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Regarding Questions: Please read this application form thoroughly and completely before contacting the
Foundation staff with questions. You should find that most questions, not specific to your project, will be
answered in the following pages, or you may refer to "Frequently Asked Questions" located within the
"Grants Program" section of our website at:

Deadline: All applications and Endorser's Reports are to be postmarked by Thursday, June 10, 2004. It is the
responsibility of the applicant to submit a complete proposal and to see that Endorser's Reports are sent by the deadline. If an
applicant or endorser desires delivery verification, arrangements must be made directly with the delivery service of your choice.
Receipt of your application will be confirmed in writing and mailed by Lindbergh Foundation staff no later than July 16, 2004. If you do
not receive notification of the Foundation's receipt of your application, you should assume that it was not received and contact our
office immediately.

Send: 8 copies of your completed typewritten or computer-generated application and 1 stamped, self-
addressed, business size (#10) envelope to: The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation, 2150
Third Avenue North, Suite 310, Anoka, MN 55303-2200. Please note: The self-addressed envelope need not be stamped
where U.S. stamps are not available.

Application Requirements: Using the actual application form is not required as long as the format provided on pages 1 - 3 is followed.
For your convenience, the complete application form may be downloaded from our website. All inquiries, applications, and Endorser's
Reports must be submitted in the English language. If English is not your native language, professional translation is strongly
recommended. Duplicate copies of a submitted application are acceptable as long as one copy contains the original signatures of the
Principal Investigator and the official of affiliated organization (if applicable). We encourage the use of double-sided copies to reduce
paper waste and postage costs, however, it is not required. Please do not send fax copies of or e-mail the application
and Endorser's Reports, as this is not acceptable for review purposes.

Please refer to page three for additional instructions for completing sections 1-9.

1. CATEGORY OF GRANT APPLIED FOR: Conservation of Water Resources (5), Conservation General (6)
(See page 3 for category options)

2. PROJECT TITLE: " Modeling of the flow and scour around hydraulic structures, and their influence over the sediment
transport in aquatic environments "
(State in non-technical terms addressing the concept of "balance")

3. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR (One person only. Indicate additional investigators under no. 16):

Name: Escauriaza, Mr. Cristian

(last name, Mr./Ms./Dr./etc., first name)

Job Title: Graduate Research Assistant

Affiliation: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Georgia Institute of Technology

Preferred Address: Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Georgia Institute of Technology

790 Atlantic Drive. Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0355

Country: United States

Alternate/Permanent Address: School of Engineering. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Vicuña Mackenna 4860. Santiago Chile.

Telephone: (O) (______)_________________

404 385 0534 (H) (______)__________________
404 541 9175 Fax (______)_________________

E-mail: Website: ;

4. ORGANIZATION OF AFFILIATION DURING PROJECT (if applicable): Georgia Institute of Technology

5. AMOUNT OF FUNDING REQUESTED: $ 10,550 (maximum of $10,580)

6. 06 01 2005
DATES OF PROJECT (funding begins 7/05): ________/________/________ 05 31 2006
to ________/________/________

Printed on 20% Post-Consumer Waste Paper With Soybean-Based Ink

Page 1

Dr. Terry Sturm, Professor Dr. Eduardo Varas, Professor

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department

Georgia Institute of Technology Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

790 Atlantic Dr. Atlanta, Georgia 30332 USA Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago CHILE

Telephone: ( 1-404 ) 894 2218 Telephone: ( 56-2 ) 354 4218

E-mail: E-mail:


Date Date

9. Please indicate how you first learned about the Lindbergh Grants program:

I learned about the Lindbergh Grants program through the Laspau website for Fulbright grantees.

SECTIONS 10-18: Responses should be limited to the length allotted for each section. (There are no requirements for
font style or line spacing as long as the print and formatting are easily readable. Please use at least a 12-point font and number
sections and pages.)

10. BALANCE STATEMENT (200 words or less): Provide a concise, non-technical statement introducing your project topic
and communicate how your proposed project will contribute to a better balance between technological advancement and
environmental preservation. Applications and/or projects not addressing this balance issue are eliminated
early in the evaluation process.

11. PROJECT SUMMARY (2 pages for A, B, C & D): These statements must be in non-technical terms and are crucial in
the initial review process by staff and final review process by members of the Lindbergh Foundation Board of Directors. Projects
may be in beginning, middle or final stages.

(A) GLOSSARY: Define up to 5 key terms, with a simple 1-2 sentence definition, that are integral to the application/project,
but would be unfamiliar to the non-scientist.
(B) PURPOSE: State the problem your application/project seeks to resolve and your suggested solution.
(C) PLAN: Summarize how you plan to proceed (full statement should appear in no. 12) and what tangible/measurable
results you are anticipating (full statement should appear in no. 13). Address how the solution is attainable through your
(D) BENEFITS: Communicate how your project will benefit people, wildlife, or ecosystems. Indicate what lasting impacts
your project can make. Describe how your project will make a difference both locally and globally.

12. METHODOLOGY (1 - 2 pages): Describe in detail how the project will be conducted, including time frame (see no. 6),
experimental design and procedure, and method of data collection and analysis, as applicable. You are advised to be thorough
but concise in this discussion.

13. RESULTS/APPLICATION (1 page): Detail what tangible/measurable results you are anticipating, how those results will be
analyzed, and how the overall project will be evaluated. State what practical applications your project will offer
and outline plans for utilizing the results.

14. BUDGET (1 page): Include a detailed itemization of anticipated costs of your proposed project. (Any single item over $500
must be listed individually.) Grant funds will be considered for supplies and equipment, field work, reasonable secretarial and
technical support, salaries for non-faculty individuals (including employee benefits), research assistantships, and other items
necessary to the successful completion of the proposed work. Funds will be considered for travel only if necessary for and
directly related to a specific project. The Lindbergh Foundation does n o t support overhead costs of
organizations, tuition, or scholarships. Also, specify if the research for which you are applying is dependent upon
additional funding, list amounts you are still seeking, and indicate all other sources of funding (received and anticipated).
Disclosure of this information will not affect the outcome of the selection process. Please note: Any changes in the budget,
following submission of the application, must be submitted to the Foundation for prior approval. Unexpended funds remaining
upon completion of your project must be returned to the Lindbergh Foundation.

