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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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Recent advances in understanding the control

of disinfectant-resistant biofilms by hurdle
technology in the food industry

Lei Yuan , Faizan A. Sadiq , Ni Wang , Zhenquan Yang & Guoqing He

To cite this article: Lei Yuan , Faizan A. Sadiq , Ni Wang , Zhenquan Yang & Guoqing He
(2020): Recent advances in understanding the control of disinfectant-resistant biofilms by
hurdle technology in the food industry, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI:

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Published online: 25 Aug 2020.

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Recent advances in understanding the control of disinfectant-resistant biofilms

by hurdle technology in the food industry
Lei Yuana , Faizan A. Sadiqc, Ni Wangb, Zhenquan Yanga, and Guoqing Heb
College of Food Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, China; bCollege of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; cSchool of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China

Modern food processing environment provides an ideal condition for biofilms formation by food- Biofilm; chemical
borne and spoilage microorganisms on different food contact surfaces. It is widely acknowledged disinfection; resistance;
that biofilm has become a serious problem in the food industry, as the biofilm growth mode indu- hurdle technology
ces microbial resistance to chemical disinfection. The persistence of biofilms after cleaning and dis-
infection procedures may result in foodborne illness and food spoilage, emphasizing the
importance of preventing biofilms in food production facilities. The use of conventional disinfec-
tion technologies alone may not help to achieve the goal of producing safe food products with
high quality. Hurdle technology provides a great option for the effective control of biofilms
formed on food contact surfaces. Thus, a better understanding of biofilm behavior in response to
different disinfectants, as well as seeking potential hurdle technologies to control biofilms are
essential. In this review, we discuss the factors that influence the efficiency of disinfectants, and
elaborate possible mechanisms which are behind the apparent high antimicrobial resistance of
biofilms, and as well as mechanisms which are involved in effective hurdle technologies to con-
trol biofilms.

Introduction planktonic cells (Acker, Dijck, and Coenye 2014). The phe-
nomenon of enormous resistance toward disinfectants by bio-
A biofilm is defined as a complex assemblage of microorgan-
film-based bacterial cells has been widely reported in a wide
isms growing on a biotic or abiotic surface and forming spa-
range of food sectors, including dairy processing (Ziech et al.
tially organized ecosystems within a self-produced matrix 2016), bakery (Fink et al. 2017), fresh produce (Bang et al.
composed of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) (Donlan 2017), fish processing (Papaioannou et al. 2018), and meat
2002). In the food industry, food processing lines provide an processing (Wang et al. 2018). The microbiota found in food
ideal environment for the formation of biofilms on various processing plant surfaces after disinfection procedures is com-
food contact surfaces, mainly due to the complexity of proc- monly reported to be diverse and includes pathogenic and
essing facilities, lengthy production cycles, vast areas for spoilage bacteria, making removing them from food contact
microbial growth, and foremost, the availability of nutrients surfaces a huge challenge (Maes et al. 2019). Moreover,
(Lindsay and von Holy 2006). Biofilms formed on food con- inappropriate use of chemical agents may result in the spread
tact surfaces act as a persistent source of microbial contamin- of disinfectant-resistant bacteria, as well as the emergence of
ation due to their bio-transfer potential, which is a threat to cross-resistance to antibiotics (Techaruvichit et al. 2016). In
the microbiological quality and safety of food products, in recent years, an increasing number of studies have been con-
addition to the metal corrosion and equipment damage caused ducted to find an effective way to disinfect food contact sur-
by chemical and biological reactions catalyzed in biofilms face for the removal of biofilms (Figure 1). Nevertheless, the
(Brooks and Flint 2008). Therefore, efficient cleaning and dis- available knowledge on biofilm resistance to disinfectants is
infection practices to remove food-processing related biofilms still insufficient to improve surface disinfection methods.
are urgently needed in the food industry. Since biofilms represent serious challenges to the food
In the global food industry, chemical disinfectants are fre- industry, a series of techniques, including cleaning and dis-
quently used with an aim to inactivate microorganisms on infection, bacteriophages, anti-biofilm enzymes, natural
surfaces in order to prevent microbiological contamination of products, lactic acid bacteria and their bacteriocins, the
raw materials and food products. However, bacterial cells modification of food contact surfaces, quorum sensing
within the biofilm matrix are resistant to chemical disinfec- inhibitors, and physical treatment, have been widely used to
tants (10–1000 times), compared to their corresponding minimize the accumulation of biofilms in food settings

CONTACT Zhenquan Yang College of Food Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, 196 Huayang West Road, Yangzhou,
Jiangsu 225127, China; Guoqing He College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Road,
Hangzhou 310058, China.
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

disinfectant, which may have a different mode of action

than the one actually needed. Many studies have compared
the efficiency of different disinfectants. For example,
niguez-Moreno et al. (2018) proved peracetic acid as the
most effective disinfectant to remove biofilms formed by
Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp. on stainless steel
and polypropylene B surfaces, followed by sodium hypo-
chlorite and cetrimonium bromide. Vazquez-Sanchez et al.
(2014) proved that peracetic acid was found to be most
effective against both biofilms and planktonic cells of S. aur-
eus, followed by sodium hypochlorite and benzalkonium
chloride. In addition, Gazula et al. (2019) compared the effi-
cacy of four different sanitizers commonly used by blueberry
packers in removing biofilms, and recommended ozonated
water as a highly efficient sanitizer in removing biofilms,
followed by quaternary ammonium compound, chlorine
Figure 1. Publications of biofilm control in the food industry (source: web
of science). dioxide, and sodium hypochlorite.

(Yuan, Hansen, et al. 2020). However, the single use of these

methods cannot solve the problem of the complete undesir- Disinfectants concentration and exposure time
able biofilms. Hurdle technology, the combination of two or Reduction of biofilm cells by disinfection is a concentration-
more control methods, is a promising technology to effect- and exposure time-dependent process. In general, disinfection
ively remove biofilm cells from food processing facilities, as efficacy against biofilm cells increases with the increasing
they would attack microorganisms in different ways (Khan disinfectant concentration and contact time. Jung, Park, and
et al. 2017). The synergistic reduction in bacterial contamin- Ha (2018) reported a significant increase in reductions of
ation on food contact surfaces by hurdle technology has Salmonella Typhimurium biofilms on quail eggshell with an
been successfully proved by many studies (Ban and Kang increase in the concentration of sodium hypochlorite. After
2016; Lim et al. 2019; Jung, Park, and Ha 2018; Hussain treating quail eggshell biofilms with 50, 100, 150, 200, and
et al. 2019; Kim, Lim, and Kim 2019). 300 ppm sodium hypochlorite, reduction of Salmonella
In the context of the above discussion, the objective of Typhimurium biofilms was 0.1, 0.5, 0.6, 1.9, and 2.2 log CFU/
this review is to provide an overview of the current know- egg, respectively. Similarly, Wang et al. (2018) reported a sig-
ledge related to the factors that influence the efficiency of nificant decrease in numbers of surviving biofilm cells follow-
disinfectants against biofilms. In addition, we discuss mecha- ing disinfection with an increase in exposure time and
nisms which play an important role in conferring biofilms disinfectant concentration. More than 3 log reduction of bio-
resistance to disinfectants, as well as the promising hurdle film cells was observed when chlorine dioxide treatment was
technologies to control biofilms. increased from 20 to 40 mg/L.

