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The War I Finally Won Name:


Chapter 1

1. “You can know things all you like, but that doesn’t mean you believe
them” (Bradley 1). What do you think Ada is referring to?

I think Ada is referring to those things which she knows in her head but
doesn’t believe them in the heart.
2. “Eleven years into the war between the rest of the world and me”
(Bradley 2). Which war is Ada referring to?

Ada is referring to the way she feels that she has to fight for her place because she is

3. Susan received a letter in the mail. What do you think the letter was

I think the letter must have something personal to Susan. The letter must
have been something about which is important to her which made Susan
go pale. The letter must have to deal with some bad news which affected

4. Why is Ada not excited for her surgery? Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.
I think isn’t Ada isn’t excited about her surgery because she thinks that it
might not work, or something bad could happen.
“Now everyone was acting like my surgery tomorrow would be the best thing
ever, which made me worry it might turn out bad”(Bradley 6).
“‘What if it doesn’t work’”(Bradley 7).

5. Why do you think Ada is so mean to Susan? Use evidence from the
text to support your answer.
I think Ada is so mean to Susan because Ada thinks that she could lose her.
“‘Susan’s not my mother’”(Bradley 9).

6. “You can know things all you like, but that doesn’t mean you believe
them” (Bradley 9). The chapter starts and ends with this sentence. It is
also repeated another time in Chapter 1. Why? Use evidence from the
chapter to support your answer.

That sentence mostly appears whenever there is some information given

which Ada doesn’t believe in. She doesn’t believe in what Susan says
about the letter. That phrase also appeared when she found out her Mam
was dead.

Chapter 2

1. “I thought Mom would live forever” (Bradley 10). Why did Ada do this?
Ada knew Mam would die, she just didn’t believe it. I think Ada thought
that Mam would live forever because she is happy that now her kids are
gone and that she can live a happy life forever.

2. How did Jamie and Ada react to the news that Mam died? Why do you
think they acted differently?

Jamie cried so much because he loved her even though Mam hated him.
Ada didn’t cry. Jamie loved her while Ada didn't like her Mam and was
stunned about Mam’s death.
3. What is the WVS? What do they do?
The WVS was the Women's Volunteer Service.“They did war work. Susan
was part of our village’s WVS”(Bradley 13).

4. “I blinked. My heart stuttered. It wasn’t the answer I expected”

(Bradley 13). What does Ada think will happen to her? How does
she feel about this?

Ada thought that she might be taken away again. Ada felt a wave
of panic coming through her. She thought that Susan couldn’t take
care of her, and soon Ada would have to leave.

5. How did Ada feel when she thought she would not be able to stay
with Susan? Why do you think she did not tell her this? Use evidence from
the text to support your answer.

“Orphans. Jamie and I were orphans now, not evacuees. We wouldn’t stay
under Lady Thorton’s protection. Susan wouldn’t be able to keep us.
Something different happened to orphans”(Bradley 14).
Ada was worried that she and Jamie wouldn’t be able to stay with Susan
as they are orphans. Ada probably didn’t tell Susan because she thought
that Susan already knew that Ada and Jamie weren’t going to live with her.

Chapter 3

1. Why do you think Ada hated The Swiss Family Robinson? Explain
your answer with details from the text.

“Jamie and I were shipwrecked, but we hadn’t been rescued after all. We
hadn’t reached an island. We were still struggling not to drown in the
storm-tossed sea. Susan closed the book. I held Jamie and wept”(Bradley
I think Ada hated The Swiss Family Robinson because the story relates to
Jamie and Ada’s situation, but they all get rescued. Ada and Jamie never got

2. What did Susan hear about Ada’s mother?

Susan found out that her mother was cremated because of the war,
because there were so many victims at the factory and because we didn't
hear about her death in time to claim her body. Her ashes were put into a
mass grave.

3. “I tried to push her away but she held tight” (Bradley 23). Do you think
Ada does not realize how much Susan cares for her? Explain your thinking.

Ada does not realize how much Susan cares for her. Susan takes care of
Ada so much. Even though Susan didn’t want children, Susan cares for
Ada so much. Ada just doesn’t believe it.

Chapter 4

1. How did Ada feel about having a memorial for Mam? Why?

Ada felt like she didn’t want to have a memorial for Mam because she
didn’t have any good memories with Mam.