15. REVIEW OF LITERATURE (3 pages, including citations): Provide a summary describing the research that is already in place,
most recent advances made in your area of work, and how your proposed work will contribute. Originality and innovation are
important factors in the review process. Also provide a listing of literature cited.

Page 2
16. PERSONNEL (1 cover page, plus attachments): On the cover page, include a listing of all personnel working on the proposed
project, how they will participate, and the amount of time each person will be spending on the project. Attach an abbreviated
(1-2 pages) curriculum vitae and a list of relevant publications for the Principal Investigator (P.I.) and all professional personnel.
(See no. 3 below for information on who may be a P.I.) For non-U.S. citizens, please indicate country of citizenship, type of visa
if U.S., and place of birth.

17. SUPPORTING MATERIALS (optional): A limited amount of material in support of your project (articles, letters from collaborators/
collaborating institutions, photographs, etc.) may be included as part of your application. Eight (8) copies are required for our
review process. The Foundation reserves the right to limit the supporting materials forwarded to reviewers. These materials
cannot be returned.

18. ENDORSER'S REPORT FORM: Send one copy of your grant application to each of the 2 endorsers you have indicated on page
2, along with a copy of the Endorser's Report Form found on page 4. The applicant must complete the first section of the form
prior to sending it to the endorsers. Upon completion of the Endorser's Report Form, the endorser should mail 8 copies of the
completed form directly to the Lindbergh Foundation. Please note that having more than 2 endorsers will not increase an
applicant's chances of receiving funding. We recommend that you follow up with your endorsers to ensure reports are promptly
submitted. (See no. 7 below for additional information about endorsers.)

* * * * *

1. CATEGORY - Applicants may indicate 1 or 2 categories (in priority order) to which their project relates. Applying for more than one
category will not increase an applicant's chances of receiving funding. The purpose of selecting a category(ies) is to help our staff
assign appropriate reviewers to evaluate each application.

The categories are: (1) Agriculture; (2) Aviation/Aerospace; Conservation of Natural Resources - including (3) Animal
Resources, (4) Plant Resources, (5) Water Resources, and (6) Conservation General - including land, air, energy, etc. ; Education -
including (7) Humanities/Education, (8) The Arts*, and (9) Intercultural Communication; (10) Exploration; Health - including (11)
Biomedical Research, (12) Health & Population Sciences, and (13) Adaptive Technology**; and (14) Waste Minimization and

*Applicants seeking funding for projects that are limited to the creation of a particular work of art or performance art should not apply.
The creation of art and public reaction to it does not adequately address the Foundation's concept of promoting a better balance
between the advance of technology and preservation of the human/natural environment. **One grant given may be designated as a
Jonathan Lindbergh Brown Grant in Adaptive Technology or Biomedical Research. To qualify for this grant designation, a project must
seek to redress imbalance between individual human beings and their personal environments.

2. PROJECT TITLE - The project title should indicate in the simplest, non-technical terms what the planned project is about. Keep in
mind that the title should be stated in terms of the concept of "balance" but does not need to include the word "balance". We request that
you develop a title that begins with an action word. For example: "Preserving the Genetic Diversity of the Bolivian Cherimoya Fruit".

3. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR - The primary individual actually doing the proposed work should be identified as the Principal
Investigator. (For administrative purposes, please list one name only. Indicate additional investigators under no. 16.) As the
Foundation has no educational requirements for who may be a P.I., students conducting research under the supervision of a professor
should apply directly. Citizens of all countries are eligible.

4. ORGANIZATION OF AFFILIATION - The Lindbergh Foundation welcomes candidates who may or may not be affiliated with an
academic, non-profit, or for-profit organization. Grants are awarded to individuals for research and educational programs, not to
affiliated organizations for institutional programs. If an affiliated organization is indicated in no. 4, a signature of an official is required
in no. 8.

5. AMOUNT REQUESTED - Lindbergh Grants are awarded in amounts up to $10,580. Grants are not renewable for subsequent

6. DATES OF PROJECT - Selection of grant recipients will be made no later than April 15, 2005. Funding is generally
available in July. It is preferred that project dates be limited to one year (June 1 - May 31). However, if for example, the nature of the
project requires two field seasons, one year apart, an extended period for research is appropriate and should be indicated.

7. ENDORSERS - Each applicant must select two persons to endorse his or her project/application. An endorser should be someone
who knows you and/or your work, similar to a job reference. An endorser should not be someone who will be receiving financial gain
from the funding of the project or have any other potential conflict of interest. Indicate in no. 7 on page 2 to whom you will be sending
your application for review. See also no. 18 and Endorser's Report Form on page 4.

8. SIGNATURES - The signature of the P.I. must appear in no. 8 on page 2. The signature of an appropriate official (i.e. dean,
department chair, president, etc.) of the affiliated organization is required, if applicable. See no. 4 above. One of the 8 copies required
for submission of the grant application must include original signatures. Photocopies are acceptable for the remaining 7 copies.

9. LINDBERGH GRANTS PROGRAM - Please indicate how you first learned about the Lindbergh Grants program. Common responses
are: colleagues, computer databases, Lindbergh Foundation board members/staff/associates, periodicals, funding directories,
previous grant recipients/applicants, university office/faculty, Internet, etc.
Page 3
THE CHARLES A. AND ANNE MORROW LINDBERGH FOUNDATION is a public non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, which
strives to encourage and inspire present and future generations to work toward finding and sustaining a balance between technological
advancements and environmental preservation. In 1977, friends of the Lindberghs at The Explorers Club in New York City, together
with Gen. James H. Doolittle and Astronaut Neil Armstrong who led a national fundraising campaign, established The Charles A. and
Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation. It was decided that the Lindberghs' vision of a balance between the technological advancements
they helped pioneer, and the preservation of the human and natural environments they cherished, would become the cornerstone of the
Foundation's programs. The Lindbergh Foundation pursues its mission through three major programs: Lindbergh Grants, the annual
honorary Lindbergh Award, and a variety of educational programs. These programs were designed to bring life to, and engage others
in, the Lindberghs' passion for balance.

