USDOR 0911-1013 Ab - Part28

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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by www.teapartycheer.


a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words,
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of antioppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:11:43 PM

word glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: Sorry for the ambiguity; I would be fully behind these, despite the fact that I may not see them as completely perfect. That is my point; the slightly imperfect is better than nothing. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:08 PM, L. W. Wind <> wrote: I would have a preference on agreeing on everything, rather then continuing to disagree.. remember we will not get all ourt demands met..but we may very well get some of them! On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: E is a bit of a paper tiger, and I'm not entirely sure about C and F, but i would be SO PUMPED if the GA passed this. Superawesomes. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: " I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken
out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:"

This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; 2. Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; 3. Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

burst once more, so, who cares.

Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

--Ms. Wind

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Gabriel Johnson Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:11:06 PM

Sorry for the ambiguity; I would be fully behind these, despite the fact that I may not see them as completely perfect. That is my point; the slightly imperfect is better than nothing. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:08 PM, L. W. Wind <> wrote: I would have a preference on agreeing on everything, rather then continuing to disagree.. remember we will not get all ourt demands met..but we may very well get some of them! On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: E is a bit of a paper tiger, and I'm not entirely sure about C and F, but i would be SO PUMPED if the GA passed this. Superawesomes. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: " I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out
into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:"

This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; 2. Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; 3. Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people.
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil ScottHeron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

--Ms. Wind

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jon Good Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:27:40 PM

Does somebody (not me, I'll be out of town all weekend and have done enough meddling anyhow) want to propose this to the GA? I am, of course, totally open to amendments, further specific demands, etc. Awesome, Jon On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:11 PM, grimwomyn <> wrote: word glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: Sorry for the ambiguity; I would be fully behind these, despite the fact that I may not see them as completely perfect. That is my point; the slightly imperfect is better than nothing. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:08 PM, L. W. Wind <> wrote: I would have a preference on agreeing on everything, rather then continuing to disagree.. remember we will not get all ourt demands met..but we may very well get some of them! On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: E is a bit of a paper tiger, and I'm not entirely sure about C and F, but i would be SO PUMPED if the GA passed this. Superawesomes. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: " I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands"
broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:"

This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich;

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

2. Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; 3. Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ...

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

--Ms. Wind

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:17:48 PM

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can selflegislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Gabriel Johnson Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:30:08 PM

This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:
I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement:
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is closeended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can selflegislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of L. W. Wind Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:45:01 PM

I love the idea below its perfect..this is what im speaking of On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:
I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is closeended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice.
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can selflegislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

--Ms. Wind

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jon Good Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:49:53 PM

JEM said: " I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into
levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:"

This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; 2. Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; 3. Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders. On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

"demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of antioppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:53:07 PM

twinkling my fingers in agreement-On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: " I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into
levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:"

This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; 2. Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; 3. Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders...

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Sahar Vahidi Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:53:49 PM

Perfect On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: " I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into
levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:"

This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; 2. Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; 3. Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders...

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Gabriel Johnson Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:58:29 PM

E is a bit of a paper tiger, and I'm not entirely sure about C and F, but i would be SO PUMPED if the GA passed this. Superawesomes. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: " I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into
levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:"

This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; 2. Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; 3. Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion.
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

--glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of L. W. Wind Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 5:08:32 PM

I would have a preference on agreeing on everything, rather then continuing to disagree.. remember we will not get all ourt demands met..but we may very well get some of them! On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: E is a bit of a paper tiger, and I'm not entirely sure about C and F, but i would be SO PUMPED if the GA passed this. Superawesomes. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: " I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out
into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:"

This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; 2. Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; 3. Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <>

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

--Ms. Wind

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme - OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 9:59:46 AM

I agree with almost everything in Alaxandre's statement, but we have a public relations problem born of that original "one demand" language that will not go away. That is why I have been suggesting a direct Demand to The People: We Demand that The People Take Control back from Global Corporations This demand puts the responsibility for change where it belongs, on The People. We need millions of people on the street to change the system in any meaningful way, and it directly calls for the people to act. It lets the people decide later how to define the movement. Principles, policies, demands, and techniques can all be decided as we grow. It does not threaten anyone except the biggest corporations and the politicians that serve them. The part about the global corporations may be more controversial, but I believe that the biggest threat to democracy is the global super class, those corporations and their billionaires, bigger than many countries, extracting wealth from all of the countries simultaneously. These corporations are the same ones that our allies in Spain, Greece, France, Egypt, and all over the world are fighting. The word global can be adjusted later to include more corporations if the people so decide. Please, read the demand again on its own, and see if there is anything in it that you disagree with. Then ask yourself if we could all agree that it would be the right call to action for our movement. Thank you for your patience and impatience, John McGloin

On 09/29/11, Jon Good<> wrote: I can get behind this. But I do believe we need a one-line, real-world answer to the question "Why are we here?" or "What unites us?"

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 3:24 AM, Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Gary Roland Re: Re: [september17discuss] Bad news argh Friday, September 30, 2011 5:10:30 PM

Not as bad as claiming Radiohead would play to draw 4000 people. Get ready for the backlash... On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:05 PM, grimwomyn <> wrote: I would advise distancing ourselves as far away from this guy, regardless what the truth is, the perception of him is damaging if he is associated with the movement. On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:03 PM, <> wrote: > Did anybody know this guy before he collapsed on the street in front of > bank of america? > > > On 09/28/11, Tarak Kauff<> wrote: > Please, who believes anything from Glenn Beck? I have no idea about this > particular case but Glenn Beck - he lies like a rug. > On Sep 28, 2011, at 5:23 PM, grimwomyn wrote: > > >

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J.A. Myerson Re: Re: [september17discuss] Bad news argh Friday, September 30, 2011 5:13:14 PM

Yup. Who did that? On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Gary Roland <> wrote: Not as bad as claiming Radiohead would play to draw 4000 people. Get ready for the backlash... On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:05 PM, grimwomyn <> wrote: I would advise distancing ourselves as far away from this guy, regardless what the truth is, the perception of him is damaging if he is associated with the movement. On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:03 PM, <> wrote: > Did anybody know this guy before he collapsed on the street in front of > bank of america? > > > On 09/28/11, Tarak Kauff<> wrote: > Please, who believes anything from Glenn Beck? I have no idea about this > particular case but Glenn Beck - he lies like a rug. > On Sep 28, 2011, at 5:23 PM, grimwomyn wrote: > > >

-J.A. Myerson 347.688.0241

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] Bad news argh Friday, September 30, 2011 5:03:15 PM

Did anybody know this guy before he collapsed on the street in front of bank of america?

On 09/28/11, Tarak Kauff<> wrote: Please, who believes anything from Glenn Beck? I have no idea about this particular case but Glenn Beck - he lies like a rug. On Sep 28, 2011, at 5:23 PM, grimwomyn wrote:

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J.A. Myerson Re: Re: [september17discuss] CONFIDENTIAL (so far): 1199/SEIU support Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:05:28 PM

Yeah, it was lots of fun. He's real supportive, broadcast on Lawrence's show from down here a couple days ago. JAM On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:03 PM, <> wrote:
It was announced this morning on MSNBC by Chris Hayes on his UP show. He did about half of the show on Occupy Wall St, mostly supportive and half the show on the class war being waged on regular people.

On 10/01/11, Kelley Wolcott<> wrote: Is it ok to announce it in GA tonight? I would like to be able to give a labor report and encourage everyone to attend the DC 37 rally on Tues. and the Beyond May 12th Coalition march on Wednesday. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:09 PM, J Wedes <> wrote: tweeting now. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Kelley Wolcott <> wrote: Wonderful news! Very exciting!

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Ben <> wrote: Will do! On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:29 AM, J.A. Myerson <> wrote: > Yup. > > On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Ben <> wrote: >> >> Can we tweet it yet? (@OccupyWallSt) Thanks >> >> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:36 PM, J Wedes <> wrote: >> > >> > Awesome. Keep it up yall >> > >> > On Sep 30, 2011 11:32 PM, "Gary Roland" <> wrote: >> >> >> >> Great job guys... >> >> >> >> ~GARY >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:16 PM, gail zawacki <> >> >> wrote: >> >>> >> >>> You're right, sorry, I had it mixed up with this one: >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>>
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>>> >>> >>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:04 PM, J.A. Myerson >>> <> >>> wrote: >>>> >>>> No you didn't. The vote didn't even happen until 1:30 or so. >>>> >>>> JAM >>>> >>>> >>>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:38 PM, gail zawacki <> >>>> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> It IS wonderful but I read that story this morning on HuffPo! >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:01 PM, J.A. Myerson >>>>> <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> Hi, all. >>>>>> >>>>>> If you haven't heard: today, 1199, the largest local union in the >>>>>> country, voted unanimously to support us. THIS IS CONFIDENTIAL >>>>>> until >>>>>> tomorrow morning. The 1199 press team is working with us on media >>>>>> roll-out >>>>>> and agreed that I should break the story tomorrow on Up with Chris >>>>>> Hayes on >>>>>> MSNBC (big platform, very pro-labor host, &c.) -- tune in and then >>>>>> let's >>>>>> play this up big. Here's their statement. >>>>>> >>>>>>> On Friday, September 30th, 1199 SEIUs executive leadership voted >>>>>>> unanimously to support the Wall Street protesters demand that >>>>>>> corporate >>>>>>> America be held accountable for the current economic crisis. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Corporations and the wealthy should pay the fair share in taxes >>>>>>> they >>>>>>> owe to middle-class Americans so this country can get back to >>>>>>> work. We need >>>>>>> jobs, not cuts. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 1199 SEIU is the largest healthcare workers union in NY. It >>>>>>> represents over 350,000 workers in NY, NJ, MA, MD, Washington D.C. >>>>>>> and FL. >>>>>>> >>>>>> This support is going to be amazing: 1 week's worth of food, RNs to >>>>>> train our medical team, the formulation and development of a >>>>>> committee to >>>>>> liaise with us, continued support as conditions change, >>>>>> mobilization on >>>>>> actions, a motion to the Central Labor Council to recruit other >>>>>> labor >>>>>> support -- the works! >>>>>> >>>>>> We ought to be awfully proud of this one; 1199 is one of the great

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>> >>>>>> organizations working for justice and equality in America (it was >> >>>>>> Dr. King's >> >>>>>> favorite union, while he lived). >> >>>>>> >> >>>>>> In solidarity! >> >>>>>> >> >>>>>> JAM >> >>>>>> >> >>>>>> ->> >>>>>> J.A. Myerson >> >>>>>> >> >>>>>> 347.688.0241 >> >>>>>> >> >>>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> ->> >>>> J.A. Myerson >> >>>> >> >>>> 347.688.0241 >> >>>> >> >>> >> >> > > > > -> J.A. Myerson > > 347.688.0241 >

-J.A. Myerson 347.688.0241

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] CONFIDENTIAL (so far): 1199/SEIU support Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:03:34 PM

It was announced this morning on MSNBC by Chris Hayes on his UP show. He did about half of the show on Occupy Wall St, mostly supportive and half the show on the class war being waged on regular people.

On 10/01/11, Kelley Wolcott<> wrote: Is it ok to announce it in GA tonight? I would like to be able to give a labor report and encourage everyone to attend the DC 37 rally on Tues. and the Beyond May 12th Coalition march on Wednesday. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:09 PM, J Wedes <> wrote: tweeting now. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Kelley Wolcott <> wrote: Wonderful news! Very exciting!

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Ben <> wrote: Will do! On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:29 AM, J.A. Myerson <> wrote: > Yup. > > On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Ben <> wrote: >> >> Can we tweet it yet? (@OccupyWallSt) Thanks >> >> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:36 PM, J Wedes <> wrote: >> > >> > Awesome. Keep it up yall >> > >> > On Sep 30, 2011 11:32 PM, "Gary Roland" <> wrote: >> >> >> >> Great job guys... >> >> >> >> ~GARY >> >> >> >> >> >> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:16 PM, gail zawacki <> >> >> wrote: >> >>> >> >>> You're right, sorry, I had it mixed up with this one: >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:04 PM, J.A. Myerson >> >>> <> >> >>> wrote: >> >>>>

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >>

>>>> No you didn't. The vote didn't even happen until 1:30 or so. >>>> >>>> JAM >>>> >>>> >>>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:38 PM, gail zawacki <> >>>> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> It IS wonderful but I read that story this morning on HuffPo! >>>>> >>>>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:01 PM, J.A. Myerson >>>>> <> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> Hi, all. >>>>>> >>>>>> If you haven't heard: today, 1199, the largest local union in the >>>>>> country, voted unanimously to support us. THIS IS CONFIDENTIAL >>>>>> until >>>>>> tomorrow morning. The 1199 press team is working with us on media >>>>>> roll-out >>>>>> and agreed that I should break the story tomorrow on Up with Chris >>>>>> Hayes on >>>>>> MSNBC (big platform, very pro-labor host, &c.) -- tune in and then >>>>>> let's >>>>>> play this up big. Here's their statement. >>>>>> >>>>>>> On Friday, September 30th, 1199 SEIUs executive leadership voted >>>>>>> unanimously to support the Wall Street protesters demand that >>>>>>> corporate >>>>>>> America be held accountable for the current economic crisis. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Corporations and the wealthy should pay the fair share in taxes >>>>>>> they >>>>>>> owe to middle-class Americans so this country can get back to >>>>>>> work. We need >>>>>>> jobs, not cuts. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> 1199 SEIU is the largest healthcare workers union in NY. It >>>>>>> represents over 350,000 workers in NY, NJ, MA, MD, Washington D.C. >>>>>>> and FL. >>>>>>> >>>>>> This support is going to be amazing: 1 week's worth of food, RNs to >>>>>> train our medical team, the formulation and development of a >>>>>> committee to >>>>>> liaise with us, continued support as conditions change, >>>>>> mobilization on >>>>>> actions, a motion to the Central Labor Council to recruit other >>>>>> labor >>>>>> support -- the works! >>>>>> >>>>>> We ought to be awfully proud of this one; 1199 is one of the great >>>>>> organizations working for justice and equality in America (it was >>>>>> Dr. King's >>>>>> favorite union, while he lived). >>>>>> >>>>>> In solidarity! >>>>>>

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>> >>>>>> JAM >> >>>>>> >> >>>>>> ->> >>>>>> J.A. Myerson >> >>>>>> >> >>>>>> 347.688.0241 >> >>>>>> >> >>>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> >> >>>> ->> >>>> J.A. Myerson >> >>>> >> >>>> 347.688.0241 >> >>>> >> >>> >> >> > > > > -> J.A. Myerson > > 347.688.0241 >

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:12:47 AM

If I had time I would form a find-all-of-the-messaging-groups working group! We now have a Journal that will also be putting out messages, I'm sure. The email for the group that put out the 'grievances list' that was excepted by the GA is They are not against modifying their language if they like your argument. One group putting out demands is the open-source working group. I'm not sure how to contact them, except that one of them is almost always at the GA since the first day. I should know his name, but he has long hair, a goatee, and very colorful tights. There are groups forming demands on the and another one on If any of you can unify this it would be helpful. If they started putting out demands that contradicted each other that would look bad, imo. John On 10/01/11, Winter Siroco<> wrote: I do not have an answer about the group that meets about demands and points of solidarity, and that is a problem because we have many groups that are not connected with each other, and it is not clear that the documents that we are discussing are made available online. I have not seen the online version of the principles of solidarity. Perhaps it is posted somewhere, or was submitted to the mail list and I missed it. I think that those of you interested in the economical aspects should setup a team ASAP. Cesar On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting?

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it!

On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote:

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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J Wedes Re: Re: [september17discuss] dissentmagazine Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:09:08 PM

tweeted! Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right via @DissentMagazine On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:58 PM, <> wrote:
5 things occupy wall st did right

On 10/01/11, diane sare<> wrote: A few thoughts: 1. It's true, Glen Beck is a liar 2. Whether the institution in question foreclosed on his parents' home or not, we can be reasonably certain that it foreclosed on a whole bunch of other people. 3. Obviously we should always try to present our case truthfully, since the crimes of Wall Street are so massive, they can hardly be exaggerated 4. DOn't worry about "perception" -- just stick to the truth and as things worsen for our neighbors, more and more of them will be with us. (I have been organizing with Lyndon LaROuche for 23 years, when he was in jail in the 80's etc., and will assert that part of the reason that we are in this mess, is that so many people have allowed their opinions to be determined by what the media wants them to think that everybody else thinks, that "conscience hath made cowards of us all.") On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Drew <> wrote: I made the mistake of taking a look at the comments...

-Diane Sare cell: 201-220-7731

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] dissentmagazine Saturday, October 01, 2011 7:58:07 PM

5 things occupy wall st did right

On 10/01/11, diane sare<> wrote: A few thoughts: 1. It's true, Glen Beck is a liar 2. Whether the institution in question foreclosed on his parents' home or not, we can be reasonably certain that it foreclosed on a whole bunch of other people. 3. Obviously we should always try to present our case truthfully, since the crimes of Wall Street are so massive, they can hardly be exaggerated 4. DOn't worry about "perception" -- just stick to the truth and as things worsen for our neighbors, more and more of them will be with us. (I have been organizing with Lyndon LaROuche for 23 years, when he was in jail in the 80's etc., and will assert that part of the reason that we are in this mess, is that so many people have allowed their opinions to be determined by what the media wants them to think that everybody else thinks, that "conscience hath made cowards of us all.") On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Drew <> wrote: I made the mistake of taking a look at the comments...

-Diane Sare cell: 201-220-7731

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn Re: Re: [september17discuss] Re: can we try to come up with one demand? Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:14:05 AM

yes +1000000000000000000000000000 On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:54 PM, <> wrote: > 'Human Need not Corporate Greed' is giid for me. > > > On 09/29/11, grimwomyn<> wrote: > I would like to suggest again that we at least consider adopting the > october2011 demand "Human Need not Corporate Greed" it is broad and far > reaching and everything we have discussed as a concern fits under than > umbrella, and symbolically we join with our brothers and sisters going to > DC. > > On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Ashley Anderson > <> wrote: >> >> I have heard a lot of talk about the "lack of a demand" at #OWS. I like >> all the demands thus far, and I defend them fiercely to the fearful lefty >> critics. But they're right to point out that an ultimatum is implied with an >> "occupation." Otherwise, it's a demonstration, right? >> I'm not sure why having one demand / many reasons to rise up are mutually >> exclusive. >> This occupation could pick a winnable demand and use the spotlight moment >> to continue pushing for all the great things it is talking about. There will >> be more occupations, more demands, and more victories if the tale of Occupy >> Wall Street can create something solid. We won't get it all in one sitting, >> but we will get it all if we make a habit of drawing a line in the sand. I >> always thought that the "one demand" was the most brilliant part of the >> strategy. >> Just my $.02 >> >> Ashley Anderson >> Director >> Peaceful Uprising >> 801-652-2971 | >> Tw | Fb >> Core Principles >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 7:29 AM, J.A. Myerson <> >> wrote: >>> >>> Yeah, it's as though MoJo has never been to a protest. >>> >>> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:26 AM, grimwomyn <> wrote: >>>> >>>> did you not see this article: >>>>

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>>>> >>>> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:21 AM, <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> Clarify- what left groups? what exactly is feared? >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> ---- Lauren <> wrote: >>>>> > A lot of the traditional left is not taking us seriously because they >>>>> > expect exactly what Justine mentioned she feared. >>>>> > >>>>> > Also, regarding food, didn't we have an offer for a huge kitchen in >>>>> > the city? If we can get support from small farmers and support them >>>>> > back it would be a boon. Hell, if we could just take over and restore >>>>> > some abandoned building in Lower Manhattan as a home base it would be >>>>> > a boon (we could call it urban renewal, since it's exactly what it is >>>>> > and most of these abandoned buildings have been for long enough that >>>>> > often nobody is sure about "legal" ownership anyway). >>>>> > >>>>> > A platform based on only lofty electoral reform won't remove >>>>> > corporate >>>>> > control. >>>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> >>> ->>> J.A. Myerson >>> >>> 347.688.0241 >> > >

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] Re: can we try to come up with one demand? Friday, September 30, 2011 10:54:19 PM

'Human Need not Corporate Greed' is giid for me.

