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Single cylinder article editor

The “EPC” editor is a MATEC application to allow the user to

create, modify and archive items that can be executed by the
machines of the MATEC HFx and HSEx line.

EPC exploits the window management of the Windows ™

environment, therefore it provides the user with a series of intuitive
tools, such as buttons and menus, and the possibility of viewing
multiple tables at the same time, facilitating data setting.

For those who do not have the slightest experience of Windows, it

is advisable to run the Windows exercises from the "?" of the
Program Manager before using this program and in any case refer
to the Microsoft Windows ™ user manual for general aspects of

Organization of the video in EPC

When the program is started, a screen consisting of several
elements appears on the computer monitor.


It contains the name of the program, in this specific case always
"EPC" and the name of the table and of the article to which it refers.

Contains a series of command list titles (menus), to view the
contents of each list, just click with the mouse on the title of interest
or press the "ALT + the key corresponding to the underlined letter of
the title" (eg ALT + F , to open the File menu).
Minimizes the window to a small drawing (icon) placed in the
lower left part of the screen. To restore the window to its original
size you need to make two quick clicks with the mouse on the


Increase the window size to the maximum possible.

They allow you to move the contents of the window if the table is
larger than the viewing area, you can click the arrow buttons at the
ends of the bars to scroll slowly, or you can click directly on the bar
on the side towards which we want to scroll to move quickly .

At the top left, it contains the icon of the active table. Clicking once
opens a menu that allows you to close, when possible,

resize or move the window. Clicking twice quickly closes the

The bar at the foot of the window. Displays a message with a brief
description of any input field active at that time, if there are no
active fields it displays the message: "For help press function key


When a field consisting of several elements is activated, it
indicates the number of the element currently being edited.

At the foot of the window on the right. Shows the number of the
size being edited (example "T: 2")
At the foot of the window on the right. Indicates for which machine
the currently displayed article was created.

File: New article from existing

This function allows you to create a new article by extracting it from
an existing one.

Calling the function, two tables will appear in succession:

in the first table you must select the name of the source article, that
is the article from which you want to get the new one.

The parameters to be set are:

File Name

The currently selected file name is displayed in the FILE NAME field ,
and is not editable.
The name of the design must be selected in the list located
immediately below the FILE NAME field: it is necessary to locate the
article (if the list is longer than the space set up to display it, it can be
scrolled forward or bottom of the scroll bar, bar located immediately
to the right of the list itself), then click on it with the mouse; the name
will automatically appear in the field
You can open files residing in any folder on the disk.

The part of the table called FOLDERS indicates the path and name of
the folder where the article to be opened is located; each disc is in
fact generally divided into multiple folders, which can in practice be
considered as real drawers or binders used to divide different
programs or different files among themselves, in order to give a
certain organization to the disc itself.


In the UNIT field you must specify which disk drive containing the
drawing you want to open. The disk normally used is the one marked
with the letter C, and represents the hard disk of the computer; by
clicking with the mouse on the arrow immediately to the right of this
field, the other types of disk available in the computer will also be
displayed: if you choose, for example, drive A, you can access the
reading of a disk inserted in drive A of the computer.
Changing this setting will also be displayed in the FOLDERS field .


By clicking with the mouse on the PREVIEW box, the comment to the
selected article can be displayed; this field is editable, this means
that the comment can also be modified in this environment.

File Type

In the FILE TYPE field it is possible to select, in addition to the type

of article of the machine in use (Article [* .art]), also the articles of all
the machines compatible with the machine in use (Name of the
machine [* .art]).
The second option [* .cat] allows the opening of a file ACCOUNTS
CHAINS , these file types are automatically translated into the
opening articles MATEC [* .art].


The COLLECTION is a set of articles chosen individually by the user.

These files meet the user's personal criteria and do not necessarily
have to have common technical characteristics.
By clicking on the "Collections ..." button you enter the collection
creation and modification environment.
Here you can add a new collection, and modify or delete an existing

The "Add" button opens the window for entering the name and a
comment for the new collection.
Clicking "OK" from the window for entering the name of the new
collection or "Edit" from the "Collections List" window opens the
"Collections" window:

The name of the collection is shown in the NAME field and cannot
be changed.
The list immediately below the Name field contains the list of
drawings or articles that are part of the selected collection.
The drop-down menu at the top right contains the names of all the
collections created whose list is displayed in the list below. If you select
"*. *" In the drop-down menu, the complete list of all designs or items will
be displayed in the list.

In the center of the window there are three display options:

By selecting "Drawings" we obtain in the two lists the names of

the drawings contained in the collections (the complete list if "*.
*" Is selected),
By selecting "Articles" we obtain in the two lists the names of
the articles contained in the collections (the complete list if "*. *"
Is selected),
By selecting first "Articles" and then "Associated Drawings" it
will be possible to insert in the collection created not only the
selected articles, but also all the drawings associated with
those articles.
A further display option is obtained by applying a filter chosen in
the "Filter:" drop-down menu , this filter will be applied to the list
on the right of the window.

To add a design or an article to the collection, just highlight the

name of the design or article we want to add in the list on the right
and click on the "<< ADD" button , the name selected in the list on the
right will appear in the list on the left and will be registered in the

To remove a design or an article from the collection, just select from

the list on the left (where you can find the list of designs or articles
belonging to the collection) and click on the "DELETE" button , the
name will be deleted from the list and removed from the collection .
The FILTER field allows you to choose or modify (using the button ,
enabled only if the name of a filter is selected) a filter for viewing the
list of drawings.

The Filter allows you to view a subset of files with the same
The Filters… button allows you to create and modify new filters for
viewing the list of files.

By clicking on the button you access the Create / Edit Filters


The first window displayed "FILTER LIST" allows you to select a filter
to be modified or deleted from the list at the top left.

