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Questions and Answers Regarding Education for Young Overseas Compatriots in Taiwan

Compiled by: Ministry of Education
No. Question Answer
1 What is the Policy of the Overseas 1. The ROC government policy on education for
ROC on education for Compatriot Affairs overseas compatriots has been formulated in
overseas compatriots? Commission accordance with the history, ethnic sentiments,
(OCAC) culture, the spirit of the Constitution, as well as
the overall long-term development of the country.
Ministry of The policy is based on the concepts that “overseas
Education (MOE) compatriot is the mother of revolution” and that
“no education for overseas compatriots means no
overseas compatriot affairs.”
2. The objective of the policy is to train overseas
compatriots to become professionals with Chinese
culture background and global perspectives. The
Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling
Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in
Taiwan has therefore been established to
encourage young overseas compatriots to study in
Taiwan and use the knowledge and skills they
gain to serve and increase prosperity in their
3. The education of overseas compatriot students in
Taiwan over the years has been successful. Efforts
are made to promote overseas compatriot
students’ identification with the ROC as well as
solicit their help to increase the ties between
Taiwan and their respective overseas
communities. Therefore, the government shall
continue to value and prioritize the overseas
compatriot education policy, look after overseas
compatriot students and continue to confer
preferential status on overseas compatriot
students, thereby, showing how it values and cares
for compatriots as well as making the domestic
education market more international.
2 What is the difference MOE 1. The term "Overseas Chinese Student" is reserved
between overseas for those who were born overseas and resided
Chinese students, there until the present time, or have stayed
students from Hong overseas for more than six consecutive years and
Kong or Macao, and have a permanent or long-term residence
international students? certificate. Note that for those applying to study in
the departments of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese
medicine at Taiwan universities, the minimum
required number of consecutive years of overseas
residency is eight years. The Overseas Chinese
Student status must be validated by the Overseas
Compatriots Affairs Commission (OCAC).
2. The term “student from Hong Kong or Macao”
MOE (Mainland refers to:
Affairs Division) (1)A Hong Kong or Macao resident with proof of
uninterrupted residency in Hong Kong, Macao
or a foreign country for at least the last six
years, but for students applying to study in the
department of medicine, dentistry or Chinese
medicine, the required period of residency
shall be no less than eight years.
(2)An individual with a Hong Kong or Macao
passport or permanent residency.
(3)An individual applying to study in Taiwan in
accordance with the Regulations for Hong
Kong and Macao Residents Studying in
(4)Students from Hong Kong and Macao are
entitled to the same study and counseling
assistance as “overseas compatriot students”
during their periods of study in Taiwan.
MOE (Bureau of 3. According to the Regulations Regarding
International International Students Undertaking Studies in
Cultural and Taiwan, there are four types of students who
Educational may apply to study in Taiwan:
Relations) (1)Foreign nationals who have never had a ROC
nationality and do not have the status of
overseas compatriot student at the time of
(2)Those who have the ROC nationality and meet

the following requirements:
. Never having undertaken studies in Taiwan as an
overseas compatriot student or having accepted
an assignment by the University Entrance
Committee for Overseas Chinese Students,
. Having been a ROC national before making an
application but has renounced the ROC
nationality with the approval of the Ministry of
the Interior for at least eight years before making
the application;
(3)Foreign nationals who have also obtained
permanent residency of Hong Kong or
(4)Foreign nationals who have once been a
citizen of the mainland China;
Those meeting the requirements set forth in (2)
to (4) must also comply with the following
.Never having had a household registration in
.Those who have resided in a foreign country for
more than six consecutive years (or eight years
for the ones applying to study in the departments
of medicine, dentistry, or Chinese medicine.)
3 How is the University University 1. The University Entrance Committee for
Entrance Committee for Entrance Overseas Chinese Students (hereinafter referred to
Overseas Chinese Committee for as UECOCS) is formed in accordance with the
Students formed? Overseas Chinese University Act by all the universities in Taiwan to
Students be in charge of recruitment of overseas compatriot
(UECOCS) students to study in Taiwan. Since its creation in
the 1995 school year, UECOCS has been
responsible for joint recruitment, testing and
assignment of overseas compatriot students
(including those from Hong Kong and Macao). In
the 2012 school year, the members of UECOCS
includ 148 public and private universities
(including National Taiwan Normal University’s
Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas
Chinese Students and 75 technological and

vocational institutions). The president of National
Chi Nan University is the chair of the committee.
2. To promote overseas Chinese student
recruitment, UECOCS has created seven divisions;
Test Preparation, Test Marking, Test Result
Review, Test Affairs, Assignment, Secretarial, and
Propaganda, under the charge of National Taiwan
University, National Taiwan Normal University,
Feng Chia University and National Chi Nan
4 Which schools offer MOE 1. To promote the vocational training cooperation
cooperative education project with Malaysia and provide disadvantaged
programs? overseas compatriot students with education
opportunities, the MOE started in 1996 to assist
Chung Shan Industrial and Commercial school in
Kaohsiung County with its cooperative education
program for overseas compatriot students.
However, due to the general economic
environment, the interest of the industrial sector,
the lifestyle adaptation required of overseas
compatriot students, and school administration
work, recruitment for the program used to take
place once every three
years only.
2. In line with the government’s overseas
compatriot policy and the demand of overseas
compatriot students to study in Taiwan,
recruitment will occur once every two years
starting from 2011.
3. For the 2011 school year, Chung Shan Industrial
and Commercial School has been approved to
recruit 100 students for its cooperative
electronics education program for overseas
compatriot students.
5 What is the vocational OCAC 1. The OCAC and the MOE started the Overseas
training program for Youth Vocational Training School (OYVTS) to
young overseas give young overseas compatriots the practical
compatriots like? knowledge and skills they need to develop
agricultural, industrial and commercial businesses

and increase prosperity in their
2. The program was created in 1963. In over 50
years, 19 schools, including National Ping Tung
University of Science and Technology, have run
the program and trained 13,969 students from 39
countries and regions, including Malaysia.
3. The 30th and the 31st academic sessions are
currently in progress. The former includes 17
classes that are being conducted at the Chinese
Culture University and eight other schools and
will come to an end in December, 2012; whereas
the latter includes 16 classes that are operated by
the Ming Chuan University and eight other
schools and will finish in December, 2013.
Recruitment for the 32nd academic session, with
classes to be conducted by Ming Chuan University
and 18 other schools, is currently under way and
scheduled to open in March, 2013 and will be
completed by December, 2014.
4. Key points of the program:
(1)Goal: To give young overseas compatriots the
practical knowledge and skills to help them
develop agricultural, industrial and
commercial businesses and increase
prosperity within their communities.
(2)Features: Courses in the OYVTS are designed
for students to prepare to enter professional
fields. In industrial and agricultural classes,
practical training makes up 70% of the
program and classroom lectures make up 30%.
In business classes, classroom lectures and
practical training are given equal importance.
The objective is to ensure that students can
really learn the skills required to succeed in
their profession.
(3)Training period: Each class is a two-year
program, conducted over four semesters
(including practical training in school.)

