Chapter 7 Test

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Chapter 7 The coordinate plane test questions

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1 Let X = (1, 7) and Y = (9, 3). Use the standard formula to find:
a the midpoint of XY, b the gradient of XY, c the length of XY
2 A triangle has vertices A(2, 3), B(-2, 0) and C(6, 6)
a Find the lengths of all three sides of ∆ ABC .
b What sort of triangle is ∆ ABC ?
3 A quadrilateral has vertices A(-1, 6), B(1, 10), C(5, 2), D(-5, -6).
a Find the midpoints of P of AB, Q of BC, R of CD and S of DA.
b Find the gradients of PQ, QR, RS and SP.
c What sort of quadrilateral is PQRS?
4 A circle has diameter AB, Where A = (3, -7) and B = (-3, 5).
a Find the centre C and radius r of the circle.
b Use the distance formula to test whether P(7, -3) lies on the circle.
5 a Find the gradients of the sides of ∆ LMN , given L(5, 4), M(10, -6), N(1, 2).
b Explain why ∆ LMN is a right-angled triangle.
6 a Find the gradient of the interval AB, where A = (2, 2) and B = (4, 0)
b Find a if AP ⊥ AB and P = (a, 7).
c Find the point Q(b, c) if B is the midpoint of AQ.
d Find d if the interval AD has length 5, where D = (5, d)
7 Find, in general form, the equation of the line:
a with gradient -3 and y-intercept 3,
b with gradient through the point (1, -3),
c through the origin and perpendicular to y=3 x + 4,
d through B(-2, 4) an parallel to y=12−5 x,
e with y-intercept 3 and angle of inclination 60o

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8 Put the equation of each line into gradient-intercept form, and hence find its y-
intercept b, its gradient m and its angle of inclination α (correct to the nearest minute
when necessary).
a 2 x+7 y−3=0
b −5 x−3 y +9=0
9 Find the gradient of each line AB, then find its equation in general form.
a A(1 , 3) and B(2, 11)
b A(-1, -7) and B(1, -12)
10 a Are the points L(5, 6), M(11, 4) and N(23, -1) collinear?
b Are the lines 4 x−3 y +21=0 , 5 x−6 y +4=0 ,−9 x +8 y−31=0 concurrent?
11 a Determine whether the lines 3 x−6 y +12=0 ,17 x−8 y + 4=0 ,−2 x− y −1=0
enclose a right-angled
b Determine what sort of figure of the lines 12 x+6 y−4=0 , 8 x−16 y +7=0,
x−2 y−6=0 and −6 x−3 y +15=0 enclose.
12 a Find the points where 7 x +4 y−27=0 meet the x -axis and y -axis.
b Hence find the area of the triangle formed by the line, the x -axis and the y -axis.
13 A sketch is essential in this question.
a Find the gradient, length and midpoint M of the interval joining A(8, 4) and B(0, 10).
b Show that the perpendicular bisector of the interval AB has equation:
4 x−3 y +5=0
c Find the point C where the perpendicular bisector meets the line x− y +2=0
d Use the distance formula to show that C is equidistant from A and B
e Show that CM = 5 and hence find the area of ∆ ABC
f Let θ=∠ ACB . Use the area formula area = AC × BC ×sin θ to find θ , correct to the
nearest minute.

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Chapter 7 The coordinate plane test answers

1 a M(5, 5)
c 4 √5
2 a AB=AC=5, BC=10
b isosceles triangle
3 a P(0, 8), Q(3, 6) R(0, -2) S(-3, 0)
2 8 2
b gradient of PQ¿− , gradient of QR¿ , gradient of RS ¿− , gradient of
3 3 3
c Parallelogram
4 a (0, -1), radius = 3 √ 5
b it does not
1 8
5 a gradient of LM¿−2 , gradient of LN¿ , gradient of MN¿−
2 9
b Triangle is right-angled since lines LM and LN are perpendicular to one
6 a mAB = -1
b a=7
c b = 6, c = -2
d d=2
7 a 3 x+ y−3=0
b 2 x−5 y−17=0
c y= x
d 5 x+ y+ 6=0
e √ 3 x− y +3=0
−2 3 3 −2
8 a y= x+ , y-intercept = , gradient = , α =164 ° 3 '
7 7 7 7

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−5 −5
b y= x +3 , y-intercept = 3, gradient = , α =120 ° 58'
3 3

9 a gradient = 8 , 8 x− y −5=0
b gradient = , 5 x+ 2 y +19=0
10 a No
b No
11 a Yes
b Rectangle
27 27
12 a x-intercept = , y-intercept
4 7
b cm2

a gradient ¿− , length = 10, Midpoint (4, 7)
c C(1, 3)

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e 25 u2
f θ=90 ° ,25 u2

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