2008 - Exploring For Natural Gas Using Reflectance Spectra of Surface Soil

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Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817


Exploring for natural gas using reflectance spectra of surface soils

Da-Qi Xu , Guo-Qiang Ni a,*, Li-Li Jiang a, Yuan-Ting Shen c,
Ting Li a, Shu-Le Ge a, Xian-Biao Shu a
Department of Optical Engineering, School of Information Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
China Centre for Resources Satellite Data and Application, Beijing 100073, China
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academic of Sciences, China

Received 18 August 2006; received in revised form 21 May 2007; accepted 25 May 2007


Reflectance spectra in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths provide a rapid and inexpensive means for determining the mineralogy
of samples and obtaining information on chemical composition. Hydrocarbon microseepage theory establishes a cause-and-effect
relation between oil and gas reservoirs and some special surface anomalies, which mainly include surface hydrocarbon microseepage
and related alterations. Therefore, we can explore for oil, gas by determining reflectance spectra of surface anomalies. This idea has been
applied to the R&D project of exploring for natural gas in Qinghai province of China using NASA EO-1 satellite with the Hyperion
sensor (June 2005 to June 2006). In this project, in order to improve the accuracy of exploration targets of natural gas mapped in the
field studied, an integrated practical system of exploration of oil and gas was built by the analysis of not only hyperspectral remote
sensing data but also data provided from field work. In this paper, our efforts were focused on the analysis of the 799 reflectance spectra
provided from the field work. In order to properly define the typical form of hydrocarbon microseepage with spectroscopy and fulfill the
data analysis, it was necessary to build a spectral model. In this spectral model the most important features of hydrocarbon microseepage
in the surface of our study area, i.e., diagnostic spectral macroscopic features and diagnostic spectral absorption features, were proposed
and extracted, respectively. The distribution of coexisting anomalies, which results from both alteration minerals and hydrocarbons, is
estimated by the diagnostic macroscopic features mainly using Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classifier. On the other hand, the diagnos-
tic absorption features of two main absorption bands presented abundant local information, based on deep analysis of which, we are able
to map the anomalies of alteration minerals and hydrocarbons, respectively. Additionally, a general framework of analysis and key clas-
sification algorithms applied to the Hyperion data have been introduced briefly. In our work, three exploration targets of natural gas
were identified from the study area which covers 2100 km2. In the three exploration targets, three wildcats have been drilled by China
National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) since July 2006, and all the three wells have been proven some industrial reserves.
 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Reflectance spectra; Hyperspectral remote sensing; Explore for natural gas; Absorption-band parameters; Spectral library; Hydrocarbon
absorption bands

1. Introduction infrared and short wave-infrared light, providing vast

amounts of spectral information at the sub-pixel level.
Hyperspectral imaging sensors have sufficient spectral Now significant gas fields are found in subtle strati-
resolution to identify different surface materials based graphic traps in addition to structural traps. Both may be
solely on spectral characteristics. They record narrow detectable by measuring surface hydrocarbon microsee-
wavelength bands of visible light as well as longer, near- page and related anomalies. In order to decrease cost of
exploration and improve wildcat success rates, various
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 013581975576. combinations of surface methods have been used to locate
E-mail addresses: rufus7@cresda.com, rufus7@bit.edu.cn (G.-Q. Ni). those wildcat tests (Thompson et al., 1994).

0273-1177/$34.00  2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1801

Exploration of oil, gas using hyperspectral remote sens- may even be possible to identify hydrocarbons directly, if
ing methodologies is based on reflectance spectroscopy and they accumulate on the surface in sufficient quantities
hydrocarbon microseepage theory (Cloutis, 1989; Goetz (Freeman, 2003).
et al., 1985). In 1999, a cooperative R&D project organized by Geo-
Remote sensing for hydrocarbon exploration generally sat proved that sophisticated airborne and ground hyper-
focuses on the identification of indirect evidence of hydro- spectral sensors were capable of detecting oil seeps and
carbons. In addition, it is possible to map indirect evidence oil-impacted soils (Ellis, 2003). Some promising research
of seeps, using the spectra of stressed vegetation (Everett results (Ellis et al., 2001; Freeman, 2003; Hörig et al.,
et al., 2002; Yang et al., 1998), or through the identification 2001) have been acquired recently in the projects or exper-
of alteration minerals associated with seeps. In rare cases, it iments of exploring for oil, natural gas using airborne

Fig. 1. Integrated practical system of exploration of oil and gas.

