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Topic 1

  Student A: You’re a manager. Ask your secretary to write an invitation to an

anniversary of your company.
  Student B: You’re a secretary. Discuss the necessary information for the invitation.
Topic 2
  Student A: You’re the Head of HR Department in your company. You want to recruit
some personal assistants. Ask your secretary to place an advertisement on a newspaper or
  Student B: You’re a secretary. Discuss the necessary information for the
Topic 3
  Student A: You’re a customer. Make a phone call to a store and complain about an
  Student B: You’re a store manager. Deal with the customer’s complaint.
Topic 4
  Student A: You’re a manager. Your secretary made several mistakes with the mail
 Talk to your secretary about his/her errors and ask for corrections/solutions.
  Student B: You’re a secretary. Talk to your manager about the mistakes you made.
Topic 5
  Student A: You’re a manager. Ask your secretary to draft a job offering letter.
  Student B: You’re a secretary. Ask your manager the necessary information to draft
 letter.
Topic 6
  Student A: You’re a secretary. Your head of department are going to have a business
trip in some European countries. Talk to a bank teller to create a visa card and buy some
  Student B: You’re a bank teller. Talk to your customer.
Topic 7
  Student A: You’re a new employee. Talk to a member of payroll department to ask
some information about getting your salary.
  Student B: You’re a member of payroll department. Answer the new employee’s
questions and inform him/her about some changes in getting paid in the next three
Topic 1:
P: Good afternoon, Demoni. Can you help me to write an outline for invitation letter of our
company anniversary?
K: Good afternoon to you too. Yeah sure. Wait a minute (writing something). Ok here you are.
And I think the opening will include date and time of the event is on December 30th.
P: And do you have any suggest that where we are going to hold the event?
K: Well. In my opinion that I think about 3 places: Hoa Binh, Dong Xuyen and Chau Khuong
P I refer to hold our event at Dong Xuyen hotel. Because the elegant space will express our
company respect and hospitality to all of the guests.
K: That sound great! So, I think the next part we should mention about the founding of the
P: Did you get all the information about the founding.
K: No, I’m not entirely sure about this. I just acknowledge that RaVoir ltd company just
established in 2013 by a group of 3 members that have passion on creating Vietnamese cosmetic
brand that are safe for the lady who want to become more beautiful.
P: Its nearly almost the information that suitable, but it would be better if you add some more
K: Sure. Can you give me some information about our company?
P: Yes. Even RaVoir ltd company is now one of the biggest cosmetic companies in Long Xuyen
city, in the past it once faced closure because of the impact of Covid-19. The company still
maintain a foot hold in the market by diversifying, cutting back on expenses and seeking out for
new market.
K: Ok I got it; do you need anything else?
P: I think that enough, drop the first draft by my office around 3 o’clock.
K: Yeah sure! I will give you the draft asap
P: Thanks
Topic 2:
Manager: Good morning, Kiet. I hope you're doing well today.
Secretary: Good morning, Ms. Phuong. Yes, I'm doing fine, thank you. How may I assist you
Manager: I need your help with something important. We're looking to recruit some personal
assistants for our executives, and I want you to place an advertisement in a reputable newspaper
or magazine. Can you do that for me?
Secretary: Absolutely, ma'am. Which publication do you prefer?
Manager: I was thinking of Tuổi trẻ Newspaper or Thanh niên Newspaper. They have a wide
reach and cater to our target audience.
Secretary: Alright, I would check which one is give us better rates and inform you later.
Manager: That would be great.
Secretary: What qualities do you require in the assistants?
Manager: These are some essentials: good IT skills, typing speed of sixty words per minute,
experience of note taking and initiative is also important.
Secretary: Should we outline the duties?
Manager: Definitely! Duties include answering the phone, data entry, word processing.
Secretary: And how much are we paying?
Manager: Twenty an hour approximately.
Secretary: When do you want that ad placed?
Manager: By the end of the day, if possible.
Secretary: I'll get started on it right away and send you ASAP.
Manager: Thank you for your help!
Topic 3:
Customer: Good afternoon, I'm calling regarding an order I placed at your store last week. I'm
still waiting for it to arrive, and it's been over a week now.
Manager: Good afternoon, ma'am. I'm sorry to hear that. May I know which order you're
referring to and what was the delivery date we provided you?
Customer: The order number is 962169, and the delivery date was supposed to be yesterday. But
as of now, I still haven't received it.
Manager: I see. Let me check our system to see what might have happened. May I please have
your contact information so I can update you as soon as I find out more?
Customer: Sure, my name is Nguyen Ngoc Quynh Phuong, and my phone number is
Manager: Thank you, Ms. Phuong. Based on our records, it seems that there was a delay in
processing your order due to a high volume of orders we received last week. However, your
order is currently in transit and should arrive within the next 24 hours. I apologize for any
inconvenience this may have caused you and assure you that we will do everything in our power
to make it right. Would you like me to send you a tracking number or any other information that
might help?
Customer: Yes, please. And also, can you please provide me with a refund or a discount on my
next purchase as compensation for the delay?
Manager: Absolutely, Ms. Phuong. We value your business and understand your frustration in
this matter. As a gesture of goodwill, we will issue a 10% discount on your next purchase or a
full refund of your order if you prefer. Please let me know which option you would like to
proceed with, and I will process it for you immediately.
Customer: Thank you so much for your help and understanding, Manager. I appreciate it very
much. Please send me the tracking number and the discount code via email as soon as possible.
Have a great day!
Topic 4:
Manager: I have something that need to talk to you about the mail system
Secretary: Is there anything wrong with the mail system?
Manager: To be honest, yes, there are a number of issues.
Secretary: I’m sorry! What did I do?
Manager: For started, you opened a letter that was marked “confidential”.
Secretary: Oh right. I just wasn’t paying attention a first. But I didn’t read anything.