On 09/29/11, grimwomyn<> wrote: I would like to suggest again that we at least consider adopting the october2011 demand "Human Need not Corporate Greed" it is broad and far reaching and everything we have discussed as a concern fits under than umbrella, and symbolically we join with our brothers and sisters going to DC. On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Ashley Anderson <> wrote: I have heard a lot of talk about the "lack of a demand" at #OWS. I like all the demands thus far, and I defend them fiercely to the fearful lefty critics. But they're right to point out that an ultimatum is implied with an "occupation." Otherwise, it's a demonstration, right?

I'm not sure why having one demand / many reasons to rise up are mutually exclusive. This occupation could pick a winnable demand and use the spotlight moment to continue pushing for all the great things it is talking about. There will be more occupations, more demands, and more victories if the tale of Occupy Wall Street can create something solid. We won't get it all in one sitting, but we will get it all if we make a habit of drawing a line in the sand. I always thought that the "one demand" was the most brilliant part of the strategy. Just my $.02 Ashley Anderson
Director Peaceful Uprising 801-652-2971 | Tw | Fb Core Principles

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 7:29 AM, J.A. Myerson <> wrote: Yeah, it's as though MoJo has never been to a protest.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:26 AM, grimwomyn <> wrote: did you not see this article:

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:21 AM, <> wrote: Clarify- what left groups? what exactly is feared?

---- Lauren <> wrote: > A lot of the traditional left is not taking us seriously because they > expect exactly what Justine mentioned she feared. > > Also, regarding food, didn't we have an offer for a huge kitchen in
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

> > > > > > > > >

the city? If we can get support from small farmers and support them back it would be a boon. Hell, if we could just take over and restore some abandoned building in Lower Manhattan as a home base it would be a boon (we could call it urban renewal, since it's exactly what it is and most of these abandoned buildings have been for long enough that often nobody is sure about "legal" ownership anyway). A platform based on only lofty electoral reform won't remove corporate control.

-J.A. Myerson 347.688.0241

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] Re: Demands Discussion Friday, September 30, 2011 6:07:28 PM

I can't meet but please let me know what you guys talk about. I have refined my demands down to: "Get off the couch, get informed, and take responsibility for your world." :) Just throwing that out there. John On 09/30/11, Doug Singsen<> wrote: I'd like to join this group as well. The anti-police brutality demo is today at 5:30, we should meet at a time that won't overlap with it. On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am! Want to meet at 5 pm today? On Sep 30, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Matthew Bralow <> wrote: > silly question, but is there a dedicated working group for the > guiding/principles / points of unity / declaration of occupation of > nyc? when do you meet? who is point person i can contact? thanks in > advance! matt > > On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Cesar <> wrote: >> Back to the drawing board. >> I think we should try to focus in format (bulleted points, one sentence, >> vision statement...?) and process (subgroups, online,paper boards...) >> inorder to keep moving slowly but steadily forward. The content discussion >> should continue in parallel. >> I do not see any shorcut, but to decide each step of the process at the GA. >> We may end up with a system that will allow the elaboration of complex >> pronouncements by a process of collective thought. Let's brainstorm that. >> Cesar >> >> Sent from phone >> >> >> On Sep 28, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: >> >> What causes unify us? What are actual things we all can agree are >> important? Things that we can do now. These demands will be our first >> steps. Does the sentiment (NOT THE WORDING) of these things cause problems >> for anyone? What else can we agree on that are like these? >> FIRST STEPS: >> >> Get the influence of money out of politics >> End military aggression abroad >> Bring financial predators to justice >> >> >> >> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Chris _ <> wrote:

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>>> >>> I've said this multiple times, but I think our demand should be for a >>> True Peace Dividend. End the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and other >>> foreign theaters. Use the money that has already been appropriated for >>> these wars and direct it, instead, toward debt relief: mortgages, >>> student loans, cars, etc. This is, one, a specific demand, two, >>> theoretically do-able (if politically challenging), three, directly >>> helps the people for whom we are fighting and, four, will probably >>> have a great deal of popular support. >>> >>> On Sep 26, 6:47 pm, wrote: >>>> +1 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> On 09/26/11,Amin Husain<>wrote:All, >>>> >>>> I am sure I know many of you (e.g. Cesar, Isham, etc.) from Liberty >>>> Square. I am on the facilitation working group and others. I agree with >>>> all of you on the urgency of demands and/or vision/goals. I think that >>>> process can run parallel with Principles of Solidarity. I also think the >>>> Communique statement looks great as it has been revised (reserving judgment >>>> on the specific items mentioned, for the moment). I note that there is a >>>> consensus that the issue of demands/vision/goals in the context (or not) of >>>> the communique is on the agenda and should be so this evening at 7pm. If >>>> so, from the email exchanges, I think that is going to be a very difficult >>>> GA because of the competing approaches and understandings. I am concerned >>>> we will not get far enough. If I may respectfully suggest, in the interest >>>> of moving the discussion and its resolution along, that those who have >>>> proposed specific formulations here or at the GA to familiarize themselves >>>> with the competing proposal and try to be ready to make friendly amendment >>>> and get on board one or the other competing proposals, and have suggestions >>>> as point of compromise. This may help a great deal. Recognize that the GA, >>>> from experience, gets paralyzed if there are competing proposals to the >>>> body. We are likely to end up going in circles, and that may cause great >>>> damage to the cause, because people that are sitting in new on the GA will >>>> not like what they see. This is just a suggestion. We are doing great, and >>>> we can figure this out. I will say this. Let us not panic or get >>>> frustrated about not having demands; let's work hard on formulating them as >>>> soon as possible. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Amin >>

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] Re: Demands Discussion Friday, September 30, 2011 4:21:32 PM

I am very interested in this also. There are many groups working on messages now including a group that got their message through the GA last night (Its on the website and they can be reached at There is also the open source working group who is working on a set of demands, whcih I think has been posted on this listserve. I think there is anothoer group discussing messageing on

On 09/30/11, Cesar<> wrote: I would like to join too, and I think that all groups that have been working in statements of all shorts should get together to consolidate process. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 12:15 PM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd like to join this group as well. The anti-police brutality demo is today at 5:30, we should meet at a time that won't overlap with it. On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am! Want to meet at 5 pm today? On Sep 30, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Matthew Bralow <> wrote: > silly question, but is there a dedicated working group for the > guiding/principles / points of unity / declaration of occupation of > nyc? when do you meet? who is point person i can contact? thanks in > advance! matt > > On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Cesar <> wrote: >> Back to the drawing board. >> I think we should try to focus in format (bulleted points, one sentence, >> vision statement...?) and process (subgroups, online,paper boards...) >> inorder to keep moving slowly but steadily forward. The content discussion >> should continue in parallel. >> I do not see any shorcut, but to decide each step of the process at the GA. >> We may end up with a system that will allow the elaboration of complex >> pronouncements by a process of collective thought. Let's brainstorm that. >> Cesar >> >> Sent from phone >> >> >> On Sep 28, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: >>

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>> What causes unify us? What are actual things we all can agree are >> important? Things that we can do now. These demands will be our first >> steps. Does the sentiment (NOT THE WORDING) of these things cause problems >> for anyone? What else can we agree on that are like these? >> FIRST STEPS: >> >> Get the influence of money out of politics >> End military aggression abroad >> Bring financial predators to justice >> >> >> >> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Chris _ <> wrote: >>> >>> I've said this multiple times, but I think our demand should be for a >>> True Peace Dividend. End the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and other >>> foreign theaters. Use the money that has already been appropriated for >>> these wars and direct it, instead, toward debt relief: mortgages, >>> student loans, cars, etc. This is, one, a specific demand, two, >>> theoretically do-able (if politically challenging), three, directly >>> helps the people for whom we are fighting and, four, will probably >>> have a great deal of popular support. >>> >>> On Sep 26, 6:47 pm, wrote: >>>> +1 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> On 09/26/11,Amin Husain<>wrote:All, >>>> >>>> I am sure I know many of you (e.g. Cesar, Isham, etc.) from Liberty >>>> Square. I am on the facilitation working group and others. I agree with >>>> all of you on the urgency of demands and/or vision/goals. I think that >>>> process can run parallel with Principles of Solidarity. I also think the >>>> Communique statement looks great as it has been revised (reserving judgment >>>> on the specific items mentioned, for the moment). I note that there is a >>>> consensus that the issue of demands/vision/goals in the context (or not) of >>>> the communique is on the agenda and should be so this evening at 7pm. If >>>> so, from the email exchanges, I think that is going to be a very difficult >>>> GA because of the competing approaches and understandings. I am concerned >>>> we will not get far enough. If I may respectfully suggest, in the interest >>>> of moving the discussion and its resolution along, that those who have >>>> proposed specific formulations here or at the GA to familiarize themselves >>>> with the competing proposal and try to be ready to make friendly amendment >>>> and get on board one or the other competing proposals, and have suggestions >>>> as point of compromise. This may help a great deal. Recognize that the GA, >>>> from experience, gets paralyzed if there are competing proposals to the >>>> body. We are likely to end up going in circles, and that may cause great >>>> damage to the cause, because people that are sitting in new on the GA will >>>> not like what they see. This is just a suggestion. We are doing great, and >>>> we can figure this out. I will say this. Let us not panic or get >>>> frustrated about not having demands; let's work hard on formulating them as >>>> soon as possible.
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Amin >>

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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J Wedes Re: Re: [september17discuss] The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:39:48 PM

link to livestream on nytimes please On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:27 PM, <> wrote:
On live stream someone just said "If the cops want to arrest some protesters now they are going to have to go through the marines. Lets see them mace some decorated Iraq War vets."

On 10/01/11, wrote: sorry make that the ' room artcle..."

On 10/01/11, wrote: The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site in the city blog article on the Bkln Bridge arrests.

On 10/01/11, J Wedes<> wrote: tweeted! Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right via @DissentMagazine On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:58 PM, <> wrote: 5 things occupy wall st did right

On 10/01/11, diane sare<> wrote: A few thoughts: 1. It's true, Glen Beck is a liar 2. Whether the institution in question foreclosed on his parents' home or not, we can be reasonably certain that it foreclosed on a whole bunch of other people. 3. Obviously we should always try to present our case truthfully, since the crimes of Wall Street are so massive, they can hardly be exaggerated 4. DOn't worry about "perception" -- just stick to the truth and as things worsen for our neighbors, more and more of them will be with us. (I have been organizing with Lyndon LaROuche for 23 years, when he was in jail in the 80's etc., and will assert that part of the reason that we are in this mess, is that so many people have allowed their opinions to be determined by what the media wants them to think that everybody else thinks, that "conscience hath made cowards of us all.") On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Drew <> wrote: I made the mistake of taking a look at the comments...

-Diane Sare
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

cell: 201-220-7731

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:27:53 PM

On live stream someone just said "If the cops want to arrest some protesters now they are going to have to go through the marines. Lets see them mace some decorated Iraq War vets."

On 10/01/11, wrote: sorry make that the ' room artcle..."

On 10/01/11, wrote: The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site in the city blog article on the Bkln Bridge arrests.

On 10/01/11, J Wedes<> wrote: tweeted! Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right via @DissentMagazine On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:58 PM, <> wrote: 5 things occupy wall st did right

On 10/01/11, diane sare<> wrote: A few thoughts: 1. It's true, Glen Beck is a liar 2. Whether the institution in question foreclosed on his parents' home or not, we can be reasonably certain that it foreclosed on a whole bunch of other people. 3. Obviously we should always try to present our case truthfully, since the crimes of Wall Street are so massive, they can hardly be exaggerated 4. DOn't worry about "perception" -- just stick to the truth and as things worsen for our neighbors, more and more of them will be with us. (I have been organizing with Lyndon LaROuche for 23 years, when he was in jail in the 80's etc., and will assert that part of the reason that we are in this mess, is that so many people have allowed their opinions to be determined by what the media wants them to think that everybody else thinks, that "conscience hath made cowards of us all.") On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Drew <> wrote: I made the mistake of taking a look at the comments...

-Diane Sare cell: 201-220-7731

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: [september17discuss] unsub Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:09:54 AM

You should have gotten an invitation send a message to the group so that I can see that its working. If you want someones individual email click details in the header.

On 09/29/11, Doug Singsen<> wrote: you can invite people at On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 3:27 PM, Yoni Golijov <> wrote: can anyone invite people to the group? / how does one get added? thanks!

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:13 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: You need to find the google groups homepage for the group and then you can unsubscribe from there. We should add unsubscribe instructions to the bottom of each email. One of the listserv managers has to do that by going into the group's settings.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 1:41 AM, <> wrote: how can I get off this list. it's too much traffic for my box. Solidarity, ~ FluxRostrum Current Project Home Base Quoting NicolasMoselleAllen <>: > preach it, brother! > > On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Siddattha Gurung > <> wrote: >> I want to stamp out the word 'innovation' from the fucking english language >> along with 'job creators' and 'welfare-queens', or atleast prevent it from >> being used in policy issue debates and economics. Its fucking worthless to >> use such language since it doesn't mean shit. FedEx did not become the giant >> it did due to 'innovation', it did so through union busting, tax dodging and >> outright fraud (you could call those 'innovations' if you would like). Apple >> didnt become the giant it did through innovation, it did so through union >> busting, sweatshop workers, tax dodging and outright copyright theft (along >> with a snazzy advertisement scheme, which you could call 'innovation'). >> >> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Siddattha Gurung <> >> wrote: >>> >>> Let me say this more clearly. The issue of USPS budget shortfalls is a
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>>> fucking made up issue that was forced upon the USPS by congressional law >>> purposely meant to 'starve the beast'. It has never in its history faced a >>> budget shortfall due a lack of funding (which is not taxpayers money btw), >>> and has been continually pumping out a surplus, while competing with >>> oftentimes non-unionised tax dodging, labor busting companies like >>> FedEx and >>> UPS. >>> >>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:09 AM, Siddattha Gurung >>> <> wrote: >>>> >>>> *while the fact that usage in the USPS has dropped is ture >>>> >>>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Siddattha Gurung >>>> <> wrote: >>>>> >>>>> While the usage in postal services is true, its necessity and importance >>>>> has not diminished. There are no other services in the US that >>>>> can deliver a >>>>> physical mail to any part of the US (many parts where internet access is >>>>> still spotty) within 2~3 business days for just 49 cents. Not to mention >>>>> providing flat rate services for transporting packages of any weight at a >>>>> price of under 20$, again to any part of the US within a working >>>>> week(this >>>>> specific service is extremely popular with the 'small business' that most >>>>> US politicians like to harp on about). FedEx and UPS both regularly use >>>>> the infrastructure that USPS has created and ends up having the USPS >>>>> transport many of its unclaimed mail. It also provides a physical link to >>>>> your governmental records (from taxes to court summons) that >>>>> arrive on time >>>>> and available everywhere. >>>>> The postal service is not a business, rather it is a public utility that >>>>> is required for the seamless function of the government, and >>>>> provided access to many who would be excluded from the internet >>>>> due to cost >>>>> or ease of access. >>>>> Also, the postal service funds itself without any funding from the >>>>> federal government. It is actually a miracle that an institution that >>>>> provided universal access for such low costs managed to make a >>>>> surplus for >>>>> the past couple of years and the recent financial woes only comes >>>>> from a law >>>>> require the USPS to pre-fund its health care for 75 years in the future. >>>>> Additionally on the labor front, it is an organization that hires >>>>> approximately 8 million employees with a high degree of women and >>>>> minority >>>>> representation (approx 40%). This is the last bastion of middle class >>>>> Americans with a union. >>>>> I am dependent on the USPS for an insane amount of my daily needs, and >>>>> most people would realize that too if they just paid >>>>> attention. The internet >>>>> will not keep a physical records of my taxes, bills, legal >>>>> documents that i >>>>> routinely need for a variety of inane reasons. The internet will >>>>> not send me >>>>> the DVD of a rare movie from Netflix that will never be >>>>> online. The internet
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

>>>>> will not send my hand written mail to bum fuck nowhere for 49cents. The >>>>> Internet will never transport my care package of sweet but stupid >>>>> items to >>>>> my long-distance girlfriend for under 20$ in 2~3 business days. >>>>> On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 9:15 PM, jason ahmadi <> >>>>> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> hey all, >>>>>> >>>>>> I am here in upstate NY recovering from a staph infection at my uncle's >>>>>> who is a PhD in electrical engineering and works at IBM and he could not >>>>>> understand why folks marched to the postal workers. He told me >>>>>> that postal >>>>>> workers have 25% less usage in this modern age and therefore should face >>>>>> reflective cuts. He also asked me when was the last time I sent someone >>>>>> mail and offered the same question to all of the occupiers who are so >>>>>> dependent on email, twitter and facebook for our communications. >>>>>> >>>>>> I am usually pretty good and talking points, but I did not have a good >>>>>> response on why occupy wall street (can we please, please avoid activism >>>>>> speak of acronyms and OWS) supports the postal workers. Can >>>>>> someone please >>>>>> give me an educated informed response on why we support the >>>>>> postal workers? >>>>>> Keep in mind that we are talking to each other on this and not >>>>>> outreaching >>>>>> to media, but at sometime the media will ask the same questions and we >>>>>> should be ready. >>>>>> >>>>>> Peace and Love, >>>>>> Jason >>>>>> >>>>>> p.s. >>>>>> I think I will be back in the streets on Friday with no more nasty >>>>>> pustules on my face. >>>>> >>>> >>> >> >> >


Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme OccupyEverywhere Friday, September 30, 2011 11:58:37 PM

A lot of people on this list serve agree with this. We need someone that can get it or something close in front of the GA. That is not as easy as it use to be.

On 09/29/11, Sahar Vahidi<> wrote: Perfect On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: "I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:" This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. 2. 3. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all

OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote:

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of antioppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme OccupyEverywhere Friday, September 30, 2011 11:56:22 PM

I like this list and the structure

On 09/29/11, Gabriel Johnson<> wrote: E is a bit of a paper tiger, and I'm not entirely sure about C and F, but i would be SO PUMPED if the GA passed this. Superawesomes. --glj On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: "I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:" This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. 2. 3. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all

OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote: I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of antioppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: Re: [september17discuss] Re: can we try to come up with one demand? Friday, September 30, 2011 11:12:06 PM

sorry * 'good for me'

On 09/30/11, wrote: 'Human Need not Corporate Greed' is giid for me.

