom. God assures us that there For where a testament is, there must
etc lived via the faith of Jesus under
will be unity among his people the new covenant in the old testa- also of necessity be the death of the
eventually, but it has to be admitted ment and they did it God's way! testator. For a testament is of force
that when we look at the present after men are dead: otherwise it is of
These comments were not all made by
situation it is hard to believe. Even on no strength at all while the testator
one person, but are actually a
something as basic and straightforward liveth. (Heb 9:16-17)
collection of comments made by about
as the two Covenants there is four different people. This verse alone is sufficient to make
unexpected confusion. This week I the matter clear beyond debate. A
came across a discussion on Facebook It is true that the two covenants may,
Testament, a covenant is effective after
in which the following comments were in a secondary sense be applied to the
the death of the person who makes it.
made: personal experience of an individual
It has no efficacy while the person is
Christian. Yes, many Christians do
COVENANT OF EXPERIENCE VS TIME first of all try to seek God’s favor still alive. Paul was making this point
in relation to Jesus’ new covenant.
The covenants are not to do with through their works, having an old That covenant was not effective, did
periods of time but of two different Covenant mindset, before they come not go into effect until the “testator,”
experiences (read Gal 4 21-31). to understand the way of faith and
(that is Christ) was dead. This is why
These like Hagar and Sarah existed abandon their efforts to please him by
concurrently. These two experienc- works and accept the way of faith. The Jesus referred to the communion wine
es are represented by these two apostle Paul does apply the two as “the new testament in my blood.” It
women. So the experiences exist covenants experience in this way in was his death, the shedding of his
concurrently. They have nothing to Romans chapter 7, where he speaks of blood, that made the covenant go into
do with BC vs AD. (the Bible was a person being brought to a state of effect.
divided like this by dispensational
helplessness and despair by the law, Again, in Galatians chapter 3 Paul
before he eventually comes to Christ. shows us clearly that the two covenants
Waggoner succinctly stated: The This is the application of the two existed in two different periods of time.
old covenant is, “we will do it.” The covenants principle to an individual’s First of all, he shows us that God
new covenant in action is, “Christ experience, but it is NOT the primary promised the new covenant to
will do it through our faculties!”
meaning of the two covenants in the Abraham through his Seed. Later on,
It's interesting to note dispensation- Bible. Anyone who claims this is either the law was added to God’s dealings
alism originally came from Augus-
Open Face 8
with his people. The covenant of the that both covenants are centered on the 1. The old covenant proposed that this
law, established at Sinai, was added as law. would be accomplished by man's
a temporary measure to discipline and 1. The Old Covenant was simply the conformity to the law (which proved
school them until the promise to law written on stone. to be an impossibility)
Abraham was fulfilled and Abraham’s
seed, the new covenant, arrived. When 2. The New Covenant is simply the 2. The new covenant provided that this
this seed (Christ) arrived, the law (the same law), written in the should be accomplished by Christ
heart. dwelling in the believer and imparting
temporary covenant of the law was his own, resurrected, victorious life to
abolished and the new covenant was In this understanding the only him as a gift, thus enabling him to
established. difference between both covenants is "walk in his laws." Or simply, to
Now to Abraham and his seed were the LOCATION of the law. The law behave as he Christ behaves. This
the promises made. He saith not, itself remains exactly the same and the victorious, resurrected life became
And to seeds, as of many; but as of covenant remains the same in essence. available when Christ became the last
one, And to thy seed, which is The only difficulty was that the law Adam, not just our legal representative,
Christ. And this I say, that the was not being kept in the first instance. but the source of our new life which
covenant, that was confirmed be- This is why in so many cases we find makes us a part of his kingdom,
fore of God in Christ, the law, that people who hold to this members of the new human race.