1802 D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817

hyperspectral sensors; however, so far, rare literature absorption features of two main absorption bands of 2.1–
shows the effectiveness by satellite sensors such as Hype- 2.26 and 2.24–2.39 lm presented abundant local informa-
rion for successful exploration of oil and gas. tion, based on deep analysis of which, we are able to
From June 2005 to June 2006, we worked on the R&D map the anomalies of alteration minerals and hydrocar-
project of exploring for natural gas in Qinghai province, bons separately.
China, using NASA EO-1 satellite with the Hyperion sen-
sor. In our project, great efforts were focused on the spec- 2. Theory and methods
tral model of hydrocarbon microseepage and Hyperion
data classification algorithms. In order to improve the 2.1. Reflectance spectroscopy
accuracy of exploration targets of natural gas mapped in
the field studied, an integrated practical system (see Reflectance spectroscopy is the study of light as a func-
Fig. 1) of exploration of oil and gas is built by the analysis tion of wavelength that has been reflected or scattered from
of not only hyperspectral remote sensing data but also data a solid, liquid, or gas.
provided from field work by experts. In our work, three More recently, the sensitivity of spectroscopy to subtle
exploration targets of natural gas were identified from changes in crystal structure or chemistry has been recog-
the study area which covers 2100 km2. nized as a powerful means of studying the structure and
The data provided from field work mainly includes composition of minerals, and it is because of this sensitivity
reflectance spectra determined in the field, mineral samples that spectroscopy has great potential as a diagnostic tool
collected throughout the study area, location data, photos, (Clark, 1995).
geologic surveys, and so on. In particular, the reflectance
spectra determined in the field have much higher SNR (Sig- 2.2. Hydrocarbon microseepage
nal Noise Ratio) and better spectral resolution than Hype-
rion data. Furthermore, the impact of atmospheric Hydrocarbon microseepage involves buoyant, relatively
conditions, such as the amount of water vapor and distri- rapid, vertical ascent of ultra-small gas bubbles of light
bution of aerosols, can be almost ignored completely in hydrocarbons (primarily methane through the butanes)
the process of spectrum determination in the field. These through a network of interconnected, groundwater-filled
are significant for us in order to acquire accurate reflec- joints and bedding planes.
tance spectra, and build up a spectral model for hydrocar- As hydrocarbons rise toward the surface, sulfate reduc-
bon microseepage in our study area with good accuracy. ing bacteria may consume them and produce hydrogen sul-
However, the data provided by field work are of low spatial fide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), and secondary carbonate
resolution, which can degrade the recognition precision of mineralization (CaCO3). Carbon dioxide in groundwater
surface anomalies. Meanwhile, the relative higher cost and forms carbonic acid (H2CO3), which can react with clay
lower efficiency of the field work hampers its practical minerals to create more secondary pore-filling calcium car-
applicability. To overcome these difficulty, hyperspectral bonate mineralization and silicification (SiO2). This can
data acquired by Hyperion sensors were also exploited result in rendering the near-surface materials more dense
for the design of a classifier to detect the oil and gas distri- and resistant to erosion (Saunders et al., 1993).
bution in the area studied, as Hyperion have greater spatial The production of CO2, H2S, and organic acids resulting
resolution (30 m) and can provide more continuous distri- from the microbial oxidation of hydrocarbons in near sur-
bution of anomalies efficiently. In conclusion, on the com- face soils and sediments can create reducing, slightly acidic
parison and integrated analysis of classification results conditions that promote the diagenetic weathering of feld-
provided by the two data sources discussed above, we spars to produce clays (Schumacher, 1996). Clay minerals
could better map anomaly zones in the area observed. thus formed remain chemically stable unless their environ-
In this paper, our efforts were focused on the analysis of ment is changed. Pyrite can be precipitated in this reducing
the data provided from the field work. In order to properly environment too.
define the typical form of hydrocarbon microseepage with
spectroscopy and fulfill the data analysis, it is necessary 2.3. Geochemical signatures
to build a spectral model. In this spectral model the most
important features of hydrocarbon microseepage in the Unlike macroseeps, which manifest themselves as pools
surface of our study area, i.e., diagnostic spectral macro- of oil or tar on the surface, microseeps leave no visible or
scopic features and diagnostic spectral absorption features, easily discernable direct evidence of their occurrence. There
were proposed and extracted, which is discussed in detail in are many significant, well-documented hydrocarbon-
Sections 4 and 5 of this paper, respectively. induced anomalies in both the soils and sediments
The distribution of coexisting anomalies, which results surrounding microseeps that are attributable to leaking
from both alteration minerals and hydrocarbons, is esti- hydrocarbons. These anomalies can be divided into two
mated by the diagnostic macroscopic features in the band types of microseepage detection, i.e., direct and indirect.
region of 2.0–2.396 lm mainly using Spectral Angle Map- Direct detection is defined as those techniques that actually
per (SAM) classifier. On the other hand, the diagnostic measure hydrocarbons, in the form of hydrocarbon
D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1803

molecules adsorbed to soil particles or hydrocarbon con- This area has a great temperature difference between day
centrations of escaping vapor, such as methane. Indirect and night, and annual average temperature is about
detection is the measurement of secondary effects resulting 3.7 C. Annual average rainfall is around 120 mm, and
from the seepage of light hydrocarbons, such as mineral annual evaporation is about 2050 mm. There is relative
alterations (Van der Meer et al., 2000). stronger wind in the period of April and May of a year
Consequently, diagnostic spectral features of hydrocar- in the area studied. The surface mainly is Gobi almost
bons and mineral alterations compose reliable evidences without any vegetation. The average altitude is about
in the exploration of oil, gas. 2750 m.
The study area is located on the north slope of a depres-
2.3.1. Diagnostic spectral features of hydrocarbons sion basin. Most of structures in this area are internal
The diagnostic spectral features of methane and crude structures of Quaternary system. The lithologies are mainly
oil consist of four distinct hydrocarbon absorption bands. dark gray arenaceous mudstones, with a few dark gray
Two bands, 1.18 and 1.380 lm, are narrow and sharply argillaceous siltstones and brown carbonaceous mud-
defined, though fairly weak. The other two, 1.68–1.72 stones. Neogene Shizigou Formation is underlying. Thick-
and 2.3–2.45 lm, are broader, but much stronger (McCoy ness of gas source bed is about 1800 m, and depth of gas
et al., 2001). bearing reservoir is only about 723–1330 m. The unconsol-
idated sands and the shallow gas bearing reservoir in the
2.3.2. Diagnostic spectral features of alterations and some study area facilitate the vertical ascent of light
surface anomalies hydrocarbons.
Hydrocarbon-induced alterations associated with indi- Exploration of oil and gas in this area on a large scale
rect detection can express themselves in a variety of forms, started from 1970s, and at present, seismic survey grid
such as mineralogical changes (calcium carbonate mineral- has arrived at 2 · 2–4 · 4 (km · km) in the study area.
ization: near 2.35 lm), bleaching of red beds (near 1.0 lm), There are four existing gas fields, i.e., No. 0, No. 1, No.
clay minerals alterations (near 2.2 lm), electrochemical 2, and No. 3 gas field from west to east in the study area.
changes, radiation anomalies, microbial anomalies, as well
as biogeochemical and geobotanical anomalies (Schumach- 3.2. Field work
er, 1996).
The data map of the field work is shown in Fig. 2. In the
3. Field and lab description direction of EO-1 satellite track, 26 reference lines were
arranged every 2 km in the study area, and on each refer-
3.1. Geologic setting ence line 21 observation points were arranged at intervals
of about 2 km. However, in the existing gas fields, the mesh
In our project, the study area covers 2100 km2 was made denser and reached about 1 · 1 (km · km).
(42 km · 52 km) and lies in the middle of Caidam Basin. Therefore, the observation points (circles in Fig. 2)

Fig. 2. Data map of the field work.