It is the Foundation's mission to support present and future generations by annually providing grants of up to $10,580 each (a symbolic
amount representing the cost of the Spirit of St. Louis in 1927) to individuals whose initiative in a wide spectrum of disciplines seeks to
actively further a better balance between technology and the natural/human environment. In recent years, 9-10 grants have been
given annually and the number of applications received has averaged 200. Certificates of Merit may be awarded to applicants whose
projects, while not funded, are considered particularly worthy of recognition.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For additional information about the Lindbergh Foundation and the Lindbergh Grants program,
please visit our website at: Information available in the "Grants Program" section includes descriptions
of past Lindbergh Grant recipient projects and "Frequently Asked Questions," which you may find useful as you prepare your
application. The "About the Foundation" section contains background information on the Foundation and a Summary Annual Report.

SELECTION PROCEDURE: (A) Applications are screened administratively for completeness and general appropriateness.
(B) They are then sent for two "balance reviews" to evaluate the project's ability to address the balance between technological growth
and preservation of the human/natural environment. The Balance Review Panel is made up of Foundation Board members, staff, former
Lindbergh Grant recipients, and friends of the Foundation. (C) Next, the applications are sent to an independent Technical Review
Panel for evaluation of the project's ability to solve the stated problem, the originality of the approach, and its practical application.
Technical Reviewers have expertise in the various areas in which the Lindbergh Foundation gives grants. (D) Applications receiving
the most favorable balance and technical reviews are sent to the Board's Grants Selection Committee. It is this committee that
recommends the most outstanding projects for Lindbergh Grants and Certificates of Merit. (E) The full Board acts on the
recommendations at its winter meeting.

NOTIFICATION: For notification purposes, all applicants are required to enclose one stamped (only if U.S. postage is available),
self-addressed, letter-size envelope with the application package. Receipt of your application will be confirmed in writing no later than
July 16, 2004, and notice of your status in the selection process will be mailed by April 15, 2005. If you do not receive your letter of
notification within a reasonable mailing time from this date, please contact the office as soon as possible. If your address should
change during the selection process, it is the applicant's responsibility to notify the Foundation's office in writing.

GRANT REQUIREMENTS: Each applicant selected for Lindbergh Grant funding is required to submit 2 copies of: (a) a written
Progress Report (b) a written Final Report, and (c) any paper, book, article, film or other publicity with acknowledgments of the support
of The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation. The final report must include a financial report and receipts, and must be
received by the Foundation by the agreed upon date, along with all unused monies. Any change in the proposed work/budget is to be
submitted in writing to the Foundation for prior approval.

TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Applicant must provide the Lindbergh Foundation with verification of your ability to appropriately secure
receipt and disbursement of grant monies prior to their release. Safe provisions must be available to receive American dollars when
grant funding is transferred outside the United States.

ELIGIBILITY: Lindbergh Grants are awarded to individuals for research or public education projects, not to affiliated organizations
for institutional programs. The Foundation does not provide support for overhead costs of organizations, tuition,
or scholarships. The Foundation welcomes candidates who may or may not be affiliated with an academic, non-profit or for-profit
organization. Candidates for grants are not required to hold any graduate or post-graduate academic degrees. The Lindbergh Grants
Program is international in scope. Citizens of all countries are eligible. Letters of request, applications and Endorser's Reports, and
required Progress and Final Reports must be submitted in the English language.

APPLICATION FORMS: We encourage the copying and distribution of this 2005 Lindbergh Grant Application
Form. Subsequent years' forms can be obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped, letter-size envelope
to the Lindbergh Foundation office or by accessing our website at: Please
send completed applications and the required number of copies to the address below.


2150 Third Avenue North, Suite 310, Anoka, MN 55303-2200

(763) 576-1596 Phone

(763) 576-1664 Fax E-mail Website

Page 5

Human intervention in aquatic environments, such as civil engineering structures settled

in rivers and the shoreline, produces changes in the natural conditions affecting the
infrastructure as well as the habitats of plant and animal species living in water.
Local variations in the flow generate erosion due to the movement of soil particles, which
can produce the failure of the hydraulic structures endangering human lives and causing
the loss of millions of dollars.
Erosion and entrainment of sediments to the flow also increases the turbidity of the water,
inhibiting photosynthesis and transporting contaminants adsorbed by the sediments.
Particles carried by the flow are deposited and accumulated in other areas affecting the
natural environment downstream of the structures.
The purpose of this project is to develop a novel methodology to represent the three-
dimensional turbulent flow and scour around hydraulic structures, evaluating the
localized erosion and deposition processes characterized by the transport of sediments.
Through this procedure we will obtain accurate and complete information of the
phenomena occurring in the flow, to analyze the risk of failure of the structures, and
understand the effects of sediment transport over the environment.


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): Discipline of Fluid Mechanics that makes use
of digital computers to find complete and quantitative predictions of the fluid flow
through a numerical approximation of the solution of the governing equations.
Scour: Localized erosion of the river bed or sea floor around civil engineering
structures exposed to the flow.
Stochastic: Mathematical description of physical phenomena which assumes the
effect of a known or deterministic part, and the influence of a random process to
represent the unknown or uncontrollable variables.