2. Why is the word grateful repeated multiple times on page 29?

The word grateful was repeated multiple times on page 29

because Lady Thorton helped Ada with her surgery fees, clothing,
a shelter for Jamie and Ada to live in. Ada should be grateful to
Lady Thorton for helping her out ,but instead, she doesn’t want to
be grateful.

3. What did Susan give Ada as a celebration?

Susan gave Ada a pair of new leather shoes as a celebration.

4. “I felt a wave of sudden, overwhelming despair” (Bradley 32). Why did

Ada feels this way after her surgery? Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.

Ada felt hopelessness after her surgery just because she realized that
her Mam could have fixed her foot when she was a baby.

“‘This was all it took?’ I said, looking up at Susan. ‘A couple of months

in the hospital fixed it?’ All my life I’d been miserable because of that
foot”(Bradley 32).

Chapter 5

1. When Susan drew the map, what was worse than dragons on the
map? Why?
Germany controls parts of Europe because Germany has occupied many
countries in the European region with bombs, etc.

2. “‘When the storms come, we’ll need room for everyone’” (Bradley 39).
What storms will be coming?

I think Jamie meant that he was saying that when the bombing happens,
people will need a place of shelter. The big cottage house had plenty of

Chapter 6

1. How did Ada respond when Fred said he missed her? Why?

Ada had never been missed before. Ada was happy to see Fred
after she had been away for a long time.

2. How was Stephen White acting when Ada saw him? Why do you
think he was acting this way? Use evidence from the text to support your

Stephen was happy to see Ada after a long time, but he had a dull and
sad face. I think Stephen was acting this way because he was forced to
go out and help his Dad. He was sad that the Colonel died.
“Stephen White stood in front of me holding the handles of a bicycle. He
looked awful. His face was gray and thin, and dark circles ringed his
eyes. His bony wrists stuck out from his shirt cuffs”(Bradley 47).
“‘The Colonel died’”(Bradley 48).

3. How had the war impacted Stephen’s life? Use evidence from the text
to support your answer.
The war had impacted Stephen’s life so much. Stephen has to go with his
father to help out with the war. The Colonel died weeks after Ada went away.
Stephen’s little brother Billy had died as well.
“Stephen swallowed. He started to speak. He choked, swallowed, and tried
again. He tried two or three times before his mouth would make words. Then
he said, ‘Dead’”(Bradley 50).
“‘The Colonel died’”(Bradley 48).
“‘My Dad joined the merchant marines. His ship signed me on as a cabin boy.
Pay Hitler back, we will’”(Bradley 47).

Chapter 7

1. What happened to Stephen’s siblings? Why?

The Nazis bombed London fifty-seven straight nights. All of his family died
during the bombing.

2. “Stephen didn’t cry. He looked like he might never cry again” (Bradley
52). Why do you think he is acting this way?

I think Stephen was acting like this because he didn’t have any more
emotions left. He suffered so much, feeling dead.

3. Do you think Ada will see Steven again? Why or why not?
I don’t think Ada will see Steven again because he is going away
to help his Dad during the war. Anything could happen to Steven
and his father during the war.

Chapter 8

1. The author uses a lot of historical details in this chapter. What are
some of the historically accurate details the author uses? Why do you
think she incorporated these details? Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.

The author incorporated these details to show us what was happening

during WWII. “You had to register your ration cards with specific shops
in order to buy rationed food, and of course that took some time. Meat
was rationed. So was bacon, butter, cooking fat, tea”(Bradley 56).
The historical details the author incorporated helps us understand what
the characters were going through.

2. Why did Susan make Ada and Jamie the armband?

Susan made Ada and Jamie wear the armband becuase Billy White and
Mam died. The armbands are worn when you’re sad because someone has
died. They’re a symbol of mourning.

3. “Everything was dying, but I wasn’t going to say it” (Bradley 61). How do
you think this will impact Ada? Use evidence from the text to support your
I think that this will impact Ada a lot because she has to go through so
much that a lot has impacted her in the past. Billy White died, Mam died,
Stephen went away, Susan lost her house. Ada knows that she is fighting
a war.

“Maggie knew we were fighting a war”(Bradley 61).

“‘It is a cave,’ Jamie said. ‘It’s our cave, we moved here because it’s drier
than inside the tree’”(Bradley 61).

4. Maggie says that a legal guardian is better than a mother. Why do

you think she says this?

