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A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the College of Teacher Education
General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree





Chapter I


Background of the Study

The definition and roles of teachers are becoming more complex and

can only be explained through perception, analysis, and people's views. The

teaching profession has evolved over the years, and are now recognized as

highly skilled professionals who play a critical role in the education system.

Teachers’ competence is based on the knowledge and skill taught to them.

Meanwhile, field study is a combination of theoretical and practical

learning experiences that enable teacher students to acquire the knowledge,

skills, and attitudes for providing a conducive learning to happen. Teacher

education is composed of two complementary parts: theoretical training and

practical training. In Thailand and many other countries, education forms

more than half of the formal educational courses focus in enhancing the

English proficiency. Therefore, teacher education is considered to be an

essential and integral part of the teaching education program. Since teaching

is a performance-based profession, filed study learning environments play an

important role in the acquisition of professional abilities and training of

education students to enter the teaching profession and become licensed

teachers. Moreover, the field study experience of education student is of

great importance. (Kuie R. Chou, 2016).

The field study exposure is a vital and essential part of education. It

gives education students the chance to gain knowledge and abilities

necessary for success in the workplace. It is basically a teaching and

learning methodology that fosters exposure of education students to students

(actual human contact), in a social context that enhances the learning of

interest, ability and capacity of learners and the role of the education

professionals (Stevenson, 2016). However, learning in a field study

environment has several benefits, but it can be challenging, unpredictable,

stressful, and constantly changing. Attention to filed study experiences and

factors contributing to the learning of these experiences can waste a great

deal of time and energy, impose a heavy financial burden on educational

systems, cause mental, familial, and educational problems for students, and

compromise the quality of student care (Baraz, 2015).

For many education students, training represents a stressful

experience. The levels of stress and anxiety may vary during students’

educational training, depending on their ability to adapt behavioral strategies

for coping with stress and other factors (Onieva-Zafra, M.D. et al., 2020).

Students who want to pursue a career in teaching, it is important to recognize

the potential stressors and develop effective coping mechanisms to ensure

success in the training and future teaching practice. Seeking support from

peers, faculty, and mental health professionals can also be beneficial in

managing stress and anxiety.

The experiences of current education students can help aspiring

education students shape themselves into a better versions by providing

them with opportunities to learn new skills, gain knowledge, and develop a

sense of independence. Additionally, these experiences can help students

build their confidence, expand their social skills, and enhance their career

prospects. These experiences may have given us, the researchers, a

glimpse of the rewarding and fulfilling nature of the teaching profession,

which has motivated the researchers to pursue it further. The researchers,

and other students may have also developed certain skills and qualities that

are essential for a successful career in teaching.

The purpose of this study is to discover the experiences of fourth-year

education students at Holy Trinity College on their field study exposure. This

study aims to help future teachers become more competent professionals

and provide insights to the teaching education institution to enhance their

field study of exposure. Through this study, the researchers hope to identify

the challenges and areas of improvement needed to provide better support

and learning opportunities for education students during their teaching

career. Moreover, this will lead to a better delivery of education for learners

as future teachers are better equipped and prepared after their field study.

Additionally, the researchers will also learn about their coping mechanisms

and perspectives on how they manage stress during field study.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to discover the experiences and

challenges of fourth-year education students at Holy Trinity College.

Additionally, the researchers will also learn about their coping mechanisms

on how they manage stress during field study.

Research Question

This research will verify and analyze the lived experiences of

the fourth-year education English students of Holy Trinity College on their

field study. This research will answer the following questions:

1. What are the lived experiences of the English education

students in Holy Trinity College in the following subjects:

a. Field Study 1 – Observation of Teaching – Learning in

Actual School Environment

b. Field Study 2 - Participation and Teaching Assistantship

2. What are the strategies that the English education students

employ on their internship?

3. How are these strategies of English education students

beneficial in implementing classroom management in the

teaching profession?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to discover the lived experiences of fourth-year

education students of Holy Trinity College on their field study. More

importantly, this study would provide significant benefits to the following


Students. This study will serve as a guide for fourth-year education

students at Holy Trinity College to deal with stress and challenges in their

field study. Also, it would benefit aspiring education students to be aware of

the challenges they may encounter in this field in the future.

Researchers. The study results are beneficial for the researchers

themselves, as they can widen their knowledge and understanding of the

experiences, struggles, and ways to deal with stress faced by fourth-year

education students in their field study.