Factors affecting biofilm removal by the single use

of chemical disinfectants Types of microorganisms

Till now, a large variety of commercialized disinfectants, Disinfectants bind to specific target sites of microorganisms
including chlorine-based compounds, hydrogen peroxide, per- including outer cellular components, cytoplasmic membrane,
acetic acid, quaternary ammonium compounds, and ozone, and cytoplasmic constituents. Thus, the efficacy of a disinfec-
have been widely used for reducing the microbial contamin- tion process depends on different types of microorganisms (or
ation for the production of safer and longer shelf-life products even different strains of the same species) which are subjected
(Figure 2). However, considerable studies have already shown to a disinfection treatment. For example, Lim et al. (2017)
that the single use of chemical disinfection fails to completely proved that pathogenic bacteria from a cafeteria kitchen
remove biofilm cells on food contact surface, due to resistance exhibited a wide range of susceptibility to the disinfection pro-
of biofilm cells toward disinfectants s (Table 1). In addition, cess, and the susceptibilities to different disinfectants depends
many factors including the type and concentration of disinfec- on different strains. Bayoumi et al. (2012) validated the regular
tants, exposure time, targeted microorganisms, types of surfaces sanitizing process for the elimination of pathogenic bacteria
on which disinfectants are applied, pH, food residues, tempera- isolated from dairy products, and results showed that the effi-
ture, and relative humidity, could affect the efficiency of disin- ciency of sodium hypochlorite to remove biofilm-embedded
fectants to eradicate biofilms (Cappitelli, Polo, and Villa 2014). bacteria depends on bacterial strains.
In addition, varied genetic characteristics of different bac-
terial strains may also be responsible for their varied
Types of disinfectants
response to different disinfectants. EPS acts as a defense bar-
Ineffective action of a disinfectant against biofilms may be a rier that difficult the penetration of disinfectants and help
result of the use of an irrelevant or unrecommended biofilm cells to resist the disinfection process. Generally,

Figure 2. Overview on the advantages and disadvantages of each disinfectant applied in the food industry.

EPS quantity and composition vary from one bacterial spe- surface characteristics in disinfection. It was suggested that
cies to another, which could affect the efficacy of disinfec- an electro-polished surface is a good choice to make clean-
tants. For example, Enterobacter cloacae biofilms, compared ing and disinfection programs effective. The use of mechan-
to Klebsiella oxytoca and Citrobacter freundii biofilms, were ically-sanded surface was found appropriate in programs
more resistant to sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, where cleaning and disinfection are not regularly required.
strongly acidic electrolyzed water, and neutral electrolyzed Bang et al. (2014) observed that stainless steel surface is easy
water, due to thicker biofilm (Cai et al. 2018). Staphylococci to disinfect followed by glass, plastic, and wood. Higher
strains containing the ica operon responsible for production resistance of E. coli O157:H7 against sodium hypochlorite
of a polysaccharide matrix were more resistant to the lethal and chlorine dioxide on wooden surfaces was attributed to
effect of benzalkonium chloride than strains without the ica the limited penetration of disinfectants into the crevices and
operon (Fagerlund et al. 2016). In the same study, strains pores on the wooden surface, resulting in protection of E.
with qac genes encoding benzalkonium chloride efflux coli O157:H7 from disinfectants. In addition, 1-min treat-
pumps, could grow at higher concentrations of benzalko- ment of different surfaces (stainless steel, low-density poly-
nium chloride than strains without these genes. In another ethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, and rubber) with
study, biofilm tolerance of commensal strains of Clostridium chlorine or quaternary ammonium compound showed vari-
perfringens to hydrogen peroxide was due to the presence of ation in disinfection efficacy against L. monocytogenes bio-
oxidative stress enzymes in the biofilm matrix (Charlebois films, which shows the important role of topography,
et al. 2017). roughness, hydrophobicity, and hydration levels in disinfec-
tion efficacy (Hua et al. 2019). Thus, choosing an optimal
surface that fits to the requirements of the food industry
Type of surfaces and does not affect cleaning and disinfection regimes is
Behavior of sessile microorganisms to disinfectants is highly desirable for hygienic production.
strongly influenced by the type of surfaces, because many
surface-related factors such as structure, topography, rough-
The age of biofilms
ness, and electric properties, affect the efficiency of disinfec-
tants. Schlisselberg and Yaron (2013) provided insights into The resistance of microorganisms to disinfectants is affected
possible factors related to metal surfaces (mechanically pol- by the age of biofilms, mainly due to the increased EPS and
ished and brushed, bright annealed, electro-polished, and biofilm thickness over time. This hypothesis is supported by
untreated coupons) that affect the biofilm susceptibility to the fact that biofilm matrix may hinder the penetration of
chlorine. Disinfection with chlorine proved to be up to 130 effective disinfectant compounds into biofilms. For example,
times more effective on electro-polished stainless steel than Nguyen and Yuk (2013) demonstrated that 168-h biofilms
on stainless steel surface polished by bright alum, mechanic- of Salmonella Typhimurium were more resistant to quater-
ally sanded or untreated. This study also suggested that sur- nary ammonium compounds, peroxyacetic acid and sodium
face finish is an important factor when assessing the role of hypochlorite than 24/48-h biofilms, despite that this effect

