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Quotations Analysis of quotations

S1. Solitary as an oyster

S1.His melancholy dinner in

his usual melancholy tavern;
S2. A lonely boy was reading
near a feeble fire
S2. I have seen your nobler
aspirations fall off one by
one, until the master-passion,
Gain, engrosses you.
S4. Merchants; who hurried
up and down, and chinked
the money in their pockets,
S4. Read upon the stone of
the neglected grave his own
name, Ebenezer Scrooge.

S1. “I wear the chain I forged
in life,” replied the Ghost. “I
made it link by link, and yard
by yard; I girded it on of my
own free will, and of my own
free will I wore it. Is its
pattern strange to you?”
S2. “A solitary child,
neglected by his friends, is
left there
still – Scrooge sobbed.”
S2. ‘Why do you delight to
torture me?’ (when seeing
Belle’s family)
S3. “They are Man’s. This boy
is Ignorance. This girl is
Want. Beware for I see that
written which is Doom.”
S4. It was shrouded in a deep
black garment, which
concealed its head.
‘The Spirit answered not but
pointed onwards with its

S1. Some slight provision for the
Poor and Destitute, who suffer
greatly at the present time.
S1. Many thousands are in want
of common necessaries
S3. Their shoes were far from
being water-proof; their clothes
were scanty
S3.Nobody said it was at all a
small pudding for a large family
S3. A boy a girl. Yellow, meagre,
ragged, scowling, wolfish
S3. A stale and shrivelled hand,
like that of age, had pinched, and
twisted them
S4. the whole quarter reeked
with crime, with filth, and misery


S5. "I will honour Christmas in
my heart"

S5. "I am light as a feather, I

am as happy as an angel, I am
as merry as a schoolboy, I am
giddy as a drunken man"
S4. "Spirit!" he cried, tight
clutching at its robe, "hear me! I
am not the man I was.

S4. ‘I will honour Christmas in my

heart… I will live in the Past, the
Present, and the Future.’

S3. ‘Have they no refuge or

resource?’ cried Scrooge? (about
Ignorance & Want)

S2. looking at past:

"unusual catching in his voice"
"your lip is trembling"

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