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The Future of Basin and Petroleum System Modeling

Alternative workflow for three- AUTHORS

dimensional basin modeling in Román Eugenio González ~ Ecopetrol,

Bogotá, Colombia; roman.gonzalez@
areas of structural complexity:
Román González received a B.Sc. in geology
Case study from the Middle from the Universidad Industrial de Santander
in 2001. Since then, he has been working as an

Magdalena Valley, Colombia exploration geologist. He joined Ecopetrol in

2009, where he has worked in several basins
in Colombia. His research interests are basin
Román Eugenio González, Carlos Orlando Suárez, analysis, with particular emphasis in the
Iván Camilo Higuera, and Luis Ernesto Rojas analysis of the thermal regime and petroleum
Carlos Orlando Suárez ~ Ecopetrol,
ABSTRACT Bogotá, Colombia; carloso.suarez@
Basin modeling in structurally complex areas involves several
Carlos O. Suárez is a geologist. He graduated
difficulties associated with its geometric and thermal history ap- from Universidad Industrial de Santander in
proaches. There have been multiple developments concerning 2006 with a M.Sc. (2016) in science geology
the structural geometry in doing three-dimensional (3-D) basin from Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
modeling in these settings. However, their applicability is limited His main areas of expertise are seismic
because most of these improvements require 3-D structural interpretations, petroleum system modeling,
restorations, which is an input that is not always available at basin and evaluation of prospective resources. He
scale. Although a traditional basin model using backstripping has been working as an exploration geologist
for Ecopetrol since 2012 in several basins in
could give a faster overview of the petroleum system elements, it
is an alternative method that may distort the structural evolution
and, consequently, the petroleum potential evaluation. Equally Iván Camilo Higuera ~ Ecopetrol,
important are the thermal history uncertainties in these envi- Bogotá, Colombia; Ivan.Higuera@
ronments, where several factors disturb the thermal regime.
Despite these difficulties, traditional 3-D basin modeling could be Camilo Higuera is a senior structural geologist
a reliable tool when we are able to understand the geometric and at the exploration vice presidency at Ecopetrol,
thermal histories and implement the proper adjustments. We specializing in brittle deformation and the
propose alternative methods to tackle common problems when characterization of fracture networks and in
the analyses of the growth of orogenic wedges
building 3-D basin models, and we demonstrate their validity
and tectonic evolution of mountain belts.
with an example in the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia. For his research, Higuera uses field-based
This hydrocarbon province located in the northern Andes cor- structural methods, core and log analyses,
responds to an intermountain basin that has undergone a complex digital rock physics, and numerical modeling.

Luis Ernesto Rojas ~ Ecopetrol, Bogotá,

Copyright ©2020. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved. Colombia;
Manuscript received July 8, 2017; provisional acceptance February 14, 2017; revised manuscript Luis Ernesto Rojas is a senior geologist who has
received April 14, 2017; revised manuscript provisional acceptance October 31, 2017; 2nd revised been working for Ecopetrol for 26 years. He
manuscript received January 15, 2018; 2nd revised manuscript provisional acceptance June 28, 2018;
3rd revised manuscript received November 1, 2018; final acceptance April 15, 2019.
received his B.Sc. in geology in 1991 from the