Table 1. A summary of selected studies investigating the disinfection-resistant biofilms in the food industry.
Disinfection method Food contact surfaces Results Reference
Benzalkonium chloride
1.0 mM, for 30 min 96-well polystyrene microtiter plates Reduced Pseudomonas aeruginosa Machado et al. (2012)
and Escherichia coli biofilm cells by
3 and 1 log after 6 days
incubation of a dual-species
biofilm model.
50 ppm, 18  C for 6 min stainless steel coupons Reduced Listeria monocytogenes and Giaouris et al. (2013)
Pseudomonas putida biofilm cells
by 1.82 and 0.79 log CFU/cm2
after 10 days incubation of a dual-
species model.
50 ppm, 20  C for 6 min stainless steel coupons Reduced Salmonella Typhimurium Gkana et al. (2017)
and Staphylococcus aureus biofilm
cells by 3.00 and 2.43 log CFU/cm2
in a dual-species biofilm model.
100 ppm, for 6 min stainless steel coupons Reduced Serratia liquefaciens and Liu et al. (2017)
Shewanella putrefaciens biofilm
cells by 2 and 3 log CFU/cm2 in a
dual-species biofilm model.
Chlorine dioxide
50 ppm, 30  C for 20 min stainless steel coupons Reduced Escherichia coli biofilm cells Meireles et al. (2017)
by 3.20 log CFU/cm2.
2.5 and 5 ppm, 22  C for 1 min polystyrene surfaces Reduced the 2-day-old biofilm cells Korany et al. (2018)
of Listeria monocytogenes by 2.4-
3.8 log.
20 mg/L, 30 min, pH 7.2-7.3 stainless steel coupon Reduced biofilm cells of Enterobacter Cai et al. (2018)
cloacae, Klebsiella oxytoca, and
Citrobacter freundii by 4.74, 6.42
and 6.41 log CFU/cm2,
20 mg/L, 20  C for 30 min stainless steel coupon Less than 3 log CFU/cm2 reduction of Wang et al. (2018)
Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilm
cells were obtained.
70%, for 5 min 96-well microtiter plates Reduced Staphylococcus aureus and Tote et al. (2010)
Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm
cells by 96% and 90%,
70%, for 1 min 96-well microtiter plates Reduced Aeromonas hydrophila Jahid and Ha (2014)
biofilm cells by 5 log CFU/g.
40%, for 15 min 96-well microtiter plates Reduced Yersinia enterocolitica biofilm Park et al. (2015)
cells by 88%.
75%, for 6 min stainless steel coupons Reduced Serratia liquefaciens and Liu et al. (2017)
Shewanella putrefaciens biofilm
cells by 2 and 3 log CFU/cm2 in a
dual-species model.
Electrolyzed water
Neutral, 50 ppm, 30  C for 20 min stainless steel coupon Reduced Escherichia coli biofilm cells Meireles et al. (2017)
by 3.26 log CFU/cm2.
Acidic, 40 mg/L, pH 2.70-2.90, stainless steel coupon Reduced biofilm cells of Enterobacter Cai et al. (2018)
for 30 min cloacae, Klebsiella oxytoca, and
Citrobacter freundii by 5.91, 6.42
and 7.03 log CFU/cm2,
Slightly acidic, 120 ppm, for 5 min stainless steel, glass, Reduced Listeria innocua biofilms on Jeon, Kwon, and Yoon (2018)
polypropylene, rubber food contact surfaces, and the
highest reduction rate was
achieved on
polypropylene (97.33%).
Hydrogen peroxide
0.47%, for 20 min stainless steel coupons Reduced Pseudomonas aeruginosa Rushdy and Othman (2011)
biofilm cells by 4 log CFU/cm2.
2500 ppm, for 30 min 96-well microtiter plates Reduced biofilm cells of Aeromonas Jahid and Ha (2014)
hydrophila by 3.2 log CFU/g.
2%, for 10 min stainless steel coupon Reduced biofilm cells of Listeria Chen, Zhao, and Doyle (2015a)
monocytogenes, Salmonella
Typhimurium, and Escherichia coli
by 0.3, 0.7 and 1.5 log CFU/
coupon, respectively.
2%, 5 min stainless steel coupon Reduced Staphylococcus aureus and Rios-Castillo, Gonzalez-Rivas, and
Enterococcus hirae biofilm cells by Rodriguez-Jerez (2017)
6.12 and 2.69 log CFU/cm2,

Table 1. Continued.
Disinfection method Food contact surfaces Results Reference
45 ppm, for 1 h stainless steel, polypropylene and Reduced the cell Listeria Nicholas et al. (2013)
polished granite coupons monocytogenes attached to
stainless steel, granite and
polypropylene by 3.41, 3.42 and
1.11 log CFU/cm2, respectively.
1, 2, and 4 ppm, 22  C for 1 min polystyrene surfaces Reduced the 2-day-old biofilm cells Korany et al. (2018)
of Listeria monocytogenes by 0.9-
4.1 log.
0.5 ppm, for 20 min stainless steel coupon Reduce biofilm cells by 1.61-2.14 log Marino et al. (2018)
CFU/cm2 and 3.26-5.23 log CFU/
cm2 under static and dynamic
conditions, respectively.
Peracetic acid
0.5%, pH 2.3, for 180 s 96-well microtiter plates Reduced biofilm cells of Listeria Lee et al. (2017)
monocytogenes by 1.8-2.5
log cycles.
100 mg/L, pH 2.8, 25  C for 10 min stainless steel coupons Reduced Enterococcus faecium and de Castro et al. (2017)
Enterococcus faecalis biofilm cells
by 1.57 and 3.18 log CFU/cm2,
0.2%, pH 1.0, for 20 min stainless steel coupons Reduced biofilm cells of Bacillus Fernandes et al. (2018)
cereus by 1.9 log CFU/cm2.
0.075%, 25  C for 20 min stainless steel coupons Reduced 1.1 log CFU/cm2 of Oxaran et al. (2018)
Staphylococcus aureus and 2 log
CFU/cm2 of Listeria monocytogenes
in a five-species biofilm model.
Sodium hypochlorite
50 ppm, pH 6.8, for 1 min stainless steel coupon Reduced biofilm cells of Salmonella Yang et al. (2016)
Enteritidis by 4.08 (formed at 25
C) and 4.43 log CFU/cm2 (formed
at 4 oC) in tryptic soy broth.
0-200 ppm, for 5 min cucumber Reduced biofilm cells of Cronobacter Bang et al. (2017)
sakazakii by 0.89-1.88 log
50 ppm, 30  C for 20 min stainless steel coupon Reduced biofilm cells of Escherichia Meireles et al. (2017)
coli by 2.46 log CFU/cm2.
144 ppm, 22  C for 3 min stainless steel coupon Reduced biofilm cells of Listeria Dhowlaghar et al. (2018)
monocytogenes by 4.8 log CFU/cm2

was shown to growth condition dependent. In addition, formation and also alter the surface properties (Møretrø
Korany et al. (2018) also proved that the antimicrobial effi- et al. 2012). In addition, the presence of organic matter may
cacies of four tested disinfectants (ozonated water, chlorine, also reduce the antimicrobial property of disinfectants. For
chlorine dioxide, quaternary ammonium compounds, and example, the soiling of surfaces with chicken juice decreased
peroxyacetic acid) against 7-day L. monocytogenes biofilms the efficiency of sodium hypochlorite against Salmonella and
on polystyrene surface were much lower than those of 2-day L. monocytogenes biofilms, because chlorine is rapidly
biofilm. Compared to fresh biofilms, mature biofilms are reduced when it comes in contact with organic matter in
normally more resistant to disinfections mainly due to chicken juice (Sarjit and Dykes 2017; Pang et al. 2019).
strong three-dimensional structure comprising of adhered Small sediments of protein- and carbohydrate-rich food resi-
multiple layers of bacterial cells. dues, including milk and egg yolk, reportedly increased the
However, Yang et al. (2009) found that this age- resistance of surface-adherent spoilage yeasts (Saccharomyces
dependent biofilm resistance toward disinfectants can only cerevisiae and Debaryomyces hansenii) and lactic acid bac-
be observed on smooth surfaces and not on rough surfaces. teria to disinfectants, and promoted cross contamination
This difference may be explained by the surface properties and food spoilage (Shikano et al. 2017; Kuda, Nakano, et al.
of rough and smooth high-density polyethylene materials, 2016). Vegetable sediments, though poor in proteins and lip-
which may cause variations in the rate of biofilm matur- ids, contain polysaccharides that have high water holding
ation. High porosity of rough surfaces provides a larger sur- capacity, and thus they might protect the bacterial cells from
face area for bacterial attachment than smooth surfaces, disinfectants. In addition, vegetables containing some anti-
therefore, biofilm maturation might be faster on rough sur- oxidants (e.g. ascorbic acid and carotenoids) may also pro-
faces than on smooth surfaces. tect the biofilm cells from the reactive oxygens. Kuda,
Koyanagi, et al. (2016) proved the protective role of carrot
and green bell pepper juice for biofilm cells of Salmonella
Food residues
Thyphimurium against disinfection treatments by hypo-
The presence of food residues on food contact surfaces chlorous acid, ethanol, and benzalkonium chloride. Thus,
before disinfection significantly influences the cleaning and these results suggest that proper and regular washing to
disinfection regimes because these residues promote biofilm remove all traces of food debris from surfaces allows direct