Manager: That’s not the point you need to focus on what you’re doing.
Secretary: It won’t happen again.
Manager: It had better not. I've also noticed that every single one of today’s letters has the wrong
date stamped on them.
Secretary: I'm sorry about that. I must have accidentally switched the dates on the stamp this
Manager: This is not the first time this has happened, Phuong. I've had to correct your errors
multiple times in the past few weeks. It's becoming a major issue, and it's affecting our
productivity and reputation as a company.
Secretary: I understand, boss. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience this causes you and our
clients. I assure you that it won't happen again.
Manager: I hope you mean that. Because if this continues, I may have to consider replacing you
with someone who is more reliable and accurate in their work.
Secretary: Please, boss, give me another chance. I promise to be more careful and double-check
everything before sending it out. I value my job here, and I don't want to lose it over a simple
Manager: Alright. But you need to understand that mistakes like these cannot go unnoticed or
unaddressed. You need to take responsibility for your actions and learn from your mistakes. Is
that clear?
Secretary: Yes, boss. I understand completely. Thank you for giving me another chance, and I
will do everything in my power to rectify the situation and prevent it from happening again in the
Topic 5:
Phuong: Good morning, Kiet. I hope you're doing well. I need your assistance with an important
task. Could you please draft a job offering letter for our new hire?
Kiet: Good morning! Of course, I'd be happy to help. Could you provide me with the necessary
information for the letter?
Phuong: Certainly. Let's include the standard details like the candidate's name, position, start
date, and salary. Also, mention any specific benefits or conditions we discussed during the
Kiet: Got it. Do we need to include information about the company and its culture?
Phuong: Absolutely. Add a brief overview of the company, highlighting our values and mission.
It's good to give the new hire a sense of who we are.
Kiet: Alright. Any specific terms or conditions that should be emphasized?
Phuong: Mention any probationary period, if applicable, and be clear about any required
documentation the new hire needs to bring on their first day. Also, include contact information in
case they have questions.
Kiet: Understood. Should I include a welcoming note or any personal touch?
Phuong: Yes, please. A warm welcome is always appreciated. You can express our enthusiasm
about them joining the team and let them know we're here to support their success.
Kiet: Great. I'll draft the letter with those details and share it with you for review before
finalizing. Any deadline for this?
Phuong: Let's aim to have it ready by the end of the day. That should give us enough time to
make any necessary adjustments and send it out promptly.
Kiet: Perfect. I'll get started on it right away and ensure it meets your expectations. Anything else
you'd like to add?
Phuong: That covers it for now. Thank you, Kiet. Your efficiency is truly appreciated.
Kiet: It's my pleasure. I'll keep you updated on the progress.
Topic 6:
Phuong: Good morning. Our head of the department will be going on a business trip to several
European countries soon. I need to arrange a visa card and some currency. Can you assist with
Kiet: Good morning, Phuong. Certainly, I'd be happy to help. For the visa card, we have a few
options. Do you have a specific type in mind, or should I recommend one?
Phuong: I think a travel-friendly card with minimal international transaction fees would be ideal.
What do you suggest?
Kiet: We have a travel rewards card that fits that description well. It offers benefits like no
foreign transaction fees and travel insurance. Shall we proceed with that?
Phuong: Sounds good. Let's go with the travel rewards card. Now, regarding currency, our
destination countries are Germany, France, and Italy. What currencies should I get?
Kiet: For Germany, it's the Euro (EUR), France also uses the Euro, and in Italy, it's the Euro as
well. I recommend getting a mix of Euros to cover the trip.
Phuong: Excellent. How about the process for purchasing the currency? Do I need to order it in
Kiet: It's advisable to order in advance to ensure we have the required amount on hand. Would
you like to specify an amount for each currency, or shall I provide a general estimate based on
the trip duration?
Phuong: Let's go with a general estimate based on a two-week trip. I want to make sure there's
enough for any unexpected expenses.
Kiet: Got it. I'll prepare an estimate for Euros based on the average daily expenses in those
countries. Anything else you need assistance with?
Phuong: That covers it for now. I appreciate your help in making these arrangements. Once you
have the estimate, please share it with me for approval.
Kiet: Absolutely, Phuong. I'll work on it right away and ensure everything is ready for the
business trip. If there are any updates, I'll keep you informed.
Topic 7:
Kiet: Hi there, I'm the new employee in the marketing department. I was wondering if I could get
some information about how the salary process works here?
Phuong: Welcome to the team! Sure, I can help you with that. Typically, salaries are processed
on the last business day of each month through direct deposit. Could you provide me with your
employee ID so I can look up your specific details?
Kiet: Of course, my employee ID is 35691. Also, do we receive any salary statements or
Phuong: Yes, you'll receive an electronic pay stub on the same day your salary is deposited. It
will detail your earnings, deductions, and any taxes withheld. Feel free to check your email for
Kiet: Great, thanks for clarifying. Is there anything else I should be aware of regarding salary?
Phuong: Actually, yes. Over the next three months, there will be a slight change in the payment
schedule due to a system upgrade. Instead of the last business day, salaries will be deposited on
the first business day of each month. We'll make sure to communicate this change widely, but it's
good to keep in mind.
Kiet: Noted. I appreciate the heads up. Will this affect the overall amount or just the timing?
Phuong: Just the timing. The total amount of your salary remains the same; it's just a shift in the
processing day. If you have any concerns or questions during this transition, feel free to reach out
to the payroll department.
Kiet: Thanks for the information, Phuong. I'll keep an eye out for those changes, and I appreciate
your help.
Phuong: You're welcome! If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to
contact us. Welcome aboard again!

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