Update On Environmental and Host Factors Impacting The Risk

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org/journal/aidcbc Review

Update on Environmental and Host Factors Impacting the Risk of

Vibrio cholerae Infection
Denise Chac, Chelsea N. Dunmire, Jasneet Singh, and Ana A. Weil*

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ABSTRACT: Vibrio cholerae is the causative agent of cholera, a diarrheal disease that kills
tens of thousands of people each year. Cholera is transmitted primarily by the ingestion of
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drinking water contaminated with fecal matter, and a safe water supply remains out of reach
in many areas of the world. In this Review, we discuss host and environmental factors that
impact the susceptibility to V. cholerae infection and the severity of disease.

KEYWORDS: Vibrio cholerae, cholera, microbiota, immune response, diarrhea

Vibrio cholerae infection can cause severe diarrhea and is most Additional treatments that reduce the duration and severity of
commonly transmitted by fecal contamination of drinking symptoms include antibiotics and, in children, zinc supple-
water. The World Health Organization aims to diminish the mentation.8−10
public health threat posed by cholera in a campaign to achieve Microbiology. V. cholerae is a Gram-negative, facultative
a reduction of cholera deaths by 90% by 2030.1 The estimated anaerobe in the Proteobacteria phylum. Although there are
burden of cholera ranges from 1.3 to 4 million cases with a over 200 serogroups of V. cholerae, the O1 serogroup is
range of 21,000 to 143,000 deaths per year, and most disease responsible for nearly all pandemic cholera. In 2021, V. cholerae
occurs in 51 cholera-endemic countries.2 In nonendemic infections around the world are caused by the serogroup O1 El
countries, cholera occurs in outbreaks with an annual case and Tor biotype. This biotype appears to have emerged in 1961 in
death estimate of 87,000 and 2500, respectively.2 Outbreaks Indonesia;11 the strain then spread globally, replacing the
can occur due to human movement from endemic to previous classical biotype and causing the current seventh
nonendemic areas and in the time periods after natural pandemic of cholera.12,13 Epidemics that have occurred in
disasters where floods and a displacement of large populations recent decades are clonal in nature and can be traced to South
occur.3,4 Asian origins.13 The O1 El Tor biotype can be further
Clinical Manifestations and Treatment. Characterized classified into two main serotypes, Ogawa and Inaba, that differ
by acute, severe watery diarrhea, V. cholerae infections can be in the methylation of a terminal perosamine in the O-side
deadly if not treated promptly. Vomiting, if it occurs, is chain of lipopolysaccharide (LPS).14−16 Either the Ogawa or
typically an early symptom, and severe dehydration is the most Inaba serotype tends to dominate at a specific time in a
frequent cause of death in fatal cases.5 Fever is typically absent,
particular geographic location, while the rarer Hikojima
and the incubation period for V. cholerae infections can range
serotype that can produce both the unmethylated (Inaba)
from a few hours to 4 days.6 The cornerstone of cholera
and methylated (Ogawa) LPS is rarely observed.17,18 In recent
treatment is an oral rehydration solution or salts (ORS)
containing sugar, salt, and clean water. For patients who are
able to drink on their own, timely treatment with ORS can Special Issue: Gut Pathogens
reduce fatalities to far less than 1%. Prior to the advent of ORS Received: December 30, 2020
and other rehydration therapies, case-fatality rates of up to 50% Published: April 12, 2021
were observed.7 For dehydrated persons who cannot drink due
to a decreased level of consciousness, young age, vomiting, or
other reasons, intravenous fluids are required for treatment.