contact of disinfectant and target bacteria, which is essential The mechanisms involved in biofilm resistance to
for the efficacy of disinfectants. disinfectants
The high resistance of biofilm cells to disinfectants may
Other environmental factors increase the risk of disinfection failure, leading to severe
health problems and economic losses. Considerable studies
Other environmental factors, including pH, temperature, have concluded that the biofilm resistance to disinfectants is
and humidity, may also influence the disinfection efficiency. a multifactorial process resulting from different mechanisms
Many disinfectants have their optimum pH range for their (Figure 3): (a) reduced penetration of disinfectants into the
optimum activity. For example, quaternary ammonium com- biofilm, (b) an altered physiology of the biofilm cells, (c)
pounds were more effective against L. monocytogenes bio- protection in mixed-species biofilms, and (d) the occurrence
films at the higher pH values of 10.42–11.46 as compared to of persister cells.
their efficiency at the pH ranging from pH 6.24 to 8.70
(Yang et al. 2009). Song et al. (2014) found that the pH-
adjusted (pH 7) chlorine solutions were more effective in Reduced penetration of disinfectants into biofilms
reducing bacterial numbers than the pH-unadjusted (pH To inactivate microorganisms, disinfectants must achieve a
8–9) chlorine solutions at the same concentrations. In gen- satisfactory concentration at the target site to perform their
eral, increase in temperature of the treatment may increase antimicrobial actions. However, it is generally accepted that
the efficiency of disinfectant agents. When disinfection the inherent three-dimensional network of cells entangled in
occurs at low temperatures, the use of higher concentrations biofilms and EPS, that constitute a compact structure, which
of biocides or elongation of the contact time may increase may hinder the penetration of disinfectants into deeper
effectiveness (Møretrø et al. 2012). Abdallah et al. (2015) layers of biofilms, and thereby facilitating the establishment
showed that the effect of growth temperature on biofilm of ecological niches within the biofilm and protecting the
resistance was dependent on the active agents in each disin- cells against the actions of antimicrobial compounds
fectant product. The efficiency of disinfection is also affected (Flemming and Wingender 2010). For example, the involve-
by relative humidity. Bae, Baek, and Lee (2012) found that ment of biofilm matrix in the apparent resistance of biofilms
levels of S. aureus and C. sakazakii biofilms were more cells to disinfectants was reported by Jang et al. (2006), who
slowly reduced after storage at relative humidity of 23%, found the depletion of disinfectant at 100 lm in the biofilm
43%, 68%, and 85% for 5 days than the levels of many other depth, indicating that the penetration of chlorine dioxide
pathogens. Formation of biofilms stored at relative humidity was delayed in the mixed biofilm of undefined bacteria from
of 100% for 5 days displayed the highest levels of resistance unpasteurized whole milk. The extracellular matrix protein
to inactivation. CabA contributes to the formation of filaments in the

Figure 3. The mechanisms involved in biofilm resistance to chemical disinfectants.


biofilm matrix where the filaments connect bacterial cells bacterial membranes, which maintain the membrane fluidity
together to build robust biofilms that are resistant to the dis- of cells (Gianotti et al. 2008). Such an increase in membrane
infection by sodium hypochlorite (Park, Lee, et al. 2016). rigidity may prevent disinfectants penetrating into the lipid
Moreover, Bridier et al. (2012) suggested that the high bilayers and enhance the resistance of biofilm cells to disin-
resistance of Bacillus subtilis biofilms to peracetic acid was fectants agents at the cellular level (Bisbiroulas et al. 2011;
related to the specific three-dimensional structure of the bio- Abdallah et al. 2014). Another possible mechanism of bio-
film, as a large quantity of extracellular matrix could hinder cide resistance is based on the observation that some of bio-
the penetration of peracetic acid. film cells are able to sense the biocide challenge and actively
Nevertheless, the diffusion barrier can partly explain the respond to it by deploying protective stress responses more
reduced susceptibility of biofilms to disinfectants. The inter- effectively than planktonic cells. For example, Sanderson
actions between disinfectants and the biofilm matrix may and Stewart (1997) reported that the second dose of mono-
also be responsible for failed penetration of antimicrobials chloramine, when given to P. aeruginosa biofilms, was less
to deeper layers of biofilms (Davison, Pitts, and Stewart effective than the first dose, and similarly each subsequent
2010). The biofilm matrix may involve either electrostatic or dose proved to be less effective. P. aeruginosa biofilms also
hydrophobic interactions in order to hinder the penetration showed increased catalase (katB) expression during treat-
of antimicrobial agents into deeper layers biofilms (Zhang, ment with hydrogen peroxide at a concentration sublethal to
Nadezhina, and Wilkinson 2011). For example, using time- biofilm cells. Bacterial growth in the deeper layer of biofilm
lapse confocal laser imaging, Davison, Pitts, and Stewart is reduced owing to nutrient and oxygen limitation, and it
(2010) found that the low penetration of quaternary ammo- may diminish the effectivity of antimicrobials, which is also
nium compound to the center of Staphylococcus epidermidis recognized as means of survival for bacteria in biofilms that
biofilm cluster takes 60-times longer than the time required are exposed to disinfectants (Flemming et al. 2016).
for diffusive movement in the absence of sorption the posi- Furthermore, the up-regulation or induction of genes coding
tively charged and hydrophobic disinfectant. In another
multidrug efflux pumps in biofilms may be another possible
study, a biofilm matrix dominated by polysaccharides pro-
mechanism to explain resistance to antimicrobials in bio-
tected staphylococci against benzalkonium chloride in a bet-
films (Mah and O’Toole 2001). Efflux pumps are systems
ter way than a matrix dominated by proteins. One possible
that enable cells to release toxic molecules out of their cells
explanation may be the reduced diffusion of the positively
and allow bacteria to survive in the presence of these sub-
charged benzalkonium chloride in a biofilm in which nega-
stances. One example of a well-known system specific to
tively charged polysaccharide intercellular adhesin is a major
biocides is the quaternary ammonium compounds efflux
matrix component (Fagerlund et al. 2016). This study also
system of S. aureus which is responsible for its high level of
suggested that the deactivation of reactive compounds in
resistance to quaternary ammonium compounds and cat-
disinfectants is affected by the presence of organic matters
of the biofilm matrix (e.g. polysaccharides, proteins, and ionic biocides (Smith and Hunter 2008).
nucleic acids). Using time-lapse confocal laser imaging com-
bined with Chemchrome V6/Chemsol B16 staining, Bridier Protection in mixed-species biofilms
et al. (2011) observed that the matrix of P. aeruginosa
delayed the penetration of benzalkonium chloride, which In the food processing environment, surface-associated bacter-
was probably because of the interactions between biofilm ial communities are usually complex associations of different
components and the antimicrobial. In addition, the presence bacterial species, which interact in different ways to constitute
of degradative enzymes such as catalases in the biofilm a complex and dynamic network. Such interactions play a key
matrix of P. aeruginosa has also been reported to prevent role in shaping biofilm architecture and are responsible for
the penetration of hydrogen peroxide into biofilms, whereas specific functions including the resistance to disinfectants
catalase-deficient biofilms have been reported to be suscep- (Yuan, Hansen, et al. 2020). Generally, mixed-species biofilms
tible to hydrogen peroxide (Stewart et al. 2000). are less susceptible to disinfectants when compared to their
corresponding mono-species biofilms (Yuan, Hansen, et al.
2020). For example, Salmonella Enteritidis in a dual-species
An altered physiology of biofilm cells biofilm with P. aeruginosa was less susceptible toward sodium
Previous studies have demonstrated the differences between hypochlorite, with the 1 log CFU/cm2 lower reduction than
planktonic and attached bacteria that imply physiological that in mono-species biofilms, despite the observation that the
alterations following attachment to a surface. This “biofilm presence of P. aeruginosa reduces the population of
phenotype” was proposed to explain the resistance of biofilm Salmonella Enteritidis (Pang and Yuk 2018). The dual-species
cells to disinfections. For example, the up-regulation of biofilm formed by Pseudomonas libanensis and Aeromonas
genes involved in EPS production of surface-attached bac- hydrophila was more tolerant of hydrogen peroxide, peracetic
teria could increase the resistance to disinfections (Friedman acid, and sodium hypochlorite when compared to each single-
and Kolter 2004). The bacterial membranes, composing of species biofilm (Yuan, Wang, et al. 2020). In addition,
phospholipids and proteins, serve as the first line of bacterial Schwering et al. (2013) found that multi-species biofilm com-
defense against disinfectants. The transition to the sessile munities comprising of natural microflora were able to survive
phenotype can induce changes in the fatty acid profile of chlorine concentrations up to 375 times the maximum