I think she says that because Ada doesn’t want a mother after what she
has been through. In the documents, it says that Susan is their legal
guardian. In this case, a legal guardian couldn’t do any harm to Ada
and Jamie unlike a mother.

Chapter 9

1. When Ada heard Jamie scream, what did she immediately think was
wrong? Why?

Ada thought that there was an invasion. She thought that the Germans
would shoot Jamie as she hadn’t heard any gunshots. She ran until she
reached Jamie and saw that he was dead.

2. Who did Jamie ask for after he got hurt? Why? Use evidence from the
text to support your answer.
Jamie wanted his Mum. “‘I want Mum,’ Jamie whispered”(Bradley 66).
“‘Where’s Mum’”(Bradley 65).

3. What does Ada think will happen to Jamie after his accident? Why?
Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Since Jamie broke his arm, Ada thought that he would end up with a
crippled arm just like how her foot used to be. She thought that Jamie
would be unlovable just like her.
“It was not alright. Jamie would be crippled. He would be unlovable. Just
like me”(Bradley 67).
“He’d end up with a crippled arm, like my foot used to be”(Bradley 66).

4. “Taking an interest sounded a lot like paying for your surgery” (Bradley
68). Why do you think Lady Thornton says this? Use evidence from the text
to support your answer.

Lady Thorton wants to know how Ada’s foot is progressing because she
paid a lot for Ada’s surgery. “‘I’ve taken an interest in you, Ada. I want to
see how you’re progressing. Show me’”(Bradley 68).

5. “I knew I had to be grateful, but I didn’t have to like it” (Bradley 69). Why
does Ada feel this way?

Ada didn’t feel happy about being grateful for Lady Thorotn because she
knew that she wasn’t a nice person. “Nice people hate that ugly
foot”(Bradley 69).

Chapter 10
1. “I couldn’t forget her” (Bradley 70). Why do you think Ada can’t forget
Mam has done so much harm to her. How can Ada forget it? Ada has
lived with Mam for a long time.

2. What do we find out about the Battle of Britain?

The Battle of Britain won. The Battle of Britain was when all the pilots died.
It was when the village children went away. The invasion is off for the

3. How did Ada feel when Susan said she could take care of her and
Jamie? Why? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Ada always thought it was her job to take care of Jamie. I think Ada feels
useless now because it was her job to take care of Jamie ,but Susan made
Ada think about taking care of Jamie.

“I didn’t know. I hadn’t listened to everything Dr. Graham said about Jamie’s
concussion. I’d been too worried about his arm. I’d always known how to
take care of Jamie before”(Bradley 73).

4. “It was nice of her to say that. I knew it wasn’t true” (Bradley 74). Why
did Susan say this? Is it true? Explain your answer.

Ada said this because Ada is still young ,and she doesn’t know many
things. SHe still has to keep on learning and that is true. We all don’t stop
learning, even if we are older.

5. How has war impacted Ada’s Christmas? Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.
Ada and Jamie weren’t used to having Christmas. All of the ornaments,
lights, and decorations are gone. Ada, Jamie and Susan were having a
‘Wartime Christmas’.
“‘It’s a war tree,’ Susan said. SHe hung a few bright buttons on it, and a
feather I found in the yard. ‘A wartime Christmas.’ Last Christmas I’d been
so flooded by bad memories. I said, ‘Jamie and I don’t need Christmas.
We’re not used to having Christmas’”(Bradley 76).

6. The chapter ends with Ada saying she got a present in her stocking.
What do you think she will receive?

Probably Ada got something which she didn't want or maybe wanted
when she was young. The present is something which she didn’t expect
to get because she was older now. The present might remind Ada of
memories back home.
Chapter 11
1. How did Ada react when she got her Christmas present? Why?

Ada didn’t want the doll. She wasn’t a baby anymore. Ada was
starting to get angry about the doll and her memories back home.

2. How does Christmas impact Ada? Why do you think it does this to her?
Explain your answer.

Ada has never had Christmas ,and I think that when she gets any gifts,
they remind her of Mam and back home.Ada shows different emotions
during Christmas because she doesn’t really know what to do. Now,
Christmas changed Ada. She learned to knit mittens. She is happy with
Jamie and Susan.

3. Who is Jonathan? What does he do?

Jonathan is Maggie’s older brother. He is in the RAF.