(4)Qualifications and recommendations:
Overseas Chinese under 40 years of age who
have second-year senior high school student
credentials or higher – the age limit for
female applicants with children may be
raised up to forty-five years of age,
provided there is proper documentation. An
extension of two years shall be allowed for
each child.
People born overseas who are citizens or
permanent residents of the country or who
have obtained the overseas compatriot
status stamp in their ROC passports.
People who are physically sound, of decent
character and without improper habits.
People who are able to speak and take notes in
Mandarin Chinese.
Those who meet the above requirements may
apply for recommendation. The best-qualified
application will be accepted until the quota is
(5)Recommending units : ROC embassies and
consulates, representative offices, liaison
offices or other organizations with
authorization from the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs or overseas compatriot community
associations authorized by the OCAC.
①Applicants who are accepted shall be
responsible for their own medical
insurance, ROC National Health Insurance
fees, miscellaneous fees, food and
accommodation, practical training material
costs, and airfares while they are
in the program.
② The OCAC shall set up a funding budget to
pay for the tuition.
(7)Counseling and assistance:
① Scholarships are available for outstanding

OYVTS students.
②Funding will be provided to create part-time
work opportunities on campus of OYVTS
③ Funding will be provided for the health
insurance of OYVTS students.
④ Funding will be provided for schools with
OYVTS classes to hold activities and
social events.
⑤ Funding will be provided for emergency
relief and medical care for OYVTS
⑥ Funding will be provided for graduation
ceremonies, student exhibits and farewell
parties held individually or regionally by
schools with OYVTS classes.
(8)Completion of studies:
① Each school operating OYVTS classes
shall act in accordance with related
regulations and issue diplomas to OYVTS
students who complete the program with
passing grades.
② For those students that have enough
academic credits to apply for
undergraduate or graduate programs who
are in the programs and complete all the
required credits with passing grades, the
school may act in line with the Continuing
Education Regulations for Junior Colleges
and Universities and issue them academic
credit certificates.
6 How do overseas MOE 1. According to Article 6 of the Regulations
compatriot students Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for
apply for admission to Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan, overseas
schools of different compatriot students may apply for admission to
levels? study in Taiwan through the following channels
during the recruitment period each year:
(1) Applying to an ROC embassy or
consulate or a recommending unit designated

by OCAC. OCAC will first evaluate the
application and then forward it to the MOE,
the education bureau (division) of a local
government or the school OCAC assigns the
applicant to. Applicants are advised to
carefully read the important notices in the
recruitment requirements for the year.
(2) Apply directly to university permission
from the MOE or a special program for
recruiting overseas compatriot students. After
examining the application and related
documents, the school is required immediately
to forward the application to OCAC for
confirmation of the applicant’s identity. The
school shall issue the admission notice to
applicants confirmed as having overseas
compatriot status and
accepted by the school.
2. Overseas compatriot students who act in
accordance with Article 9 of the Regulations
Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for
Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan and
independently return to Taiwan for enrollment into
elementary schools, middle schools, NOCSH,
private high schools, junior colleges, vocational
institutes, or specialized five-year colleges may
apply within 90 days after returning to Taiwan and
submit the relevant documents to the OCAC
which will forward these applications to the
various education authorities for validation and
school assignments, in view of existing
Important notices:
(1) Applications for studies in cram schools
and continuing study programs, distance
learning or on-line education programs,
recurrent undergraduate education, part-time
master degree programs, and evening schools
or weekend programs shall not be accepted.

(2) Those assigned to study in a private
school will have to acquire a letter of consent
from the school in advance.
(3) Those intending to attend a five-year
junior college or vocational school must
complete the necessary procedures no later
than ⅓ rd into the semester.
3. Overseas Chinese students acquiring a preferential
score calculation certificate from OCAC upon
their graduation from a school in Taiwan shall be
granted an extra 25% on their scores on the
designated subjects in the university
entrance examination in Taiwan.
7 How do overseas MOE 1. Those completing their undergraduate studies
compatriot students overseas may act in line with Article 6 of the
apply for admission to Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling
graduate programs after Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in
completing their Taiwan and apply for admission to graduate
undergraduate studies in programs during the recruitment period of each
or outside of Taiwan? year, through the following approaches:
(1) Applying to an ROC embassy or consulate or a
recommending unit designated by the OCAC.
The OCAC and the schools applied to will
evaluate the applicant’s eligibility and UECOCS
will conduct the placement of compatriot student
assignments accordingly.
(2) Applying to a university approved by the MOE to
conduct its own recruitment. After evaluating and
verifying the applicant’s documents, the
university is required to forward the documents
to the OCAC for overseas compatriot student
status review. Those applications that are
confirmed as being compliant with the overseas
compatriot student status regulations, as well as
evaluated or tested by the school as qualified will
be admitted.
2. Those completing their undergraduate studies in
Taiwan may act in accordance with Article 14 of
the Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling

Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in
Taiwan and apply to UECOCS for admission to
graduate programs. The schools to which the
compatriot students apply, will evaluate the
application and UECOCS will conduct the
assignment accordingly. Each individual is
allowed to apply once and those choosing to take
the entrance examinations shall be assigned in
accordance with the admission criteria for
domestic students.
i. 3. Applicants are advised to carefully read the
important notices in the recruitment
requirements for the year.
8 How do overseas MOE 1. Those who have acquired a master degree
compatriot students apply overseas and have never undertaken studies an
for admission to Ph.D. overseas compatriot student in Taiwan may act in
programs after acquiring accordance with Article 6 of the Regulations
their master’s degrees in Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for
or outside Taiwan? Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan and apply
for admission to Ph.D. programs in Taiwan at an
ROC embassy or consulate or a recommending
unit designated by OCAC or universities with
MOE permission for recruiting overseas
compatriot students during the recruitment period
each year.
2. Those completing their undergraduate studies or
graduate programs in Taiwan will have to take the
examinations for Ph.D. programs and will be
processed in accordance with the admission
criteria for domestic students.
3. Applicants are advised to carefully read the
important notices in the recruitment requirements
for the year.
9 How can Overseas UECOCS Students may apply to authorized offices to change
Chinese students apply MOE (Central their school assignment only one time before the
for school reassignment Region Office) semester starts. Applicants for colleges are restricted
before arriving in and can change their schedule to the National Taiwan
Taiwan? Normal University Pre-Study Program, while
applicants for 5-year junior colleges, specialized 5-