legislated limit, and were 84-fold more resistant than the aver- procedures should be carefully chosen to achieve an
age biofilm tolerance of the corresponding single-spe- adequate disinfection effect.
cies biofilm.
The possible mechanisms of enhanced resistance to disin-
fectants within mixed-species biofilms are: (a) changed com- Physical–chemical disinfection
position of the matrix and enhanced EPS production in Many studies have evaluated the inactivation efficiency of
mixed-species biofilms; (b) the specific spatial arrangement the combined use of physical and chemical disinfection
of certain bacterial species within a biofilm, as some strains methods, compared with that of individual treatments. Food
may be protected from a biocide by their aggregation with irradiation has the ability to damage microbial DNA without
others within the differential three-dimensional structure; (c) having any negative effects on the sensorial or nutritional
transient changes in proximal neighbors, as one species quality of the food, when an appropriate irradiation dose is
residing within a mixed-species biofilm can significantly applied (Farkas and Mohacsi-Farkas 2011). X-ray irradiation,
alter the physiology and thus enhance the resistance of which has a deeper penetration potential than gamma rays,
neighboring species by interspecies interactions (Yuan, has a considerable advantage, specifically when using an on
Hansen, et al. 2020). and off system with a switch (Farkas and Mohacsi-Farkas
Nevertheless, it should be noted that mixed-species bio- 2011). The synergistic reduction of Salmonella enterica sero-
films are not always more resistant to disinfectants, as the var Typhimurium biofilm cells on eggshells was 4.3 log
susceptibility to disinfectants can be attributed to factors CFU/egg after the combined treatment by 2.0 kGy X-ray
including types of food contact surfaces and disinfectants, and 50 ppm sodium hypochlorite, with 1.47 log higher than
experimental methods used, and the type of included micro- the sum of reduction values of the individual treatment, and
organisms as well as their specific interactions (Yuan, biofilms on eggshells did not exhibit a three-dimensional
Hansen, et al. 2020). structure (Jung, Park, and Ha 2018). Moreover, this combin-
ation did not cause any color or thickness changes of quail
Persister cells eggshell. Additionally, ultraviolet irradiation has many
advantages including no requirement of heat or chemicals,
Persister cells describe a bacterial phenotype of bacterial cells relatively low cost and less effect on the nutritional quality
in biofilms, in which a small fraction of bacterial cells (usu- of foods (Kim, Park, and Ha 2016). Previous studies have
ally 0.1–10% of the total biofilm cells) show antimicrobial- demonstrated that the combined use of ultraviolet irradi-
resistance. Recently, the involvement of persister cells has ation and chemical disinfection are highly effective against
been proposed as another explanation for the reduced sus- biofilm cells. The synergistic effect of a combined treatment
ceptibility of biofilms to disinfectants, as the overuse of dis- of biofilms with hydrogen peroxide (5 ppm) and ultraviolet
infectants may create selective pressure favoring emergence irradiation (234 mJ/cm2) was shown to be much more effect-
of adaptive and cross resistances and their transfer to nonre- ive than the single use of hydrogen peroxide by 10-fold,
sistant microflora (Lewis 2010). Such isolates in food proc- which could contribute to a more environmental-friendly
essing scenarios may render routine cleaning and treatment (Vankerckhoven et al. 2011). In another study,
disinfecting regime less effective. Sim~ oes et al. (2011) indi- synergistic reductions of L. monocytogenes biofilm cells on
cated the possibility of the existence of persister cells among stainless steel and eggshells after the treatment by ultraviolet
P. fluorescens biofilm cells and the extreme capacity of bio- irradiation/sodium hypochlorite were observed, and the larg-
film cells to recover from exposure to ortho-phthalaldehyde est synergistic reductions were 3.68 log CFU/cm2 and 1.02
treatment, even without the protection of EPS. CFU/cm2 on stainless steel and eggshells when using 1800
mWs/cm2 ultraviolet irradiation and 200 ppm sodium hypo-
chlorite or 600 mWs/cm2 ultraviolet irradiation and 50 ppm
Combining disinfection strategies –
sodium hypochlorite, respectively (Kim, Park, and Ha 2016).
hurdle technology
The explanation for this synergistic effect is the combined
The new concept of “hurdle technology” provokes the intel- bacterial inactivation mechanisms: ultraviolet irradiation
ligent use combinations of physical–chemical, chemical–- damages DNA and RNA of bacteria and sodium hypochlor-
chemical, or biological–chemical disinfection methods to ite destroys bacterial cell wall.
effectively control undesirable microbial biofilms by hitting The ultrasound treatment is a nonchemical and environ-
different targets within the bacterial cells at the same time mentally friendly technology to disrupt biofilm structure,
(Table 2). In the food industry, disinfection should be per- which releases cells in their planktonic state or even inacti-
formed cost-effectively and safely, which means it should be vates microorganisms (Yu et al. 2020). Ultrasound treatment
performed less frequently, if possible, and within the short- is more effective when used in combination with chemical
est possible time, with low chemical, energy and labor costs, disinfection, as the cells in the deeper layers of mature bio-
producing as little waste as possible and with no damage to films are stimulated by the ultrasound that makes them
the equipment. In the food industry, hurdle technology is more susceptible to damage by chemical disinfectants. For
expected to have greater effectiveness at controlling biofilms example, synergistic reduction of C. sakazakii biofilms was
than the single use of chemical disinfectants (Figure 4). observed in a combined treatment of ultrasound and per-
Thus, the potential solutions for the combined disinfection oxyacetic acid, as cells of C. sakazakii were loosely