Scour during extreme flood events is the most important cause of failure of Civil
Engineering structures located in rivers and the coast, and the variations in the
amount of sediments carried by the flow can change dramatically the aquatic
ecosystem in the vicinity of the structures, specially when water is carrying dissolved
and suspended substances such as nutrients, or trace metals adsorbed to the
Since the growth of infrastructure and resource use in the future will require new
technologies to base engineering practice on sustainable development and
environmental equilibrium, we need to create tools to assess scouring in a
comprehensive way, taking into account the reliability of the engineering design, and
the effects that hydraulic structures have over the environment.
The methods commonly employed to determine scour depths, however, are empirical
relations based on dimensional analysis and laboratory experiments, which assume
steady flow conditions and do not give information about the suspended sediment and
its vertical distribution.
To address both the susceptibility of the structures and its environmental impact, the
modeling of three-dimensional turbulent flows and the interaction with the structures
has critical importance in understanding the mechanisms that govern these
The main purpose of this project is to develop an advanced Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) model capable of simulating scour at hydraulic structures, like
bridge piers or abutments in rivers, incorporating novel methodologies to represent
the unsteady turbulent flow, sediment transport, and erosion and deposition processes.
This model will be applied to evaluate selected cases, giving quantitative information
of the process of scour, and the generation of large scale vortices and turbulent scales
in the flow that contribute to its development.

We will simulate the 3D flow around hydraulic structures by using the CFD software
developed at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Georgia Tech.
This model has demonstrated that can capture accurately the main features of flows in
complex geometries and unsteady conditions, by solving the governing equations
with different turbulence modeling strategies.

First we will include in the model the transport of sediments and scour processes
occurring in the flow by using empirical equations to obtain the sediment flux at the
stream bed, and the turbulent dispersion in the suspended zone.
In the second stage of this project we will incorporate to the code a new methodology
to model the sediment transport by using a physically-based stochastic representation
of transport processes, determined by the statistical distribution of turbulent variables,
and the variation of particle sizes, called Lagrangian formulation.
This procedure will allow us to represent realistically the most important factors that
control the sediment transport and scour without the need of rough empirical
equations. With the information obtained from the velocity field and pressure
distribution we will include the bed deformation due to erosion, and the free surface
wave formation, allowing the model to consider the effect of moving boundary
From both methodologies presented we expect to obtain quantitative information of
the dynamic development of the scour holes. The method will also give information
about the suspended load, and particle size distribution in space and time.
Further research will be focused on the development of this model to consider
situations such as cohesive sediments, contaminant transport, or hyperconcentrated
flows. We can also extend the bed model to account for bed fluidization due to lift
forces produced by pore pressure within the soil.
Results obtained in the all the simulations will be validated with field measurements,
and experimental data collected in the scour flume at the Georgia Tech hydraulics lab.

The new methodology proposed in this project will have an impact in the
environmental evaluation of engineering design, and it will become a valuable tool in
engineering practice, since the simulation of real flow conditions will help to decrease
the economic costs of hydraulic infrastructure. In the context of environmental
preservation, the project will be used in the design of sustainable infrastructure. The
model will be capable of evaluating designs of bridges or other structures before the
construction to determine their effect over the environment, clarify the mechanisms
that produce scour in the field, and analyze the critical variables that affect the local
The results of this project will also be used to represent extreme flood events in
existing structures, and assess the effects of scour countermeasures to prevent
structural failure.
Since water resources conservation is a multidisciplinary topic, this innovative tool
will promote cross-disciplinary research in biology, mathematics, chemistry, and the
different areas of civil and environmental engineering, applied to investigate localized
erosion in inland and coastal waters and its influence over the environment.
The Principal Investigator will continue this research as Assistant Professor at the
Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Department in the Universidad Catolica
de Chile after his graduation, and an advanced team of researchers and students will
be developed to continue the research in the area. New graduates courses will be
created to prepare qualified engineers, and transfer this technology to government
agencies and the industry.

In this project we will develop a numerical model to represent the unsteady three-
dimensional turbulent flow and sediment transport around foundations of hydraulic
structures. We will apply the methodology developed at the School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering in the Georgia Institute of Technology, to simulate the
Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes equations (URANS) using advanced
computational fluid dynamics techniques. Figures 1 to 5 in section 17 (pp.20-22) show
results of a flow simulation around two piers of a bridge located over the Flint River in
south Georgia, carried out at a Reynolds number of 190,000.
As shown in Figure 1, the domain is divided into several overlapped subdomains with a
total of 600,000 nodes approximately. Within each grid the domain is discretized by
using body-fitted curvilinear coordinates, and the nodes are clustered close to solid
surfaces where more resolution is required. To run efficiently the computer code and
increase its performance, we will assign an exclusive multi-processor platform to
parallelize the solution algorithm using OpenMP directives in shared-memory systems.
To the existing software we will incorporate sediment transport models to take into
account the flow variables that control the erosion and deposition processes either in river
reaches or coastal zones, and computational modeling techniques will be developed to
treat multiphase flows with different approaches in each stage of the project.
First a conventional Eulerian approach will be implemented for the solid phase assuming
two layers in the vertical direction: (1) the bedload, which considers the fraction of
particles that move close to the bed; and (2) the suspended load, which is the fraction of
sediments lifted by flow turbulence. The bedload flux can be estimated from different
semi-empirical formulas developed for sand or gravel beds. The suspended sediment will
be modeled as an advection-diffusion process, obtaining the particle concentration with
gradient diffusion terms to model the turbulent transport.
In the second stage of the project we will develop a novel physically-based model to
incorporate the sediment transport by calculating the velocity of a group of particles or
particle cloud inside each element in space. This methodology, called Lagrangian
formulation, will consider the sediment movement and dispersion due to the forces
exerted by fluid-particle interactions, and it will combine the CFD calculation with a
stochastic representation of transport processes, determined by the statistical distribution
of turbulent variables and particle size variations.
With the solution of the equations at each time step, we will track the bed deformation
and free surface waves produced by the structures, modifying the boundary conditions
with moving grid strategies.
We will utilize all these general approaches to simulate realistic conditions at full-scale
Reynolds and Froude numbers, and the computations will be performed at the most
demanding conditions for the structures and the environment, producing reliable and
complete information of the system. The results will be validated with experimental and
field data obtained from previous research projects lead by the Environmental Fluid
Mechanics Group at Georgia Tech.
To visualize and analyze quantitative and qualitative the results from flow computations,
we will acquire a Tecplot® license exclusively assigned to the project.

