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Beachside Padding

“Why did it have to be so damn hot?”

The thought reverberated inside of your skull as you sloppily

wiped the sweat off your forehead. Your beach vacation that you had

planned for a few years now didn’t account for the massive heatwave

that would sweep this particular day. The forecast a few days ago did say

there would be a heat advisory, but you definitely didn’t anticipate that it

would be this bad. Right now, you find yourself dragging your sandals

across the boardwalk back to civilization as the sea water only feels as

hot as the sun bearing down upon you. You could swear you saw the

edge of the water boiling from the scalding sand, and that was enough

for you. Your wet swim trunks cling to you with a swampy feel as you

force yourself over the sandbank.

Forcing yourself over the beach-bordering hill, you do a

double-take on what you see right on the other side. Pastel colors run

themselves over the bumpy brick walls, the colorful designs offering

something kin to an oasis: A shake shop, rather close to the beach.

“What are the odds..”, you mutter to yourself, wiping the stinging sweat

from your eyes. You appraoch, the glass door glistened in the sun as you

approached the only nearby solace from the sun’s fury.

The cool air that wafts out as you open the door is like a slap to the

face, and you nearly collapse under the sheer relief it brings as you

stagger your way into the shop. “Oh, hello there, hombre! Looks like the

sun had beef with you, eh?” The friendly Axolotl chuckles behind the

counter. “Go ahead and take a moment to cool off in here, you look like

you need it.” The helpful salamander smiles invitingly as he cleans out a

glass, his apron blazen with the same sign as was outside. You decide to

help yourself as you drag your worn body to a chair and sit down,

muttering a quick “thank you” to the kind Axolotl.

You close your eyes, enjoying the soothingly cold air against your

skin, each gust of wind from the fans feeling like a grace of something

divine thanks to the endured heat. Time seemed meaningless at that

moment, that is, until your relief was suddenly interrupted by the clink

of glass on laminated wood. You flinch, startled and snap to reality to

see the Axolotl smiling warmly as he places a vanilla shake in front of

you. “Here, drink this to cool off. You definitely look like you nearly

got a heat stroke while you were out there, and I don’t want you to get

worse under my watch.” You eye the glass and then back to the Axolotl

in mild surprise as he flashes a grin. “Don’t worry, it’s on the house.”

You decide to accept his gracious gift as he chuckles, you sucking

down on the straw as he turns around to go back behind the counter. You

give a glance at him and you nearly choke, going into a coughing fit as

some of the shake went down the wrong pipe. You quickly recompose

yourself as you see it clear as day as he happily turns the corner: A

poofy, white diaper strapped around his waist, it’s pillowy body hugging

around his waist and sunk in around his legs. It looks pristine, clean, and
so unimaginably plush; However, it’s the sheer size of it is what really

throws you off, the pillowy material forcing a wide gait onto the Axolotl.

You are so stunned at the flagrant exposure of it that you hardly

noticed the one wearing it peeking over their shoulder at you. “Mm?

What’s wrong? Do you- OH!” He looks down at his puffy rear with a

suggestive chuckle, giving it a little sway. “I forget sometimes that

people don’t typically see these often.~” He turns back to your

now-reddening face with a little toothy grin. You stammer a bit but

eventually you manage to choke out some words. “W-what’s with them

anyway? Shouldn’t you, like, have pants over them?” you ask, which

only elicits a bigger grin in response.

“Nope!~ Pant’s can’t fit over these, and I’ve tried! Besides, why

would I hide prints this cute, anyway?” He says with a smirk, “What’s

with the sudden questions, anyway? What, are you hot and bothered

about me wearing these?” You gulp dryly, your heart racing as you keep

glancing at the pillowy garment hanging from his hips. They looked so
soft that you could probably sink your entire hand into them! You

hesitate, trying to figure out how to form the right words as your train of

thought suddenly gets interrupted by a small laugh from him. “I’m not

hearing a ‘no..~’” He gives a cheshire grin as you struggle to stammer

out an excuse, “I feel like we’re going to get along pret-ty well! Don’t be

embarrassed, I won’t spread the word on the beach about your tastes.~”