which was four hundred and thirty misconception are determined feast-
years after, cannot disannul, that it keepers and observers of many other In other words, it is not just a matter of
should make the promise of none
effect. For if the inheritance be of aspects of the laws of Moses. If the the law moving to a new location, it is
the law, it is no more of promise: only thing that changed was the a matter of the form of the law
but God gave it to Abraham by location of the law and not the law changing.
promise. Wherefore then serveth the itself, then obviously, it suggests that For the priesthood being changed,
law? It was added because of trans- all the law still is relevant and needs to there is made of necessity a change
gressions, till the seed should come be observed! also of the law. (Heb 7:12)
to whom the promise was made; But according to the Bible the two Originally it was a document
and it was ordained by angels in the
hand of a mediator. (Gal 3:16-19) covenants involves much more than consisting of 10 statements. In the New
simply a change in the location of the Covenant it is not a document, it is a
Wherefore the law was our school- law. New nature, inscribed in the spirit of
master to bring us unto Christ, that the believer by the gift of the spirit of
we might be justified by faith. But Firstly: The central issue in the
Christ which produces the image of
after that faith is come, we are no covenants was not the law, it was the God in man. Something that the
longer under a schoolmaster. (Gal relationship between God and man. document of ten statements could
3:24-25) Yes, it is true that there was, and is no never possibly do! In Jeremiah chapter
It was ADDED, "TILL" . . . . it was problem with the law (the ten 31, God described it as the writing of
temporary and had an expiry point. commandments), but the question is the law on the hearts of believers.
not "how can we keep the law?" Above Typically, those who are law-oriented
In that he saith, A new covenant, he and beyond that is the greater question, have interpreted this to mean the
hath made the first old. Now that "how can the relationship between man transference of the same 10 rules to the
which decayeth and waxeth old is
and God be restored?" This is the real minds of believers. But it should be
ready to vanish away. (Heb 8:13)
issue. When the relationship is evident that God was referring – not to
Here we see clearly that there were two restored, the keeping of the law is a the letter of the law, not simply ten
different covenants. The Old covenant simple matter.
had decayed and was already vanishing rules, but to the impartation of the
1. The Old Covenant proposed that nature and character of Christ to his
away in the times of the apostles. It is
this relationship should be estab- people!
now completely gone, replaced by a
lished by the performance of the Ezekiel 36 gives a different perspective
"better covenant."
people - the keeping of the law. when it says that God will give them a
2. The New Covenant proposed that new heart and a new spirit! Not ten
Additionally, here is another aspect of this relationship should be estab- rules, but a different spiritual nature!
the faulty understanding which these lished simply on the basis of faith in Now believers do not represent God by
people have: They are basically fixated Christ. simply following ten rules, no, they
on the law and see it as the center of all represent God because God lives in
Secondly: Along with the restored
God’s dealings with man. With such a them by the gift of his spirit. They live
relationship, there was the issue of how
focus, how can anyone escape the
to represent God properly. Here, the
tentacles of legalism? So they conclude Continued on page 12
focus was on man's behavior.
9 November 2023
Foundations Nothing Like It
Continued from page 7
thing so clear and transparent that it
would be clear that even God Himself tions, but now is made manifest to
could not fake what was revealed. his saints: To whom God would
Something in which not even God Al- make known what is the riches of
mighty Himself could fool the people. the glory of this mystery among the
Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the
God not only had to reveal His character hope of glory: (Col 1:26-27)
in this unmistakable way, but He also
had to prove that His way of governing Where there is neither Greek nor
was the only effective way, that it was Jew, circumcision nor uncircumci-
sion, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor
the best way. In addition to this, because free: but Christ is all, and in all.
He is a God of love, He also had to find (Col 3:11)
a way to save those who were victims.