Summarizing, the methodology will include the following features to accomplish the
objectives previously described:
• Unsteady simulation of the 3D turbulent flow, using advanced turbulence models to
represent real-life flows at full-scale Reynolds and Froude numbers.
• Overset chimera grids to resolve the geometrical details of the problem.
• Adaptive moving grids for tracking boundaries at the free surface and stream bed.
• Model of particle entrainment describing the critical factors influencing erosion and
• Lagrangian stochastic model to represent the suspended sediment concentration and
particle dispersion.
All these strategies will constitute a model that, to the best of our knowledge, is not
presently available at this level of sophistication.
The following table shows the stages of the project, and the time frame for each activity.
We plan to finish all the proposed work by May 2006, and additional activities through
December 2006.

Stage Main Activity Topics Start date End date

• Modeling of Sediment
I Completion of Transport and Scour
Literature Review
• Overset grids in Already in End of the
Computational Fluid progress project
• Turbulence Modeling
• Particle-laden and
Multiphase flows
• Flow simulations with
moving boundaries
• Conceptual model of
II Modeling of Sediment Advection-Diffusion Already in Sep / 2005
Transport as an approach progress
• Code development Sep / 2005 Nov / 2005
• Simulation of selected
cases and comparison Dec / 2005 Jan / 2006
with experimental and
field data
• Conceptual model of
III Eulerian-Lagrangian Eulerian-Lagrangian Already in Mar / 2006
Modeling of the Flow approach progress
and Sediment
• Code development Dec / 2005 May / 2006
• Simulation of selected
cases and comparison May / 2006 Dec / 2006 (*)
with experimental and
field data

(*) This stage will be extended beyond the completion of the project

The numerical models developed in this project will allow us to simulate the unsteady
three-dimensional turbulent flow and sediment transport around hydraulic structures to
elucidate the complex features of scour in the field.
From the simulations, that will include erosion and deposition on the streambed and a
stochastic model of the multiphase flow, we expect to obtain quantitatively accurate
predictions of the following variables:
• Mean velocity field, pressure distribution, and turbulent variables
• Dynamic development of the scour holes at the foundations of the structures
• Concentration of sediments carried downstream by the flow
• Local free surface profile variation
For each particular case we will simulate realistic conditions and extreme events to
characterize the flow and its influence over the local environment, based on methods that
represent a detailed description of the particle movement.
The results of the project will be employed in engineering design and conservation of
aquatic environments, due to their potential of being utilized in the design of engineering
structures located in rivers or the coast, giving detailed qualitative and quantitative
information that will also clarify the effects that these structures can have over the local
environment, by obtaining the sediment concentration and its distribution over time and
Flow simulations and physical modeling will be combined to determine the mechanisms
that will influence the structures in the field previous to the construction, which can
decrease their costs and risk of failure. In existing structures affected by scour, the model
will provide a comprehensive way of evaluating countermeasures, such as bed armoring
or stream channel modifications, due to its capability of considering complex geometries
and variations in sediment particle sizes.
The suspended sediment concentration can be utilized in analyzing the impact over
benthic organisms and fish habitats, due to deposition or changes in turbidity.
The sediment transport methodologies will be assessed in their capabilities of simulating
real flows by validating the results with measurements obtained in physical model
experiments at the Georgia Tech hydraulics laboratory, and data collected in the field.
The flexibility and representation of the physics of the flow will allow us to continue the
research in this area by including more complex situations and different phenomena.
Applications in the future will incorporate new effects such as pollutant transport,
cohesive sediments, adsorption of nutrients, chemical reactions, or hyperconcentrated
flows. The model will also be used in water resources conservation studies, promoting
cross-disciplinary collaboration, including research on biology and aquatic ecosystems,
development of new mathematical tools to solve the governing equations, and structural
design optimization in civil engineering.
Future research will be carried out at the Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
Department in the Universidad Catolica de Chile after 2006. Since Chile is the unique
position of being a country in process of development with a growing economy, we have
the opportunity to base its development on advanced technology and contemporary
understanding of physical and environmental processes. The results of this project will
help to focus engineering design in sustainable infrastructure, and prepare qualified
engineers who will transfer new technologies to engineering practice.


Computer Hardware
The project will have this computer platform assigned exclusively for the computations,
taking advantage of the two processors by using OpenMP parallelization directives.

Tempest 2100 Workstation

2 AMD Opteron processors @2.2 Ghz
8 GB memory
80 GB Disk Drive

Pre-processing and Visualization Software

Fortran Compiler 64-bit for AMD Opteron

Tecplot 10

Office and Computer Supplies, Books and Bibliographic Material

A list of bibliography needed for the project is provided in section 17.


TOTAL $10,550

Additional Funding Available

During the extension of the project, the Principal Investigator will receive the following

Source Amount
Georgia Institute of Technology Tuition Waiver
Georgia Institute of Technology/
Universidad Católica de Chile $ 1,500/month fellowship