On 09/29/11, grimwomyn<> wrote: I would like to suggest again that we at least consider adopting the october2011 demand "Human Need not Corporate Greed" it is broad and far reaching and everything we have discussed as a concern fits under than umbrella, and symbolically we join with our brothers and sisters going to DC. On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Ashley Anderson <> wrote: I have heard a lot of talk about the "lack of a demand" at #OWS. I like all the demands thus far, and I defend them fiercely to the fearful lefty critics. But they're right to point out that an ultimatum is implied with an "occupation." Otherwise, it's a demonstration, right?

I'm not sure why having one demand / many reasons to rise up are mutually exclusive. This occupation could pick a winnable demand and use the spotlight moment to continue pushing for all the great things it is talking about. There will be more occupations, more demands, and more victories if the tale of Occupy Wall Street can create something solid. We won't get it all in one sitting, but we will get it all if we make a habit of drawing a line in the sand. I always thought that the "one demand" was the most brilliant part of the strategy. Just my $.02 Ashley Anderson
Director Peaceful Uprising 801-652-2971 | Tw | Fb Core Principles

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 7:29 AM, J.A. Myerson <> wrote: Yeah, it's as though MoJo has never been to a protest.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:26 AM, grimwomyn <> wrote: did you not see this article:

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:21 AM, <> wrote: Clarify- what left groups? what exactly is feared?

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

---- Lauren <> wrote: > A lot of the traditional left is not taking us seriously because they > expect exactly what Justine mentioned she feared. > > Also, regarding food, didn't we have an offer for a huge kitchen in > the city? If we can get support from small farmers and support them > back it would be a boon. Hell, if we could just take over and restore > some abandoned building in Lower Manhattan as a home base it would be > a boon (we could call it urban renewal, since it's exactly what it is > and most of these abandoned buildings have been for long enough that > often nobody is sure about "legal" ownership anyway). > > A platform based on only lofty electoral reform won't remove corporate > control.

-J.A. Myerson 347.688.0241

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: Re: [september17discuss] The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:45:43 PM

On 10/01/11, J Wedes<> wrote: link to livestream on nytimes please On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:27 PM, <> wrote: On live stream someone just said "If the cops want to arrest some protesters now they are going to have to go through the marines. Lets see them mace some decorated Iraq War vets."

On 10/01/11, wrote: sorry make that the ' room artcle..."

On 10/01/11, wrote: The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site in the city blog article on the Bkln Bridge arrests.

On 10/01/11, J Wedes<> wrote: tweeted! Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right via @DissentMagazine On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:58 PM, <> wrote: 5 things occupy wall st did right

On 10/01/11, diane sare<> wrote: A few thoughts: 1. It's true, Glen Beck is a liar 2. Whether the institution in question foreclosed on his parents' home or not, we can be reasonably certain that it foreclosed on a whole bunch of other people. 3. Obviously we should always try to present our case truthfully, since the crimes of Wall Street are so massive, they can hardly be exaggerated 4. DOn't worry about "perception" -- just stick to the truth and as things worsen for our neighbors, more and more of them will be with us. (I have been organizing with Lyndon LaROuche for 23 years, when he was in jail in the 80's etc., and will assert that part of the reason that we are in this mess, is that so many people have allowed their opinions to be determined by what the media wants them to think that everybody else thinks, that "conscience hath made cowards of us all.") On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Drew <> wrote: I made the mistake of taking a look at the comments...

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

-Diane Sare cell: 201-220-7731

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme OccupyEverywhere Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:35:18 AM

They are starting to understand that we have a process for democratically formulating demands. That doesn't mean that we should stop the democratic process of formulating demands. :) I'm listening to the radio show now. I can't believe they are still saying there are 200 people their. There was 215 sleeping at 6 am on Sept 18. There was at least twice that sleeping last Thursday night. And this only represents the tip of the iceberg of people rotating in and out and operating from home and other remote locations.

On 10/01/11, rob hollander<> wrote: The lack of demands is, at last, turning into a virtue for you in the media. As you gain serious attention, reporters and analysts are beginning to understand the significance of the open process, the refusal of leadership and the lack of doctrinaire demands. They are not used to it, but now they are thinking and talking about it. I posted this a few minutes ago, but it's relevant here in your discussion. Take a listen: Public Radio International and WKCRW in Santa Monica broadcast on WNYC AM radio (National Public Radio in New York City) devoted a lengthy segment on Occupy Wall Street with Allison Kilkenny of CItizens Radio, Marvin Holland of the Transportation Workers Union, Richard Freeman of Harvard's Bureau of Economics Research, Georgetown University history professor and co-editor of Dissent Magazine Michael Kazin, and Peter Goodman, Huffington Post editor givinga brilliant analysis of Occupy Wall Street, including the significanceof the open process and open demands -- in fact, praise for the opendemands process! Thier take might not represent the loftiestideals of Occupy Wall Street -- they are mostly focused on the economy,rather than on politics -- but they all think you guys rock! And for once, no criticism of the lack of demands and lack of leadership, especially at 32 minutes: Peter Goodman, business editor of the Huffington Post, pinpoints one of the crucial virtues of nothaving doctrinaire demands. These analysts admire you, admire what youare accomplishing and admire your novel, principled methods. It's the first segment -- you have to download it to listen. (Noticethat the segment is coupled with a report on debit card fees. Clearlythe programer wants the listener to get the message: the ordinarycitizen is getting screwed coming and going by corporate finance.) Keep doing what you're doing -- people are listening. Your open process is paying off. You guys are the greatest! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:58 PM, <> wrote: A lot of people on this list serve agree with this. We need someone that can get it or something close in front of the GA. That is not as easy as it use to be.

On 09/29/11, Sahar Vahidi<> wrote: Perfect

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On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: "I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:" This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. 2. 3. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all

OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote: I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ... Detailed Demand 2 ...
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Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate
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Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel
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of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

-Rob Hollander Lower East Side Residents for Responsible Development 622 E 11, #10 NYC, 10009 212-228-6152

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J Wedes Re: Re: Re: Re: [september17discuss] The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:30:14 PM

bummer. beautiful general assembly happening now On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:13 PM, <> wrote:
they took it off and replaced it with a picture of cable tie handcuffs

On 10/01/11, wrote:

On 10/01/11, J Wedes<> wrote: link to livestream on nytimes please On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:27 PM, <> wrote: On live stream someone just said "If the cops want to arrest some protesters now they are going to have to go through the marines. Lets see them mace some decorated Iraq War vets."

On 10/01/11, wrote: sorry make that the ' room artcle..."

On 10/01/11, wrote: The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site in the city blog article on the Bkln Bridge arrests.

On 10/01/11, J Wedes<> wrote: tweeted! Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right via @DissentMagazine On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:58 PM, <> wrote: 5 things occupy wall st did right

On 10/01/11, diane sare<> wrote: A few thoughts: 1. It's true, Glen Beck is a liar 2. Whether the institution in question foreclosed on his parents' home or not, we can be reasonably certain that it foreclosed on a whole bunch of other people. 3. Obviously we should always try to present our case truthfully, since the crimes of Wall Street are so massive, they can hardly be exaggerated 4. DOn't worry about "perception" -- just stick to the truth and as things worsen for our neighbors, more and more of them will be with us.

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(I have been organizing with Lyndon LaROuche for 23 years, when he was in jail in the 80's etc., and will assert that part of the reason that we are in this mess, is that so many people have allowed their opinions to be determined by what the media wants them to think that everybody else thinks, that "conscience hath made cowards of us all.") On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Drew <> wrote: I made the mistake of taking a look at the comments...

-Diane Sare cell: 201-220-7731

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Re: Re: Re: Re: [september17discuss] The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:13:48 PM

they took it off and replaced it with a picture of cable tie handcuffs

On 10/01/11, wrote:

On 10/01/11, J Wedes<> wrote: link to livestream on nytimes please On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:27 PM, <> wrote: On live stream someone just said "If the cops want to arrest some protesters now they are going to have to go through the marines. Lets see them mace some decorated Iraq War vets."

On 10/01/11, wrote: sorry make that the ' room artcle..."

On 10/01/11, wrote: The live stream is watchable on the NY Times web site in the city blog article on the Bkln Bridge arrests.

On 10/01/11, J Wedes<> wrote: tweeted! Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right via @DissentMagazine On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 7:58 PM, <> wrote: 5 things occupy wall st did right

On 10/01/11, diane sare<> wrote: A few thoughts: 1. It's true, Glen Beck is a liar 2. Whether the institution in question foreclosed on his parents' home or not, we can be reasonably certain that it foreclosed on a whole bunch of other people. 3. Obviously we should always try to present our case truthfully, since the crimes of Wall Street are so massive, they can hardly be exaggerated 4. DOn't worry about "perception" -- just stick to the truth and as things worsen for our neighbors, more and more of them will be with us. (I have been organizing with Lyndon LaROuche for 23 years, when he was in jail in the 80's etc., and will assert that part of the reason that we are in this mess, is that so many people have allowed their opinions to be determined by what the media wants them to think that everybody else thinks, that "conscience hath
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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

made cowards of us all.") On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Drew <> wrote: I made the mistake of taking a look at the comments...

-Diane Sare cell: 201-220-7731

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Justine SPAM-LOW: [september17discuss] I need a list of email addresses for each committee Friday, September 30, 2011 6:32:25 PM

Could anyone please email me a list of point people for each committee? I'm getting a lot of inquires from all sorts of people and I need to know how to properly delegate their requests. Thank you!

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lauren september17 SPAM-LOW: [september17discuss] Re: I need a list of email addresses for each committee Saturday, October 01, 2011 1:07:55 PM

The Information Front Desk do not consider themselves a committee but want their info to be posted on webpage as well. - owsinform ation@goog legroups.c om - meeting times: Tuesdays and Fridays at 6pm. On Sep 30, 3:32 pm, Justine <> wrote: > Could anyone please email me a list of point people for each committee? I'm > getting a lot of inquires from all sorts of people and I need to know how to > properly delegate their requests. > > Thank you!

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Justine SPAM-LOW: [september17discuss] Re: Translators needed for Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:59:30 AM

Update: I just heard back from some people organizing translations literally one minute after I posted this. If you want to help with translations, please coordinate with: Translator Brigades <> They're primarily translating into Spanish right now, but are also in the process of getting people to do translations for French and Portuguese. On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:54 AM, Justine <> wrote: I just finished writing many of my internationalization features for We've already begun working on french translations; here's an example of what our call to action looks like to french speakers: If you are a native speaker of a foreign language, please consider helping us translate the site so our message can be heard around the world! According to our analytics stats, the languages we need translated in order of importance are: cornish, russian, spanish, french, german, polish, portuguese, dutch, swedish, itaian, and czech.
en-us 849,806 en 56,456 en-gb 30,428 ru 13,906 es 10,707 es-es 10,017 fr 9,566 de-de 8,929 pl 7,921 de 6,917 pt-br 6,031 ru-ru 5,503 nl 5,269 sv-se 4,186 sv 3,666 it 2,045 cs 1,971

Email me if you want to help :) -Justine

-Justine AIM: badinerie13 Tel: +1 (203) 350-9585

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Justine SPAM-LOW: [september17discuss] Translators needed for Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:54:07 AM

I just finished writing many of my internationalization features for We've already begun working on french translations; here's an example of what our call to action looks like to french speakers: If you are a native speaker of a foreign language, please consider helping us translate the site so our message can be heard around the world! According to our analytics stats, the languages we need translated in order of importance are: cornish, russian, spanish, french, german, polish, portuguese, dutch, swedish, itaian, and czech.
en-us 849,806 en 56,456 en-gb 30,428 ru 13,906 es 10,707 es-es 10,017 fr 9,566 de-de 8,929 pl 7,921 de 6,917 pt-br 6,031 ru-ru 5,503 nl 5,269 sv-se 4,186 sv 3,666 it 2,045 cs 1,971

Email me if you want to help :) -Justine

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Doug Singsen SPAM-LOW: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:04:32 AM

I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote:

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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn SPAM-LOW: Re: [september17discuss] SOMEBODY PRINT!!! Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:06:06 AM

and my brain is pretty dumb from lack of sleep right now but I think we got it into the #occupywallstreetjournal On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: > Absolutely! > > On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Winter Siroco <> > wrote: >> >> I am not sure if somebody addressed the request of Drew about printing >> the Declaration of The Occupation. We should have one or two thousand >> copies at the information desk for this weekend and more for Wednesday >> March. >> Cesar >> >> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> spread this far and wide! Short code: >>> print for saturday > >

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn SPAM-LOW: Re: Re: [september17discuss] Bad news argh Friday, September 30, 2011 5:05:47 PM

I would advise distancing ourselves as far away from this guy, regardless what the truth is, the perception of him is damaging if he is associated with the movement. On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:03 PM, <> wrote: > Did anybody know this guy before he collapsed on the street in front of > bank of america? > > > On 09/28/11, Tarak Kauff<> wrote: > Please, who believes anything from Glenn Beck? I have no idea about this > particular case but Glenn Beck - he lies like a rug. > On Sep 28, 2011, at 5:23 PM, grimwomyn wrote: > > >

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of carlos nico rivas undisclosed recipients: SPAM-MED: [GlobalRevolutionMedia] Mt. Assmore Friday, September 30, 2011 9:46:31 AM

Mt. Assmore

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Doug Singsen september17 SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] 700 airline pilots protested on Wall St on Wed 9/30 - did anyone see or talk to them? Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:49:23 AM

Ladies and gentleman, we are currently cruising down Wall Street because we are fed up with our bosses! Pilots stage protest
By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 9:02 AM on 28th September 2011 Read more:

Wall Street saw yet another surge in protesters today - as hundreds of Continental and United Airlines pilots demonstrated in New York City's financial district. Over 700 hundred activists, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) carriers, took their grievances to the streets as they protested for wages and benefits in light of a stalled merger between the airlines. The demonstration coincided with the 11th straight day the Occupy Wall Street encampment, which has seen thousands of demonstrators descend onto downtown Manhattan - and hundreds arrested.

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United: Over 700 hundred Continental and United pilots, joined by additional pilots from other Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) carriers, demonstrate in front of Wall Street on Tuesday

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Organised: The pilots want to draw attention to the lack of progress on negotiations of the pilots' joint collective bargaining agreement ahead of the one-year anniversary of the corporate merger close date

Continental's ALPA unit announced the union rally, saying the company needed to 'get serious' about negotiating a joint contract. United officials have said they want a fair contract and have been meeting with pilots from both unions since August 2010, arguing that none of the major sections dealing with work rules, pay, scope/job protection or retirement/benefits has been resolved. Management wanted a deal in place by the end of 2011, but said over the summer the target would be missed. No new date has been set. Without a joint contract that merges seniority and duties, the carrier cannot achieve the full measure of cost and revenue benefits forecast as part of the merger. The announcement came after pilots at United Airlines asked a federal judge on Monday to halt integration with Continental Airlines, saying the company is moving too fast in its bid to merge operations fully. The United chapter of the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), which filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, sought a stay of Friday's deadline to complete the next phase of training and begin new procedures.

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Peaceful protest: United officials have said they want a fair contract and have been meeting with pilots from both unions since August 2010

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'What's a pilot worth?' United management wanted a deal in place by the end of 2011, but said over the summer the target would be missed. No new date has been set

The union said the proposed level and timeline of training necessary for United Continental Holdings Inc (UAL.N) to earn single operating authority from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is inadequate. FAA clearance is the final step in the merger to create the world's biggest airline. The deal closed last year. Pilots contend interrupting the deadline for new procedures would allow the union and management to either negotiate a resolution or arbitrate the dispute. A court hearing in Brooklyn is scheduled for Wednesday. The union said most of the training changes involve United pilots, who are adopting many of Continental's cockpit procedures. United said the suit was without merit and was a shameful attempt to influence negotiations on a joint contract between United and Continental pilots.

Uniform: Continental's ALPA unit announced the union rally, saying the company
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needed to 'get serious' about negotiating a joint contract

Union rally: ALPA represents over 53,000 pilots at 39 airlines in the United States and Canada, including approximately 5000 at Continental and nearly 6,000 at United

United spokeswoman Julie King said in a statement: 'Our training procedures, which are fully approved and closely monitored by the FAA, meet or exceed safety standards and we are a safe airline.' United's union chairman, Wendy Morse, said safety issues and the union contract are separate, adding: 'United management continues to squander this golden opportunity to create the world class airline it promised to the employees, to the shareholders and to the flying public nearly 17 months ago when the United/Continental merger was announced. The longer these negotiations toward a joint collective bargaining agreement drag on, the less likely the company will be able to enjoy the benefits this merger offers. 'The company has wallowed in the weeds long enough. It's time for management to stop focusing on the minutia and turn its attention toward the issues that really matter to the pilots of United and get this contract completed. The days of our pilots laboring under a bankruptcy contract have to end,' she said.
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Captain Jay Pierce, chairman of the Continental pilots union, stated: 'Management may be attempting to portray success with the progress of the merger, but the reality is that it takes more than painting airplanes, hanging new airport signs and revamping a frequent-flier program. We are ready to begin the real work of creating the world's largest and best airline, and that starts with reaching agreement on a pilot contract. Real progress with implementing the merger requires the involvement of pilots and an acknowledgement by management of the contributions that pilots make in creating a successful airline.' ALPA represents over 53,000 pilots at 39 airlines in the United States and Canada, including approximately 5000 at Continental and nearly 6,000 at United.

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lauren september17 SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] A call out to register your updated Working Group info at the Information Front Desk! Saturday, October 01, 2011 1:06:20 PM

I was at the Information Front Desk meeting. These are the charming people that inform outsiders at the 3 tables we have in the encampment.This job is one of vital importance to the protest, as it is the face of Occupy Wall st. to the general public. They have made a registration form for all of the Working Groups to fill out. This is a single paper sheet that includes Committee name, contact info, brief description and meeting times. They said that they will not inform on any working group that has not filled out this form. So contact them or go to the desk and do so right away! They also have their google groups and their scheduled meetings: - owsinform ation@goog legroups.c om - Tuesdays and Fridays at 6pm. They need more people too. Nice people that understand the protests objectives well and that love to chat to the public. Only around 6 of them so far! Lauren*

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn september17 SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] Action proposal: Picnics at Citibank Saturday, October 01, 2011 1:07:42 PM

Because this is how they responded to #occupywallstreet,0,5755568.story

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lauren september17 SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] Re: Bad news argh Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:52:02 AM

I agree in principle that political theater can be a part of a movement. I very much doubt that people like Berthold Brecht, who did not merely act on the scenes but called for things to be acted on the streets, could be said to have hurt communism. Also interesting... a Larouchite. Your name reminds me of something.