4. Describe what dinner at Lady Thornton’s house was like.

Dinner at Lady THorton’s house was what Ada never
expected. Ada felt uncomfortable there. It was a big room with
lots of chairs.

5. Where do you think all of Thorntons’ housekeepers went? Explain

your answer.

I think all of Lady Thorntons' housekeepers have left because of the

war or because of Lady Thorton.

6. Why were Susan and Lady Thornton discussing fire-watching?

It was something they were going to be doing with the WVS.

7. How did Lord Thornton react when Susan asked him for his help
finding a job? Why do you think he acted this way? Use evidence
from the text to support your answer.

Lord Throton raised his eyebrow. He was surprised. I don't think Lord
Thorotn was expecting Susan to ask him for a job.

“Lord Thorton raised his eyebrows. ‘A job’? He said. ‘What sort of

job’”(Bradley 88).
He kept repeating what each person said. I think he was confused
8. What did the Thornton family give Ada for Christmas?
They gave her a dictionary because she was so fascinated
by words. So now instead of asking people what different
words meant, she could look them up in a dictionary.

9. “Whatever Lord Thornton’s war work was, it was secret” (Bradley 92).
What do you think Lord Thornton does?

It was probably something secret with the war, something that no one
knows and is not related to his mathematical background.

Chapter 12
1. How does Susan act when Ada says she doesn't need her? Why
does she respond this way?
Susan knows that sometimes Ada behaves this way , and she has to deal with it. Even
if Ada didn’t need Susan. She didn't take it personally into her heart.
2. What did Jonathan hear from his mom about Ada? Why do you think he
would say this?
Jonathan’s mom said that an evacuee rode his horse. A lame little girl
from the slums. He said this because he is just telling what he had been

3. What do we find out about Jonathan?

He found out about Ada’s clubfoot and her surgery.

4. What did Susan give Ada as a Christmas gift? Why?

Susan gave Ada a piece of paper that says that Ada is
the owner of Butter.

Chapter 13
1. What did Ada do with Susan’s Christmas gift to her? Why?
She kept it with her box with her birth certificate in it. I think she
did this because she wanted to keep it safe. Since Butter was
something really important to Ada, Ada wants to keep the facts.

2. Why do you think Ada looked up the word guardian in the dictionary?
Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

I think Ada looked up the word guardian because she never wanted a
mother. Ada wanted to know what a guardian is and what they do. Ada
keeps hearing this word.
“Susan said, ‘I’ll help you. I’m your guardian. We’ll manage’”(Bradley 104).
“Susan had shown me how to look up words in my dictionary. I stayed up
in bed that night with my light on, reading”(Bradley 105).

3. Do you think the definition of a guardian reflects Susan? Use

evidence from the text to support your answer.
I think it does, Susan is way more than guardian. She is like a
mother to Ada and Jamie. Susan protects them and loves them so
“Guardian: one who guards, protects, or preserves; a keeper,
defender; sometimes = guardian angel”(Bradley 105).
“Susan said, ‘I’ll help you. I’m your guardian. We’ll manage’”(Bradley 104).

4. “Jamie said, ‘Why can’t you just be our mum?’” (Bradley 106). Why did
Ada get upset with Jamie?

Ada got upset with Jamie because Ada didn’t want a mother after what
she has been through.

5. Why would Susan rather be called an award instead of Mum? Use

evidence from the text to support your answer.
Susan would rather be called a ward rather than mum.

Chapter 14
1. How were the church bells used since the start of the war?
Since the start of the war, church bells were only to be rung to
signal a German invasion.

2. Why does Ada ask about Becky at the end of the chapter?
Ada asked about Becky because she saw the stones in the
graveyard and thought that maybe she was there. Ada knew
Mam wasn’t there ,but she wanted to know where Becky’s body

Chapter 15

1.What did Ada hear about Becky’s funeral?

She heard that most of the village came to the funeral. And that she was buried in her

2. What do we discover about Becky after she died?

Her parents made all the decisions after her death

3. “I didn’t know which question she was answering” (Reynolds 114). Which
question do you think Susan was answering?

4. What did Lady Thornton decide to do at the end of the chapter?

Lady Thornton decides to move in with Susan
5. How do you think Lady Thornton’s decision will impact the rest of the
plot? Explain your answer using details from the text.

I THINK THAT Ada will be more uncomfortable and feel more judged. Susan will
probably feel uncomfortable, too.