When we think about it we realize that In all the universe there is no other HOW AND WHOSE GLORY
the poor people of planet Earth, so deep- government which operates on the same When Christ has accomplished this
ly infected by sin, are really victims. principle as God’s government. great work of restoration, then the uni-
Some may not agree, but it is the truth; All other governments operate on the verse will be back to its perfect, sinless
we are victims. We did not ask to be principle of preserving order and coop- condition where God is all, and living
born, we did not ask to be born in a eration through a system of LAWS IN ALL!
world that was under the dominion of AND ACCOMPANYING PUNISH- And when all things shall be sub-
Satan. We never took Adam’s decision, MENTS. dued unto him, then shall the Son
we were born in a bad situation and it also himself be subject unto him
wasn’t our fault, we are victims. Even that put all things under him, that
though some of us will reject the op- God’s true government is within. He God may be all in all. (1Cor 15:28)
portunity for salvation and be lost at rules in His kingdom by sharing himself
the end, we are still victims. The God and his life with his people, he is with NOT WORDS NOR ANGELS
of love not only wants to safeguard the them and IN THEM! No other govern- This amazing relationship can never be
universe, He wants to give us a chance, ment can function like this, for God is achieved through the ministry of angels
because we are victims. But He had to the only one who is capable of living (though they have a part to play), or
find a way to do it justifiably. He had inside another person. This is why all through the ministry of the words of
to stay within the bounds of what is fair other governments must fail . . . they the Bible ( though it also is designed
- fair even to Satan! operate on the basis of seeking confor- to play a part). It is only through the
mity through external laws and rules. personal, literal indwelling of God and
So the true solution to the assault against
His Son that this system of living gov-
God’s kingdom has three parts:
ernment can be achieved. All else, ev-
1. An unmistakable revelation of Jesus Is God’s General, His mission is erything and anything else, will only
God’s character to restore the universe to his Father, to lead to rank legalism, a formula for
re-establish that principle of God gov-
2. A revelation of the efficacy of erning within, in all of the intelligent failure and frustration.
God’s government creation.
3. A way to justifiably save the vic- And hath put all things under his
tims. feet, and gave him to be the head
These are the foundational issues in the over all things to the church, Which
universe, the issues which lie at the root is his body, the fulness of him that
of the terrible condition of planet earth filleth all in all. (Eph 1:22-23)
and its inhabitants. Recovery and de- First of all, Jesus restores this relation-
liverance can only come when there is ship in himself. This is the only way in
a recognition and acceptance of God’s which God can truly be glorified; this
answers to Satan’s distortions of the is the only hope of bringing glory to
truth. God.
Even the mystery which hath been
hid from ages and from genera-

Open Face 10
Vitamin Supplements
Lenworth Frankson


Throughout our lives, there are periods Some vitamins, such as vitamin C and
when our bodies require more vitamins vitamin E, are antioxidants that can help
and minerals. For instance, pregnant or protect cells from damage. This can
breastfeeding women, growing children, help reduce the risk of chronic diseases
athletes, and individuals recovering such as heart disease, cancer, and Al-
from illnesses have increased nutrient zheimer's disease.
needs. Vitamin supplements can provide
the extra support required to meet these
demands and ensure good health. Take supplements with food to improve
Avoid taking supplements with caffeine
People who follow restrictive diets, such or alcohol, as these substances can in-
Vitamins and minerals are essential nu- as veganism or certain weight loss plans, terfere with absorption.
trients that our bodies require to func- might struggle to get all essential nutri-
tion properly. While obtaining these ents from their food choices. Supple- Take supplements at the same time each
nutrients through a balanced diet is ide- ments can serve as a valuable backup day so you don't forget.
al, there are situations where vitamin to ensure they meet their nutritional re- Store supplements in a cool, dry place.
supplements become necessary. In this quirements.