1804 D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817

Table 1
Key specifications of ASD FieldSpec Pro FR portable spectroradiometers
Spectral range (nm) Spectral resolution (nm) Noise equivalent radiance (W/cm2 nm sr) Signal Noise Ratio (nm)
350–2500 3 (350–1050) 1.4 · 10 at 700 nm 15,000:1 at 700
10 (1000–2500) 2.4 · 10 at 1400 nm 5000:1 at 1400
8.8 · 10 at 2100 nm 2000:1 at 2100

amounted to 601. Furthermore, 144 field samples (triangles 3.3. Lab work: mineralogy/geochemistry
in Fig. 2) have been collected throughout the study area.
Initially, our field sampling scheme is devised as the survey Hydrocarbons are constantly undergoing chemical reac-
mesh about 4 · 4 (km · km), however, in the process of tions in a variety of pressure/temperature settings. These
field work we decided to modulate it according to the geo- reactions can result in many different alterations that can
logic complexity of site’s surface. In the observation points be detected by remote sensing. To be able to obtain the typ-
with the same lithology, e.g., the surface of about a quarter ical form of hydrocarbon microseepage in the surface of
of the study area is very hard salt crust, the mesh was made the area studied and further confirm hydrocarbon-induced
relative sparser. On the other hand, in the area with com- microseepage alteration recognized from spectral data, 144
plex lithologies as well as in the existing gas fields, the sur- field samples have been analyzed using X-ray diffraction
vey mesh was densified. (XRD) in laboratory.
Accurate geologic locations of these observation points Based on the analysis report of field samples, we can
and samples are necessary in order to locate pixels in the conclude that: (1) the average content of clay minerals of
remote sensing images. For this project, location data has samples collected from the existing gas fields is 25.3%,
been acquired using the Trimble GeoXT Global Position- and that of samples collected from the other area is
ing System (GPS). 16.7%; (2) the average content of carbonates of samples
In the field work, reflectance spectra have been obtained collected from the existing gas fields is 25.4%, and that of
using two ASD’s FieldSpec Pro field portable spectrome- samples collected from the other area is 17.1%; (3) the aver-
ters, which are classic products of Analytical Spectral age content of halite equals to 29.0%; (4) the main compo-
Devices, Inc. (ASD). ASD’s FieldSpec Pro field portable nents of clays are illite and chlorite, whose average content
spectrometers are widely used for geologic remote sensing in clays equals to 63.2% and 17.8% separately.
applications. Geologists have recognized that the same Thus, we can make a conclusion: the existing gas fields
methods of reflectance spectroscopy have far reaching in our study area have the typical features of high concen-
applications beyond remote sensing, especially in mineral trations of clays and carbonates.
exploration, core logging, alteration zone delineation, and
lithology mapping (Waiser et al., 2007). Key specifications 4. Analysis based on spectral macroscopic features
of ASD’s FieldSpec Pro field portable spectrometers are
listed in Table 1, and the SNR is determined under normal In order to build the spectral model of the hydrocarbon
solar illumination conditions. Thus, superior sensitivity microseepage in our study area, the diagnostic spectral
combined with a 0.1 s scan time permits greater data collec- macroscopic features were studied and proposed in this
tion in a shorter amount of time and faster movement section. Furthermore, we depended on the similarity of
between sites for us in the field, and the SNR of radiance the macroscopic features of reflectance spectra to fulfill
signal measured by the ASD spectroradiometer is able to spectral classification. 2.0–2.396 lm was chosen for the
meet the requirement of the feature extraction and analysis study band region, allowing for diagnostic spectral features
methods in this project. of main minerals in the study area as well as the spectral
The measurement number of the reflectance spectra at range of the portable spectroradiometer and Hyperion
each observation point depended on the geologic complex- sensor.
ity of site’s surface. Thus, 799 reflectance spectra have been
acquired throughout the study area. In this project, all 4.1. Spectral macroscopic features of hydrocarbon
reflectance spectra were denoted in the form of ‘‘reference microseepage
line’’ _‘‘observation point’’ _ ‘‘number’’, and, for example,
‘‘L7_14_0’’ indicated the first reflectance spectrum deter- Reflectance spectra of typical observation points in gas
mined at the 14th observation point of the 7th reference fields and the other area of the study area are shown in
line. Fig. 3.
Additionally, digital photos have been taken, and geo- A soil reflectance spectrum is the superimposition of
logic surveys have been recorded at each observation point. spectra of the soil mineral components, so in order to
Finally a field determination database was designed to con- extract the spectral macroscopic features of hydrocarbon
tain all the reflectance spectra, location data, photos, and microseepage in our study area, the contents of the field
geologic surveys. determination database, such as reflectance spectra,
D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1805

Fig. 3. Typical reflectance spectra of observation points.