Chapter 16

1. Why do you think the government kicked Lady Thornton out of her

Probably for shelter or soldiers

2. How do you think Lady Thornton living with Ada will impact the plot?
Use specific details from the story to support your answer.






3. How did Lady Thornton act when she moved into Susan and Ada’s
She started bossing the house around and taking over stuff that belong to Ada

4. “I don’t know why- she never minded me having an opinion- but I

closed my mouth” (Bradley 119). Why do you think Susan had a
problem with Ada speaking her mind to Lady Thornton?

She thought that she might get kicked out for saying something too rude about lady

Why was Ada so upset about Lady Thornton? Use evidence from the
text to support your answer.

She took over half over half of her room without asking.
6. “She stared back, indignant-... (Bradley 123). What does the word
indignant mean?

Angry or upset

7. Who is coming to live with Ada and her family? How do you think this
will impact the plot? Use evidence from the text to support
your answer.

Ruth is a 16 German jew living with Ada to learn math and to stay safe

8. Why do you think Lady Thornton is so upset? Use details from the
text to support your answer.

She thinks that all Germans are bad

Chapter 17 1.
What do we find out about Ruth?

That she is german

2. Why do you think her family came to England? Use evidence from
the text to support your answer.

To escape the camp they were in

3. Lady Thornton says Ruth and her family are Germans while Lord
Thornton says they are Jewish. Why are they disagreeing about
what to call her? Explain your answer.

Because Ruth is on the British side but is a german.

4. Why was Ada surprised about Ruth?

She thought that Ruth would look like the other german she saw

5. “‘Spare rooms are a luxury in wartime’” (Bradley 127). Why did Lord
Thornton say this to Lady Thornton?

Extra space is always needed during the war

6. Who do you think is right- Lord or Lady Thornton? Use evidence from
the text to support your answer.

If lord Thornton can get information from Ruth's father that will help during the war

Chapter 18 1. Why do you think Ada does not know about Hitler? Do
you think she would feel differently about Ruth if she did know?
Explain your thinking.

She doesn’t know about Hitler bc she is sort of sheltered from that information. Yes, she
would be more sympathetic toward Ruth

S2. Why does Ruth feel she does not belong anywhere? Use evidence

from the text to support your answer.

She is being persecuted in her own country and lady Thornton is not welcoming Ruth
3. “As we left the room, I grabbed the framed photo of Jonathan
Thornton off the bedside table” (Bradley 129). Why did Ada do this?

She wanted the photo because Jonathan is fighting in the war and Ada thinks he

4. Why does Ada think Ruth is hiding in her room? Why do you think
she is? Use evidence to support your answer.

Ada thinks she hiding because she is a spy. I think that Ruth is uncomfortable.

Chapter 19 1. Why is “We Watched” repeated multiple times on

page 133?

Because she is a stranger to Ada and Jamie

2. Why does Ruth not eat pork?

Jews don't eat pork.

3. “‘I did not think English children could be so ignorant’” (Bradley 135).
Why did Ruth say this? Use evidence from the text to support your

She is surprised that Jamie and Ada don’t know what Judaism and Christianity are

4. How did Ada respond when she heard Jamie call Susan their second
mother? Why do you think she acts this way? Explain your answer.

Ada got angry because she hasn’t accepted the love Susan is offering.
5. “I felt enormously irritated” (Bradley 137). Why was Ada so irritated?
Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

She felt like she didn’t have a choice about what to believe. It was a little confusing so
she was frustrated.

Chapter 20 1. “My stomach hurt” (Bradley 139). Why did Ada’s

stomach hurt? Use
evidence from the text to support your answer.

Because LAdy and lord Thornton were angry just like here mam was

2. “I didn’t quite dare ask Ruth” (Bradley 140). Do you think Ruth would
be upset if Ada asked her questions? Use evidence to support your

3. Why do you think Ruth is not spending time with the family? Explain
your answer.





4. How did Lady Thornton react when she heard that Ruth liked horses
and wanted to see theirs? Why did she act this way? Use evidence
from the text to support your answer.






5. Why do you think Ada does not want to tell Ruth about her clubfoot?
Explain your






Chapter 21 1. Why did the idea of fire watching make
Ada anxious?
Because to fire watch, you have to be with someone. It also makes her feel pressure
2. Why was Lady Thornton not allowed to drive?