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Richard S. september17 SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] Re: Request for a status report on BK bridge - how many arrested especially Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:50:01 PM

Not going to the GA myself (kind of dropped out of that for now), but I was there on the bridge, witnessed them encourage us and then trap us, felt the crush a little (it's been years since I was in that kind of situation), but I got out without getting arrested. (I guess it helped that I was near the back.) There's one for the tally(?)... See you in the streets... On Oct 1, 5:51 pm, Lauren <> wrote: > That's about it all. Also maybe a test to see who didn't get arrested > on BK bridge (me it's obvious since I'm in school in another city and > can only be there in another two weeks)

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lauren september17 SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] Request for a status report on BK bridge - how many arrested especially Saturday, October 01, 2011 5:51:30 PM

That's about it all. Also maybe a test to see who didn't get arrested on BK bridge (me it's obvious since I'm in school in another city and can only be there in another two weeks)

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] Shouldn"t the People"s Mic Speak to the Street? Friday, September 30, 2011 6:36:12 PM

I talked to a couple of facilitators about this today (and got a good response), but if I could reach any more, or anyone else that is interested in this, I would like to offer a solution to a problem that I perceive. The problem I see is that the people's mic is talking to a wall. The facilitators stand on the wall and the GA faces them. The process is supposed to be at least half of the message (some say the whole message) but it is completely uninviting to passers by, who see only people's backs from far away. Also the space has benches that cross it parallel to the wall which block off many people and cause them to stand. And the media center and the big flower bed take up a lot of seating space. My proposed solution is to move the GA to the big open space down the stairs from the red sculpture. I would put the facilitators at the bottom of the stairs with their backs to Broadway and the general assembly seated on the floor facing Broadway. This way the people's mic would be facing Broadway and people walking by would be immediately involved in the process. If they were interested they could sit on the stairs, and watch and listen comfortably. There is much more space there for sitting and no obstacles that force people to stand. The benches are perpendicular to the stairs and could even be kept clear to be used as a walkway and/or stage for current speakers. Some people say that we need the wall for acoustics but the stairs are at least as good for that. The only thing that may be a problem is that Broadway is extra noisy so it may be harder to hear the facilitators, but I think the peop'les mic could overcome that. It may also be be possible to put a big sign behind them to block out some noise and bounce their voices back to the crowd, without blocking the view of the public. If it was a big problem maybe another space could be found that faces a side street. I haven't proposed this to the GA because I don't want to speak off topic and a working group, eg facilitation, would have to add it to the agenda. Sorry about the long mail. but I wanted to cover all of the concerns that I could think of. Thank you, John McG

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Winter Siroco SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] SOMEBODY PRINT!!! Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:03:00 AM

I am not sure if somebody addressed the request of Drew about printing the Declaration of The Occupation. We should have one or two thousand copies at the information desk for this weekend and more for Wednesday March. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Sean Captain SPAM-MED: [september17discuss] What I would have published... Saturday, October 01, 2011 12:40:31 PM Not the hippies you were expecting Sure, #OccupyWallStreet has students with cardboard signs and a couple of socialists. But the tenacious band of occupiers doesnt have the tactics, demands or personalities of stereotype. [I've followed Occupy Wall Street from the start and had a hard time getting publications to understand it - hats off to Fast Company, which did. I wasted time with others. One would have offered a very visible, um, slate. And the other is a new york magazine. In my last (and requested) proposal to the latter, I showed what the first paragraphs might look like.] It began looking painfully familiar. An unimpressive handful of activists with a bullhorn scarcely filled the smidgen of pavement facing the butt of the Wall Street bronze bull. And the rhetoric was well worn. We must fight back by all means necessary, said Larry Hales, a dreadlocked organizer of the group New Yorkers Against Budget cuts. Abolish capitalism! yelled Caleb, a long-haired student clutching a stack of Communist party Workers World newspapers. At one point, someone made the inevitable Hitler comparison. Then a woman named Georgia, a Greek student spoke up loudly. This is not the way that a general assembly is happening! This is a rally! After a shouting match with one of the bullhorn bearers, she pulled away from the rally and invited others to follow her. Slowly they did, at least, all the students and a handful of older folks who didnt look like standard lifetime activists. The rally grew smaller and the old-timers drifted away while the general assembly discussion got down to business. With the cool focus and tech savvy of Millennials, the group went into detailed planning for their impossible goal getting 20,000 people to Wall Street in 6 weeks for a multi-month, Cairo-style occupation. That didnt happen. Not on the ground, at least. But a few hundred tenacious kids have held Zuccotti Park, a short dash from Wall Street and with a view of Ground Zero, and pulled in support of everyone from Salman Rushdie and Keith Olbermann to Roseanne Barr and The-Rent-Is-Too-Damn-High guy. In a way, the demonstration has gathered tens of thousands of members, if you count online sympathizers. So much so that the protest is best known by its Twitter hashtag #occupywallstreet. It is not a model of organization and clarity. A hodgepodge of groups is shakily holding together and struggling to even come up with a demand of the U.S. power elite. But its a fascinating preview of how U.S. activism at least left-wing activism has changed and where it may be headed. The 60s and 70s types are insignificant. But supporters of TEA Party darling Ron Paul are plentiful. A few anarchists mill around, but they arent smashing windows like in Seattle in 1999. In fact, instead of denouncing the NYPD, even after a crackdown in which some of them were pepper-sprayed, the occupiers continue to promote nonviolence towards the cops, and among some, a measure of respect for the dilemma of the rank-and-file a less-dangerous version of slipping flowers into gun barrels. And despite the talk of Twitter and Facebook revolutions from Tehran to Cairo, #occupywallstreet may be the first genuine social-media rebellion. While only a few hundred people camp out and go on daily marches to Wall Street, the movement persists as one of the top Twitter trends pulling in celebrity endorsements and drawing way out-of-proportion news coverage around the world. [If paid to do an article, I would have written more. But I'm way underemployed and have to eat.]

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From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: on behalf of Cesar SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme OccupyEverywhere Thursday, September 29, 2011 3:42:06 PM

Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing our thougts to sound bites.

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in
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response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the
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hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders...
OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:15:20 AM

The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone
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On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Winter Siroco SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 11:34:38 AM

The two addendums that I consider very important in a solidarity statement and I would like to propose are these: full rights for all immigrants, no human being is illegal; ending racism, xenophobia, homophobia and patriarchy; Cesar On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:01 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am not sure there is GA at 1 pm today. Schedule was changed by GA. In terms of the draft, let's not talk about postponement given the urgency, that is secondary. The working group will determine when it's ready to be proposed. What is important is be there at 1.30, and give me your feedback and let's have a discussion. We can get on the same page and fill in the blanks if you remain unsatisfied. If you cannot make, then send me proposed text that fits the framework. Let's not drag our feet. This process of principles of solidarity has been in the works for 2 weeks. Has gone through to GA's for proposals. What's in it is very representative and people can add on like the Declaration. If you have something send it. However, Principles discuss is very advanced and I have all the files with me. More than 300 has contributed. At 1.30 we can discuss. In solidarity. We need to finalize this list so we can take the bad looking working draft off the internet and we can blast this. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: I will be there, but we should have a discussion about the Principles of Solidarity which I am not sure if it is proposed at the GA at 1:00. I have some major issues with the Principles of solidarity that is about to be proposed. It does not mention the oppression to undocumented workers, students and child (which I consider the civil rights grievance of the times being enforced by mass deportation, denial of human rights, and racist state legislations as we speak), or other forms of oppression such as racism, homophobia, patriarchy, etc. I strongly suggest to postpone the proposal of this document. I am glad that, somehow, after a lot of bouncing in the Plaza we got the Declaration of the Occupation of Wall Street and, those on the ground please make a thousand copies to hand out at the information booth!!! Please replace for the beach going party pamphlet currently handled to visitors that does not make us look serious, or at a minimum change the aesthetics of the pamphlet. We are being visited by the working class who may not understand the irony. BUT, we should start to implement a better process for the elaboration of our documents if we are serious about Direct Participatory Democracy and Transparent Government.
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Cesar On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: that would be great. can we make the meeting at 1:30? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am not sure. We can meet today in the afternoon before the march after 12, if you and others are free. I could also explain how this fits into the demands discussion that is on-going and how it's evolving. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: when is the group's next meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we
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would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Doug Singsen SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 1:34:06 PM

Where is the meeting? Sent from my phone On Oct 1, 2011 9:25 AM, "Amin Husain" <> wrote: Sounds good. 1:30 On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: that would be great. can we make the meeting at 1:30? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am not sure. We can meet today in the afternoon before the march after 12, if you and others are free. I could also explain how this fits into the demands discussion that is on-going and how it's evolving. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: when is the group's next meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote:
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I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: on behalf of Winter Siroco SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:20:24 AM

I do not have an answer about the group that meets about demands and points of solidarity, and that is a problem because we have many groups that are not connected with each other, and it is not clear that the documents that we are discussing are made available online. I have not seen the online version of the principles of solidarity. Perhaps it is posted somewhere, or was submitted to the mail list and I missed it. I think that those of you interested in the economical aspects should setup a team ASAP. Cesar On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it!

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On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Doug Singsen SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:18:54 AM

when is the group's next meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:21:09 AM

I am not sure. We can meet today in the afternoon before the march after 12, if you and others are free. I could also explain how this fits into the demands discussion that is on-going and how it's evolving. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: when is the group's next meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <>
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: p=780 print for saturday

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:24:55 AM

The Principles of Solidarity working group does not have permission to make the advanced draft of the Principles of Solidarity to be online. The GA has been very sensitive about having such a document circulating in that form given the nature of the topic. As for demands, there are groups on the group each with their own thoughts. Making a group via google will not be as helpful as connecting with the different groups. In the discussion that occurred at the GA regarding demands, the matter was left with the groups that made a joint proposal to go back to the drawing board and come up with a process, to determine whether there should be any any demands at all. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: I do not have an answer about the group that meets about demands and points of solidarity, and that is a problem because we have many groups that are not connected with each other, and it is not clear that the documents that we are discussing are made available online. I have not seen the online version of the principles of solidarity. Perhaps it is posted somewhere, or was submitted to the mail list and I missed it. I think that those of you interested in the economical aspects should setup a team ASAP. Cesar On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Doug Singsen SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:23:36 AM

that would be great. can we make the meeting at 1:30? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am not sure. We can meet today in the afternoon before the march after 12, if you and others are free. I could also explain how this fits into the demands discussion that is on-going and how it's evolving. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: when is the group's next meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: p=780 print for saturday

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:25:51 AM

Sounds good. 1:30 On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: that would be great. can we make the meeting at 1:30? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am not sure. We can meet today in the afternoon before the march after 12, if you and others are free. I could also explain how this fits into the demands discussion that is on-going and how it's evolving. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: when is the group's next meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: p=780 print for saturday

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Winter Siroco SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:54:05 AM

I will be there, but we should have a discussion about the Principles of Solidarity which I am not sure if it is proposed at the GA at 1:00. I have some major issues with the Principles of solidarity that is about to be proposed. It does not mention the oppression to undocumented workers, students and child (which I consider the civil rights grievance of the times being enforced by mass deportation, denial of human rights, and racist state legislations as we speak), or other forms of oppression such as racism, homophobia, patriarchy, etc. I strongly suggest to postpone the proposal of this document. I am glad that, somehow, after a lot of bouncing in the Plaza we got the Declaration of the Occupation of Wall Street and, those on the ground please make a thousand copies to hand out at the information booth!!! Please replace for the beach going party pamphlet currently handled to visitors that does not make us look serious, or at a minimum change the aesthetics of the pamphlet. We are being visited by the working class who may not understand the irony. BUT, we should start to implement a better process for the elaboration of our documents if we are serious about Direct Participatory Democracy and Transparent Government. Cesar On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: that would be great. can we make the meeting at 1:30? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am not sure. We can meet today in the afternoon before the march after 12, if you and others are free. I could also explain how this fits into the demands discussion that is on-going and how it's evolving. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: when is the group's next meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <>
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote:

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

spread this far and wide! Short code: p=780 print for saturday

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:01:36 AM

I am not sure there is GA at 1 pm today. Schedule was changed by GA. In terms of the draft, let's not talk about postponement given the urgency, that is secondary. The working group will determine when it's ready to be proposed. What is important is be there at 1.30, and give me your feedback and let's have a discussion. We can get on the same page and fill in the blanks if you remain unsatisfied. If you cannot make, then send me proposed text that fits the framework. Let's not drag our feet. This process of principles of solidarity has been in the works for 2 weeks. Has gone through to GA's for proposals. What's in it is very representative and people can add on like the Declaration. If you have something send it. However, Principles discuss is very advanced and I have all the files with me. More than 300 has contributed. At 1.30 we can discuss. In solidarity. We need to finalize this list so we can take the bad looking working draft off the internet and we can blast this. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: I will be there, but we should have a discussion about the Principles of Solidarity which I am not sure if it is proposed at the GA at 1:00. I have some major issues with the Principles of solidarity that is about to be proposed. It does not mention the oppression to undocumented workers, students and child (which I consider the civil rights grievance of the times being enforced by mass deportation, denial of human rights, and racist state legislations as we speak), or other forms of oppression such as racism, homophobia, patriarchy, etc. I strongly suggest to postpone the proposal of this document. I am glad that, somehow, after a lot of bouncing in the Plaza we got the Declaration of the Occupation of Wall Street and, those on the ground please make a thousand copies to hand out at the information booth!!! Please replace for the beach going party pamphlet currently handled to visitors that does not make us look serious, or at a minimum change the aesthetics of the pamphlet. We are being visited by the working class who may not understand the irony. BUT, we should start to implement a better process for the elaboration of our documents if we are serious about Direct Participatory Democracy and Transparent Government. Cesar On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: that would be great. can we make the meeting at 1:30? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:21 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am not sure. We can meet today in the afternoon before the march after 12, if you and others are free. I could also explain how this fits into the demands discussion that is on-going and how it's evolving.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: when is the group's next meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: The working group on principles of solidarity has the document printed to be put before the GA to discuss and reach consensus. If time permits, that may be today. On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd love to. When and where is the group that is working on demands and points of solidarity meeting? On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote:
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Winter Siroco SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:59:44 AM

Doug, We should be able to modify our documents, and it would be wise to do so at this early stage. Indeed the points that you are raising are very important. I urge you to team with those interested and elaborate a modification that addresses the issues raised. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:41 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'm very glad that we have this, and overall it's very good, but it's missing one big thing: there is no mention of how Wall Street created the economic crisis that destroyed millions of jobs, and how Wall Street was bailed out of its crisis by cutting vital public services! Any chance we can get that added? I realize that this list is not meant to include every grievance, but this is incredibly important and central to the damage done by Wall Street specifically, as opposed to capitalism as a whole. Frankly, we would not be occupying Liberty Park now if it weren't for the economic crisis - that's what set all this in motion. To not include it here seems like a major omission, and may make it harder to do outreach to the public sector unions that have started supporting us. Doug On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:15 AM, gail zawacki <> wrote: Love it! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Cesar <> wrote: Hi Drew, perhaps a link to the live stream take of the GA discussion could be posted in the Web page together with the declaration. I am very glad about finally starting to have some definition. It was a great work, and we should continue to improve the process of elaborating our documents. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] I need a list of email addresses for each committee Saturday, October 01, 2011 8:29:43 AM

For Facilitation and/or Points of Solidarity Working Groups Amin Husain 917.407.1226 On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Marina Sitrin <> wrote: For the legal working group you can use mine Email: website for rights ( ( and phone the National Lawyers Guild with arrests or questions: 212 679-6018 Can you also Please Please post that there is a legal meeting for all people who were arrested and have not yet met with a lawyer - who want one from the National Lawyers Guild team - at the National Lawyers Guild office - on Sunday at 2pm 132 Nassau St Suite 922 (between Ann and Beekman) behind J&R Thanks for everything! Marina On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Justine <> wrote: > Could anyone please email me a list of point people for each committee? I'm > getting a lot of inquires from all sorts of people and I need to know how to > properly delegate their requests. > Thank you!

-Seamos realistas, hagamos lo imposible ~ che

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Babak K SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] I need a list of email addresses for each committee Saturday, October 01, 2011 12:29:56 PM

Babak - 6pm Open Forum Teach-ins/Speak-outs; Empowerment working group (subcommittee of Outreach Working Group) focusing on bringing immigrant/minority community groups Thanks! On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: For Facilitation and/or Points of Solidarity Working Groups Amin Husain 917.407.1226 On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Marina Sitrin <> wrote: For the legal working group you can use mine Email: website for rights ( ( and phone the National Lawyers Guild with arrests or questions: 212 679-6018 Can you also Please Please post that there is a legal meeting for all people who were arrested and have not yet met with a lawyer - who want one from the National Lawyers Guild team - at the National Lawyers Guild office - on Sunday at 2pm 132 Nassau St Suite 922 (between Ann and Beekman) behind J&R Thanks for everything! Marina On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Justine <> wrote: > Could anyone please email me a list of point people for each committee? I'm > getting a lot of inquires from all sorts of people and I need to know how to > properly delegate their requests. > Thank you!

-Seamos realistas, hagamos lo imposible ~ che

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Justine SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] I need a list of email addresses for each committee Saturday, October 01, 2011 12:32:34 PM

Got all of these. Keep them coming guys :) On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Babak K <> wrote: Babak - 6pm Open Forum Teach-ins/Speak-outs; Empowerment working group (subcommittee of Outreach Working Group) focusing on bringing immigrant/minority community groups Thanks! On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: For Facilitation and/or Points of Solidarity Working Groups Amin Husain 917.407.1226 On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Marina Sitrin <> wrote: For the legal working group you can use mine Email: website for rights ( ( and phone the National Lawyers Guild with arrests or questions: 212 679-6018 Can you also Please Please post that there is a legal meeting for all people who were arrested and have not yet met with a lawyer - who want one from the National Lawyers Guild team - at the National Lawyers Guild office - on Sunday at 2pm 132 Nassau St Suite 922 (between Ann and Beekman) behind J&R Thanks for everything! Marina On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Justine <> wrote: > Could anyone please email me a list of point people for each committee? I'm > getting a lot of inquires from all sorts of people and I need to know how to > properly delegate their requests. > Thank you!

-Seamos realistas, hagamos lo imposible ~ che

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Marina Sitrin SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] I need a list of email addresses for each committee Friday, September 30, 2011 10:31:21 PM

For the legal working group you can use mine Email: website for rights ( ( and phone the National Lawyers Guild with arrests or questions: 212 679-6018 Can you also Please Please post that there is a legal meeting for all people who were arrested and have not yet met with a lawyer - who want one from the National Lawyers Guild team - at the National Lawyers Guild office - on Sunday at 2pm 132 Nassau St Suite 922 (between Ann and Beekman) behind J&R Thanks for everything! Marina On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 6:32 PM, Justine <> wrote: > Could anyone please email me a list of point people for each committee? I'm > getting a lot of inquires from all sorts of people and I need to know how to > properly delegate their requests. > Thank you!

