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This is Sergeant Paul Holstine with the Bullhead City Police Department, Office of Professional Responsibility and present with me is Corporal Reid McNally and you are Reid McNally are you not?

McNally: Holstine:

Yes I am. It is 4:17 p.m. on 10/22 of 2009 were at the Office of Professional Responsibility interviewing for OPR #09029. Reid have you got a chance to review the allegations and the other contents of the Notice of Administrative Investigation in front of you?

McNally: Holstine:

Yes I have. And do you understand your specific rights and responsibilities in this investigation?

McNally: Holstine:

Yes I do. You have any questions about your specific rights and responsibilities in

McNally: Holstine:

No I dont. this investigation? Okay I see youve already signed on the bottom right where Im suppose to sign and Ill sign on the bottom the other side where you were suppose to sign or something like that. Ill sign above you hows that?

McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

Okay. Yeah symbolic. Okay. Okay. An interview technique. Anyway um so as we briefly discussed before the tape came on the reason my investigation led to ah bringing you in here as a witness is that I was told that you were at the I guess it would be formerly the residence of Marion and Tammy Morgan ah at one point ah I dont have the date I think I have a, a log number somewhere written down but you were called over there basically to do a civil standby or a civil standby like ah operation?

McNally: Holstine:

Thats correct. And was, was there anything else that has happened that resembles that or is that theres just that one incident?

McNally: Holstine:

There was just that one incident. So you couldnt be talking about any other incident than this since I dont know the date other

McNally: Holstine: McNally:

Right thats correct. Okay what time frame was this, what month? It was during the summer it was when I was on graveyards so it was sometime the last rotation.

Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

Okay. Ah it, I dont know. And you ah I dont remember. wrote an IR on this did you not cause I read one Yes I did. its very brief that said you did a civil standby. Thats correct. Okay. And then was this at an address on Ponderosa? Yes it was. Alright and can you tell me what prompted you or what, what it is what circumstances brought you over there?


There was a phone call from Tammy Morgan she wanted to talk to a supervisor and she said she wanted Marion removed from her house, she wanted him to take all his stuff and to leave so

Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

She wanted him removed from her house? Right. And did you speak with her directly? Yes I did. Okay and ah how did that go, how did, how did that conversation continue?


It was basically we talked about the laws she, I said ya know I cant kick him outta the house he has as much right to be there and she agreed to that and ah and it went from there. While I was talking to her he contacted me and said Tammy just called me and told me to get my shit outta the house and get the fuck outta the house. If I remember thats, that was the quote that he used.

Holstine: McNally:

Thats not your language thats That was not my language that was the language that was presented to me.

Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally:

Or words to that effect? Correct. Okay. Um so then what happened? Ah and Marion was told the same thing which they both know the laws pertaining I cant kick you out ah it was suggested to him that maybe he finds some place else one of them finds some place else to go. He said he had some place else to go I didnt ask him where. Ah but he asked for me to accompany him up to the house and do a civil standby so that he could grab some stuff and leave.


Okay. And were things civil so to speak when you were at the house with those two?

McNally: Holstine:

Given the situation yes they were. Yeah okay. Tell me what happened have, have you covered all of the conversation that the pre-civil standby conversation?


Yeah it was, it was very brief conversations nothing really in depth um it, it was both a reminder to them to try to keep their personal life and keep the from dragging the department into it. Ah and, and to act to both to act within the laws. They know how the laws work here in Arizona and for them to both be ya know act like adults stay within the laws.

Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally:

Okay so you get to the house Right. um and who was there when you arrived? Ah Tammy was there and Marion had followed me from we met at the park in Arroyo Vista

Holstine: McNally:

Un huh. basically met around the corner from the house and, and I followed him to the house there.

Holstine: McNally:

Okay and, and continue please. Ah she was there I went up talked to her and said hes here to get some things hed be leaving and he gathered some things.


Did you bother to track what he took outta there?


I dont remember but I, I remember it was just some clothing some personal items.

Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

Did she voice any objections to what he took outta there? I dont recall. I mean she didnt say (Inaudible) the Hope Diamond hes, hes No, no he wasnt taking all of our family assets stop this? No. There were none of those type of None of those. type of protests, objections? No. Okay cause, cause we dont, dont we normally have a kind of a wrote script that, that we tell people in those situations at least if theres a divorce pending?

McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

Absolutely its ransom That everything stays here towards several items clothing, toiletries. get a toothbrush and some skivvies and Right. Um but this, this wasnt exactly like other civil standbys at least in my impression. Ah normally when we do a civil standby ah what triggers it?

McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

Theres something going on in the relationship. No I mean do we, do we ah normally require Oh yeah. a judges court order or anything for civil standby? Normally yeah we do. Yeah so in normal circumstances we dont just go by some civilians request to come up to there house and stand by while their wifes ranting at them or whatever but in this situation we got what two departmental employees and a something of a departmental interest in making sure that nobody




nobody does anything that it, out of in, in a moment of passion or anger that endangers their job?


Thats the way I looked at it was that if you care about people that we work with and ya know we can go up and just make sure that neither one of them are gonna get in any trouble over any


Right. So Im assuming that, that, that was ah that, that was given a thumbs up all the way the chain of command or as far up as it went? Did you advise now youre on a shift right now right?

McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

Yes I was. Did you advise your Lieutenant? Yes I did. Okay. I advised him the next day. Alright. And he went up to the Chief, Chief knew about it. I, I was pretty sure of that but okay so we have a civil standby done in, in less than, less than normal less than conventional circumstances involving two employees. One of the things that was alleged ah and it goes to the sentence here kinda in the middle of this paragraph and it says Crawford was told Marion had threatened her it was word his word against it was her word against his and nothing further was done, and that refers to Tammy had reported to someone in her chain of command probably Lieutenant Sessions that during this civil standby that at one point when he passed by her ah he mouthed some words to her maybe not even out loud that were some sort of a threat ya know youll get yours, or Ill

McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally:

Okay. ya know Ill see ya know youre gonna regret this words to that affect Okay. maybe not even words but Right. mouthed these words um did you see anything like that? I was not aware of it.


Okay. Is it possible that during that contact something like that could have happened and it you wouldnt have seen it?

McNally: Holstine:

Sure. Ah ya know I mean you didnt watch his lips the whole time you were there and

McNally: Holstine:

No I did not. okay so its possible that, that happened but theres no but you cant corroborate it?

McNally: Holstine:

Thats correct. Okay. That pretty much covers the meat and potatoes of why were here. Um anything else that (Inaudible) happened while you were up there?


Ah she had showed me the e-mail, shed gotten into his e-mail account I dont know who it was from ah it had made reference to them to whoever the e-mail came from to him about hanging out together ah but to me it was a very vague e-mail

Holstine: McNally:

Un huh. like I said I dont know who it came from it didnt say this is from this person or that person it had an e-mail address on it I dont remember the e-mail address it didnt, didnt say like from Paul Holstine at obviously but I think it was


It didnt cause I didnt send her one just for the record but ah, um okay I, I, think Ive, Ive got that part of it buttoned down. Um did she ask you to, to view any photos or any ah or anything that might of eluded to Internet based porn while you were up there or was it just this e-mail thing?

McNally: Holstine: McNally:

Just the e-mail thing. Okay. But and again I told her ya know what thats your guys thing ya know thats between you guys Im just here to basically keep the peace and make sure everybody stays within bounds.

Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally:

Okay. And at that point were you his supervisor? At that point I believe Sergeant Messina was his supervisor. Okay. And were you her supervisor? No because she was working day shift but this all happened right at the end of swing shift the beginning of graveyards that time

Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

Un huh. and I was the supervisor on duty. On what shift? On graveyards. B side? Yes. Okay. Alright and so he gathered his things and then? Left. Left. Ah were you still present as he left? Yes I was. And you left after he did? Yeah a couple of seconds after he did. Okay. So theres no way that he could of stayed behind and had some confrontation that you wouldnt have witnessed?

McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

No. Okay. Um did you have any further discussion with her? No. Did you address it with either one of them after the fact at work or anywhere else just to address that after the fact?

McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine: McNally:

Um they both thanked me for going up but that was the end of it. There was no more attacking the other one No. through you? No. Anything like that? No cause I told em I said just keep the department out of it and at least at my level there was none of that.


Okay. And that pretty much covers ah where I was going next at anytime did you become ah a sounding board or triage any of their personal problems for them

McNally: Holstine: McNally:

No I as a supervisor? Ive stayed out of it.


Okay. Its my understanding that there was a fair amount of gossip going on about this months before this were you aware of any of it?


There was um I was made aware of it um and Marion asked me about it if there was a big investigation going. And at that point he was my a subordinate of mine.

Holstine: McNally:

Un huh. Ah I went to Lieutenant Sessions asked him about it he said no theres no IA about it and informed Marion about that and it I havent heard anymore rumors about it from there.


Yeah and that makes sense because just, just so you know Lieutenant Sessions was ah in a in a sense he was the, the assigned point of contact for Tammy.

McNally: Holstine:

Okay. And so a lot of ah what were her concerns were routed through him in effect. Not all of them but much of it was handled that way and probably that was probably going on at that time.

McNally: Holstine:

Right. So okay so weve talked about the civil standby, you wrote a brief IR on it youve never done any other civil standbys on with them so were talking about one incident and one incident only. Weve discussed whether or not there was any sort of mouthed or ya know lip read threat (Inaudible) ah your ability to even know that. Talked about your knowledge of the general subject during the gossip phase of it if you will.

McNally: Holstine:

Yeah. Your role or lack thereof as a supervisor in it. Ah other than, other than the ah the three people involved directly in it is there anyone at the department that has wit, has told you that hey I witnessed this or I heard this directly from one of these parties that would be in a sense essence a witness to any of this stuff.

McNally: Holstine:

No. The existence of a relationship between ah Marion and Lori Battey, thats already established um I dont really need to investigate that any further. Ah any other you get wind of any, any ah confrontations between any of these folks within the, within the halls of the department?

McNally: Holstine:

No I havent. Okay. And weve already covered it did any of them ever come to you and say hey ya know now hes done this or shes done that?

McNally: Holstine:

No they havent. (Inaudible) okay. Alright I think weve covered this up and down. Anything that you can add that has any bearing on this whether it be through your direct knowledge or indirect or gossip that we havent already discussed.

McNally: Holstine: McNally: Holstine:

No there isnt. Okay. Any questions of me? Nope. Alright and lets end the interview at 1635.

Transcribed and submitted to the best of my ability:

Carol A. Escoffier

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