The "Delete" button deletes the filter selected in the list.

The "Edit" button allows you to modify the parameters of a filter
selected in the list.
The "Add" button creates a new filter in the list.

Both the "Edit" button and the "Add" button open the "FILTER"
window , where the parameters relating to the filter are set.
If you have clicked on the "Add" button , a new window will appear
before the parameter window where you will type in the name of the
new filter to be inserted and if you want a brief comment on the filter.

The name of the filter to be modified or the name of the new filter
created will appear in the "FILTER NAME" field of the "Filter" window ,
which cannot be modified.

In the drop-down menus "N ° Needles ..." , "Diameter ..." , "N ° Feeds"
and "Edge ..." the parameters for the filter can be selected. In fact, by
clicking on the arrow immediately to the right of the white field [----], a
drop-down will appear with a series of non-options
editable, to choose the one we want for our filter.

After selecting the item, click on the "OK" button to continue (with
"CANCEL" you can abort the opening operation and exit the
Having clicked OK we will move on to the second table, requesting
the name to be attributed to the new article and the selection of the
desired sizes.

The table above is the table that appears when you want to create a
new article starting from an already existing one.
As you can read from the header we are about to create a new article
by extracting it from the one described in brackets in the title bar.
First of all, enter the name of the new article and, if desired, a
comment on it.
The table of the "Source article sizes" contains all the sizes of the
source article that cannot be changed here (in fact they are written in
gray), while they can be deleted and modified in the table below
where there are the "New article sizes" .
By confirming the command, a new article is created with the
desired name and sizes.

The parameters to be set are therefore:

New Article

In the New Article field you must enter the name of the new article
we want to create.
The name of the new article must be a maximum of 8 characters
and must not contain spaces or special characters, numbers, letters
and characters are allowed: -_ @ # ~.
If the chosen name has already been previously assigned to another
article, an error message will be displayed.

Sizes Article Source

In the part entitled Sources Article Sizes , the sizes existing in the
source article are shown. These fields cannot be edited because
they are read-only.

Sizes New Article

In the part below, entitled New Article Sizes, the sizes of the source
article appear by default, at this point you can decide whether to
keep the same or whether to modify them by adding or removing
This operation is also possible within the Article Editor.

The maximum number of sizes that can be defined for each article is
9, and in the New Article Sizes box we find 9 fields; to add a size
simply place the cursor in one of these fields (it is not necessary to
go in sequence).
The fields accept both numbers and letters. To move from field to
field you can also use the TAB button
The added size is always copied from the previous size.

At this point you can add a comment to the article we are creating,
typing it in the "COMMENT" field then you can click the "OK" button
to go directly to the Article Editor or "CANCEL" to abort the operation
and exit from the program.

Operations enabled on tables

It is possible to intervene on tables such as:

Calibration table ,
Speed Table ,
Length / Width Table

which contain a row per zone, copying and replacing entire zones
within the table or between tables of the same type (calibration with
calibration, speed with speed, etc.), but of different items.

Select the row (zone) you want to copy by clicking with the left
mouse button on the row number on the left of the table.
Once the row has been selected (it becomes black) click with the
right mouse button on the row number, a contextual menu will
appear from which it is necessary to select "Copy" .
The zone will be copied.
Now position yourself on the line you want to replace with the one
you just copied and select "Replace" from the context menu , the
content of the selected line will be replaced with the one copied

In the tables:

Asynchronous Commands Table ,

Yarn guide table ,
Selection and Drawing Table

which have several lines for each zone, the "Copy" , "Cut" , "Replace" ,
"Insert" functions are enabled within tables or between identical
tables of different articles.

Always select one line at a time and choose the operation you want
from those listed above.

The Selection and Drawing table has two more functions: "Copy
Selection" and "Replace Selection" with which it is possible to copy
the basic selection associated with the zone.
Communication with the machine
Once the article has been created, or after a modification it must be
sent to the machine for its execution, the transfer can take place
directly from the computer to the machine via a serial cable that
must connect the RS232 port of the PC with the RS232 port of the
machine , or by first transferring the article on a UFD disk , through
the drive ( FLOPPY-DISK reader ) of the computer, and then, by
inserting the usual disk on a UFD connected via serial to the recipient
machine, through the on-board reception procedures (Function 102 ,
see machine manual).

NOTE: both when the serial transmission and the UFD transmission are
carried out, the editor creates an executable file which is the one that
will actually be sent to the machine, i.e. the data of the article are
translated into a more useful form for execution, so the data to be
archived in order to subsequently modify the article are those on the PC
and not those present on the machine.

!ATTENTION! it is strongly recommended to always make backup

copies of the articles on computer disks to ensure against any
computer failures. For the archiving procedure use the specific MWB
command located in the "Tools - Archive - Copy" menu, see MWB

Subdivision of the article

To facilitate creation and editing, the articles are divided into zones.

The zone is the set of data that make up a particular band of the
sock, these data are in turn divided into two groups ("Item data" and
"Size data") and are presented in separate tables for each type of

Item data
It can be accessed both from the "Item data" menu item and from
the appropriate buttons.
These are all the data that do not change when the size changes and
are divided into the following programming tables:

Asynchronous Command Table

Speed Table
Calibration table

Size data

It can be accessed both from the "Size Data" menu item and from
the appropriate buttons.
These are all the characteristic data of the size and which therefore
vary from size to size, are divided into the following programming

Length-Width Table
Thread guide table
Selections and Drawings Table

Archiving of zone-types

"Zone Types Archives: Archive" item of the "Zone Type" menu,

corresponding button .