-Seamos realistas, hagamos lo imposible ~ che

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: on behalf of Cesar SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Re: Demands Discussion Friday, September 30, 2011 2:01:57 PM

I would like to join too, and I think that all groups that have been working in statements of all shorts should get together to consolidate process. Cesar Sent from phone

On Sep 30, 2011, at 12:15 PM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: I'd like to join this group as well. The anti-police brutality demo is today at 5:30, we should meet at a time that won't overlap with it. On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 10:52 AM, Amin Husain <> wrote: I am! Want to meet at 5 pm today? On Sep 30, 2011, at 9:17 AM, Matthew Bralow <> wrote: > silly question, but is there a dedicated working group for the > guiding/principles / points of unity / declaration of occupation of > nyc? when do you meet? who is point person i can contact? thanks in > advance! matt > > On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Cesar <> wrote: >> Back to the drawing board. >> I think we should try to focus in format (bulleted points, one sentence, >> vision statement...?) and process (subgroups, online,paper boards...) >> inorder to keep moving slowly but steadily forward. The content discussion >> should continue in parallel. >> I do not see any shorcut, but to decide each step of the process at the GA. >> We may end up with a system that will allow the elaboration of complex >> pronouncements by a process of collective thought. Let's brainstorm that. >> Cesar >>
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>> Sent from phone >> >> >> On Sep 28, 2011, at 12:53 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: >> >> What causes unify us? What are actual things we all can agree are >> important? Things that we can do now. These demands will be our first >> steps. Does the sentiment (NOT THE WORDING) of these things cause problems >> for anyone? What else can we agree on that are like these? >> FIRST STEPS: >> >> Get the influence of money out of politics >> End military aggression abroad >> Bring financial predators to justice >> >> >> >> On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 7:36 PM, Chris _ <> wrote: >>> >>> I've said this multiple times, but I think our demand should be for a >>> True Peace Dividend. End the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and other >>> foreign theaters. Use the money that has already been appropriated for >>> these wars and direct it, instead, toward debt relief: mortgages, >>> student loans, cars, etc. This is, one, a specific demand, two, >>> theoretically do-able (if politically challenging), three, directly >>> helps the people for whom we are fighting and, four, will probably >>> have a great deal of popular support. >>> >>> On Sep 26, 6:47 pm, wrote: >>>> +1 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> On 09/26/11,Amin Husain<>wrote:All, >>>> >>>> I am sure I know many of you (e.g. Cesar, Isham, etc.) from Liberty >>>> Square. I am on the facilitation working group and others. I agree with >>>> all of you on the urgency of demands and/or vision/goals. I think that >>>> process can run parallel with Principles of Solidarity. I also think the
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>>>> Communique statement looks great as it has been revised (reserving judgment >>>> on the specific items mentioned, for the moment). I note that there is a >>>> consensus that the issue of demands/vision/goals in the context (or not) of >>>> the communique is on the agenda and should be so this evening at 7pm. If >>>> so, from the email exchanges, I think that is going to be a very difficult >>>> GA because of the competing approaches and understandings. I am concerned >>>> we will not get far enough. If I may respectfully suggest, in the interest >>>> of moving the discussion and its resolution along, that those who have >>>> proposed specific formulations here or at the GA to familiarize themselves >>>> with the competing proposal and try to be ready to make friendly amendment >>>> and get on board one or the other competing proposals, and have suggestions >>>> as point of compromise. This may help a great deal. Recognize that the GA, >>>> from experience, gets paralyzed if there are competing proposals to the >>>> body. We are likely to end up going in circles, and that may cause great >>>> damage to the cause, because people that are sitting in new on the GA will >>>> not like what they see. This is just a suggestion. We are doing great, and >>>> we can figure this out. I will say this. Let us not panic or get >>>> frustrated about not having demands; let's work hard on formulating them as >>>> soon as possible. >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> Amin >>

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lucas Vazquez SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Re: I need a list of email addresses for each committee Saturday, October 01, 2011 1:34:45 PM

you could put mine for arts and culture On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 1:18 PM, Justine <> wrote: Oh wait it seems this is a google group. Would someone mind getting in touch with the people? I'm not in the square right now but I would like
it if you guys could all get on board with the same google group for answering information for the general public.

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Lauren <> wrote: The Information Front Desk do not consider themselves a committee but want their info to be posted on webpage as well. - owsinform ation@goog legroups.c om - meeting times: Tuesdays and Fridays at 6pm. On Sep 30, 3:32 pm, Justine <> wrote: > Could anyone please email me a list of point people for each committee? I'm > getting a lot of inquires from all sorts of people and I need to know how to > properly delegate their requests. > > Thank you!

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Justine SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Re: I need a list of email addresses for each committee Saturday, October 01, 2011 1:18:49 PM

Oh wait it seems this is a google group. Would someone mind getting in touch with the people? I'm not in the square right now but I would like it if you
guys could all get on board with the same google group for answering information for the general public.

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Lauren <> wrote: The Information Front Desk do not consider themselves a committee but want their info to be posted on webpage as well. - owsinform ation@goog legroups.c om - meeting times: Tuesdays and Fridays at 6pm. On Sep 30, 3:32 pm, Justine <> wrote: > Could anyone please email me a list of point people for each committee? I'm > getting a lot of inquires from all sorts of people and I need to know how to > properly delegate their requests. > > Thank you!

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J Wedes SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Re: Request for a status report on BK bridge - how many arrested especially Saturday, October 01, 2011 9:29:32 PM

There have been about 400 arrests, according to nypd. we are at liberty plaza having a beautiful general assembly and the media/comms/tactical/directaction/legal/everybody else super-team is coordinating arrestee info On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 8:49 PM, Richard S. <> wrote: Not going to the GA myself (kind of dropped out of that for now), but I was there on the bridge, witnessed them encourage us and then trap us, felt the crush a little (it's been years since I was in that kind of situation), but I got out without getting arrested. (I guess it helped that I was near the back.) There's one for the tally(?)... See you in the streets... On Oct 1, 5:51 pm, Lauren <> wrote: > That's about it all. Also maybe a test to see who didn't get arrested > on BK bridge (me it's obvious since I'm in school in another city and > can only be there in another two weeks)

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From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain; SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Re: Translators needed for Saturday, October 01, 2011 11:27:02 AM

Agreed Conor, and I'll bring it to the attention of the facilitators. On Oct 1, 2011, at 11:06 AM, Conor Toms Reed <> wrote: Wonderful idea!! Are facilitators announcing at the beginning of each GA that translators are available? This part of the process is crucial for the encampment to grow across language differences. Will the Translator Brigades also consider helping our flyer outreach to become multilingual? -Conor On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:59 AM, Justine <> wrote: Update: I just heard back from some people organizing translations literally one minute after I posted this. If you want to help with translations, please coordinate with: Translator Brigades <> They're primarily translating into Spanish right now, but are also in the process of getting people to do translations for French and Portuguese. On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:54 AM, Justine <> wrote: I just finished writing many of my internationalization features for We've already begun working on french translations; here's an example of what our call to action looks like to french speakers: If you are a native speaker of a foreign language, please consider helping us translate the site so our message can be heard around the world! According to our analytics stats, the languages we need translated in order of importance are: cornish, russian, spanish, french, german, polish, portuguese, dutch, swedish, itaian, and czech.
en-us 849,806 en 56,456 en-gb 30,428 ru 13,906 es 10,707 es-es 10,017 fr 9,566 de-de 8,929 pl 7,921
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de 6,917 pt-br 6,031 ru-ru 5,503 nl 5,269 sv-se 4,186 sv 3,666 it 2,045 cs 1,971

Email me if you want to help :) -Justine

-Justine AIM: badinerie13 Tel: +1 (203) 350-9585

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Conor Toms Reed; SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] Re: Translators needed for Saturday, October 01, 2011 11:06:39 AM

Wonderful idea!! Are facilitators announcing at the beginning of each GA that translators are available? This part of the process is crucial for the encampment to grow across language differences. Will the Translator Brigades also consider helping our flyer outreach to become multilingual? -Conor On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:59 AM, Justine <> wrote: Update: I just heard back from some people organizing translations literally one minute after I posted this. If you want to help with translations, please coordinate with: Translator Brigades <> They're primarily translating into Spanish right now, but are also in the process of getting people to do translations for French and Portuguese. On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:54 AM, Justine <> wrote: I just finished writing many of my internationalization features for We've already begun working on french translations; here's an example of what our call to action looks like to french speakers: If you are a native speaker of a foreign language, please consider helping us translate the site so our message can be heard around the world! According to our analytics stats, the languages we need translated in order of importance are: cornish, russian, spanish, french, german, polish, portuguese, dutch, swedish, itaian, and czech.
en-us 849,806 en 56,456 en-gb 30,428 ru 13,906 es 10,707 es-es 10,017 fr 9,566 de-de 8,929 pl 7,921 de 6,917 pt-br 6,031 ru-ru 5,503 nl 5,269 sv-se 4,186 sv 3,666 it 2,045 cs 1,971

Email me if you want to help :) -Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

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-Justine AIM: badinerie13 Tel: +1 (203) 350-9585

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] SOMEBODY PRINT!!! Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:13:23 AM

yes-- absolutely-- but we are printing 50K issues of the paper-- so add the xeroxes to that :) On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: > Great, but we also need it on the information booth to trigger all kinds of > conversations, critiques and thoughts at the plaza. > Whoever takes over this task please let us know when accomplished. > Cesar > > On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:05 AM, grimwomyn <> wrote: >> >> and my brain is pretty dumb from lack of sleep right now but I think >> we got it into the #occupywallstreetjournal >> >> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Amin Husain <> >> wrote: >> > Absolutely! >> > >> > On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Winter Siroco <> >> > wrote: >> >> >> >> I am not sure if somebody addressed the request of Drew about printing >> >> the Declaration of The Occupation. We should have one or two thousand >> >> copies at the information desk for this weekend and more for Wednesday >> >> March. >> >> Cesar >> >> >> >> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> spread this far and wide! Short code: >> >>> print for saturday >> > >> > > >

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Winter Siroco SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] SOMEBODY PRINT!!! Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:18:02 AM

GREAT!!! On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:13 AM, grimwomyn <> wrote: yes-- absolutely-- but we are printing 50K issues of the paper-- so add the xeroxes to that :) On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:11 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: > Great, but we also need it on the information booth to trigger all kinds of > conversations, critiques and thoughts at the plaza. > Whoever takes over this task please let us know when accomplished. > Cesar > > On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:05 AM, grimwomyn <> wrote: >> >> and my brain is pretty dumb from lack of sleep right now but I think >> we got it into the #occupywallstreetjournal >> >> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Amin Husain <> >> wrote: >> > Absolutely! >> > >> > On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Winter Siroco <> >> > wrote: >> >> >> >> I am not sure if somebody addressed the request of Drew about printing >> >> the Declaration of The Occupation. We should have one or two thousand >> >> copies at the information desk for this weekend and more for Wednesday >> >> March. >> >> Cesar >> >> >> >> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> >> >>> spread this far and wide! Short code: >> >>> print for saturday >> > >> > > >

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain SPAM-MED: Re: [september17discuss] SOMEBODY PRINT!!! Declaration of the Occupation of New York City [official] Saturday, October 01, 2011 10:04:47 AM

Absolutely! On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Winter Siroco <> wrote: I am not sure if somebody addressed the request of Drew about printing the Declaration of The Occupation. We should have one or two thousand copies at the information desk for this weekend and more for Wednesday March. Cesar On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:30 AM, Drew <> wrote: spread this far and wide! Short code: print for saturday

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn SPAM-MED: Re: Re: [september17discuss] Bad news argh Friday, September 30, 2011 5:11:43 PM

meh on that On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Gary Roland <> wrote: > Not as bad as claiming Radiohead would play to draw 4000 people. Get ready > for the backlash... > > On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:05 PM, grimwomyn <> wrote: >> >> I would advise distancing ourselves as far away from this guy, >> regardless what the truth is, the perception of him is damaging if he >> is associated with the movement. >> >> On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 5:03 PM, <> wrote: >> > Did anybody know this guy before he collapsed on the street in front of >> > bank of america? >> > >> > >> > On 09/28/11, Tarak Kauff<> wrote: >> > Please, who believes anything from Glenn Beck? I have no idea about this >> > particular case but Glenn Beck - he lies like a rug. >> > On Sep 28, 2011, at 5:23 PM, grimwomyn wrote: >> > >> > >> > >> > > >

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of rob hollander SPAM-MED: Re: Re: Re: [september17discuss] A Call for Emancipation from the "One Line Demand" Meme OccupyEverywhere Saturday, October 01, 2011 7:37:27 AM

The lack of demands is, at last, turning into a virtue for you in the media. As you gain serious attention, reporters and analysts are beginning to understand the significance of the open process, the refusal of leadership and the lack of doctrinaire demands. They are not used to it, but now they are thinking and talking about it. I posted this a few minutes ago, but it's relevant here in your discussion. Take a listen: Public Radio International and WKCRW in Santa Monica broadcast on WNYC AM radio (National Public Radio in New York City) devoted a lengthy segment on Occupy Wall Street with Allison Kilkenny of CItizens Radio, Marvin Holland of the Transportation Workers Union, Richard Freeman of Harvard's Bureau of Economics Research, Georgetown University history professor and co-editor of Dissent Magazine Michael Kazin, and Peter Goodman, Huffington Post editor giving a brilliant analysis of Occupy Wall Street, including the significance of the open process and open demands -- in fact, praise for the open demands process! Thier take might not represent the loftiest ideals of Occupy Wall Street -- they are mostly focused on the economy, rather than on politics -- but they all think you guys rock! And for once, no criticism of the lack of demands and lack of leadership, especially at 32 minutes: Peter Goodman, business editor of the Huffington Post, pinpoints one of the crucial virtues of not having doctrinaire demands. These analysts admire you, admire what you are accomplishing and admire your novel, principled methods. It's the first segment -- you have to download it to listen. (Notice that the segment is coupled with a report on debit card fees. Clearly the programer wants the listener to get the message: the ordinary citizen is getting screwed coming and going by corporate finance.) Keep doing what you're doing -- people are listening. Your open process is paying off. You guys are the greatest! On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 11:58 PM, <> wrote:
A lot of people on this list serve agree with this. We need someone that can get it or something close in front of the GA. That is not as easy as it use to be.

On 09/29/11, Sahar Vahidi<> wrote: Perfect

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On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:49 PM, Jon Good <> wrote: JEM said: "I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three:" This was from me, I think. OUR GOAL: End Corporate Control OUR VISION: 1. 2. 3. Stop special treatment for banks, corporations, and the super-rich; Create a real democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people; Build a society free from oppression, with opportunities, jobs, and economic justice for all

OUR DEMANDS: a. Stop the housing crisis. Halt all foreclosures due to predatory lending and huge medical bills. b.Reinstate the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act. Separate investment banking from commercial banking and stop gambling peoples savings on Wall Street. c.Introduce a Robin Hood tax on all securities transfers now. Tax all financial transactions like tangible goods, using a sales tax. d. Repeal the Tax Reconciliation Act (the Bush tax cuts) now. Tax capital gains at the same rate as income tax. e. End corporate personhood. Corporations are not and will never be people. f. Radically reform the electoral system. Ban all corporate funding to political candidates and allow new political groups compete on an equal footing with the two major parties. g. Create a national jobs program. Focus the economy on providing honest livelihoods for as many people as possible, rather than returning maximum profit to shareholders.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM, Gabriel Johnson <> wrote: This, this, ten thousand times this. It's going to be a fun exercise (and by "fun", I here mean "difficult") trying to balance different people's ideological viewpoints putting this together, but it's necessary, in my opinion. --glj

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 4:17 PM, <> wrote: I can't remember who I stole this idea from, but we should have our "demands" broken out into levels so that people can access them at the level of detail they are comfortable with. For some people one overarching "demand" is too simple. For others along list of demands withexplanantions is way to complicated. Some people would like a few broad principles. We should have all three: Our One Big Demand Principle 1 ... Principle 2 ... Principle 3 ... Detailed Demand 1 ...
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Detailed Demand 2 ... Detailed Demand 3 ... etc This way people that want a soundbite can get a soundbite People that want to know what we believe in can see our principles And People that want to know exactly what we plan to do can read all of the demands Thank you for your patience, and your impatience, John

our thougts to sound bites. Labor and other organizations are joining, so, the reach out pressure has declined...and mainstream media credibility bubble is about to burst once more, so, who cares.
Nevertheless, we should strive for a mechanism that will allow for the participatory and cooperative ellaboration of our collective thougts. I very much think that we should initiate a calmed discussion about all this at the GA. Those of us who have not been talking past each other have learned a lot. Cesar Sent from phone

On 09/29/11, Cesar<> wrote:

I agee with you in many ways, particularly in reducing

On Sep 29, 2011, at 3:24 AM, "Alexandre Machado De Sant'Anna Carvalho" <> wrote: People of the Movement: As someone who is deeply involved in this movement, who was arrested two times because of it, slept on the park repeatedly, and gave all hours of every single day to this grand effort, as well as witnessed many fellow brothers and sisters being harrassed, falling sick, pepper sprayed, and other abuses, i can't be silent anymore regarding the discussion of a "One Line Demand". I deeply respect Adbusters for sparking this with a great idea to occupy wall street. Nonetheless, i believe no one is the proprietor of this movement and in absolute should speak as the spokesperson for the masses. The recent publication at of a list of demands, even though a plurality of demands, was a violation of solidarity. Simply because it was done for the people instead of with the people. I know that the intention wasn't to speak on behalf of all, but the newspapers quickly grasped it as the voice of the movement, which pardon my insistence, it is NOT. Myself and many others who are living it on the ground and across the virtual sphere feel that a "One Line Demand" is jeopardizing the amazing work we have done so far and is stopping us from imagining better alternatives - or rather, this one line plague is blinding people to the possibility of a better world that is happening right before their eyes at Liberty Square. Let me explain. A social movement is different than a protest, in the same way that a demand is different than a purpose. A demand/protest is by its very nature willing to work within the framework of the given, while a social movement is more: it is an agitation, a flux forward in response to dire oppression whose roots in society run much deeper. Protests are tangible and specific, usually built around a specific legislation on the table; when the vote is cast, for better or worse it dissipates in thin air, with business as usual returning. This is a reformist approach. The question that must be asked is if the crisis of
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our times will ever be solved with a specific and tangible "one line demand". Even if the one line "demand" is as bold as "Overthrow Capitalism" or "End Corporate Personhood". Not only that, demands pressupose that someone else has power and you have none, which is not the case in Liberty Square. And yes, the wording matters here, because we seem to be in pursuit of a language of rupture and not of conformism. A movement is characterized by stubborn people that won't stop until society transforms. Usually it rallies around principles of solidarity and people embody their vision of a better society. Movements keep pressure over time, and in order to be successful at recycling the dominant pathological memes and changing social practices, they must grow and have a broad base of support. Liberty Square is slowly reaching that beautiful moment, with labor unions finally joining in and demonstrating solidarity; we are doing the same supporting their struggles. At this moment, insisting on a misguided "one line demand" discussion is dangerous: every successful movement must have a broad base of support, not a narrow one, and one line demands or even a short list of demands is narrowing. It is close-ended instead of open-ended. It restricts instead of liberating. At liberty Square, we have queer groups, labor unions, environmentalists, human rights activists, artists, homeless people, animals (yes, we love them), undocumented immigrants, foodies, mentally ill patients, and a bunch of other groups that are lending their voice and support to our common struggle, which is a human struggle against oppression in all its forms. Somehow, through the participatory democratic process that is being exercised at the General Assembly, these voices feel that they can be heard and their strength thus amplified, and that is why they are showing up. By all means, not because of a list of demands or worse, a "one line demand". I invite people to experience the thrill of the square and see it for themselves. A movement requires patience and diligence, not the absurdity of rushing demands just to please the anxiety of mainstream media. Because we have their pathological attention span for now are we settling for this? Please don't trust that thought. Let's aim for something better for ourselves. I guarantee that they will come back to cover our work as we continue to grow stronger. If not, well, then i invite people to remember the poet's words: "the revolution will not be televised" (Thanks Gil Scott-Heron). Let's listen to the poet. Speaking of revolution, these happen when a movement breaks off the cozy order of the status quo due to strength of numbers. A revolution, such as the first American revolution, was the realization that true emancipation can never happen through the present dominant institutions, because they are the very ones that generate or replicate the hierarchies of injustice. Same applies for us: in the end, if we really want to change the world for our grandchildren, revolution is what we have to push for, not reformist games. Specially in days where capital flows beyond borders... OccupyEverywhere. The General Assemblies that are popping up all over America and the world are a clear sign of a beautiful new possibility: local participatory democracy that can self-legislate and operate; cooperate; and ultimately thrive. When and if coordinated, we can push for the stars. At Liberty Square, we already won. We liberated a space, a territoriality, and are building alternatives together. All of this done without fancy documents or tailored "one line demands". Our actions speak louder than our words, and the whole world is watching precisely because it feels that what we are doing is different than politics or business as usual. The general assembly is channeling a plurality of voices and uniting struggles in solidarity. We need much more a set of values and principles of solidarity (which we already have a draft of this living document at where these oppressed voices can rally around in the audacious task of dreaming a better society. And as they join us
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and we join them, we fight together for the goals that appear on the square and reivent political agency as a way of life. The General Assemblies are the convergence channel of anti-oppression voices, can't we realize that? Humanization, Emancipation, Solidarity.

