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1. Amoxicillin is prescribed for a patient who has a respiratory infection. The nurse is teaching the patient
about this medication and realizes that more teaching is needed when the patient makes which statement?
a. This medication should not be taken with food.
b. I will take my entire prescription of medication.
c. I should report to the physician any genital itching.
d. If I experience any excess bleeding, I will contact the health care provider.
CHAPTER 9 – anti bacterial

2. A patient is taking a cephalosporin. The nurse anticipates which appropriate nursing

intervention(s) for this medication? (Select all that apply.)
a. Monitoring renal function studies
b. Monitoring liver function studies
c. Infusing intravenous medication over 30 minutes
d. Monitoring the patient for mouth ulcers
e. Advising the patient to stop the medication when he or she feels better

3. Penicillin G has been prescribed for a patient. Which nursing intervention(s) should the nurse perform
for this patient? (Select all that apply.)
a. Collect culture and sensitivity before the first dose.
b. Monitor the patient for mouth ulcers.
c. Instruct the patient to limit fluid intake to 1000 mL/day.
d. Have epinephrine on hand for a potential severe allergic reaction.
e. No particular interventions are required for this patient.

4. A patient is prescribed daptomycin. Which action(s) should the nurse implement? (Select all that
a. Monitor blood values for toxicity.
b. Dilute in 50 to100 mL of normal saline and administer intravenously over 30 minutes.
c. Monitor the patient for allergic reactions such as rhabdomyolysis.
d. Advise the patient to take the medication on an empty stomach, even if gastrointestinal distress occurs.
e. Culture the infected area before administering the first dose.

5. A patient is taking azithromycin. Which nursing intervention(s) would the nurse plan to
implement for this patient? (Select all that apply.)
a. Monitor periodic liver function tests.
b. Dilute with 50 mL of 5% dextrose in water for intravenous administration.
c. Instruct the patient to report any loose stools or diarrhea.
d. Instruct the patient to report evidence of superinfection.
e. Teach the patient to take oral drug 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals.
f. Advise the patient to avoid antacids from 2 hours prior to 2 hours after administration.

6. For which serious adverse effect should the nurse closely monitor a patient who is taking
a. Seizures
b. Ototoxicity
c. Hepatotoxicity
d. Clostridium difficile–associated diarrhea

7. The nurse enters a patient’s room to find that his heart rate is 120, his blood pressure is 70/50, and he
has red blotching of his face and neck. Vancomycin is running intravenous piggyback. The nurse believes
that this patient is experiencing a severe adverse effect called red man syndrome. What action will the
nurse take?
a. Stop the infusion and call the health care provider.
b. Reduce the infusion to 10 mg/minute.
c. Encourage the patient to drink more fluids, up to 2 L/day.
d. Report onset of Stevens-Johnson syndrome to the health care provider.

8. A patient is receiving tetracycline. Which advice should the nurse include when teaching this patient
about tetracycline?
a. Take sunscreen precautions when at the beach.
b. Take an antacid with the drug to prevent severe gastrointestinal distress.
c. Obtain frequent hearing tests for early detection of hearing loss.
d. Obtain frequent eye checkups for early detection of retinal damage.

9. A patient is taking levofloxacin. What does the nurse know to be true regarding this drug?
a. It is administered by intravenous only.
b. Levofloxacin may cause hypertension.
c. This drug is classified as an aminoglycoside.
d. An adverse effect is dysrhythmia.

10. Which instruction(s) will the nurse include when teaching patients about gentamicin? (Select all that
a. Patients should report any hearing loss.
b. Patients should use sunscreen when taking gentamicin.
c. Intravenous gentamicin will be given over 20 minutes.
d. Patients are monitored for mouth ulcers and vaginitis.
e. Peak levels will be drawn 30 minutes before the intravenous dose.
f. Patients should increase fluid intake.

11. Which nursing intervention(s) should the nurse consider for the patient taking ciprofloxacin?
(Select all that apply.)
a. Obtain culture before drug administration.
b. Tell the patient to avoid taking ciprofloxacin with antacids.
c. Monitor the patient for tinnitus.
d. Encourage fluids to prevent crystalluria.
e. Infuse intravenous ciprofloxacin over 60 minutes.
f. Monitor blood glucose because ciprofloxacin can decrease effects of oral hypoglycemics.

12. A patient is taking sulfasalazine. What should the nurse teach the patient to do?
a. Drink at least 10 glasses of fluid per day.
b. Monitor blood glucose carefully to avoid hyperglycemia.
c. Avoid operating a motor vehicle because this drug may cause drowsiness.
d. Take this drug with an antacid to decrease the risk of gastrointestinal distress.