The operations of "Modification" , "Particular Creation" or more

generally any modification to the data (triangles, asynchronous
commands, yarn guides, yarn guides, etc ...) of the zone types act on
the article, or the changes we have made to the type -zone are stored
inside it and are not applicable to other items, except by copying the
entire zones (see "Operations enabled on the tables" ).

If we want a customized zone-type that can also be used by other

articles, we have to insert it in the zone-types archive , where the
MATEC defaults already reside.

To archive a zone-type we must first select it in the Article Summary

table , by clicking with the mouse on its "configuration number" field,
then execute the Zone Types Archives command from the Zone Type
menu and, from the menu that opens, we must choose the Archive
item which gives us access to a table very similar to that of the
creation of particular typizones.

Here there is the possibility to change the code and description of

the zone-type before finally archiving it.

You can also store the macro-zones .

Select the row representing the macrozone (light blue), click on the
"Archive" button or choose the "Archive" option from the "Zone Type"
menu , the window where the name of the macrozone will be entered
will appear, once the name has been entered press OK , if a
macrozone already exists with the name entered, a message will
appear asking if you want to replace the new macrozone with the
existing one.
Delete a zone-type
"Delete" item in the "Zone Type" menu

In the "Article Summary" table, select the configuration

corresponding to the zone-type to be deleted by clicking with the
mouse on the row number, then execute the "Delete" command
from the "Zone Type" menu , or press the button
A confirmation message will appear at this point.
Click "Yes" to confirm the operation;
Click "No" to return to the Editor without deleting the
selected area from the current article and its sizes.

Management of zone types

To facilitate and speed up programming operations, the
articles are divided into zones.

The zone is a band of the sock characterized by the same set of

data called "Typology".

In EPC, the association of the zone with the typology creates a

unique object called "TYPE-ZONE" .
In fact, observing the "ZONE" field of any table, you can see that the
value ( ZONE CODE ) it contains is made up of four digits: the first
two indicate the zone, while the last two identify the type.

Matec supplies, together with EPC, a set of already created

zone-types (default types) that are used in the creation of new
articles or in the modification of already existing articles.

When the lists of types are displayed, in the various operations for
managing the zone-types, the defaults provided by Matec are
recognized, not only by the code (from 00 to 49), but also by the
".MAT" extension which the zone-type code follows (Eg "0501.mat
- Gamba").

The customized zone types instead have the extension ".CLI". It is

also possible to create new customized zone-types , deriving them
from both the Matec types and from other existing custom types,
and store them on the hard disk of the computer ( voice " Archives
"of the " Type-Zone " menu ), in this way it is possible to use the
same zone-type for different articles without having to rewrite it.

The Matec zone types are characterized by a typology

code between 00 and 49.

For these types it is not possible to alter the programming of the

triangles and of the drum commands; to act on these fields, a
customized zone-type must be created , deriving from the default
one of interest ( "Modify" item in the "Zone-type" menu ).
The customized zone types created by the user must have a
typology code between 50 and 99 and have no limits in their

The zone type custom can also be taken as models for the
creation of new types zone.

To select an entire row of the table, simply click on the number

corresponding to the row on the far left of the table.

All operations concerning zone-types are possible only when the

"Article Summary" table is active and an entire row of the table is
Enter a new zone-type
"Insert" item of the "Zone-type" menu

To add a new zone-type to the article, you must first choose the
insertion position.

Highlight the line to which we will add, either above or below, the
new zone-type configuration .

At this point, execute the "Insert> Before" or "Insert> After" command

from the "Zone Type" menu , or press
the button to insert the new row above the selected one, or
the button to insert the new row below the selected one.

In particular, the procedure to follow to choose the desired

type-area is this:

1. Choose if we want to insert a “Zone” or a “Macrozone” .

2. After opening the list on the left "Zones in Archive", select
one of the zones listed, which are all stored in the computer
(both the default and the customized ones).
3. Select the zone by clicking on the name
4. Select in the same way one of the types stored up to
now among the "Types-Areas in the Archive"

At this point we can:

Enter the zone by pressing the "OK" button and confirming

the operation
Cancel the whole operation with the "CANCEL" button
The "SELECTION" button displays the window with the preview
of the basic selection of that zone (to close the preview click
again on the selection button)

By choosing the "JOLLY ZONE" button, a new window will

appear in which to enter the data for the new zone.

The wildcard zone is a standard zone that incorporates the last

configuration of the previous zone (the zone has a single line).

Once a wildcard zone has been created, I can modify its values
through the various tables.
Before, the insertion of a new zone was restricted because it had
to be compatible with the neighboring ones.

In the window for creating the wildcard zone, I assign a name, a

type and a new number to the zone, this zone will not be bound
with the previous or the next.

The "ZONA JOLLY" button is active only when one of the two
commands "Insert above" or "Insert below" has been launched .

NOTE: In the "Article Summary" table it is possible to select only one

configuration at a time for insertions, changes and cancellations.

Change Zone Type

"Edit" item in the "Zone Type" menu

Take some data from a type-zone in the archive and copy them in a
type-zone of the article.
Select the line (configuration) corresponding to
the zone-type of the item to be modified, then execute the "Modify"
command from the "Zone Type" menu or press the button .

In particular, the procedure to follow is this:

1. Open the list of "Zones in the Archive" by clicking on the arrow

of the corresponding field, choose a zone by clicking on its
2. In the same way select a type from the field
"Area Types in Archive"
3. Confirm the changes by pressing the "OK" button
4. Cancel the whole operation with the "CANCEL" button
5. The "SELECTION" button displays the window with the
preview of the basic selection of that zone (to close the
preview click again on the selection button)

Default zone type

"Default zone type names" item of the "Zone Type" menu

This function allows you to load the default names of the types
present in the open article.

