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DMTCL 2019

1. Estimate the pull out capacity of a cast in situ bored concrete pile of dia
500mm and length 15m. Pile installed in a homogeneous sand deposit. If
density 18kn/m3. And angular of internal friction 300 water table is at
ground surface.
2. The soil used in an embankment construction is found to have an MDD of
19 kn/m3 from standard proctor construction test. The specifications are, :
minimum 95% compaction . After finishing a later by roller a block of soil is
extracted from the compaction layer using a pipe section of 100mm length
and 75mm internal dia. Wet and dry weight of extracted soil is 865gm and
810 gm respectively. Does the layer meet specifications

3. A waste water is discharged there an out fall to a fresh water stream of

mean velocity 1m/s. the DO and BOD of the stream after receiving the
waste water are 8.5 mg/l and 25 mg/l. determine the time and distance
downstream where depth 15m minimum. (kd = deoxygenetic rate =
0.25/day, kr = reaeration rate = 0.4/day, sulfur concentration of DO = 9.2)
4. The waste water amount of 3830 m3 is treated in a treatment plant. The
suspended solid has influent concentration of 220 mg/l. the treatment
water concentration of suspended solid is 5 mg/l. calculates the mass of dry
sludge of the treatment water.
5. What is skin friction? In what kind of soil its occurs?
6. Why we used high strength concrete in pre stressed girder?
7. Sfd n bmd by portal method.
8. Access movement diagram
9. Speed volume density relationship
10. Transportation math, mode choice bus auto walk
11. Transportation math, toll, toll increase , cost revenue
12.Rcc math same as pgcb 2019

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