aggregated and scattered after the cavitation of ultrasound, mechanism behind this synergistic reduction is an increase
and further destroyed and aggregated in intact and regular in the penetration depth of active chlorine compounds of
shapes by the peroxyacetic acid treatment. The highest syn- slightly acidic electrolyzed water through the plasma mem-
ergistic reduction in fresh cucumber was 3.51 log CFU/cm2 brane of the attached B. cereus as a result of the pressure
when treated with a combination of 60 min ultrasound developed during the sonication with high temperature. In
(37 kHz, 380 W) and 150–200 ppm peroxyacetic acid, which the bakery industry, Fink et al. (2017) found that the use of
may help enhance their shelf-life during transportation and either 30 min ultrasonic treatment (37 kHz, 200 W) or 2%
storage without any changes in food quality (Bang et al. commercial disinfectant (10% alcohols, 2.5% benzakolium
2017). Similarly, the combined treatment of ultrasonication chloride, and 2.5% didecyldimethylammonium chloride)
(37 kHz, 380 W) for 100 min and sodium hypochlorite alone did not totally remove the biofilms cells. However, the
(200 ppm) resulted in the highest biofilm cells reduction of highest efficacy of B. cereus biofilm removal was achieved
C. sakazakii (4.44 log CFU/g), which was greater than either with their combination. In the fruit processing industry, the
with the single treatment with ultrasonication (0.58 log combined treatment of ultrasound and chemical disinfec-
CFU/g) or sodium hypochlorite (2.77 log CFU/g) (Park, tants on cherry tomatoes was performed to achieve a higher
Mizan, et al. 2016). For the combined treatment of slightly reduction rate of tested microbes compared with the reduc-
acidic electrolyzed water (80 mg/L), mild heat (60  C) and tion achieved with the use of a single method (either ultra-
ultrasound (40 kHz, 400 W) for 12 min, additional reductions sonication or chemical disinfectants) under the same
of Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987 biofilm cells were achieved conditions. The highest reductions of aerobic mesophiles
by 1.63, 1.39, and 1.49 log CFU/cm2 on spinach, beet leaf (4.4 log CFU/g), molds and yeast (3.4 log CFU/g) on cherry
and lettuce coupons, respectively (Hussain et al. 2019). The tomatoes were achieved with a 10 min-combined treatment

Table 2. A summary of recent literature investigating the biofilms control by hurdle technology.
Hurdle technology
Microorganisms Food contact surfaces Reduction log Synergistic valuea References
Escherichia radish seeds chlorine dioxide drying (25 oC, 24 h) 3.8 1.46 Kim et al. (2010)
coli O157:H7 (200 lg/
mL, 5 min)
Salmonella cherry tomatoes peracetic acid ultrasound 3.88 1.09 Jose and
Typhimurium (40 mg/L) (45 kHz, 10 min) Vanetti (2012)
Listeria polyvinyl chloride lactic acid (2%, steam (20 s, 3.99 1.40 Ban et al. (2012)
monocytogenes 30 s) absolute pressure
of 143 kPa)
Escherichia wooden coupons aqueous chlorine drying (43% RH and 6.4 2.78 Bang et al. (2014)
coli O157:H7 dioxide (200 ug/ 22  C for 12 h)
ml, 10 min)
Escherichia spinach leaf organic aid (2% electrostatic 4 1.82 Almasoud
coli O157:H7 malic acid þ 2% spraying (twice et al. (2015)
lactic acid) for 5 s)
Cronobacter head lettuce sodium ultrasound (37 kHz, 4.44 1.67 Park, Mizan,
sakazakii hypochlorite 380 W, 100 min) et al. (2016)
(200 ppm)
Listeria stainless steel sodium ultraviolet-C (1800 6.7 2.22 Kim, Park, and
monocytogenes hypochlorite mWs/cm2) Ha (2016)
(200 ppm)
Escherichia stainless steel sodium hypochlorite steam (20 s, 4.03 1.32 Ban and
coli O157:H7 (20 ppm, 30 s) absolute pressure Kang (2016)
of 143 kPa)
Cronobacter cucumber peroxyacetic acid ultrasound (37 kHz, 3.51 1.42 Bang et al. (2017)
sakazakii (200 ppm, 5 min) 380 W
for 60 min)
Salmonella enterica quail eggshells sodium hypochlorite X-ray irradiation 4.3 1.54 Jung, Park, and
serovar (50 ppm, 3 min) (2.0 kGy) Ha (2018)
Salmonella stainless steel coupon levulinic acid sodium dodecyl 6.9 11.5 Chen, Zhao, and
Typhimurium (3%, 10min) sulfate Doyle (2015a)
(2%, 10 min)
Escherichia stainless steel coupons phytic acid sodium chloride 6 3.33 Kim and
coli O157:H7 (0.2%, 5 min) (4%, 5 min) Rhee (2016)
Salmonella stainless steel coupons sodium hypochlorite proteinase K (1 3.4 1.36 Kim, Lim, and
Typhimurium (20 ppm, pH 7.4, mAU, 25  C for Kim (2019)
25  C for 1 min) 1 h)
Escherichia stainless steel coupons sodium hypochlorite proteinase K (1%, 37 6.15 2.03 Lim et al. (2019)
coli O157:H7 (20 ppm, 10min) C, 1 h)
Salmonella. spp stainless steel coupons cetyltrimethyl cellulase (20 mg/mL, 6.2 0.56 Wang et al. (2016)
ammonium 40 oC, 2 h)
(1 mg/mL)
aSynergistic value ¼ Log reduction of biofilm cells after the treatment by hurdle technology / (the sum of log reduction after the treatment by each single
method. Synergistic values in Table 2 are derived from the results in the references.