© 2021 American Chemical Society https://doi.org/10.1021/acsinfecdis.0c00914

1010 ACS Infect. Dis. 2021, 7, 1010−1019
ACS Infectious Diseases pubs.acs.org/journal/aidcbc Review

Figure 1. V. cholerae life cycle and pathogenesis. V. cholerae is a waterborne disease that causes cholera and is a human-restricted pathogen. (1)
V. cholerae is introduced to the human host through contaminated water. (2) In the stomach, V. cholerae encounters a low pH environment. (3) To
induce disease, V. cholerae colonizes the small intestine. (4) V. cholerae uses a single flagellum to propel through the mucus and reaches the
epithelial surface. V. cholerae responds to host signals including bile, mucins, pH, and oxygen availability to induce virulence factors such as toxin
coregulated pilus (TCP) and cholera toxin (CT). (5) TCP facilitates the colonization of the epithelial surface, and CT is produced, binding GM1
on the host cells. (6) CT is then endocytosed and induces cyclic AMP (cAMP). High cAMP levels cause the efflux of electrolytes and water,
resulting in the characteristic watery diarrhea of cholera. (7) Microcolonies form, and V. cholerae produces extracellular matrix components
including Vibrio polysaccharides, biofilm proteins, and extracellular DNA. At high cell density, V. cholerae represses virulence genes through quorum
sensing. (8) At this high density, V. cholerae detaches from the epithelial surface and migrates to the lumen. Genes required for transitioning into
the aquatic environment are upregulated. (9) V. cholerae is excreted from the host in diarrheal stool and in vomitus. (10) V. cholerae returns to the
environment, where contamination of drinking water may infect another host.

years, hybrid strains have circulated widely; these are biotype Immune Responses to V. cholerae Infection. Natural
El Tor strains with classical cholera toxin (CT) genes.19 V. cholerae infection results in protection from reinfection for
V. cholerae strains causing human disease are characterized by up to 3 years in North American volunteers,40 and surveillance
the presence of virulence genes including cholera toxin and studies in cholera endemic areas demonstrate that even longer
toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) in comparison to environmental periods of protection may occur.41−43 The most commonly
strains, which typically lack these genes.20 used measure of immune responses to V. cholerae infection is
Pathogenesis. The successful infection with V. cholerae the vibriocidal titer that primarily targets the O-specific antigen
typically requires a large inoculum (108−1011 organisms) due of the V. cholerae lipopolysaccharide (OSP).44,45 An elevated
to the significant killing of the organism in the low pH vibriocidal titer is correlated with protection from V. cholerae
environment of the stomach21,22 (Figure 1). Surviving infection in adults and children, but there is no vibriocidal titer
V. cholerae then enter the small intestine and sense environ- that provides complete immunity.46−49 Household contacts of
mental cues including temperature, bile, and low oxygen, patients with cholera are known to be at high risk of infection,
triggering the activation of the ToxR regulon on the Vibrio and in this group, serum IgA specific for CT, V. cholerae LPS,
pathogenicity island 1, which encodes for transcriptional and TcpA has been associated with a short-term decreased risk
activators ToxR, ToxT, and TcpP.23−30 Once in the small of infection.46 However, V. cholerae-specific memory B cell
intestine, V. cholerae uses a single polar flagellum for motility (MBC) responses to OSP measured in household contacts has
and mucin-degrading proteins to penetrate the mucus correlated with a 44−68% decreased risk of infection.50,51 The
overlying the small intestinal epithelium.31−33 In this process, mechanism of this protection was recently studied by Charles
ToxT activates the transcription of the CT and TCP et al. who demonstrated that OSP-specific antibodies of all
genes.34,35 TCP facilitates the adherence of V. cholerae to the isotypes from cholera patients in Bangladesh limit V. cholerae
epithelial surface, and CT is expressed, which results in motility in vitro, reduce V. cholerae colonization in vivo, and
diarrhea, the hallmark of clinical cholera.36,37 CT consists of prolong the survival of neonatal mice.52 The OSP-specific
two subunits, A and B, and the five B subunits form a pentamer antibody mediated inhibition of V. cholerae motility appears to
around the A subunit. The CT B subunit (CTB) binds the be at least partially responsible for the long-term protection
ganglioside receptor GM1 on intestinal epithelial cells, and the from cholera.52
toxigenic A subunit triggers cAMP production that induces the T cells are another cell type that may participate in initiating
expulsion of water and other ions (e.g., chloride, sodium, and and sustaining long-term immunity after cholera, although
other electrolytes) into the intestinal lumen.21,38 The resulting OSP is a T-cell independent antigen. After V. cholerae
diarrhea contains large quantities of V. cholerae (up to 1012 per infection, the early induction of V. cholerae-specific T follicular
liter). Even without diarrhea, asymptomatically infected helper cells (Tfh) has been correlated with later memory B cell
persons can shed 103 organisms per gram of stool.39 responses to the same V. cholerae antigens. In vitro, Tfh cells
1011 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsinfecdis.0c00914
ACS Infect. Dis. 2021, 7, 1010−1019
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isolated from cholera patients induced class-switching in a B potentially fatal disease for centuries. A genetic factor found to
cell−Tfh coculture.53 Overall, it seems that T cell-mediated impact the susceptibility to V. cholerae infection is an innate
V. cholerae responses may contribute to V. cholerae protective immunity protein called the long palate, lung, and nasal
immunity, potentially through T cell help or other mechanisms epithelium clone 1 (LPLUNC1), which is enriched in
that are not yet understood.53 duodenal biopsies during acute cholera.61 In a candidate


