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1 10001760 Almeniana, Vincent Paul, D. BSBA-FM 4 1 95
2 15000672 Astrero, Ariane, Estigoy BSBA-MM 3 2 89
3 7002107 Bautista, Christine Vania, M. BSBA-HRDM 1 2 88
4 15000922 Belayo,Angelica,Zamora BSBA-MA 2 2 75
5 12001362 Cadag, Alvin Feil, Deliarte BSA 4 1 74
6 15000660 Callueng, Shiella Mae, Benico BSBA-MM 3 2 96
7 12000086 Caparas, Rico Nathaniel, Apellanes BSBA-FM 4 1 85
8 15000253 Carbonel, Diossa May, Corpuz BSBA-HRDM 3 2 76
9 15000286 De Guzman, June Emerson, Fernandez BSBA-FM 1 1 74
10 15000219 Dela Cruz, Norlyn Shaira, Ambrocio BSBA-FM 2 2 73
11 11000011 Dioso, Roselyn, A. BSBA-MM 4 2 90
12 15001132 Dizon, Maria Jessica, Ongotan BSBA-HRDM 3 2 85
13 14000578 Dulnuan, Dennilyn, Latugan BSBA-MA 4 2 95
14 10001132 Espiritu, Shiella May, Ayes BSA 3 2 89
15 16001194 Eusebio, Gretchen, Silva BSBA-MM 1 2 88
16 14000199 Fermin, Lady Ann, Miras BSBA-FM 2 2 75
17 14000440 Gabato, Rachelle, Miguel BSBA-HRDM 4 2 74
18 15000161 Galpao, Stella Marie, Culang BSBA-FM 3 2 96
19 15000227 Gammad, Angelica, Monzon BSBA-FM 4 2 85
20 15000247 Gonzales, Diana Mae, Geronimo BSBA-MM 3 2 76
21 14000624 Guerrero, Julie Ann, Nogal BSBA-HRDM 1 2 74
22 15000340 Guiwo, Nessielyn Joy, Callejo. BSBA-MA 2 2 73
23 15000282 Jara, Jack, Marcelino BSA 4 1 90
24 15000482 Lago, Cris Irene, Badua BSBA-MM 3 2 85
25 10000539 Longalong, Selina, Samonte BSBA-FM 4 2 95
26 10001787 Lorenzo, Joyce, D. BSBA-HRDM 3 2 89
27 15000435 Mangaser, Nikki Lyn BSBA-FM 1 2 88
28 10001859 Meimban, Camille, Reganit BSBA-FM 2 2 75
29 13001692 Mijares, Xahira, Callao BSBA-MM 4 2 74
30 14000504 Obena, Genesis Mae, Palasigue BSBA-HRDM 3 2 96
31 17100519 Ortaliza, Precious Angeligue, Salvador BSBA-MA 4 2 85
32 15000208 Principe, King Leanard, Gabatin BSA 3 1 76
33 10001763 Rivera, Elijah, Aquino BSBA-MA 1 2 74
34 14000561 Rivera, Gemma, Miguel BSBA-FM 2 2 73
35 13002315 Rola, Ian Jopet, Delfinado BSBA-HRDM 4 1 90
36 9000292 Rosete, Karlo, Barrera BSBA-FM 3 1 85
37 10001870 Sanchez, Monica C. BSBA-FM 4 2 95
38 15001177 Santos, Nicky Lyn, Geronimo BSBA-MM 3 2 89
39 10001871 Sarte, Janward, Moscosa BSBA-HRDM 1 1 88
40 14200543 Sulit, Pia Lynette, Cuenco BSBA-MA 2 2 75
41 10001820 Tejano, Noreen, Orata BSA 4 2 74
42 15000732 Tesoro, Rovelyn, Mendoza BSBA-MM 3 2 96
43 15000551 Tirso, Kathlene May, Oscariz BSBA-FM 4 2 85
44 17100456 Turla, Alekxy Djeordz, De Guzman BSBA-HRDM 3 2 76
45 10001880 Valdez, Bienvenido Jr., Cacayurin BSBA-FM 1 1 74
46 15000516 Vicencio, Jellica, Jacob BSBA-FM 2 2 73

1 Use the Sum Function to get the total of the grades of the students.
2 Use the Average Function to get the Average of the grades of the students
3 Use the Countif Function to get the number of students taking the course
4 Use the Vookup function to determine the grades of the students having
following code:

5 Use the IF Function to evaluate the grades of the students whether "Passed" or "Failed"
assuming the passing grade is 75 and above. Put your answer under "Remarks" Column in
item no. 4

6 Segreagate the names of the student as to Last Name, First Name and Middle Name/Initial
in column I, J, and K respectively .