Figure 4. Increased reduction of biofilm cells by hurdle technology: (A) disinfection process by the single use of chemical disinfection; (B) disinfection process by
the combination of chemical disinfection and other methods.

of ultrasonication (45 kHz) and 40 mg/L peracetic acid with- Salmonella Typhimurium, and L. monocytogenes to below
out losing any quality of the product (Jose and Vanetti the detection limit (Ban et al. 2012).
2012). All these aforementioned results indicate that chem- The combination of aqueous chlorine dioxide (200 lg/ml,
ical disinfectants combined with ultrasound have great 10 min) and drying (43% RH and 22  C for 12 h) also
potential as promising approaches for sanitizing food equip- showed synergistic effects on the removal of biofilms formed
ment and real food surfaces. by E. coli O157:H7 on wooden surfaces (Bang et al. 2014).
Steam treatment has proven to be a rapid and effective Similar effects of the combined use of aqueous chlorine
method for inactivating biofilms in food processing environ- dioxide and drying have been reported for E. coli O157:H7
ments. During steam treatment, the condensation of steam biofilms on radish seeds (Kim et al. 2010). The possible rea-
onto coupon surfaces produces a transfer of heat energy, son for the enhanced reduction of E. coli O157:H7 biofilms
which causes rapid heating of the coupon surface, and is is the sublethal injury to cells caused by chlorine dioxide,
able to effectively penetrate into cavities, crevices, and fea- which makes them more susceptible to additional stresses.
ther follicles that may provide protection for surface- Advanced active-delivery methods, including electrostatic
attached bacteria, thus effectively destroying any pathogen spray technology have revolutionized industrial and agricul-
biofilms which are otherwise difficult to eradicate (Ban and ture spraying system. In an electrostatic spray, charged par-
Kang 2016). Hence, steam-based treatments need to be ticulates which are smaller than 100 lm are electrostatically
developed as effective and time-saving approaches for inacti- deposited on a surface. Synergistic reductions of E. coli
vating and detaching foodborne pathogens from food con- O157:H7 on spinach leaf (4.14 log reduction) and
tact surfaces. Steam-based treatments can be used in Salmonella Typhimurium (3.60 log reduction) on cantaloupe
combination with aqueous sanitizers, hot water, and ultra- rind was achieved when electrostatic spray containing syn-
sound to achieve better results. For instance, there was a thetic organic acids (2% malic acid þ 2% lactic acid) was
synergistic effect of the combined use of a sanitizer and applied (Almasoud et al. 2015).
steam treatment on the viability of biofilm cells of E. coli
O157:H7, Salmonella Typhimurium and L. monocytogenes.
Chemical–chemical disinfection
The combined treatment resulted in an additional 0.01-2.78
log reduction compared to the sum of each individual treat- The use of biocidal solutions containing more than one bio-
ment. The most effective combination for reducing biofilm active compound was also proved to be useful in removing
cells was the combination of steam (20 s) and iodophor biofilms on food contact surfaces (Morente et al. 2013). For
(20 ppm for 30 s), which reduced cell numbers to below the instance, biofilm cells of L. monocytogenes were completely
detection limit (Ban and Kang 2016). A similar study eliminated from stainless steel when treated with a mixture
showed that the combination of steam (20 s) and lactic acid of disinfectants of quaternary ammonium compounds and
(2% for 30 s) reduced biofilm cells of E. coli O157:H7, hydrogen peroxide, or peracetic acid, hydrogen peroxide,

and octanoic acid, while single active agent in the disinfectant contribute to the killing capacity of the disinfectant. This
failed to completely remove biofilm cells (Dhowlaghar et al. approach has the advantage of reducing the excessive use of
2018). Rios-Castillo, Gonzalez-Rivas, and Rodriguez-Jerez toxic antimicrobial agents. In addition, the use of disinfec-
(2017) indicated that mixing different disinfectants may facili- tants in combination with protease-based enzymes can be
tate their penetration into the biofilm cells or that enhance its more helpful in removing biofilm mass residues, which can
oxidizing action, leading to an acceptable bactericidal efficacy prevent the adherence of secondary colonizers after the anti-
on stainless steel surfaces even at a reduced concentration of microbial treatment (Rodrıguez-L opez et al. 2017). For
disinfectants. Aryal and Muriana (2019) proved that the best example, Lim et al. (2019) found that proteinase K may
performing sanitizer across all three pathogens (L. monocyto- cause defects in the biofilm structure and reduce the barrier
genes, E. coli O157:H7, and Salmonella serovars) was a com- properties, thereby facilitating sodium hypochlorite penetra-
bination of modified quaternary ammonium chloride, tion and reducing the survivability of cells. The increased
hydrogen peroxide, and diacetin, which resulted in 6–7 log sensitivity of biofilm cells to sodium hypochlorite after
reduction and reached levels below the detection limit within exposure to proteinase K led to a great synergistic inactiva-
only 1–2.5 min. Phytic acid is a natural plant compound with tion of E. coli O157:H7 biofilms (6.15 log CFU/cm2 reduc-
the special structure of 12 replaceable protons that are tion). In another study, two combinations (100 lg/mL
responsible for its strong ability to “chelate” positively pronase þ 2000 lg/mL benzalkonium chloride, or 1000 lg/
charged ions. The combination of phytic acid (0.4%) and mL pronase þ 2000 lg/mL benzalkonium chloride) reduced
sodium chloride (2–4%) completely inactivated E. coli the L. monocytogenes–E. coli dual-species biofilm cells below
O157:H7 biofilms on stainless steel without any recovery, the detection limit, and prevented secondary colonizers from
while neither phytic acid nor sodium chloride alone was further adhering after the antimicrobial treatment
effective (phytic acid, 1.6–2.7 log CFU/cm2 reduction; sodium (Rodrıguez-Lopez et al. 2017). Moreover, the combination of
chloride, 0.5 log CFU/cm2 reduction) (Kim and Rhee 2016). cellulase (20 mg/mL, 2 h) and cetyltrimethyl ammonium
The reason for this effect is the damage to bacterial cells in bromide (1 mg/mL, 1 h) has been reported to completely
biofilms caused by phytic acid, which makes the cells vulner- remove all of the Salmonella cells in mature biofilms (6.22
able to further damage from Naþ and Cl. log CFU/cm2 reduction) (Wang et al. 2016). Bacteriophages
Surfactants, like sodium dodecyl sulfate, can act as antiad- are viruses that may release polysaccharide depolymerase
hesive agents and levulinic acid may assist in removal of the enzymes, which bind to the capsular material of bacterial
attachment polymer by chelating divalent cations required to cells, during infection. Use of these phage enzymes repre-
link the polymer to the surface. Hence, the combination of sents a natural, highly specific, and nontoxic approach of
an organic acid and surfactant may increase the activity of controlling microorganisms involved in biofilm formation
each other, which is helpful in detaching bacterial cells from (Hansen et al. 2019). A heat-stable polysaccharide depoly-
a biofilm matrix. Once the cells are directly exposed to the merase that could effectively degrade bacterial exopolysac-
chemicals applied without the protective effect of EPS, charide was prepared from the phage infecting Klebsiella,
sodium dodecyl sulfate can chelate divalent cations, such as and this phage enzyme showed a rapid decrease in the
Ca2þ and Mg2þ, which cause instability of outer membrane amount of biofilm cells. The elimination rate approached
of Gram-negative bacteria. Chen, Zhao, and Doyle (2015a) the maximum (80%) after 4 h of treatment. Enzyme pre-
found that a synergistic effect was observed to inactivate the treatment could also increase the disinfection effect of chlor-
biofilms formed by L. monocytogenes, Salmonella ine dioxide. Approximately 92% of the biofilm bacteria were
Typhimurium, and Shiga toxin-producing E. coli on stainless eliminated after treatment with the phage enzyme followed
steel coupon, when treated with the combination of levulinic by 30 min of treatment with chlorine dioxide (100 mg/mL).
acid (3%) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (2%) for 10 min. According to the results based on colony counting and
Similarly, the same combination also led to a synergistic effect observation taken from scanning electron microscopy, the
to inactivate the mixed-species biofilms formed by E. coli phage enzyme could effectively reduce the attachment of
O157:H7 (7.1 log CFU/mL) and Salmonella (8.4 log CFU/ bacteria as well as the adhesion of EPS in the biofilm. This
mL) (Chen, Zhao, and Doyle 2015b). study has demonstrated that the phage-borne polysaccharide
depolymerase enzyme are useful for the eradication of bac-
terial biofilms (Chai et al. 2014). Nevertheless, the disadvan-
Biological-chemical disinfection
tages of using enzymes are the relative high cost and low
In industrial settings, enzymatic treatments have been pro- commercial accessibility of different enzymes. In addition,
posed as an efficient and environmentally-friendly way to the activity and efficiency of enzymes are significantly influ-
degrade components of the matrix components and facilitate enced by many complex environmental conditions (e.g. tem-
penetration of cleaning and disinfection agents into biofilm perature, pH, water hardness, substrate, food residues, and
cells in deeper layers (Nahar et al. 2018). Nevertheless, the varieties of food processing surfaces) in the food industry
single use of enzymes for the eradication of biofilms in the (Nahar et al. 2018).
food industry generally lack biocidal activity, making them Bacteriocins have been given the status of ‘generally
inappropriate for bactericidal purposes. To overcome this regarded as safe’ (GRAS), and they also play an important
issue, a combination of enzymatic and chemical approaches role in preventing initial cell adhesion and biofilm forma-
is desirable, since the action of the enzyme would positively tion. Previous studies have showed that enterocin could