Age, nutritional, and genetic factors are known to impact
gene association study, a single-nucleotide variant within the
promoter region of LPLUNC1 was significantly associated
with severe cholera.62 To explore the mechanism of this
susceptibility to V. cholerae infection; a summary of character- finding, Shin et al. used HEK293 cells to show that LPLUNC1
istics that may contribute to susceptibility is shown in Figure 2. blocks proinflammatory responses to V. cholerae LPS. The
Studies in this area have sought to identify modifiable factors addition of LPLUNC1 to in vitro cultures with V. cholerae LPS
such as micronutrient levels and potentially, in the future, the decreased nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activation and
gut microbiota. interleukin-8 production in a dose-dependent manner.63
Additionally, using a genome-wide approach to identify
genes impacted by cholera over generations, Karlsson et al.
identified 305 genomic regions under natural selection in
Bengali persons living in a cholera-endemic area, when
compared to East Asian, North/West European, and Yoruba
populations.64 Enriched genes included the NF-kB activating
kinase protein NEMO and inflammasome-activating genes
including PYCARD. The identification of genes in the innate
immunity that have been shaped by cholera over centuries has
generated a new interest in the role of innate immune
responses in protective immunity to V. cholerae infection.
Age. Individuals younger than five are known to have an
elevated risk of infection based on studies conducted in
Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Mozambique.65,66 One study
of household contacts in Bangladesh demonstrated an inverse
relationship between age and the likelihood of infection.46
Children under the age of 5 years were 2.7 times more likely to
develop an infection and were also more likely to develop a
Figure 2. Factors that impact the susceptibility to V. cholerae. *Blood symptomatic illness. This increased susceptibility is independ-
group O is associated with an increased severity of disease. ent of the lack of pre-existing immunity in children and may be
due to increased susceptibility to bacterial infections in
children and a tendency toward less hygienic behavior in this
Blood Group and Other Genes. A relationship between age group compared to adults.67,68 In cholera nonendemic
the severity of cholera and blood type was first observed in areas (such as Haiti in 2010−2011), older individuals (over 60
1977.54 Individuals with blood type O are not more susceptible years old) were also observed to have an increased risk of
to infection but more likely to develop severe disease if death compared to younger adults and children.69
infected, a finding most pronounced with biotype El Tor Nutrition. The susceptibility to V. cholerae may be
V. cholerae infection.46,55−58 As a possible consequence of this, impacted by specific micronutrient deficiencies. In the 1970s,
geographic regions known to be cholera endemic for centuries a study of patients aged 2 to 50 in Bangladesh demonstrated
have a lower prevalence of blood O group individuals, that diarrhea was prolonged in persons with severe
presumably due to a higher likelihood of these individuals malnutrition.70 A more recent study found that height- and
dying of cholera prior to reproductive age.56 To understand weight-for-age in children were not correlated with suscepti-
the mechanism of the interaction between blood type and the bility to V. cholerae infection, but individuals with retinol
severity of disease, Kuhlmann et al. used a human intestinal deficiency were at a higher risk of infection and more likely to
organoid model to study the differential binding of CT on have symptomatic disease.46 In additional studies of household
epithelial cells.59 The study demonstrated greater cAMP contacts of patients with cholera, the severity of disease and the
activity when CT was applied to blood type O cells, which duration of bacterial shedding has been associated with
could explain why patients with blood type O have more malnutrition.71,72 A more recent study in children hospitalized
severe diarrheal disease. Another group furthered this work by with cholera revealed that micronutrient deficiencies were
studying the crystal structure of CT and blood group glycans common.73 In Bangladesh, zinc deficiency has been noted in
and found that CT, and particularly El Tor CT, could bind both adults and children hospitalized with cholera (30%), and
cells with blood type O glycans with greater affinity than other children age 2−12 years hospitalized with cholera were more
blood types, thereby proposing a mechanism for why likely to have retinol deficiency (47%) compared to older
individuals with blood group O have greater mortality adults hospitalized with cholera (16%).73 The mechanisms of
compared to non-blood group O individuals.60 It is not these relationships remain under study.
known how the hybrid El Tor strains with a classical toxin Gut Microbiome. A multitude of microbes inhabit the
sequence will impact the relationship between blood group and human gastrointestinal tract, providing essential functions
the severity of disease. including the maintenance of intestinal integrity and protection
Other studies have explored the results of selective pressure from pathogens.74 To identify gut microbe associated differ-
in populations where cholera is prevalent and has been a ences in susceptibility, Midani et al. prospectively analyzed the
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microbiota of household contacts of persons with cholera in Socioeconomic Status. Cholera is a “disease of the
Bangladesh.75 Using a machine learning analysis of the baseline world’s poorest people” and “a disease of poverty”.83,84 While
