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Junior C Test Mid-Term Exam

A) Listening Part.
I-Listen. What did each person do on the weekend? Circle the correct answer.
1 He … a watched a science program on TV b played video games c went to a movie
2 He …a stayed at home b went to the beach for the weekend c went to the mountains
3 He …a read lots of interesting magazines b used the computer c read an interesting book
4 She …a played in a band b went to a concert c played tennis
5 She …a stayed home and watched TV b studied for an exam c went out with friends
6 She …a visited friends b went to the countryside c went out with friends

II. How was each person’s weekend? Listen and circle the correct answer.
1 a so-so b terrible c great
2 a disappointing b pleasant c boring
3 a tiring b terrific c wonderful
4 a awful b quiet c enjoyable

III- Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check (✓) the correct answer.
1 a She won a contest in a music store. b She won a trip to Las Vegas.
2 a They went to a restaurant for dinner. b His friend has a very interesting job.
3 a The park is very far from town. b They didn’t see any birds or butterflies on the trip.
4 a There were a lot of interesting people at the party. b The party ended early.

IV-Listen to the conversation. Write the missing words.

A: Hi, Amy. What did you do this weekend?
B: Oh, not much. I ………………. home and ………………. on a project.
A: Is that all?
B: No. I also finished a good book. Later, I …………. …………. …………. . What about you?
A: I played tennis. The courts were crowded. I ………………. a long time to play!
B: What else did you do?
A: Some friends ………………. ………………. to dinner. Later, we went to a club and met a
lot of ………………. ………………. .
B) Language & Grammar Part.
I- Choose the correct option.
a. ................................ they at home yesterday?
I. did II. are III. were
b. Some teacher didn´t ….......................... to classes.
I. went II. go III. were
c. How …....................... your weekend Tom?
I. did II. ago III. was
d. She´s clever .......................lazy.
I. and II. but III. so
e. What …............... your father look like?
I. does II. do III. is
f. …................. did you go to English lessons?
I. What II. When III. Who
g. …................ you go shopping last month?
I. do II. are III. did
h. It´s windy, …................ they´re staying at home.
I. because II. so III. But
i. .......................a terrible storm last week?
I. Is there II. Were there III. Was there

II- Match.
___ A. Were all students here yesterday? 1. She wanted to learn English.
___ B. Were you born in Asia? 2. In Japan.
___ C. Why did she go to Canada? 3. Yes, they were.
___ D. Was Sara in the office three days ago? 4. Art.
___ E. What did she study at University? 5. She was 18.
___ F. When did uncle Ben finish school? 6. No, I wasn´t.
___ G. Where did you study? 7. Yes, she was.

III- Fill in the gaps with WAS- WERE- DID.

a. She …................. born in Australia. d. I …................. see the film.
b. They …................ visit their family last year. e. You …............... phone me.
c. We …................. at home last night. f. I …................. at work last week.

IV- Order the words to make sentences or questions when necessary.

a. think/ friendly/ is/ I/ not/ it/ ….........................................................................................


b. like/ were/ stores/ what/ the/? ….......................................................................................


c. photo/ doing/ in/ the/ what´s/ the/ person/?.......................................................................


d. 5:00/ morning/ so/ the/ sleeping/ in/ it´s/ I´m/. …............................................................


e. 5/ 6/ years/ was/ ago/ I/. ....................................................................................................


V- Look at the unscrambled dialog and read.

a- Complete the dialog with the correct word.
b- Order the dialog.
on - awesome - was - did - what - in – to - saw - how

___ oh, I watched TV. I ….......... a great movie- It was …........... .

___ Well, on Saturday morning I played tennis.
___ …............. was your weekend, Lucy?
___ Yes, I did. I helped my mom.
___ It …................ busy!
___ Oh, that´s nice of you. What …................. you do Saturday night?
___ Yeah. On Sunday morning I talked ….................. the phone with my friend and then i
went …............. the beach …................. the afternoon.
___ ….............. did you do?
C) Reading Comprehension Part.
I-Read the text and choose the correct option.
Memories of my first day at school
I remember my first day at school very well. I knew the school quite well because my older sister,
Sandy, went there and every day, dad and I met her at the school gate after school. Every day, she
ran out of the school with her friends. She often carried a painting. I felt jealous. I wanted to paint
I was five years old when I started school. Most children in my class started school in September,
but I started school in January, when I was five years old, because my birthday is in December.
Three other kids started school on the same day as me. I was excited about my first day. I had my
new uniform: a black skirt, a white t-shirt and green sweater, and a new red bag. When we arrived
that day, a teacher met the new children at the school gate. Dad hugged me and said goodbye. I
stood with the other children. I didn’t talk to them because I was too nervous. Then, Mrs Wilson
took us to our classroom. All the other children were already there. They looked at us when we
entered the room. When thirty children looked at me, I started to cry!
But I wasn’t upset for long. I sat with the other children on the carpet and the class teacher, Miss
Holland, read us a story. Later, we drew pictures with coloured pencils, and at break time, I made
friends with a girl called Megan. At the end of the day, I ran to the school gate with Megan and
my picture, just like Sandy always did.
1. The writer was jealous of Sandy because she _____ at school.
a.learned to write b.painted pictures c.had many friends
2. The writer started school in ___.
a.September b.December c.January

3. The writer and ___ other children started school that day.
a.three b.five c.thirty
4. Before the writer started school, she felt ___.
a.excited b.nervous c.upset
5. The writer started to cry when ___.
a.her father left. b.she entered the school c.other children looked at her
6. On the first day, the writer ___.
a.learned to read b.listened to a story c.painted a picture

II- Read the text again and say if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).
___ The writer first went to school, then her older sister Sandy went there too.
___ Four students started class in January.
___ The day she started class she wasn´t excited inside the classroom and cried.
___ The writer met her father at the gate on her first school day.
___ Mrs. Wilson read a story in the classroom.
___ Megan and Sandy were friends.
III- Read the text again and ask or answer.

1. Why did the writer feel jelous?


2. …......................................................................................?
At the school gate after school.

3. …......................................................................................?

4. …......................................................................................?
Three other kids.

5. ….............................................................?
A black skirt, a white shirt and a green sweater.

6. What did her father do when they arrived at school?


7. .........................................................................................?
Too nervous.

8. ….....................................................................................?
No, she cried.

9. What did she do at the end of the day?

10.Were Sandy and Megan in the same classroom?

D) Writing Part.
Read the information below and write a composition about Becky.
Name: Becky Adams
Age: 14
Date of birth: 21st September
Place of birth: France
Live: Paris
Languages: English&French

Physical Appearance: average size-

long hair- green eyes- thin
Personality: shy (seem) serious (really)

Today: stormy- not play outside/ watch a match on TV
Last Vacations:



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