History Q1-Bismarck's Influence On The German Empire (Pros and Cons)

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Otto Von Bismarck’s influence in the German Empire

Positive aspects:
• single handedly caused the unification of Germany, used nationalistic sentiments to unite people as one
• brilliant, experienced and calculating diplomat, maintained relative peace and balance of power in
Europe, avoided conflicts w/ negotiations, foreign policies and alliances, isolated and weakened enemies e.g.
France, his alliances also gave Germany a stronger diplomatic position.
• introduced many important social reforms that still exist in Germany to this day, e.g. better living
conditions for the working class, old age pension, disability and health insurance, civil marriage, school
supervision by the state…
• strengthened Germany in political and economical aspects, made it one of the most powerful nations in
Europe in a short period of time

Negative aspects:
• failed to unite Germany politically due to own ambiguity, left her w/ poor political will, which has to do
with how the Empire made its future political decisions in the hands of an incompetent king, eventually
leading to WWI and WWII
• authoritarian, had more political power and influence than German Emperor, couldn’t be voted out, e.g.
handled foreign alliances, manipulated political parties and passed laws against them, appointed ministers
• provoked a few wars, e.g. Austro-Prussian War and Franco-Prussian War—> tension between France and
Prussia, bloodshed, deaths…
• suppressed opposition, e.g. had beef with Catholics and Social Democrats, misused monarchy to tailor
the German Empire the way he wanted it, no one else
• initially focused mostly on how Prussia could profit from everything—> neutralizing Austria’s influence in
Germany and Europe & the Prussian King being German Emperor

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