gut microbiota paired with the clinical outcomes of household cholera has been eradicated in regions of the world where safe
contacts of patients with cholera, the baseline gut microbiota water is accessible, overcrowding, poverty, and insufficient
was found to predict susceptibility to V. cholerae infection as sanitation are primary risk factors for infection.85 In Matlab,
well as or better than known clinical risk factors including age, Bangladesh, a cholera endemic area, socioeconomic status
vibriocidal titer, and blood group O status. By comparing the (SES) was studied during cholera outbreaks between 1993 and
baseline microbiota of individuals who became infected versus 2007.86 The SES index in households correlated with cholera
those who did not, the authors found increased Prevotella, cases better than sanitation variables alone, and the reduced
Blautia, Lactobacillus, and Bacteroides species among individ- risk of cholera among high SES households was thought to be
uals who remained uninfected. Conversely, Streptococcus, attributable to higher education, better hygiene practices,
Enterobacteriaceae, and some Prevotella species were more improved housing, and access to clean drinking water.86
highly correlated with the stool of individuals who became Symptomatic infections requiring hospitalization have also
infected. These results were further confirmed using a been linked to education and income. Among children under 5
metagenomics analysis of an expanded version of this cohort.76 in Bangladesh, having a mother who read newspapers and a
In this study, the abundance of genes that function in iron higher household income reduced the risk of hospitalization
metabolism and regulation in the baseline microbiota samples due to cholera.87 Education also corresponded with a
correlated with remaining uninfected after the exposure to decreased risk of hospitalization due to cholera among adults
V. cholerae. Although further details about this correlation in Bangladesh; individuals with over 9 years of education had a
cannot be derived from this study (i.e., the direction of effect 40% lower risk of hospitalization compared to those with no
and the amount of gene transcription), this finding is plausible education.88 A recent systematic review found the risk of
since iron is required for bacterial growth. V. cholerae possesses symptomatic cholera was 2.6 times more likely with less than a
several known mechanisms of scavenging iron in the intestinal secondary level of education.89 Cholera outbreaks are also
lumen, both from the host and from other gut bacteria.77 Prior more likely to occur in areas of civil unrest, usually due to
studies have described that V. cholerae strains with defects in reduced access to safe water sources.90 In a recent systematic
the Fur−iron complex, a master regulator of iron, are literature review of individuals in transition during forcible
outcompeted by wild-type V. cholerae strains in infant mouse displacement, 27 out of 88 studies (31%) reported V. cholerae
studies.78,79 Another mechanism of the gut microbe and as a source of disease, followed by malaria (20%) and measles
V. cholerae interaction is through bile acid enzymes. Using (13%).91
germ-free mouse models and bacterial consortia constructed Close Contact with Persons Who Have Cholera.
from human microbiome studies, Hsiao and colleagues found Prospective studies of household contacts of persons
that Blautia obeum impacts V. cholerae colonization by hospitalized with cholera demonstrate that household contacts
degrading taurocholate, a conjugated bile acid.80 Taurocholate are at high risk for infection.5,46,66,92 Among 399 households
is sensed by V. cholerae to perceive the small intestinal and 944 contacts of persons with cholera studied in Dhaka,
environment, and this signal induces the genes necessary for Bangladesh, 21% of contacts had confirmed V. cholerae
causing disease; in the presence of B. obeum, virulence was infection during the three week follow up period with most
reduced in this model.80,81 The presence of specific commensal infections occurring in the first several days after the household
microbes in the human gut has the potential to impact the case infection.5 The increased risk of V. cholerae in this group is
susceptibility to V. cholerae infection by modifying the likely due to multiple factors, and shared contaminated
availability of nutrients and modifying signaling molecules. A drinking water sources is probably the most important. In
limitation of this work is that nearly all studies of the gut urban Bangladesh, investigators followed household contacts of
microbiota and V. cholerae have examined microbes found in persons with recent cholera and observed that contacts who
stool, rather than microbes present in the small intestine, drank stored household drinking water that contained
where V. cholerae colonizes the gut and interacts with the V. cholerae had an 8.6-fold increase risk of cholera.93 Another
intestinal mucosa. As the connection between the gut study in Zambia during a cholera outbreak in 2017 found that
microbiota and V. cholerae infection is increasingly examined, sharing a pit latrine with a patient with cholera increased the
it will ideally become possible to design preventative odds of becoming infected by 4-fold.94 Fecal shedding of
interventions for use within a household or setting where a V. cholerae in the household may also contribute to an
cholera outbreak is rapidly spreading. At this time, the nature increased risk of infection. Infected household contacts in
and extent of a causal relationship between the gut microbiota Bangladesh were found to shed for an average of 2 days, and in
and V. cholerae susceptibility are not yet well understood. households where a person shed V. cholerae for 4 days or more,

