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Kinematics and Dynamics

Kinematics: the features or properties of motion in an object.

Dynamics: The study of forces that cause motion.

When objects rest on an inclined plane that makes an angle θ with the horizontal
surface, the weight of the object can be resolved into components that act
perpendicular ( w⊥ ) to the surface and parallel ( w ∥ ) to the surface of the plane.
These components can be calculated using:

● w ∥ = w sin (θ) = mg sin (θ)

● w⊥ = w cos (θ) = mg cos (θ)

The pulling force that acts along a stretched flexible connector (such as a rope,
string, or cable) is called tension. Tension force is commonly abbreviated as T or FT.
When a rope supports the weight of an object that is at rest, the tension in the rope is
equal to the weight of the object:

● T = mag

-acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass.

● An object's acceleration is inversely proportional to the object's mass.
● This means: Lower mass = higher accelerations and higher mass = lower
● As a formula, A=ΣF/m

● Acceleration equals the sum of the vertical forces divided by the mass;
● The final velocity, assuming constant mass (and therefore constant
acceleration), equals the initial velocity plus the acceleration times time;
Circular Motion and Gravitation

● Uniform circular motion is motion in a circle at a constant speed.

● The conversion between radians and degrees is 1radian≈ 57.3∘

● Linear speed V = W . R (W must be in radians per second)

● Angular velocity/speed, w, is the rate of change of an angle: W=Δo/Δt

(radians per second)

● Angular acceleration, a a = wΔ/tΔ (radian per second squared)

● Centripetal acceleration, ac, is the acceleration experienced while a body

is in uniform circular motion.
○ Direction: ac always points toward the center of rotation and is
perpendicular to the velocity at any given point in time.
○ Magnitude: ac = v^2/r, or ac = rw^2
○ The standard unit for centripetal acceleration is m/s2.

● Centripetal force, Fc, is any force causing uniform circular motion.

● Fc is a “center-seeking” force that always points toward the center of rotation.
● Fc is perpendicular to linear velocity v and has magnitude:
Fc = mac

which can also be expressed as:

● Rotating and accelerated frames of reference are non-inertial.

● Fictitious forces, such as the Coriolis force, are needed to explain motion in non-inertial
tangential/lineal acceleration (mag) At = change in magnitude of V/ Time
radial/centripetal(center seeking) acceleration (direction) Ac = change in direction of V/ Time

Cartesian and polar coordinates(r,angleO) usefull describing circular motion

● Δv= V2-V1 , Δv points into the center of the circle

● Arclenght formula, Δs= R . Δ0
● V= Δs/Δt r= Δ0/Δt
● therefore V= R. W

I Linear acceleration always points either in the direction of v or in exactly the

opposite direction as v.

II. Centripetal acceleration always points into the center of the circular path of the
Universal Law Of Gravitation

● Fact: Gravitational pull forces are inversely proportional to the distance

between the two objects' centers of mass. So, the gravitational force that
Earth exerts on the ISS is somewhat less than the gravitational force that
gravity exerts on objects closer to the center of the earth, like you and me.

● Fact: Mass is also a factor that determines the magnitude of gravitational

forces. So, for two objects of equal mass, the earth exerts more gravitational
force on whichever one is closer to earth's center of mass.

● To find the orbital velocity of an object, we note that the centripetal force is
equal in magnitude to the gravitational force. Write down both equations and
set them equal to each other:

Newtons Laws

1-A body in motion remain in motion/body rest remain in rest unless acted upon
2-f = ma
3- for every action there is equal and opposite reaction

F= G M1.M2/r^2

r= distance between objects center of mass

G= 6.67x10^-11 (universal grav. constant)

Gravitational force

Fg = G M1.M2/R^2



P= w/t e= out/in

W= f.D

KE= ½ Mv^2

PEg = mgh

PEs = ½ Kx^2


work-energy theorem

P = mv

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