DxDeyes Infinity of The

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DxDeyes: Infinity of the Hundred Strata

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/47178931.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M, Multi, Other
Fandoms: ハイスクール DxD - 石踏 一榮 | High School DxD - Ishibumi Ichiei,
IS: Infinite Stratos, 11eyes (Anime), 学戦都市アスタリスク | Gakusen
Toshi Asterisk | The Asterisk War
Relationships: Rias Gremory/Hyoudou Issei, Asia Argento/Hyoudou Issei, Himejima
Akeno/Hyoudou Issei, Hyoudou Issei/Toujou Koneko, Hyoudou
Issei/Xenovia Quarta, Hyoudou Issei/Shidou Irina, Hyoudou Issei/Ravel
Phenex, Hyoudou Issei/Sona Sitri, Hyoudou Issei/Kuroka, Hyoudou
Issei/Serafall Leviathan, Hyoudou Issei/Ophis, Hyoudou Issei/Le Fay
Pendragon, Hyoudou Issei/Harem
Characters: Kakeru Satsuki, Rias Gremory, Rias Gremory's Peerage, Toujou Koneko,
Himejima Akeno, Asia Argento (Highschool DxD), Xenovia Quarta,
Shidou Irina, Sona Sitri, Serafall Leviathan, Ophis (Highschool DxD),
Le Fay Pendragon
Additional Tags: Non-Perverted Hyoudou Issei, Harems, Conspiracy, Magic, Alternate
Universe - Magic, Polygamy, High School
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-05-14 Words: 2,211 Chapters: 1/1
DxDeyes: Infinity of the Hundred Strata
by HispanicBriton7691


AU after HERO. 'Hyoudou Issei' had gone through several trials and tribulations as a member
of Rias Gremory's peerage. After the dissolution of the Khaos Brigade, the young man
decides to take a well-earned break, while improving his already shaky rep. But in order to
move towards a brighter future, he must confront the shadows lurking behind his past.
IsseixHarem, elements from other anime, VN and LNs.

Inspired by DxDeyes: Infinity of the Hundred Strata by HispanicBriton3876

The young man now known as Hyoudou Issei sighed as he made his way toward the ORC's
booth. It had been a few months since the defeat of Khaos Brigade and the subsequent fall of
the Old Council Faction, and things had been somewhat peaceful in both the human and
supernatural worlds. With no troubles for the foreseeable future, the club had loosened up
somewhat and allowed for some human membership to act as a plausible front for the
Gremory peerage's activities. Having dropped his mask of lecherous perversion [1] [although
Ddraig would still sometimes troll him at random times] and managed to mature somewhat in
his responsibilities as a mage the brown-haired youth was reluctantly given the position of
treasurer after his defeat of Diodara, a duty he was surprisingly good at.

He had been hoping to get some peace and quiet after the constant battles and the stress of
consistently having to put up with his two buddies' bullshit, but Rias had somehow managed
to find him just before he could reach his favorite hiding spot and assign him the task of
manning the club's booth for the inter-school 'friendship and collaboration' pageant that was
going on. To be honest, Issei hadn't even heard of the damn thing, having been busy avoiding
M&M and getting much-needed solitude.

Letting out a soft sigh, the brown-haired youth tried to figure out what he was supposed to do
for this particular job when the friendly chatter of some very, very familiar voices snapped
him out of his funk.

"So this is the Seikodan Academy I've been hearing about recently. Wasn't it supposed to be a
government-funded school?"

"It was run by the government until it was bought out and became a private institution. I
wonder why they decided to build a completely new campus only a few meters from the old
one and transform the surrounding area into a floating city that can only be accessed by bullet
train or boat. And there's the rumors that have been popping up about this place..."

Oh yes, the infamous origin story of Seikodan Academy and the Mega-City that was built
soon after its purchase. To be fair, the rumors surrounding the school had been around even
before he had been slain by Raynare and then resurrected by Rias as her pawn, but he had
ignored them once he had begun his life in his teacher's peerage.

Issei found himself wondering if the resurgence of those rumors had to do with the fact that
he and the ORC had been quite busy over the past few months dealing with supernatural
threats, and had been seen while they were heading to and fro the ORF clubhouse by some
human unfortunate to see them. It was an unlikely possibility, but one that made sense.

