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Get ready

TP7 Vocabulary Lesson

Alia Viscardi
Your work routine
● How long does it take you to get ready before work?
● How do you get to work or school?
● Do you get along with your colleagues?
Complete the sentences with the correct form of get and a word from the list

divorced fit lost on/along ready text message tickets to work up worse

get divorced
1 Her parents aren’t happy together, so they’re going to _____________.

getting up
2 I don’t feel like ____________ today. I’m going to stay in bed.

got lost
3 Our navigator wasn’t working, and we ____________ on the way to our friends’ house.

get fit
4 I’ve started going to the gym because I want to ____________.

getting worse so I went to the doctor.

5 The pain in my neck was _____________,

got tickets for the concert online. They’re very good ones at the front!
6 This morning I ____________

7 How well do you ____________

get along/on with your brothers and sisters.

8 I ____________
got text message from my boyfriend saying he’s going to be late.
a ____________

9 Do you always have a coffee as soon as you____________?

getting ready for the party.

10 Lucy’s in her bedroom. She’s ____________
get getting

● What do you usually get? ● The pain is getting worse.

● What did he get?
get to and Get tickets
● I got tickets to the concert.
● I told him what I got. ● I got to see the concert.

get and got

● They’re going to get divorced.

● I got a text message from a friend.


6 5

7 8

3 11


In pairs, ask and answer the questions with get.
Positive Negative

1) A 1) A

2) B 2) B

3) C 3) C

4) D 4) D

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