AAPG Bulletin, v. 104, no. 1 (January 2020), pp. 1–19 1

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Universidad Industrial de Santander and his evolution. Its structural configuration represents a modeling
M.Sc. in tectonics from the Royal Holloway challenge by means of the backstripping method. Additionally, a
College of the University of London in 2005. high variability exists in the present-day basal heat flow related
Since he joined Ecopetrol in 1992, he has been to its structural evolution. The result of our model not only fits
working in regional studies in Colombian
the calibration data, but also reflects the geological processes
basins, structural geology, and oil prospection.
better. The proposed methodology intends to aid basin modelers
in providing additional options when modeling in structurally
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS deformed basins.
As part of an integral project that has
involved detailed work from several
disciplines, the authors thank Maria del Pilar INTRODUCTION
Stifano, Cristina Lopez, Sandra Anaya, Cesar
Ivan Ballesteros, Oscar Mauricio Salazar, Basin modeling in structurally deformed settings involves several
Nestor Gamba, Wilson Zamora, Xiomara
difficulties that can be grouped into structural geometry chal-
Prince, and Iván Rodriguez for their valuable
contributions. The authors are grateful to lenges (Lampe et al., 2006; Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009;
Andrés Mora for his productive observations Gibson, 2012) and thermal modeling challenges (Stein et al.,
on an earlier version of the manuscript. 1995; Waples, 1998; Husson and Moretti, 2002; Allen and Allen,
Incisive comments by Allegra Hosford 2005). This paper intends to aid basin modelers in identifying
Scheirer, Leslie Magoon, Carolyn Lampe, and modeling flaws and provide key solutions when dealing with
Friedemann Baur greatly improved the geometrical and thermal complexity in deformed areas. In terms
manuscript. We would also like to show our of structural geometry complexity, backstripping works properly
gratitude to Jaron Lelivelt and Frank Yoris for
when it accounts for paleothickness (Hantschel and Kauerauf,
their insights. Finally, the authors would like
2009; Gibson, 2012). This contribution is an example of how this
to thank Ecopetrol and exploration vice
presidency for its permission to publish this methodology can be improved when it is related to deformation
paper. events. Additionally, we illustrate a new method for the re-
construction of paleoheat flow maps to obtain consistent thermal
histories in deformed settings. Our case study of the intermoun-
tain Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV) strengthens the confidence
This paper is from the AAPG Hedberg in applying these methods.
Research Conference on “The Future of Basin The structural geometry is an important element that must
and Petroleum System Modeling” held in
be addressed in any basin model of a tectonically complex region.
Santa Barbara, California, April 3–8, 2016.
Two main methodologies exist that are commonly used to re-
More papers from this conference were
published in the April 2018 (vol. 102, no. 4) construct the burial history and the paleogeometry in basin
and October 2019 (vol. 103, no. 10) issues of modeling: backstripping and structural restoration (Gibson, 2012).
the Bulletin. Backstripping of the present-day geometry is a simple and con-
venient method that is, by far, the most used procedure in three-
dimensional (3-D) basin modeling. However, this method only
works well in basins with subhorizontal layers and tectonically
stable settings (Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009). The back-
stripping method relies on the successive removal of the
overlying layers until the deposition of the bottommost layer is
reached. During the process, decompaction and other petro-
physical and thermal calculations are included in each time step
(Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009). An important shortcoming
of the backstripping methodology is that it uses the vertical
apparent thickness instead of the true stratigraphic thickness
(Figure 1), which is not a problem in basins with horizontal
beds, where these magnitudes are similar. However, this rep-
resents a difficulty for basin models that involve moderate to

2 Basin Modeling in Structurally Complex Areas: Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

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steeply dipping beds, where the vertical back- requires the use of 3-D structural restoration, which is
stripping algorithm calculates larger apparent a time- and resource-demanding process that is not
thickness (Figure 1). It is important to note that this always available at a basin scale. Taking the geometric
problem is not present when layers in the geo- evolution and decompaction from structural modeling
metrical model are constructed using isopach maps, programs is a convenient procedure for dealing with
which may cause a different problem, in particular, a tectonic, particularly if the model corresponds to a
depth underestimation. An additional challenge is thrusted belt defined by thin-skinned tectonics,
that with the backstripping method it is not possible including low-angle faults and intense folding; how-
to model tectonically repeated section in a single po- ever, it is important to consider that any one structural
sition, such as in reverse faulted areas (Figure 1). When restoration only represents a single valid geometric
modeling, this issue is not only restricted to the scenario among several possible solutions. With that
present-day geometry, but backstripping propagates in mind, it should be pointed out that any one
its effect throughout the whole burial history. In spite structural model should be validated not only for its
of that, backstripping models can be modified by geometric coherence, but also because its basin
means of paleothickness maps to correct the evolution modeling output fits the calibration data. Using
of the basin models (Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009; paleoreconstructed 3-D data may improve the ge-
Gibson, 2012). ometry of a basin model through time (J. Lelijvelt,
Basin modeling software companies have designed 2017, personal communication); however, this time-
specialized tools (e.g., PetroMod – TecLink) that deal intensive method reduces the possibility of testing
with the most complex configurations in deformed multiple scenarios in the same time span.
geological structures. These tools use paleogeometries This paper also addresses the thermal modeling
from structural modeling as input for the main de- in tectonically complex areas. It is known that the
formation stages (Lampe et al., 2006, 2012; Baur et al., thermal history in the basin is not only affected by
2009). Full application of this workflow is not widely internal properties such as thermal conductivities and
applied at large scale in 3-D basin models because it radiogenic heat generation within the sedimentary

Figure 1. Sketch showing backstripping problems in two different geometries. Thicknesses for layers 1 and 2 are laterally uniform. (A)
Folded section and (B) its corresponding backstripped geometry at the moment of deposition of layer 2. Note that the anomalous
thickness increases in areas of highest bed dip. (C) Reverse fault and (D) its backstripped geometry at the moment of deposition of layer 2.
Note that geometric simplification used by the backstripping creates anomalous thickness in the faulted areas. Thickness anomaly in
faulted models increases with low-angle faults and more displacement.