year programs, or vocational schools may only
change their schedule to National Overseas Chinese
Experimental Senior High School.
10 What are the student MOE 1. Each school has been given authorization to
status regulations for establish its own student status regulations
overseas compatriot (including those for overseas compatriot students)
students during their as well as the dismissal criteria.
periods of study in 2. The student status of senior high school students
Taiwan? shall be handled in accordance with the
Regulations for Senior High School Student Status
Administration and the Regulations for Academic
Performance Evaluation for Senior and
Vocational High School Students.
3. According to the National Education Act,
special municipality and county/city governments
shall formulate their own elementary school
student status administration regulations.
11 What are the school MOE According to Article 12 of the Regulations
transfer regulations for (Department of Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for
overseas compatriot Elementary Overseas Chinese Students, overseas compatriot
students? Education) students who have received assistance in school
assignment in school assignment shall not be given
any privileges in school transfer examinations.
1. Those already assigned to a university or junior
college, but finding the studies incompatible with
their interest or unsuitable for them and intending
to transfer to a different school shall take the
school transfer examinations required without any
privilege in test score calculation.
2. Those already assigned to a senior high school
or vocational high school but finding the studies
incompatible with their interest or unsuitable for
them may consult with the school authority for
transfer to a different school. However, transfer to
an institution for continuing education or evening
school shall be disallowed.
3. Those who have been assigned to an elementary
or junior high school, but have decided to transfer
to another school due to inconvenient

transportation or poor adaptation efforts shall
apply in accordance with the regulations
established by the concerned special municipality
or county/city government.
12 What scholarships are MOE 1.Scholarships from MOE for outstanding overseas
available for overseas compatriot students to study in universities in
compatriot students? Taiwan:
( 1 ) Eligibility requirements for the Outstanding
Overseas Compatriot Student Scholarship:
①The top five students of each category of
each of the batches accepted and assigned
by UECOCS to study in universities in
Taiwan each school year whose GPA also
ranks in the top one percent of the category
of studies.
②Those who have represented their countries
and won one of the top three places in
international math, physics, chemistry,
biology, earth sciences and information
Olympiads or one of the top four prizes at
the US International Science and
Engineering Fair and assigned to a
university by UECOCS.
(2)Eligibility requirements for the Elite
Overseas Compatriot Student Scholarship:
①Those meeting the eligibility requirements
for the Outstanding Overseas Compatriot
Student Scholarship and holding a Unified
Education Certificate from an independent
Chinese high school in Malaysia and with
A1 level academic achievement in all
subjects taken into consideration or coming
from a prestigious senior high school in
their country and achieving the highest
academic performance in all subjects taken
into consideration and the said achievement
having been confirmed by ROC an embassy
or consulate and thus
selected by MOE.

②Those who have represented their countries
and won one of the top three places in
international math, physics, chemistry,
biology, earth sciences and information
Olympiads or one of the top four prizes at
the US International Science and
Engineering Fair and accepted by the top
three schools of choice when their
applications are forwarded by USCOCS.
(3)Qualification for continued scholarship
reception: Those who take no less than 9
credits each semester (not including the
graduating year) and their GPA ranks in the
top 10% of the class or achieve 85 points or
higher in the school year.
(4)Amount of scholarship:
①The Outstanding Overseas Compatriot
Student Scholarship: NT$12,500 per month
for the initial school year and NT$10,000
per month for continuing recipients.
②The Elite Overseas Compatriot Student
Scholarship: NT25, 000 per month for both
first-time and continuing scholarship
(5)Application procedure: Applicants are
required to submit the following documents
to the school they attend within two weeks
after enrollment day.
①Those applying for the first time are required
to submit a photocopy of the admission
notice from UECOCS and proof
of awards or prizes won.
② Those applying for continuing reception
after the first school year are required to
submit the grades from both semesters of
the previous school year.
2. The MOE-subsidized Outstanding Overseas
Compatriot Graduate Student Scholarship in each

(1)Eligibility requirements: A university with
more than five overseas compatriot graduate
students (including those assigned and
passing examinations to be admitted) may
present the list of overseas compatriot
students undertaking graduate studies in the
first or second semester of each school year
(not including those already receiving
government funding) to MOE for evaluation
and approval for subsidization for the
Outstanding Overseas Compatriot
Graduate Student Scholarship.
(2)Amount of scholarship: In principle, it shall
be no less than NT$10,000 per student, per
(3)Application procedure: Each university is
required to apply to MOE for the funds
before November 30th and April 30th each
OCAC To encourage overseas compatriot students with
remarkable academic records and good conduct to
apply, the OCAC offers the Scholarship for Overseas
Compatriot Students with Remarkable Academic
Performance and Good Conduct, and accepts
donations to fund scholarships for overseas
compatriot students. Those who meet the eligibility
requirements may apply to the schools they attend.
1. Applying to the OCAC for the Scholarship for
Overseas Compatriot Students with Remarkable
Academic Performance and Good Conduct:
(1) Overseas compatriot students in their
sophomore year in university or higher
(fourth year or higher for those attending a
five-year junior college) who had a GPA over
80 points in their previous school year and
were on good behavior both semesters, may
fill out the application form at the beginning
of the first semester of each school year,
submit their transcripts from the previous

school year, and present their application to
the school to be forwarded to the OCAC for
evaluation and approval.
(2) Overseas compatriot students from Hong
Kong and Macao who are studying at
universities in Taiwan after taking the
University Entrance Examination or attending
the National Taiwan Normal University
Division of Preparatory Programs for
Overseas Chinese Students or through
assignment by UECOCS, may also apply
provided that they meet the requirements
described in the paragraph above.
(3) Overseas compatriot students in their second
year of study at a secondary school (or
vocational school,) who had a GPA of 85
points or above in the previous school year,
and who have no warnings from their school,
may fill out the application form at the
beginning of the first semester of each school
year and submit their transcripts from the
previous school year to apply to the school.
The school will forward the application to the
OCAC for evaluation and approval.
2. Applying to the OCAC Donation Scholarships:
Overseas compatriot students enrolled in
undergraduate or graduate studies, who had a GPA
of 75 points or above in the previous school year,
meet the eligibility requirements for application
for this scholarship (qualifications such as the
region they are from or the department they
attend) receiving no scholarship from the OCAC
or any other source during the school year, and
who have not repeated their school year, retaken
any courses, or deferred graduation, may present
their application to the school at the beginning of
the second semester of each school year to be
forwarded to OCAC for evaluation and approval.
13 What measures are there MOE MOE financial aid for indigent overseas compatriot

