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Q1: What are template tags in WordPress??

a None

b None

c Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your plugins.

d Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your database.

e None

f Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your folder.

Q2: How can we check if the value of a given variable is a number??

a numeric()

b is_numeric()

c None

d None

e None

f numeric(true)

Q3: Which of the following is not a valid logical operator??


b &&



e None


Q4: Where is thewp_config.php file located??

a In the root directory of the WordPress installation

b Inside the wp-content folder

c None

d None

e Inside the wp-admin folder

f In the wp-content/config folder

Q5: How to scale a replicaset named 'foo' to 3??

a None

b kubectl deploy --replicas=3 rs/foo

c kubectl update --replicas=3 rs/foo

d None

e kubectl scale --replicas=3 rs/foo

f kubectl up --replicas=3 rs/foo

Q6: Which tag is used to display the large font size??

a < SIZE ></SIZE>

b None

c <BIG></BIG>



f None

Q7: How do I create PHP arrays in a HTML <form>??

a None

b < input name="MyArray[]" />

c < input MyArray[] />

d < input ="MyArray[]" />

e < input name= MyArray[]/>

f None

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