location data, photos, and geologic surveys, and analysis among spectral signatures. This characteristic is related to
report of 144 samples should be studied carefully. At last, the intrinsic property of wavelet transforms that preserve
diagnostic spectral macroscopic features of hydrocarbon high-frequency and low-frequency features during the sig-
microseepage in our study area were proposed: (1) there nal decomposition, and therefore preserve peaks and val-
are two broad and strong absorption bands near 2.2 and leys found in typical spectra. In general, most
2.33 lm with complex shapes, whose absorption-band classification errors occur at the boundary between classes.
width is about 40 nm; (2) there is a slightly positive slope Since wavelet decomposition is applied to each local test
in the region of 2.3–2.4 lm. The slightly positive slope in data, a wavelet-based reduction might not well-differentiate
this region is not characteristic of clays, which shows a neg- classes among neighboring test data in the spatial domain.
ative slope. However this slope suggests that hydrocarbons PCA, however, can provide more local spatial information
are overriding the spectral signature of the clays in this among neighboring class than wavelet. The Flowchart of
region. The increase in absorption in this region is also a PCA based on wavelet transform is shown in Fig. 4.
manifestation of the increasing hydrocarbon content
(Cloutis, 1989). 4.2.2. SAM
SAM is an automated method for comparing testing
4.2. Analysis methods spectra to individual spectra or a spectral library. SAM
assumes that the data have been reduced to apparent reflec-
4.2.1. Principal component analysis (PCA) based on wavelet tance (true reflectance multiplied by some unknown gain
transform factor controlled by topography and shadows). The
Hyperspectral data can provide very rich information on method determines the similarity between two spectra by
materials. However, it also presents many challenges in calculating the ‘‘spectral angle’’ between them, treating
data analysis and interpretation, due to the large amount them as vectors in a space with dimensionality equal to
of data collected. By carefully combining PCA and wavelet the number of bands (Kruse et al., 1993). Because it uses
techniques, a new method that can help in better identifica- only the ‘‘direction’’ of the spectra, and not their ‘‘length’’,
tion of classes in supervised classifications was engendered the method is insensitive to the unknown gain factor, and
(Kaewpijit et al., 2002). all possible illuminations are treated equally. The ‘‘color’’
PCA has been widely used for decades to reduce dimen- of a material is defined by the direction of its unit vector.
sionality, and it is a useful technique if the spectral class Notice that the angle between the vectors is the same
structure of the transformed data is such that it is distrib- regardless of the length. The length of the vector relates
uted along the first few axes. Otherwise, the transformed only to how fully the observation point is illuminated.
data may be similar to the original data. In such a case, The main disadvantage of most of the classification algo-
the wavelet decomposition technique might be a better rithms in spectroscopy, including SAM, is that they do
approach. Wavelet decomposition can reduce hyperspec- not consider the sub-pixel value. The spectral mixture
tral data in the spectral domain. This will not only reduce problem can become problematic because most of the
the data volume, but will also preserve the distinction Earth’s surface is heterogeneous.
1806 D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817

results with the former three methods were influenced by

illuminations strongly. With the three methods, the obser-
vation points with anomaly were distributed irregularly in
the study area, and the four existing gas fields were not
mapped clearly in the classification results. Specially, the
moisture distribution was revealed evidently in the classifi-
cation results with Binary Encoding. At last, it was with
SAM that we have obtained the best classification results,
which will be introduced in detail in the following sections
of this paper.

4.3. Spectra classification

The flowchart of classifier based on spectral macro-

scopic features is shown in Fig. 6.

4.3.1. Broad classification

A broad unsupervised classification of 799 reflectance
spectra has been developed using PCA based on wavelet
transform and k-mean cluster. In the process of broad clas-
Fig. 4. Flowchart of PCA based on wavelet transform. sification, the photos, geologic surveys of 601 observation
points, and the analysis report of 144 field samples were
paid close attention to. It is the main idea of broad classi-
It is significant to exclude the unknown gain factor and fication to remove the reflectance spectra with gross error.
possible illuminations in our field work, because spectra These reflectance spectra almost have no any useful infor-
cannot be determined in the same conditions in the field. mation, and are inclined to increase the classifier complex-
For example, moisture of soil can intensively influence ity and impact the classification results of the subsequent
albedo of reflectance spectra (Leblon, 1997), which is close classification.
shown in Fig. 5. The south of study area abuts on a few Sources of the gross error include: (1) field determina-
big salt lakes, and it is much moister than the north, so that tion in wrong way; (2) the content of halite being so high
the albedo of the 799 spectra changes a lot. Obviously as to conceal the feature of the other components (such
moisture is a disadvantageous factor for the classification as L12_19+_5, the content of halite reaches 57.3%); (3)
and its influence must be removed. the observation points located near gas wells being cleared
In the process of classification, we have experimented up, and thus primary anomaly information being lost (such
with Spectral Feature Fitting (SFF), Binary Encoding, as L15+_10_0).
Maximum Likelihood (ML) and SAM, the classification
4.3.2. Close classification of each reference line
After broad classification, in each reference line, typical
reflectance spectra determined in gas fields and the other
area were chosen, respectively, as classification samples,
which were used to close supervised classification with
SAM. We repeated this process several times so as to find
the observation points with relatively more strong features
of anomalies resulted from gas reservoirs in a reference
line. Consequently, distribution of coexisting anomalies
in the N–S transects, i.e., reference lines, through the area
studied was revealed.

4.3.3. Global close classification

After broad classification, some typical reflectance spec-
tra determined in the existing gas fields were chosen as glo-
bal classification samples, i.e., reference reflectance spectra.
By calculating the spectral similarity between all the 799
reflectance spectra and the reference reflectance spectra
with SAM in higher accuracy, global close classification
Fig. 5. Spectral reflectance curves for Newtonia silt loam at various was fulfilled. Therefore with the same standard, including
moisture contents (after Bowers and Hanks, 1965). the same reference reflectance spectra and threshold (spec-
D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1807

Fig. 6. Flowchart of classifier based on spectral macroscopic features.

tral angle), a more objective and convincible classification thresholds have been chosen in the process of global close
results, i.e., distribution of coexisting anomalies, which classification (Table 2). XRD analysis report of the global
results from both alteration minerals and hydrocarbons, classification samples are shown in Table 3, and the aver-
have been obtained. age content of clays and calcite of all the 144 samples col-
The global classification samples must have such charac- lected from the field is 19.1% and 6.9%, respectively.
ters as: (1) high content of clays and carbonates; (2) lying in
the existing gas fields; (3) and diagnostic spectral macro- Table 2
scopic features discussed above. Different combinations of classification parameters
Methods Samples Threshold (rad) Band (lm)
4.3.4. Intersection SAM1 L7_14_1 0.01, 0.02 2.0–2.396
Intersection of results acquired by the two close classifi- SAM2 L7_14_1 0.01, 0.02 2.1–2.396
cation methods presented above only contains those spec- SAM3 L11_11+_1 0.01–0.015 2.0–2.396
tra that possess abundant features of coexisting SAM4 L11_11+_1 0.01, 0.02 2.1–2.396
anomalies, which results from both alteration minerals SAM5 L5_14_1 0.01, 0.02 2.0–2.396
SAM6 L6_14_0 0.01, 0.02 2.0–2.396
and hydrocarbons, and are called Gas-Anomaly-Spectra
(GAS). The observation points where GAS were deter-
mined are named Gas-Anomaly-Points (GAP) in this
paper. Table 3
Analysis report of global classification samples
4.4. Experimental setup and result analysis Samples Clays (%) Calcite (%)
L7_14_1 35.7 9.2
4.4.1. Experimental setup L11_11+_1 34.3 12.4
In order to evaluate robustness of the method, different L5_14_1 30.6 14.4
L6_14_0 41.2 9.0
global classification samples, study band regions and
1808 D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817