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rocks (which is automatically calculated by modeling Thickness corrections of dipping strata are gen-
programs according to the assigned lithologies), but erally not performed in 3-D basin models (González
also by external factors (Lee, 1970; Čermák, 1979; et al., 2012; Stifano et al., 2012), meaning that the
Morgan and Sass, 1984; Ranalli, 1991). Some of effects of inclined beds are not represented. Some
these surrounding conditions are regional water basin modeling software have thickness-correction
flows, surface temperature variations, and, most im- tools built in (Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009),
portantly, by lithospheric processes expressed as basal which consist of correcting the thickness at a given
heat flow (Davis et al., 1999; Allen and Allen, 2005; time. That procedure can honor the paleothick-
Slagstad et al., 2008). Whereas considerable work ness at a given stage; however, the mathematical
exists on extensional basins regarding the thermal procedure to propagate the thickness adjustment
development linking heat flow with the degree of through time does not reproduce any geological
crustal attenuation (McKenzie, 1978), much less process at all and, for instance, might lead to un-
attention has been paid to heat-flow histories in expected results in the modeled basin evolution.
other tectonic settings (Waples, 1998). Uncertainties The implication of using the vertical distance be-
in the thermal history are particularly large in com- tween horizons as the stratigraphic thickness in a
pressional tectonic regimes because of the impact of dipping section (even a monocline) is equivalent to
topography, tectonic load, uplift, erosion, meteoric that of a section with structurally added thickness
water charge, and variable rates in sedimentation and (because the overestimated thickness is a consequence
compaction, among others. The combination of these of a structural event that tilted the bed). An additional
factors changing through time makes the prediction of complication is the fact that the greatest apparent
geothermal history of the basin fill difficult (Stein thickness observed in the current structure was also
et al., 1995; Husson and Moretti, 2002). present during the basin evolution from, but not be-
fore, the moment the deformed geometry originated.
This is one of the biggest weaknesses in standard
GEOMETRICAL MODELING modeling, because backstripping fails to relate the
structurally added thickness to the deformation event
The use of structural restorations is preferred when that created it, which is correctly simulated by basin
performing basin models in structurally complex models using structurally restored geometries (Lampe
areas. However, in tectonic environments dominated et al., 2006; Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009; Gibson
by high-angle faults, small amounts of lateral 2012; Sánchez et al., 2015).
shortening, and large wavelength folds, it is possible
to get an overall approach on the petroleum system
analysis with a standard backstripping basin model. Proposed Approach for the Geometrical
Under these conditions, a careful geometrical anal- Modeling
ysis helps avoiding common pitfalls resulting from
incorrect backstripped reconstructions. Some of Given the fact that basin modeling algorithms over-
these potential errors correspond to overestimation of estimate the stratigraphic thickness in tilted beds
paleothicknesses (Figure 1). An erroneous estimate as well as in faulted beds through time, we propose
of thickness can lead to incorrect burial histories and, correction of paleothicknesses in accordance with the
consequently, incorrect pressure and thermal calcu- main tectonic events. It is important to be clear that
lations with their subsequent effects on source and this methodology is not recommended in highly de-
reservoir rocks. In addition, flawed paleogeometric formed folded belts with low-angle faults (Hantschel
restorations can alter the evolution of migration and Kauerauf, 2009) but can be used in basins with
pathways and severely distort the hydrocarbon dipping horizons and high-angle faults, such as the
charge history. To address these issues, back- MMV. A paleothickness correction consists of the
stripping models can be modified to include pale- addition of the expected thickness at a given time,
othickness corrections to reasonably represent the which is then used by the modeling program to
structural evolution of tectonically complex basins tie the paleogeometries (Hantschel and Kauerauf,
(Gibson, 2012). 2009). Thickness anomalies related to high-angle