For example: if you have an article in a foreign language and you want
to translate it into the language of your editor, choosing this option will
load the defaults on the computer relating to the zone number in the
"Zone / Type Description" field .
Zone Type Custom
Item "Particular Creation" of the "TipoZona" menu

With this command it is possible, working on the active article, to

create a customized zone-type .

This command enables the modification of a default type, highlighting

the line number in yellow (if the default is matec), in light blue (if the
default is client), until this is archived.

Cancel Macrozone
"Macrozone: Cancel" item of the "Zone Type" menu

Allows you to cancel a macrozone from the article.

The button is active only when a macro zone is selected.

Dissolves the zones grouped into a macro-zone, displaying them in a

normal way.
Collapse Macrozone
"Compress Macrozone" item of the "Zone Type" menu

The “Compress Macrozone” button has the function of displaying,

in a compressed or expanded way, all the macrozones of the active

When the button is active (ie clicked) the macrozones will be

displayed compressed, the corresponding row will be highlighted in
light blue color.

By clicking again on the "Compress Macrozone" button, these will be

displayed decompressed, and the zones that compose them will
have the celestial zone number.
If a macro-zone is not compressed by clicking the button, press the
right mouse button on the index of any zone of the macro-zone (row
with a light-blue zone number) and deactivate the function
"Do not compress"

Create Macrozone
“Macrozone: Create” item of the “Zone Type” menu.

This function allows you to create a macrozone, it is active only

when the Macrozone Activation button has been pressed and
multiple zones are selected at the same time (to select multiple
zones at the same time, click on the index of the first zone, hold
down the Shift key from the keyboard and press on the index of the
last zone that will make up the macro-zone, the group of selected
zones will be highlighted in black)

Once the group of zones is highlighted, select the "Create

Macrozone" option , the group of zones will be contracted into a
single light blue line that represents the macrozone.
This command is also activated by the button .

Delete Macrozone from the Archive

"Delete Macrozone from Archive" item of the "Zone Type" menu

Selecting this command allows the deletion of the macrozone, but

only from the archive and not from the current article, moreover it
does not delete the default macrozones.
The macro-zone is a grouping of several consecutive zones, which
are interrelated; for example, all the areas that make up the leg can
be grouped into a single “leg” macro-area.

Their function is to facilitate the creation and viewing of complex


Before carrying out any operation on the macrozones, whether it is

their creation, modification or deletion, press the button on the

Operations on macro zones are enabled only in the "Article Summary

Table" .

In the table, the row containing the macro-zone will be highlighted in

light blue, to expand all the macro-zones, in order to view the zones
that compose them, use the “Compress / decompress
Macrozone” button .

Enable / disable the "Do not compress" option

If you want a macrozone to remain uncompressed, press the right
button after positioning yourself on the row number of the
macrozone, the item DO NOT COMPRESS will appear , once this
option is selected, the macrozone will be displayed uncompressed
even using the "Compress" button / decompress Macrozone " .
If you want the macro-zone to be compressed again, repeat the
operation with the right mouse button on any row of the macro-zone,
these are marked by the light blue zone number.

Macrozone search
"Macrozone Search" item of the "Zone Type" menu

Search and view any default macrozones stored in the article.

Colors of the tables
Particular colors have been given to the cells of the tables, so that
the user can move more easily within the program.
Of the index column (modification of a default "matec" area):
Normally, it is not possible to modify the yarn guide tables,
asynchronous commands and selections. To modify these tables it
is necessary to create a particular typology (see Creating a custom
zone-type ).

Select the entire row (by clicking on the gray number to the left of the
table, corresponding to the row number), click the button and
confirm the message to change the default type, the gray row
number will turn yellow, this means that the default type "matec" has
been changed, but not yet archived.
Once archived, the number will return to gray.


Of the index column ( modification of a "client" default zone ) If,
instead of starting from an original "matec" default, a particular type
is created coming from a "customer" default, the number before
being archived becomes light blue.

Of the zone number ( update of defaults )
It starts from an original "matec" or "client" default zone (which has
not undergone any changes). If new defaults (of more recent date)
are loaded on these defaults, the gray number will become red.


In the column width. Shaped cells are highlighted in dark green color

LIGHT BLUE COLOR of the entire row. The row is a macrozone .

LIGHT BLUE COLOR of the zone number. The area is part of a

macrozone .
Enabled Operations of the Summary Table
Each of the following buttons refers to an item in the "Zone type"
menu. To activate the following commands, it is necessary to select
the entire row of the table on which we want to work, by clicking on
the number of the corresponding row.

It allows the insertion of a new zone-type in the article and in all

the sizes before the selected line ("Insert" "Before" item of the "Zone
type" menu).

Allows the insertion of a new zone-type in the article and in all

sizes after the selected line ("Insert" "After" item in the "Zone type"

Opens a window for editing the selected zone type ("Edit" item in
the " Zone type " menu).

Opens a window for the creation of a particular zone-type

("Special Creation" item in the "Zone Type" menu).

It allows the deletion of the type-zone selected from the article

and from all sizes. If a macro-zone is selected, the confirmation
message will appear to delete all the zones that make up the
highlighted macro-zone from the article. ("Delete" item in the "Zone
type" menu).

It allows archiving of the zone-type just created or modified

("Archive type zone" "Archive" item in the "Zone type" menu).

Allows the creation of a new Macrozone . The button is active

only when several zones are selected at the same time (
"Macrozone: Insert" item in the "Zone Type" menu )

Allows you to cancel a Macrozone from the article. The button is

active only when a macro zone is selected. Dissolves the zones
grouped into a macrozone, displaying them in the normal way (
"Macrozone: Cancel" item in the "Zone Type" menu )
Article Summary Table
The "Article Summary" table is automatically opened when the article
is opened.

