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KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ Môn: Kỹ năng đọc hiểu – Sơ cấp STT:

(Critical Reading - Elementary)
Mã đề thi
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Ngày thi: 25/04/2022 2
Họ và tên thí sinh:__________________________________ MSSV:___________ Lớp:_______ Số phách
Học phần: ______________________ Học kỳ:___________ Năm học:_____________________

Điểm tổng Họ tên và chữ ký giám thị Họ tên và chữ ký giám khảo
(1) (2) (1) (2)
- Gadgets and reference materials are NOT allowed.
- DO NOT use pencils or correction pens to write your answers.
- Supervisors are NOT allowed to give any further explanations.


Choose A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences, then write A, B, C, or D on your PRINTED answer sheet.
1. When there is an ___________ having a problem in finishing his work, a good boss always sees this, and
offers support.
A. employer B. employee C. employed D. unemploy
2. In some ___________, people see time as more flexible than others.
A. cultures B. culturals C. inculturals D. culture
3. When I am ___________ and not worrying, I get more work done.
A. relaxxing B. relaxation C. relaxed D. relaxing
4. The weather forecast says the temperature will be from 23°C to 28°C but that can’t be ___________. It’s
much hotter.
A. accuration B. inaccurate C. accuracy D. accurate
5. If a pistachio shell is not open, it means the nut inside is ___________ not ready.
A. definite B. definitely C. define D. defination
6. The math problem is almost impossible to solve because it’s ___________.
A. complicated B. complicate C. complete D. complication
7. There is hope that the new cable car will reduce the number of cars on the road as well as reduce air
A. polluting B. pollute C. polluted D. pollution
8. The new schools are bright and___________.
A. uncomfort B. comfort C. comfortable D. comfortably

9. Fresh water and clean air are ___________ for people’s lives.
A. essentiant B. essentiality C. essential D. essentially
10. I think Queen Rania is ___________, intelligent, and friendly.
A. confident B. confidential C. confidence D. confide


Read the passage below and decide if statements that follow are FACTS (F) or OPINIONS (O). Write
your answer on your PRINTED answer sheet.
Is butter better?
In the past, the choice between butter and margarine was easy. Butter is high in saturated fat, which can
lead to an increased risk of heart disease. And a serving of butter contains 30 milligrams of cholesterol—
10% of your daily limit. Margarine contains much less saturated fat and no cholesterol. Maybe it tastes
worse, but your health is more important.
These days, the choice is more complicated. Research suggests that a little saturated fat might not be
harmful. Butter also fills you up more, so you feel less hungry later. So, although butter has more
calories (100 per serving, compared to around 90 for normal margarine), you might actually lose weight
by eating more butter! Older and cheaper types of margarine often have very high levels of trans fats,
which scientists believe are worse than saturated fats. More modern (and more expensive) types of
margarine have no trans fats, so they’re much healthier. Just don’t eat too much—even the healthiest
modern margarine contains around 75 calories per serving.
Butter is one of the best sources of vitamin A: one serving gives you 7% of your daily needs. Normal
margarine contains no vitamin A, but it’s added to some modern types of margarine to give you around
10% of your daily needs. Overall, both butter and margarine are fine in small amounts, as part of a
balanced diet. But if you really want a healthy and cheap alternative, try putting nothing at all on your

11. A serving of butter contains 30 milligrams of cholesterol. _____

12. Margarine contains much less saturated fat and no cholesterol. _____
13. Maybe it tastes worse, but your health is more important. _____
14. You might actually lose weight by eating more butter. _____
15. Research suggests that a little saturated fat might not be harmful. _____
16. Butter has more calories (100 per serving, compared to around 90 for normal margarine). _____
17. More modern (and more expensive) types of margarine have no trans fats, so they’re much
healthier. _____

18. The healthiest modern margarine contains around 75 calories per serving. _____
19. One serving gives you 7% of your daily needs. _____
20. Both butter and margarine are fine in small amounts. _____


Read the passage below and choose a suitable word or phrase taken from the passage to complete the
sentences that follow. Write your answer on your PRINTED answer sheet.
What do these three locations have in common? Up a tree; in water of 40oC; at depths of 7.7km below
sea level? They are all, surprisingly, environments in which living fish can be found. Fish have almost as
many habitats as they do number of species. They spread from fresh to salt water and from high
mountain streams to the deepest oceans. But there are three species of fish which have found very
surprising places to live. They are the mangrove killi-fish, the desert pupfish and the Hadal snail fish.
The tree-dwelling fish, the mangrove killifish, lives in the trees of the mangrove forests of the Western
Atlantic. It can manage without water for 66 days. As long as the fish stays wet, it can live for weeks at a
time out of water. Its specially adapted gills are the secret to its success. They allow nitrogen waste to
escape through the skin of the fish and keep the fish alive.
Unlike the killifish, the desert pupfish does need to be in water the whole time. However, it can survive
in water as hot as 40OC. These fish live in California’s Death Valley, one of the hottest places on earth.
The summer temperatures can go over 50OC. To get through the long summers, the fish have to be able
to survive these high temperatures in the pools of salty water in which they live. Many died during the
summer months, with only the strongest surviving to go on and create the next generation.
The Hadal snail fish would never be friends with the pupfish. The natural habitat for this fish is in the
deepest parts of the oceans, in places where humans have never been. Here the water is only just above
freezing temperatures.

21. Fish______________ in all living environments.

22. In ______________ three kinds of fish may be identified.
23. ______________ are the habitats of the killifish.
24. Without water for weeks, the tree-dwelling fish, the mangrove killifish still can survive as long as
their bodies ______________.
25. The fish release ______________ through their skin to keep them alive.
26. ______________ in the water is obligated to the desert pupfish.

27. To survive, the desert pupfish have to be familiar with ______________ in the pools of salty water in
which they live.
28. To be able to produce ______________, the desert pupfish have to be the strongest.
29. The Hadal snail fish and the pupfish obviously cannot ______________.
30. Humans never could appear in the Hadal snail fish’s ______________.


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