The growth of computer technology and modeling techniques in fluid dynamics has
provided new possibilities to simulate and find accurate predictions of complex
engineering flows. In recent years CFD models have been developed to simulate flows in
natural rivers (Sinha et al. 1998, Olsen 2003), lateral intakes in open channel flows
(Neary et al. 1999), and water treatment plant mixers (Jones et al. 2002) among other
applications. We can foresee that computational simulations will become a fundamental
tool in science and engineering, and they will be frequently used to help optimizing the
design process as well as preserving the natural environment by controlling the variables
altered by human intervention.
Since realistic three-dimensional turbulent flows cannot be represented with Direct
Numerical Simulations of all turbulent scales, statistical turbulence models have been
employed to solve the governing equations of the flow. Turbulence closures such as k-ε,
k-ω, and one-equation Spalart-Allmaras have been used to find the turbulent shear
stresses in the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) (Sotiropoulos 2004).
To capture the unsteadiness and resolve directly the large scales present in high Reynolds
number flows, unsteady flow RANS simulations (URANS), and hybrid formulations that
combine gradient diffusion models close to solid walls with Large-Eddy Simulations
(LES) in other regions, generating methods called URANS/LES or Detached Eddy
Simulations (DES), have been developed to resolve smaller scales without producing an
unaffordable computational cost (Spalart 2000).
Overset or Chimera grid techniques have been successfully applied to simulate flows in
arbitrarily complex geometries, in which the physical domain is decomposed into several
overlapped subdomains where the governing equations are solved independently, and
boundary conditions are obtained by interpolating the solution from the neighboring
blocks. Recently, conservative methodologies have been used in two-dimensional
compressible flows (Wang 1995), and three-dimensional incompressible laminar flows
(Tang et al. 2003), including simulations of prosthetic heart valves for a wide range of
Reynolds numbers (Ge et al. 2003). For unsteady turbulent flows around bridge piers Ge
and Sotiropoulos (2004) have solved the URANS equations with overset grids by using a
dual time-stepping second-order artificial compressibility method, finding accurate
predictions compared with laboratory experiments (Ge et al. 2004).
Previous works in scour or sediment transport modeling such as van Beek and Wind
(1990), Olsen and Melaaen (1993), Brørs (1999), and Wu et al. (2000) have relied on
semi-empirical relations such as the van Rijn’s formula (1984) to find the bedload
transport rate, updating the streambed with a simple conservation of mass equation. In
this project, however, the moving bottom boundary condition established by the erosion
process will be modeled by a Lagrangian approach using boundary interface
methodologies for moving grids. We will start using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian
techniques in which the nodes located on the streambed move with the boundary as scour
is developing (Ushijima 1996). An alternative to these remeshing strategies are the so-
called Cartesian-Grid methods, that can also be implemented to decrease the
computational cost by reconstructing the boundary interface within a fixed background
grid (Balaras 2004).

The methodology selected to model the moving streambed can also account for surface
waves generated by the structures exposed to the flow. Variations in the water depth due
to flow contraction can produce pressure differences, and eventually bed liquefaction in
some extreme cases as it has been seen in nearshore zones (Sumer and Fredsøe 2002).
The computational techniques proposed in the past to represent the suspended fraction of
sediment transport have relied mainly in global parameters which have the responsibility
of representing the total particle dispersion by assuming the sediment behaves as a
continuous phase, and whose transport is produced by gradient diffusion and advection
processes. Even though these approaches have given adequate results in previous
research (Wu et al. 2000, Olsen 2003) they cannot represent more complex situations,
since the turbulent diffusion adds all the effects (fluid-particle interactions and particle-
particle interactions) within a general parameter such as the eddy diffusivity.
Here we seek to explore a different approach by assuming a Lagrangian stochastic
dispersion of sediment (Crowe et al. 1998). This strategy can easily deal with different
effects by solving the dynamic equations for discrete particles, assuming a particle cloud
distributed inside each finite volume in the solution domain. The mean velocity of the
particle cloud is calculated from the mean forces exerted by the fluid, and the particle
dispersion by the statistical properties of the turbulence field (Lakehal 2002).
Finer sediment concentration and deposition are the critical variables needed to evaluate
and control, in order to maintain a suitable habitat for benthic organisms and fish in
aquatic environments. Wood and Armitage (1997) and Jowett (2003) give a review of the
damaging impacts associated with suspended sediments at various scales and soil
characteristics in rivers. Future research on the environmental effects of fine suspended
sediments can take advantage of the Lagrangian model, by incorporating other
phenomena to the dynamic equations of the sediment particles.

1. Balaras, E. (2004). “Modeling Complex Boundaries Using an External Force Field on
Fixed Cartesian in Large-Eddy Simulations”. Comp. and Fluids. 33 (3), 375-404.
2. Brørs, B. (1999). “Numerical Modeling of Flow and Scour around Pipelines”. J. of
Hydraulic Engineering. 125 (5), 511-523.
3. Crowe, C., Sommerfield, M., and Tsuji, Y. (1998). “Multiphase Flows with Droplets
and Particles”. CRC Press, FL.
4. Ge, L., Jones, S.C., Sotiropoulos, F., Healy, T.M., and Yoganathan, A.P. (2003).
“Numerical Simulation of Flow in Mechanical Heart Valves: Grid Resolution and the
Assumption of Flow Symmetry”. J. of Biomechanical Eng. 125 (5), 709-718.
5. Ge, L., and Sotiropoulos, F. (2004). “3D Unsteady RANS Modeling of Complex
Hydraulic Engineering Flows. Part I: Numerical Model” submitted to J. of Hydraulic
6. Ge, L., Lee, S.O., Sotiropoulos, F., and Sturm, T. (2004). “3D Unsteady RANS
Modeling of Complex Hydraulic Engineering Flows. Part II: Model Validation and
Flow Physics” submitted to J. of Hydraulic Engineering.