In the "Article Summary" table the area code and type, the
description of the area and type are shown in columns (by clicking
on the title of the "Area description" column, the "Type description"
appears) and the various widths and lengths of all the areas that
make up the sock for all existing sizes and allows their modification.

To call up the table in the foreground, you can select the "Show
Article Summary" command from the "Article Data" menu, or use the
button .

From the "Article Summary" table it is possible to set the number of

needles (by selecting the "Number of needles" command from the
"Edit" menu ) and to add or remove sizes (by selecting the "Delete
and Add Sizes" command from the "Edit" menu )

The table is made up of as many rows (configurations) as there are

areas that make up the item, for each area there are the following
This column contains the code of the zone and the type to which the
configuration refers.
Zone Description - Type Description
This column contains two values, at the start it will always show the
description of the various zones, but by clicking on the column title
you can obtain the description of the type at any time (to return to
the zone description just click again.

This column contains in the title the size it refers to and shows the
length of the zone in turns in the various fields.

This column contains in the title the size it refers to and displays the
width of the zone; in centimeters, if the value is expressed with a
decimal number (e.g. 12.0 or 12.5), in steps if the value is expressed
as an absolute number of straight motor passes (e.g. 300)
The Length and Width fields are repeated for all existing sizes.
To switch from one size to another in the table as well as the "Sizes" menu
it is sufficient to position the LENGTH WIDTH fields or the size you
Furthermore, the active size is always displayed in the status line at
the bottom right of the screen (eg [T: 1]).

Of Forming displays the start and end value

Stepper motors (closed tip only)

In addition to the columns already described in the Description of the
fields of the "Asynchronous Commands" table, there are two new
columns for the management of the Closed Tip .
CUS: Allows you to program the housing motor
PLA: Allows you to program the lifting of the pad.

Here the position expressed in steps that the motor must reach must
be entered.
Asynchronous Command Table

The "Asynchronous Commands" table can be accessed either

through the "Asynchronous Commands" item in the "Item Data"
menu , or by using the appropriate button on the toolbar .

It is possible to modify and delete only the asynchronous commands

(and all the other fields of the table) of particular ZoneType
configurations created by the CUSTOMER and not by MATEC.

In this table it is possible to program the asynchronous commands

inside the whole sock.

By asynchronous commands we mean all those commands whose

angular position of activation and deactivation can be programmed,
in addition to the revolution and the zone (excluding yarn guides
which have a specific table).

Description of the fields in the "Asynchronous Commands" table


As in the "Article Summary" table , we find the area code in the first
By clicking on the column header (the column title, where
is written Zone) the "Zone Description" column , if displayed, will
be hidden otherwise it will be displayed.
By clicking on the heading of the "Zone Description" column in its
place we will obtain the "Type description" column .


The lap column shows the absolute laps within the zone to which
the configuration refers.

The Gr column shows the degrees of the absolute revolution in
which to activate or deactivate the configuration (the angular
position within the revolution)


In the column of asynchronous commands they are shown with an asterisk

(*) all enabling and with a dot (.) all disabling which indicate the
input / output of all asynchronous commands for that configuration,
the field is made up of as many elements as there are programmable
asynchronous commands.

In the status bar, at the bottom of the screen, on the left, the
commands we are working on will be described one by one.
To change the status of an element from active to inactive you can
use the space bar of the keyboard or directly the "." or "*"; to move
from one element to another in the command box use the keyboard


These are the Custody and Dial programming columns , and are
present only on MONO 4 machines.


The Abi column shows the ratings of the link motor and of the two
cylinder motors .
In the status bar at the bottom left of the screen, all the enablements
we are working on will be indicated one by one.


The sensors are programmed in the Sens column .

In the status bar at the bottom left of the screen, all the sensors we
are working on will be indicated one by one.
Negative laps can also be programmed.
By programming a negative lap, the relative command will be carried
out on the previous lap.

For example, in the case of positive laps, if I want to enter a

command on the last lap, I will enter the number of the last lap (e.g.
if the command went to lap 40, I would enter 39) which, being a
precise number, does not allow me to increase the laps without also
changing the reference to the lap, in the case of negative laps it is
possible to enter a relative number "-1" which will always indicate the
last lap of the previous zone, which can be lengthened as desired.
The same applies to the previous laps "-2", it indicates the
penultimate lap of the previous zone, "-3" indicates the third to last
etc ...
Calibration Principles of Operation
The purpose of the calibration is to find the relationship that links the
position of the stepper motors to the mesh width.
To do this, it is necessary to make two socks, one narrow and one
wide, measure their width and enter the values obtained in the
appropriate fields of the calibration table.

In this way the line shown in the figure is identified:

Once the values in the fields relating to the position of the motors
(H1 and H2) have been set, the size item to be calibrated is
transmitted to the machine for execution, under "Transmission Size
in Calibration" of the "Functions" menu .
The article thus transferred does not take up permanent space in the
machine's memory and is executed when the "START" key of the
machine is pressed .

If the machine is turned off before the two calibration socks have
been completed, the item will have to be retransmitted using the
same button .
If during the execution of the first sock there is a stop or a particular
cycle is inserted (MINICYCLE, NOCYCLE, RESET), the sock in
execution is discarded and at the next cycle the machine repeats the
same sock before moving on to the next.
The same thing happens for the second sock.

If you want to stop the calibration you can press the [F3] key on the
machine .
In this way, the next [START] restarts the article in execution before

At the end of the second "good" sock, the machine restarts to

perform the first one and so on until it is stopped.
In this case, at the next [START] , the article that was running before
calibration is restarted.
At this point the two calibrated socks must be measured in width in
the areas concerned.
The measured values must be entered in the L1 and L2 fields of the
respective zones; then you can set the mesh widths of the calibrated
areas in cm or inch, transmit the article normally and check that the
programmed widths correspond to the values in cm or inch set.