Fig. 7 shows the classification results with four different (3) Based on the analysis report of field samples, the con-
samples, the same study band region (2.0–2.396 lm) and tent of halite is very high in entire study area. In the
threshold (0.01 rad) being chosen. By choosing the combi- study band region (2.0–2.396 lm), reflectance value
nation of parameters named SAM3 in Table 2, we obtained of halite is high and even. We can draw a conclusion
the classification results (see Fig. 8). that the high content of halite can make spectral
In Figs. 7 and 8, round labels represent GAP derived shape relatively even, weaken the diagnostic spectral
from the classification, and the zones where the distribu- features of anomalies, and lead to some miss detec-
tion of GAP is relatively dense are named coexisting anom- tion rates of GAP.
aly zones. The four zones marked by broken lines show (4) Surface of study area mainly is Gobi almost without
No. 0, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 gas field from left to right. any vegetation, which benefits not only the determi-
nation of reflectance spectra in field work and remote
4.4.2. Result analysis sensing, but also the analysis of them.
(5) With the increase of threshold, besides GAP in the
(1) When four different samples, the same study band existing gas fields, GAP in the other zones augments
region and threshold are chosen, GAP tally with regularly (see Fig. 8). The new GAP mainly concen-
three bigger existing gas fields in the study area trate in the south west, north west, and north of the
(i.e., No. 0, No. 1, and No. 2 gas field), which proves study area, where high content of clays and carbon-
that the method discussed above have detected gas ates has been found based on the analysis report of
fields successfully (see Fig. 7). field samples. Therefore, besides the existing gas
(2) The reasons that No. 3 gas field lying in the north east fields, the three zones in the study area mentioned
of the study area was not detected can be concluded above are considered as coexisting anomaly zones
that (1) based on the analysis report of field samples, A, B, and C, respectively.
all the samples collected in No. 3 gas field (such as With the increase of threshold, first, GAP occur in
L19_17_0, the content of clays reaches 17.0%, and the three bigger existing gas fields and the anomaly
the content of carbonates is only 6.5%) possess low zone C (see Fig. 8(a)), and then GAP occur in the
content of clay minerals and carbonates, and (2) anomaly zone A (see Fig. 8(b) and (c)) and the anom-
No. 3 gas field reserves are estimated to 0.05 billion aly zone B (see Fig. 8(d)–(f)) in turn, thus, the relative
cubic meters, which is far less than the other three anomaly intensity of these anomaly zones can be
gas fields in the study area. observed clearly.

Fig. 7. Influence of samples upon classification results of data provided by field work: (a) L11_11+_1; (b) L7_14_1; (c) L6_14_0; (d) L5_14_1.
D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1809

Fig. 8. Influence of threshold upon classification results of data provided by field work: (a) threshold = 0.01 rad; (b) threshold = 0.011 rad; (c)
threshold = 0.012 rad; (d) threshold = 0.013 rad; (e) threshold = 0.014 rad; (f) threshold = 0.015 rad.

(6) It is proved by some experiments that the classifica- (8) It can be concluded by experiments with different
tion results almost do not change when the study parameter combinations that the method proposed
band region alters from 2.0–2.396 to 2.1–2.396 lm. in this paper is robust.
(7) To map the anomaly zones, the Gas-Anomaly-Points
must distribute regularly in space domain. Thus, the
detection limits of the classifier built in this section 5. Analysis based on spectral absorption features
means the thresholds, with which the outputting
GAP from classifier distribute regularly and their 5.1. Spectral absorption features
amounts are moderate. It is obvious that the classifi-
cation samples and the study band region should be Absorption-band parameters such as the position,
fixed in the study of the detection limits. Take the depth, width, area, and asymmetry can be used to quanti-
experiment (see Fig. 8) as example, the detection lim- tatively estimate composition of samples from reflectance
its should be 0.013–0.015 rad. data (Van der Meer, 2004). In this section, as the other
1810 D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817

important part of building spectral model of the hydrocar- the average content of carbonates, which is acquired based
bon microseepage in the area studied, the spectral absorp- on the field samples in each sub-group, augments
tion features of two absorption bands of 2.1–2.26 and gradually.
2.24–2.39 lm are extracted and studied, respectively.
The diagnostic macroscopic features work as a ‘‘stan- 5.2.2. Spectral library
dard template’’ as discussed in Section 4, and detect the From the spectra of 144 samples, 20 typical spectra were
Gas-Anomaly-Spectra (GAS) so as to obtain the coexisting chosen to build the spectral library in the study area, and
anomaly zones; while the diagnostic absorption features eight of them are shown in Fig. 9. It can be found in
are able to present more local information. Based on deep Fig. 9(a) that for the absorption band of 2.1–2.26 lm, with
analysis of the diagnostic absorption features, we are able the increase of content of clays, the absorption-band depth
to map the anomalies of alteration minerals and hydrocar- and width augments gradually. While Fig. 9(b) shows that
bons, respectively. The former method depends on the for the absorption band of 2.24–2.39 lm, with the increase
‘‘template’’ strongly, and does not tend to acquire the most of content of carbonates, the absorption-band depth and
anomalistic spectra, but the most similar ones; however its width augments gradually too.
advantage is that the spectral macroscopic information is
paid great attention to. The latter method focuses on the 5.2.3. Detection model
value of absorption-band parameters. According to the Based on analysis of the associations proposed above,
associations between absorption-band parameters and the two detection models of clays and carbonates were built,
content of alteration minerals or hydrocarbons, we study respectively. For the absorption band of 2.1–2.26 lm, the
and present the detection models of alteration minerals absorption-band position and depth can be applied to
and hydrocarbons separately. detection of clays; while for the absorption band of 2.24–
2.39 lm, the absorption-band position and width can be
5.2. Alteration minerals applied to detection of carbonates.