for students’ cost of students:
living requirements and 1. According to the MOE Guidelines for Financial
financial aid for overseas Aid for Indigent Overseas Compatriot Students
compatriot students? Receiving Senior High School or Higher
Education in Taiwan, overseas compatriot
students in their second year in a senior high
school or higher educational institution, with a
passing GPA in the previous school year, and
receiving no penalties more serious than verbal
warnings (university students) or minor
disciplinary violations (senior high school
students) may present an official financial
statement or proof of indigence from the
government of the concerned country to apply
for financial aid.
2. MOE shall decide the criteria of the financial aid
and recipient quota of each school in accordance
with the annual budget and the total number of
overseas compatriot students throughout the
country and each school shall establish its own
application reviewing standards and allocate the
financial aid accordingly.
3. Financial aid for indigent overseas compatriot
students is available for: 1) those in senior or
vocational high schools or the first three years of
five-year junior college; and 2) those in the last
two years of five-year junior college, two-year
technology institutions or universities. The
school shall disburse financial aid on a monthly
basis for the duration of one year [from the
school opening month (September) to August 31
the following year, or to June the following year
for graduating student.] Indigent overseas
compatriot students from particular areas who
fail to obtain financial aid shall have priorities to
be given part-time work subsidized by OCAC.
4. Application and evaluation procedures:
Concerned students are required to submit related
documents within the first two weeks of the first

semester of each school year and apply to the
school which in turn shall set up an evaluation
team to review the applications received each
school year and present those confirmed as
meeting the requirements to MOE
for approval.
OCAC Types of funding from the OCAC:
1. Health and medical insurance for overseas
compatriot students:
(1)To protect the health of overseas compatriot
students and have access to medical care
during their period of study, the OCAC shall
subsidize the Health and Medical Insurance
of Overseas Compatriot Students (hereinafter
referred to as HAMIOCS) who have not
qualified for National Health Insurance
(having been in Taiwan for less than four
months) but meet one of the
following requirements:
① Are assigned to schools by the UECOCS or
the MOE.
② Are returning to Taiwan on their own and
are assigned to schools by authorities who
were forwarded their applications by the
③ Are assigned to the OYVTS.
(2)Overseas compatriot students taking
HAMIOCS shall pay insurance fees at the
time of their enrollment. The OCAC shall
subsidize 50% and the students shall pay the
remaining 50%.
(3)The coverage of HAMIOCS takes effect the
day the insurance fees are paid and stay in
effect for four months. Students who take a
leave of absence or withdraw from the
school until the coverage expires.
(4)During the coverage period, those insured
may take the HAMIOCS card from the
insurer, the HAMIOCS insurance claim

form from the school and their student ID to
HAMIOCS contracted hospitals for medical
services. The student shall pay outpatient
expenses in advance and then present the
receipt and the outpatient claim form to the
insurer for reimbursement. Note that the
insured are responsible for the registration
fee and part of the medical expenses.
(5)When insured overseas compatriot students
are hospitalized, they are entitled to Class-
Three sickbeds. If no Class-Three beds are
available, they may check-in to a Class-Two
ward with the consent of the insurer until
Class- Three beds are available. Those who
wish to upgrade to better wards shall have to
pay the difference.
2. National Health Insurance
All overseas compatriot students who meet the
conditions described in Paragraph 2, Article 10 of
the National Health Insurance Act are required to
join National Health Insurance after being in
Taiwan for four months. To ensure that overseas
compatriot students have access to proper medical
care, OCAC funds for 50% of the premium, and
students are responsible for the remaining 50%.
3. Application for part-time work for indigent
overseas compatriot students:
(1) The OCAC has established the “Guidelines
for Subsidizing Part-time Work for Indigent
Overseas Compatriot Students” to help
provide on campus part-time work for
indigent overseas compatriot students
studying in Taiwan. The subsidization is
designed to help indigent overseas
compatriot students currently enrolled at
schools in Taiwan and meeting one of the
following requirements: are recommended
or assigned to schools after taking exams;
pass university entrance exams and are

accepted to schools in Hong Kong or
Macao; enter Taiwan on their own and have
passed the tests given by educational
institutions upon referral from the OCAC.
Confirmation of indigent status shall be
conducted as follows: 1) an official financial
statement or proof of indigence from the
government of the concerned country; 2)
proof of income tax exemption from the
previous year or a photocopy of the list of
incomes for the entire household from the
tax office if the head of the household
resides in Taiwan; 3) the living conditions of
the overseas compatriot
student in Taiwan.
(2) The OCAC determines the part-time work
quota for each school and the corresponding
subsidies every December. The funds are
appropriated to each school in advance two
or four times (every three months) a year.
Each school is required to prove that
payments were collected and document any
related spending. The funds may only be
used for this specific purpose. Each school
should ensure that part-time jobs are in
appropriate environments and do not
interfere with academic activities. Details
should be documented and
presented to the OCAC.
4. Funding for emergency relief and family mishap
(1) The OCAC has established the
Guidelines for Funding Medical Care,
Emergency Relief and Consolation for
Deaths in the Family of Overseas Compatriot
Students Studying in Taiwan. These
guidelines also apply to those currently
attending school in Taiwan in accordance
with the Regulations Regarding Hong Kong

and Macao Residents Studying in Taiwan.
(2) In the event that overseas compatriot
students studying in Taiwan need to be
hospitalized for injury or illness thereby
causing financial difficulties, or encounter
force majeure or natural disasters that lead to
financial damages or death, or their families
encounter misfortunes that interrupt their
financial support, they may apply to the
OCAC for assistance.
(3) Those applying for medical care
assistance are required to submit the
diagnosis and proof of medical expenses
from the institution providing medical care.
Those applying for emergency relief are
required to submit proof of family mishap or
personal damages from disasters. Those
applying for consolatory money for deaths in
the family are required to submit death
certificates. Schools shall forward the
applications to the OCAC for evaluation and
issuance of funds. The OCAC shall
determine funding on a case-by-case basis.

