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Creative writing


Growth as I writer

About the protfolio

As a student who is keen to be a good writer someday, these words, “creative

writing,” certainly rang in my ears and completely awakened my curious soul; it
pushes me to uncover the world of creative writing, which adds to the list of my
interests, thereby causing me to take this course seriously. And now, after almost
three months of taking this course, my experience has been a roller coaster ride
because of how amusing yet exhausting this course is at the same time. Throughout
my journey, I have experienced numerous difficulties that have helped me grow as a
writer. That is why I can say that this course—creative writing—has contributed a lot
to molding me as a good writer.

Throughout my whole journey taking this course, I felt like I was climbing the
tallest mountain in the world because of how challenging it is. As someone who is
fond of writing academic text, creative writing was certainly a huge challenge to me.
That is why I am very in distress on how I can ace this course where people can tell
that I ate and left no crumbs. That is why in every class session we had, I lend my ears
open-heartedly to listen so that the knowledge I will gain will surely grow in my
mind. Furthermore, in every activity or assignment I partake in this course, where I
faced a lot of obstacles while doing it, I poured my blood, sweat, and tears; I spent
sleepless nights, so I could create a masterpiece that is immaculate and worth reading.
That is why I can say that even though creative writing is a mind-squeezing course, it
can and will definitely offer you a fun and exciting experience.

Flipping the other side of the coin, I am a kind person who is not fond of writing
creatively; all of my literary works were dull, and you can see how boring they are.
However, as we explored the astonishing world of creative writing, I acquired
numerous pieces of knowledge that filled my mind, such as style, techniques, and
more, that helped me a lot as a writer. Throughout my whole journey, I observed that
I did grow as a writer on the grounds that I have observed different changes in me as a
writer, from someone who writes boring stuff to someone who writes more colorful
and meaningful texts. That is why creative writing certainly helped me a lot to
become a good and effective writer.

Therefore, this portfolio presents the fruit of my hard work. This will show you
my journey and my growth as a writer. Moreover, this portfolio presents some of my
literary works, consisting of short stories, a poem, and a personal essay, that will
surely amuse you. That is why, for those of you who are reading it now, I hope you
can get something from my work that will inspire you. Enjoy reading!
Writing has become one of my hobbies during the pandemic, especially during
those times when we students learn at home, for it is my method of expressing myself
and also a relaxing and therapeutic activity for me when boredom strikes. But during
that time, most of my creations were not creative literary works; rather, they were
subjective and informative works, such as essays, where I talked about existing issues
at that time and my standpoint on them. That is why I am not really that creative when
it comes to writing. However, everything turned upside down when I explored the
world of creative writing.

Creative writing was certainly an amazing course on the grounds that it doesn’t
limit your imagination, where you can write everything you want or what is in your
mind. However, creative writing was also a hard course for me because it challenged
me physically and mentally. Throughout the whole voyage of exploring the world of
creative writing, my experiences along the way were not that easy. During my journey
as a writer, I faced numerous challenges and difficulties, such as seeking a unique
way of presenting my narratives and generating messages that can surely inspire my
readers. Thereby, I work hard and offer my heart and soul so that I can overcome the
difficulties I have faced.

Moreover, as we continue to explore the world of creative writing, I have

acquired numerous pieces of knowledge that have helped me grow as a writer. During
the whole journey, we learned different writing styles, techniques, and tones, and I
realized that those play a significant role because they can help the writer convey the
message they want and also help authors connect with their readers. And as we
continue to learn, I have observed that I have changed a lot, especially in terms of
writing style, techniques, and tones, from being a boring writer to becoming a writer
whose narratives are more colorful and meaningful. Truly, creative writing certainly
helped me improve as a writer.

Creative writing may be a mind-challenging course, but it is certainly an amusing

and helpful course. My journey might be a roller coaster ride, but I am thankful for it
because it helps me improve and become a good writer. Truly, creative writing made
me realize that to be an effective writer, you must know how to attract and connect
with your readers. Therefore, being creative is the key to it.

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