4 Basin Modeling in Structurally Complex Areas: Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

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faults are restricted to narrow trends along the we modify the default compaction trend with paleo-
fault areas (Figure 1). In this case, the realization of thickness related to the moment of deposition and to
paleothickness maps is simpler than thickness cor- the deformation event (line C).
rections related to dipping beds, where the problem Although none of the compaction trends illus-
is spread over wider areas, increasing the impact on trated in Figure 2 realistically represents geometric
basin models and the difficulty in the correction. complexities resulting from tectonic deformation,
Dip values can be estimated from most mapping line C offers the best approach for a model based on
programs. According to angle relationships, dips be- backstripping. Firstly, line A represents the typical
tween 25° and 45° represent a thickness overestimation compaction trend used by modeling programs that
between 10% and 40%. We propose 20° of dip as the decompacts to the moment of deposition, the total
threshold for thickness correction (lower dips than that present-day thickness, including the structurally
represent less than 6% of error that could be neglected). thickened section. The thickness change represented
However, if automatic tools are adapted to modeling by line A works properly in undeformed basins;
programs, the full range of dips could be corrected. however, in tectonically deformed settings, decom-
The concept presented in this paper for thickness paction includes not only the true thickness, but
correction in a structurally thickened section compares the structurally added thickness, leading to over-
three different scenarios (Figure 2). The first scenario estimated burial histories and incorrect basin paleo-
corresponds to the default compaction trend, in which geometries. Secondly, correction of the original
the thickness change is calculated with simple back- thickness (line B) is a step toward a feasible burial
stripping. In this scenario, we calculate the back- history; however, this is only a partial solution be-
stripped thickness following compaction laws (line A). cause this procedure can result in a compaction
The second scenario considers a thickness change that trend that is not geologically correct. An additional
includes a thickness correction by estimating a rea- problem is that the structurally added thickness is
sonable original thickness (line B). Finally, the third distributed over time after the deposition (typical
scenario illustrates the proposed correction, in which modeling algorithms use linear extrapolation to
apply corrections), which could be a major issue,
particularly for younger deformation events. Finally,
we recommend the modified trend represented by
line C, which is an option that uses a multiple pa-
leothickness correction (related to deposition and
deformation times) that results in a much more
reasonable burial history in terms of original thick-
ness and accommodation time of the structurally
added thickness. It is important to remark that the
resulting compaction trend is similar to the default
trend calculated from simple backstripping (line A),
excluding the time corresponding to the deformation
event, when the nonstratigraphic thickness is ac-
Figure 2. Schematic thickness change calculated from back- commodated. This approach replicates in a better
stripping for a section where the vertical distance between ho- way the actual geological processes.
rizons is greater than the true stratigraphic thickness. Three In summary, a good backstripped reconstruction
different scenarios are shown: (A) simple backstripped model; in tectonically compressive settings can only be ac-
(B) backstripped model with original paleothickness correction; complished if the model is corrected by paleothick-
and (C) backstripped model with paleothickness correction at ness maps in accordance with the tectonic events
time of deformation. hf = present-day thickness (structurally
that produced the deformation. Our suggested ap-
thickened section); ho = original thickness; hs1 = paleothickness
at starting time of structural thickening (ts1); hs2 = paleothick- proach achieves this premise by tying a typical
ness at ending time of structural thickening (ts2); hx = pseudo- compaction trend to three control points related to
original thickness (calculated from simple backstripping); tf = reasonable thicknesses at the time of deposition,
present-day time; to = depositional time. predeformation, and postdeformation. Although the

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procedure could vary depending on the software, day basal heat flow that makes geological sense and
the following is the general workflow. To obtain allows an acceptable fit between measured and cal-
the proposed compaction trend, it is necessary to culated temperature data (Stein, 1995). To do this,
run two preliminary simulations. A first model with we use Fourier’s first law, which states that the
simple backstripping will provide the uncompacted geothermal gradient at any given location in the basin
present-day thickness at the ending time of the is the consequence of the basal heat flow and the
deformation event (first control point). The same thermal conductivity of the sedimentary fill (Allen
preliminary model can be used to estimate the and Allen, 2005). Although this interdependence is
original thickness in deformed areas, which can be used by some modeling programs that offer some
done by extrapolating the calculated original thick- automatic tools for calculating heat-flow maps from
ness from adjacent undeformed areas (second control measured temperature data (Hantschel and Kauerauf,
point). By simulating a second model constrained 2009), we present an option for estimating these maps
with the corrected original thickness, the correspond- manually. It is clear that understanding the present-day
ing compacted thickness can be calculated at the thermal model in a compressive framework is not an
starting time of deformation (third control point). easy task, but estimating the thermal behavior and its
With these calibration points, the final simulation lateral variations during the complete history as a
should have a thickness history that follows the compressive basin is even more difficult. For example,
typical compaction algorithms and is constrained by the uplift resulting from a compressive event causes
three key events during the basin evolution. erosional events that commonly imply large un-
certainties on the timing and amount of erosion,
producing ambiguous results in the heat-flow his-
THERMAL MODELING tory (Hantschel and Kauerauf, 2009).
As mentioned above, in line with Fourier’s first
Basin modelers typically specify the basal heat-flow law, the basal heat flow can be calculated from the
boundary condition in two different ways. One is by thermal conductivity and the geothermal gradient of
running a full crustal model to account for the effect the sedimentary fill. The thermal conductivity is
of lithospheric processes on the basin (Morgan and typically determined by the lithology chosen for each
Sass, 1984; Vejbæk, 1989; Hantschel and Kauerauf, layer. To account for the thermal effects of all model
2009), and the other is by prescribing a basal heat layers, it is necessary to perform a weighted average
flow based on analog environments (Poelchau et al., of all of the conductivities according to the layer
1999; Allen and Allen, 2005). On one side, input thickness. The geothermal gradient map can be es-
parameters for a full crustal model in a compressive timated from a database of corrected temperature
range are commonly unknown, particularly because data in the basin. However, in structurally deformed
there is implicit lithospheric thickening (Stein, settings, we expect some degree of variability of the
1995); on the other side, basal heat flow from analog basal heat flow and, consequently, in the geothermal
environments leaves a wide range of possible sce- gradient of the basin. Most classical mapping algo-
narios that could distort the actual hydrocarbon rithms could produce thermal gradient maps that
potential in the basin. This uncertainty could be honor the borehole temperature data set, but, in
even more relevant in basins that have undergone deformed areas, these maps have a significant level
transitions between different tectonic settings. of uncertainty away from the control points. Thus,
some kind of geological control must be considered
Proposed Approach for the Thermal to get reasonable maps in areas of deficient borehole
Modeling control. Furthermore, given that an important ben-
efit from basin models is the assessment of areas with
Although basal heat-flow maps defined with any of poor constraints, it is important to obtain reliable
the previously mentioned methods work properly in thermal predictions in these areas.
most basin models, in structurally deformed settings, Using a database of corrected borehole temper-
this issue requires a different approach. The first step atures, the first step in reconstructing the thermal
consists of an appropriate definition of the present- history consists of identifying general trends in the