Bureau of 1. According to Paragraph 2, Article 10
National Health of the National Health Insurance Act, foreign
Insurance nationals with residency in Taiwan are required to
join the National Health Insurance after living in
Taiwan for four months. The objective of the
legislation is to ensure that overseas compatriot
and international students can receive proper
medical care when needed during their periods of
study in Taiwan.
2. The National Health Insurance
provides easily accessible medical care. There are
now over 19,000 contracted medical institutions
around Taiwan. People with National Health
Insurance can easily obtain medical care and there
are many medical service providers to choose
3. The monthly National Health
Insurance premium for overseas compatriot and
international students is NT$749. OCAC will pay
NT$375 and overseas compatriot students
Council of Labor CLA regulation on overseas compatriot students’
Affairs (CLA), part-time work outside school:
Executive Yuan According to Article 50 of the Employment Services
Act, with the exception of winter and summer
recesses, employers may not hire overseas
compatriot students or other overseas students of
Chinese descent currently undertaking studies in
public or legally registered private senior high
schools or higher educational institutions for more
than 16 hours a week, and the students hired must
have been in school in Taiwan for at least one
semester. Also, as regulated in Article 48 of the same
act, employers hiring such students are required to
apply to the central competent authority
(CLA) for permission in advance.
14 What qualifications do MOE (Department 1. According to the MOE’s Regulations Regarding
overseas compatriot of Higher Academic Loans to Students of Senior High
students require to apply Education) School and Higher Levels, student loans are

for student loans? available only to ROC citizens with household
registration in Taiwan and officially undertaking
studies at senior high schools or higher-level
educational institutions in Taiwan, senior high
schools and institutions for continuing education
that provide official student status and fixed
periods of study. As most overseas compatriot
students have no ROC national ID and household
registration in Taiwan, the said regulations do not
2. Overseas compatriot students with the ROC
national ID and household registration should act
in accordance with the Regulations Regarding
Academic Loans to Students of Senior High
School and Higher Levels to apply for student
15 What are the remedial MOE According to MOE’ Guidelines for Funding for
measures for overseas Academic Assistance for Overseas Compatriot
compatriot students with Students Undertaking Studies in Senior High Schools
inferior academic or Higher Institutions in Taiwan, senior high schools
performance? or higher education institutions with overseas
compatriot students confirmed as needing academic
assistance or requiring to take remedial classes
during winter or summer recess may present
implementation plans to MOE to apply for funding:
1. Academic assistance:
(1) The school may provide academic
assistance after school hours or on holidays
during the regular semester.
(2) A class may be opened when there are
six overseas compatriot students requiring
assistance with the same subject.
(3) Each overseas compatriot student shall
not take academic assistance classes for more
than four subjects.
(4) The duration of each class must be no
less than 12 weeks per semester and two to
four hours per week in principle.
(5) The academic assistance provided shall

be with basic subjects such as Chinese,
Constitution and national spirit, history,
geography, English (or other required foreign
languages,) math (including calculus,)
physics, chemistry, and biology.
2. Remedial classes during winter or summer recess:
(1) These classes shall be limited to two
sessions per school year.
(2) A class may be opened when there are
six overseas compatriot students requiring
assistance with the same subject. For
graduating overseas compatriot students, a
class may be opened even when there is only
one student requiring assistance. Schools with
small numbers of overseas compatriot students
may conduct tutorial classes or obtain the
consent of a school nearly to send students
there for academic assistance.
(3) In principle, academic assistance for
each overseas compatriot student shall be for
two to three subjects, which shall account for
no more than 10 credits. For graduating
overseas compatriot students, the academic
assistance provided may be increased to cover
one more subject or four more credits.
(4) At least 18 hours shall be required for
each credit and 32 hours for each credit for a
practical training or lab class.
(5) The classes to be opened shall be for
required subjects the students have failed and
need to retake or could not take because the
students had not taken or passed the
(6) Overseas compatriot students receiving
full scholarships or financial aid for indigent
students may be given credit fee exemption or
reduction depending on the circumstances.

16 What activities does the MOE MOE hosts the following activities for overseas
ROC government compatriot students:
conduct for overseas 1. Funding each school for counseling for overseas
compatriot students? compatriot students – NT$600 for each overseas
compatriot student, with an extra NT$1,000 to
NT$5,000 per item depending on the items and
content of the program and the matching amount
from the school.
2. Joint delegation from concerned central
government units to visit the overseas
compatriot students in each school.
3. Work seminars for overseas compatriot student
counseling personnel across the country.
4. Workshops for all overseas compatriot students
attending universities and colleges in Taiwan.
5. Celebration of national festivals of the overseas
compatriot students in each school (including
paying respects to ancestors and celebration
parties during Chinese New Year.)
OCAC The OCAC holds the following activities for
overseas compatriot students in Taiwan:
1. Reception for new students.
2. Guidance and funding for overseas compatriot
student clubs in school.
3. Workshops for leaders of overseas compatriot
student school clubs throughout the country.
4. Spring socials for overseas compatriot students
in northern, central, southern and eastern
5. Paying respects to ancestors and hosting
teacher-student dinner parties for overseas
compatriot students during Chinese New Year.
6. Career planning workshops for graduating
students in universities and colleges.
7. Farewell parties for graduating students in
universities and colleges.
8. Workshops for those who counsel overseas
compatriot students studying in universities.
17 Can overseas compatriot MOE 1. According to Paragraph 1 of Article 5 and

students take an Paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 9 of the Teacher
educational program Education Act as well as Paragraphs 1 and 2 of
(including full-time Article 9 of the Regulations for Establishment of
teaching training for six Teacher Education Centers in Universities,
months)? teacher education in Taiwan is available mainly
by going through various university entrance
channels to enter universities that offer teacher
education programs (hereinafter referred to as
teacher education universities) and selection of
second year undergraduate students or higher as
well as graduate students and PhD candidates in
the teacher education universities to take pre-
employment teaching courses on different
subjects. These students have to complete the
said courses and six months of full-time practical
training with passing grades as well as acquiring
teacher qualification certification before they can
obtain teaching certificates.
2. MOE has issued written notices to all teacher
education universities that all overseas
compatriot students, students from Hong Kong
and Macao, and international students (except
those from the Chinese Mainland) may act in line
with related regulations and apply to take pre-
employment teaching courses in each school and
the six-month full-time practical training. Each
school shall issue a certificate of completion of
pre-employment teacher education to those
completing the courses with passing
3. According to the above, overseas compatriot
students attending a teacher education university
may apply in line with related regulations to be
selected for the pre-employment teaching
courses, including six months of practical
training. If these students decide to take the six-
month practical training after their graduation,
they must present proof from the university and
payment receipt to the National Immigration