You shut your trap as he comes back towards you, you still being

red in the face. “The name is Zeke, by the by.” You offer your own name

in kind as he chuckles, shaking your hand. He stands back as he gives

you a little grin, followed by a suggestive look in his eyes. “You know…

I typically keep these in the freezer when the weather gets real hot like it

is now. I could help you change out of those soaked swimming trunks if

that’d tickle your fancy.~”

Your face goes bright red at the sudden offer, looking up at him

from your seat with wide eyes. Those pampers of his look extremely

soft, and you’ve already planned on changing out of your trunks once
you get back to the beach house. You take a sip of your shake as you

contemplate his offer. Looking back at him and seeing him patiently wait

with a smile on his face, you bite your bottom lip as you hesitate.

However, one more good glance to his pillowy posterior pushes you

over the edge, giving a shy nod to Zeke.

He gives a little clap as excitement crosses his face, grinning ear to

ear as he gestures to you to follow him. “See? It’s not that hard to say

you need a change.~” He teases, giving your damp trunks a pat as you

walk alongside him. He leads you past a door that says “STAFF ONLY”

in bold font, ushering you into a storage room with a door to the freezer.

Zeke stops you after closing the door behind you. “Go ahead and lay

back, and take those soaked pants off. I’ll come right back.~” He says,

taking a step into the walk-in freezer.

You decide to comply, blushingly slipping your trunks off and

putting it off to the side as you lay back, covering your crotch with an

extremely bashful look on your face. You never had to strip for anyone
up until this point, and yet you can’t help but feel so damn excited as

you know what your pants are about to be replaced by!~ It isn’t long

until you spot him coming back from the freezer with a folded, poofy

garment, grinning ear to ear. “There you go! See, stripping down for a

change isn’t that bad, is it?” Zeke gives a wink as he gets down on his

knees in front of you, beginning to open the crinkly diaper. You

stammer, trying to protest at the tease before he cuts you off. “Ah-ah-ah,

no fussing. Now, why don’t you open those legs up so I can powder you

up, mm?~”

You meekly open your legs, partially exposing yourself as the

Axolotl clicks his tongue. “You have to move your hands too, y’know.

I’m not taping this over them.” He says with a warm chuckle. You

hesitantly move your hands away from your crotch in a hasty flustered

motion. Your changer gives a little smirk as you cover your embarrassed

face, slipping the diaper underneath your butt and sprinkling the cool,

sweet-scented powder across your crotch. You shiver and bite your
bottom lip, stifling a moan as your butt sinks into the plush material,

feeling the pamper cradle your crotch.

Zeke gives the front a tug, pressing it firmly onto your bits as he

reaches for the tapes. You curl up a bit at how mind-blowingly soft the

padding is against you, eliciting a chuckle from the Axolotl. “Oooh, I

know that look. It must be your first time, isn’t it?~” His grin widens as

he works on the tapes, starting on the bottom tables and working his way

up. He traces a finger over your leg guards, looking content with how

snug he’s managed to fit the diaper onto you. “Aaaand… done! How do

you feel?” He asks, helping you sit up onto the mountain of cottony

padding between your legs.

You don’t know what to say, the sensations hugging around your

waist making you blush bright red as you sink your hands into the front

and back of the pillow strapped between your legs. A dumb smile creeps

across your face as your heart races, feeling over just how insanely soft

it is. Suddenly, Zeke lets out a chuckle as you feel over the back of your
diaper. “My… Someone is really excited to be diapered up like this..”

You look bewildered and confused as you look down at your crotch,

sporting a rather powerful tent poking into the front of your poofy


You yelp, trying to cover up your “excitement” as Zeke laughs,

holding your arms by the wrists. “Hey, no, it’s okay to feel this flustered

for your first time. How about lets play a little game to get your mind off

of it, hmm?” He says, gently tugging your hands away from your crotch,

inching closer to you. You blush hotly, and inquire about what exactly he

has in mind as you anxiously look to the side. He just smiles, and sits

right onto your pillowy, tenty crotch with his crinkly, poofy tush. “It’s

called ‘Follow the leader.’ All you have to do is do what I do, okay? I

promise you’ll like it…~”