6 Basin Modeling in Structurally Complex Areas: Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

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distribution of the present-day geothermal gradient. Most oil production from this basin comes from
It is imperative to determine if the observed pattern structural plays in Cenozoic fluvial reservoir rocks
of temperature in the basin shows some dependency (Cooper et al., 1995; Sassi et al., 2007) that were
with distribution of variables, such as sedimentary charged from Cretaceous source rocks (Figure 4)
rock thicknesses, basement depth, and topography, during Miocene–Pliocene petroleum generation and
because the current thermal regime may have some migration events (Garcia and Parra, 2003).
dependencies on those physical elements. It is im- As an intermountain basin, the MMV has un-
portant to identify these relationships to use them dergone a complex tectonic evolution reflected in
to help mapping in areas of poor temperature con- the sedimentary record (Bayona et al., 2013). Its
straints. We can use this help by calculating the evolution as a sedimentary basin began in a tectonic
correlation function between each one of these rift setting in the Triassic–Early Cretaceous, with de-
variables and the geothermal gradient. Commonly, a position of continental and marine sediments with
polynomial equation results in the best fit between the main depocenter in the present-day Eastern
selected points. The obtained mathematical func- Cordillera (Cooper et al., 1995; Sarmiento, 2001).
tions can then be used in any map calculator to The tectonic evolution involved deposition of post-
obtain a definitive present-day geothermal gradient rift sediments under marine conditions, containing
map that not only honors the measured data (as most important intervals with high organic carbon con-
mapping algorithms do), but is also more reliable in tent, such as La Luna and Tablazo Formations during
areas of no data because it is geologically constrained. the Late Cretaceous (Mora et al., 1996; Ramón and
Finally, the resulting geothermal map computed Dzou, 1999; Garcia and Parra, 2003).
together with the previously calculated conductivity The postrift phase was followed by a tectonic
map gives, as a result, the present-day basal heat-flow inversion in the Paleocene–early Eocene that pro-
map. Although the described procedure is a modi- duced shortening and exhumation on a broad oro-
fication of a known technique in terms of heat-flow genic front (Parra et al., 2012), resulting in a regional
estimation, this methodology provides an opportu- angular unconformity (Gómez et al., 2003; Mora
nity for calculating the heat-flow history during the et al., 2006; Parra et al., 2009). From the late
compressive phase that is presently affecting the Eocene–Miocene, the sequence was buried under a
basin. If we assume that the observed correlation thick column of synorogenic continental sediments
between the geothermal gradient and other factors is (Bayona et al., 2013), which includes the main res-
not only restricted to the present-day time, but also ervoir and seal rocks in the basin, characterized by
occurred since the time the current tectonic began. alternating sandstone and shale (LaPaz, Esmeraldas,
Under this premise, the evolution of variables that Mugrosa, and Colorado Formations) (Figure 4).
correlate with the geothermal gradient are useful Since the late Oligocene, and more intensively
to estimate changes in the thermal regime through during Pliocene–Pleistocene, the region underwent
time, making it possible to estimate paleoheat flow compressional stresses during the Andean orogeny
maps that are consistent with the basin development. that uplifted the Eastern Cordillera (Cooper et al.,
1995; Mora et al., 2006, 2013; Parra et al., 2009).
The uplifting of these mountain ranges provides the
APPLICATION TO THE MIDDLE sediment source for a thick molassic sequence (real
MAGDALENA VALLEY formation) in the intermountain basin and developed
most of the structural traps in the MMV.
Geological Background Dipping beds that characterize the present-day
geometry of the MMV represent an inherent prob-
The MMV is a prolific hydrocarbon basin located lem for paleogeometric reconstruction by means of
between the Central and Eastern Cordilleras of the traditional backstripping method (Figure 5). A
Colombia in the northwestern part of the Andes Cretaceous dip map resulting from well and seismic
Mountains (Figure 3). The basin accounts for more interpretation shows the dips for the sub-Eocene
than 2 billion equivalent barrels of hydrocarbon sequence (below the Eocene unconformity; Figure
production over the last century (Willat et al., 2012). 6). These angles range between 0° and 45°, with