The primary objectives of this section were to develop

an understanding of the spectral characteristics of surface
soils, and to build a spectral library of the study area that
would make the detection process more rapid and reliable.
The reflectance spectra of 144 field samples collected in the
study area were studied carefully. Then based on the anal-
ysis of their absorption features, associations between
absorption-band parameters and the content of clays and
carbonates were concluded; furthermore, a spectral library
was built in order to make the detection for the mineral
alterations in the similar area more rapid and reliable;
finally, two detection models of clays and carbonates were
built separately.

5.2.1. Associations
Some experiments were devised as follows to conclude
associations between absorption-band parameters and the
content of clays and carbonates. First, the 144 spectra were
classified by the absorption-band position into four groups,
then spectra in each group were classified into four sub-
groups by the absorption-band depth and width separately,
furthermore, average content of clays and carbonates of
the sub-groups were acquired, respectively, and finally
associations between absorption-band parameters and the
content of clays and carbonates were obtained.
In the study area, the associations include: (1) for the
absorption band of 2.1–2.26 lm, in each group classified
by absorption-band position, with the increase of the
absorption-band depth, the average content of clays, which
is acquired based on the field samples in each sub-group,
augments gradually; (2) while for the absorption band of
2.24–2.39 lm, in each group classified by absorption-band Fig. 9. Spectral library in the study area: (a) absorption band of 2.1–
position, with the increase of the absorption-band width, 2.26 lm; (b) absorption band of 2.24–2.39 lm.
D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1811

5.3. Hydrocarbons represents high concentrations of hydrocarbons (McCoy

et al., 2001).
As mentioned above, the unconsolidated sands and the As mentioned in Section 4.2.2 of this paper, the moisture
shallow gas bearing reservoir in the study area facilitate of soil intensively influences the albedo of reflectance spec-
the vertical ascent of light hydrocarbons. In some observa- tra (Leblon, 1997); furthermore the influence on the band
tion points of our study area, approximately 20 cm under region from 2.0 to 2.6 lm is much stronger than that on
the surface, the soils can be lighted, which proves that there the band region before 2.0 lm, which can be revealed in
are high concentrations of hydrocarbon molecules Fig. 5 clearly. Thus, both the denominator and numerator
adsorbed to soil particles. The detection of the hydrocar- in this method should be chosen in the band region from
bons in the surface is significant for the detection of the 2.0 to 2.6 lm, in order to not only ensure the denominator
exploration targets. in the diagnostic absorption band of hydrocarbons but also
An experiment on the spectral reflectance properties of remove the impact of the moisture of soil. Practically, we
hydrocarbons was devised by Cloutis in 1989. The reflec- chose 2.0 and 2.33 lm as numerator and denominator sep-
tance spectrum of Athabasca tar was shown in Fig. 10, arately, and none of main materials in the surface of the
and the bitumen content in it is 8.1%. Based on this exper- study area have absorption bands near 2.0 lm. Fig. 11(a)
iment, influence of relative higher concentrations of hydro- shows the classification result.
carbons upon surface spectra was summarized as follows:
the absorption-band depth in the region from 2.3 to 5.3.2. Slope method
2.6 lm is greater, and the overall reflectance slope in this Slope method was proposed to describe the feature of
range is slightly positive. Furthermore, this result corre- the slightly positive slope of the band region from 2.3 to
sponds with the spectral diagnostic macroscopic features 2.6 lm. Linear fit was used to estimate the slope. The
in our study area proposed above. reflectance spectra with a relative higher slope value were
Thus, two methods, i.e., ratio method and slope method, classified as anomaly ones, which have higher concentra-
were proposed and applied to mathematical modeling of tions of hydrocarbons. Fig. 11(b) shows the classification
the influence of higher concentrations of hydrocarbons result.
upon surface spectra. Thus, hydrocarbons could be
detected using hydrocarbon absorption bands of reflec- 5.3.3. Binary tree classifier
tance spectra determined in the field. Seven hundred and Combining the two methods mentioned above, a binary
ninety-nine reflectance spectra collected from the field were tree classifier was constructed. Choosing proper threshold,
analyzed using the two methods. the two methods were applied to classifications in turn.
Therefore, we acquired good classification result (see
Fig. 11(c)).
5.3.1. Ratio method
Ratio method has been improved to describe the feature 5.3.4. Result analysis
of the greater absorption-band depth in the region from 2.3 The classification results in Fig. 11(a)–(c), i.e., the anom-
to 2.6 lm. A wavelength was chosen as numerator, which aly zones of hydrocarbons, have good accordance, and
tends not to be affected by absorption from any other they are generally in accord with the classification results
materials, while a diagnostic absorption band of hydrocar- acquired by analyzing data derived from the field (see Figs.
bons was chosen as denominator. Thus, a big ratio value 7 and 8). The future potential for this technique lies in the
use of airborne imaging spectrometers to map the areal
extent of hydrocarbon anomalies (McCoy et al., 2001).

5.4. Linear unmixing model

Better accuracy can be achieved in the estimation of the

land-cover composition of a scene, if each mixed pixel can
be decomposed and the proportion of its component cover
types (often referred to as ‘‘endmembers’’) can be deter-
mined; this process is named as ‘‘unmixing’’. Over the last
couple of decades, five different types of mixture models are
reviewed including linear, probabilistic, geometric-optical,
stochastic geometric, and fuzzy models.
Fundamentally, the linear model is based on the
assumption that each photon reaching the sensor must
have interacted with only one material (that is, one end-
Fig. 10. Influence of high concentrations of hydrocarbons upon surface member type). It has been found that this is the case when
spectra (after Cloutis, 1989). the scale of mixing is large or macroscopic. It is obvious
1812 D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817

Fig. 11. Classification result of hydrocarbons: (a) ratio method; (b) slope method; (c) binary tree classifier.