Calibration table
It is a table belonging to the article data, through which it is
possible to carry out the calibration of the sock.

The table can be accessed either by pressing the button or by

selecting the "Calibration" command from the "Item Data" menu .
CALIBRATION is a procedure used to provide the machines with the
relationship between the position in steps of the stitch forming motor
and the width obtained with a given type of stitch. In this way, after doing
this for the zones, you can set the width values ( width-length table )
directly in units of measurement (centimeters or inches)
Calibration practically consists in having the machine perform two
socks, one narrow and one wide, measuring their width and setting the
values thus obtained in the appropriate fields of this table. After doing
this, the sock is calibrated and we can set all related fields with widths
directly in centimeters or inches.

The table is made up of as many rows as there are areas that make
up the article, the following fields are displayed for each row:
As in the "Article Summary" table, we find the area code in the first
column. Clicking on the column header (where it is written Zone) will
immediately add the "Zone Description" column to the side of the
"Zone" column. By clicking on the heading of the "Zone Description"
column in its place we will obtain the "Type description" column.


In this column it is possible to enable and disable the

calibration: * Indicates that the calibration is enabled in the
. Indicates that calibration is disabled in the zone.
It is possible to calibrate several zones at the same time

The number of turns to be performed in the area being calibrated
must be entered in the column of turns (set a number sufficient to
easily measure the length of the sock).
To set the number of revolutions of the zone being calibrated, click
with the mouse on the "Revs" field of the zone configuration that we
want to modify and type the number of revolutions from the
keyboard (set a number sufficient to easily measure the sock
This column indicates the position of the stitch forming stepper
motors for the first sock (maximum value: 800. By inserting a higher
value, an error message will appear).
This column indicates the position of the stitch forming stepper
motors for the second sock (maximum value: 800. By inserting a
higher value, an error message will appear).
It is convenient to choose values of H1 and H2 as far apart as
possible (compatibly with the type of mesh being made) in order to
have a relationship as precise as possible.
To enter the values, click with the mouse on the relevant field and
type them using the keyboard.

To enter the percentage to be added to H1 to obtain H2, select the

item "Modify H2 as a percentage on H1" from the Functions menu ,
or click on the button

After having produced a tight sock, measure the widths of the areas
to be calibrated and enter the values in the relative fields of the L1
column (measured width of the first sock).
After having produced a wide sock, measure the widths of the area
to be calibrated and enter the values in the relative fields of the L2
column (measured width of the second sock).
Position in steps of the cylinder lifting motor.
To modify all the fields above, just place the cursor on one of the
boxes of the columns that we want to modify and replace the old
value with a new one.

Set the width of a zone

"Mesh motor" and "Cm Inch" fields

The width of a zone can be expressed in two different ways: in steps

and in units of measurement (such as cm and inch).
The first case is typically used in areas where calibration has not
been performed.
To modify these values, click with the mouse in the configuration
field that interests us and enter the absolute position in steps (from
0 to 800) of the knitting motors using the keyboard.

In the second case, calibrated zone, the width of the zone can be set
in centimeters or inches.

NOTE: By writing a new value in inches in a calibrated area, the value in

cm or inch is lost, while an error message appears if you try to write in
the cm and inch column of an uncalibrated area.

Length Width Table

The Length-Width table is displayed by selecting the
"Length-width" command from the "Size Data" menu
or by pressing the button .

!ATTENTION! The width of the zones can be set in units of measurement

(centimeters or inches, only if the calibration procedure has been carried
out, otherwise it must be programmed in the number of steps of the
knitting motors.

Button description of the Length-Width table

Enable shaping in the area

Enable calf in the area
Elastic feeders
Propagate widths to other sizes
Sinker motor
Propagates the width of the alternating zones
Lower triangles
Propagate lowers triangles

To modify the fields of the table, simply click with the mouse on the
field of the configuration that we want to reset or modify and type
the new value.

Description of the various fields in the Length-Width table

The table is made up of as many rows as there are areas that make
up the sock, for each row the following columns are shown:


As in the "Article Summary" table , we find the area code in the first
Clicking on the column header (where it is written Zone) will
immediately add the "Zone Description" column to the side of the
"Zone" column.
By clicking on the heading of the "Zone Description" column in its
place we will obtain the "Type description" column.

Number of change turns at the beginning of each zone, i.e. those
turns, during which the positioning of the yarn guides and of all the
parts of the machine that are involved with the change of the type
and which must generally be carried out at a lower speed takes
place ( "exchange rate") than normal ("regime").
Tours Area
It reports the total number of revolutions of the zone, therefore its
length, and also includes the shift revolutions (GVC) and the
acceleration and deceleration revolutions.
The sum of which must of course not exceed the total spins.

Mesh engine
It reports the number of steps of the stitch forming stepper motor.

Cm Inch
Width of the zone in centimeters or steps.
It can be programmed in cm only if the zone has been previously
calibrated, otherwise the values must be set directly in the steps of
the knitting motors.
Reference Zone
Zone to refer to for mesh width values.


It indicates with a "Yes" the shaped areas, that is with a variation of

mesh width, speed, suction, etc ... in more bands within the area, and
with "No" those not shaped.
And the. 1
Elastic motor rotation speed. This value is interpreted as a
percentage, so if we write 450 it means that the rotation speed of the
elastic motor is equal to 4 and a half times that of the cylinder.

Loop programming examples

Below are some tables that exemplify the correct programming of
loops in various zones (they are general examples of loop
programming, and do not refer strictly to the yarn guide table).
Correct programming of two yarn guide zones, one without loop and
one with loop:

In this example Zone 6 is the first zone with yarn guide.