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Figure 3. Location map showing the study area (white polygon) and the Middle Magdalena Valley (black polygon). The inset map
shows northwestern South America; the white rectangle corresponds to the region shown in the location map.

large areas of more than 20°. As previously men- Pace et al., 2004) on the MMV show the hydrocar-
tioned, these values represent a potential problem bon potential in specific locations within the basin.
when integrated into a basin model. Recently, the regional analyses in the basin have in-
cluded other processes, such as migration, accumulation,
Previous Basin Models in the Middle and preservation by means of 3-D models (González
Magdalena Valley et al., 2012; Stifano et al., 2012; Suárez, 2016).
However, most of these models do not account for
Extensive work on one-dimensional (1-D) (Mora the overestimation of the modeled thickness. The con-
et al., 1996; Garcia and Parra, 2003; Moretti et al., sequence is a miscalculation of the thermal matura-
2010) and two-dimensional basin models (Restrepo- tion history during the Late Cretaceous–Paleocene,

8 Basin Modeling in Structurally Complex Areas: Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

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Figure 4. Simplified stratigraphic column for the Middle Magdalena Valley with the main tectonic stages during the basin evolution. Age,
rock unit, stratigraphic code, lithology, and general depositional environment are indicated. Modified from Stifano et al. (2012).

leading to a reduction of the source rock remaining the uplift of the Central Cordillera during the
potential for the youngest petroleum generation Paleocene–Eocene and continued during the Cenozoic,
pulse during the Neogene (Garcia and Parra, 2003; including the Andean orogeny from late Miocene to
González et al., 2012). present day (Toro et al., 2004; Mora et al., 2010; Parra
All models agree that the thermal evolution of et al., 2012).
the MMV occurred in three main phases: (1) an However, a more detailed focus on heat-flow
extensional phase that corresponds to the rift basin values for the extensional and thermal subsidence
(Triassic–Early Cretaceous); (2) a thermal sub- stages shows disparity between these studies, re-
sidence phase defined by the postrift event (Late sulting in large uncertainties for the reconstruction
Cretaceous); and (3) a compressive phase that of the maturity evolution of the MMV. Previous 1-D
started with the tectonic inversion associated with basin models have considered maximum heat-flow

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Figure 5. Base Cretaceous surface in a three-dimensional view from the Middle Magdalena Valley model presented in this study. Three
successive east-west–oriented cross sections from north to south illustrate the changing geometry, in which the most relevant element is
the Paleocene–Eocene regional unconformity (black dotted line). The spatially complex variation in the burial history is shown in the
selected one-dimensional burial histories.

values between 65 and 90 mW/m2 (6–8 mW/ft2) for however, the thermal impact of these tectonic events
the rift and postrift phases in the central part of the is less evident in the MMV (Fabre, 1983). Figure 7
basin (Mora et al., 1996; Garcia and Parra, 2003). shows the subsidence curves for the Cretaceous
Although these heat-flow values seem to produce section interpreted in this study. This subsidence
an acceptable fit between measured and calculated pattern indicates that there should be considered a
thermal maturity in their respective models, this tectonic control on the anomalously high subsidence
wide range suggests that the thermal history for rate in the postrift phase. The heat-flow history used
the rift basin deserves a deeper analysis. Thermal in this study for the extensional phase shows a re-
modeling for the rift and postrift basin in the MMV gional variation according to the position of the
should consider the rift subsidence analysis de- Cretaceous rift depocenter, with slightly higher values
veloped by Sarmiento (2001). toward the east (such as in the Coyote-1 well), closer
According to Sarmiento (2001), several rift to the Eastern Cordillera (Figure 8).
events exist from the Triassic–Early Cretaceous that Finally, the heat-flow evolution for the com-
are identified in the present-day Eastern Cordillera; pressive tectonics phase during the Cenozoic is more

