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Natural disaster - a sudden and terrible event in nature that usually results in serious
damage and many deaths e.g., typhoon, tornado, flood, earthquake, landslide etc.
It seems like there are more and more natural disasters occurring these days.
Man-made disaster - an event which is caused by man, either intentionally or by accident,
that results in great harm, damage, or death e.g. war, pollution, nuclear explosions, fires,
hazardous materials exposures, explosions, and transportation accidents etc.
That oil spill was the worst man-made disaster that I have ever seen.
Collapse - to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support
The building collapsed because the concrete was not reinforced properly.

Phobia - a persistent, excessive, and sometimes unrealistic fear of an object, person, animal,
activity or situation
Common phobias:

 acrophobia: fear of heights

 aerophobia: fear of flying
 aquaphobia: fear of water
 claustrophobia: fear of closed spaces
I have a phobia of snakes.

Face your fears - to go into a feared situation one or more times until you feel less scared
You need to face your fear of public speaking.

Lifeguard - an expert swimmer employed, at a beach or pool, to protect swimmers from
drowning or other accidents and dangers
The lifeguard at the pool saved the little boy from drowning.
Peak - the highest, strongest, or best point, value, or level of skill
I hope that we have passed the peak of summer.
New Year’s resolution - a promise to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or
behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life at the beginning of a
calendar year
My New Year’s resolution is to quit smoking.

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