الإختبار النهائي لمادة التغذية Final Exame of Nutrition الدكتوره

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‫ملخصات وتفريغات ونماذج‬

‫كلية الطب المخبري‬

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫الدفعة الرابعة‬

‫االختبار النهائي لمادة ‪ :‬التغذية ‪nutrition‬‬

‫الدكتوره ‪ /‬نوال الحنحنة ‪2022‬م‬

‫اللجنة العلمية الدفعه الرابعة‬

‫كلية الطب المخبري‬

‫‪http://t.me/Laboratoryll :‬‬ ‫رابط القناة‬

‫رابط البوت للتواصل مع طالب اللجنة العلمية والمناديب ‪:‬‬

‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫م‬2022 ‫اإلختبار النهائي لمادة التغذية‬

1- What is role of fiber......?

a- protective teeth

b- in digestive system



2- Which following is not considered nutrient.....?

a- vitamin

b- mineral

c- fiber

d- fat

3- which protein choice from follow........?

a- grain

b- chicken



4- Which of the following contain no carbohydrate .......?

a- rice
‫ملخصات وتفريغات ونماذج‬
‫كلية الطب المخبري‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫الدفعة الرابعة‬
b- bread

c- fish


5- Which of the following we are require in tiny amount .....?

a- vitamin and mineral

b- carbohydrate



6- ...... is important in cell, body grow and repair......?

a- fat

b- protein

c- carbohydrate


7- Milk, yoghurt and cheese is important in .......?

a- bone strong

b- muscle

c- teeth

d- all above

8- food from Meat, fish egg and nuts are important source
of .......?

a- iron
b- fiber

c- Beta caroteine

d- calcium

9- Vegetable and fruit is important in......?

a- protein

b- mineral and

c- unsaturated fat

d- non

10- In deficiencies of fiber occur.......?

a- dehydrated

b- ill

c- constipation


11- Which following is important in immune system and fight

cancer .....?

a- vegetable

b- meat

c- carbohydrate


12- How cancer avoid.......

a- proper diet

b- good lifestyle
‫ملخصات وتفريغات ونماذج‬
‫كلية الطب المخبري‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫الدفعة الرابعة‬
c- A and B

d- non of above

13- Element important in nutreint e.g potassium, calcium and

iron ........?

a- vitamin

b- mineral

c- protein


14- Partially hydrogenated oil considered......?

a- saturated fat

b- unsaturated fat

c- trans fat

d- mono unsaturetd fat

15- Adequate intake of fiber........ ?

a- prevents colon cancer

b- prevent and alleviate hemorrhoids

c- prevent diverticulosis

d- all the above

16- Balance diet is ........?

a- the diet that contain some nutrient in appropriate

b- the diet that contain all nutrient in appropriate

c- the diet that contain most nutrient in appropriate



17- Basal metabolic rate is ........ ?

a- The minimum amount of energy expenedede

b- when physically and mentally active

c- meased any time

d- non of all above

18- one of the following Have no calories ...... ?

a- starches

b- artificial sweeteners

c- sucrese

d- all the above

19- Which of the following have large amount of energy per

garm .......?

a- carbohydrate

b- fat

c- protein


20- Which of the process that breakdown the food into

molcular can the body use it .......?
‫ملخصات وتفريغات ونماذج‬
‫كلية الطب المخبري‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫الدفعة الرابعة‬
a- metabolism

b- digestion

c- calories


21- How much contain gram fat calories ......?

a- 10

b- 9

c- 4

d- 7

22- Which process that convert the energy from food into
energy can body use it ......?

a- metabolism

b- calories

c- digestion

d- absorption

23- The energy can body use it measured by ......?

a- calories




24- Balanced diet provide approximately .......?

a- 60-70%of total calories from carbohydrate source

b- 10-12% from protein

c- 20-25%from fat

d- all above

25- Influence of nutrition ......?

a- health

b- behavior

c- mood

d- all above

26- Which mineral that trans oxygen in blood.....?

a- iron

b- calcium



27- Role of nutrients in diet......?

a- growth and development

b- provide energy

c- regulate metabolism

d- all above

28- That a person eats and drinks normally .......?

a- food
‫ملخصات وتفريغات ونماذج‬
‫كلية الطب المخبري‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫الدفعة الرابعة‬
b- diet

c- nutrients

d- non of above

29- Vitamin C is important in .......?

a- in immune system




30- Water soluble vitamins is .......?

a- stored in liver

b- required in daily basis

c- found in meat

d- non of the above

31- How we can weight of our bodies loss .....?

a- eat large breakfast and large dinner

b- eat large breakfast and small dinner

c- eat small breakfast and large dinner

d- eat one type from nutriation

32- the milk, cheese, yoghrt group are:




33-.......... is an example for hydrogenated fat.....?

a- saturated fat.

b- unsaturated fat.

c- trans fat.

d- mono-unsaturated fat.

34- which of these is required on food label:

a- total charbohydrates.



d-all above.

35- bread, cereals, pasta is good source of ....?

a- charbohydrate

b- Vitamin C

c- calcium.

d- Vitamin D

36- to avoiding cancer:

a- good diet.

b- good lifestyle.

c- both a & b.
‫ملخصات وتفريغات ونماذج‬
‫كلية الطب المخبري‬
‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬ ‫الدفعة الرابعة‬
‫‪d- non above.‬‬

‫?‪37- If there is no fiber in your diet it causes.......‬‬

‫‪a- diarrhea‬‬

‫‪b- constipation‬‬



‫?‪38- The food that give large energy .....‬‬

‫‪a- carbohydrate‬‬

‫‪b- fat‬‬

‫‪c- protein‬‬


‫االختبار النهائي لمادة التغذية‬



‫رابط القناة‬

‫رابط البوت للتواصل مع طالب اللجنة العلمية والمناديب‬


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