Future Researchers. This study may be able to help and assist them

in their research, and it may also serve as a guide for them. Additionally, this

study will serve as their source of factual information about the lived

experiences that each education student has when dealing with their field


Parents. The study will aid the parents in becoming more aware of the

challenges faced by their children during their field study. In addition,

parental support improves students' self-esteem, and behavior, and indulges

them in academic excellence.

English Teachers. The study may enable teachers to have a broad

and understanding perspective on the challenges faced by all students,

particularly those in the English department, who have to deal with their field


Administration. This study can provide valuable insights for the

school to maintain strong support systems for students. The administration

prioritizes the needs of the students and continuously evaluates its methods

of assistance to ensure they are effective and efficient.

Scope and Limitations

This study limits its coverage to the students of the Holy Trinity

College for the academic year 2023–2024. The participants of the study will

be composed of five purposely selected fourth-year English education

students at Holy Trinity College Moreover, the selected participants will be

interviewed using the structured interview guide questionnaire.

The main purpose of this study is to discover the experiences,

challenges, and strategies they encounter and to propose possible solutions

to this problem. The result of this study will be useful not only to the

participants but to all education students of Holy Trinity College.

Organization of the Study

Chapter I presents the research by laying the background of the study

and the problem afflicting the researchers. In this section, the overview and

the purpose of the research will be discussed to provide the readers an

awareness why the research is of great importance.

Chapter II presents the all-encompassing theoretical lens and

comprises the related literature that supports the foundation of the research

study. The research gap will be presented to distinguish why the current

research is imperative. Furthermore, the definition of terms will also be

discussed and presented to allow readers to have an in-depth understanding

of the paper.

Chapter III explains the methodology, including the research design.

This research will utilize a qualitative design to capture the subjective

strategies of the English education students toward the challenges and

experiences they face on their field study. The research locale, where the

research will be conducted will also be presented. Thus, the data collection

and analysis will be explained in this sectio

Chapter II

This chapter provides a summary of recent research on the

experiences, challenges, strategies of education students on their field study. It provides

the background and foundation for this study by presenting relevant literature and

studies that have been assembled from variety of verified studies and publications. This

chapter also covers the theoretical lens, and the research gap that the researchers will

fill in.

Theoretical Lens

This study is supported by the theory of Hatupopi Kerthu’s Theory-Practice

Gap (2019), which emphasizes the discrepancies found between what students learn in

the formal classroom setting and what they experience in the classroom setting. Also,

explored and described the challenges faced by Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in English students when integrating theory into practice in the classroom

settings. This theory aligns with the goal of the study, which is to know the experiences

of fourth year education student of Holy Trinity College in their field study.

The study’s purpose relates to the Grounded Theory study on work-related

stress in professionals who provide social care for people who exhibit behaviors that

challenge, this was proposed originally by Rippon (2018). It was stated that providing

direct social care services for people who exhibit behaviors that challenge can be a

highly stressful occupation. Existing literature has suggested that there is a need to

develop a further theoretical understanding of how work-related stress can be reduced

in professions that consist of providing care for people who exhibit behaviors that

challenge them. The aim of this is to illustrate a common issue that could influence

work-related stress levels experienced when managing behaviors that challenge in

health and social care settings. This study led to Therapeutic Engagement Stress

Theory (TEST) by Rippon et al., (2020). This theory illustrates that the perceived

capacity to engage with people who exhibit behaviors that challenge is an issue that can

influence the levels of stress experienced by the instructors and teachers. TEST

provides a framework that could be applied to identify specific factors that inhibit staff

from successfully delivering caring interventions for people who exhibit behaviors that

challenge, and also inform bespoke support mechanisms to reduce stress in educators.

This theory can be used to relate to our study to help fourth-year Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English students in Holy Trinity College in dealing with and support

mechanisms due to stress on their field study..

Field Study

Challenges in Field Study

Strategies in Field Study

Field Study Subjects

Field Study I – Observation of Teaching – Learning in Actual School Environment

Field Study 2 – Participation and Teaching Assistantship

Research Gap

Definition of Terms

Definition of Terms

English Education Students. It means someone who is studying or training to be a

teacher (Collins English Dictionary, 2023). Operationally, refers to the students who are

taking the education program at Holy Trinity College.

