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Grade: 8
Date: 6th October 2021
Duration: 1 hour
Marks: 50

Instructions for Remote Examination with Scanned answer sheets

● Please write your Name, Div., Roll No and Page no (Big and Bold) on an A4 lined sheet. This will be
your answer sheet
● Every answer must have a Question number and a Sub-question number for example.
Q1 (a) or QA (i).
● Please leave two lines between the main Questions in the answer sheet
● After finishing the paper in the allotted writing time, check that all questions have been answered.
● Select the ‘Scan solution’ at the left-hand corner.
● Use the mobile phone to scan the QR code from and the link from will appear on
your phone; visit that link and scan solutions/answers using your phone and enter the pin after
uploading each sheet on on your computer screen.
● Repeat the procedure for scanning in case of multiple sheets entering the code each time.
● Ensure that all sheets have been uploaded.
● Note that only solutions/answers may be photographed. Be careful not to include anything else.
● Please ensure that both the devices have an active internet connection.
● The SUBMIT button should be pressed only after all the sheets are done.
● For the smooth and undisturbed running of the exam you will all be muted. You may enter any issue
that you may face in the chat box on
● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● You should show all your working.
● You may use a calculator.

● The total mark for this paper is 50.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ]
This document consists of 4 printed pages

Q1) Simplify these power calculations.
Give each answer as a power of 6
a) 68 ÷ 62 [1]
b) 3 × 2 × 63 × 64 [1]

Q2) Estimate the cube root of 300. Show the required working. [3]

Q3) a) Write 0.076 to one significant figure. [1]

b) Write 0.8783 to two significant figure. [1]
c) Write 476.93 to three significant figure. [1]

Q4) Work out the following: [2]

5 (92 – 34) – 3( 24 – 42)

Q5) Body mass index can be used to measure how healthy a person is.

M is mass in kilograms.
H is height in metres.
Yuri is 1.8m tall and his mass is 64.8kg.
Calculate Yuri’s body mass index. [2]

Q6) Equation of motion is v = u +at,

where v is final velocity
u is initial (starting) velocity
a is acceleration and t is time
Rearrange the formula to make
a) u the subject [1]
b) a the subject [1]
c) t the subject [1]

Q7) Solve the following inequality. Check the solution set.

4 – 10x ≤ 20 – 2x [3]

Q8) Using method of elimination solve the following simultaneous equations:
3x + 2y = 38
3x – y = 26 [3]

Q9) The nth term of a sequence is given by the formula

2𝑛 + 1
Write down the first four terms of the sequence. [2]

Q10) Work out the expression for the nth term for:
10, 7, 4, 1 [2]

Q11) The fifth term of a non-linear sequence is 9.

The term – to – term rule is ‘divide by 3’.
Work out the second term of the sequence. [2]

Q12) Chen has 1.6 kilograms of flour. He uses one quarter of the flour to make a cake.
He uses a further 325 grams of the flour to make some biscuits.
Calculate how much flour Chen has left.
Give your answer in grams. [2]

Q13) In the United States a person’s mass is given in pounds.

100 pounds = 45.4 kg
A woman’s mass is 63.6 kg
Convert this to pounds. Give your answer to nearest whole number. [2]

Q14) Paolo is building a brick wall. So far, the wall has five layers of bricks.
Each brick is 7.5 cm high. The layer of mortar between the bricks are 15 mm thick.
Work out the total height of the wall, in centimetres. [2]

Q15) Lily wants to count the number of cars of different colours that drive past her school.
Design a data collection sheet that Lily could use. [2]

Q16) These are the masses, to the nearest kg, of 24 members of an athletics club.
66 72 88 52 64 85 68 86 75 82 56 61
78 58 62 75 84 62 81 55 95 67 74 63
a) Record this information on a data-collection sheet. [3]
b) Most commonly fond masses were in which group (class-interval) ? [1]

Q17) Isaac walks 8 km north an dthen 12 km east. How far is Isaac from his starting point? [2]

Q18) The diagram shows a triangle inside a circle with centre O.

The lengths of the shorter sides of the triangle are 12 cm and 16 cm.
Work out area of the circle. NOT TO SCALE [3]
16 cm 12 cm

Q19) A 500g bag of pasta costs $0.82.

A 2 kg bag of the same pasta costs $3.30.
Which bag is the better value for money?
Show your working. [2]

Q20) Fiona ran to raise money for charity.

The travel graph shows her journey.
She stopped once for a break.

a) Work out Fiona’s average speed for:

i) the first part of the journey before she
took a break [1]
ii) the second part of the journey after she
took a break. [1]

b) During which part of the journey was

Fiona travelling fastest? [1]

c) Work out Fiona’s average speed for the

whole journey, including the break. [1]

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