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KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ Môn: Kỹ năng viết luận - Sơ cấp Mã đề thi
(Critical writing - Elementary)
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút
Ngày thi: 27/04/2022 Số phách
Họ và tên thí sinh:__________________________________ MSSV:___________ Lớp:_______
Học phần: ______________________ Học kỳ:___________ Năm học:_____________________
Điểm tổng Họ tên và chữ ký giám thị Họ tên và chữ ký giám khảo
(1) (2) (1) (2)
- Gadgets and reference materials are NOT allowed.
- DO NOT use pencils or correction pens to write your answers.
- Supervisors are NOT allowed to give any further explanations.


Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. Write your answer in your PRINTED
answer sheet.
1. Great leaders need to be ______ for the performance for the people around them.
A. confident B. calm C. honest D. responsible
2. He’s late for everything. It’s not easy for him to ______ his time.
A. manage B. tidy C. respect D. succeed
3. Special permission is ______ if you want to camp overnight in the desert.
A. display B. accompanied C. accurate D. required
4. ________ people like to see the good in every situation.
A. Optimistic B. Trouble C. Pleasant D. Complicated
5. The police plan to ______ my house overnight to see if the robber returns.
A. view B. watch C. see D. look
6. With too many things around you, it’s difficult to ______ on your work.
A. move B. create C. concentrate D. schedule
7. The airline wants to ______ the number of flights from three to five.
A. provide B. increase C. decrease D. balance
8. Dan and Lisa are busy but they always ______ me when I’m in town.
A. kill time B. make time for C. waste time D. in time
9. The number of bags of groceries they delivered does not ______ what is on this paper.
A. equal B. expect C. increase D. consider
10. The ______ of something is what you see behind the main people or things.
A. warning B. showing C. condition D. background
11. Richard ______ the right character to be a leader. He’s too arrogant!
A. doesn’t have B. don’t have C. has D. have
12. I’d like to tell you about ______ interesting building in Dubai.
A. a B. an C. the D. Ø
13. Most people ______ about this research, but they will soon.
A. not heard B. hasn’t hear C. haven’t heard D. don’t heard
14. You always eat the same food! Why don’t you eat a ______ diet?
A. more balanced B. balanceder C. most balanced D. balance
15. When the research ______, nobody believed it.
A. published B. was published C. were published D. was publish
16. Can you help me? I’m making a poster ______ tell people about our new English club.
A. to B. in C. for D. so
17. We tried to climb to the mountain last year, but we ______ not able to reach the top because the
weather was too bad.
A. can B. could C. was D. were
18. Don’t worry. There won’t be ______ people at the movie today.
A. a lot B. much C. many D. plenty
19. In 1881, Clara Barton ______ the American Red Cross.
A. establishes B. established C. did establish D. was established
20. A great leader ______ many important qualities.
A. has B. have C. is have D. do have


Read the two following paragraphs and write the topic sentence of each paragraph in your
PRINTED answer sheet.
Paragraph 1

I think I have good time-management skills before and during exams. First of all, I do a lot to
prepare before an exam because it gives me confidence. I study a little bit every day and I
usually study in one-hour blocks. Also, I study for a few hours the night before. I always get
7–8 hours of sleep because I don’t want to be sleepy during the exam. Before I start the exam,
I look over the whole exam. I always answer easy questions first. I check that I answer every
question because I sometimes hurry and forget to answer some. When I finish, I hand in my
exam at once. I know that’s not good to do. Overall, I think I manage my time well.

Topic sentence: ...........................................................................................................................

Paragraph 2

Team sports such as baseball and volleyball can teach us a lot about life. First, sports can show
us that we need to work hard. For example, we may need to pace ourselves and have
endurance to achieve our aims. In addition, practice is important if we want to be good at a
sport. I couldn’t play basketball well in high school, but I kept practicing and now I can play
well. Second, sports clearly prepare students for the real world. Players learn how to work
together and get along. They learn how to solve problems as well. In fact, all of these are
essential skills for working in any business or organization. Third, sports also teach us about
failing. Winning isn’t everything. Every game or sport will have a winner and a loser, and
sports are able to teach us that it’s OK to lose sometimes, if you try your best. Moreover, we
often learn more from our failures than our successes.

Topic sentence: ...........................................................................................................................



Write a paragraph of about 150 words to describe your hi-tech dream home.
Write your writing in your PRINTED answer sheet.


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