The first yarn guide is placed in Lap 3, the second after another 5
laps (therefore in the absolute lap 8), the third after another 4 laps
(absolute lap 12).
The previously listed yarn guides are made until the absolute turn is
less than the total number of turns in zone 6.
In configuration 4 a new reference zone is adopted, in configuration
6 9 repetitions are programmed (the so-called loop) starting from
configuration 5.

The configurations 5 and 6 give rise to two yarn guides;

The presence of the loop entails the further repetition of
configurations 5 and 6 for 9 times. For the sake of
completeness, we note that the extension, in turns, of the yarn
guides referring to zone 10 is 2 + 6 + 7 + (6 + 7) x9 = 132 turns.

WRONG programming of two loops (nested loops)

Loop configuration 4 to 2 is a nested loop, so this programming is

Also in this case the programming of the loop is WRONG. The
configuration 4 loop is in fact located inside the configuration 6 loop.
Correct programming of two loops within the same zone

In this programming the two loops are consecutive but do not

intersect, therefore the programming is CORRECT.

Incorrect programming of a loop (reference zone different from the

loop zone)

In configuration 6 (having reference zone 10) the loop starts from

configuration 2 which has reference zone 6, ie a different zone from
that of the loop configuration. This is WRONG programming.
Correct programming of loops with infinite repetitions

The yarn guides starting in zone 6 continue up to lap 2 of zone 10,

thanks to the infinite repetition specified in configuration 3 ("Rep."
Field = 0).
Set Yarn Guide Loop
Setting up a yarn guide loop ("Loop", "Rip" fields)

The loop is the repetition of a group of configurations for a certain

number of times, thus making it easy for example to make a series
of lines on the sock without having to repeat the necessary thread
guide changes each time. The data for a loop is set on the last
configuration that must be part of the sequence to be repeated and
consists in entering the number of the first configuration to be
repeated in the "Loop" field and writing in the "Rep." how many times
we want the sequence to be repeated.
By writing 0 (zero) in the "Rip." an infinite repetition is obtained or
rather the loop is executed until one of the following cases occurs:

end of the sock

programmed position of the next configuration

The loop affects only the yarn guides and NOT the COMMANDS
AND ENABLES that appear on the same configurations.

Thread guide table

The Yarn guide table is part of the Size Data, it can be accessed
either by selecting the "Yarn Guide" item in the "Size Data" menu or
by pressing the button .

Button description of the Yarn Guide Table

Insert a new yarn guide configuration

Delete a thread guide configuration
Yarn guide exchange
Initialize thread guide
Data propagation of the table to other sizes Shows /
hides the columns of the color yarn guides.

To INSERT A NEW CONFIGURATION select the configuration under

which we want to create the new one, then we can select the "Insert
conf." of the "Edit" menu , or we can press the appropriate button ,
or use the key combination CTRL + Ins .
To DELETE A CONFIGURATION select the configuration we want to
delete, then we can select the "Delete conf." of the "Edit" menu , or we
can press the appropriate button , or use the combination of keys
CTRL + Del.
In this case, a message will appear confirming the cancellation.

Description of the fields in the Yarn guide table

The table is made up of as many rows as there are Yarn Guide status
change configurations throughout the article, the following fields are
shown for each configuration:

As in the "Article Summary" table , we find the area code in the first
Clicking on the column header (where it is written Zone) will
immediately add the "Zone Description" column to the side of the
"Zone" column. By clicking on the heading of the "Zone Description"
column in its place we will obtain the "Type description" column.

Shows the absolute lap within the zone to which the activation of the
configuration refers.
Giro Rel
Relative lap within the zone, it shows the number of laps that
elapses with the previous configuration. In the first configuration of
each zone, the relative lap coincides with the absolute lap of the

Shows the position in degrees (0 to 359) to which the configuration
. = thread guide
deactivated * =
thread guide active
Colors 1 / Colors 2
Programming columns of the yarn guide of the color of the first feed
and of the yarn guide of the color of the second feed.
Fund 1 / Fund 2
Programming columns for the bottom thread guide of the first feed
and the bottom thread guide of the second feed.


3rd position programming column.

And the
Yarn guide combined with the elastic.

Cas. Gdf
It is the column of commands associated with the yarn guides
regardless of the fall
Indicates the configuration chosen to start the repetitions. There are
some constraints to be respected:

The number of the repetition start configuration must be less

than that of the configuration being edited
The repetition start configuration must have the same reference
zone as the programming configuration
The repetition start configuration must not result in a loop within
another (nested loops)
Represents the number of repetitions of a cycle (loop). The value 0
(zero) indicates infinite repetition, in this case the loop yarn guides
are repeated indefinitely until the end of the sock or until the
programmed position of the next configuration.

Cas.Gdf Loop
This is the column of commands associated with the yarn guides
that follow the loop (the column appears only for the GIANNINA
In a configuration with thread guide entering or exiting, the machine
will follow the speed set in this column during the movement of the
thread guide, only if the value is lower than the VEL value set in the
"Speed" table.

NOTE: To modify any field in the table, simply position the cursor on the
field to be modified, remembering that the Zone, Zone Description and
Type Description fields are read-only.

Selections and Drawings Table

The table of selections and designs is displayed by selecting the
"Design Association" item in the "Cut Data" menu , or by clicking on
the button .

From this table you can program the positions inside the sock where
you can make a given design or a selection, it is also possible to
execute the "Selection Modification" from here and launch the
Graphic Editor directly.