Field Study. A teaching and learning methodology which fosters exposure of education

students to students as actual human contact (Verma, 2016). Operationally, it refers to

the education students who experience onsite duty at schools.

Lived Experiences. According to Cambridge University Press (2023), the things that

someone has experienced themselves, especially when these give the person a

knowledge or understanding that people who have only heard about such experiences

do not have. Operationally, it refers to their experiences during their first-time onsite at


Chapter III

This chapter will present how the data concerning the research will be collected,
as well as considerations concerning the selection of participants, the locale in which
the researchers will conduct the research, the attainment of ethical standards in
collecting data for the research, the attainment of trustworthiness of the data collected
for the research, and how the research will be designed according to the needs of the
research. All of these components are crucial in ensuring the validity and
reliability of the study's findings.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers will utilize the method of phenomenological

research, which refers to an approach to qualitative research that focuses on the

commonality of a lived experience within a particular group. The fundamental goal of the

approach is to arrive at a description of the nature of the particular phenomenon

(Creswell, 2013). This method will allow the researchers to explore the participants'

subjective experiences of the third-year education students of Holy Trinity College on

their field study in order to gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives on the

phenomenon being studied. Moreover, the researchers will conduct in-depth interviews

with the participants to gather rich and detailed data that will enable them to identify

common themes and patterns in the experiences of the education students. The

insights gained from this study can inform interventions and support systems that can

help education students cope with stress during their field study.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will collect factual data through structured interview

guide questionnaires to the chosen fourth-year education students of Holy Trinity


The researchers will create a series of questions and it will be used as an

instrument for the students in order to collect information about their lived experiences

in their field study. This interview questionnaire will be validated by the Research Ethics

Committee (REC) and the adviser to ensure the quality of the instrument.

The questionnaire will consist of the lived experiences of their field study to the

education students. The following experiences are composed of two parts: Part one

consists of the experiences of the education students in their field study, and part two

consists of the struggles of being an education student during their field study.

Role of the Researchers

In this research, the researchers will take on the role of outsiders, as they will not

be of the same community being studied. They will conduct a thorough investigation on

the data collected from various perspectives within the community. Before they will

conduct interviews, the participants will be oriented regarding the research objectives.

They will personally meet with the participants in order to gather relevant data

based on their perspectives and expertise, ensuring the avoidance of bias. Digital

resources, such as mobile phones, will be utilized in order to record audio during

interviews. The data that will be collected from the participants during interviews will be

carefully secured and we will put it to in-depth analysis.

Research Participants

The participants for this study will be the fourth-year education students of

Holy Trinity College. The researchers of this study will provide a letter of consent to

ensure the participants privacy while answering the questions and organize the

participants by using technical connection to the title where it tackles the lived

experiences of their field study. The researchers used purposive sampling in choosing

the participants which includes five different fourth-year education students.

Research Locale

The research will be conducted at Holy Trinity College located in Fiscal

Daproza Avenue, General Santos City. This school is a private institution that offers

many courses including the teacher education courses. The institution was chosen as

the study's locale because it produces outstanding education students.

Figure 1. Map of the Locale of the Study

Selection Process

This study will utilize a purposive sampling method to determine the

participants. Purposive sampling refers to a group of non-probability sampling

techniques in which units are selected because they have characteristics that you need

in your sample. In other words, units are selected “on purpose” in purposive sampling

(Nikolopoulou, 2022). This study will have five (5) participants.

For selecting the participants, the following criteria were considered:

1. The participant must be a fourth-year education student.

2. The participant must be enrolled in Holy Trinity College for the school year 2023-


Data Collection

This section will contain the process for gathering data from the researchers.

The study will be conducted at Holy Trinity College during the school year 2023-2024.

To get precise information, interview guide questions will be used. The researchers will

create a self-made questionnaire that will be validated by the experts and will indicate

the general and specific problems that will be addressed by the study's findings. The

researchers will write a letter to Holy Trinity College to request approval to conduct the


When the instruments have been validated and the letter has been accepted, the

researchers will conduct an individual face-to-face interview with the fourth-year

education students of Holy Trinity College as we ensure the anonymity of the

participants. After the assessments, the researchers will tabulate and analyze the data,

which will be used to complete the study.