that linear and nonlinear mixing represent the same con- their spectra. All the spectra in Fig. 13 were chosen from
cept; linear mixing being a special (simplified) case of non- JPL mineral spectral libraries (JPL1, JPL2, and JPL3),
linear mixing in which multiple reflectance is ignored and the corresponding grain sizes of these libraries are
(Ichoku and Karnieli, 1996). <45, 45–125, and 125–500 lm, respectively. It can be con-
A linear unmixing model was studied based on spectra cluded from Fig. 13 that with the increase of grain size
of 144 samples, and semiquantitative determination of from a small value, the reflectance decreases and the
the abundance fractions of main minerals in our study area absorption-band depth become larger. Of course, if the
has been achieved. grain size were made larger and larger, the reflectance spec-
trum would eventually consist only of first surface reflec-
5.4.1. Forward modeling tion, and thus the absorption-band depth would decrease
Spectra of global classification samples shown in Table 3 instead.
were studied closely in forward modeling. All the spectra of All the spectra of endmembers were chosen from JPL1;
endmembers were chosen from Jet Propulsion Laboratory on the other hand, when the spectra were determined from
(JPL) mineral spectral library, and they were mixed in the field, the grain sizes of surface soils have not been dealt
according to the content of endmembers based on the lin- with, and probably they were small but more than 500 lm.
ear model. Take L6_14_0 as example, and real line and Thus, the absorption-band depth of the spectrum deter-
broken line in Fig. 12(a) denote the spectrum determined mined is larger than that of the one mixed.
from the field and the one mixed by us, respectively, while
the continuum-removed data of the two spectra are shown 5.4.2. Inversion
in Fig. 12(b). The good accordance of the absorption fea- Based on the statistics of the analysis report of the 144
tures such as position, width and asymmetry can be found field samples, the average content of each endmember
in Fig. 12. can be found (see Table 4); then we divided all the minerals
Obviously, the absorption-band depth of the spectrum into three parts, i.e., clays, carbonates, and the others. The
determined is larger than that of the one mixed, which is third parts include quartz, orthoclase, oligoclase, halite,
in connection with the grain size in our opinion. If multiple anhydrite, and gypsum. The standard mixed spectra of
scattering dominates, as is usually the case in the region of the three parts were separately obtained by the average
0.4–2.4 lm, the reflectance decreases as the grain size content of each endmember based on the linear model,
increases (Clark, 1999). Furthermore, Fig. 13 explained and all the spectra of each endmember were chosen from
the influence of the grain size of calcite and chlorite upon Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) mineral spectral library,
D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1813

Fig. 12. Forward modeling results: (a) spectrum determined from the field Fig. 13. Influence of the grain size upon the spectra: (a) calcite; (b)
and the one mixed by us; (b) continuum-removed data of the two spectra. chlorite.

and they were mixed in according to the content of end- whose exact content of endmembers has been given by
members based on the linear model. Furthermore, we mod- the X-ray diffraction (XRD) in laboratory, has been
ified the proportion of the three parts, and mixed their divided into two dataset, i.e., training samples and testing
standard spectra by their proportion. Thus a lookup table samples. Using the training samples, we trained the classi-
(see Fig. 14) has been built, which is composed of 421 fier and acquired the scale factor, which was the function of
mixed spectra corresponding to different proportion of content of the main minerals determined, i.e., clays or
the three parts. carbonates.
Then in the absorption band of 2.1–2.26 lm, absorp- Take the determination of clays as example, in the pro-
tion-band depth of all the 799 spectra determined from cess of analysis of the experiment results, a tolerance was
the field as well as 421 mixed spectra in this lookup table fixed on as follows: (1) when the content of clays given
was extracted. Based on the absorption-band depth, the by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) in laboratory is less than
automatic lookup has been achieved, i.e., just by the 20%, the absolute tolerance is chosen as 7%; (2) on the
absorption-band depth of a spectrum determined from other hand, when the content of clays is not less than
the field, we could find the corresponding standard mixed 20%, the relative tolerance is fixed on 30%. In this experi-
spectrum in the lookup table, and thus obtain the content ment, 72 testing samples was inputted into the classifier
of clays and carbonates. that have been trained by 72 training samples, 57 testing
Take the influence of grain size on the absorption-band samples have the determination error within tolerance,
depth mentioned above into account, scale factors must be i.e., 79.2% testing samples were determined within
chosen in the experiment. The spectra of 144 samples, tolerance.
1814 D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817

Table 4
Average content of each mineral in our study area
Mineral abundance Clays (20.5%) Carbonates (21.1%)
Illite Kaolinite Chlorite Calcite Dolomite Witherite
Average 14.6% 2.1% 3.8% 7.0% 5.1% 9.0%
Other minerals (58.4%)
Quartz Orthoclase Oligoclase Halite Anhydrite Gypsum
Average 18.5% 3.0% 8.0% 26% 1.55% 1.35%

Fig. 14. Lookup table composed of 421 mixed spectra.

Thus, the experiment results proved that we had semi- fulfilled using ENVI FLAASH, which is a recommended
quantitatively determined the abundance fractions of clays method of EO-1 user guide. I have chosen proper value
and carbonates in our study area. for the key parameters of our study area and acquisition
of Hyperion data, such as aerosol model, atmospheric
6. Hyperspectral image processing and analysis model, visibility, sensor altitude, ground elevation, flight
time, latitude, longitude, and so on, and obtained good
As discussed in Section 1, in our project, an integrated results.
practical system of exploration of oil and gas is built by Especially, in our study area, the wind is usually not
the analysis of not only hyperspectral remote sensing data very dramatic, and particle sizes of aerosol are relative
but also data provided from field work. However, in this smaller than usually on Gobi, as a result of which visibility
paper, our efforts were focused on the analysis of the data can usually reach 40 km, even though the surface of our
provided from the field work in this paper. And the study study area mainly is Gobi almost without any vegetation.
of hyperspectral remote sensing data is presented in another I believe that three factors lead to this kind of atmospheric
paper of mine (Xu et al., 2007). Thus, in this section, a gen- conditions:
eral framework of analysis and key classification algorithms
applied to the Hyperion data will be introduced briefly. (1) In our study area, the average content of halite equals
to 29.0%, and the surface of about a quarter of the
6.1. Pre-processing and atmospheric correction study area is very hard salt crust.
(2) As mentioned in Sections 3.1 and 2.2, in our area
Eight scenes of essentially cloud-free Hyperion data of studied, the unconsolidated sands and the shallow
the study area were collected from July to October, 2005. gas bearing reservoir facilitate the vertical ascent of
Furthermore, a pre-processing and atmospheric correction light hydrocarbons. Furthermore the high concentra-
procedure to transform at-sensor signals to at-surface tion of hydrocarbon molecules adsorbed to soil
reflectance for hyperspectral imagery has been developed particles can result in rendering the near-surface
(White et al., 2004). Atmospheric correction has been materials more dense and resistant to erosion.
D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1815

