Writing Assignment

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Tanaporn Hong wilai Tang moi

( M 411
No 12 .

Writing Assignment
Pres Past Cont

Simp .

= Pres Cone . .
= Past Perf .

= Pres Perf . .
= Future simp .

= Past .
Simp .
= Future Cont .

Today is Monday I had slept bed for only 5 hours when mom
. on
my my

woke me at 7 am .
Last night at 11.00
p.m. ,
I was
doing my
homework .

Since it was a lot ,

it took 3 hours to complete ,
as I don't want to

leave it for the next day After I woke up I went to brush teeth

, ,

and got drelssed .

Today ,
I'm wearing a blue T-shirt and
gray fitting
pants The pants themselves

in fact ,

They are black and

white But when being noticed , it looks like that they are After that

gray .

I went down stair to the have breakfast I had pan

dining room to -

fried with ham with

glass of
egg as
toppings together a
orange juice
and it was
really delicious .
I was
having my
breakfast when the

chat of class had notification One of my classmates

group my got a new .

had sent the link for the first two classes

mathematics ,
before I came

down stair When I looked

at the clock ,
it turned out that there

was to minutes left So I had my breakfast

quicker ,
and attended

the first two classes .

We had learned for fifty minutes when

the teacher found out that she had her own business .
As a result
we had finished the class before the actual time for one
period .

I doing work when my dog wanted to

play with me which
my ,

rejected He still .
wanted to
play with me ,
so I told
brother ,

After I had
who was
talking to his friends ,
play with him .

finished with my work , I checked if I had to attend class on the

third period which is health education I didn't attend the class


, ,

since the teacher had informed us about that before but ,

I had to

do the classwork the teacher

assigned and handed it in on time .

The fourth period is social studies .

We learned and the teacher

assigned us a work After the class had

ended ,
I did that work

and handed it in I social media when my

. was
checking on mom

what I'm I'm

told me to have lunch and that ,
doing now .

fried rice with shrimp and ,
yet again ,
it's really delicious .
Every menu

my mom makes for me has been an doubt/ y tasty and yummy I have .

of these main dishes but I

always wondered about her
way making ,

have never asked her about that since I don't know why I should

ask her .
While I am
having my lunch , my
brother is
doing his work with

his friends Later he attends his

class since he has had his lunch break

the time I still hadn't finished

since 11 am
, my third period yet .

I have had lunch for half an hour because I'm

talking to mom

while having it .
She asks me several questions which ,
happily reply .
The next and fifth period is
guidance ,
which we will enter the class

to listen to what the teacher will inform us .

She will inform us more

about the work , and we will be

doing our work and
handing it in .

The sixth period is PE We won't have

a class but ,
we will record the

free exercise video for to -15 seconds .

I think it will be hard but ,

hard all I will be will be

it isn't at .

doing jumping jack ,

my mom

for The seventh and eighth periods

recording the video me .

for the first

english .

part ,
we will do our work in student

book and for the second will do

part ,
we our work in
groups about
The will be
cultures .

problem is that we
choosing the group by
ourselves ,
which I become worried It's .
not about the
quality of

work since I about the I

, always do a lot in
any groups but it's , group
will be I wish mates will be kind , friendly and helpful to me

my group ,

and I become true I don't know if that will

want it to .

happen to me , but I do really want it to be like that .

Today ,
if that

really happens according to what I wish, will be the luckiest and

happiest day ever .

PS : Later in the same day what I wish becomes true My has


people including me , we are
doing our work about Japanese
culture and ,
my group mates are kind
, friendly and helpful to me .

All of that what I

according to want .

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