You gulp dryly, wondering just what exactly does this cute, and

caring Axolotl has in mind. “Ready? Because the game starts…

N-now~” He says with a stammer, a bit of a blush coloring his cheeks as

he seems to relax. You suddenly hear a notable, yet faint hissing as you

feel a warmth radiate from his crotch. You gasp as he lazily sticks his

tongue out, his diaper starting to stain a deep yellow as it swells… and

swells… and swells front to back. He lets out little moans of relief

during his “on-purposcident,” his diaper expanding out past your diaper,

and spilling over your legs a bit just as his massive wetting begins to

slow down, leaving an extremely warm, squishy garment between him

and your crotch.

You can hardly believe how hard your heart is beating, seeing Zeke

completely and shamelessly soak the padding between his legs. You can

hardly imagine the myriad of sensations happening in his pamps.

The padding swelling against your bits.

The sheer relief rocking your body as you relieve yourself.

The warmth…
You blush hard at the expressions crossing his face during the

entire event, both of your eyes meeting as he gives you a little smirk

before finally pushing the last bit his bladder had to give. “Fwahhh..

Nmmnff~ I’ve been holding that in for a long while!” He lets out a little

laugh, looking down at you with an expecting look. “I think you know

what you have to do…~” He says suggestively.

Your eyes widen, being so absorbed into him having his accident

that you forgot that you also had to have one. You try to stammer an

excuse, flustered, almost feeling unready for it. He puts a finger onto

your lips, chuckling. “Shh! Don’t try to weasel your way out of this one.

These diapers aren’t for show, and I don’t expect you to stay clean after I

change you into one… Go on, just relax~”

“Just take deep breaths, uncurl those legs, and just… Relax…”

You blush harder, your heart feeling like it’s about to burst out of

your chest. You give one more pleading look to the Axolotl on top of
you, and are only met by the expecting look from before. You bite your

bottom lip nervously as you look down at your crotch, deciding to take

his advice. You slam your eyes shut and scrunch your face, looking

rather anxious as you take deep, albeit quick breaths through your nose.

You shiver as you feel your body relaxing, your potty training screaming

in your head to stop before you have an accident. Still, you try to ignore

it and press on. You scrunch your face harder as you bare against it,

trying your damnedest to relax when suddenly-


A trickle! You involuntarily clench it off as the warmth splashes

your groin, but the sudden partial relief suddenly pangs against your

bladder and makes it want to release again, making it harder to hold it

back. You instinctively curl your legs a little as another trickle spurts

out, then a longer one as you bite your bottom lip harder, and then…

You let out a gasp as you uncontrollably start wetting yourself,

your padding swelling against Zeke’s. Your face is bright red as you can

feel your diaper become tighter, sloshy, squisher, and above all:

incredibly warm!~ You clench your fists as you try to clench back in a

panic, but you can’t! You feel the sodden padding spread your legs apart,

forming around the heavy padding that’s pressing into your bits as you

let out hot pants of air. As abrupt and sudden as it started, it starts to

slow down as you start to worry if you were about to leak, leaving your

waist wrapped in sloshy padding!

Zeke gives you a satisfied look and leans in. “See? That wasn’t so

bad, was it?~” He gives a suggestive grin as he leans in even further,

placing his hands on the floor to support himself as he hovers over your

face, his soaked crotch pressing into yours. “Now… I think you now

have a bright idea of how to deal with that pesky tent of yours, don’t

you?” You blush hotly as you look up to him, getting the idea as you feel

your padding squelch and squish against your pent-up cock, eliciting a
stifled moan from you. “And I think I can help with that, as well…”

“What do you say?~”

You pant softly, thinking about how everything led up to this

moment, how exciting it all was, and just how hot this little moment is to

you as you think over his offer. Without even wasting time thinking

about it, you give a meek little nod as Zeke gives a toothy grin back.

“Then let’s get started, then!” He exclaims before starting to thrust,

hump and squish your front against his, pleasure shooting through your

body like lightning as everything becomes a blur…

This is going to be a very interesting afternoon…~

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