Gasoline is now rationed during the time

3. “She almost sounded scornful of Susan, which I didn’t appreciate at

all” (Bradley 147). Why do you think she sounded scornful of
Susan? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

She didn't like how Susan had different opinions than lady Thornton

4. How has war changed Lady Thornton? Use evidence from the text to
support your answer.

Before the war, Lady Thornton liked to do things that were far from useful, but then she
joined the WVS to help in the war. She also had to learn how to share.
Chapter 22 1. What did Lady Thornton do with their ration books? Why
do you think she did this? Use evidence from the text to support your

She spent the ration cards on lamb chops. She did this because she did not understand
how to ration.
2. What new rations were put in place?
3. Why did Lady Thornton open up Ruth’s mail?

She thought that it might have secrets that ruth was trying to hide

4. What do we discover about Ruth’s mother? How do you think this will
impact the plot?
That she is in an internment camp. I think it would make Ada more
sympathetic to Ruth.

5. “‘Yes,’ Ruth said wearily. ‘In case she’s a spy’” (Bradley 155). Why did
Ruth say this about her mother?


It’s just because all Germans were treated this way.

Chapter 23 1. “She didn’t smile, but I felt like she was thinking a
smile” (Bradley
156). Why did Ada and Ruth just think a smile?

They thought that it was funny because an adult had to teach an adult
2. Why did Lady Thornton refuse to buy meat on the black market? Use
evidence from the text to support your answer.

It was illegal and she had too much “honor”.

3. Why did it feel like Ada and her family were living in a cave?

It felt big and cold.

4. “I picked up the closest thing at hand- the grammar book- and threw it
across the room” (Bradley 158). Why did Ada throw the
grammar book? Use evidence from the text to support your

She thought that Susan was making fun of her or teasing her.
5. When they were talking about fairy tales, what did Lady Thornton say
about Germany? Why do you think the author included this
information? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

She said it’s a beautiful city and that it was true that most of the fairy tales did come
from Germany.

6. “I wasn’t used to being envied. To my surprise, I didn’t like it at all”
(Bradley 162). Why was Ada feeling as though she was envied?
Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

She felt like Ruth envied her because she gets to ride horses

Read through chapter 26 for next time.

Chapter 24 1. Why was Ada more excited to get soap than chocolate?

Because soap is rationed and ada likes to feel clean

2. How did Ruth react when she received the soap? Why? Use
evidence from the text to support your answer.

Ruth looked shocked to get the bar of soap

3. Why do you think Ada will not discuss her clubfoot with Ruth? Explain
your answer with details from the

She thinks that she will make fun of her foot again like last time
Chapter 25 1. How did Maggie react when she saw her new
bedroom? Why?

She is angry at her mother because she thought it was unfair

2. Why was school so horrible since the war? Use evidence from the
text to support your answer.

Its because she misses home and is worried about Jonathon

3. Why do you think Ada asked Ruth about her grandmother? Explain
your answer with details from the
She asked because she got a letter from
her gr

Chapter 26 1. What does the word

prudent mean? Why did Lady
Thornton use this

Prudent mean careful about the future

2. Why does Maggie think Lady Thornton makes her go away to
school? Do you think this is true?

She thinks her mother doesn’t want to take care of her

3. Why do you think Fred was standing up for Ruth?



4. Why did Ada ask if religions are a fallacy? Use evidence from the text
to support your answer.
Because religions aren’t a concrete concept. They can be hard to understand
5. “‘I don’t think anyone wants to be a horrible person’” (Bradley 173).
Do you think Susan is right? Explain your answer with details from
the text.
I think she is right because some people that do horrible things
don’t think they’re being horrible

6. Susan tells Ada that her mother can’t ever hurt her again. Do you think this is
true? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

No, because her mother still affects her emotionally

Chapter 27

1. Why did Susan stand up to Lady Thornton at the beginning of

chapter? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

She had enough

2. Why do you think Ruth decided to help Jamie and Ada with the
dishes? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Because she realizes that Ada was right and was a little scared of Susan

Read through chapter 28

3. “She looked as uncomfortable as I’d ever seen her” (Bradley 181).

Why did Lady Thornton look this way? Use evidence from the text
to support your answer.
She’s realizing how poor ada was.

4. Do you think Lady Thornton’s character is starting to change? Use

evidence from the text to support your answer.