7. Jones, S.C., Sotiropoulos, F., and Amirtharajah, A. (2002). “Numerical Modeling of
Helical Static Mixers for Water Treatment”. J. of Environ. Eng. 128 (5), 431-440.
8. Jowett, I.G., (2003). “Hydraulic Constraints on Habitat Suitability for Benthic
Invertebrates in Gravel-Bed Rivers”. River Research and App. 19, 495-507.
9. Lakehal, D. (2002). “On the Modelling of Multiphase Turbulent Flows for
Environmental and Hydrodynamic Applications”. Int. J. of Multiphase Flow. 28 (5),
10. Neary, V.S., Sotiropoulos, F., and Odgaard, A.J. (1999). “Three-Dimensional
Numerical Model of Lateral-Intake Inflows”. J. of Hydraulic Engineering. 125 (2),
11. Olsen, N.R.B. (2003). “Three-Dimensional CFD Model of Self-Forming Meandering
Channel”. J. of Hydraulic Engineering. 129 (5), 366-372.
12. Olsen, N.R.B. and Melaaen, M.C. (1993). “Three-Dimensional Calculation of Scour
around Cylinders”. J. of Hydraulic Engineering. 119 (9), 1048-1054.
13. Sinha, S.K., Sotiropoulos, F., and Odgaard, A.J. (1998). “Three-Dimensional
Numerical Model for Flow Through Natural Rivers”. J. of Hydraulic Engineering.
124 (1), 13-24.
14. Sotiropoulos, F. (2004). “Turbulence Modeling for Environmental Flows” in
Computational Fluid Mechanics: Applications in Environmental Hydraulics. To
appear, John Wiley.
15. Spalart, P.R. (2000). “Strategies for Turbulence Modeling and Simulations”. Int. J. of
Heat and Fluid Flow. 21, 252-263.
16. Sumer, B.M., and Fredsøe, J. (2002). “The Mechanics of Scour in the Marine
Environment”. Adv. Series on Ocean Eng. Vol. 17. World Scientific.
17. Ushijima, S. (1996). “Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Numerical Prediction for Local
Scour Caused by Turbulent Flows”. J. of Comp. Physics. 125, 71-82.
18. van Beek, F.A., and Wind, H.G. (1990). “Numerical Modeling of Erosion and
Sedimentation around Offshore Pipelines”. Coastal Eng., 14, 107-128.
19. van Rijn, L.C. (1984). “Sediment Transport, Part I: Bed Load Transport” J. of
Hydraulic Engineering. 110 (10), 1431-1502.
20. Wang, Z.J. (1995). “A Fully Conservative Interface Algorithm for Overlapped
Grids”. J. of Comp. Physics. 122, 96-106.
21. Wood, P.J., and Armitage, P.D. (1997). “Biological Effects of Fine Sediment in the
Lotic Environment”. Environmental Management, 21 (2), 203-217.
22. Wu, W., Rodi, W., and Wenka, T. (2000). “3D Numerical Model of Flow and
Sediment Transport in Open Channels”. J. of Hydraulic Engineering. 126 (1), 4-15.


Principal Investigator: Cristian Escauriaza

Date and place of birth: August 27th, 1976 in Santiago, Chile

Country of citizenship: Chile

Time dedicated to the project: full-time

Type of Visa: J-1

Thesis Advisor: Dr. Fotis Sotiropoulos

Date and place of birth: August 30th, 1963 in Athens, Greece

Country of citizenship: USA

Time dedicated to the project: supervisor of the work during the year


School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Tel: (1-404) 385 0534
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia, 30332-0355 USA

2002- PhD Student. Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources.
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Georgia Institute of
Technology. Advisor: Dr. Fotis Sotiropoulos.

2000 Civil Engineer Thesis: Streamflow Forecasting in Water Resources

Management for a Hydroelectric Power Plant. (in Spanish) Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile.

1994-1999 B.S. in Civil Engineering. Hydraulic Engineering Diploma. Pontificia

Universidad Católica de Chile.

2001- Tenure Track Faculty Member (on leave of absence since Aug.
2002). Hydraulic and Environmental Eng. Department. School of
Engineering. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Courses
Taught: ICH-1102 Fluid Mechanics and ICH-3152 Modeling in
Hydraulic Engineering.

2002 Engineer in the project “Physical Model of the Rio Mapocho and
Canal San Carlos Junction” for Dictuc S.A.

1999 Summer Internship II. Ingendesa S.A. Engineer in the Hydraulic

Design Group. Santiago, Chile.

1998-2000 Teaching Assistant. ICH-2112 Hydraulics, ICH-1102 Fluid Mechanics,

ICH-3212 Groundwater, ICH-3262 Stochastic Hydrology. Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile.

1997 Summer Internship I. Celulosa Arauco y Constitución. Maintenance

Assistant. Maintenance Department. Constitución Chile.

2004 Loose B., Niño Y. and Escauriaza C. Finite Volume Modeling of
Variable Density Shallow Water Flow Equations for a Well-Mixed
Estuary. Application to the Rio Maipo Estuary in Chile. to appear in
the Journal of Hydraulic Research.

2003 Muñoz J.F., Fernández B. and Escauriaza C. Evaluation of

Groundwater Availability and Sustainable Extraction Rate for the
Santiago Valley Aquifer. Hydrogeology Journal (11) 687-700.

2001 Loose B., Escauriaza C. and Niño Y. (2001) Numerical Modeling of

the flow in well-mixed estuaries. Application to the Maipo River
Estuary. (in Spanish) Latin-American Congress of Hydraulic
Engineering IAHR.

2002-2004 Fulbright Grant

2002-2005 Beca Presidente de la Republica. Government of Chile

2000 Best student in Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering. Hydraulic

and Environmental Engineering Department Award, Class of 2000.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Director of Waterscience Research Community. Non-profit 501(c)(3)
organization, California USA.

Member of the Chilean Society of Hydraulic Engineering (SOCHID).

CURRICULUM VITAE — Fotis Sotiropoulos

A. Professional Preparation

Technical University, Athens, Greece Mechanical Engineering B.S., 1986.

Penn State University Aerospace Engineering M.S., 1989.
University of Cincinnati Aerospace Eng. & Eng. Mechanics Ph.D., 1991.
Iowa Inst. Hydr. Res., Univ. of Iowa Computational Fluid Dynamics 1991 - 1995

B. Appointments

2000 - present Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology.

1995 - 2000 Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology.
1994 - 1995 Assistant Research Scientist, Iowa Inst. Hydr. Res., The University of Iowa.
1991 - 1994 Postdoctoral Associate, Iowa Inst. Hydr. Res.,, The University of Iowa.