a higher likelihood of infection in other household members
was observed.5,66 The exact proportion of V. cholerae that is
ENVIRONMENTAL RISK FACTORS transmitted human-to-human, without cycling through an
In 1854, the founder of modern epidemiology, John Snow, aquatic reservoir, is not known. Current studies of close
painstakingly traced the spread of cholera in London at a time contacts of persons with cholera indicate that the increased risk
when cholera was attributed to miasma or “bad air”.82 Snow’s of infection in this group is partly attributable to shared water
investigation revealed a link between cholera and a drinking sources, and fecal−oral transmission through other contact
water source (i.e., the famous Broad Street pump), ultimately also contributes to spread.66
dismissing the predominant hypothesis of miasma.82 Snow was Geography. V. cholerae can inhabit a range of environ-
successful in identifying that disease risk is linked to sanitation mental conditions, including temperatures ranging from 12 to
practices, and this remains the most critical risk factor for 30 °C, a salinity of 1.9 to 30 practical salinity units, and a pH of
cholera today, more than 150 years later. 6.5 to 9.95−98 This flexibility in aquatic niches enables
1013 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsinfecdis.0c00914
ACS Infect. Dis. 2021, 7, 1010−1019
ACS Infectious Diseases pubs.acs.org/journal/aidcbc Review