Agency (any local office) for extension of stay
for six months. However, they must leave the
country when the extension
4. In addition, according to the Enforcement Rules
of the Teachers’ Act as well as regulations
regarding secondary, elementary and
kindergarten teachers’ qualification certification,
overseas compatriot students without ROC
citizenship may not take any teacher qualification
certification examination to obtain an ROC
teaching certificate. To acquire teaching
certificates in their own countries after returning
to their countries, they will have to abide by the
regulations of their countries.
18 What relevant National 1. Overseas compatriot students entering Taiwan on
procedures shall Immigration foreign passports:
overseas students follow Agency (NIA), (1) In principle, before they complete the
during their residence in Ministry of the enrollment procedure, overseas compatriot
Taiwan? Interior students entering Taiwan on resident visas
How to apply for ARC are allowed to stay until September 30 of
extension? the same year. The stay will be extended to
September 30 the following year after the
enrollment procedure is completed. These
students are required to pay the resident
certificate fee for two years. Those
completing the enrollment procedure but
unwilling to pay for the fee for the second
year may stay for a full year. However, they
will have to follow the procedure required
for the first entry once more when applying
for extension of stay.
(2) The Alien Resident Certificate for
overseas compatriot students is valid for one
year. One month prior to its expiration,
overseas compatriot students must submit
all required documents and apply to the
local NIA service center for extension of
stay. Overseas compatriot students may

apply for the Alien Resident Certificate or
extension of stay on their own, through an
agent, or through the school collectively by
providing a letter of authorization. Schools
are advised to contact the local NIA service
center before applying for Alien Resident
Certificates or extension of stay
2. Overseas compatriot students entering Taiwan on
ROC passports:
After entering the country and completing the
enrollment procedure, those holding ROC
passports may submit all required documents and
apply to the local NIA service center for resident
certificates, which are valid for three years. When
the certificate expires and the cause of stay still
exists, these students may submit documents
issued by their schools and apply to the local NIA
service center for extension of stay one month
before the certificate expires.
19 Is it possible to extend NIA 1. Overseas compatriot students entering Taiwan on
the period of stay or foreign passports:
residency for new In principle, before they complete the enrollment
overseas compatriot procedure, overseas compatriot students entering
students entering Taiwan Taiwan on resident visas are allowed to stay until
before the enrollment September 30 of the same year. The stay will be
time so that they can extended to September 30 the following year after
avoid getting fined for the enrollment procedure is completed. The
overstaying? students are required to pay the resident certificate
fee for two years. Those completing the
enrollment procedure and unwilling to pay the fee
for the second year may stay until the end of a full
year but will have to repeat the procedure for first
entry when applying for extension of stay.
2. Overseas compatriot students entering Taiwan on
ROC passports:
After entering the country and completing the
enrollment procedure, those holding ROC
passports may submit all required documents and

apply to the local NIA service center for resident
20 How do overseas Department of 1. Overseas compatriot students may present ROC
compatriot students Household passports with an entry stamp from the airport
holding ROC passports Registration immigration authority or a copy of the entry
resume their household (DHR), Ministry permit, national ID, household registry, and
registration or apply for of the Interior; photos (visit the website of the Department of
resident certificates? NIA Household registration at http://
for specifications of photos for the new national
IDs) to the local household registration office for
moving-in registration.
2. Please refer to Paragraph 2 in the answer to
question 19 for the procedure for resident
certificate application.
21 Can overseas compatriot NIA 1. After graduation, the cause of stay for overseas
students apply for compatriot students no longer exists and the
extension of stay after students are required to leave the country as per
they graduate, take leave regulation. However, considering that some
of absence, or withdraw students may decide to take examinations for
from school? graduate programs or need to handle personal
matters, the final date of stay for overseas
compatriot students is uniformly stipulated to be
September 30 or March 31 of the year of
graduation. In addition, in Paragraph 1 of Article
23 of the amended version of the Regulations
Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for
Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan
promulgated on January 31 2011, a proviso has
been added to extend the overseas compatriot
student status for one year after graduation for
those having obtained approval from the central
competent authority to undertake practical
training. The MOE has established and
promulgated the Guidelines for Overseas
Compatriot Students’ Applications for Practical
Training after Graduation and overseas
compatriot students may apply to the NIA for
such stay extensions after obtaining approval
from the MOE.

2. The length of leave of absence from school shall
be no more than two semesters. Students may
present the proof of leave of absence to apply for
extension of stay for up to three months. The
cause of stay for those withdrawing from school
no longer exists and extension of stay shall be
disallowed. Such overseas compatriot students
shall contact the local NIA service center and
begin their departure procedure.
22 Can overseas compatriot NIA 1. The cause of stay for overseas compatriot
students apply for students no longer exists after graduation and the
extension of stay to take students are supposed to leave the country as
examinations for regulated. However, considering that overseas
admission to graduate compatriot students may decide to take
programs after examinations for graduate programs or need to
completing their handle personal matters, the final date of stay for
undergraduate studies? overseas compatriot students is uniformly
stipulated to be September 30 or March 31 of the
year of graduation.
2. Overseas compatriot students who are admitted
to graduate programs in Taiwan after completing
their undergraduate studies while their resident
certificates are still valid may submit their
admission notice issued by the school to apply to
the local NIA service center for extension of stay.
23 Can overseas compatriot NIA According to Paragraph 1, Article 25 of the
students apply for Immigration Act, foreign nationals who have resided
permanent residency in Taiwan for five consecutive years, living in
after staying in Taiwan Taiwan for more than 183 days each year, and meet
for seven years? related requirements may apply to the NIA for
permanent residency. However, the length of stay in
Taiwan for education or work with permission from
the central labor competent authority in accordance
with Subparagraphs 8 to 10, Paragraph 1, Article 46
of the Employment Services Act or as an dependents
of the individuals staying in Taiwan for the aforesaid
reasons shall not be calculated.
24 What are the regulations Conscription 1. Related regulations: Conscription Regulations
on the mandatory Agency (CA), for Naturalized Aliens & Returning Overseas