(3) There is relative stronger wind in the period of April and and area of the 2200 nm absorption in order to detect the
May of a year in the area studied. As mentioned above, anomalies resulting from high concentrations of clay min-
eight scenes of Hyperion data of the study area were col- erals in the surface.
lected from July to October, 2005, and our study area Besides the classification result by the absorption fea-
lies in the middle of Caidam Basin. The time of our data tures, therefore, there are two other classification results
collection and the geographic location of the study area provided by: the ML classifier with the features extracted
may be the reason for the relative milder wind. by wavelet-based PCA and the ML classifier with the fea-
tures extracted by wavelet-based Fisher method. The three
Thus, in the process of Hyperion data collection, there results in general, are comparable to the classification
were not a lot of wind and aerosol events; therefore, the results obtained by the analysis of data provided by field
radiative impact on the surface reflectance extraction is rel- work. This confirms the effectiveness of the hyperspectral
ative less than usually on Gobi, and the difficulties of the data for the detection of hydrocarbon microseepage.
atmospheric correction in this project is decreased.
In the image preprocessing subsystem for Hyperion data
6.3. Result analysis
built in our work, great attention has been paid to the
method and procedure of destriping methods, the local
Classification results provided by the ML classifier with
gain and offset correction and least-square fit technique
the features extracted by wavelet-based Fisher method are
were combined together to remove the stripes efficiently.
shown in Fig. 15, where red points show the Gas-Anomaly-
Points (GAP) in hyperspectral images. The distribution of
6.2. Analysis of Hyperion imagery data the red points generally corresponds with the classification
results acquired by analyzing 799 reflectance spectra
Two feature extraction techniques are used for hyper- derived from the field work (see Figs. 7 and 8).
spectral dimensionality reduction. One combines the wave- Of course, it is still not very easy to see the gas fields and
let algorithm with principle component analysis (PCA) and anomaly zones that we are looking for, and this is because
this hybrid method can extract feeble features of hydrocar- of the poor SNR of the Hyperion data to a great extent.
bon microseepage. In addition, wavelet-based Fisher Key specifications of Hyperion sensor are listed in
method is also used to combine the effectiveness of wavelet Table 5. In order to compare the reflectance spectra derived
multi-resolution decomposition and Sequential Forward
Floating (SFF) selection method. After dimensionality Table 5
Key specifications of Hyperion sensor
reduction, Maximum Likelihood (ML) classifier is used
for the classification task. Besides, with the diagnostic Spectral Spectral Signal Noise
range (nm) resolution (nm) Ratio
absorption features alone, a hyperspectral imagery classifi-
cation method is also designed. The absorption-band 357–2576 10 190:1 (VNIR)
40:1 (SWIR)
parameters used in this method include the position, depth

Fig. 15. Results of Hyperion data obtained by method based on wavelet-based Fisher and ML.
1816 D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817

Fig. 16. Degradation from the in-situ spectra to the spectral characteristics of the Hyperion data.

from Hyperion sensors and ASD spectrometers, two spec- the three results mentioned above increases the reliability
tra were chosen and shown side by side in Fig. 16. The of exploration results.
spectrum shown in Fig. 16(b) was determined in the refer- Anomaly zones have been mapped by the integrated
ence point of L5_14_1 by ASD, and accurate geologic loca- practical system of exploration of oil and gas built in our
tion of this spectrum could be found in the field project. In addition, geologic interpretation has been ful-
determination database and help locate the corresponding filled too. Consequently three exploration targets were
pixel in Hyperion image (see Fig. 16(a)). Thus, the degrada- mapped so as to be developed in further exploration: two
tion from the in-situ spectra to the spectral characteristics is located in the north west of the study area with
of the Hyperion data, especially in the band region from 37.2 km2; and the other one in the south west of the study
2.3 to 2.4 lm, was revealed clearly. area with 46.9 km2 (see Fig. 17). In the three exploration
targets, three wildcats have been drilled by China National
Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) since July 2006, and all
7. Conclusions the three wells have been proven some industrial reserves.
New exploration projects have started in October, 2006,
In this paper, the R&D project (June 2005 to June 2006) which include exploring for gas using Hyperion sensor in a
of exploring for natural gas in Qinghai province, China new study area (2000 km2) of Qinghai province in China,
using NASA EO-1 satellite with the Hyperion sensor is and validity check of favorable place for oil prospecting
introduced. Based on two data sources, an integrated prac- in Inner Mongolia of China (800 km2) by means of only
tical system of exploring for oil, gas is built and presented. analyzing surface reflectance spectra. The latter intends to
In particular, our efforts were focused on the analysis of the analyze surface reflectance spectra using the method pre-
data provided from the field work. Above all, a spectral
model was built to properly define the typical form of
hydrocarbon microseepage with spectroscopy and fulfill
the data analysis. Furthermore, diagnostic spectral macro-
scopic features and diagnostic spectral absorption features
of surface soils were extracted and analyzed, respectively,
which are attributable to hydrocarbon microseepage. Addi-
tionally, a general framework of analysis and key classifica-
tion algorithms applied to the Hyperion data have been
introduced briefly.
The results, i.e., coexisting anomaly distributions, of the
analysis of Hyperion data (see Fig. 15) generally corre-
spond with those of the 799 spectra classification (see Figs.
7 and 8). Furthermore the two results in general tally with
the zones (see Fig. 11), where anomalies of hydrocarbons
has been detected based on the two methods proposed in
this paper. Because it is less probable for several indepen-
dent methods to show simultaneous false anomalies than
for one to do so (Thompson et al., 1994), the accord of Fig. 17. Thematic map of exploration targets.
D.-Q. Xu et al. / Advances in Space Research 41 (2008) 1800–1817 1817

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