Chapter 5 Test

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

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1 Solve each inequality, and graph the solution on a number line.

a 3 x+ 15≥ 3 b −13 ≤7−4 x <11
−2 −4
c x−9> x +17
3 5
2 Solve each inequality by sketching the associated parabola.
a x 2−12 x+32 ≥ 0 b 4 x> x
c 2
8 x ≤ 3 x −35
3 Solve each inequality,
a ¿ x∨≥ 5 b |x−3|<6 c ¿ 4 x−3∨¿ 11
4 Solve inequality by multiplying both sides by the square of the denominator.
2 4 2 x−1
a <5 b ≥3 c <1
x x+5 3 x +2
5 Consider the function f ( x )=3 x (x−2)(x +4 ).
a Write down the zeroes of the function and draw up a table of signs.
b Copy and complete: ‘ f (x) is positive for …, and negative for …’
c Write down the solution of the inequality 3 x ( x−2 )( x +4 ) ≤0 .
d Sketch the graph of the function to confirm these results.
6 Consider the function y=(2−x ) ( x +3 )2 .

a Write down the zeroes of the function and draw up the table of signs.
b Hence solve the inequality ( 2−x ) ( x+ 3 )2 ≥ 0 .
c Confirm the solution by sketching a graph of the function.
7 Solve each inequality in question 4 using the table-of-signs method. First move
everything to the left-hand side, then make the LHS into a single fraction, then identify
its zeroes and discontinuities, then draw up a table of signs, then read the solution from
the table.
8 Consider the linear function f ( x )=2 x +1.
a Sketch y=f (x ), clearly indicating the x- and y-intercepts.
b Also show on your sketch the points where y=1 and y=−1.

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

c Hence sketch the graph of y= on the same number plane.
f (x)
d Write down the equation of the vertical asymptote of y= , then copy and
f (x)
−¿, y→ … ,¿ +¿ , y → …' ¿
−1 −1
complete the sentence, ‘As x → and as x →
2 2
9 Consider the quadratic function ( x )=2 x 2−8 .
a Sketch y=f (x ), clearly indicating the x- and y-intercepts .
b Also show on your sketch the points where y=1 and y=−1.
c Hence sketch the graph of y= on the same number plane.
f (x)
10 Sketch reciprocal of each function graphed below, showing all the important features.
a b

11 a Find the equations of the vertical asymptotes of each function.

2 4 x−7 3x
i y= ii y= iii y= 2
x−3 2 x−5 3 x + 2 x−5
b In part iii above, identify the zeros and discontinuities and draw up a table of signs.
Then describe the behaviour of the curve near each vertical asymptote by copying
−¿ ¿ +¿¿
and completing, ‘As x → 1 , y → … , and as x → 1 , y → …'
12 Consider the function y= 2.
a Show that it is an odd function.
b Find the zeroes and discontinuties, and draw up a table of signs.
c Identify any vertical and horizontal asymptotes.

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

d Hence sketch the graph.

13 The graphs of y=f (x ) (blue) and y=f =g (x) are shown.

On separate number planes, sketch:

a y=f ( x )+ g (x)
b y=f ( x )−g( x )
c y=f (x )× g ( x)
14 The graph of y=f ( x ) (blue) and y=g (x) are shown.

a On separate number planes, sketch:

i y=f ( x )+ g (x)

ii y=f ( x )−g( x )

iii y=f (x )× g (x)

b What symmetry should be evident in your sketches?

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

15 The graph of y=f (x ) is shown. On four separate number planes, sketch:

a y=¿ f ( x )∨¿
b y=f ¿
c | y|=f (x)

d y=¿ f (|x|)∨¿

16 A quadratic function y=f ( x ) is shown.

On two separate number planes, sketch:

a y= √ f ( x )

b y 2=f ( x )
17 Copy each diagram below, then sketch the inverse relation of the function. Also state
whether or not the inverse relation is a function.
a b

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

c d

18 Find the equation of the inverse function for each function.

2 2x
a y=5 x−6 b y= c y= d 3
y=3 x −4
6−x 4+ x

19 Find the inverse function y=f −1 ( x ) of each, and then confirm algebraically that
f ( f −1 ( x ) )=x and f ( f ( x ) )=x .

a f ( x )=3 x−2 b f ( x )= ( 2−x )
c f ( x )= + 2
20 A line is defined parametrically by the equation x=3−t and y=3 t−2
a Copy and complete the table below.
t −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1

b Use the table to sketch the line, marking each point with its t-value.
c Eliminate the parameter t to find the Cartesian equation of the line.