-Alexandre M.S. Carvalho, M.D., MPH 2009 Reynolds Fellow mobile +1 914 563 4209 home +1 914 633 0415

-Rob Hollander Lower East Side Residents for Responsible Development 622 E 11, #10 NYC, 10009 212-228-6152

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jeremy Bold; Submission Forms for volunteers and/or ideas Thursday, September 29, 2011 1:05:43 PM

I have helped the Arts and Culture committee create a submission form that can be embedded on their tab of the site for ideas of creative Stunts to be performed on Wall Street. The link to that form is below. If any other committees want something like this to make an easy way to collect volunteers or materials for the movement, please let me know and I'll pull something together. What I need from you is an idea of what kind of information you are requesting from people and I'll also try to advise on best possible organization of that info in the form! hurray for information!!!!!!! jez Begin forwarded message:
From: Date: September 29, 2011 12:44:37 PM EDT To: Subject: The Arts & Culture "Inventory of Stunts" !

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online: formkey=dDhXN20yUGJyZ2JnUTZ5SW9LZm01Y2c6MQ Do you have an idea for the Arts and Culture Committee to put on at Liberty Plaza, the Financial District, or somewhere in the New York area? Submit it here! We'll contact you soon so we can help you manifest your ideas. Or come join the Arts and Culture Committee to propose it to us: meetings are everyday at 12 pm and 6 pm at Liberty Plaza (formerly Zuccotti Park).

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of nikky schiller [GlobalRevolutionMedia] [Squares] London Calling ;-)! take the square Wednesday, September 28, 2011 7:14:32 PM

News from New York: option=com_content&task=view&id=31&Itemid=74&jumival=7373 And from London Calling..... 15th O is for Occupy! Spread the Word!! March Hyde Park to the City + Occupy the London Stock Exchange fbid=240528432666797&set=o.264223386945066&type=1&theater Love and Solidarity! _______________________________________________ Squares mailing list for unsubscribe/etc: or

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of [GlobalRevolutionMedia] Fw: adding me to the globalrevolution group Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:19:34 PM

Pls add this person. Btw which emaill address is which (tv vs. Media?) Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry From: grimwomyn <> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 07:10:26 -0400 To: <> Subject: adding me to the globalrevolution group Hello there Andrew, it was great to meet you yesterday! I am writing to see if you could add me to the as we talked about yesterday--- and I will be putting together twitter things for you as we talked abt yesterday-- will they go out over the @occupywallst twitter account or just out to the group for forwarding?

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of nikky schiller; [GlobalRevolutionMedia] Fwd: [Squares] [] IMPORTANT - 15O events Tuesday, September 27, 2011 8:33:29 PM

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "carlos cbr" <> Date: Sep 27, 2011 4:55 AM Subject: [Squares] [] IMPORTANT - 15O events To: <> The list of all the events for the 15O is up now! in (An interactive map will be added soon, where people will have the possibility of adding their own links to events, for now the list is a good alternative) If there is any 15O fb event, blog, post, forum, whatever in your city that is not in the list, answer this mail asap with the info about it. Spread this! _______________________________________________ Squares mailing list for unsubscribe/etc: or

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Marisa Holmes [GlobalRevolutionMedia] Fwd: Hey there.. Wednesday, September 28, 2011 7:34:17 PM

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Jessica Mabli <> wrote: > Hi Marisa > > You dont happen to have a video of the Ray Kelly presser in which he > addresses the pepper spray incidents, do you? > > > > > > Jessica Mabli > > Booking Producer > > Countdown with Keith Olbermann > > Current TV > > 347-607-3872 > > > >

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Joshua van Praag [GlobalRevolutionMedia] Fwd: Livefeed audio Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:19:34 PM

Joshua van Praag +1.347.445.8315 +44.(0)7787.896952 Begin forwarded message: From: Joshua van Praag <> Date: September 27, 2011 6:07:48 PM EDT To: "" <> Subject: Re: Livefeed audio Reply-To: +1K! the communication is key. I know everyone's super busy but try and respond to emails so we can all engage and coordinate on these important issues

Joshua van Praag +1.347.445.8315 +44.(0)7787.896952 On Sep 27, 2011, at 5:58 PM, Maria C <> wrote: +1 always. for making it real. audio, video, everything! we are collecting crazy amount of donations and still there is the ad asking for more in every video, but still stream most of the time using webcam from one angle. makes me feel bad for those people who follow GR and send money. i think it all comes from/to organization and communication points, which i suggest to make our main agenda points this evening. looking forward to see you all in a couple hours

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peace maria

Subject: Fwd: Livefeed audio From: Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 17:37:59 -0400 To:; Email below is typical of comments from livestream and from friends and colleagues who have been watching, are fascinated and want to be a part of this even if they can't physically be in the square: but they're having problems hearing what's being said in the assemblies. I know this came up during our meeting on Sunday night and it may be on the agenda for this eve's meeting but since I'll be absent for that I just wanted to let you know that I've reached out to a movie sound crew who are interested in consulting -- I'm explaining the logistics of the setup and they're coming up with a few creative wireless solutions for us, which will vary in price. I'll keep you posted on this info but I suggest we meet Thurs to discuss. I also think I would be great to try mixing a more coordinated multi-camera shoot of the GA, as was also discussed on Sunday night. Not sure if the 4G box has been tested yet but I would be great to throw a couple of 5Ds in the mix, with long lense capability so we can start to get some nice close angles. I have a 5D and lense package which I intend to continue covering the occupation with. Can I suggest that we plan to try this by Friday's pm GA? I have a feeling if we ramp up our efforts we may see the number of viewers start to increase. Let me know what y'all think Solidaridad Josh Joshua van Praag +1.347.445.8315 +44.(0)7787.896952 Begin forwarded message:

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From: Lauri Faggioni <> Date: September 27, 2011 3:22:03 PM EDT To: Joshua van Praag <> Subject: hey Hey Sweetheart, I wanted to ask you something. I want to get the media team some wireless mics for the live feed. You can legally use though right, if they aren't amplified? You know I am an avid watcher of the live feed because I want to be a part of the evolution of this discussion and I'm stuck at work most of the time. I want to hear what they are saying and even with the peoples microphone it so hard to hear. The mic on the camera is to close to the media center so you hear all the chatter over there and not what is being discussed. I keep sending people the link to the live feed so they can see how amazing the discussions are down there but they can't understand what they are saying. I think it's so important that people understand this is not a movement that claims to have all the answers or has mapped specific demands. It's the dialogue that is imperative for all of us figuring out the best way to get off the disastrous path we are on. So hearing the conversation is so very important I think especially during the general assemblies. It seems that the majority of the time people come to the front to speak. Maybe they can pass the mic around around up there or one person could be in charge of getting it close to people when they speak? I don't know shit about wireless mics. Do ones exists that are universal to all cameras? Would this even work? Tell me what you know... xxx

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Maria C [GlobalRevolutionMedia] LiveStream Team Shifts Scheduling ? Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:38:53 PM

Hello gang, how about we make a schedule for the rest of this week and see how it works? I just created this pool. time is the supposable beginning of each shift. Let me know if you want to use this, or just check in right away, fill your name in and time/dates when you can/want to be there to do live streaming. When everyone checks in I can work on it and make a final schedule. Unless someone else wants to do that. Would be great to make the schedule ready by tomorrow Please let me know. Peace and Solidarity, Maria

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From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: on behalf of Andrew@TheHumanChannel.Org [GlobalRevolutionMedia] MEDIA TEAM DIRECTORY ( Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:19:35 PM MEDIA TEAM DIRECTORY.xls


Message from Andrew@TheHumanChannel.Org: EVERYONE PLEASE ADD YOURSELF TO THE CONTACT LIST AND EXPECT SPREADSHEETS FOR EVERY DAY TO VOLUNTEER TO BE A CREW MEMBER OR INTERN. THANK YOU ALLAH Google Docs makes it easy to create, store and share online documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Prudence Katze Global Revolution Media [GlobalRevolutionMedia] Re: assembly 8pm at one liberty plaza by tomorrow tusday Wednesday, September 28, 2011 10:33:01 AM

How was the meeting? Are there any minutes for it? Also, I'm sorry that I keep repeating myself, but I want to let everyone know that I am going to be at the media center for a shift starting either 8AM or 10AM. Tomorrow looks like a lot of rain, so please let me know if ya'll have any specific rain plans or if I should know anything in advance of coming. Either way, I'm prepared to do a long shift and make sure everything stay dry! Also, is there a schedule for shifts? Or should I spearhead starting that while I am there tomorrow? in solidarity, Prudence 901.237.1551 (TEXTS ONLY) On 27 sep, 01:53, nikky schiller <> wrote: > we will meet you there > all the best > viva la revolucin

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of nikky schiller [GlobalRevolutionMedia] RETWEET ALEC BALDWIN ON #OCCUPYWALLSTREET! Tuesday, September 27, 2011 8:33:28 PM

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "Jonny" <> Date: Sep 26, 2011 10:02 PM Subject: RETWEET ALEC BALDWIN ON #OCCUPYWALLSTREET! To: "" <> Cc: "" <> Hey Justin can u retweet some of the recent Alec Baldwin's comments on the official tweeter? Nobody at the media table has access to it. I'll be here for tomorrows meeting maybe a few more should also be able to access it! Thanks heres a video u starring in it Jonny from "El Espectador" Colombia

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn [september17discuss] #occupywallstreet Cafe Press Store Monday, September 26, 2011 12:32:58 PM

On this matter a total other entity sprang up with this: is anyone affiliated? do we know them and is the $$ really coming to OWS? On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 8:42 AM, grimwomyn <> wrote: I approve and think we should move forward on this. On Sep 26, 2011 3:22 AM, "Sahar Vahidi" <> wrote: > It would make sense if the she only allowed the *"Made In The USA" *items up > on the store. When you build a Cafe Press store, you can pick which items > you want to sell. > > I think this movement should stay away from outsourced labor in any way > possible. Right? > > > > > On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 2:27 AM, Justin Wedes <> wrote: > >> Any objections? >> >> Justin Wedes >> Activist & Educator, Brooklyn >> >> Use your voice! >> Web: <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> Twitter: NYCPubSchooler ~ There's something going on in the Islands... Check it out at <> ~ Begin forwarded message: *From:* Kristen Harrington <> *Date:* September 25, 2011 11:26:51 PM EDT *To:* <>

>> *Subject:* *fundraising* >> >> Justin, >>

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>> My name is Kristen Harrington. We spoke on the phone this evening >> regarding fundraising. This is a link to my store(just set up today) at >> <> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> <> This company has a home office in San Mateo, CA and 2 other offices in KY and NC. I am not sure exactly where the shipping is done out of. I have designed this merchandise myself and have marked the prices up from cafepress's by $9.17 across the board. All profits will go to fund the occupywallstreet demonstrations. Pleas let me know if this is something that can be approved for fundraising. I do not want to go against any of the beliefs of this movement while trying to support it. Thank you for your time and stay strong. -GO HIPPOS!!! Kristen Harrington 510-857-6028 <>

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn september17 [september17discuss] #occupywallstreet merch Tuesday, September 27, 2011 11:45:43 AM

So we have talked abt cafepress... I wanted to throw out another idea... I am a (very) silent partner at and they have a tshirt printing arm.... I'm sure we could cut a deal with them to produce and ship shirts and whatever other merch we want to sell to raise $ for the movement.... let me know if the group likes this and I will contact them.

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Drew [september17discuss] [official] Principles of Solidarity Sunday, September 25, 2011 6:50:35 PM

Hey everyone as you may know the GA agreed on working draft of the Principles of Solidarity. A google doc is available for comment

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jon Good [september17discuss] A deadline Tuesday, September 27, 2011 9:07:18 AM

Should the GA let it be known to the public that we plan to have a statement by Friday? It will put pressure on us, but it will could also create a good buzz and encourage the world to keep it's attention on us for a bit longer. Solidarity, Jon

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of L. W. Wind [september17discuss] a general strike, in my opinion Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:55:10 PM

is the only thing thats gonna really get peoples attn to the point where the people have control. how true is it that some police where on our side?? --Ms. Wind

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of diane sare [september17discuss] Argentina President Slams IMF as Idiotic Wednesday, September 28, 2011 8:51:54 AM

Argentine President Slams IMF Murderous "Idiocy and Stubborness"

Sept. 27 (LPAC)--Speaking in Mendoza province Sept. 26, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner scathingly attacked the insanity of the IMF's austerity policies, now being forced on Europe, as well as the arrogance of IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, who announced last week that the Fund would not use data from INDEC, Argentina's official statistical agency, to assess the country's GDP and inflation rate, because the data was too "unreliable." Instead, Lagarde said, the Fund would get better data from "private consultants." Not only did the IMF cause Argentina's 2001 crisis and default, Fernandez charged. Today, "in the midst of the most calamitous failure in recent memory...those directly responsible for Argentina's 2001 failure, and today's in Europe and the United States, are still trying to force the world to swallow the same medicine they gave us for a decade in order to ruin us! Such idiocy, such stubborness is inconceivable. How can they say that an economy will be reactivated and grow through austerity? This makes no sense!" So the IMF is going to determine what's "reliable" in Argentina? Let it be known, Fernandez said, that our "economic policy decisions are made here in the Casa Rosada [Presidential Palace] and in the national Congress, here within {our} national
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institutions"--not in private consultancies or dictated by foreign financial agencies. In the 1980s and 1990s, the President recalled, Argentina's Congress bent over backwards to implement foreign dictates, "and the world still came crashing down; Argentina still came crashing down on us. So, with some mistakes, with some successes, we've learned that we, the Argentines, will determine our present, and above all, our and our children's future." Fernandez was in Mendoza to inaugurate the expansion of the electricity grid, and in doing so, recalled that her late husband President Nestor Kirchner loved building infrastructure "because he maintained that this was progress." When you bring energy and electricity to regions that didn't have it, "you bring equality, sovereignty and federalism to places that had been ignored historically," the President emphasized. She recalled Nestor's first speech to the UN General Assembly in which he said that Argentina must be allowed to grow, because he didn't know of any dead people who could pay their debts. That, Fernandez said, "was a visionary metaphor for what's happening in the world today." The Argentine President underscored that everything she and her husband have done has been aimed at "liberating" the Argentine people, but more particularly youth, leaving them "a better country...liberating them from misery, from failure, from frustration and from poverty....We are rebuilding that Argentina which had been wrenched from us and which we have recovered, not for ourselves, but for our young people, for our children and grandchildren, so they don't have to live through what we have
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had to live through."[crr]

-Diane Sare cell: 201-220-7731

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Vane september17 [september17discuss] Arrests at 12 street Video september 25th Sunday, September 25, 2011 2:11:00 PM

Hello. I have the video of the arrests at 12 street. Use it as you please. Part 1 Part 2

Peace and love! Vanessa

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From: To: Subject:

Date: on behalf of MAd Hatter september17 [september17discuss] Attention arts committee Fwd: Peace Music Band Inquiry: we need help in what to do and where to go to play and keep this demonstration strong for the people by performing electrically not matter how far we have to carry our equiptment. Monday, September 26, 2011 10:40:58 PM

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Peace Band Date: Monday, September 26, 2011 Subject: Peace Music Band Inquiry: we need help in what to do and where to go to play and keep this demonstration strong for the people by performing electrically not matter how far we have to carry our equiptment. To: "" <> Hi, we are a three month old touring band coming to NYC to play electrically for the masses as our songs are written about the current labored society and the need for an end to war to stop our economical and financial struggles. We are looking for help of where to go to set up and the best way to get there. You must be receiving many emails but we hope to hear back from you while we are preparing to come to NYC. My direct number is 14139238719. Direct link: sk=app_131686150237656 Sent from my iPhone

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of [september17discuss] Audio feedback to Live Feed Crew Tuesday, September 27, 2011 8:50:07 PM

I'm getting a nice feed, but the low end from the wind is as loud as the GA. If you have a wind screen or could filter out the low end it would be easier to hear the meeting. Thanks for everything.

On 09/27/11, Matthew Presto<> wrote: That's fantastic news about SEIU, although WorldNetDaily told me that they (and ACORN and Obama) were behind this whole occupation in the first place. I don't know who to believe...

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:47 AM, grimwomyn <> wrote: We are! but just so you know: utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&|+MoJoBlog%29

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Luis Moreno-Caballud <> wrote: GENIAL AMIGOS! Wonderful job everyone, we are making history here! On Sep 27, 2011, at 10:32 AM, Kelley Wolcott wrote: Yay! On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Doug Singsen <> wrote: GREAT!!! This would be a major development and would strengthen OWS in all kinds of ways.