enhance the efficacy of biocides against sessile cells. For wall and the outer membrane, leading to leakage of cellular
example, the combination of benzalkonium chloride (1.0 g/ components, such as nucleic acid and ATP.
L) and enterocin AS-48 have shown to reduce biofilm viable
cells on stainless steel coupons below detectable levels (6.14
log CFU/mL), which was greater than the single use of ben- Future research perspective
zalkonium chloride at the same concentration (4.1 log CFU/ In the global food industry, the current disinfection process
mL) (Burgos et al. 2017). Similarly, synergistic effects mainly relies on the application of chemical disinfectants,
between bacteriocins and disinfectants were also observed by and intensive efforts have been dedicated to improving the
Caballero G omez et al. (2013), as the addition of enterocin efficiency of chemical disinfection to inactivate biofilms
AS-48 at the concentration of 50 mg/mL enhanced the effi- formed on food-contact surfaces. However, the chemical-
cacy of many disinfectants to remove the methicillin-resist- based biofilm removal strategies have been shown to facili-
ant S. aureus biofilm cells below the detection limit. The tate the selection and emergence of disinfectant-resistant
mechanism for the synergistic effects is that disinfectants microorganisms that can persistently colonize the processing
damages the bacterial cell wall and outer membrane of bac- environment. Extensive studies have been conducted for the
teria, facilitating the diffusion of bacteriocin molecules to development of effective, economic, and sustainable tools to
the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, which is the primary inactive biofilm-associated cells from food processing envi-
target for enterocin AS-48. ronments. Researchers are advised to combine more than
one biofilm control strategies; for instance, the use of chem-
ical disinfectants can be used in combination with many
Other options
other chemical and techniques to eradicate biofilms from
Stainless steel is an ideal material for fabricating surfaces and food processing environment. Combining different methods
machinery equipment due to its mechanical characteristics, may result in synergistic removal of biofilm cells because as
expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, and ease of use, we discussed in the above sections. However, exploring right
physicochemical stability, and high resistance to corrosion. combinations of control methods is very important, as
Nevertheless, many bacterial species belonging to industrial inappropriate combinations may induce antagonistic effects
and natural settings tend to form biofilms on stainless steel and enhance biofilm formation by decreasing anti-biofilm
surface, which remain intact or less affected even after clean- activity. It is also important to consider if the used combina-
ing and disinfection. Thus, attention should be paid toward tions are safe to be used on food contact surfaces and they
design of the equipment and physical properties of the mater- do not leave any chemical residues on the surface. Before
ial being used. In a previous study, the electro-polished finish designing the control strategies, a better understanding of
makes biofilm cells much more sensitive to the chlorine treat- biofilm formation process, especially mixed-species biofilms,
ment, and disinfection was mostly effective on the electro- is necessary from the early stages to the maturation, in
polished finish surface with only 0.005% of cells surviving the terms of their physical, chemical and biological phenomena.
treatment (Schlisselberg and Yaron 2013). In addition, in many cases, the efficiency of a disinfection
Essential oils are natural compounds, which have poten- process is measured after dislodging sessile cells from food
tial to serve as alternative natural disinfectants suitable for contact surfaces by swabbing, vortexing, or sonication, fol-
the control of biofilm. The increased efficacy of disinfectants lowed by culture-based approach. However, such sampling
by essential oils was reported by Vazquez-Sanchez, Galv~ao, methods only enable the partial recovery of adhering cells,
Mazine, et al. (2018), who reported an increase in the disin- and that the cells sampled may not be representative of the
fection efficiency of peracetic acid against S. aureus biofilm physiological state of the whole community, as a biofilm
cells on stainless steel and polystyrene surfaces when com- even formed by a single species is a very heterogeneous
bined with Lippia sidoides. In another study by Vazquez- community. Therefore, the effectiveness of surface disinfec-
Sanchez, Galv~ao, Ambrosio, et al. (2018), combinations of L. tion is usually overestimated. In this context, we urgent sci-
sidoides with Thymus vulgaris or peracetic acid showed the entists to standardize the methods for the evaluation of
highest efficacy against 24-h-old L. monocytogenes biofilms disinfection efficacy on surface-associated cells.
on stainless steel and polystyrene surfaces, causing a syner-
gistic lethal effect. The explanation for the synergistic effect
is based on the activity of essential oils affects the integrity
of bacterial cell wall and membrane, causing damage in It is widely accepted that biofilm cells in food processing
membrane proteins and the disruption of the proton motive environments are resistant to standard cleaning and disin-
force, thereby increasing the penetration of disinfectants fection program. This may lead to increased microbial con-
into cells. In addition, Cui, Ma, and Lin (2016) observed a tamination in both the food processing environments and
synergistic effect on the removal of biofilms formed by E. the subsequent food products, leading to food spoilage and
coli O157:H7 on lettuce as a result of the combined effect of in many cases food safety issues. Even though up to now,
1 mg/mL clove oil and 400 W cold nitrogen plasma, without conventional biofilm control strategies are still used, where
causing any negative effect on the quality of lettuce. They the need of the time is to develop a more economical and
suggested that the synergetic antibacterial mechanism of this environmental friendly control strategies for the production
combination is as a result of the damage to the bacterial cell of safe and high-quality food products. Hurdle technology is

a novel and promising technique to fight with biofilms, Ban, G. H., S. H. Park, S. O. Kim, S. Ryu, and D. H. Kang. 2012.
since it improves the chemical disinfection efficiency, Synergistic effect of steam and lactic acid against Escherichia coli
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