military service for Ministry of the Chinese (hereinafter referred to as the
overseas compatriot Interior Regulations)
students? 2. Conscription is of no concern to those who have
never had household registration in Taiwan.
3. All naturalized males eligible for conscription
shall be subject to conscription one year after
their household registration in Taiwan is
4. All male overseas compatriots with household
registration in Taiwan shall be subject to
conscription one year after their return to Taiwan
and those without household registration in
Taiwan shall be subject to conscription one year
after they establish their household
registration in Taiwan.
5. The Regulations shall apply to overseas
compatriots entering Taiwan on foreign
passports but eligible for conscription.
6. Male overseas compatriots eligible for
conscription shall not be subject to the “one-
year” period regulation prescribed above while
they are in school in Taiwan.
7. For overseas compatriot students who enter
Taiwan on foreign passports but still possess the
ROC nationality, had household registration in
Taiwan once and do not have the overseas
compatriot conscription status, their conscription
eligibility shall be assessed upon their
graduation, suspension or dismissal from school.
25 Do students from Hong CA 1. Conscription is of no concern to Hong Kong and
Kong and Macao have to Macao residents who have never had household
do military service if registration in Taiwan.
they stay in Taiwan for 2. Hong Kong residents who have established their
another year after initial household registration in Taiwan after July
graduation? 1, 1997 and Macao residents who have done so
after December 20, 1999 are subject to
conscription one year after their household
registration is established. However, those who
are still attending school may apply for draft

deferral until they graduate or leave school.
3. The Regulations shall apply to male overseas
compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao who
meet one of the following requirements and have
acquired certification from OCAC:
(1)Those who have established their initial
household registration in Taiwan as
overseas compatriots with Hong Kong
permanent residency before July 1, 1997 or
with Macao permanent residency
before December 20, 1999.
(2)Those born and having established
household registration in Taiwan and
having resided in Hong Kong before July
1, 1997 or in Macao before December 20,
1999 for more than four years and obtained
the local permanent residency.
26 What administrative CLA 1. As stated in Paragraph 1, Article 13 of the Act
procedures do students Governing Relations with Hong Kong and Macao
from Hong Kong and (hereinafter referred to as the Act), “the
Macao need to go provisions of Chapters 5, 6, and 7 of the
through to remain in Employment Services Act on the employment,
Taiwan for work after supervision, and punishment of foreign workers
graduation? shall apply mutatis mutandis to the employment
in the Taiwan Area of Hong Kong or Macao
Residents.” Also, according to Article 43 of the
Employment Services Act (hereinafter referred to
as ESA), “no foreign worker may engage in work
within the territory of the Republic of China
should his/her Employer have not yet obtained a
permit via application therefore.”
2. According to Paragraph 2, Article 13 of the Act,
“employment in the Taiwan Area of residents of
Hong Kong or Macao as specified in Paragraph 3,
Article 4 of the Act shall be subject to special
regulations, which shall be formulated by the
Council of Labor Affairs in conjunction with
other relevant agencies and submitted to the
Executive Yuan for approval and subsequent

promulgation.” CLA has therefore acted in
accordance with the aforesaid regulation and
established the Management and Approval
Regulations for Hong Kong and Macao Residents
with Overseas Chinese ID. Hong Kong and
Macao Residents who had obtained the overseas
compatriot status and ROC residency before the
end of the British and Portuguese rule may act in
line with the aforesaid regulation and apply for
work permits themselves or through their
3. The Council of Labor Affairs revised the
regulations regarding the qualifications of
international or overseas compatriot university
graduates to remain in Taiwan for work and
removed the requirement for having two year
work experience for job openings paying
NT$37,619 or more. After complementary
procedures were established and promulgated, the
amendment took effect beginnings with the
2011 academic school years.
27 Does the ROC CLA 1. At present, the employment
government permit qualifications for international and overseas
overseas compatriot compatriot students remaining in Taiwan for
students to work in hi- white-collar work after their graduation are the
tech professions after same as those for other white-collar foreign
they complete their workers. Currently, there are no specific
undergraduate studies? regulations.
2. Considering that international and
overseas compatriot students remaining in Taiwan
for work after graduation complies with the
objective of the ROC’s educational policy, the
Council of Labor Affairs has revised the
regulations regarding the qualifications of
international or overseas compatriot university
graduates that choose to remain in Taiwan for
work and removed the requirement of two-year
work experience for job openings paying
NT$37,619 or more. After complementary

procedures were established and promulgated, the
amendment took effect beginnings with the
2011 academic school years.
28 What are the income tax Ministry of 1. Overseas compatriot students who reside in the
rates for overseas Finance ROC less than 183 days in a taxable year shall
compatriot students meet the conditions of non-residents of the ROC
working part-time (hereinafter called “non-residents”) according
outside the school? to the Income Tax Act. The withholding agents
are required to withhold 18% from the salaries of
non-residents, but for the salaries not exceeding
1.5 times the monthly baseline salary as assessed
by the Executive Yuan (NT$28,170 for 2012),
the withholding rate shall be 6%.
2. Those residing in the ROC for 183 days or more
than 183 days in a taxable year shall meet the
conditions of residents of the ROC (hereinafter
called “residents”). The withholding agents are
required to withhold from the salaries of residents
in accordance with the rates for residents and
such overseas compatriot students are required to
file their income tax returns.
3. Withholding agents may inspect the passports or
resident certificates of overseas compatriot
students to determine whether they are residents.
For those with permission to reside in the ROC
for 183 days or more than 183 days in a taxable
year, their income shall be withheld in
accordance with the rates for residents, but for
others without permission to reside in the ROC
for more than 183 days in a taxable year or
without proof to show they will reside for more
than 183 days in the ROC in a taxable year, their
income shall be withheld in accordance with the
rates for non-residents. Overseas compatriot
students who actually reside in the ROC for 183
days or more than 183 days are required to file
their income tax returns and the withholding tax
withheld by the withholding agent, as described
above, may be credited to the total tax that they