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 8:26 AM, Marisa Holmes <> wrote: YEA!!! On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 5:24 PM, grimwomyn <> wrote: > AWESOME!!!!!!! > > March from Liberty to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Straight through the > upper east side. > > On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 9:41 AM, J.A. Myerson <> > wrote: >> >> Good morning everybody. >> >> 1199/SEIU (largest local union in the US) is deliberating whether to >> support #occupywallst and how. If anyone has ideas about what it could do to >> help, do please let me know, so I can pass it on. This is unofficial as of >> right now. >> >> Onward! >> ->> J.A. Myerson >> >> 347.688.0241 > >

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn september17 [september17discuss] Bad news argh Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:23:22 PM

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J Wedes september17 [september17discuss] Bed-Stuy Church Group on Sunday Monday, September 26, 2011 10:04:10 PM

Hey all, Many of you remember that my neighbors and life-time bed-stuy activists Rodney 'Radio Rahim' Deaz and Jitu Weusi spoke last week at a General Assembly. They are now more excited than ever about what we're growing in Liberty Plaza, and want to bring out their congregtion of 30-40 this Sunday, Oct 2, 10am. Cost is prohibitive though, so they are requesting a bus for the trip. This includes both congregants and a group of ministers. How do people feel about allocating $150-200 to bus these folks out to lead a multidenominational service this sunday? If the group doesn't feel that this is a legitimate use of donated funds, I will front the money as I believe this is critical element of outreach. -justin

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lauren september17 [september17discuss] Buses and suspected protesters might be getting turned back Monday, September 26, 2011 9:23:05 AM

I know some groups have been stuck trying to enter NYC. We need to find and organize a way to get them through. Anyone have ideas?

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of L. W. Wind Amin Husain;; Will;; Chris _; Cesar; Jon Good; Gabriel Johnson; Snafu [september17discuss] can we try to come up with one demand? Wednesday, September 28, 2011 5:57:37 PM

for starters, "tax inappropriaty" then move to the next? --Ms. Wind

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J Wedes september17 [september17discuss] CB1 meeting tonight Tuesday, September 27, 2011 1:21:54 PM

Hey all, The community relations committee, which i head, is sending a contingent to tonight's community board meeting. September 27 CB 1 Monthly Meeting 6:00 PM Location: Southbridge Towers 90 Beekman Street, Community Room

if you're interested in joining this friendly group to address local residents' concerns and explain our encampment, meet at the media center at 5:30pm. -justin

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Justine [september17discuss] cheap emergency blankets for the cold Wednesday, September 28, 2011 4:09:28 PM

Someone on the forum recommended buying these metallic blankets: It looks like it might be a smart move because: - They're about $1 each in bulk - They reflect 90% of radiated body heat - When folded they can fit in your pocket Could someone who knows more about this sort of thing than me chime in on this discussion? Do these blankets tear easily? Are they one use only?

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of MAd Hatter september17 [september17discuss] Check this out... Testimonials are a powerful wat to spread messages! Wednesday, September 28, 2011 9:22:04 AM

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Micah White [september17discuss] confusion about demand Tuesday, September 27, 2011 11:10:23 AM

FYI, seems there is a lot of media confusion about the demands. Many media are pointing to this article as the official list of demands: and For example, see this Guardian piece:

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn september17 [september17discuss] Contact WNYC NOW Monday, September 26, 2011 10:17:47 AM

YES, thank you! @BrianLehrer PEOPLE DO NEED TO BE IN THE STREETS! #occupywallstreet #occupytogether tell y u support: 212-433-WNYC (9692)

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jackie DiSalvo [september17discuss] dangers of not having a clear message, NY Times article Sept 24, Metropolitan section, pg 1 Sunday, September 25, 2011 9:41:50 AM

The NY Times, which had previously published mainly a large picture of women dancing bare breasted, now printed a Sunday article by Gina Bellafante which trivializes our movement. One problem with not having demands (or goals? messages?) or spokespersons is that journalists who want to put down our movement and discourage people from joining will get away with quoting only people who make us look unserious. (There is another Times article by Colin Moynihan almost entirely about the arrests which, however, does sum up the purpose of Occupy Wall Street in 1 sentence which says we are against a financial system that participants say favors the rich and powerful over ordinary citizens.) I know the bourgeois media will always attack us, but are we doing enough to inhibit their distortions? Here she quotes a half naked woman dancing on Bway who is said to be time traveling back to 1968 and says Ive been waiting for this all my life, but the context makes dubious what shes been waiting for; someone else says she just came to create spectacles, another wants to get rid of the combustion engine (not a bad idea, but hardly our critique of the domination by the 1%); another is a right wing supporter of Milton Friedman and Ron Paul who just wants to get rid of the Federal Reserve. Similarly the only sign quoted says Even if the world were to end tomorrow, Id still plant a tree and in this context underlines its unconcern for real political change (clamoring for nothing in particular to happen,), not its positive commitment. . With only such messages as evidence, she gets away with implying that we are ignorant about the economy, and mocks our having no demands and our wish to pantomime progressivism rather than practice it knowledgably. We need to make incontestably clear what our message is.

From: On Behalf Of Winter Siroco Five demands from the NYCGA: how to link the struggle for democracy to the struggle for social and economic justice

After a lot of talking and consulting some of us agree with 4 points that everybody may endorse. Of course, everybody should seriously think about specific strategies to accomplish these goals. Our goals are:

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Making the banks, corporations, and the rich pay, Creating a real participatory democracy,

Ending the oppression of all marginalized groups, and Promoting peace, solidarity, and economic justice.


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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain [september17discuss] Demands Discussion Monday, September 26, 2011 10:36:03 AM

All, I am sure I know many of you (e.g. Cesar, Isham, etc.) from Liberty Square. I am on the facilitation working group and others. I agree with all of you on the urgency of demands and/or vision/goals. I think that process can run parallel with Principles of Solidarity. I also think the Communique statement looks great as it has been revised (reserving judgment on the specific items mentioned, for the moment). I note that there is a consensus that the issue of demands/vision/goals in the context (or not) of the communique is on the agenda and should be so this evening at 7pm. If so, from the email exchanges, I think that is going to be a very difficult GA because of the competing approaches and understandings. I am concerned we will not get far enough. If I may respectfully suggest, in the interest of moving the discussion and its resolution along, that those who have proposed specific formulations here or at the GA to familiarize themselves with the competing proposal and try to be ready to make friendly amendment and get on board one or the other competing proposals, and have suggestions as point of compromise. This may help a great deal. Recognize that the GA, from experience, gets paralyzed if there are competing proposals to the body. We are likely to end up going in circles, and that may cause great damage to the cause, because people that are sitting in new on the GA will not like what they see. This is just a suggestion. We are doing great, and we can figure this out. I will say this. Let us not panic or get frustrated about not having demands; let's work hard on formulating them as soon as possible. Amin

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jackie DiSalvo [september17discuss] demands from the NYCGA: how to link the struggle for democracy to the struggle for social and economic justice Monday, September 26, 2011 9:15:27 AM

What happened with them in the GA last night? What is the latest formulation of those goals Snafu et. al, The strategy some of us decided is to go for very broad 4 sentence goals that will pass the GA at once and will trigger lots of specific strategies to accomplish. I encourage everybody to start working on those, we should elaborate on strategies, not leave it general. Cesar

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Chuck Schumer [september17discuss] DEMANDS Monday, September 26, 2011 12:18:17 AM

As I have noted publicly in a number of GA's, I am downright sick, tired and embarrassed of the lack of concrete demands. Without specific demands, this is nothing but a glorified camping trip. All the negative press critiques this occupation for its lack of specific demands. With concrete, reasonable, well-explained and wellresearched demands, we will be taken far more seriously and have more legitimacy with which to respond to attacks and police brutality. I understand that there is a process and that that process is slow. However, I have heard so many other unimportant things addressed at the GA, and Saturday night (when the energy from the march was so high!) there were two concerts going on at either end of the plaza but no productive work being done. At the very least, we must publish an explanation of WHY there are no demands yet and HOW those demands are being formulated. I'm writing this in part to relieve and express my frustration, but also to make it extremely clear that I consider this issue enough to consider implementing a block on my very involvement in this occupation. I can't keep justifying the work and money I am putting in to this movement, however beautiful and inspiring and joyous and necessary it is if there is no clear goal. That's all I have to say about that, I suppose. I know everyone is working so hard, and I love and support all of you. Nonetheless, this issue needs to be addressed immediately.

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Drew [september17discuss] Direct action target, say hello to the 1% Sunday, September 25, 2011 6:37:44 PM

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lauren september17 [september17discuss] email me Working Groups Schedules for webupdates Sunday, September 25, 2011 2:32:43 PM

I need the schedules of working groups to put them on the occupy and There are people out there that really want to help us in our redesigning of society by being part of the working groups. These are people with busy with full time jobs and families, but that strongly support us. They dont need for us to to explain our goals or demands. They get it already. And they want to help. We need to offer them a possibility to let them help us by taking them in consideration and letting them know when they can come to work with us. The GAs are not a good moment for them to come because the GAs mainly discuss internal issues at this point. I know that if we get the camp place structured we will have more people. I think that there is this general idea the main way you can contribute is by camping here and this puts people off. Getting the working groups structured and started is a key element to have more people help to work on goals, and it will contribute to defend the neccesity to keeping Liberty Square as our space. If you are in a working group, decide on times and try to keep them so we can do effective Outreach. And please let me know about them ahead of time. I will post the time on Occupy wall st. and .

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jon Good [september17discuss] Facilitation team: A plan to agree on "first step" demands Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:18:50 PM

I printed out paper copies of this and am about to take it to the park to find the facilitation team: A facilitation plan for demands.

FIRST STEPS: Action statements we can all agree on for short-term advocacy.

How do we get them?

Each statement is typed up onto the projector, with the understanding that the wording is not final. Temperature is checked. If temperature is warm, test for consensus. Re-iterate that consensus is tested for the substance of the statement, not the wording. All demands that pass consensus then go to a working group of people who will focus on focusing it into a form that will be easily communicated.

Facilitators are empowered to decide whether or not any proposed statements qualify as valid for the category of first steps, and whether a proposed statement is too similar to one proposed before.

Following the consensus, we adopt a preamble that sounds something like this:

Preamble: The General Assembly of New York, democratic group open to everyone, has agreed on these demands. They are not the only demands, but they are the first step.

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn september17 [september17discuss] Federal Reserve President who wants to break up the banks Tuesday, September 27, 2011 10:43:22 AM

we need this guy:

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of NicolasMoselleAllen [september17discuss] For Internet Team: Two events to be posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 12:58:32 PM

In collaboration with the Brecht Center: Thursday, September 29 5:30 pm AT FREEDOM SQUARE(LIBERTY PLAZA) CORNER OF LIBERTY AND BROADWAY From Madrid to New York to.... A History of Occupations People's University at #OccupyWallStreet Discussion with Gerardo Renique Tuesday, October 4 5:30 pm AT FREEDOM SQUARE(LIBERTY PLAZA) CORNER OF LIBERTY AND BROADWAY Economic Update with Rick Wolff People's University at #OccupyWallStreet Rick Wolff Occupy Wall Street continues to capture the imagination of millions across the globe. Join us for a series "People's University at Occupy Walls Street" as we connect the dots, build bridges and...

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lauren september17 [september17discuss] For Jackie and the Labor committee, a proposal we"re slowly working on, with a note on the risks involved Wednesday, September 28, 2011 7:15:52 AM

So, we're trying to do labor actions, and strike actions. The ultimate strike action is the general strike, esp. unlimited. It's where everything breaks, millions are in the streets. Some people in various places are thinking of pushing for it in their own unions, in unions they have contacts with, and even outside of unions. Now I won't sugar coat. US law considers a general strike to be rebellion according to one of our organizers. He's in, but wants the risks to be known by everyone. At the same time this is a revolution, rebellion is inevitable, or we'll have failed and been bought out and I refuse to see the democratic vote machine use this like it tried in WI. It's not a request for immediate support or a demand for permissions, just a point of information. It will be easier to talk about it face to face when I'm down in NYC. So yeah. We're thinking of bringing up general strike.

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of NicolasMoselleAllen [september17discuss] For the Internet Committee kids Sunday, September 25, 2011 11:51:45 PM

Hola compaer@s! The following event is slated for tomorrow but there doesn't seem to be any kind of announcement on My friend Nicole has wrangled Nato Thompson to speak alongside the Yes Men, and I know she would appreciate it if we could get the word out! Tomorrow (monday) at NOON: "Join Nato Thompson of CREATIVE TIME, the Yes Men, and other artists, theorists, and cultural producers in ZUCCOTTI PARK to devise ways the art word can bring its badass competences to the cause of envisioning/building a more equal society." Can we get this up in time for some people beyond the usual campers to actually attend? Best, Nico

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Tarak Kauff [september17discuss] From Al Jazeera Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:49:31 AM

On Al Jazeera: Also this - pictures and videos posted on Al Jazeera:

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of grimwomyn september17 [september17discuss] From the NY Times Social Media Editor! Wednesday, September 28, 2011 12:33:18 PM!/lheron/status/119086342457139200

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Justin Wedes [september17discuss] Fwd: [GameChangerSalon] I"m worried: Occupy Wall St looks like it needs media help Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:58:48 AM

Can anyone from media pull this together? Justin Wedes Activist & Educator, Brooklyn Use your voice! Web: Twitter: NYCPubSchooler Begin forwarded message: From: Colin Mutchler <>

If anyone can edit a solid 30 second ad from the footage that represents the strategic perspective worth supporting from the streets, we can get a LoudSauce campaign up to crowdfund a video ad to run somewhere like MSNBC, CNN or other TV or online channel. Colin Mutchler Co-Founder, LoudSauce +1 415-519-9911 @activefree

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Doug Singsen september17; no-budget-cuts-ny-announcements; no-budget-cuts-ny-discussion [september17discuss] Fwd: [May12-CC] Community-Labor March to Wall St./Zuccotti Park + Beyond May 12th Coalition meeting to plan for week of actions Wednesday, September 28, 2011 8:00:53 PM

The Beyond May 12th Coalition of nonprofits and unions, which organized the massive march of 20,000 people on Wall St on May 12, has called a march from City Hall to Zucotti Park for Wed, Oct 5. While this won't be as big as May 12, which took months of preparation, it will be a significant show of support. Sent from my phone ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: "May Actions" <> Date: Sep 28, 2011 6:24 PM Subject: [May12-CC] Community-Labor March to Wall St./Zuccotti Park + Beyond May 12th Coalition meeting to plan for week of actions To: <> COME JOIN BEYOND MAY 12TH FOR: Community Labor March to Wall St./Zuccotti Park - Let's march down to Wall Street to welcome the protesters and show the face of New Yorkers hardest hit by corporate greed. WHEN: October 5th at 4:30 pm WHERE: City Hall (250 Broadway) See attached flyer. Planning Meeting - Join labor unions, community organizations and activists as we lay out final plans for a Week of Actions Oct. 11-14 to tell politicians, millionaires, and bankers that the wealthy should pay their fair share. WHEN: Oct. 6 at 5:00 pm (not Oct. 4 as previously stated) WHERE: SEIU 32BJ, 101 Avenue of the Americas Please forward this email! For more info Contact:
**As a reminder we will have a direct action training September 29th from 7-9 pm at the Sixth Street Community Center (638 East Sixth Street).**

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Matthew Presto [september17discuss] Fwd: [nyc@] The Revolution Begins at Home (Arun Gupta) Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:59:36 AM

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mitchel Cohen <> Date: September 28, 2011 6:40:19 AM EDT To: Subject: [nyc@] The Revolution Begins at Home (Arun Gupta)

From: Arun Gupta <> I've been going down to the Wall Street protest nearly every day.Not only is it growing, it is amazing to see how the protesters have managed to create a non-commodified radical democratic space in the heart of global capital. There is genuine potential in this occupation for revitalizing radical left movements and perhaps even achieving a historical victory. But it will take a concerted effort from every single one of us. Please take a few minutes to read this -- it's short! More important, please forward this to all your contacts asking them to join in and likewise pass along the call. Best, Arun The Revolution Begins at Home By Arun Gupta What is occurring on Wall Street right now is truly remarkable. For over 10 days, in the sanctum of the great cathedral of global capitalism, the dispossessed have liberated territory from the financial overlords and their police army. They have created a unique opportunity to shift the tides of history in the tradition of other great peaceful occupations from the sit-down strikes of the 1930s to the lunch-counter sit-ins of the 1960s to the democratic uprisings across the Arab world and Europe today. While the Wall Street occupation is growing, it needs an all-out commitment from everyone who cheered the Egyptians in Tahrir Square, said "We are all Wisconsin," and stood in solidarity with the Greeks and Spaniards. This is a movement for anyone who lacks a job, housing or healthcare, or thinks they have no future.

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Our system is broken at every level. More than 25 million Americans are unemployed. More than 50 million live without health insurance. And perhaps 100 million Americans are mired in poverty, using realistic measures. Yet the fat cats continue to get tax breaks and reap billions while politicians compete to turn the austerity screws on all of us. At some point the number of people occupying Wall Street -- whether that's five thousand, ten thousand or fifty thousand -- will force the powers that be to offer concessions. No one can say how many people it will take or even how things will change exactly, but there is a real potential for bypassing a corrupt political process and to begin realizing a society based on human needs not hedge fund profits. After all, who would have imagined a year ago that Tunisians and Egyptians would oust their dictators? At Liberty Park, the nerve center of the occupation, more than a thousand people gather every day to debate, discuss and organize what to do about our failed system that has allowed the 400 richest Americans at the top to amass more wealth than the 180 million Americans at the bottom. It's astonishing that this self-organized festival of democracy has sprouted on the turf of the masters of the universe, the men who play the tune that both political parties and the media dance to. The New York Police Department, which has deployed hundreds of officers at a time to surround and intimidate protesters, is capable of arresting everyone and clearing Liberty Plaza in minutes. But they haven't, which is also astonishing. That's because assaulting peaceful crowds in a public square demanding real democracy -- economic and not just political -- would remind the world of the brittle autocrats who brutalized their people demanding justice before they were swept away by the Arab Spring. And the state violence has already backfired. After police attacked a Saturday afternoon march that started from Liberty Plaza the crowds only got bigger and media interest grew. The Wall Street occupation has already succeeded in revealing the bankruptcy of the dominant powers -- the economic, the political, media and security forces. They have nothing positive to offer humanity, not that they ever did for the Global South, but now their quest for endless profits means deepening the misery with a thousand austerity cuts. Even their solutions are cruel jokes. They tell us that the "Buffett Rule" would spread the pain by asking the penthouse set to sacrifice a tin of caviar, which is what the proposed tax increase would amount to. Meanwhile, the rest of us will have to sacrifice healthcare, food, education, housing, jobs and perhaps our lives to sate the ferocious appetite of capital. That's why more and more people are joining the Wall Street occupation. They can tell you about their homes being foreclosed upon, months of
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grinding unemployment or minimum-wage dead-end jobs, staggering student debt loads, or trying to live without decent healthcare. It's a whole generation of Americans with no prospects, but who are told to believe in a system that can only offer them Dancing With The Stars and pepper spray to the face. Yet against every description of a generation derided as narcissistic, apathetic and hopeless they are staking a claim to a better future for all of us. That's why we all need to join in. Not just by liking it on Facebook, signing a petition at or retweeting protest photos, but by going down to the occupation itself. There is great potential here. Sure, it's a far cry from Tahrir Square or even Wisconsin. But there is the nucleus of a revolt that could shake America's power structure as much as the Arab world has been upended. Instead of one to two thousand people a day joining in the occupation there needs to be tens of thousands of people protesting the fat cats driving Bentleys and drinking thousand-dollar bottles of champagne with money they looted from the financial crisis and then from the bailouts while Americans literally die on the streets. To be fair, the scene in Liberty Plaza seems messy and chaotic. But it's also a laboratory of possibility, and that's the beauty of democracy. As opposed to our monoculture world, where political life is flipping a lever every four years, social life is being a consumer and economic life is being a timid cog, the Wall Street occupation is creating a polyculture of ideas, expression and art. Yet while many people support the occupation, they hesitate to fully join in and are quick to offer criticism. It's clear that the biggest obstacles to building a powerful movement are not the police or capital -- it's our own cynicism and despair. Perhaps their views were colored by the New York Times article deriding protesters for wishing to "pantomime progressivism" and "Gunning for Wall Street with faulty aim." Many of the criticisms boil down to "a lack of clear messaging." But what's wrong with that? A fully formed movement is not going to spring from the ground. It has to be created. And who can say what exactly needs to be done? We are not talking about ousting a dictator; though some say we want to oust the dictatorship of capital. There are plenty of sophisticated ideas out there: end corporate personhood; institute a "Tobin Tax" on stock purchases and currency trading; nationalize banks; socialize medicine; fully fund government jobs and genuine Keynesian stimulus; lift restrictions on labor organizing; allow cities to turn foreclosed homes into public housing; build a green energy infrastructure.

