Exile Trial and Death

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Exile, Trial, and Death

❑ June 26, 1892- Rizal arrived in


Rizal was on exile in Dapitan

He continued his medicine, research

and continued his talent in
sculpture, painting, sketching and
poetry writing
Accomplishment of Rizal in Dapitan

❑he did farming and — business and even invented a

wooden equipment in making bricks.
❑Won a lottery ticket-his share was 6,200 (used this to
build house, school and clinic
❑the creation of a big map of Mindanao at the plaza to
be used for geography class
❑he invented a water system that gave the town
people water for their drinking and irrigation.
❑ helped the people in putting-up lamp posts in every
corner of the town.
Accomplishment of Rizal in Dapitan
❑Blumentriit proposed that Rizal may offer his services as
a surgeon to the Spanish government in Cuba to end his
❑ On July 30,1896, Governor-General Ramon Blanco
granted Rizal’s request to go to Cuba.
❑ Rizal left Manila, embarked the steamer España and on
September 3, 1896 he went to Barcelona boarded the
steamer Isla de Panay. When he arrived at the port,
Governor-General Despujol told Rizal that there was a
command to return him back to Manila.
Rizal @ Exile
❑Rizal was arrested while on his trip at the Mediterranean
Sea. He was put 60 The Life and Works of Jose Rizal
Rizal’s Life: Exile, Trial and Death 11 0 into prison in
Barcelona, Spain and was brought back to the
Philippines. Safely guarded while on the way from
Barcelona to Manila, Rizal reached the capital on
November 3,1896 and was soon brought to be
imprisoned at Fort Santiago.
Trial and Death of Rizal
❑On November 20, 1896, the assigned Judge to
summon Rizal was Colonel Francisco Olive, an
Advocate of the Spanish military tribunal.
12 Points Rizal Cited to Prove his innocence
1. Rizal was against rebellion as testified by Pio Valenzuela.
2. No letter consisting of revolutionary elements was addressed
to the Katipunan was written
3. Without his consent, the Katipunan used his name as one of
the passwords.
4. If he was guilty, he could have left the country while in exile;
he would not have built a home, and would not have bought a
parcel of alnd to put up a hospital in Dapitan.
5. The revolutionists could have consulted him if he was the
12 Points Rizal Cited to Prove his innocence
6. He did not deny that he wrote the by-laws of the Liga
Filipina, but to make things clear, it is a different
organization from Katipunan. The former being a civic
association and the latter being a revolutionary society.
7. After the first meeting of the Liga, the association
banished because of his exile in Dapitan and it did not
last long.
8. He had no idea, that the Liga was reorganized nine
months after.
9. If the Liga had a revolutionary purpose, then Katipunan
should not have been founded.
12 Points Rizal Cited to Prove his innocence
10. If the Spanish authorities found his letters offending, it
was because in 1890, his family has been persecuted.
11. He lived a good life in Dapitan the – politico military
commander and missionary priest in the province could
attest to it.
12. The witnesses said that if the speech delivered at
Doroteo Ongjunco’s house had inspired the revolution,
he should be given a chance to confront these persons.
If he was in the revolution, the Katipunan should not
have sent an unfamiliar emissary to him in Dapitan. For
this, his friends knew that he never promoted violence.
Remaining Days and the Last Farewell
❑ December 29, 1896, Captain Rafael Dominguez, read
him the official notice of his execution.
❑ Rizal spent his last hours by going to the prison chapel
Remaining Days and the Last Farewell
❑ Wrote 2 poems
❑ Ultimo Adios
❑ Letter to his family
❑ Asked forgiveness
❑ to live united in peace and good harmony
❑ Treat your old parents as you would like to be
treated by your children later
❑ That he innocent of this crime of rebellion (his
former writings may have contributed toward it I
cannot wholly deny; but then, I thought I had
expiated for the pass in my deportation

Rizal walked to Bagumbayan at

6:30 in the morning of
December 30, 1896.
Values derived from Rizal’s Life
1. Nationalism and patriotism
2. Faith in God
3. Love of Fellowmen
4. Love of Parents
5. Devotion to truth
6. Purity and idealism
7. Noble thought and conduct
Values derived from Rizal’s Life

8. Charity
9. Dedication to Duty
10. Moral Courage
11. Willpower
12. Integrity
13. Sincerity
14. Self-denial
15. Perseverance
16. Discipline and Self Control
Values derived from Rizal’s Life

17. Initiative
18. Prudence
19. Chivalry, courtesy, and politeness
20. Frugality
21. Love to Justice

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