V. cholerae to re-enter the human population from the species in ocean water.130 As SST continues to rise, it is
environment and contributes to the spread of V. cholerae possible that toxigenic Vibrio cholerae species will also find
within communities. People who consume water from rivers new areas that are suitable to inhabit, and this could impact
and lakes are at risk of exposure to V. cholerae if sewage human populations.
contaminates water sources. This is well documented in Climate change is also associated with extreme weather
cholera outbreaks linked to drinking water from the Zamani events that are linked to cholera outbreaks. An increased risk of
river in Nigeria and the Cheptui River in East Uganda.99,100 cholera can be found after heatwaves during high rainfall in
River flow and water availability have also been linked to Bangladesh with a further increased risk in households with
cholera spread in Bangladesh.101,102 Outbreaks along coastlines less tree coverage.131 Seasons of excess water (wherein
in which a source of V. cholerae cannot be found are suspected overflowing sewage contaminates drinking water) or a shortage
to be due to the destruction or alteration of the sanitation of water (increased stagnant water and reduced clean water
infrastructure that allows mixing of sewage with flood sources) can both contribute to the contamination of drinking
waters.101 Cross-contamination due to adulterated piped water.132−136 For example, flooding in Bangladesh was found
water infrastructure and pipe leakage due to the lack of to significantly increase the risk of cholera up to 5- to 7-fold.137
maintenance are known contributors to cholera spread, as Similarly, in sub-Saharan Africa, Rieckmann et al. reported
described in Uganda, Bangladesh, and India.103−105 droughts and floods to be strongly associated with cholera
V. cholerae can also be transmitted by marine and freshwater outbreaks between 1990 and 2010.138 During drought, cholera
animal vectors. Outbreaks in China have been linked to the incidence rates were 4.3 times higher than in drought- or flood-
consumption of soft-shell turtles where V. cholerae colonizes free periods.138 The impact of climate change on cholera
the shell as well as the intestines.106 The consumption of incidence is not isolated to low resource areas. Sweden and
contaminated bivalve shellfish (i.e., oysters and muscles) Finland experienced extremely warm summers that corre-
regularly causes solitary cholera cases in areas where endemic sponded with high SST and an increase in human Vibrio
and epidemic cholera is absent.107−110 V. cholerae can also infections in 2014.139 Volcanic activity has even been
colonize the surface and intestines of fish, including freshwater associated with increased V. cholerae in freshwater lakes and
species, with transmission to humans via consumption of raw with corresponding fluctuations in nearby cholera cases due to
meat.111−115 In addition to the spread of cholera by animals changes in water temperature and other chemical factors.140
that inhabit aquatic environments, fecal contamination of any Overall, climate change has the potential to expand the
food can also spread V. cholerae. Infections have been linked to ecological niche of V. cholerae, and an increase in natural
contaminated commercial frozen foods, cooked rice, and even disasters can increase the risk of waterborne diseases.141
peanut sauce.116−121 Models of global climate change can help predict where
Climate Change. The rise and fall of cholera cases in some V. cholerae outbreaks could become more common.3
areas have been linked to climate patterns that impact the
world’s oceans. Lipp et al. proposed a hierarchy of environ-
mental conditions that affect the transmission of V. cholerae.122
Cholera continues to cause significant morbidity and mortality
They describe abiotic features including sunlight, salinity, in areas where safe drinking water is not readily available. In
temperature, and pH that influence V. cholerae reservoirs. In recent decades, an increase in human travel has contributed to
the aquatic environment, V. cholerae naturally inhabit the gut the ongoing seventh cholera pandemic. In the future, climate
and shell of zooplankton (i.e., copepods), using the chitinous change and natural disasters may have an increasing impact on
surface as a nutrient source.123−125 V. cholerae also attach and the spread of disease. In addition to traditionally recognized
survive on phytoplankton, including green algae and host factors that influence the susceptibility to V. cholerae
cyanobacteria.122,125,126 The abundance of specific zooplank- infection, such as age and prior infection, additional studies
ton species carrying V. cholerae has been correlated with have shed light on possible genetic, nutritional, and even gut
cholera cases and outbreaks.127,128 Sea water monitoring of microbiota-related impacts on the likelihood of infection.
conditions that encourage V. cholerae growth has been Defining risk factors for infection that can be intervened upon
employed to understand how warming oceans may expand to avoid disease is of high importance, in addition to the use of
the V. cholerae niche. By investigating the geographic cholera vaccines, for the prevention of the ongoing spread of
distribution of V. cholerae in oceans between 1950 and 2014, cholera.
Escobar et al. identified sea-surface temperature (SST),
chlorophyll a (a measure of phytoplankton abundance), and
pH as the most important variables to predict the presence of
Corresponding Author
V. cholerae.129 In this study, V. cholerae suitability (determined Ana A. Weil − Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy
by chlorophyll a, oxygen, temperature, and pH) was mapped to and Infectious Diseases, University of Washington, Seattle,
areas including the Gulf of California, the north and south Washington 98109, United States; orcid.org/0000-0002-
Atlantic coast of Africa, the southern coast of Australia, the Bay 6170-4306; Phone: 206-616-0779; Email: anaweil@
of Biscay and North Sea in Europe, and the Yellow Sea off of uw.edu
the coast of China.129 The model was then applied to climate
data and future climate scenarios demonstrated that by 2100 Authors
there would be an expanded ecological niche for V. cholerae Denise Chac − Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy
with the potential for spread latitudinally across the globe into and Infectious Diseases, University of Washington, Seattle,
the ocean waters of North America and New Zealand.129 Washington 98109, United States
Additionally, a study of formalin-fixed plankton samples from Chelsea N. Dunmire − Department of Medicine, Division of
the North Atlantic Ocean during the 1958−2011 time period Allergy and Infectious Diseases, University of Washington,
revealed a correlation between SST and nontoxigenic Vibrio Seattle, Washington 98109, United States
1014 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsinfecdis.0c00914
ACS Infect. Dis. 2021, 7, 1010−1019
ACS Infectious Diseases pubs.acs.org/journal/aidcbc Review

