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Circuit emergencies


To be prepared to cope with:

• An engine failure before take-o

• An engine failure after take-o (upwind)
• An engine failure on downwind
• A apless approach.

• Always be prepared to deal with an engine failure and always have a plan of
action to deal with one.
Engine Failure before take-off

• Close the throttle fully.

• Keep aircraft straight on centreline with rudder.
• Brake rmly on both toe-brakes. Avoid skidding.
• Get the aircraft to a complete stop.
• Inform tower.
• Vacate runway is possible and determine the issue.
Engine failure after take-off (upwind)
• Pitch the nose down to obtain your best glide speed 75kts.
• Start descending turn to the right towards landing area (beach).
• Attempt engine restart if time permitting.
• Mayday call if time permitting.
• Deploy aps in stages and full aps once sure of making the landing area and
attempt normal landing.

Go-around when instructor says so.

Downwind engine failure

• Hold attitude to bleed speed to 75kts before pitching down to maintain it.
• Start left turn to base immediately.
• Lookout and select aiming point. Aiming point should be on the runway in line
with where you had your engine failure.

• Depending on height, delay or deploy aps.

• Start descending turn to align yourself on short nal. Avoid high bank angles.
• Perform a normal landing
Flapless Approach
A. Set 1800RPM and trim for 75kts on late downwind and begin your descent.
Extend downwind before turning base OR

B. Turn base normally but at a lower power setting

• With reference to runway adjust turn on to nal

• Trim aircraft for nal at 75kts precisely. Use elevator to adjust speed.
(Remember you will have a higher nose attitude throughout than with a
apped approach)

• At the round-out less attitude change will be required and less back pressure.
• A longer hold-o period before aircraft touches down.
Engine failure on Crosswind

• Pitch the nose down to obtain your best glide speed 75kts.
• Immediately start descending turn to the left towards runway.
• Attempt engine restart if time permitting.
• Mayday call if time permitting.
• Deploy aps in stages and full aps once sure of making the runway and
attempt normal landing.
Low level circuits
Bad weather circuits

• Once airborne y straight on 290 at 75kts.

• At 300ft start a continuous climbing turn to the left on to downwind.
• Once at 500ft level o - ASPT
• When crossing runway threshold set 1800RPM and start turning left base when
runway at 8 o’clock position.

• With reference to runway start turning nal and deploy last stage of ap if

• Report short nal to Tower

• Perform a normal landing.

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