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But how can we get broad agreement on any of these? If the protesters came into the square with a pre-determined set of demands it would have only limited their potential. They would have either been dismissed as pie in the sky -- such as socialized medicine or nationalize banks -- or if they went for weak demands such as the Buffett Rule their efforts would immediately be absorbed by a failed political system, thus undermining the movement. That's why the building of the movement has to go hand in hand with common struggle, debate and radical democracy. It's how we will create genuine solutions that have legitimacy. And that is what is occurring down at Wall Street. Now, there are endless objections one can make. But if we focus on the possibilities, and shed our despair, our hesitancy and our cynicism, and collectively come to Wall Street with critical thinking, ideas and solidarity we can change the world. How many times in your life do you get a chance to watch history unfold, to actively participate in building a better society, to come together with thousands of people where genuine democracy is the reality and not a fantasy? For too long our minds have been chained by fear, by division, by impotence. The one thing the elite fear most is a great awakening. That day is here. Together we can seize it. -------------------------------------------Arun Gupta is the editor of The Indypendent.

Ring the bells that still can ring, Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in. ~ Leonard Cohen

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From: To: Subject: Date: Attachments: on behalf of J Wedes september17 [september17discuss] Fwd: art event tomorrow Wednesday, September 28, 2011 2:54:46 PM Press Release - .pdf

More on marika, who's been harassed by nypd/homeland security. event info for tomorrow night. gonna bring up at tonight's GA. -j ---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Marika Maiorova <> Date: Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 12:47 PM Subject: art event tomorrow To: Hi Justin! For the Love off God, finally found that little paper you gave me tast night!! Thank you so much for offering all kinds of help! I do do need it.. very much ok, first of... attached please find our latest press release. Please let me know if it is at all offencive, i will be happy to make changes if neseccery. Also, below is the link to our kickstarter. please let me know if you can help with this.... it is very iam very important, and so little time left. Please help. Please forwart the below to all your people. Thank you

"Loft in the Red Zone" has become a neighborhood site in the financial district, offering an artistic environment for the public to reflect on the events that occurred on 9/11. Our close proximity to the ground zero site, as well as the astounding art work (majority of which was created by artists that were living in the "red zone" at the time of the attacks), make this exhibition monumental. Unfortunately, we're supposed to close our exhibition down on the 30th of September. We feel it is necessary to prolong our stay on Wall Street until the end of October as a place of refuge and reflection for the public. Due to the ongoing protests occurring outside of not only our doors, but also the doors of local residents and employers, our exhibition serves a purpose. Please help us live a little longer. Below is a link to our kick starter. Any donation is greatly appreciated.

Regarding the event tomorrow - I wonder if you can really help with food? We would love to have some vegan finger food for the event, if possible. Please let me know asap.
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Please note that the event is a fundraiser and an art auction as well, there are going to be a not too many people - friends of artists, collectors, i hope, and the neighborhood apartment owners. the coming to support our stay know. little in the space for a little longer. I would like to invite you and your immidiate friends to come and join us and make new connections with new people. I would not put the event on trwiter... we have a serious concern regarding the capacity and fire permit - we can have a private event, but no more then 75 people... Police has been watching our doors, please be advised. It is important that we dont piss off the cops. THEY CAN shut us down any time... while we are trying to stay longer.... we have to be cool. Please come join us, but if it is going to be a group, please let it be no more then 5 people group, you pr people, I guess. You know what I mean. Please note, it is a dress code event, proper \etire. Thiusgs have to be done properly in arts. On the event we can discuss a possibility of making a pop-up exhibition about you, in the space. Please help to make this smooth. this can become really big too. About the neighbourgh tour, please cometomorro at 2. we willbe open just for you. Lets talk on the phone today after 5 tryank you Marika 646 600 3243

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Marina Sitrin [september17discuss] Fwd: Occupy Wall St West: Make Banks Pay! Thurs., Sept. 29, 3pm Wednesday, September 28, 2011 10:58:41 AM

Friends, I spent the last week making art and working with the community groups-- including many folks facing bank foreclosure on their homes--leading this mass mobilization against Wall St and the Big Banks. I'd say, this is an overdue key historic moment for anyone who can to throw down--take the afternoon off and maybe even go to jail. Please jojn me, hundreds of others and seriously hit up your folks to join you. It's part of a wave of community and labor led mass mobilizations in nine cities in conjunction with Occupy Wall St in NCY. hope, David *** PLEASE POST, CIRCULATE & SHARE WITH OTHERS *** Occupy Wall St West!: Make Banks Pay! Big Banks helped to crash our economy, destroy our communities and wreck our budgets. Now they are back to record profits & bonuses while we are forced to pay for the mess they helped to create!

Thurs., Sept. 29, 3pm 555 California at Pine/B of A Plaza (Mongomery BART), Downtown SF Join us, as community groups, students, workers, faith leaders and others come together to stop playing defense and start going on the offense to say:

Its time for Big Banks and Large Corporations to Pay Up!

-Seamos realistas, hagamos lo imposible ~ che

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of [september17discuss] Fwd: Video of Cop Macing Nonviolent Protesters Goes Viral Tuesday, September 27, 2011 6:00:15 PM

More press: top story on The National Memo From: National Memo Date: Sep 27, 2011 5:03:37 AM Subject: Video of Cop Macing Nonviolent Protesters Goes Viral To:

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Police Crack Down On Nonviolent "Occupy Wall Street" Protestors [VIDEO]

A filmed outburst of police violence that has spread like wildfire on the Internet -- with video of a cop spraying Mace at four women -- might not be the most direct way of targeting bank corruption, but the financial district march on Saturday captured a growing sense of populist powerlessness that has found little space for expression beyond the Tea Party movement. Hundreds of protestors have been "occupying" Wall Street for more than a week, borrowing nonviolent tactics (such as camping out) previously seen at demonstrations throughout Europe and the Middle East. READ MORE

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Pentagon Expands Reach Of AntiHacker Cyber Fortress

The Defense Department has spent the past few years battling a tidal wave of hack attacks, as more and more top-secret information is handled by civilian defense companies and outside contractors. Worried about the capacity of the private sector to stave off cyber raids, the military brass has decided that the computer networks that make up America's hard drive are too big to fail. READ MORE


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Why Is Florida's GOP Governor Obsessed With Drug Tests For The Unemployed?
Here in Florida, Rick Scott's campaign promise of mass job creation is at least coming true for professional urine samplers. However, in addition to being sued over drug-testing welfare parents, Scott also faces a court fight for ordering random substance screening on thousands of state workers. READ MORE
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The Congressional Procrastination Crisis

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Last night's Senate vote for a routine bill to keep government operating marks the third time this year that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives nearly brought the country to a halt. It is not gridlock when every vote seems like a new opportunity to shut down the federal government -- instead, an endless game of chicken that may not end until November 2012 at the earliest. As floods batter the country and state budgets are forced to cut costs, the GOP has continued to demand that new funding for federal disaster aid can only come along with offsetting cuts to other programs. At least hurricane season is almost over. READ MORE

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of J.A. Myerson [september17discuss] FYI: My report for AlterNet Sunday, September 25, 2011 10:15:02 PM page=entire -J.A. Myerson 347.688.0241

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From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Amin Husain [september17discuss] Global Democracy Statement for Consideration / Endorsement Tuesday, September 27, 2011 11:51:11 AM

FriendsThis call has been sent to the Liberty Plaza Occupation general assembly for consideration and possible endorsement. The statement has already been endorsed by Sol General Assembly and a number of others and was, in its original form (for the G20) endorsed by Noam Chomsky, Vandana Shiva, Michael Hardt and others. English Spanish and Italian version are set out below the Arabic. I will bring it to the GA's attention today.

201115 G20 G87000000000G8

Global Democracy Statement On 15th October 2011, united in our diversity, united for global change, we demand global democracy: global governance by the people, for the people. Inspired by our sisters and brothers in Tunis, Cairo, Bengazi, Daraa, Palestine-Israel, Spain and Greece, we too call for a regime change: a global regime change. We will not come to global institutions, hat in hand, begging for policy change. In the words of Vandana Shiva, the Indian activist, today we demand replacing the G8 with the whole of humanity - the G 7,000,000,000. These are our global Mubarak, our global Assad, our global Gaddafi: the IMF, the WTO, global markets, multinational banks, the G8\G20, the European Central Bank, the UN Security Council, the World Bank, the Basel Committee on bank regulations and other undemocratic international institutions. Like Mubarak and Assad, these institutions must not be allowed to run peoples lives without their consent. We are all born equal, rich or poor, woman or man. Every African andAsian is equal to every European and American. Our global institutions must reflect this, or be overturned. Today, like the Mexican Zapatistas, we say "Ya basta! Aqui el pueblo manda y el gobierno obedece": Enough! Here the people command and global institutions obey! Like the Spanish Tommalaplaza we say "Democracia Real Ya": True global democracy now!"Today we call the citizens of
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Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

the world: let us globalize Tahrir Square! Let us globalise Puerta del Sol! SPANISH TRANSLATION (no est revisado) El 15 de octubre de 2011, unidxs en nuestra diversidad, unidxs por un cambio global, por la demanda de una verdadera democracia mundial: el gobierno global del pueblo, para el pueblo. Inspirado por nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Tnez, El Cairo, Bengazi, Daraa, Palestina-Israel, Espaa , Grecia y Chile, nosotrxs tambin exigimos un cambio de rgimen, un cambio de rgimen global. No vamos a ir a las instituciones mundiales pidiendo un cambio de poltica. En las palabras de Vandana Shiva, la activista de la India, hoy en da pedimos la sustitucin del G-8 por toda la humanidad, el G-7000000000. Estos son nuestros Mubarak globales, nuestros Assad mundiales, nuestros Gaddafi internacionales: el FMI (Fondo Monetario Internacional), la OMC (Organizacin Mundial del Comercio), los Mercados Globales, los Bancos Multinacionales, el G-8/G20, el Banco Central Europeo, el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU, el Banco Mundial, el Comit de Basilea de Regulaciones Bancarias y otras instituciones internacionales antidemocrticas. Al igual que a Mubarak y a Assad, a estas instituciones no les debemos permitir controlar la vida de las personas sin su consentimiento. Todxs nacemos iguales, rico o pobre, hombre o mujer. Cada Africano y Asitico es igual a cada Europeo y Americano. Nuestras instituciones globales deben reflejar esto, o ser anuladas. Hoy en da, como los Zapatistas Mexicanos, decimos: Ya basta! Aqu el Pueblo manda y el gobierno obedece.Al igual que los compaerxs espaoles decimos: Toma la plaza! Democracia Real Ya! No somos mercanca en manos de polticos y banqueros. Hoy llamamos a los ciudadanos del mundo: Globalicemos la Plaza Tahrir! Globalicemos la Puerta del Sol! ITALIAN TRANSLATION: Il 15 ottobre 2011, uniti nelle nostre diversit, uniti per il cambiamento globale, noi domandiamo la democrazia globale; il governo globale del popolo, per il popolo, ispirato dalle nostre sorelle e fratelli di Tunisi, Il Cairo, Bengazi, Daraa, PalestinaIsraele, Spagna e Grecia, anche noi chiamiamo per un regime di cambiamento. Non andremo dalle istituzioni globali con il cappello in mano, chiedendo l'elemosina del cambiamento politico, nelle parole di Vandana Shiva, l'attivista indiano, oggi noi chiediamo di rimpiazzare il G8 con l'intera umanit - il G7.000.000.000. Queste sono le nostre Global Mubarak, le nostre global Assad, le nostre Global Gaddafi: IL FONDO MONETARIO INTERNAZIONALE, IL WTO, i mercati globali, le banche multinazionali, il G8/G20, la Banca Centrale Europea, il consiglio di sicurezzza delle Nazioni Unite, la WORLD BANK, il comitato di Basilea sulle regole bancarie e altre istituzioni non democratiche internazionali. COme per Mubarak ed Asssad, a queste istituzioni NON DEVE ESSERE PERMESSO di dirigere la vita delle persone senza il CONSENSO DELLE PERSONE. Noi siamo tutti nati UGUALI, ricchi e poveri, donne e uomini. Ogni Africano, Asiatico uguale ad ogni Europeo e Americano, OGGI, come i messicani Zapatisti, noi diciamo "Ya basta! Aqui el pueblo manda y el gobierno obedece". BASTA! ORA IL POPOLO COMANDA E IL GOVERNO OBBEDISCE! Assieme agli Spagnoli TOMALAPLAZA noi diciamo "DEMOCRAZIA REALE ORA". La vera DEMOCRAZIA GLOBALE ORA!!! Oggi noi chiamiamo i cittadini del mondo: facciamo diventare globale TAHIR SQUARE! Facciamo diventare globale PUERTA DEL SOL!
Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by


Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jon Good [september17discuss] Government for the people, not the corporations! Sunday, September 25, 2011 11:39:00 AM

Government for the people, not the corporations! I humbly suggest that this be the title above the goals we set. I have been back home visiting my family and volunteering at the county fair this weekend, and everybody really wants us to succeed, but NOBODY has a clear idea of exactly what we're about, and are not ready to support us because they don't know what they're getting. We need clear, simple things that everybody in America can get behind. That folks who have been laid off from their jobs while watching their bosses get million-dollar bonuses, folks who've seen their future destroyed when a company bought out their family's livelihood, and folks who never had the promise of a real job or real chance at the American dream can all identify with and say "fuckin' A! those guys are right!" together. If somebody can put this to the GA TODAY (I can't because I'll be traveling back to New York), I would be very grateful. I'm going to start making flyer and press release templates so we can get these out with whatever we end up saying ASAP. Solidarity, Jon Good

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jackie DiSalvo [september17discuss] GPNYC has passed the following resolution Monday, September 26, 2011 9:27:01 AM

The policy of the GA is to not accept endorsements. Should we change it? The argument for doing so is that many organizations and individuals share are perspective and want to endorse. Endorsements could widen our appeal to and help get our message out to the 99%. For example in some sectors Chomskys endorsement would give us prestige. Union endorsements would have a big influence on members of the labor movement. On the other hand, there may be some endorsements we would want to reject. Can someone explain the GA rationale for not accepting any endorsements?
From: [] On Behalf Of Winter Siroco Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 8:58 AM To: Subject: Re: [september17discuss] GPNYC has passed the following resolution

Let's be sure that we start to list all the endorsements, letters of support, etc. in our web page. On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 8:48 AM, Jackie DiSalvo <> wrote:
The New York City Green Party and movement support the Occupation of Wall Street and condemn our autocratic Mayor Bloomberg under whose command the police engaged in systematic brutality of peaceful demonstrators against a predatory and parasitic financial order centered in Wall Street. We applaud the expression of direct democracy that this occupation embodies.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Jackie DiSalvo [september17discuss] GPNYC has passed the following resolution Monday, September 26, 2011 8:48:11 AM

The New York City Green Party and movement support the Occupation of Wall Street and condemn our autocratic Mayor Bloomberg under whose command the police engaged in systematic brutality of peaceful demonstrators against a predatory and parasitic financial order centered in Wall Street. We applaud the expression of direct democracy that this occupation embodies.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of L. W. Wind [september17discuss] guy in LA wants interview..can someone please call him? Wednesday, September 28, 2011 4:10:42 PM

here's the guy and here is where i go the info Can someone currently occupying please get ahold of him? thanks. --Ms. Wind

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Marina Sitrin [september17discuss] Horizontalism in Argentina discussion Wednesday, September 28, 2011 11:30:44 PM

The popular rebellion that began in December 2001 in Argentina sparked a process of revolutionary creativity that continues to this day. Many have come to call this new social relationship, "horizontalidad" (horizontalism) I, Marina lived in Argentina documenting these movements for the years after the rebellion and continue to spend time there. The discussion I will facilitate will describe the inspiring social change that has and continues to take place as well as some of the challenges facing the movements. These experiences and challenges are especially relevant to us, here on Wall Street, and the many many other horizontal movements around the world. Horizontalism: Voices of Popular Power in Argentina, the book, tells the story of a changing society told by people who are taking their lives and communities into their own hands. It is a story of cooperation, vision, creation and discovery. It is a history that is told by people in the various autonomous social movements, from the occupied factories, neighborhood assemblies, arts and independent media collectives, to the indigenous communities and unemployed workers movements. (It is available free online in Spanish and English and there are numerous copies in the Occupation library.) Hope to see folks tomorrow, Thursday, at 11am in the Plaza -Seamos realistas, hagamos lo imposible ~ che

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Lauren september17 [september17discuss] If anyone spots someone with green hair and cut off BDU Wednesday, September 28, 2011 6:44:16 PM

Or anyone that falls in the skinhead or is obviously a civilian in military surplus kit, it would be nice to notify the group, as we might have people trying to stir shit.

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Justine [september17discuss] Important: DO NOT send unsolicited emails Tuesday, September 27, 2011 2:02:57 PM

Comrades, As of yesterday, there has been a coordinated effort to file spam abuse reports with's hosting provider and the internet backbone companies with whom they do business such as Level3 Communications. While we do not do any public email marketing, we cannot control what others do from their own personal email accounts. Therefore I kindly ask that if any of you guys are sending any emails about that even come close to resembling spam, PLEASE STOP IMMEDIATELY. We do not want to give our enemies any possible reason to censor us or pressure our hosting company into shutting our website down. Thank you <3 -Justine

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

From: To: Subject: Date: on behalf of Matthew Bralow [september17discuss] Map of Resolutions & Ordinances Abolishing Corporate Personhood Monday, September 26, 2011 1:50:53 AM

Emails come from PST files that were linked to a post on by Thomas Ryan. PDF by

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