10 Basin Modeling in Structurally Complex Areas: Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

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methods do not consider the deformation to accom-
modate the nonstratigraphic thickness (structurally
added thickness because of apparent thickness
effect), and therefore fails to correctly predict
the evolution of parameters that are controlled
by the burial history, such as sediment rate, po-
rosity, permeability, thermal maturity, and trans-
formation ratio. The latter methodology reveals,
geologically, more reasonable results for the time
before the deformation event and especially for all
the parameters that depend on the burial history as
listed above. Although their resulting present-day
thermal maturity maps are similar, there are dif-
ferences in their thermal histories. The third ap-
proach takes the most reasonable burial depth
evolution into consideration. This is confirmed
with a comparison of three thermal maturity maps
for the Tablazo Formation (the deepest modeled source
rock), derived from the procedures described above
(Figure 9). Although similarities among these maps
exist, an important difference can be observed at
65 Ma, which is a time that corresponds to a pre-
deformation event. In general, maps without cor-
rection show higher thermal maturity in areas of
higher present-day deformation. The key point is that
Figure 6. Dip map in the study area for the Lower Cretaceous the basin was at a quiet tectonic stage at that time,
section. Note that pattern in areas with higher dip angles is similar to which should mean no significant lateral variations
the paleothermal maturity pattern shown in Figure 9. deg = degrees. of the burial depths and, therefore, no abrupt changes
in thermal maturity. This analysis confirms that
challenging (Sánchez et al., 2015) and has never
thermal maturity and other parameters controlled by
been studied in the MMV. Most previous 1-D
the burial history tend to overestimate without im-
models in the MMV have simplified the Cenozoic
plementing a thickness correction. The high similarity
heat-flow evolution as a linear extrapolation between
between the present-day thermal maturity maps,
Late Cretaceous and present-day values or as a
among the three methods, is explained by the late
smooth decline with higher slope at the end of the
Miocene to Pliocene burial history (after the main de-
Cretaceous (Mora et al., 1996; Garcia and Parra,
formation event in Cordillera), when the deepest burial
2003). These simplifications have a tremendous
and maximum temperature were reached. Although
impact in the petroleum generation history and
this recent event gave way to the last, and more pro-
subsequently in the prospectivity of the MMV.
spective, petroleum generation pulse (Garcia and
Parra, 2003; González et al., 2012), it is very im-
Geometric Modeling in the Middle portant to have a reasonable paleogeometric ap-
Magdalena Valley proach, because modeled generation volumes for the
last event are controlled by the remaining potential
We modeled the study area using three different left by the Late Cretaceous to Paleocene pulse.
methods for the geometric approach: (1) standard Once the geometric evolution of the model has
uncorrected backstripping; (2) backstripping with been corrected, the evolution of parameters linked to
deposition thickness correction; and (3) back- burial history (porosity, permeability, and thermal
stripping with thickness corrections at deposition maturity, among others) will be consistent with the
and deformation timing. The first and second tectonic evolution. Only at this point, further work

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Figure 7. Subsidence curves for several boreholes in the Middle Magdalena Valley. Morales-1 and Bandera-1 wells are located outside
of the modeled area. Figure 3 shows the borehole locations.

regarding thermal calibration and, subsequently, pe- tectonics. According to our proposed methodol-
troleum generation, migration, and possibly fluid prop- ogy, we used the parameters that control the
erties, modeling and or matching should be considered. present-day thermal regime to estimate paleoheat
flow maps during the time these tectonics have been
New Thermal Modeling Approach in the active. In line with this intention, to reconstruct pa-
Middle Magdalena Valley leoheat flow maps, it is necessary to be made clear
that present-day heat-flow distribution needs to be
To reconstruct the thermal history in the MMV, we understood.
propose a new methodology for addressing the With the aim of defining the present-day heat-
heat-flow history during the current compressive flow map, and according to Fourier’s first law, we

Figure 8. Cretaceous heat-flow history for wells located in the study area. The heat-flow trend during the extensional and thermal
subsidence phases (rift and postrift) is in accordance with previous studies in which higher heat-flow values are expected in the eastern
part of the Middle Magdalena Valley (Coyote-1 well). Figure 3 shows the borehole locations.

12 Basin Modeling in Structurally Complex Areas: Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

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Figure 9. Present-day and Late Cretaceous (before tectonic deformation) thermal maturity maps for Tablazo Formation (107 Ma)
under different scenarios of paleothickness correction. The first scenario (A, B), shows a model without paleothickness correction, which is
the model with highest thermal maturity at 65 Ma (B; high similarity with the dip angle map shown in Figure 6). This evidence suggests
that modern geometry is forcing the basin model results. The second scenario corresponds to a model with depositional paleothickness
correction (C, D), showing lower maturity than the first model. Persistence of higher thermal maturity before the tectonic deformation (D)
indicates that correction is not working properly. The third scenario (E, F) links the thickness change with the tectonic evolution, which
results in a model with lower maturity at 65 Ma. In the last model, the burial history is in accordance with the tectonic events that
deformed the basin. %Ro = vitrinite reflectance.