are required to pay at the time of filing.
29 Why has the ROC Ministry of the Originally, overseas compatriot students were
government stopped Interior (DHR) allowed to apply for the ROC national ID according
issuing national IDs to the Regulations Regarding Household Registration
for overseas NIA Establishment for Overseas Chinese Students in
compatriot students? Taiwan, “overseas Chinese students entering the
ROC on an ROC passport or entry permit may
establish household registration and apply for the
national ID.” However, as the household registration
regulations for overseas compatriot students and
overseas compatriots appeared inconsistent, the
Ministry of the Interior, for the sake of fairness,
repealed the aforesaid regulations on May 11 1994.
As stipulated in Article 15 of the Household
Registration Act, ROC nationals entering and
acquiring approval to reside in Taiwan shall establish
their initial household registration. Overseas
compatriot students intending to obtain the ROC
national ID are required to apply to the National
Immigration Agency to obtain residency permission
before they can register with the local household
registration office and apply for the ROC national
30 How do foreign Ministry of the 1. According to the Nationality Act, foreign
nationals or stateless Interior (DHR) nationals who want to be naturalized to become
people apply for ROC citizens must be over 20 years of age and
naturalization to become possess the capacity for civil conduct; have
ROC citizens? obtained residency within the territory of the
ROC (in other words, the Alien Resident
Certificate or Alien Permanent Resident
Certificate) and have stayed in Taiwan more
than 183 days each year for three, five, or over
ten consecutive years; prove to have decent
character and behavior with no criminal record;
possess enough property or professional skills to
make a living; have basic Chinese language
abilities and knowledge of the rights and
obligations of ROC citizens; and have renounced
their original nationality.

2. According to Articles 2 and 8 of the
Enforcement Rules of the Nationality Act, those
meeting the requirements prescribed in the
preceding paragraph may fill out the application
and submit all required documents to the local
household registration office. The application
will be forwarded through the special
municipality or county/city government to the
Ministry of the Interior for assessment and
3. Again, according to Paragraph 2, Article 5 of
the Enforcement Rules of the Nationality Act,
when an applicant has stayed in Taiwan on an
Alien Resident Certificate or Alien Permanent
Resident Certificate for one of the following
reasons, the length of stay shall not be calculated
as the period of legitimate stay in Taiwan: 1)
those staying in Taiwan to undertake work
permitted by CLA in accordance with
Subparagraphs 8 to 10 of Article 46 of the
Employment Services Act; 2) those staying in
Taiwan to undertake studies; and 3) those
staying in Taiwan as dependents of the
individuals described above.
4. For information regarding naturalization to
become a ROC citizen, please visit the website
of the Department of Household Registration of
the Ministry of the Interior at
and go to Related Laws and Regulations –
31 Are credentials from MOE Different countries have different regulations on the
ROC universities conditions and criteria of academic credential
recognized by other recognition in accordance with their education
countries? policies. Based on the respect for the legislative
power and administrative power of each country, the
ROC government is in no position to force other
countries to recognize diplomas from the ROC.
32 Does the Hong Kong MOE 1. The Hong Kong government has inherited the
government recognize British system and local academic credential

credentials from ROC criteria are adopted as the standards in academic
universities? credential assessment. The overall educational
level of government job applicants with academic
credentials from outside Hong Kong is assessed
based on the academic performance from the
senior high school level onward and the number
of credits/units taken. However, the resulted
opinion is to be for reference only; there is no
legal binding force. Hence, academic credentials
from all non-British Commonwealth states
(including the US, ROC and China, and so on,)
when necessary, have to be assessed by the Hong
Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and
Vocational Qualifications (AAVQ). The system is
different from the practices in Taiwan. It by no
means implies that the Hong Kong government
does not recognize academic credentials from the
2. Individuals with academic credentials from the
ROC and intending to apply for civil service work
or teaching positions in public secondary or
elementary schools in Hong Kong will have to
have their credentials assessed by the Civil
Service Bureau (CSB) or AAVQ under the
commission of CSB case by case. Those approved
may be employed as having status equivalent to
Hong Kong academic credentials. As for private
secondary and elementary schools receiving
government funding, whether the credentials
require assessment will be up to the
head of the school.
3. Professionals such as physicians, dentists,
lawyers, engineers and accountants, etc. shall
have to obtain qualification certification from the
association of each profession (such as the Law
Society of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Medical
Association, and so forth) in order to obtain
licenses for their practices. The certification
includes taking examinations and completing

professional training programs.
33 Does the ROC MOE Students may apply to MOE for the certificate of
government provide registration of the schools they have graduated from
verification for the in Taiwan if it is required for further education or
academic credentials employment in their home countries. According to
which overseas Article 2 of the Degree Conferral Law, universities
compatriot students have may confer degrees to students who have duly
obtained from completed their studies. For diploma authentication,
educational institutions concerned parties are advised to contact the schools
in Taiwan? from which the students have graduated.
34 What are the situations Ministry of the 1. According to Article 20 of the ROC
in which overseas Interior Constitution and Articles 1, 3 and 32 of the Act of
compatriot students (Conscription Military Service System, all male ROC nationals
studying in Taiwan do Agency) with household registration in Taiwan have the
not meet the obligation to do military service. A man aged 18
requirements for draft starts his military service day from January 1st of
deferral? the proceeding year and will be discharged on
December 31st of the year at the age of 36.
2. The conscription eligibility of returning
overseas compatriots shall be determined in
accordance with the Overseas Compatriot Identity
Certificate for Military Purpose or the overseas
compatriot status stamp in their passports. Those
meeting the conscription requirements and having
established household registration in Taiwan are
considered eligible and are required to apply
through the schools they are attending for draft
deferral. If they have graduated or have withdrawn
from school, they shall be drafted according to
related regulations.
3. According to Article 15 of the Enforcement
Regulations for Draft Exemption, Restriction,
Deferred Call & Draft, those attending schools not
legally registered or without student status are
disallowed to apply for draft deferral. Those
having graduated from a senior high school or
higher educational institution and retaking studies
of the same or lower levels, or those attending
continuing education programs in institutions

lower than the university level after 28 years of
age or remaining in school after 33 years of age
are also disallowed to apply for draft deferral. For
example, those taking undergraduate studies or
post-undergraduate courses in medicine, law, etc.,
in Taiwan after they have already obtained a
bachelor’s degree overseas shall be disallowed
draft deferral.
4. In accordance with the overseas compatriot
education policy of the government as well as the
Tai-Nei-Zi No. 0930094390 Document released
by the Ministry of the Interior on February 6,
2004, the time periods overseas compatriots of
conscription age spend undertaking studies at the
National Overseas Chinese Student University
Preparatory School (now the National Taiwan
Normal University Division of Preparatory
Programs for Overseas Chinese Students) shall
not be considered a part of their time of residency
in Taiwan. However, for those students who have
already obtained a Bachelor Degree at the
National Taiwan Normal University Division of
Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese
Students, the time period that the student spent
studying for this degree shall be considered as part
of their time of residency in Taiwan.


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