13. The nurse is teaching a patient about trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Which instructions will
the nurse plan to include? (Select all that apply.)
a. Report any bruising or bleeding.
b. Report any diarrhea or bloody stools.
c. Report any fever, rash, or sore throat.
d. Avoid unprotected exposure to sunlight.
e. Report thirst and polyuria
1. A patient asks about disposal of medications. What are the nurse’s best responses? (Select all that
a. Mix medications with coffee grounds or cat litter before disposal.
b. Pour medications down the sink.
c. Remove identifying information on the original container.
d. Pulverize all tablets before disposal.
e. Dilute the medication with bleach before disposal.

2. The nurse educator on the unit receives a list of high-alert drugs. Which strategy is recommended to
decrease the risk of errors with these medications? (Select all that apply.)
a. Store medications alphabetically on an easy-access shelf for quick retrieval.
b. Limit access to these drugs.
c. Use special labels for these drugs.
d. Provide increased information to staff.
e. Standardize the ordering and preparation of these drugs.

3. The nurse is aware that The Joint Commission has recommended which abbreviation be on the “Do
Not Use” list for ordering or documenting medications?
a. qd
b. NPO
c. Subling
d. bid

4. A patient refuses to take the prescribed medication. Which is the nurse’s best response to this patient?
a. Explain the benefits and side effects of the drug.
b. Leave the medication at the patient’s bedside to be taken later.
c. Persuade the patient to take the medication.
d. Explain the risks of not taking the medication.

5. What information is essential for the nurse to know related to right documentation? (Select all that
a. The necessity to document all medications given at the end of a shift
b. The correct site of injectable medication
c. Patient response to an anti-emetic
d. Patient’s blood pressure prior to giving an antihypertensive
e. Date and time of dose and necessity for the nurse’s initials/signature

6. The nurse prepares to administer medications. Which are complete drug orders? (Select all that apply.)
a. Aspirin 81 mg PO daily
b. Multivitamin
c. Vitamin D 2000 units PO
d. Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (Cipro) 500 mg PO q12h × 7d
e. Promethazine 50 mg IV q3-6h PRN for nausea
1. A patient is beginning isoniazid and rifampin treatment for tuberculosis. The nurse gives the patient
which instruction?
a. Do not skip doses.
b. Take both drugs three times daily with food.
c. Take an antacid with the drugs to decrease gastrointestinal distress.
d. Take rifampin initially, and begin isoniazid after 2 months.

2. A patient taking isoniazid is worried about the side effects. Which of the following does the nurse
realize is an adverse effect of the drug?
a. Ototoxicity
b. Hepatotoxicity
c. Nephrotoxicity
d. Optic nerve toxicity

3. The nurse teaches a patient taking amphotericin B to report which signs and symptoms to the health
care provider?
a. Change in sight
b. Decrease in hearing
c. Decrease in urine
d. Painful red rash and blisters

4. A patient has been diagnosed with tuberculosis and is to begin antitubercular therapy with
isoniazid, rifampin, and ethambutol. What should the nurse do? (Select all that apply.)
a. Encourage periodic eye examinations.
b. Instruct the patient to take medications with meals.
c. Suggest that the patient take antacids with medications to prevent gastrointestinal distress.
d. Advise the patient to report numbness and tingling of the hands or feet.
e. Alert the patient that body fluids may develop a red-orange color.
f. Teach the patient to avoid direct sunlight and to use sunblock.

5. Zanamivir is ordered for a patient. What does the nurse know about use of this drug?
a. It is a treatment for herpes simplex virus type 2.
b. Oral administration is for treatment of herpes simplex virus type 1.
c. It treats varicella-zoster virus.
d. Administration must be within 48 hours of onset of symptoms to be effective.

6. Acyclovir has been ordered for a patient with genital herpes. Which nursing interventions are
appropriate for this patient? (Select all that apply.)
a. Monitor the patient’s blood urea nitrogen and creatinine.
b. Monitor the patient’s blood pressure for hypertension.
c. Administer intravenous acyclovir over 30 minutes.
d. Advise maintenance of adequate fluid intake.
e. Monitor complete blood count for blood dyscrasias.