Jasneet Singh − Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy (14) Wang, J., Villeneuve, S., Zhang, J., Lei, P., Miller, C. E., Lafaye,
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Washington 98109, United States P., Fournier, J.-M., and Glaudemans, C. P. J. (1998) On the Antigenic
Determinants of the Lipopolysaccharides of Vibrio Cholerae O:1,
Complete contact information is available at: Serotypes Ogawa and Inaba. J. Biol. Chem. 273 (5), 2777−2783.
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Y. (1993) Occurrence of 2-O-Methyl-N-(3-Deoxy-L-Glycero-Tetron-
ABBREVIATIONS yl)-D-Perosamine (4-Amino-4,6-Dideoxy-D-Manno-Pyranose) in Lip-
ORS, oral rehydration solution; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; CT, opolysaccharide from Ogawa but Not from Inaba O Forms of O1
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pilus; cAMP, cyclic AMP; SST, sea-surface temperature; SES, (17) Khan, A. I., Chowdhury, F., Harris, J. B., Larocque, R. C.,
socioeconomic status; LPLUNC1, lung and nasal epithelium Faruque, A. S. G., Ryan, E. T., Calderwood, S. B., and Qadri, F.
clone 1; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa B; OSP, O-specific (2010) Comparison of Clinical Features and Immunological
Parameters of Patients with Dehydrating Diarrhoea Infected with
polysaccharide; Ig, immunoglobulin; MBC, memory B cell;
Inaba or Ogawa Serotypes of Vibrio Cholerae O1. Scand. J. Infect. Dis.
Tfh, T follicular helper cells; SNP, single-nucleotide poly- 42 (1), 48−56.

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