Inserts a new drawing selection and association configuration

Delete a configuration
Opens the Graphic Editor
Preview Designs and Selections
Slab programming
Puffs nozzles design
Send machine drawing
Send design to floppy

To INSERT A NEW CONFIGURATION just select the configuration

under which we want to add the new one and select the item "Insert
conf." in the "Edit" menu or press the button , or use the key
combination CTRL + Ins .
To DELETE A CONFIGURATION just select the configuration we want
to delete and select the "Delete conf." in the "Edit" menu or press the
button , or use the key combination CTRL + Del .
Confirmation is required before proceeding with the deletion of the
selected configuration.

The delete command is enabled only when there is more than one
configuration per zone.

To modify the fields of the table, just go to the field we want to

modify and type the new value (this applies to the "LAP" and "RIP"
fields ).

Description of the Selections / Drawings table fields

The table is made up of as many rows (configurations) as there are

changes in selection or design for a size.
For each configuration the following fields are shown:
As in the "Article Summary" table, we find the area code in the first
column. Clicking on the column header (where it is written Zone) will
immediately add the "Zone Description" column to the side of the
"Zone" column. By clicking on the heading of the "Zone Description"
column in its place we will obtain the "Type description" column.
Absolute turn of configuration activation.

Displays the name of the selection that should start at this point on
the sock

Drawing 1
Displays the name of the first associated drawing, which will be
executed starting from the lap of the zone to which the configuration
This field is used to establish the repetitions of the first band of the
selected design. The length of the band is set

graphically within the Mesh Editor, as well as the number of

repetitions desired. By setting 0 (zero) in this field, we intend to keep
the number of repetitions programmed in the graphic system,
otherwise the machine will perform the number of repetitions of the
first band of the design as many times as programmed here.
Ai (1 or 2)
Enable drawing thread guides for the selected drawing and only in
the selected area. With the "." they are not enabled, with "*" they are


Send the design to machine or floppy disk
It is possible to transmit the design to the machine or to floppy disk
without exiting the Editor to return to the MWB, just select the item
"Transmit design to machine" or press the button , to transmit to
the machine or select the item "Send
floppy drawing " or press the button , to transmit to floppy disk.

NoteMat 1.0 application

"Notes" item of the "File" menu

This is the operation that allows you to attach a note file to a

specific article that will be previewed on the opening table of the
article itself and on the archiving operations.

The function can be accessed either by pressing the button or by

selecting the "Notes" item from the File menu.
This command opens a "NoteMat" window where you can enter or
edit the comment relating to the open article.

In the header, in addition to the name of the window (NOTEMAT) and the
version number, there is written the name of the article to which the
comment refers, with the extension .MTX, because in reality it is a new
file that has the name of the article, but it only contains the comment.

From the File menu we can:

1. Save the modifications of the active document by selecting the
"Save" item in the "File" menu or by pressing the button .
2. Print the active document by selecting the "Print" item in the
"File" menu or by pressing the button . In the print window
that appears, you can choose the print range, the print quality
and the number of copies to print and whether or not to create a
3. View a print preview ( "Print preview" item in the "File" menu ),
which allows us to have a view of the printed document.
4. Set up the printer and change the print options ( "Printer Setup"
item in the "File" menu ). In the "Print Setup" window, you can
choose between a default or specific printer, horizontal or
vertical paper orientation, paper size and printer feed. "Number
of Pages" is a window option

"Printer Setup", this function allows you to compress a table

displayed on several pages, in order to print it on a single page.
Selecting "Automatic" will print the actual number of pages
displayed in the print preview.
5. Exit the application ( "Exit" item in the "File" menu ).

From the Edit menu we can:

1. Undo the last operation performed ( "Undo" item in the "Edit"

menu )
2. Cut a part of the text previously selected and put it on the
clipboard ( "Cut" item in the "Edit" menu )
3. Copy a previously selected part of the text to the clipboard (
"Copy" item in the "Edit" menu )
4. Insert the contents of the clipboard in the point where the
cursor is placed ( "Paste" item in the "Edit" menu )
5. Delete the part of the text previously selected ( "Delete" item in
the "Edit" menu )
6. Find in the entire document a part of text specified by us (
"Find" item in the "Edit" menu ), we can choose whether to
search upwards or downwards and whether to differentiate the
words that are written with letters uppercase from those with
lowercase letters, to make a more "targeted" search.
7. Repeat the last Find command ( "Find next" item in the "Edit"
menu ). In this case, the mask where you can specify the word
to be found will no longer open, but the application will search
for the second occurrence of the previously searched word.
8. Replace a part of the specified text with a new text ( "Replace"
item in the "Edit" menu ). Once we have written the text we want
to change in the "Find" part and the new text in "Replace with" ,
we can choose whether to replace only the first occurrence by
clicking on "Replace" or

all occurrences "Replace All" or skip some with "Next" .

9. Select the entire document ( "Select All" item in the "Edit" menu
10. Set the " Word wrap" mode for easier reading of very long
documents ( "Word wrap" item in the "Edit" menu ).

From the View menu we can:

1. Choose to show or hide the toolbar, where there are buttons, for
a quicker choice, which refer to part of the commands listed
above ( "Toolbar" item in the "View" menu )
2. Choose to show or hide the status bar, where the individual
commands are briefly explained ( "Status Bar" item in the "View"
menu )
3. Set the Tabulation of the text ( "Tabulation" item in the "View"
menu ).
A mask will appear that will allow us to enter the number
corresponding to the spaces occupied by the tab (an integer
from 0 to 16 is required)
4. Set the font for the display ( "Font" item in the "View" menu ) in
the "Font" window it is possible to set the type, style and size of
the selected font.
5. Set the print character which often does not coincide with what
we see on the screen ( "Print Character" item in the "View"
menu ).
Compilation errors

By clicking on the button , or by choosing "View errors" from

the Windows menu, the errors detected during the compilation
of the article will appear.

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