7 Use the Concatenate function to join the names segreagated in item 6 with First Name
Middle Name/ Initial Last Name format in column L. Also, use the Trim Function to remove
unnecessary spaces except's single space between text. Example: Vincent
Paul D. Almeniana

8 Rename this excel file using this format AEC15_<Schedule>_<LastName>_<FirstName>_<MiddleInitial>_FINALEXAM


9 Send this excel file through e-mail:

Last Name First Name Middle Name/Initial
Almeniana Vincent Paul D.
Astrero Ariane Estigoy
Bautista Christine Vania M.
Belayo Angelica Zamora
Cadag Alvin Feil Deliarte
Callueng Shiella Mae Benico
Caparas Rico Nathaniel Apellanes
Carbonel Diossa May Corpuz
De Guzman June Emerson Fernandez
Dela Cruz Norlyn Shaira Ambrocio
Dioso Roselyn A.
Dizon Maria Jessica Ongotan
Dulnuan Dennilyn Latugan
Espirito Shiela May Ayes
Eusebio Gretchen Silva
Fermin Ludy Ann Miras
Gabato Rachelle Miguel
Galpao Stella Marie Culang
Gammad Angelica Monzon
Gonzales Diana Mae Geronimo
Guerrero Julie Ann Nogal
Guiwo Nessielyn Joy Callejo.
Jara Jack Marcelino
Lago Cris Irene Badua
Longalong Selina Samonte
Lorenzo Joyce D.
Mangaser Nikki Lyn
Meimban Camille Reganit
Mijares Xahira Callao
Obena Genesis Mae Palasigue
Ortaliza Precious Angelique Salvador
Principe King Leanard Gabatin
Rivera Elijah Aquino
Rivera Gemma Miguel
Rola Ian Jopet Delfinado
Rosete Karlo Varrera
Sanchez Monica C.
Santos Nicky Lyn Geronimo
Sarte Janward Moscosa
Sulit Pia Lynette Cuenco
Tejano Noreen Orata
Tesoro Novelyn Mendoza
Tirso Kathleen May Oscariz
Turla Alekxy Djeordz De Guzman
Valdez BienvenidoJr. Cacayurin
Vicencio Jellica Jacob




Vincent Paul D. Almeniana
Ariane Estigoy Astrero
Christine Vania M. Bautista
Angelica Zamora Belayo
Alvin Feil Deliarte Cadag
Shiella Mae Benico Callueng
Rico Nathaniel Apellanes Caparas
Diossa May Corpuz. Carbonel
June Emerson Fernandez De Guzman
Norlyn Shaira Ambrocio Dela Cruz
Roselyn A. Dioso
Maria Jessica Ongotan Dizon
Dennilyn Latugan Dulnuan
Roselyn A. Dioso
Gretchen Silva Eusebio
Ludy Ann Miras Fermin
Rachelle Miguel Gabato
Stella Marie Culang Galpao
Angelica Monzon Gammad
Diana Mae Geronimo Gonzales
Julie Ann Nogal Guerrero
Nessielyn Joy Callejo. Guiwo
Jack Marcelino Jara
Cris Irene Badua Lago
Selina Samonte Longalong
Joyce D. Lorenzo
Nikki Lyn Mangaser
Camille Reganit Meimban
Xahara Callao Mijares
Genesis Mae Palasigue Obena
Precious Angelique Salvador Ortaliza
King Leanard Gabatin Principe
Elijah Aquino Rivera
Gemma Miguel Rivera
Ian Jopet Delfinado Rivera
Karlo Barrera Rosete
Monica C. Sanchez
Nicky Lyn Geronimo Santos
Janward Moscosa Sarte
Pia Lynette Cuenco Sulit
Noreen Orata Tejano
Rovelyn Mendoza Tesoro
Kathlene May Oscariz Tirso
Alekxy DjeordzDe Guzman Turla
Bienvenido Jr. Cacayurin Valdez
Jellica Jacob Vicencio

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