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NAME: Garcia Catherine



Sampling is the process of choosing specific individuals or a subset of the population in

order to estimate the characteristics of the entire population and draw statistical conclusions from
them. Researchers in the field of market research frequently employ various sampling techniques
in order to avoid studying the complete population in order to obtain practical insights.

It is the cornerstone of any study design since it is a time- and money-efficient approach.
Research survey software can make use of sampling strategies to get optimal derivation.

In statistical sampling, two techniques are employed to choose a representative sample

from a population: probability sampling and non-probability sampling.

With probability sampling, a researcher uses a set of predetermined criteria to select

participants at random from a population. Each member has an equal chance of being included in
the sample when this selection parameter is used.

Sample techniques with probability include Cluster, identified and included in a sample based on
demographic parameters like age, sex, location, etc. Stratified, divides the population into
smaller groups that don't overlap but represent the entire population. Simply random, helps in
saving time and resources and systematic sampling, choose the sample members of a population
at regular intervals. Since probability sampling guarantees that the sample is representative of the
population, it is often seen as being more accurate and dependable.

In non-probability sampling, participants are selected at random by the researcher. This

sampling technique is not a set or predetermined procedure for selection. This makes it
challenging to ensure that every member of the population has an equal chance of being included
in a sample.
Snowball, researchers apply when the subjects are difficult to trace. Quota, members in this
sampling technique selection happens based on a pre-set standard. Purposive, researchers purely
consider the purpose of the study, along with the understanding of the target audience and
convenience sampling used when there are time and cost limitations in collecting feedback this
are a few types of non-probability sampling. Non-probability sampling is frequently employed
when the sample size is limited or the population is difficult to define or reach.

In conclusion, the decision between probability and non-probability sampling is

influenced by the objectives of the study, the makeup of the population, and pragmatic factors.
While non-probability sampling could be required in some circumstances, probability sampling
is typically thought to be more dependable. Whichever approach is used, rigorous preparation,
execution, and analysis are necessary to guarantee accurate and significant findings from


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