But one question remained, why were his friends from his old school at the inter-school
pageant? Were they here on some special club mission or something? The brown-haired
young man had no idea, but he really didn't want to find out at the moment, Was there a good
place to hide?

"The girls at this place are nice, but considering the whole lot of mystery and conspiracy
theories going around about I was really hoping to see some really hot military cadets, or
even better super moe magical girls wearing some super skimpy magical outfits! Goddamn
it Ka-ssanova, why are you making this so hard for me even now..." A
resounding THWACK followed by a chorus of whispers. "Oww...why did you have to do
this Kaori-san! I was just expressing my disappointment at the lack of extraordinary female
forms for me to admire!"

Issei sweatdropped, before sighing and shaking his head. Even after all those years, that idiot
Teryu still managed to be a perverted fool. But the Hyoudou couldn't really fault the short
orange-haired boy for his lecherous actions, as the brunette youth had based part of his
"pervert" persona on him after all. One thing to subconsciously thank the little pervert for,
even if the dwarf wouldn't be around to hear it in person.

"How Kouryoukan even managed to let in a baka such as you amazes me to this day...cha...A
pageant to celebrate the restoration of amicable terms between the schools and you still
manage to act like a complete fool. If only Kakeru-kun was here to see this. "

"So you like Kakeru as well? Don't be shy Natsuki-san, we all know that tough look of yours
is just a front to hide your feelings for him."

"Why does Tadashi-baka always have to behave like this...even at an important function
where everyone is looking at us. Kakeru-kun, it's only been two years yet my heart still
yearns for you as if you'd been gone a century. I love you onii-chan, even though I didn't get
to say it when we were together. Maybe we'll meet again someday, and I'll show you with
actions what I can only express with words."

So the Class President of his old school had feelings for him, huh? Issei knew the true extent
of Yuka's love for him, he might be an idiot and slightly naive but he was no fool, and he
would have been happy to recieve those feelings in another situation. But he had awakened to
his true identity as the Red Dragon Emperor and was the loyal servant and future husband of
the beautiful Rias Gremory, as well as a host of other women. He had no idea how Rias-chan
or any of the other girls from the supernatural would react to bringing in two human,
mundane girls into the harem.

"Still pining after Kakeru-kun I see. Well, at least you've let your feelings out, although not

"Oi Teryu, don't you see Ka-baka taking away all the girls from you? Even though he's
transferred, the ladies' love for him has grown stronger! If this keeps up we might even see
the Arabian nights come here to Japan!"

Oh yes, the infamous delinquent of Ayameagoa struck again with his blunt, direct personality.
Although Takahisa "Shuu" Tajima was never truly a part of Issei's friend group when the
latter started his adolescence as a student of Kouryoukan Academy, the two had met through
Yuka and Issei's close friend Yukiko Hirohara, a hyperactive, short and petite glasses wearing
blonde who was also Issei's co-worker at a maid cafe where the two worked after school in
Issei's old home town.

To be fair, Takahisa didn't really do much to Issei and the girls when they were heading
home, although he did tease Yuka about her buying a wedding dress and if he [Tajima] could
come to the wedding ceremony. Kaori had tried to smack Takahisa for these comments, but
come to think of it Yukiko-chan's face would also turn red and she would look away from
Issei whenever Takahisa made those jokes

It can't be...my mind must be playing tricks on me, right? There's no way they could be
here...if Yuka sees me in a place like this I'm definitely screwed! Think Kakeru, think...you're
not one of the smartest minds of your generation for no reason!

Quickly finding a group of chattering students and integrating himself into the crowd the
young man found himself clutching his head as he felt the beginning of a headache. He had
the feeling that he was going to get in big trouble for this but ignored it as he tried to find a
way to escape. Letting out a sigh of relief as the voices of his former schoolmates died down,
he abandoned the group and made a U-turn back to the booth.

"Whew, that was close. If I hadn't moved quickly I don't know what would have happened
back there." he muttered under his breath. Putting his curiosity about why his former
classmates would be at such an event for a more appropriate time, he prepared himself to do
his job of handing out flyers. Getting behind the stand and putting up the best game face he
could [cursing Matsuda and Motohama for being such lecherous jerks at the same time] he
scanned the surrounding area for potential customers while hoping he didn't have any more
unwanted surprises.