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

−3 1 2
21 A parabola is defined parametrically by the equation x= t and y= t .
2 3
a Copy and complete the table below.
t −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 4 6
b Use the table to sketch the parabola, marking each point with its t-value.
c Eliminate the parameter t to find the Cartesian equation of the parabola.
22 A curve defined parametrically by the equations x=cos θ+1, y=2sin θ−3.
a Use the identity cos 2 θ+ sin2 θ=1 to find the Cartesian equation of the curve.
b Describe the curve, and then sketch it.
23 A curve is represented parametrically by the equations x=−3 t , y = .
Find the Cartesian equation of the curve and hence sketch it.

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

a x ≥−4

b −1< x ≤5

c x >195

a x ≤ 4, x ≥ 8 b 0< x < 4 c x ≤− , x≥5
a x ≤−5 , x ≥ 5 b −3< x <9 c x ←2 , x >
2 11 −2
a x <0 , x> b −5< x ≤− c x ←3 , x >
5 3 3
a x=0 , x=2 , x=−4
x -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y -105 0 45 48 27 0 -15 0 63
sign - * + + + * - * +

b f (x) is positive for −4< x <0 , x> 2, and negative for x ←4 ,0< x<2
c x ≤−4 , 0≤ x ≤ 2

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

a x=2 , x=−3
x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 6 0 4 12 18 16 0 -36
sign + * + + + + * -

b x≤2

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

2−5 x
Zeroes: x=
Discontinuities: x=0
x -1 0 1/5 2/5 1
f ¿) -7 N/A 5 0 -3
sign - * + * -

x <0 , x>
−3 x −11
x +5
Zeroes: x=
Discontinuities: x=−5
x -6 -5 -4 -11/3 0
f ¿) -7 N/A 1 0 -11/5
sign - * + * -

−5< x ≤−

3 x+ 2
Zeroes: x=−3
Discontinuities: x=
x -4 -3 -2 -2/3 0
f ¿) −1 0 1 N/A −3
10 4 2
sign - * + * -

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

x ←3 , x >

8 a, b, c

−¿¿ +¿ ¿
−1 −1 −1
d Vertical asymptote is x= . As x → , y →−∞ , and as x → , y →+ ∞.
2 2 2

9 a, b, c

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

a b

5 −5
11 a i x=3 ii x= iii x= , x=1
2 3
−¿ ¿ +¿¿
b ‘As x → 1 , y →−∞ , and as x → 1 , y →+ ∞
x 0.999 1 1.001

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

f (x) −374.77 0 375.23

approaches −∞ 0 +∞

3 (−x ) −3 x
12 a f (−x ) = 2
= 2
=−f (x). Hence an odd function
4−(−x ) 4−x
b zeros at x=0 , discontinuities at x=−2 , x=2
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 9 * -1 0 1 * −9
5 5
sign + * - * + * -
c vertical asymptotes at the discontinuities, x=−2 , x=2

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

a b

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

14 a i ii

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test


b There are no symmetries in the sketches i and ii. Rotational symmetry is present in
graph iii.
15 a b

c d

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

a b

17 a Yes, relation is a function b Yes, relation is a function

c Yes, relation is a function d No, relation isn’t a function


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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

−1 x 6 −1 2
a f ( x )= + b f ( x )=6−
5 5 x

c f
( x )=
2− x
d f −1 ( x )=

3 x+ 4

19 a f
−1 1
3 ( 1
3 )
( x )= ( x +2), f ( f −1 ( x ) )=3 ( x+ 2 ) −2=x +2−2=x

−1 1 1
f ( f ( x ) )= ( 3 x−2+2 ) = ×3 x=x
3 3

( )
1 3
b f
( x )=2−√3 x, 3
f ( f −1 ( x ) )=( 2−( 2−√3 x ) ) = x 3 =x

f ( f ( x ) )=2−√ ( 2−x ) =2−(2−x )=x

−1 3 3

f (f ( x ) )=
−1 4 +2=x−2+2=x
c f ( x )=
( )

−1 4 4
f ( f ( x ) )= = × x=x
( 4x + 2)−2 4

t −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1
x 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
y -17 -14 -11 -8 -5 -2 1

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

c y=7−3 x
t −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 4 6
x 15 6 9 3 3 0 −3 −3 −6 −9
2 2 2 2
y 25 16 3 4 1 0 1 4 16 12
3 3 3 3 3 3 3

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

4 2
y= x


( )
( ) 2 y +3
a x−1 + =1
b the Cartesian equation is an ellipse

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Chapter 5 Further graphs test

9+ x

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