Create and send a letter to the dean to conduct an interview

Making self-made Questionnaires

Validating the questionnaires

Identifying the participants through purposive sampling

Giving consent letters to the participants before conducting the

Conducting the face-to-face interview with the participants

Transcription of the collected data

Analyzations of the data

Interpretation of the data

Figure 2. Flow of the Data Collection used in the whole process of the study

Data Analysis

In conducting the study, the researchers will employ Thematic Analysis.

Although this gives fundamental skills for performing any type of qualitative analysis,

Thematic Analysis ought to be a fundamental technique for qualitative research.

Numerous researchers make use of this thematic analysis for the reason that it does not

require the detailed theoretical and technological knowledge of other qualitative

approaches. According to Creswell (2014), a systematic process for coding data in

which specific statements are analyzed and categorized into themes that represent the

phenomenon of interest. Like any other method, thematic analysis is also used to

identify themes, and patterns in the data that are important or interesting, and use these

themes to address the research or say something about an issue. This is much more

than simply summarizing the data. A good thematic analysis interprets and makes

sense of it.


The researchers will look at the four components of research to determine the

trustworthiness of it. These four components will be credibility, conformability,

transferability, and dependability.

Credibility. The researchers will carefully examine the data that will be gathered

from the interviews, and we will refrain from making conclusions about the data given

based solely on our own biases. The researchers will take care to base the conclusions

entirely on data obtained directly from the participants. No important data will be

omitted, and no irrelevant data will be added.

Conformability. The researchers will objectively read the data given by the

participants of the research. The researchers will employ the same questions and the

same recording application in order for the data collected to be free from bias.

Transferability. The researchers will provide an in-depth exposition of the

research background and key assumptions, as well as ensuring the communicability of

the results. The researcher will also present all data in a transparent manner.

Dependability. The researchers will employ data triangulation, peer debriefing,

reflexivity, member checking, audit trail, and investigator triangulation in ensuring the

dependability of the research.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical research guidelines are principles that protect morality and guide

researchers when conducting the study — it also guarantees the confidentiality and

privacy of the study participants. These ethical considerations in research makes sure

that the public can trust the research and must abide the following:

An authorization letter must be granted by the College Dean of Holy Trinity

College in order for the researchers to advance onto their study.

The participants should give their consent prior to the interview; no participant

should be forced into participating in the study — they have the freedom of choice if

they want to withdraw or to continue with their participation.

The researchers must respect the participants' data and privacy; no information

should be disclosed such as their names, age, address, sexuality, or even their gender.

The participants' well-being is the top priority of the researchers.

The study's result should not be manipulated, fabricated, and falsified; the aim of

this research is to only provide factual information that can be trusted and used by the


Following the ethical standards set forth by Holy Trinity College of General

Santos City, we will ensure that the ethical considerations will be followed to prevent

engaging in practices that could potentially abuse or exploit the individuals to whom we

will conduct research.

Obtaining informed consent from the participants will be given utmost

importance before conducting the research. The research participants will be provided

with detailed information about the benefits and significance of their involvement in the

research. They will be given the choice to include or exclude any information from their

responses. The researchers will ensure that the responses will be safe and secure.

Data privacy will be strictly observed, and the researchers will take steps to

ensure the confidentiality of the responses and identities of the participants. The

researchers will assure the participants that their data will be secured, creating a safe

and secure environment for them to freely answer. Respect for privacy of the

participants will be strictly observed, and precautions will be taken to prevent any

tampering or unauthorized access to their responses.

Voluntary participation will be given emphasis as well. The researchers will

approach likely participants and will only collect data from those who like to take part in

this research. Prior to conducting the research, the researchers will seek the consent of

the participants. This will ensure that participation in this research will be based on the

voluntary decision of the participants and that they will be willing to give their insights

and perspective regarding the given research questions.

Gender sensitivity will be a key aspect of this research. The researchers will

ensure that all participants, regardless of gender, will be treated fairly and with respect.

The questions that will be asked during the interviews will be the same for all

participants, avoiding any potential bias. The researchers will recognize and respect the

gender of each participant, promoting a safe approach throughout the research.

Cultural sensitivity will be a key consideration of this research. The researchers

will ensure that no favoritism based on culture will occur and will respect the language

used participants. If participants will choose to respond in their own language, the

researchers will translate and encode their responses accurately.

All the mentioned ethical principles, will be diligently practiced by the

researchers. The researchers will be committed to upholding these principles and

showing respect to the educational institution throughout the research.



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