article, we'll explore the reasons why It is also important to note that vitamin
vitamin supplements may be recom- 5. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS supplements can interact with certain
mended and the circumstances in which The environment in which you live can medications. Be sure to talk to your
they can be beneficial for your health. influence your nutritional needs. For doctor about any supplements you are
instance, in regions with limited sun taking, especially if you are taking any
1. NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES prescription medications.
exposure, vitamin D supplements may
One of the primary reasons individuals be advised to prevent deficiencies. Ad- It's crucial to remember that vitamin
turn to vitamin supplements is to ad- ditionally, individuals residing in areas supplements should complement, not
dress nutrient deficiencies. Sometimes, with limited access to fresh produce replace, a well-balanced and diverse
our diets fall short of providing specific may find vitamin and mineral supple- diet. Organic whole foods offer a spec-
vitamins or minerals in sufficient quan- mentation beneficial in maintaining trum of nutrients in their natural forms,
tities. Common deficiencies include overall health. which are often better absorbed by the
vitamin D, vitamin B12, and iron. Veg- body. Moreover, excessive intake of
etarians and individuals with limited 6. ELDERLY INDIVIDUALS
certain vitamins and minerals can have
food choices are particularly susceptible As we age, our bodies may experience adverse effects. Before starting any sup-
to these deficiencies. Supplements can reduced nutrient absorption and in- plement regimen, consult with a health-
bridge the nutritional gap and help creased nutrient requirements. Supple- care professional or registered dietitian.
maintain optimal health. ments can play a vital role in addressing They can assess your unique nutritional
deficiencies that are commonly seen in needs and discuss potential risks and
older adults, promoting overall well-be- benefits. In many cases, making dietary
Certain medical conditions and circum- ing.
stances can hinder the body's ability to improvements may be the most appro-
absorb nutrients from food. Conditions 7. CHRONIC HEALTH CONDITIONS priate solution to address nutrient defi-
like celiac disease, Crohn's disease, or Certain chronic illnesses and medica- ciencies and maintain optimal health.
gastric bypass surgery can compromise tions can interfere with nutrient absorp- Then God said, “Behold, I have
nutrient absorption. In such cases, tion or metabolism. Individuals with given you every plant yielding seed
healthcare professionals often recom- conditions like diabetes, heart disease, that is on the surface of all the
mend supplements to ensure that the or osteoporosis may benefit from spe- earth, and every tree which has fruit
body receives the necessary vitamins cific supplements to manage their health yielding seed; it shall be food for
you;” Gen 1:29 (NASB)
and minerals. effectively.

11 November 2023
Difference In the Two Covenants
ministration of the spirit be rather God in the believer. Faith is the
Continued from page 9 glorious? (2Cor 3:6-8) believers input, but the restoration of
in harmony with the ten rules and Now the Lord is that Spirit: and God's image is accomplished ONLY
much more! Because they are no where the Spirit of the Lord is, there through the gift of the spirit which
longer responding to ten rules, but to is liberty. (2Cor 3:17) came at Pentecost, the life of the
a far greater source of instruction and There are people who will be saved in resurrected, glorified Christ, the last
truth, which is the spirit of the living spite of the fact that they kept the law Adam. This is our source of life and
God! very poorly, but NOBODY will be there is no other way by which one may
Paul describes this difference clearly saved who is not a son of God. be restored to the image of God. The
in 2 Cor 3: relationship is the issue. The law was keeping of the 10 commandments is
only setup as a means of restoring this only the byproduct of this righteous
Who also hath made us able minis- life.
ters of the new testament; not of the relationship under the Old Covenant,
letter, but of the spirit: for the letter but as we all know, it never worked and
killeth, but the spirit giveth life. But never could.
if the ministration of death, written
The eternal doorway to being right with
and engraven in stones, was glori-
ous, so that the children of Israel God (righteous) is faith in God. This is
could not stedfastly behold the face what some are referring to as the
of Moses for the glory of his coun- "everlasting covenant," but again, faith
tenance; which glory was to be is only a half of the process, the other
done away: How shall not the half is the restoration of the image of

Open Face
Open Face Fellowship
P.O. Box 23, Knockpatrick
Jamaica, West Indies
ph. (304) 932-4543
Jamaica: (876) 361-8555

Open Face 12

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