obtained conductivity and thermal gradient maps. map, the high variability in the thermal gradient
First, we derived a thermal conductivity map from measured in the MMV (Su árez, 2016), ranging
the modeled lithologic composition of the sequence. between 15°C/km and 27°C/km, implies large
In most modeling programs, thermal conductivity mapping uncertainty in areas without borehole
is typically determined for each lithologic layer; control. To diminish this problem, we used an
however, we performed a weighted average map observed, first-order correspondence between the
of all the conductivities according to the layer geothermal gradient and other parameters, such
thickness (Figure 10). Although sufficient well as basement depth and thicknesses in the Cenozoic
temperature data exist to construct a thermal gradient sequence, particularly the Miocene section, to

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Figure 10. Thermal conductivity map for the complete sedimentary fill. This map is a weighted average of individual layers.
Given that thermal conductivity depends on lithology, the variability is mainly driven by relative changes in the sedimentary

construct mapping correlation algorithms and then mW/m2 (2–4 mW/ft2) within the study area, which
derive a thermal gradient map (Figure 11). Although allows an excellent temperature prediction even for
this map corresponds to observed relationships that wells that were omitted during the calibration
are not scientifically proved, it makes geological sense process.
and seems to be a valuable tool for predicting the Considering that the proposed present-day
thermal gradient pattern in areas without geological heat-flow map is reasonable, a feasible interpretation
control. A comparison between basement depth of the thermal evolution during the compressive phase
and the resulting thermal gradient map (Figure 12) can be addressed. The assumption that the described
reflects a large degree of similarity that could be correlation between the geothermal gradient and other
a consequence of thermal effects associated with factors is not only restricted to the present day, but
refraction of heat from the basement (Cull and has been manifested from the time the compressive
Conley, 1983). The obtained conductivity and tectonic is prevailing is a key aspect to determine
thermal gradient maps are then used to calculate the Cenozoic heat-flow maps. Under this premise,
a new heat-flow map. The resulting present-day the evolution of variables that correlate with the
heat flow shows a variation between 26 and 41 geothermal gradient were used to estimate changes

14 Basin Modeling in Structurally Complex Areas: Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

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Figure 11. Scatter plots showing thermal gradient correlation with basement depth and thicknesses from the Cenozoic succession.
These curves suggest that present-day temperature is somehow linked to variation in these parameters. Fm. = Formation.

in the thermal regime. We used the relative varia- cooling trend that suggests a relation to the geometric
tion of these variables to calculate the paleoheat evolution of the basin during that time (Figure 13).
flow maps. The most relevant feature is that after the late Miocene
Resulting heat-flow maps for the compressive (15 Ma); the thermal gradients abruptly decreased,
phase in the MMV show that there is a heterogeneous which is related to the main uplift event in the Eastern

Figure 12. (A) Calculated present-day thermal gradient map (°C/km). (B) Structural map for the basement (interpreted from seismic
data). High similarities between these maps suggest some kind of interdependence.

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Cordillera during the Andean orogeny, when a thick Exploratory Implications in the Middle
column of syntectonic sediments was deposited in the Magdalena Valley
MMV. This tectonic event resulted in high sedimen-
tation rates and a strong temperature disequilibrium One of the critical factors for risk assessment that
in areas with more rapidly deposited basin fill. deserves attention in the MMV is the timing of
Thermal maturity patterns in most compressive petroleum generation and expulsion (Sassi et al.,
settings are characterized for their high spatial vari- 2007). Given that most structural traps in the
ability. Although the presented geological model can MMV were formed during the Andean orogeny
be improved with newer and more detailed infor- (Miocene–present-day) and that a significant first
mation, the presented thermal evolution provides a petroleum generation pulse transformed a major
reasonably good fit with existing calibration param- part of the organic matter during the Paleocene
eters, and it is more reliable in areas of sparse data (during the first tectonic event), a charge risk is
(areas lacking boreholes). This model is geologically present in some structures. Although previous pe-
more consistent with a direct link to the tectonic and troleum system models were calibrated with ther-
depositional history of the basin. mal maturity indicators, their burial and thermal

Figure 13. (A) Heat-flow evolution in the Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV) illustrated in (A) map view and (B) curves for reference
boreholes. Note that heat flow during the compressive phase shows a general cooling trend that is more relevant after late Miocene
(Mioc.) (15 Ma), which coincides with the main uplift event in the Eastern Cordillera during the Andean orogeny. This event explains the
high spatial variability in the heat flow when syntectonic molassic sediments with variable thickness were rapidly deposited in the MMV.
Figure 3 shows the borehole locations. Olig. = Oligocene; Pal. = Paleocene.

16 Basin Modeling in Structurally Complex Areas: Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia

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