7. A mother of two children was just diagnosed with hepatitis C virus. Which of the following is incorrect
about hepatitis C virus?
a. A vaccine is available.
b. Hepatitis C virus can be transmitted by blood and body fluids.
c. Hepatitis C virus can cause hepatic carcinoma.
d. Persons with hepatitis C virus can become chronic carriers.
1. What provisions of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 are most important for
the nurse to know related to patient health teaching? (Select all that apply.)
a. Clarified marketing regulations
b. Reclassified herbs as dietary supplements
c. Stated that herbal products can be marketed with suggested dosages
d. Required that package labels give quality and strength of all contents
e. Stated that herbs can be used as drugs
2. The nurse discovers that a patient has recently decided to take four herbal preparations. Which
action will the nurse take first?
a. Discuss the cost of herbal products.
b. Instruct the patient to inform the health care provider of all products taken.
c. Instruct the patient to stop taking all herbal products immediately.
d. Suggest that the patient taper off use of herbal products over the next 2 weeks.
3. Labeling of herbal products is important. Which is an appropriate claim for an herbal product?
a. Prevents diabetes
b. Helps increase blood flow to the extremities
c. Cures Alzheimer disease
d. Is safe for all
4. The nurse is reviewing a patient’s current medications. Which herbal products interfere with the
action of anticoagulants? (Select all that apply.)
a. Astragalus
b. Garlic
c. Ginger
d. Licorice root
e. Gingko
5. A patient being seen at a cardiovascular clinic mentions he takes garlic, which is reported to
decrease cholesterol, blood pressure, and heart disease. Which patient statement indicates a need
for further teaching? (Select all that apply.)
a. I can just take garlic for my heart problems.
b. Garlic may provide some decrease in blood pressure.
c. Garlic is very effective in preventing depression.
d. Garlic will not cure impotence.
1. During a medication review session, a patient says, “I just do not know why I am taking all of
these pills.” Based on this piece of subjective data, which diagnosis will the nurse identify?
a. High risk for injury
b. Knowledge deficit
c. High risk for aspiration
d. Anxiety
2. The nurse is developing goals in collaboration with a patient. Which is the best goal statement?
a. The patient will self-administer albuterol by tomorrow.
b. The patient will self-administer the prescribed dose of albuterol by the end of the second
teaching session.
c. The patient will independently self-administer the prescribed dose of albuterol by the end of
the second teaching session.
d. The patient will organize his or her medications by tomorrow.
3. When developing an effective medication teaching plan, which component will the nurse identify
as most essential?
a. Written instructions
b. The patient’s readiness to learn
c. Use of colorful charts
d. A review of community resources
4. When developing an individualized medication teaching plan, which topics will the nurse
include? (Select all that apply.)
a. The importance of adherence to the prescribed drug regimen
b. How to administer medication(s) according to the prescribed route
c. The side/adverse effects that should be reported to the health care provider
d. If a drug is inadvertently missed, whether to double the next dose
e. Notifying the physician prior to taking over-the-counter drugs or supplements
5. The Nursing Alliance for Quality Care’s focus is for health care providers to strive for which goal?
a. Safety in medication administration
b. Confidentiality as determined by the patient
c. Development of a patient relationship and family engagement
d. Patient independence within the family
6. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses’ focus on safety is best exemplified by which
a. Patient advocacy
b. Technology-enhanced medication administration
c. Infection control
d. Patient- and family-centered collaborative care
7. Which teaching strategy is most likely to succeed in health teaching with the patient and family?
a. Have the patient verbalize why they are taking the drug.
b. Have the patient answer closed-ended questions.
c. Have the patient demonstrate information.
d. Have the patient identify pills by color.
1. A patient is diagnosed with malaria and is prescribed mefloquine hydrochloride. The nurse
anticipates that which lab test will be ordered?
a. Liver enzymes
b. Blood glucose
c. Sputum culture and sensitivity
d. White blood cell count
2. A patient is admitted to the hospital with multidrug-resistant urinary tract infection. Lab tests
show Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Colistimethate sodium is ordered by intramuscular injection. The
nurse understands that which of the following is the purpose for this drug?
a. This drug prevents toxic adverse reactions.
b. This drug treats aerobic gram-negative bacteria.
c. This drug is safe for patients with renal impairments.
d. This drug prevents antibiotic resistance.
3. A patient with a history of malaria who is being treated with chloroquine is in the clinic for a
follow-up visit. What should the nurse advise the patient to do?
a. Get frequent hearing checks.
b. Take antimalarials before meals.
c. Get frequent testing of stool specimens.
d. Check your heart rate before taking this medication.
4. A patient is taking thiabendazole for trichinosis. What does the nurse realize about this condition
and its treatment?
a. The medication is given for 7 days.
b. The medication should be avoided if the patient has renal disease.
c. Family members should be checked for the same disease.
d. Proper hygiene must be taught to avoid the spread of disease.
5. A 50-year-old woman is being discharged from the hospital after treatment for malaria. Which
teaching topic would best inform the patient about adverse reactions?
a. The occurrence of headaches
b. Experiencing dizziness
c. Developing mild pruritus
d. Respiratory distress
6. A 30-year-old woman presents with a recurrence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection, and
metronidazole is ordered. The patient’s history reveals which of the following contraindications?
a. A recent pregnancy test is negative.
b. She previously took metronidazole and had no side effects.
c. She drinks an occasional glass of wine.
d. She takes an oral contraceptive.

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