After selling quite a few plushies and reducing the stock of flyers the booth had due to his
'people persuasion skills'[2], Issei found that he was quite bored. Sure it was fun sharpening
his future CEO skills, but even playing the role of an idiotic breast-obsessed pervert was
more fun than this. Don't wake up Ddraig, please don't wake up!

Unfortunately for the brown-haired young man, this wish would not be granted, at least for

"So this is the infamous Sekiryūtei everybody's been talking about. You don't look like much,
although the Orb of Aeon seems to have affected your left eye as well. Since you've piqued
my interest and managed to eliminate some rather tiresome insects that were proving quite
annoying to deal with, I'll give you a warning. Beware the Witch of the East."

Issei snapped out of his bored funk and rubbed his eyebrows, only to see a rather short first-
year wearing the Niji-kou (Rainbow Academy) uniform walk away from his booth. The
youth blinked, before sighing again and shaking his head. "Why does this keep happening to

He was about to return to business when the whispers of the other students piqued his
interest. Keeping his face neutral while looking out for unfriendly actors the brown-haired
youth zoomed into the conversation, hoping to figure out what was going on. What he heard
next would almost give him a heart attack.

"You can't be serious, right? I know Seikodan has a huge problem with perverts but for this to
happen on such an important day as this...you must be joking right? There's no way it can be
"It really is the truth? The Perverted Duo and a Niji-kou student were both caught peeping on
the members of the Kendo club while they were changing. It seems like these two idiots and
the doofus dumb enough to follow them thought that because of the exhibition going on
today, no one would notice their lecherous actions. By the way, what happened to the guy
who used to hang out with Matsuda and Motohama?"

"You mean the fucking nerd who doesn't even know what a date is yet still got his ass beaten
up by whoever was unlucky enough to be a victim of those two? Haven't heard much about
that loser in a couple months, although rumor has it that he's been hanging out with
Himekami-sensei and her little clique of pretty boys and hot girls."

"The idiotic clown such as him, who brazenly declared that he's going to become the Harem
King, actually scoring it with Nikado-sensei and Himejima-san is a scenario I don't even
want to imagine."

Issei facepalmed on the desk at this distant insult. Why did this have to come back to haunt
him now?

He didn't get time to respond, as loud screams, the humming of machinery and the rumbling
thunder of a massive stampede interrupted everyone's previous tasks.

(Play: "Il vento d'oro [Giorno's Theme] - Jojo no Kimyou no Bouken: Ougon no Kaze/Jojo's
Bizzare Adventure: Golden Wind)




Matsuda, Motohama and surprisingly a scared shitless Teryuu dashed past Issei's booth while
screaming bloody murder. The brown-haired youth was wondering if he had gone insane,
when what could be described as a squad of adolescent girls wearing skimpy pilot outfits and
equipped with what appeared to be combat suits inspired by mecha, came in screeching after
them with katanas and firearms raised, followed by what appeared to be an entire battalion
of NOEGG (Imperial Nippon Defense Forces) recruits in full combat gear with weapons at
the ready.

"I have no idea what the hell just happened, but I'm just going to assume I was either having
a very lucid dream or completely misinterpreted what just happened."

The annoyed tone of a rather familiar voice reminded him of the uncomfortable fact that he
was not in a very good position at the current moment.

(End Track)

"So this is where you were hiding all along, Kakeru-kun."

Issei gulped fearfully and said a soft prayer to Great Red that he'd be able to get off lightly
this time. He also hoped that neither Rias, the female members of her peerage, or even any
other of his acquaintances from the supernatural were around at the moment because he
really wasn't sure how to get himself out of the clusterfuck he had just put himself in.

[1] In the LN it's stated that Issei is actually a loner and an otaku with a strong sense of
justice, who loathes perverts with a passion. He pretends to be a lecherous idiot in part as a
practical joke, and because he thinks no woman would actually like someone like him.

[2] Issei must have very good interpersonal skills to pull off some of the feats shown in the
LN, manga and anime.
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