C. Publications (33 journal papers and book chapters)

5 relevant to this proposal

Paik, J., Ge, L., and Sotiropoulos, F. “Recent Progress in Simulating Complex 3D Shear Flows Using
Unsteady Statistical Turbulence Models,” invited paper, to appear in the Int. Journal of Heat
and Fluid Flow, 2004
Tang, H., Jones, S. C., and Sotiropoulos, F., “An Overset Grid Method for 3D, Unsteady, Incompressible
Flows,” Journal of Computational Physics, 191(2), 567-600 2003.
Chrisohoides, A., and Sotiropoulos, F. “Experimental Visualization of Lagrangian Coherent Structures in
Aperiodic Flows Physics of Fluids Physics of Fluids 15(3), 25-28, 2003.
Chrisohoides, A., Sotiropoulos, F., and Sturm, T. W. “Coherent Structures in Flat-Bed Bridge Abutment
Flows: Experiments and CFD simulations,” ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Vol.
129(3), pp. 171-249, 2003.
Sotiropoulos, F., "Progress in Modeling 3D Shear Flows Using RANS Equations and Advanced
Turbulence Closures," Calculation of Complex Turbulent Flows, Advances in Fluid Mechanics
Series Vol. 27, WIT Press, Southampton, UK (2001).

5 other publications

Gilmanov, A., Sotiropoulos, F., And Balaras, E. “A General Reconstruction Algorithm for Simulating
Flows with Complex 3D Immersed Boundaries on Cartesian Grids,” Journal of Computational
Physics 191(2), 660-669, 2003.
Sotiropoulos, F., Webster, D. R., And Lackey, T. C. "Experiments on Lagrangian Transport in Steady
Vortex Breakdown Bubbles in a Confined Swirling Flow,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 466 ,
215 – 248, 2002.
Mezić, I., And Sotiropoulos, F., "Ergodic Theory and Experimental Visualization of Invariant Sets in
Chaotically Advected Flows," Physics of Fluids 14(7), 2235-2243, 2002.
Sotiropoulos, F., Ventikos, Y., And Lackey, T. C. "Chaotic Advection is Stationary Vortex
Breakdown Bubbles: Silnikov's Chaos and the Devil's Staircase,” Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 444, 257-297, 2001.

Sotiropoulos, F., And Ventikos, Y., The Three-Dimensional Structure of Confined Swirling Flows with
Vortex Breakdown, Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 426, 155 - 175 2001.

D. Synergistic Activities

1. Invited speaker on Mini-Symposium on Advances in Turbulence Modelling at 2004

International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, June 2004.

2. Associate Editor, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic engineering, 2001 to present.

3. Founder and Chair of a new ASCE-EWRI task committee on Advanced Environmental

Hydraulics Modeling – 2000-present.

4. National Academy of Engineering 8th Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering Invited

Participant, Irvine, CA, Sept. 19-21, 2002.

5. Introduced in the Civil Engineering curiculum two new graduate level courses on Computational
Fluid Dynamics CEE/ME 7751 and on Statistical Turbulence Modeling for Engineering
Simulations (special topics).

G. Collaborators and Other Affiliations

a. Collaborators

Georgia Institute of Technology: Donald R. Webster, P. W. J. Roberts, Appiah Amirtharajah,

Terry Sturm, Ari Glezer, Ajit Yoganathan, Alexander Puzrin, Jeannete Yen, Hermann Fritz;
University of Santa Barbara: Igor Mezic; University of Maryland: Elias Balaras; University of
Iowa: V. C. Patel, A. J. Odgaard, S. Jain, J. S. Marshall, L. J. Weber.

b. Graduate and Postdoctoral advisors

- S. Abdallah, University of Cincinnati.

- V. C. Patel, University of Iowa

c. Thesis Advisor

At the Georgia Institute of Technology

Graduated:S. Casey Jones (Georgia Tech), Hansong Tang (Stevens Inst. Of Techn.), Kevin
Stewart (TVA). Current: Tahirih C. Lackey, Liang Ge, Iman Boranzani, Cristian Escauriaza
At the University of Iowa: V. S. Neary (Tennessee Tech), S. K. Sinha (private consultant), F. B. Lin
(Alden Laboratories)

c. Postdoctoral Advisor

Joongcheol Paik, Anvar Gilmanov, C. Casey Jones (Georgia Tech); Yiannis Ventikos (ETH,


Figure 1. Geometry of two bridge piers located at the Flint River in Georgia, USA. The
bottom layer shows the overset grid layout.

Figure 2. Snapshot of instantaneous streamlines depicting large-scales vortices of the
flow around the two bridge piers.

Figure 3. Instantaneous horizontal velocity contours at half depth.

Figure 4. Comparison of relative streamwise velocity profiles at two different sections:
(a) after the first pier (X=11.10), and (b) before the second pier (X=19.10).
(− simulation; o experiment).

Figure 5. Instantaneous iso-surfaces of Helicity, which indicates the amount of

streamwise vorticity in the flow.

Bibliography Requested Relevant to the Project

1. Melville, B.W. and Coleman, S.E., (2000) “Bridge Scour”. Water Resources Publications, LLC.

2. van Rijn, L.C., (1993) “Sediment Transport in Rivers, Estuaries and Coastal Seas”. Aqua
Publications. The Netherlands.

3. van Rijn, L.C., (2001) “Sediment Transport in Marine and Coastal Environment”. Aqua
Publications. The Netherlands.

4. Kleinstreuer, C. (2003). “Two-Phase Flow: Theory and Applications”. Taylor & Francis NY.

5. Pacheco, P. (1996). “Parallel Programming with MPI”. Morgan Kaufmann.


6. Julien, P. (1998). “Erosion and Sedimentation”. Cambridge University Press.


7. Sagaut, P. and Germano, M. (2002). “Large Eddy Simulation for Incompressible Flows”.
Springer Verlag; 2nd edition

8. Hinze, J.O. (1975). “Turbulence”. McGraw-Hill; 2nd edition


9. Nazaroff, W.W, and Alvarez-Cohen, L.(2000). “Environmental Engineering Science”. Wiley


Estimated costs of computer and office supplies: $ 400.00

TOTAL: $ 1,250.00


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