_She does seem to be changing. We see she’s trying to talk to others and she’s trying
to help.

Chapter 28 1. How did Jonathan treat Ruth? What does this

show about his
character? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

He is polite and complimentary. He has a good character.

2. How was Jonathan different compared to his visit at Christmas?

_He was thinner than before. He looked tired

3. What do we learn about Ruth’s life in Germany before she arrived at
Ada’s house?

Every jew were being pushed out of Germany because they weren’t allowed to vote
weren’t able to go to public places and can’t go to school
4. Why do you think Jonathan has different views compared to Lady
Thornton? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Maybe because he has a friend who is Jewish and he feels that he knows more about
the situation.
5. What do we learn about Ruth’s grandmother? Why did this happen?
Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

We learn that they had to leave her grandmother behind.

Chapter 29 1. Why does Lady Thornton think Ruth’s grandmother will

be okay? Do
you think she will be okay? Use details to support your answer.

She says that because she feels nazis wouldn’t harm old people. I don’t think she’ll be
ok because we know that the holocaust was horrible.

Read 192-220

2. Why does Ruth think Lady Thornton does not understand anything
about the
She hasn’t been thought what Ruth has.
3. What has Lady Thornton’s life been changed because of the war?
She had to leave her house, learn to ration and stand in lines

4. “‘I’m not afraid because I’m flying,’ he said at last. ‘Let’s leave it at
that’” (Bradley 194). Why did Jonathan say this? Explain your answer.
Because he has a purpose when he is flying.
5. “With wartime daylight savings...” (Bradley 194). What is wartime
daylight savings (Hint: You will have to look this up on the Internet).


6. “To kill people like Ruth” (Bradley 195). Why do you think Ada
thought about things this way? Explain your answer with details
from the text.

She said that because she was lumping all the Germans together

7. “War was as complicated as religion, when you started to think about

it” (Bradley 195). Why is this true for Ada? Use evidence from the text
to support your answer.
Its hard fo her to figure out who right in a war.

Chapter 30 1. “... but at the same time, I dreaded going with her”
(Bradley 196).
Why do you think she dreaded going with Susan? Use evidence from
the text to support your answer.

She is just afraid of going to the watch no matter what.


2. Does Susan think Ada is in danger? Why does she think this way?
Use evidence to support your answer.

She’s saying that the war is dangerous no matter where you are.

3. “I supposed. I’d never felt safe, so how would I know” (Bradley 199).
How do you think this feeling has impacted Ada’s life?
She never felt relaxed in her life
4. Why does Ruth not want to talk about her grandmother with Ada?
Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
She doesn’t want to talk about her grandmother because she fell
like she will emotionally fall apart
Chapter 31 1. Why was Ada irritated that Ruth knew
English words?

Because Ruth is German and she is supposed to know less English than Ada and make
her feel stupid
2. Why are Ruth’s cousins still in Germany? Do you think their
reasoning not to leave will be a good or a bad thing? Use evidence
from the text to support your answer.

read from 205 to 225_

No, I don’t think they are safe because they’re Jewish

3. How did Ada feel when she discussed her mother with Maggie?
Why? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

It makes her feel tight and scared inside.


4. “‘Everyone does. Invisible ones’” (Bradley 206). Do you think Maggie
is right? Use details from the text to support your answer.

Yes. I think Maggie has some too.

5. What do you think are Maggie’s invisible scars?

She has scars from being sent away.

6. What did Susan do to show Ruth she was thinking of her? Why did
she do

She put elements of the Passover meal and did this to heLP Ruth know that she is safe

7. “Salty bitterness filled my mouth. It tasted like tears” (Bradley 208).

Why do you think the chapter ended this way? Explain your answer
with details from the chapter.

Maybe there will be some gratitude to replace their tears.

Chapter 32 1. “I couldn’t take Ruth up the church steeple- the village

would never let
a German fire-watch...” (Bradley 209). Do you think they would allow
Ruth to help? Explain your answer.





2. “The stars made me feel better” (Bradley 209). Why do you think
stars made her feel better? Hint: What do stars

I think they make her feel better because it symbolizes hope.


3. Why did Ada want Ruth to look at the stars with her? Use evidence
from the text to support your answer.

She thought it might make her feel better.


4. Why did Ada ask Ruth if she wanted to go to the stables with her?
Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

She wants to show Ruth that she does do something well.

Read to page 236

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